In our last Arms Trade Bulletin, we reported on a Canadian-owned company (Streit Group) that had allegedly sold armoured vehicles from its UAE factory to Sudan in contravention of UN and Canadian embargoes . It was reported that the same company had also sold vehicles to South Sudan, although Streit claimed that those vehicles were not military, and the end user of the vehicles was not present on any UN sanctions list. Indeed, there is currently no UN Security Council arms embargo on South Sudan. And things are not about to change, as, in late December, the UN Security Council missed out on voting in favour of a resolution, submitted by the US, to adopt such an embargo. However, since 2011, there has been an EU arms embargo on South Sudan. Even in the absence of a multilateral arms embargo, of course, licencing officials always must conduct a case-by-case assessment of whether the export of the materiel is contrary to national, regional or international standards of arms transfer regulation.
Some States also adopt unilateral embargoes, if only to make a political statement in case there is no international political will to impose a multilateral arms embargo. In Belgium, although the regions (Flanders, Wallonia, and Brussels) had become responsible to control arms transfers, no consideration was given to include general restrictive measures on a regional level. In the course of amending the Flemish Arms Trade Decree and within the general framework of the regionalisation of arms transfer control in Belgium, the Flemish government has now proposed a legal basis for unilateral “embargoes”. Accordingly, it can take “general restrictive measures” (“algemene beperkende maatregelen”) to put “on hold” arms transfers to a certain country for a certain period of time (no more than six months) when the situation in this country warrants the assumption that any arms transfer to this country would be in conflict with the assessment criteria set out by the Flemish Decree.
In Germany, it seems that such measures are not necessary if one believes the announcement of a main arms manufacturer. The company announced with a lot of bells and whistles it would no longer make deals with dictators and corrupt regimes. This announcement came with the caveat that the company will naturally satisfy on-going contractual relationships. As it happens, this particular manufacturer has a rather dubious track record as regards arms sales to questionable end users. Thus how sincere are such statements? According to one skeptical journalist we will have to take this with a considerable pinch of salt. One might also wonder whether such an announcement is made in anticipation of the proclaimed tightening of German arms transfer controls by the relevant Ministry. But then again, one can only hope that such stricter arms transfer policy will actually be put into action…
Our skeptical journalist can now breathe more easily. He was accused of illegally publishing material in relation to an ongoing criminal investigation into arms transfers of the very company that now vows to convert its business practices. The district court of München has decided to drop all charges against him.
All the best wishes for 2017!
Arms Trade Treaty
Message to the Senate — Arms Trade Treaty | 9 December 2016 | The White House
With a view to receiving the advice and consent of the Senate to ratification, subject to certain declarations and understandings set forth in the enclosed report, I transmit herewith the Arms Trade Treaty, done at New York on April 2, 2013, and signed by the United States on September 25, 2013. I also transmit, for the information of the Senate, the report of the Secretary of State with respect to the Treaty, which contains a detailed article-by-article analysis of the Treaty.
The Obama Administration Just Sent the Arms Trade Treaty to the Senate. Here’s Why It Doesn’t Matter | 12 December 2016 | The Daily Signal
The treaty is supposedly designed to control the international trade of weapons. The Arms Trade Treaty is a bad treaty, and it hasn’t gotten any better with age. In fact, the problems with it have only become more obvious. Only the European nations pretend to uphold it, while major arms exporters like Russia and China oppose it.
False: Greg Abbott’s claim that arms treaty could give U.N. authority to police guns | 12 December 2016 |
Greg Abbott warned in a December 2016 tweet that President Barack Obama seeks Senate ratification of a treaty that could empower the United Nations to regulate guns. The prospect of the U.N. mucking with American guns should sound familiar. That’s because the treaty has long sparked similar claims–many of them short on facts.
The UN Threat To Our Freedoms Persists | 20 December 2016 | NRA-ILA
With the country’s attention focused on the results of the national elections, it is easy to forget about the fight being waged on our Second Amendment-protected rights in the international arena. While there are numerous initiatives that we continue to monitor internationally, the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) is at the forefront of the NRA’s focus to protect America’s law-abiding gun owners from the continued push for gun control by international anti-gun interests.
Global Arms Trade
La Chine veut garder sa place de puissance exportatrice d’armements | 2 November 2016 | L’Opinion
La démonstration en vol remarquée de leur nouvel avion furtif J-20 au salon aéronautique de Zhuhai a été l’occasion pour les Chinois de montrer leurs progrès. Il leur reste à assurer sa fiabilité.
Canada Expanding Its Role in Global Arms Trade | 5 December 2016 | Geopolitical Monitor
Canada has long been known for being a disarmament champion. 2016 marked the 20th anniversary of the beginning of the “Ottawa Process,” which eventually led to the Landmine Convention (Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production, and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines, including their destruction). Canada has also played a crucial role as a conflict mediator, has been a global peace broker for decades, and engaged in a wide range of humanitarian aid efforts. However, Canada has, despite its many initiatives and endeavours, strayed far from the “road to disarmament” over the previous decade.
Global instability spurs rise of South Korea as arms exporter | 10 December 2016 | Today online
In South Korea, the business of war is booming. Military exports have soared nearly 1,100 per cent since 2009 as the nation’s arms manufacturers thrive on growing global instability, competitive pricing and the re-emergence of demand for conventional weapons of warfare — the country’s speciality.
U.S. Sold $40 Billion in Weapons in 2015, Topping Global Market | 26 December 2016 | New York Times
The United States again ranked first in global weapons sales last year, signing deals for about $40 billion, or half of all agreements in the worldwide arms bazaar, and far ahead of France, the No. 2 weapons dealer with $15 billion in sales, according to a new congressional study.
Commerce d’armes: Egypte et Qatar en tête des grands acheteurs | 27 December 2016 | Réalités
Les ventes d’armes à l’échelle mondiale ont régressé, l’année dernière, et les Etats Unis d’Amérique ont préservé leur place à la tête du classement des grands vendeurs d’armes. Sa part a atteint, en 2015, 40% du marché mondial.
Saudi Arabia first, India second and Pakistan third largest arms purchaser; reveals US report | 31 December 2016 | The Siasat Daily
A United States Congress Research report has revealed that India has emerged as the second largest purchaser of arms among developing nations after Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. The latest report says that that arms supply to India was sanctioned in view of regional situation which is “a matter of ongoing concern to the United States because of long-standing tensions between Pakistan and India”.
