
Analysis of the interactive map of artisanal mining areas in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (2023 update)
- Jan Leysen, Ken Matthysen, Ntakobajira Zacharie Bulakali, Thomas Muller | 22 december 2023
Since 2009, IPIS has mapped and collected data at more than 2,800 Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) sites in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). In this report, IPIS provides its 2023 update of the state of ASM in the eastern DRC, based on data from over 829 ASM sites in the eastern DRC between 2021-2023. The study analyses linkages between mining, conflict, and insecurity in

Mapping the political economy of checkpoints in Somalia
- IPIS | 20 december 2023
The maps inform users on the locations of roadblocks across Somalia, the distribution of violence at checkpoints as well as the density of checkpoints per administrative region. Different maps also identify varying characteristics of the roadblocks, including their operator, location on a primary/secondary road and the amount paid at the checkpoint as toll.

Increasing awareness of policy reforms on gender equality issues in artisanal and small-scale mining in eastern DRC: Case study of the Numbi, Nzibira and Nyabibwe sites
- Marie-Rose Bashwira Nyenyezi, Michaël Bahigira Akilimali | 13 december 2023
The mineral resources of the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo’s (DRC) provide an important source of employment for both men and women involved in artisanal and small-scaling mining (ASM). Yet opportunities are not equal for men and women. Based on a series of interviews with various ASM stakeholders at the mines of Numbi, Nzibira and Nybibwe in the province of South Kivu, this

Due diligence and the risk of disengagement: Experiences from the mineral sector and a way forward for the CSDDD
- Boukje Theeuwes (Solidaridad), Catarina Vieira (Solidaridad), Lotte Hoex | 11 december 2023
The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is currently being negotiated by the European institutions. This long-awaited piece of legislation is expected to be finalised by early 2024. With the aim of holding companies operating in the EU accountable for the adverse human rights and environmental impacts of their operations and the impacts across their value chains, the Directive

Petra Diamonds’ attempts to come clean with its tarnished past in Tanzania
- IPIS | 9 november 2023
Challenges in securing access to remedy and restoring community relations after serious human rights abuse at the Williamson diamond mine This report assesses the efforts by Petra Diamonds to restore community relations and remediate the legacy of serious human rights abuse at its Williamson diamond mine in Tanzania. Download the report The Williamson Diamonds mine, adjacent villages a

Mapping of artisanal mining sites in western Mambasa, Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Guillaume de Brier | 27 oktober 2023
The western part of Mambasa territory, in Ituri province, has been overlooked by national authorities and international partners. This despite major expansions of artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASM) operations, including in the Okapi Wildlife Reserve (OWR). These mining operations have caused tensions between native inhabitants, miners, armed actors, officials and conservationists. Se

The EU Conflict Minerals Regulation: High stakes, disappointing results
The EU Regulation on the responsible supply of tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold (3TG) originating from conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRAs) came into full force on 1 January 2021. Also known as the “Conflict Minerals” or “Responsible Minerals” Regulation, it aims to break the link between the exploitation and trade in 3TG on the one hand, and conflict financing on the othe

Securing insecurity: Semi-industrial gold mining and violence in Mwenga, South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo
- Claude Iguma Wakenge, Ken Matthysen | 5 oktober 2023
Since 2011, gradual introduction of novel mining equipment such as crushing mills has led to the increasing mechanization of artisanal gold mining operations in Mwenga territory (South Kivu), including the arrival of semi-industrial mining companies. This report is part of a USAID-funded project examining the linkage between armed conflict, insecurity and natural resource exploitation in the easte

International standards to prevent police gun violence
- Brian Wood | 29 september 2023
In many countries, the global and regional proliferation of small arms means that police and other law enforcers are under extreme pressure to counter rising levels of violent gun crime, and are expected to confront armed offenders. In the process, ill-trained and ill-disciplined officers with guns, sometimes kill, maim, and mistreat innocent people whom they are supposed to protect. Increasingly,

Voix du Congo: The role of artisanal mining in the demobilisation and reintegration of former FPRI fighters in the chefferie de Walendu Bindi, Ituri
- Pascal Takaibone, Réseau Haki Na Amani (RHA) | 22 september 2023
See our series: VOIX DU CONGO Located in the north-east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the province of Ituri has experienced almost two decades of activism by the armed group Force de Résistance Patriotique de l’Ituri (FRPI). The failure of a demobilisation, disarmament and reintegration (DDR) programme launched in 2020 has led FRPI fighters to informally return to public life, finding

