How IPIS uses data from subscribers to our briefings

22 mai 2018

French below/Français ci-dessous We’re making some updates to IPIS’ Privacy Policy to ensure you know exactly what information we have from you and what we do with it, in compliance with the new European data protection laws. Our policy comes into effect on May 25, 2018. To receive IPIS’ news and publications, you can  subscribe to our mailing list   (When you are currently subscribed, we’ve sent

Voting D4D is open! Vote for « Watching over the Okapis »

19 avril 2018

Would you like to encourage participatory science to map vulnerable areas? Support IPIS by voting for our  Okapi Wildlife Reserve map in the D4D prize 2018  Vote now IPIS has submitted its “Okapi Wildlife Reserve” map to the 2018 Digital 4 Development- Prize initiative of the Belgian Development Cooperation and the Royal Museum for Central Africa. The D4D prize goes to initiatives that use digital

IPIS lance une mise à jour majeure de sa carte interactive en RDC

19 mars 2018

Version française IPIS lance une mise à jour majeure de sa carte interactive en RDC, qui affiche des données sur plus de 2400 sites miniers artisanaux et plus de 800 barrages routiers dans l’est du pays. Depuis décembre 2016, les équipes d’IPIS ont visité plus de 500 mines artisanales dans la région, collectionnant des données qui ont été ajoutées sur la carte interactive. IPIS a également intégré

New data on mining sites and roadblocks on IPIS’ upgraded DRC interactive web map

19 mars 2018

IPIS launches a major update of it’s DRC webmap displaying data on more than 2400 artisanal mining sites in eastern DRC and more than 800 roadblocks. Since December 2016, IPIS teams have visited more than 500 artisanal mines in eastern DRC, gathering data that has been added to IPIS’ interactive webmap. IPIS also integrated other datasets gathered during its projects in the region, including the d

Mobile data collection on mining sites in Kigoma, Tanzania

26 février 2018

IPIS is undertaking a large-scale mobile data collection exercise on operational, socio-economic and human rights aspects of artisanal and industrial mining in northwest Tanzania. Building on this baseline data, IPIS will develop and implement a phone-based incidents reporting mechanism for local and mining communities. With better and more accessible data, IPIS aims to contribute to improving the

Training and workshop on mapping artisanal mining in Eastern DRC

9 février 2018

(French version below) 2373 Mining sites visited, including 470 visits in the last thirteen months. 300 Roadblocks visited on a total of 798 mapped roadblocks. More than 18 000 km travelled by plane, bus, motorbikes and by foot… These are a few of the impressive results achieved by the twelve IPIS researchers in Eastern DRC.   Late January, a workshop held in Goma gave IPIS researchers an opportun

Improving monitoring, research and dialogue on Business and Human Rights in Tanzania

2 février 2018

IPIS was in Dar es Salaam to launch its new project on Business & Human Rights with the Tanzanian Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG) and Business and Human Rights Tanzania (BHRT). Tanzania is  bearing the fruits of the accelerating economic growth and rising influx of foreign direct investment (FDI), but is  also struggling with the enormous challenges in the ar

IPIS continues to call for reform in the Kimberley Process

18 décembre 2017

IPIS attended the Kimberley Process Plenary (9-14 December) as a member of the KP Civil Society Coalition.  Over the last couple of years, IPIS has repeatedly voiced its concerns on the functioning of the KP.  Within the CSO coalition, IPIS has been calling for meaningful reforms, both on the scope of the definition of conflict diamonds  and the internal controls on governments to e

Roadblocks CAR

Roadblock rebels: IPIS maps important mechanism of conflict funding in Central Africa

6 décembre 2017

 IPIS puts roadblocks on the map as key mechanism of conflict funding besides natural resources, revealing its devastating scope in funding armed actors in Democratic Republic of Congo and Central African Republic Mapping over a thousand roadblocks, two IPIS reports released today have uncovered the shocking extent of armed predation on trade routes in conflict-ridden Central Africa. Roadbloc

New Mapathon with special focus on DRC National Parks at IPIS

23 novembre 2017

IPIS, Missing Maps and OpenStreetMap Belgium organise another Missing Maps Mapathon on Wednesday December 6, in the IPIS library. Why do we organise this? NGOs working in the South need decent maps in order to reach people who need help. However, in many places the map is not yet complete. That’s why we need your help! How do we help? We teach volunteers how to trace satellite imagery in

Training and workshop on mapping the socio-economic and human rights impact of mining in northwest Tanzania