South African defence exports held steady in 2015 | 10 November 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Industry
South Africa issued more defence export permits to sell materiel and services in 2015 although the overall value of approved sales dipped slightly from the prior year.
Sudanese order for six FTC-2000 jets announced | 11 November 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Sudan has ordered six Guizhou JL-9 jets, the director general of Guizhou Aircraft Industries Corporation (GAIC) said in an interview with China Aviation News on 3 November.
Révélations sur les découvertes en série des caches d’armes dans le Sud tunisien | 16 November 2016 | Business News
Les récentes découvertes de caches d’armes dans le Sud du pays ont fait remonter la question sécuritaire au devant de l’actualité nationale. Des découvertes faites, plus précisément, dans la ville de Ben Guerdène du gouvernorat de Médenine, limitrophe des frontières libyennes, et dont les quantités et la nature des armes retrouvées sont impressionnantes.
Le Kenya brûle 5 250 armes à feu pour lutter contre la criminalité | 18 November 2016 | Konbini France
Au Kenya, le gouvernement a brûlé des tonnes d’armes à feu pour soutenir la lutte contre le trafic d’armes illégales.
Kenya set fire to thousands of guns but the illicit arms trade keeps going strong | 19 November 2016 | Quartz
More than 5,000 guns—three 15-foot pyres of rifles and pistols—were set ablaze in a field on the outskirts of Nairobi this week. Kenya’s deputy president William Ruto oversaw the burning, a message to the public that illegal arms trade will not be tolerated.
Passé l’embargo, en Côte d’Ivoire c’est la course à l’armement pour Donwahi | 21 November 2016 |
Après la levée de l’embargo sur les armes, le président Ouattara a entrepris de renflouer les poudrières ivoiriennes d’armes sophistiquées. Alain-Richard Donwahi, le ministre de la Défense s’est donc adressé à l’entreprise israélienne IWI pour de nouvelles dotations aux FACI.
Uganda: Arms Deal – Investigators Contact Conned Polish Company | 24 November 2016 |
A team of police and military intelligence has contacted the Polish company that lost Shs2 billion in a procurement scam involving UPDF soldiers in an arms deal investigation.
Cure de jouvence et nouveaux équipements pour l’aviation militaire marocaine | 26 November 2016 | libération
C’est un secret de polichinelle que de conter la frénésie de la guerre économique à travers la course à l’armement que se livrent depuis plusieurs décennies le Maroc et l’Algérie, ce qui au demeurant, fait d’eux les deux plus grands importateurs d’armes du continent.
Tunisie : Enquête sur 19 individus mouillés dans les trafics d’armes à Ben Guerdane | 2 December 2016 | African Manager
Le parquet près du Pôle judiciaire de lutte contre le terrorisme a diligenté une enquête contre 19 nouveaux éléments impliqués dans l’affaire des dépôts d’armes découverts récemment à Ben Guerdane (sud est), a indiqué jeudi soir à l’agence TAP, le porte-parole du Pôle Sofiene Selliti.
Nigeria : des avions de combat russes et pakistanais | 5 December 2016 | BBC Afrique
Le Nigeria a acheté des avions de guerre et des hélicoptères auprès de la Russie et du Pakistan, suite au refus des États-Unis de vendre des armes à l’état ouest-africain, a déclaré le chef d’état-major d’armée de l’air, Sadique Abubakar.
Scandale des dettes cachées au Mozambique : ce que ne dit pas le rapport de la commission d’enquête | 16 December 2016 | Le Monde
Maputo a dissimulé 2 milliards de dollars d’emprunts levés pour pouvoir acheter secrètement de l’armement. Les trois quarts de cette somme se sont volatilisés.
Nigerian Navy commissions new vessels | 19 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The Nigerian Navy commissioned it’s a new offshore-patrol vessel NNS Unity (F 92), as well as the locally built inshore patrol boat NNS Karaduwa (P 102), the tug Commander Ugwu , and 27 small patrol craft during a ceremony held in Lagos on 15 December.
Soudan du Sud : possible vote d’un embargo sur les armes à l’ONU | 21 December 2016 | africanews
Le Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies devrait voter vendredi sur un projet de résolution américaine qui imposerait un embargo sur les armes au Soudan du Sud et des sanctions contre certains dirigeants de ce pays.
Mali receives its C295W | 23 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Mali’s new Airbus C295W transport aircraft arrived in Bamako on 15 December, a military source told IHS Jane’s .
L’Algérie a déboursé près de 18 milliards de dollars en achat d’armes en huit ans | 28 December 2016 | TSA – Tout Sur l’Algérie
L’Algérie a été classée 5e pays acquéreur d’armes parmi les « pays en voie de développement » en 2015, selon un rapport publié par le service de recherche du Congrès américain publié le 19 décembre dernier.
Une affaire de trafic d’armes secoue le port de Lomé | 30 December 2016 | iciLome
Boukpessi Essoyaba, Directeur de l’administration du Port de Lomé et député élu du parti UNIR (majorité) est trempé dans une affaire de trafic d’armes et de munitions.
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification – UAE | 4 November 2016 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency Department of Defense | Office of the Federal Register
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification – Kuwait | 4 November 2016 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency Department of Defense | Office of the Federal Register
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification – Egypt | 4 November 2016 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency Department of Defense | Office of the Federal Register
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification – Egypt | 4 November 2016 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency Department of Defense | Office of the Federal Register
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended
NRA: Elect Senators to Save U.S. From UN Arms Trade Treaty | 7 November 2016 | New American
On November 4, the National Rifle Association (NRA) called on Americans concerned about the future of the right to keep and bear arms to focus their attention on electing pro-Second Amendment senators in the upcoming federal elections.
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification – Iraq | 7 November 2016 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency Department of Defense | Office of the Federal Register
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended
Stéphane Dion a bloqué une vente d’armes à la Thaïlande | 8 November 2016 | Le Journal de Montréal
Le ministre des Affaires étrangères, Stéphane Dion, a bloqué une vente d’armes destinées à la Thaïlande en raison de craintes liées au respect des droits de la personne dans ce pays, a dévoilé le Globe and Mail mardi.
