Le Processus de Kimberley lève l’embargo sur les diamants de conflit en République centrafricaine – Questions/réponses
10 décembre 2024Lors de sa réunion plénière de 2024 à Dubaï, le processus de Kimberley (PK) a décidé de lever l’embargo sur les exportations de diamants bruts en provenance de la République centrafricaine (RCA), en place depuis 11 ans. Quels ont été les facteurs à l’origine de cette décision et quelles en sont les implications ?Dans ces questions-réponses, IPIS se penche sur les origines de l’embargo, son impact

The implementation of corporate human rights due diligence in mineral supply chains: Key insights from a discussion on prevention, remediation and the centrality of context, engagement and trust.
7 novembre 2024On October 10, 2024, IPIS hosted a panel discussion focusing on corporate human rights due diligence (HRDD) and its implementation in mineral supply chains. Moderated by Maureen Walschot, the panel featured Mieke Thierens, IPIS researcher specializing in the socio-economic, human rights, and environmental impacts of mining on communities; Hilde Deman, Executive Director at Search for Common Ground

Half a year at IPIS – A Goodbye from our latest GIS Intern Simon Schweitzer
2 novembre 2024I started my six-month internship as a GIS & Data Analysis Intern in September 2023. As a German bachelor student in Geography, with a specific interest in Sub-Saharan Africa, IPIS offered the perfect intellectual space to evolve my passion for conflict mapping and analysis. After being heartily welcomed in the old monastery in Antwerp, I received comprehensive training in the essential applic

Highlights from the OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains
31 mai 2024Last week, representatives of civil society, industry, and governments gathered at the 2024 OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains in Paris. Members of the IPIS team attended to stress the need for investments in artisanal mining in producer countries, reflected on what strategic mineral partnerships should look like, and underlined the importance of better monitoring the impacts of minin

Kufatilia se transforme en réseau de la société civile, désormais doté d’une nouvelle plateforme de suivi des incidents miniers.
19 janvier 2024Première réunion annuelle du nouveau réseau Kufatilia En novembre 2023, les partenaires Kufatilia se sont rendus à Bunia et Bukavu, dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), pour assister à la première réunion annuelle du nouveau réseau Kufatilia. Composée de deux conférences distinctes en Ituri et au Sud-Kivu, la réunion a rassemblé vingt-deux organisations de la société civil

IPIS Event: Congolese cobalt, EU regulations, and direct investment
9 janvier 2024On the 30th of November, IPIS hosted its annual panel discussion, this time on current challenges facing the cobalt sector in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the potential impact of European Union (EU) regulations to improve these. Moderated by Lotte Hoex, the panel consisted of Esperant Mwishamali, independent researcher on cobalt artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in the DRC,

G7 targets Russian diamonds – Q&A
28 octobre 2023Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022, has led to an unprecedented proliferation of economic sanctions designed to hit Russia’s economy and drain the resources of the Russian war chest. Among these are efforts to ban Russian diamonds from Western markets. Early October, at a meeting in Brussels with Ukraine’s President Zelensky, Belgian Prime Minister de Croo stated that t

Déclaration conjointe d’ONG : Le règlement de l’UE sur les ‘minerais de conflits’ peine à atteindre ses objectifs
19 octobre 202320 ONG appellent l’UE à renforcer l’application des règles et à adopter de nouvelles mesures Téléchargez la déclaration conjointe Bruxelles, le 19 octobre 2023 Plus de six ans après son entrée en vigueur, le règlement de l’Union européenne sur l’approvisionnement responsable en étain, tungstène, tantale et en or provenant de zones de conflit ou à haut risque peine à atteindre ses principaux o

Sharing the results of two years of research into eastern DR Congo’s artisanal mining sector
12 juillet 2023Since 2021 and in partnership with USAID and the Congolese Ministry of Mines (through its technical service SAEMAPE), IPIS has been undertaking a large-scale project to map and analyse artisanal mining supply chains and conflict financing dynamics in eastern DRC. A restitution meeting was held in Goma (North Kivu) on June 21st, 2023 to present and discuss the results produced over the past two yea

