Alistair Steward

Shining a light on IPIS data – A goodbye from our latest GIS intern

6 novembre 2020

With the world going into lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, late March 2020 was perhaps not the optimum time to move to a new city and begin a six-month internship. My bewilderment was quickly alleviated: IPIS staff did a great job of welcoming me on to the team and provided training on various software remotely, so I was soon up and running as a GIS intern. The internship was the concludi

GeONG Forum Kufatilia

Transparent, indépendant and participatif : Comment une plateforme peut-elle soutenir un réseau d’organisations de la Société Civile au Congo ?

3 novembre 2020

A l’occasion du Forum GeONG 2020, IPIS a présenté son projet Kufatilia lors de la session « Lighting talks ». Dans une vidéo, IPIS a expliqué comment cette plateforme participative basée sur les SMS aide les organisations de la société civile (OSC) congolaises à signaler et à suivre les incidents dans les chaînes d’approvisionnement en minerais.

NBA Webinar

Intermediate findings on the Belgian National Baseline Assessment on Business and Human Rights.

3 novembre 2020

On October 29th, researchers from the University of Antwerp, the University of Leuven and IPIS presented their intermediate findings on the Belgian National Baseline Assessment on Business and Human Rights (NBA) during a workshop of the Sustainable Development Goal Forum 2020.

Letseng Diamond Mine

Online Conference – Human Rights in the Diamond Supply Chain

6 octobre 2020

On October 7th and 8th, representatives of IPIS, the Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition and Human Rights Watch, will highlight the human rights violations occurring in diamond mining communities producing Kimberley Process certified diamonds and present recommendations.


IPIS’ project Matokeo among the winners of the ASM Grand Challenge

2 octobre 2020

On October 1st, IPIS and its partner Ulula were awarded a $118,000 price for their project « Matokeo » during the ASM Grand Challenge Award Ceremony.

ICGLR Database

IPIS’ successful handover of the Regional Mineral Database to ICGLR

29 septembre 2020

IPIS finalised the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) Regional Database on Mineral Flow and successfully handed it over to the organisation. Once operational, this web-based database will be gathering and updating data on mine sites, chain of custody, and exporters.

IPIS on BNNR’s Training Day: “Natural Resources: Stakes, Consequences, Alternatives”

18 septembre 2020

On Saturday, October 3rd 2020, the Belgian Natural Resources Network (BNNR) will welcome you for a day of training on the stakes of natural resources, the consequences of their exploitation and the alternatives to be built.

Kufatilia leaflet FR 1

Brochure Kufatilia

17 septembre 2020

IPIS supports an independent, transparent and participatory platform for incident reporting and community empowerment in responsible sourcing in the eastern DRC artisanal mining sector. Discover what Kufatilia is all about.

National Baseline Assessment

New Website on the Belgian National Baseline Assessment on Business and Human Rights

23 juillet 2020

The website on the Belgian National Baseline Assessment on business and human rights (NBA) informs stakeholders on the NBA process, timeline and methodology.

Webinar on the Impact of COVID-19 on African communities affected by diamond mining

7 juillet 2020

On Monday July 6, the Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition (KP CSC) organised a webinar on addressing the challenges posed by Covid-19 for African diamond mining communities.

IPIS Briefing March 2020

IPIS recrute deux chercheurs pour une consultance en Août 2020

5 juin 2020

Dans le cadre du projet “Améliorons la sécurité, la cohésion sociale et les droits humains dans les régions minières de l’est du Congo”, IPIS, membre du consortium formé avec International Alert et l’Observatoire Gouvernance et Paix (OGP), cherche à recruter deux consultants pour une cartographie des acteurs et une analyse des dynamiques du conflit et des enjeux politico-économiques de l’artisanat

IPIS’ policy regarding the covid-19 crisis

3 avril 2020

  April 1st, 2020 Faced with the present covid-19 context, IPIS is concerned with the health and security of its staff, local researchers, surveyors, partners and local communities. IPIS wants to contribute to curbing the spread of the virus. Following the recommendations from the Belgian government, the headquarter staff in Belgium is actively teleworking since mid-March. In the light of the evol

Un assembly

« La société civile conteste l’excès de confiance du Processus de Kimberley lors du rassemblement des Nations Unies à New York »

29 mars 2020

S’adressant aux représentants du gouvernement et de l’industrie à New York le 3 novembre, à l’occasion de l’adoption de la résolution de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies sur le rôle des diamants dans l’alimentation des conflits, la Coalition de la Société Civile (CSC) du Processus de Kimberley (PK) a remis en question la contribution souvent saluée du PK à la prévention des conflits et à la

Second multi-stakeholder dialogue on Business and Human Rights in Tanzania urges focus on “the human rights impact of large infrastructure projects”.

24 mars 2020

Dar es Salaam, 18 March 2020 For the second time, Business and Human Rights Tanzania (BHRT), the Tanzanian Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG) and the International Peace Information Service (IPIS) brought together key stakeholders from civil society, the business community and various government agencies from Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar for an annual multi-stakeholder dial

Mapping ASM sites in the Central African Republic: Official Presentation in Bangui

3 février 2020

In January 2020, IPIS presented the results of its diagnostic report and mapping of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sites and gold supply-chains in western Central African Republic (CAR) to national authorities and civil society organizations during a three-days’ workshop in Bangui. The objectives of the mapping exercise are to support the CAR Ministry of Mines and Geology (MMG) and other k

IPIS is recruiting a researcher

23 janvier 2020

International Peace Information Service (IPIS) is an independent research institute based in Antwerp (Belgium), providing governmental and non-governmental actors with information and analysis to build sustainable peace and development in Sub-Saharan Africa. The research is centred around four programmes: Natural Resources, Business & Human Rights, Arms Trade & Security and Conflict Mappin

My GIS internship experience – a word of goodbye from our latest intern

19 décembre 2019

It was early September when I started my internship at IPIS, but the story started way earlier. During my Master’s degree, I came across this research centre and used part of the extensive information it provides on artisanal mining and conflict in eastern DRC. Eventually, I ended up writing my thesis based on IPIS data. It seemed then very natural to apply for an internship in IPIS GIS team in or

« L’incapacité et le refus de reformer le système de certification des diamants de conflits »

22 novembre 2019

Aujourd’hui, un autre cycle de trois années de réforme du Processus de Kimberley (PK) a pris fin sans changement significatif. Les États participants ne se sont accordés que sur des changements insignifiants relatifs au cadre et à la gouvernance du mécanisme. Une fois encore, ils ont échoué à protéger efficacement les communautés vivant dans les zones d’extraction de diamants des abus persistants.

11 December 2019 – IPIS presents « The social, economic and human rights impact of mining: the case of Tanzania »

13 novembre 2019

IPIS kindly invites you to a presentation of its work on mapping the social, economic and human rights impact of mining in Tanzania. IPIS will present the results of its wide-scale mobile data collection on artisanal and industrial mining in northwest Tanzania. This presentation will shed light on the nature, scope and impact of mining in Tanzania and, more generally, on IPIS’ approach and methodo

My GIS internship experience – A goodbye from our latest intern

25 septembre 2019

This summer I joined IPIS as a GIS intern between my first and second year of master and discovered a group of professionals whose work drive insights for decision-making and governance through research and technology. Walking into the building, I was warmly greeted by the staff and discovered the vast collection of books in the library of this research institute. The last three months were full o