Le trafiquant Viktor Bout ne sera pas rejugé | 21 November 2016 | Le Figaro
Viktor Bout, un trafiquant d’armes russe condamné à 25 ans de prison aux Etats-Unis, ne sera pas rejugé, a décidé aujourd’hui la deuxième Cour d’appel de Manhattan.
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification – Qatar | 28 November 2016 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency Department of Defense | Office of the Federal Register
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification – Kuwait | 28 November 2016 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency Department of Defense | Office of the Federal Register
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended
Presidential Determination and Waiver — Pursuant to Section 2249a of Title 10, United States Code, and Sections 40 and 40A of the Arms Export Control Act to Support U.S. Special Operations to Combat Terrorism in Syria | 8 December 2016 | The White House
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including section 2249a of title 10, United States Code, sections 40 and 40A of the Arms Export Control Act (AECA) (22 U.S.C. 2780 and 2781), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I hereby:…
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification – Republic of Korea | 8 December 2016 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency Department of Defense | Office of the Federal Register
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification – United Kingdom | 8 December 2016 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency Department of Defense | Office of the Federal Register
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended
Ecuador receives Chinese multipurpose vehicles | 8 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The Ecuadorian Army’s Second Division in Guayaquil has received 17 Chinese multipurpose vehicles, including seven vehicle-launched bridges and 10 trucks.
Chile signs for Black Hawk helos | 8 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Chile has signed for six Sikorsky S-70i Black Hawk helicopters to be delivered in 2018, the manufacturer announced on 7 December.
Sept milliards de matériel militaire vendus à quatre alliés arabes des USA | 9 December 2016 | RTBF
Les autorités américaines ont approuvé jeudi plusieurs contrats portant sur la vente pour plus de sept milliards de dollars de matériel militaire (avions, hélicoptères, missiles) à quatre de leurs alliés arabes: Arabie saoudite, Émirats arabes unis, Qatar et Maroc.
Obama lève les restrictions sur la fourniture d’armes aux groupes armés en Syrie | 10 December 2016 | Babnet Tunisie
Le président américain Barack Obama a ordonné la levée des restrictions sur l’aide militaire accordée aux forces étrangères et aux groupes armés en Syrie qui soutiennent les opérations américaines dans le pays, a annoncé, vendredi, la Maison Blanche.
USA stoppen Waffendeals mit Saudiarabien | 13 December 2016 | 20 Minuten
Die Amerikaner kritisieren die Art und Weise, wie Riad im Jemen militärisch vorgeht – dabei stehen sie selbst in der Kritik.
US to halt planned arms sales to Saudi Arabia over Yemen airstrikes | 13 December 2016 | The Guardian
The US is preparing to halt planned arms sales to Saudi Arabia because of the high death toll among civilians in the kingdom’s bombing campaign in Yemen.
Canada will not follow U.S. in restricting some arms sales to Saudi Arabia | 13 December 2016 | The Globe and Mail
Canada will not follow the United States in restricting arms sales to Saudi Arabia – such as a $15-billion Canadian combat-vehicle deal – even though Barack Obama’s administration has just curbed some weapons exports to the Mideast kingdom because of the number of civilians the Saudis are killing during strikes in Yemen.
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification – Peru | 14 December 2016 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency Department of Defense | Office of the Federal Register
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification – Poland | 14 December 2016 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency Department of Defense | Office of the Federal Register
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification – Finland | 14 December 2016 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency Department of Defense | Office of the Federal Register
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification – Australia | 14 December 2016 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency Department of Defense | Office of the Federal Register
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification – Saudi Arabia | 15 December 2016 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency Department of Defense | Office of the Federal Register
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification – Qatar | 15 December 2016 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency Department of Defense | Office of the Federal Register
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification – Qatar | 15 December 2016 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency Department of Defense | Office of the Federal Register
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification – UAE | 16 December 2016 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency Department of Defense | Office of the Federal Register
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended
36(b)(1) Arms Sales Notification – Morocco | 16 December 2016 | Defense Security Cooperation Agency Department of Defense | Office of the Federal Register
Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended
La vente de blindés à l’Arabie saoudite devant les tribunaux | 19 December 2016 | Canoë
Une initiative menée par le professeur de droit montréalais Daniel Turp et des étudiants de l’Université de Montréal s’amorcera lundi devant les tribunaux pour tenter de faire bloquer une vente de blindés à l’Arabie saoudite.
Washington dément que le Hezbollah ait utilisé des blindés destinés à l’armée libanaise | 22 December 2016 | L’Orient-Le Jour
Washington a nié mercredi que des véhicules blindés manoeuvrés par le Hezbollah lors d’un défilé militaire en Syrie proviennent de livraisons d’équipement américain destinées à l’armée libanaise, comme l’affirme une source militaire israélienne.
Le Pentagone accorde à Lockheed Martin un contrat de 450 millions de dollars pour des avions de combat F-35 | 30 December 2016 | Radio Chine Internationale
Le département américain de la Défense a annoncé jeudi avoir accordé à Lockheed Martin un contrat de 450 millions de dollars afin de développer des avions de combat F-35 pour la Corée du Sud.
NORINCO details VT5 lightweight MBT | 1 November 2016 | IHS Jane’s International Defence Review
China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) debuted its VT5 lightweight main battle tank (MBT) at Airshow China 2016 in Zhuhai.
NORINCO lifts lid on 40 mm case telescoped weapon | 2 November 2016 | IHS Jane’s International Defence Review
China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) has revealed that it has developed and tested a 40 mm case telescoped weapon system (CTWS) and its initial suite of ammunition.
Rheinmetall unveils Marder Medium Tank RI | 3 November 2016 | Indo Defence | IHS Jane’s International Defence Review
Rheinmetall Landsysteme displayed its Marder Medium Tank Republic of Indonesia (RI) at Indo Defence 2016.
Trucks for export | 4 November 2016 | Indo Defence 2016 |
Indian company Tata Motors (Hall D, Stand 228) is displaying two of its latest production cross-country military trucks, the LPTA715 and the LPTA 2036.
ShinMaywa inches towards US-2 sale to Indonesia | 4 November 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Japanese company ShinMaywa Industries is moving forward with its potential programme to provide its US-2 amphibious search-and-rescue (SAR) aircraft to Indonesia, industry officials have told IHS Jane’s at the Indo Defence 2016 exhibition in Jakarta.
