Regional Cooperation to Enhance the Implementation of the Kimberley Process in Central Africa
In December 2021, the Working Group on Artisanal and Alluvial Production (WGAAP) of the Kimberley Process (KP) and the Cameroonian government hosted the second Central African regional cooperation workshop in Yaoundé to build understanding, share experiences and formulate recommendations on the fight against fraud and smuggling of rough diamonds in Central Africa.
During its first workshop held in Kinshasa in April 2019, the regional cooperation set the fight against illicit transactions of diamonds and the involvement of law enforcement agencies as key priorities. Based on this action plan, this second workshop aimed to build the capacity of criminal investigation and prosecution authorities in understanding the emerging risks of diamond fraud and smuggling and the role of the Kimberley Process. The objective is to better and jointly address risks concerning money laundering and terrorist financing related to the diamond industry.
Workshop participants included heads and representatives of KP Focal Points of the Republic of Angola, the Republic of Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Gabonese Republic and the Republic of Congo, as well as representatives and experts from the respective countries’ law enforcement agencies (police, anti-mining-fraud units), judicial authorities, customs, financial intelligence units, and ministries of mining and their technical services, such as mining registries, artisanal & small-scale mining support agencies and diamond evaluation agencies.
The workshop was geared towards a participative process of drafting recommendations with the aim of ensuring ownership among attendants with regard to the resulting action plan for law enforcement agencies in the region.
Building on the lessons learnt and workshop discussions, participants included the following priorities in the new action plan of the regional cooperation:
- Setting up/ strengthening national ‘taskforces’ responsible for the fight against fraud and smuggling related to the mining sector
- Strengthening the collaboration between taskforces, both nationally and regionally
- Strengthening the capacity and skills of taskforce members
- Strengthening the implementation of the requirements pertaining to KP internal controls
- Obtaining the political support required for the activities of the Regional Cooperation in Central Africa
This action plan is the tool for future implementation and monitoring of activities and results of the law enforcement chapter of the Central African regional cooperation.
The full workshop report, including presentations, can be consulted here:

Annex 1: List of participants
Annex 2: Workshop agenda
Annex 3: Action Plan of the 2019 Central African Regional Cooperation workshop in Kinshasa
Annex 4: Workshop concept note
Annex 5: Illicit diamond flows from the Central African Republic: an overview of the literature and sources available to regional law enforcement – Didier Verbruggen, IPIS Researcher
Annex 6: Lessons learned from the KP regional approach in the Mano River Union – Hans Merket, IPIS Researcher
Annex 7: Résultats de l’étude diagnostique sur la contrebande des diamants en République centrafricaine – Luc Florentin Simplice BROSSENI YALI, Secrétaire Permanent du Processus de Kimberley RCA
Annex 8: Illicit diamond trade vulnerabilities – Maurice Miema, Chair WGAAP/KP
Annex 9: Responsabilités et pouvoirs des autorités d’enquêtes et de poursuites pénales / Techniques d’enquêtes en matière de lutte contre la fraude et la contrebande de minerais précieux : Présentation des cas de saisies – Benoît Konan Djaha, law enforcement officer at the Intergovernmental Action Group against Money Laundering in West Africa (GIABA)
Annex 10:Le rôle d’INTERPOL dans la lutte contre la criminalité économique et financière – Kemo Oulare, representative of Interpol
Annex 11: Blanchiment de capitaux et financement du terrorisme liés à la contrebande : Obligations des négociants en pierres et métaux précieux selon les normes internationales – Benoît Konan Djaha, law enforcement officer at the Intergovernmental Action Group against Money Laundering in West Africa (GIABA)
Annex 12: Surveillance Indépendante du Processus de Kimberley au Cameroun : Constats et Leçons apprises – Christian Anangue & Jaff Bamenjo, Researcher and director of NGO RELUFA
Annex 13: Contrôle douanier des diamants : Expériences du Cameroun – M.Bessalo Willy, Inspecteur Principal des Douanes, Chef de la Cellule du Contentieux Douanier
Annex 14 : Transport physique d’espèces et autres instruments négociables au porteur/Rôle de l’ANIF – T. P. Bernard Kamdoum, ANIF Cameroun
Annex 15: Coopération et coordination nationales dans la lutte contre le trafic illicite de pierres et métaux précieux – Benoît Konan Djaha, law enforcement officer at the Intergovernmental Action Group against Money Laundering in West Africa (GIABA)
Annex 16: Action Plan of the 2021 Central African Regional Cooperation Workshop in Yaoundé

This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of IPIS and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.