
Due diligence in the arms sector: Possible implications of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
- Markus Fahlbusch, Maureen Walschot | 5 février 2025
The EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), adopted in June 2024, represents a significant effort to enforce corporate accountability for human rights and environmental impacts. However, the Directive’s application to the arms sector is limited due to exclusions in downstream activities such as the sale and use of arms. These exclusions potentially create gaps in accountabilit

Regulating the transportation of small arms and light weapons
- Peter Danssaert | 23 juillet 2024
The use of private transport contractors, including for the provision of transportation, freight forwarding and charter services to ship and deliver small arms, light weapons (SALW), and their parts, components and ammunition, is not adequately covered by national legal and regulatory frameworks. Inadequate regulation of SALW transport service providers, border posts and ports encourage unscrupulo

Regulating the brokering of small arms and light weapons
- Brian Wood | 28 juin 2024
Especially since the 1990s, international transfers of SALW and ammunition have been conducted in increasingly differentiated markets. A multitude of products, buyers and suppliers around the world, including State-owned entities and large defence manufacturers, use the services of specialist intermediaries, as well as private agents and dealers […]

Human, economic and social costs of small arms and light weapons violence: selected global data
- Brian Wood, Elli Kytomaki, Markus Fahlbusch, Peter Danssaert | 30 mai 2024
This Briefing Paper provides selected global data and figures to highlight the massive global scale and impacts of violence and destabilization committed with small arms and light weapons (SALW) in both conflict and non-conflict settings. This briefing paper alsp includes the enormous economic and social costs, arising from the illicit circulation, diversion, frequent misuse, and inadequate regula

Due diligence and corporate accountability in the arms value chain
- Liliana Lizarazo-Rodriguez, Markus Fahlbusch | 27 mars 2024
Given the nature of the products commercialised by arms value chains, and their potentially devastating impacts on human dignity, states have a strict obligation to control operators in this economic sector. But is compliance with export controls sufficient for companies to assess risks to human rights? This report analyses the possibility and necessity of establishing corporate responsibility and

Belgian arms exports to Israel: The discrepancy between words and deeds in export control policy
- Hans Lammerant (Vredesactie) | 5 mars 2024
In this report, Vredesactie and IPIS take a critical look at Belgium’s policy on the export and transit of defense-related goods and dual-use goods to Israel. The new Gaza war puts this arms trade policy back in the spotlight. The regional governments, responsible for arms trade, regularly claim to assume the highest standards. And according to current policies, Belgium does indeed have a strin

Small arms and light weapons transfer controls: Import, transit and trans-shipment
- Markus Fahlbusch, Peter Danssaert | 8 janvier 2024
The objective of strengthening controls on the transfer of small arms and light weapons (SALW) is to ensure a more responsible trade, counter the illicit trade and prevent armed violence and conflict. To be effective SALW control is not limited to export control. Consignments of SALW as well as their ammunition, parts, and components, need to be controlled at all transfer points, including at the

International standards to prevent police gun violence
- Brian Wood | 29 septembre 2023
In many countries, the global and regional proliferation of small arms means that police and other law enforcers are under extreme pressure to counter rising levels of violent gun crime, and are expected to confront armed offenders. In the process, ill-trained and ill-disciplined officers with guns, sometimes kill, maim, and mistreat innocent people whom they are supposed to protect. Increasingly,

Due diligence responsibilities of businesses involved in small arms and light weapons
- Markus Fahlbusch | 18 septembre 2023
IPIS and the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) have developed a Fact sheet on “Due Diligence Responsibilities of Businesses Involved in Small Arms and Light Weapons.” For over a decade, the international community has been developing guidelines for responsible business conduct for States and companies to prevent, address and remedy human rights abuses committed in business operati

A human rights perspective on arms export licencing and access to information
- Hans Lammerant (Vredesactie) | 6 février 2023
Arms export licensing has long been dominated by two rationales: an interstate perspective and intrastate perspective. In the former arms licensing enables trust-building between nations while the latter increases government accountability. A human rights perspective is overdue in arms export licensing. Victims and their defenders should be able to pursue effective remedy when harm is in