Bristling with hardware, China airshow targets arms exports | 4 November 2016 | Reuters
China’s extravagant display of military might at its largest airshow this week, overlooking the disputed South China Sea, comes as Beijing seeks to leverage that clout on world markets.
AVIC showcases YINGS III airborne targeting pod family | 4 November 2016 | IHS Jane’s International Defence Review
Chinese defence prime Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) is showcasing its latest YINGS III range of day and night capable airborne targeting pods at the Airshow China 2016 exhibition, which is being held in the southern city of Zhuhai from 1-6 November.
Heavily armed CASC CH-5 UAV makes public debut | 7 November 2016 | IHS Jane’s International Defence Review
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) used Airshow China 2016, held in Zhuhai from 1-6 November, to show a prototype of its Cai Hong 5 (Rainbow 5, or CH-5) strike-capable unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to the public for the first time since its maiden flight in August 2015.
Waffenexport schwieriger als gedacht für Japan | 8 November 2016 | Japanmarkt Online
Vor mehr als zwei Jahren hat Japans Regierung wieder den Export von Waffen erlaubt. Bisher blieben jedoch große Bestellungen aus. Die Gründe sind falsche Einschätzungen und schlechte Vorbereitungen.
AVIC’s turbojet-powered Cloud Shadow UAV emerges | 8 November 2016 | IHS Jane’s International Defence Review
The Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) unveiled the Cloud Shadow, a turbojet-powered, medium/high-altitude long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) at the Airshow China 2016 exposition, which was held in the southern city of Zhuhai from 1 to 6 November.
PT Pindad expands international partnerships | 8 November 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Indonesian state-owned firm PT Pindad has expanded collaborative ties with Germany’s Rheinmetall, India’s Tata Motors, and Sweden’s Saab.
China offers export version of YJ-12 supersonic anti-ship missile | 9 November 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The CM-302 missile exhibited at Airshow China 2016 is being marketed for export as “the world’s best anti-ship missile”, according to Chinese news media.
New details emerge on Shenyang FC-31 fifth-generation export fighter | 9 November 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Construction has apparently begun of a prototype of the second version of the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) FC-31 ‘Gyrfalcon’ twin-engine, fifth-generation export fighter, according to a video shown at Airshow China, held in Zhuhai from 1-6 November.
China offers anti-stealth radars for export | 11 November 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
China’s principal radar manufacturer, the China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC), exhibited at Airshow China 2016 a number of air defence radars it claims can detect low-observable aircraft such as the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II fighters.
L’Iran commande à la Russie des armes d’environ 10 milliards de dollars | 15 November 2016 | Tunisie numérique
L’Iran vient de passer une commande à la Russie d’environ 9,3 milliards d’euros d’équipements militaires malgré les sanctions toujours en vigueur.
Indonesian government to support aerospace exports | 17 November 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Industry
Indonesia’s Ministry of Industry has said it will support defence exports from state-owned aerospace firm PT Dirgantara (PTDI) by providing its prospective customers with access to credit from the Indonesian Export Financing Agency, otherwise known as the Indonesia Eximbank.
Südkorea und USA wollen Informationen über Rüstungsfirmen austauschen | 21 November 2016 | KBS WORLD Radio News
Südkorea und die USA wollen einen Vertrag über den Austausch von Informationen über Rüstungsfirmen unterzeichnen. Wie die südkoreanische Behörde für Rüstungsbeschaffung mitteilte, soll dadurch der bilaterale Handel mit Waffen erleichtert werden.
India publishes new guidelines for procurement misconduct | 22 November 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD) published on 21 November long-delayed guidelines on how to deal with suppliers who have been charged with misconduct in defence procurement.
L’Iran envoie des armes au Hezbollah via des vols commerciaux, accuse Israël | 23 November 2016 | L’Orient-Le Jour
“Ces avions volent directement à l’aéroport à Beyrouth ou à Damas et à partir de là, les armes sont transférées sur le terrain” au parti chiite, selon l’ambassadeur israélien aux Nations unies, Danny Danon.
L’Iran utiliserait sa compagnie aérienne pour faire passer des armes à des mouvements terroristes | 25 November 2016 |
L’Iran utiliserait les avions d’Iran Air pour passer des armes clandestinement au Hezbollah au Liban, selon un rapport du renseignement américain.
Le Koweït va acquérir 28 avions de combat | 28 November 2016 | Le Figaro
Le Koweït va acquérir 28 F-18 Super Hornet auprès de Boeing pour remplacer une version plus vieille de cet avion de combat américain, dans son deuxième contrat d’armement significatif de cette année, a annoncé lundi un haut gradé de l’armée koweïtienne.
Indonesia’s PTDI looks to expand presence in Saudi Arabia | 29 November 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Indonesia and Saudi Arabia are discussing the terms of a collaborative programme that could support military aerospace exports from Indonesia and related industrial assistance.
La police des frontières démantèle une cellule de trafic d’armes | 1 December 2016 | The Times of Israël
Les suspects auraient trafiqué et vendu des armes de l’armée israélienne en Cisjordanie ; la police affirme que les armes et les munitions ont été utilisées pour des attentats terroristes.
Cheap, Lethal Chinese Drones Are Filling Distant Skies | 4 December 2016 | The Daily Caller
Chinese drones are taking flight in skies beyond China’s borders in great numbers, filling a massive void in a multibillion-dollar industry left by the U.S.
Syrie: Israël tente d’empêcher le transfert d’armes au Hezbollah (Lieberman) | 7 December 2016 | i24news
Le ministre israélien de la Défense, Avigdor Lieberman, a tenu à réitérer mercredi la position de l’Etat hébreu vis-à-vis de la menace du groupe terroriste Hezbollah, après avoir été accusé par la Syrie d’être à l’origine de bombardements sur les forces pro-régime à Damas dans la nuit de mardi.
UAE parades new Nimr vehicles | 7 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Armed Forces displayed its new Nimr N35 armoured vehicles for the first time during a parade to mark the country’s 45th National Day on 5 December.