EVENT – June 21st: Empowering African artisanal diamond mining communities for a more responsible supply chain
23 mai 2023IPIS and Diamonds for Peace invite you to a panel discussion on Wednesday 21st June 2023 in Antwerp. Panelists will share their experiences of working with artisanal diamond mining communities and views on how to include artisanal miners for a more responsible diamond supply chain. Speakers will then answer questions from the audience. Date: Wednesday 21st June 2023

My GIS internship at IPIS – A goodbye from our latest intern Philip Knirsch
20 mars 2023During the second half of 2022, I had the chance to complete a GIS internship at IPIS in Antwerp. As a student pursuing a degree in both African Studies and Geography, I was eager to apply my existing knowledge from both fields and gather valuable insights and experience. The main tasks of the GIS and data analysis team, and thus of my internship, included supporting other researchers in col

Kufatilia désormais actif dans la province du Lualaba, République Démocratique du Congo
15 mars 2023Après une mise en œuvre réussie dans les provinces productrices de 3TG du Nord-Kivu, du Sud-Kivu, de l’Ituri, et du Haut-Uele, IPIS étend son système de signalement et de suivi des incidents Kufatilia à la province du Lualaba, riche en cobalt.

Kufatilia désormais actif dans la province du Lualaba, République Démocratique du Congo
15 mars 2023Après une mise en œuvre réussie dans les provinces productrices de 3TG du Nord-Kivu, du Sud-Kivu, de l’Ituri, et du Haut-Uele, IPIS étend son système de signalement et de suivi des incidents Kufatilia à la province du Lualaba, riche en cobalt.

Feedback session: Sharing the results of the data collected in Walungu, South Kivu
18 novembre 2022Since 2021, IPIS undertakes another large-scale mapping effort of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sites in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), – in partnership with USAID and the Congolese Ministry of Mines (through its technical service SAEMAPE). The project aims to provide observers, supply chain actors and policymakers with reliable data to understand artisanal mineral

Joint statement on conflict & due diligence legislation
14 octobre 2022The forthcoming EU due diligence Directive is lacking in its provisions for companies that are active in conflict affected areas and should be amended to align better with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Together with 50+ signatories, IPIS calls for a heightened, conflict-sensitive due diligence process for high-risk areas that includes compliance with international humanit

IPIS event on Russia’s geopolitical and mining interests in Africa after the Ukraine invasion. Main takeaways
6 octobre 2022On September 29th 2022 IPIS organised a panel discussion with Nina Wilén, the director of the Africa Programme of the Egmont Institute, and IPIS researcher Hans Merket. Key topics were the implications of the Ukraine invasion for Russia-Africa relations. The discussion, moderated by Filip Reyniers, touched upon shifting power balances, the role of Russian mercenaries in Africa and the impact of th

Viktor Bout documents released under Mandatory Declassification Review by the Clinton Library
26 septembre 2022In 2015 IPIS vzw asked for a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) of selected documents in relation to Viktor Bout, produced by the Clinton administration between 1999 and 2001, and held in the Clinton Library. MDR “is a means by which any individual or entity can request any Federal agency to review classified information for declassification, regardless of its age or origin, subject to certai

New 5-year project aiming to empower communities and civil society to foster justice and human rights in Tanzania’s natural resource sector
16 septembre 2022In 2022, IPIS launched new work on the human rights impact of the natural resource sector in Tanzania. Our new five-year project “Empowering Tanzanian communities and civil society to foster justice & human rights in natural resource governance” builds on the expertise IPIS has been developing on northern Tanzania’s small- and large-scale mining sector as well as the implementation and monitor

IPIS EVENT – 29 September 2022 – Russia’s geopolitical and mining interests in Africa: implications of the Ukraine invasion
8 août 2022IPIS invites you to a panel discussion on Russia’s geopolitical and mining interests in Africa and the implications of the Ukraine invasion. Date: September 29th. Time: 4 – 6 PM Location: Atelier 29, BRUSSELS

Feedback session: Sharing the results of the data collected in Shabunda
19 mai 2022Since 2021, IPIS undertakes another large-scale mapping effort of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sites in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), – in partnership with USAID and the Congolese Ministry of Mines (through its technical service SAEMAPE). The project aims to provide observers, supply chain actors and policymakers with reliable data to understand artisanal mineral