Due diligence responsibilities of businesses involved in small arms and light weapons
- Markus Fahlbusch | 18 september 2023
IPIS and the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) have developed a Fact sheet on “Due Diligence Responsibilities of Businesses Involved in Small Arms and Light Weapons.” For over a decade, the international community has been developing guidelines for responsible business conduct for States and companies to prevent, address and remedy human rights abuses committed in business operati

Armed groups, territorial control, land disputes, and gold exploitation in Djugu, Ituri, Democratic Republic of Congo
- Erik Gobbers, Josaphat Musamba | 10 augustus 2023
In late 2017, almost fifteen years after the end of the second Congo war, and after several years of relative peaceful coexistence, inter-communal tensions flared up once again in Ituri province, in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In December 2017, isolated violent incidents between members of the Hema and Lendu communities provoked an escalation and heralded the beginning of a new cyc

Annual Report 2022
- IPIS | 26 juni 2023
In 2022 IPIS continued its work throughout the gradual wind-down of the COVID pandemic and the outbreak of war in Ukraine. Throughout a turbulent year for civil society actors committed to peace, disarmament, and international dialogue, IPIS remained steadfast. Continuing to develop strong relations with key donors and maintaining its commitment to delivering excellent work in investigating a

Unconditional Cash Transfers (UCT) in the DRC: Midline results of a pilot study in an artisanal mining zone in Maniema province
- Erik Gobbers, Thomas Muller | 19 juni 2023
In October 2021, the Belgian non-profit organization Eight World, started a pilot project of Unconditional Cash Transfers (UCT) in a village in an artisanal mining zone in the territory of Pangi, in Maniema Province, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Eight World transfers cash directly to individual beneficiaries via a mobile money system. Each adult living in the UCT village receives 20

Taxes and levies in the artisanal mining sites of South Kivu and Ituri: How much does an artisanal miner pay?
- Guillaume de Brier, Jean-Paul Lonema (IMPACT), Thomas Muller | 14 april 2023
This report is the result of a large-scale field study on taxation in the artisanal mining sector in the eastern Congolese provinces of Ituri and South Kivu. The main finding is that current regulations and practices in the field not only cause mineral smuggling, which leaves some of the sector’s fiscal potential untapped at the provincial and national levels, but also constitute a source of insec

A human rights perspective on arms export licencing and access to information
- Hans Lammerant (Vredesactie) | 6 februari 2023
Arms export licensing has long been dominated by two rationales: an interstate perspective and intrastate perspective. In the former arms licensing enables trust-building between nations while the latter increases government accountability. A human rights perspective is overdue in arms export licensing. Victims and their defenders should be able to pursue effective remedy when harm is in

From laggard to leader? Zimbabwe’s turbulent diamond history
- Hans Merket, Jonatan Weenink | 31 januari 2023
This IPIS Insight provides background and context to Zimbabwe’s current Kimberley Process chairmanship, both historically and in light of whether it might present opportunities for government and corporate actors in the country to exorcise their demons.

Armed conflict, insecurity, and mining in eastern DRC: reflections on the nexus between natural resources and armed conflict
- Erik Gobbers, Ken Matthysen | 7 december 2022
This report offers a new framework for looking at the eastern Congo conflict, one within which new evolutions of the past twenty years find a place. Indeed, violent conflict in eastern Congo has changed dramatically in all its aspects over the past two decades. Yet too often policymakers and observers appear to assume that we are dealing with a proxy war orchestrated from the DRC’s eastern neighbo

Analysis of the interactive map of artisanal mining areas in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo – 2022 update
- Ken Matthysen, Ntakobajira Zacharie Bulakali, Thomas Muller | 29 november 2022
In eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector plays an important role in the local economy. While large-scale armed conflict over DRC’s mineral wealth has decreased significantly over the past twenty years, armed actors continuously interfere in the mining sector, and conflicts over resources at the local level are still common. Based on new minin

Post-shipment control of small arms and light weapons
- Markus Fahlbusch, Peter Danssaert | 24 oktober 2022
The illicit trade of small arms and light weapons (SALW) and their ammunition, parts and components remains a serious international problem in many States. To prevent the illicit trade in conventional weapons and to prevent their diversion to the illicit market, all States have made commitments since 2001 to establish stronger systems that will ensure responsible control of arms transfers. A coher