Yemen: US-Made Bombs Used in Unlawful Airstrikes | 8 December 2016 | Human Rights Watch
The Saudi Arabia-led coalition killed several dozen civilians in three apparently unlawful airstrikes in September and October 2016, Human Rights Watch said today. The coalition’s use of United States-supplied weapons in two of the strikes, including a bomb delivered to Saudi Arabia well into the conflict, puts the US at risk of complicity in unlawful attacks.
Un contrat de 1,4 milliard $ renforce la coopération militaire entre l’Inde et Israël | 8 December 2016 | The Times of Israël
Coincée entre la Chine et le Pakistan, qui lui disputent certaines frontières, l’Inde souhaite moderniser d’urgence son armée. Elle vient de passer commande de 2 avions radars Awacs et de 10 drones armés à Israël.
Obama waivers prohibitions on arms to non-state actors in Syria | 9 December 2016 | Kurdistan24
United States President Barack Obama waivered prohibitions on providing arms transfers to irregular armies fighting terrorism in Syria on Thursday. The move came as Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) pressed on the Islamic State capital of Raqqa, and the Syrian regime further tightened the noose on CIA-supported rebels in eastern Aleppo with the help of Russian airpower.
NORINCO develops new RWS | 9 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s International Defence Review
China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) has expanded its range of remote weapon stations (RWS) with the development of the UW4A, IHS Jane’s has learned.
Israël s’apprête à recevoir une nouvelle arme, le F-35 furtif | 10 December 2016 | VOA Afrique
Israël prendra livraison lundi de ses premiers avions de chasse furtifs américains F-35, salués comme des bijoux technologiques dont le casque du pilote coûte plus cher qu’une maison, mais leur prix et leurs défauts initiaux font grincer des dents.
Indonesia reportedly negotiating price of Russian Su-35 fighters | 12 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Indonesia and Russia are continuing to negotiate the terms of the Indonesian Air Force’s (TNI-AU’s) procurement of Sukhoi Su-35 ‘Flanker-E’ multirole combat aircraft, Indonesian defence minister Ryamizard Ryacudu has confirmed.
‘We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust’: Professor Yair Auron pushes Israel to confront complicity with Bosnian genocide | 13 December 2016 | Mondoweiss
“We betrayed the legacy of the Holocaust when we’re committing acts like this,” Professor Yair Auron said. “To sell weapons to Serbia or to Rwanda during the genocide is similar to selling weapons to Nazi Germany during the Second World War. No country has the right to do it and especially not Israel.” Yair Auron, a professor of Holocaust and genocide studies at the Open University of Israel is on a mission to bring Israeli officials complicit in the Bosnian genocide to account.
Le président azéri lève le voile sur les achats d’armement à Israël | 13 December 2016 | LPH INFO
Au moment où le Premier ministre israélien atterrissait à Bakou, capitale de l’Azerbaïdjan pour une visite officielle, le président azéri Ilham Aliyev révélait l’ampleur des achats d’armement et de systèmes de défense israéliens par son pays: près de cinq milliards de dollars.
Saudi and UAE driving GCC defence | 14 December 2016 | Shephard Media
The two military heavyweights of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Saudi Arabia and the UAE, are driving defence procurement in the region with recent increases due in part to operations against Houthi forces in Yemen.
Palestinian security forces receive Al-Jawad vehicles | 14 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The Palestinian Authority’s (PA’s) Ministry of Interior has received its first armoured vehicles in the form of six Al-Jawad security vehicles, PA security sources told IHS Jane’s on 12 December.
Unleashing Lethality: Obama OKs MANPADs for Syrian “moderates” | 14 December 2016 | Tehran Times
The Nobel Peace Prize winning U.S. president, Barack Hussein Obama, has issued an executive determination allowing the export of lethal weaponry to Syrian “moderate rebels.” The decision by the U.S. commander-in-chief reflects the Washington regime’s utter lack of morality and underscores its desperation to effect regime change in Syria at any cost, even by arming al-Qa’ida-affiliated terrorists with MANPADS, Man-portable air-defense systems.
US MANPAD supplies should worry Pentagon, not ‘small arms’ seized in Palmyra | 15 December 2016 | Russia Today
The US-led coalition should worry about potential deliveries of US arms to Syria rather than weapons left behind in Palmyra, as the city fell again into the hands of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), the Russian Defense Ministry said.
Myanmar commissions transport aircraft | 16 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The Myanmar Air Defence Force (Tatmadaw Lay) commissioned four Airbus Helicopters H120 (formerly designated EC120 B) Colibri helicopters and four Beechcraft 1900D utility transport aircraft in a ceremony to mark the service’s 69th anniversary at Meiktila Air Base on 15 December, according to a posting on a Facebook website linked to Myanmar’s Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services.
South Korea’s Hanwha secures Polish K9 export | 16 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
South Korean firm Hanwha Techwin has secured a KRW280 billion (USD263 million) contract from Poland to supply its K9 Thunder 155 mm/52-calibre self-propelled tracked howitzer, the company has announced.
Kuwaiti Abrams upgrade contract awarded | 19 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The first contract for Kuwait’s M1A2 Abrams tank upgrade programme was announced by the US Department of Defence (DoD) on 16 December, just four days after the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) notified Congress of the proposed deal.
Bahrain identified as EIMOS mortar user | 20 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The Bahrain Defence Force (BDF) is the previously unidentified country that acquired the EXPAL EIMOS 81 mm integrated mortar system, a photograph released by the Egyptian military on 19 December has confirmed.
Lebanon receives third Hellfire-capable Cessna | 20 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The United States formally handed over a third Cessna 208B Caravan turboprop aircraft (L-403) on 19 December that can launch AGM-114 Hellfire laser-guided missiles to the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF).
Pakistan to receive four Mi-35M helos from Russia in 2017, says report | 21 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Russia will deliver four Mil Mi-35M ‘Hind E’ attack helicopters to the Pakistan Army (PA) in 2017, Pakistan’s minister for defence production, Rana Tanveer Hussain, was quoted by the Dunya News TV channel as saying on 19 December.
Japon: importante augmentation des dépenses militaires de l’archipel en 2017 | 22 December 2016 | RFI
Le Japon s’offre un budget record pour sa défense, porté à 42 milliards d’euros pour la prochaine année fiscale, qui débutera le 1er avril 2017. Le gouvernement du Premier ministre Shinzo Abe justifie cette augmentation des dépenses militaires par l’expansion de la puissance chinoise et la menace nucléaire nord-coréenne.