14 novembre 2017

On Monday 23 October, IPIS organised a workshop in Mwanza to launch the data collection phase of its mapping project on the socio-economic and human rights impact of mining in northwest Tanzania. This served to introduce the project and obtain additional input and feedback on the most pressing information gaps in the sector. The workshop was organised for a broad audience of Tanzanian mining and h

IPIS witnesses land disputes, environmental challenges, use of toxic mercury and human rights violations in small and large scale-mining in Northwest Tanzania

24 octobre 2017

Ikungu Mining and Processing on the shores of lake Victoria (Photo: IPIS) With the support of the Belgian Development Cooperation, IPIS has launched a mapping project of the socio-economic and human rights impact of small and large-scale mining in Northwest Tanzania. IPIS aims at collecting reliable and accessible data to contribute to improving the governance of the extractive sector in Tanzania.

IPIS committed to help end mercury poisoning from artisanal gold mining

25 septembre 2017

From 24 to 29 September 2017 the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury will take place in Geneva, Switzerland. The Convention was approved by delegates from over 140 countries in 2013, and entered into force in August 2017. It is a multilateral environmental agreement addressing specific human activities which are contributing to widespread mercury po

Module 01

IPIS launches e-learning for a thorough understanding of the global Arms Trade Treaty

12 septembre 2017

As governments gather in Geneva to discuss how to regulate the global arms trade by implementing the Arms Trade Treaty, the Belgian Research Group IPIS is launching a set of self-learning digital modules to promote understanding of the Treaty. The e-learning modules are designed to support the early ratification and effective implementation of the Treaty. The modules can be accessed in English, Fr

DRC webmap updated with newest mining site qualifications

18 juillet 2017

IPIS recently updated its interactive webmap on artisanal mining sites in Eastern DRC with data on mining site qualifications from 2016 and the first half of 2017. This minor update is part of a continuous effort to provide an up to date view of the situation on the ground, which is in constant evolution. The webmap’s main data layer originates from mining site visits carried out by IPIS since 200

Mapping the Okapi Wildlife Reserve: images from the previous IPIS Mapathon

16 mai 2017

On Wednesday April 26, IPIS opened its library to host another Missing Maps Mapathon, in collaboration with OpenStreetMap Belgium. We happily welcomed 25 participants, including students from the Antwerp University and new and more experienced OpenSteetMap contributors. The evening started with a gentle introduction on how to trace buildings, roads and other features from

Capacity enhancement workshop on cartography with DRC mining authorities

16 mai 2017

Capacity enhancement workshop on cartography with DRC mining authorities In the framework of its long standing partnership with DRC mining authorities, IPIS held a workshop in Kinshasa from May 8th to 12th, engaging with technical staff of ‘Cadastre Minier’, ‘SAESSCAM’ and ‘Division des mines’. The workshop focussed on Open Source solutions for mapping and web-mapping, such as ‘QGIS’ and ‘qgis2web

IPIS opens up its data!

2 mai 2017

Data collection on peace, development and human rights is an essential part of the research work we do at IPIS. Because we believe in the power of Open Data to stimulate research that contributes to our vision of durable peace, sustainable development and the fulfilment of human rights, we are happy to announce that we are now providing structured access to some of our key datasets. Our data colle

IPIS au Forum de l’OCDE sur la chaine d’approvisionnements responsable en minerais

28 avril 2017

Entre le 2 et 4 mai 2017, IPIS aura le plaisir de participer au 11em Forum CIRGL-OCDE-Groupe d’experts des Nations Unies sur les chaines d’approvisionnement en minerais responsables qui se tiendra à Paris. Cette conférence permettra de revoir et de discuter de la mise en œuvre du Guide de l’OCDE sur le Devoir de Diligence pour des Chaines d’Approvisionnement Responsables en Minerais, du Mécanisme

Boekvoorstelling Raf Custers « De uitverkoop van Zuid-Amerika »

20 avril 2017

Op 11 mei 2017 om 19u00 is Raf Custers te gast bij IPIS om zijn boek “De uitverkoop van Zuid-Amerika” voor te stellen. Na een reis van 11 maanden door Brazilië, Uruguay, Argentinië, Chili en Bolivië beschrijft Raf Custers hoe burgers in Zuid-Amerika het opnemen tegen multinationale ondernemingen en overheden die hun natuurlijke rijkdommen, hun grondstoffen en hun leefwereld uitverkopen. De boekvoo