Contrôle après expédition des armes légères et de petit calibre
| 4 novembre 2022
Le commerce illicite des armes légères et de petit calibre (ALPC) et de leurs munitions, pièces et éléments reste un problème international grave dans de nombreux États. Pour prévenir le commerce illicite des armes classiques et empêcher leur détournement vers le marché illicite, tous les États se sont engagés depuis 2001 à mettre en place des systèmes plus solides qui garantiront un contrôle resp

Famine as weapon of war – A timeline of the Tigray conflict
| 19 octobre 2022
In May 2021 CNN reported that Eritrean troops in coordination with the Ethiopian military were blocking aid deliveries to parts of Tigray not under Ethiopian government control. In an exclusive interview with Reuters a senior UN official alleged that starvation was being used as a weapon of war. U.N. humanitarian coordinator Mark Lowcock told Reuters that Eritrean forces were “trying to deal with

La gestion du matériel létal dans les situations de conflit : actuels défis et opportunités pour la Facilité européenne pour la paix
- Eric G. Berman | 12 octobre 2022
Ce document, fruit d’une collaboration entre Eric G. Berman (directeur de l’initiative « Sauvegarde des Stocks du Secteur de la Sécurité» (S⁴)) et de IPIS, montre que les niveaux de perte de personnel en uniforme servant dans des opérations soutien de la paix dans la région du bassin du lac Tchad sous l’égide de la Force multinationale mixte (FMM), ainsi que la saisie de matériel létal p

Children shooting children
- IANSA | 1 juin 2022
This paper aims to explain how small arms and light weapons (SALW) proliferation leads to extreme violence by children using guns against other children, a shocking indictment on the failure of governments to ensure strict control of such weapons. The paper will draw on examples from different countries where such incidents have occurred. It will focus on cases relating to school shootings, child

Small arms and light weapons proliferation and violence: Estimating its scale and forms
- Peter Danssaert | 1 juin 2022
aSmall arms and light weapons are widely available and easy to use, so they are the most prominent tools in contemporary armed conflicts as well as in armed criminal and interpersonal violence in non-conflict settings. To grasp the global scale of SALW proliferation and the patterns of violence committed with SALW, this briefing paper summarizes the available data which is considered reliable from

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and arms transfers in the framework of international law
- Brian Wood, Peter Danssaert | 11 avril 2022
The international crisis and threat to world peace presented by the massive Russian invasion of Ukraine in early 2022 has thrown up difficult questions, not least of which is how the international community can assist the Ukrainian armed forces defend the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. In doing so, it is tempting to think of the situation only in military terms, leaving aside wha

Africa armed violence and the illicit arms trade
- Brian Wood, Peter Danssaert | 1 décembre 2021
Brian Wood and Peter Danssaert recently contributed a chapter on Africa’s illicit arms trade to ‘Gun Trafficking and Violence. From the Global Network to the Local Security Challenge’ edited by David Pérez Esparza, Carlos A. Pérez Ricart, and Eugenio Weigend Vargas (2021). Abstract: In this chapter the authors consider major structural factors contributing to the illicit trade of small a

Contributions to ‘The Arms Trade Treaty. Weapons and International Law (2021)’
- Brian Wood, Peter Danssaert | 1 juin 2021
IPIS is happy to present Peter Danssaert and Brian Wood’s contributions to ‘The Arms Trade Treaty. Weapons and International Law’ edited by Clare Da Silva and Brian Wood (2021). Peter Danssaert co-authored ‘Article 8: Import’ and ‘Article 9: Transit or Trans-Shipment’. Brian Wood co-edited the book and wrote ‘Article 10: Brokering’, and co-authored ‘Article 7: Export and Export Assessment’. Read t

Africa and the regulation of transnational arms brokering: challenges to implement international standards
- Brian Wood, Peter Danssaert | 1 décembre 2020
Brian Wood and Peter Danssaert contributed a chapter on transnational arms brokering for the Ethiopian Yearbook of International Law 2019, edited by Zeray Yihdego, Melaku Geboye Desta, Martha Belete Hailu (2020). Abstract: African countries face an ongoing threat from the consequences of unregulated arms brokering but this cannot be solved by remedial action in Africa alone. Cases show t

Annual Report 2019
- IPIS | 26 août 2020
This 2019 annual report provides an overview of IPIS’ research projects, capacity enhancement and outreach activities throughout last year. Read the full activity report to see what IPIS has been up to in 2019.