L’Australie mène une guerre contre les armes à feu avec des logiciels de renseignement | 23 December 2016 | ZDNet France
Avenir de l’IT : Le gouvernement fédéral investit 25,4 millions de dollars australiens sur 3 ans pour développer les capacités de renseignement du laboratoire national de recherche de la police fédérale.
Yemen: Brazil-Made Cluster Munitions Harm Civilians | 23 December 2016 | Human Rights Watch
The Saudi Arabia-led coalition fired Brazilian-made rockets containing banned cluster munitions that struck near two schools in the northern Yemeni city of Saada on December 6, 2016, Human Rights Watch said today. The attack on al-Dhubat neighborhood in Saada’s Old City at about 8 p.m. killed two civilians and wounded at least six, including a child.
Stop blacklisting arms companies | 25 December 2016 | The Hindu Business Line
Indian and foreign firms supplying armaments to the armed forces are now in a quandary. They do not know whether to hail the new ‘Guidelines of Ministry of Defence (MoD) for Penalties in Business Dealings with Entities’ (or more popularly the blacklisting policy), or feel agitated over the policy not being implemented retrospectively.
Shadowy world of intrigue and corruption | 25 December 2016 | The Sunday Standard | The New Indian Express
India was overwhelmed by corruption in Bofors deal during Rajiv Gandhi’s heyday leading to the government’s haphazard attempts to blacklist companies caught paying bribes. But the defence agents even today are easily allowed past doors of South-North blocks with Blue Label and expensive gifts in tow.
Indonesia takes delivery of 122 mm rocket systems from China | 28 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The Indonesian Marines Corps (Korps Marinir, or KORMAR) has taken delivery of four units of the Type 90B 122 mm (40-round) multiple rocket system (MRS) from China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO).
China receives first four Su-35s from Russia, says report | 28 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
China’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) has taken delivery of the first four of 24 Russian-made Sukhoi Su-35 ‘Flanker-E’ multirole fighter aircraft, according to the Russian Aviation website.
Kuwaiti bomb guidance kits approved | 30 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The US State Department has approved the sale of 1,250 Boeing Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) bomb guidance kits for Kuwait, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) announced on 23 December.
Scottish Government under fire over £18.5m for arms trade | 1 November 2016 | STV
The SNP have been accused of “rank hypocrisy” as figures show Scottish Government agencies have given £18.5m to defence firms despite the party’s criticism of the arms trade. Scottish Green MSP John Finnie asked ministers how much public money had been used to support the arms trade in the past ten years.
“Made in Germany” wird zum Makel in der Rüstung | 2 November 2016 | DIE WELT
Eine Kommission soll neue Richtlinien für die Ausfuhr von Waffensystemen aufstellen. Schon im Vorfeld fürchtet die Branche neue politische Hindernisse – und wünscht sich die Ära Helmut Schmidt zurück.
Rheinmetall profitiert vom Rüstungsboom | 3 November 2016 |
Die angespannte Sicherheitslage in vielen Ländern weltweit beschert Rheinmetall einen Millionengewinn. Vor allem dank lukrativer Aufträge für Kriegsgerät schraubt das Düsseldorfer Unternehmen seine Jahresprognose nach oben.
Schweizer Waffenhandel mit Pakistan blüht prächtig | 4 November 2016 | Tages-Anzeiger Online
Die Schweiz lieferte 2016 bislang Kriegsmaterial im Wert von über 25 Millionen Franken nach Pakistan – 45-mal mehr als im Vorjahr. Kritiker zeigen sich besorgt.
Thales et Nexter, en pole position pour la reprise de Renault Trucks Defense | 4 November 2016 | L’Usine Nouvelle
Le groupe Volvo, propriétaire de Renault Trucks Défense (RTD), a annoncé son intention de mettre en vente son activité de véhicules blindés. Pour des questions de souveraineté, ses actifs devraient rester tricolores. Nexter, qui vient de fusionner avec l’allemand Krauss Maffei, et Thales font figures de repreneurs naturels.
Contrat Donas : ça se complique encore plus… (Actualisé) | 6 November 2016 | L’Opinion
« Les industriels français s’arrachent les cheveux et les paiements sont suspendus ». Cet acteur du dossier, concerné par le contrat Donas (2,4 milliards d’euros au total), fait grise mine. Donas est un contrat, signé en 2014, sur le principe suivant : l’Arabie saoudite achète à la France des armes pour le Liban.
Government rejects MPs’ call to suspend arms sales to Saudi Arabia over alleged war crimes | 14 November 2016 | The Independent
The Government has rejected calls by two parliamentary committees for it to stop the sale of British bombs to Saudi Arabia’s armed forces in Yemen.
Armement : Et si la France donnait une nouvelle chance à la Pologne? | 23 November 2016 |
Les Polonais semblent vouloir renouer avec la France. Mais Paris s’y refuse pour le moment alors que certaines campagnes commerciales importantes (hélicoptères, missiles et sous-marins) sont en discussions.
Gabriels Ministerium lobbyiert offen für deutsche Rüstungsschmiede | 24 November 2016 | SPIEGEL ONLINE
Ursula von der Leyen will für die Luftwaffe Transportflieger in den USA kaufen. Das passt dem Wirtschaftsministerium nicht – von dort aus betreibt man offen Lobbyarbeit für die deutsche Rüstungsbranche.
Österreich will Waffenembargo gegen Türkei beschließen | 24 November 2016 |
Regierungsparteien und Opposition präsentieren gemeinsamen Antrag, der vorsieht, kein Kriegsmaterial oder Verteidigungsgüter zu liefern.
Skandal um deutsche U-Boote | 24 November 2016 | sz-online
Der umstrittene Kauf drei deutscher U-Boote ist eines der teuersten Rüstungsgeschäfte in Israels Geschichte. Regierungschef Netanjahu gerät immer tiefer in den Strudel der Affäre. Kann sie sein Boot zum Kentern bringen?
Heckler & Koch: Keine Deals mehr mit Diktatoren | 28 November 2016 |
Heckler & Koch will nicht mehr an Diktatoren liefern. Ein Grund: Dem Unternehmen geht es gut. Hintergrund ist aber auch die restriktive Haltung der Bundesregierung in Sachen Waffenexporte.
German arms company Heckler & Koch to ‘no longer supply undemocratic, corrupt countries’ | 29 November 2016 | The Independent
Heckler & Koch promises to sell guns ethically | 29 November 2016 | DW
German arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch will no longer sell weapons to countries which are corrupt, undemocratic, or not affiliated in some way to Nato, a senior employee has said.
Bundessicherheitsrat genehmigt neue Waffenexporte | 30 November 2016 | Sü
Der Bundessicherheitsrat hat nach Informationen der Süddeutschen Zeitung die Ausfuhr diverser Rüstungsgüter in den arabischen Raum genehmigt. Wie aus einer Mitteilung an den Bundestag hervorgeht, genehmigte das Gremium die Ausfuhr von Komponenten für ein mobiles Gefechtsübungszentrum in die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate.
EU will gemeinsamen Rüstungsfonds | 30 November 2016 |
Die EU-Kommission will mehr Geld in die Rüstung stecken und Europa damit unabhängiger von den USA machen. Die Mitgliedsstaaten sollen dazu einen Milliarden schweren Rüstungsfonds anlegen – mit dem dann gemeinsam neue Waffensysteme angeschafft werden.
Deutsche Artilleriezünder für Saudi-Arabien | 1 December 2016 | SPIEGEL ONLINE
Die Bundesregierung genehmigt nach SPIEGEL-Informationen die Lieferung von Artilleriezündern für Saudi-Arabien. Das Land aber befindet sich mit dem Jemen im Krieg. Könnten deutsche Waffen in dem Konflikt eingesetzt werden?
Sous-marins français ou allemands: Oslo se décidera “bientôt” | 2 December 2016 |
La Norvège devrait décider dans les prochaines semaines si elle négocie un contrat d’acquisition de sous-marins avec le français DCNS ou avec l’allemand ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, a déclaré vendredi à Reuters la ministre norvégienne de la Defense, Ine Eriksen Soereide.
Steyr-Gewehre mit Wissen Berlins an türkische Spezialeinheit geliefert | 3 December 2016 |
Die deutsche Bundesregierung ist darüber informiert, dass Spezialeinheiten der türkischen Polizei über aus Deutschland gelieferte Scharfschützengewehre österreichischer Produktion verfügen.
Deutsche Rüstungsexporte in die Türkei nehmen zu | 5 December 2016 | SPIEGEL ONLINE
Deutschland verkauft im großen Stil Waffen an die Türkei, in diesem Jahr nahmen die Lieferungen sogar zu. Bürgerkriegsähnliche Zustände sind dabei für die Bundesregierung kein Hinderungsgrund
Gabriel: Waffen-Exporte außerhalb von EU und Nato verbieten | 5 December 2016 | Ruhr Nachrichten
Bundeswirtschaftsminister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) will erreichen, dass Waffenexporte an Staaten außerhalb von EU, Nato und vergleichbaren Ländern grundsätzlich verboten werden. Das sagte er am Montagabend vor Studenten in Köln.
Le groupe suisse d’armement RUAG ouvre une filiale à Abou Dhabi | 5 December 2016 | Geotribune
L’entreprise d’armement suisse aux mains de la Confédération Ruag a fondé en toute discrétion Ruag Simulation Company LLC., une filiale implantée à Abou Dhabi, dans l’intention avouée de développer ses activités dans la région du Golfe arabe, ont révélé les journaux suisses Le Matin Dimanche et la Sonntags Zeitung.
Un service central pour mieux contrôler les armes | 6 December 2016 | Le Figaro
Un an après le plan national de lutte contre les armes illégalement détenues engagé en novembre 2015, le ministère de l’Intérieur dégaine un nouveau service central des armes.
Armement: RTD empoche les commandes avant sa cession par Volvo | 8 December 2016 | Le Point
Le ministre de la Défense Jean-Yves Le Drian a annoncé jeudi plus de 800 millions d’euros de commandes pour Renault Trucks Defense (RTD), avertissant que la mise en vente du constructeur par le suédois Volvo devrait préserver les intérêts français.
Contrôles des armes : les ambitions initiales se heurtent au mur des lobbies | 8 December 2016 | Les Échos
Un accord se dessine entre les Etats et le Parlement. Mais la Commission déplore que ses ambitions aient été revues à la baisse.
Guy Parmlin manœuvre-t-il pour avoir des Rafales? | 8 December 2016 |
Les défenseurs du projet de défense sol-air s’activent contre le gel décidé en mars et pour empêcher que les fonds ne servent au futur avion de combat.
Les banques ING, BNP et KBC ont investi des millions d’euros dans les armes nucléaires | 8 December 2016 |
Selon un rapport publié ce jeudi par l’organisation visant à promouvoir la paix PAX, les banques KBC, BNP Paribas Fortis, ING et Deutsche Bank ont investi indirectement des millions d’euros dans le développement d’armes nucléaires.
German Bundeswehr to train Saudi army officers | 8 December 2016 | DW
Germany is about to strike a deal to train Saudi Arabian officers. While the Defense Ministry says such programs are completely normal, it also admits that the Middle Eastern monarchy remains a “difficult” partner.
Remplacement de nos F-16: Londres attend impatiemment l’appel d’offres | 9 December 2016 | RTBF
Le groupe britannique de défense BAE Systems, qui coproduit l’avion de combat Eurofighter et le ministère britannique de la Défense attendent avec impatience le lancement – sans cesse reporté – par le gouvernement Michel de l’appel d’offres pour 34 nouveaux chasseurs-bombardiers à livrer à partir de 2023, ont indiqué jeudi plusieurs de leurs responsables.
Budget de la défense : l’Europe doit investir “beaucoup plus dans la prévention des conflits” | 12 December 2016 | Franceinfo
Un rapport annuel sur les budgets des Etats consacrés à la défense a été publié lundi. Sur franceinfo, Patrice Bouveret, directeur de l’Observatoire des armements, tire les enseignements de ce rapport.
Immer wieder genehmigt Berlin Waffenexporte nach Saudi-Arabien | 12 December 2016 | Sü
Rüstungsexporte nach Saudi-Arabien und allgemein in die Golfregion sind umstritten, nicht erst seit den neuesten geheimdienstlichen Erkenntnissen zur Unterstützung des Salafismus in Deutschland.
Kiel: TKMS übergibt U-Boot an Ägypten | 12 December 2016 |
Bei dem Festakt wurde ein zweites U-Boot getauft. Dafür wurde extra eine Flasche heiligen Wassers aus Mekka geliefert.
Doch kein Ende der umstrittenen Waffendeals | 12 December 2016 | Bayerischer Rundfunk
Erst kürzlich hatte der Waffenproduzent Heckler & Koch gemeldet, man wolle korrupte Länder nicht mehr beliefern. Aktuelle ARD-Recherchen zeigen: So stimmt das wohl nicht. Doch das betrifft nicht nur Heckler & Koch.
Charges dismissed against journalists in Heckler & Koch case | 12 December 2016 | DW
Press freedom has won a significant victory in an epic legal tussle over one of Germany’s most notorious illegal weapons sales. A Munich court last week dismissed charges against a film director and an activist who published documents relating to an illegal arms deal with Mexico.
Amtsgericht verweigert Anklage gegen Filmemacher | 13 December 2016 | Abendzeitung
Er zeigt einen Filmemacher und einen Rüstungsgegner an, die angeblich rechtswidrig Akten von Heckler & Koch veröffentlicht haben. Nun hat das Amtsgericht seine Anklage verweigert.
La loi sur les grands achats militaires ne sera pas contraignante | 14 December 2016 | RTBF
La loi de programmation militaire que projette le gouvernement pour bétonner, dans les prochaines législatures, des investissements de 9,4 milliards d’euros en matériels majeurs (avions de combat, frégates, véhicules blindés, etc.) ne sera pas contraignante, indique mercredi La Libre sur base d’un avis du Conseil d’État.
Spain’s defence exports increase | 14 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Industry
Spain’s defence and security exports grew to EUR1.83 billion (USD1.94 billion) in the first three months of 2016, an increase of 6.4% on the same period of the previous year.
Patria develops containerised mortar system | 15 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s International Defence Review
Patria has developed a containerised system for its 120 mm Nemo mortar turret, with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Navy to be the launch customer.
Ukroboronprom inaugurates new production facility at the Kiev Armoured Plant | 15 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Industry
Ukrainian state-owned defence industrial holding group Ukroboronprom has announced that its Kiev Armoured Plant subsidiary has completed the development of a new production centre to permit the construction of bodies for BTR-3 armoured personnel carriers (APCs).
La police belge démantèle un réseau de trafic d’armes vers la Libye | 15 December 2016 | l’
La police belge a démantelé un réseau de trafiquants d’armes et de matériel militaire à destination de la Libye, a indiqué le parquet fédéral, en précisant qu’un ressortissant belge avait été inculpé et placé en détention provisoire.
L’Espagne a vendu au Maroc pour 221 millions de dirhams d’armements en 6 mois | 16 December 2016 | Marocains du monde
Le Maroc demeure un gros client de l’armement espagnol. Durant les six premiers mois de l’année 2016, le royaume a acheté pour 221 millions de dirhams d’armements à l’Espagne.
Britain’s secret arms sales to Saudi Arabia and other authoritarian regimes revealed | 16 December 2016 | inews
The Government is concealing the true extent of Britain’s sales of weaponry to authoritarian regimes – including Saudi Arabia – by encouraging a sharp rise in the use of secretive arms export rules, it is claimed today.
L’armement, cette industrie française que Hollande a redressée | 20 December 2016 | BFMTV.COM
En signant officiellement un méga contrat d’armement avec l’Australie ce mardi, la France a confirmé sa montée en puissance dans un secteur où la concurrence reste vive. Elle pourrait même ravir à la Russie la 2ème place mondiale avant la fin de la décennie.
Gabriel bremst Panzerlieferung | 22 December 2016 | SPIEGEL ONLINE
Wirtschaftsminister Gabriel verzögert Rüstungsexporte, auch in das Nato-Land Litauen. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen vermuten Industrievertreter, der SPD-Chef wolle die Statistik für das Wahljahr schönen.
ONU: la France et la Grande-Bretagne pour de nouvelles sanctions contre la Syrie | 22 December 2016 | RTL info
La France et la Grande-Bretagne vont présenter au Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU un projet de résolution interdisant la vente d’hélicoptères à la Syrie et imposant des sanctions liées aux armes chimiques.
Russia to donate MiG-29s, T-72s to Serbia | 22 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Russia has agreed a major arms donation package with Serbia, following state meetings in Moscow on 21 December.
It’s time for May to come clean on precision-guided munitions sales to Saudi Arabia | 28 December 2016 |
The admission by the UK government that the Saudi-led coalition used UK-made BL-755 cluster munitions during the armed conflict in Yemen, comes months after Amnesty International and British media outlets reported that these weapons had been used in the country.
L’industrie française de la défense profite de la hausse des dépenses militaire dans le monde | 27 December 2016 | Le Monde
Les exportations pourraient dépasser les 14 milliards d’euros en 2016. Avions, sous-marins, hélicoptères, … les contrats ont été nombreux et plus divers qu’en 2015.
Les exportations d’armes russes atteindront 13 milliards de dollars en 2016 | 27 December 2016 | L’Usine Nouvelle
Les ventes de Rosoboronexport, l’établissement public russe d’exportation d’armes, atteindront probablement cette année environ 13 milliards de dollars (12,44 milliards d’euros), a déclaré mardi Sergueï Tchemezov, le patron du conglomérat industriel Rostec, qui possède Rosoboronexport.
Prosecution Launches Probe over ‘Bulgarian Arms in Aleppo’ | 28 December 2016 |
The Regional Prosecution of Gorna Oryahovitsa has launched a probe into reports of Bulgarian firearms and ammunition being found in a warehouse in Aleppo in northern Syria.
Bulgaria’s FM Dismisses Syria Arms Trade Allegations | 29 December 2016 |
Bulgaria’s outgoing Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov has denied that the country might have exported any arms and ammunition to Syria.
Bulgaria Probes Arms Company Linked to Syria | 29 December 2016 | Balkan Insight
Investigation begins into Russian reports of Bulgarian arms found in Aleppo | 29 December 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Industry
Prosecutors are investigating whether a local arms company broke the embargo on exporting weapons to Syria, following Russian claims that Bulgaria-made arms were found in Aleppo.