The present editorial is inspired by our recent experience at a European arms control event where we witnessed German arms officials seeking to whitewash Germany’s arms export policy. The double standard revealed by said officials is exemplary of the discrepancy between words and deeds as regards national arms export controls. Although far from being the only European country that can be blamed for irresponsible arms transfers, Germany’s arms export practice is a case in point.
The officials’ insistence on the ever so strict German export regime seems to be nothing more than a mockery in the light of Germany’s actual exports practice. Contrary to the government’s assurances, the value of authorised arms exports in 2015 has almost doubled compared to last year. In 2016, arms exports to Saudi Arabia will continue, with more deals possibly on the way. It also transpired that the German government keeps delivering arms to the peshmerga in Iraq to fight ISIS, amid the suspicion that such arms might have been diverted to the Iraqi market.
The 2015 book “Netzwerk des Todes” meticulously uncovers the collusion of German officials with the arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch in order to make illegal arms exports to Mexico possible.
The circumstances of this publication have since given rise to yet another illustration of how arms exports and their investigation are handled by the German administration and judiciary. Whereas it took the concerned prosecution office about six years to start legal action against Heckler & Koch, the same company obtained a court ruling compelling the German government to take a timely decision regarding the authorisation of arms exports to Saudi Arabia. In one of our preceding newsletters, we already pointed out that charges have been brought against the book’s authors, who provided the prosecution office with the relevant information on the Mexico deal, for allegedly leaking confidential information. At the same time, we hinted at the way the Turkish government treats critical journalists investigating arms deals. Evil to him who evil thinks.
In July, the German government has published its yearly report on arms exports. The value of authorised exports amounts to 7.86 billion Euros. The German minister of economic affairs, Sigmar Gabriel, defends the near doubling of the volume of arms exports by the need to fulfil deals concluded by the former government and by transfers to friendly states including a 1.1 billion delivery to the United Kingdom. It is also true that the value of export authorisations for small arms declined by 32% and that the actual deliveries also slightly dropped since 2014. Nonetheless, the bottom line is that 59% of the individual export authorisations were issued for transfers to countries other than EU, NATO and like states. This means an increase by 2,2 billion Euros with respect to 2014. The top-15 of arms export destinations features Qatar (1st), Saudi Arabia (7th), Kuwait (11th) and the United Arab Emirates (13th), all part of the coalition intervening in the conflict in Yemen.
If the strict German arms export regulation can thus be considered as mere window dressing, it might not even be here to stay. The German minister of finance recently advanced the idea of relaxing the German arms export regime to make it more conform to that of other EU States. Of course, strict rules on paper are no guarantee for a strict export control practice. This is sadly confirmed by the continuing German exports to Saudi Arabia and other transfers whereby the transferred arms are at risk to be used for violations of international law. Still, eroding the strict formal rules on export control would set a fairly bad example and would further decrease hopes of responsible arms exports.
General Arms Trade
“Panama papers” : les affaires offshore des trafiquants et des vendeurs d’armes | 4 July 2016 | Le Monde
En novembre 2005, les douaniers du port de Rotterdam reçoivent un « tuyau » : une cargaison d’asperges du Pérou pourrait contenir autre chose que des légumes. Près d’une semaine plus tard, 60 palettes d’asperges blanches en conserve arrivaient dans trois conteneurs. Il y avait bien des asperges dans 80 % des boîtes, mais de la cocaïne dans le reste de la cargaison – plus d’une tonne et demie.
Rocketing around the world | 16 July 2016 | The Economist
THE F-35 stealth fighter is designed to be unnoticeable—at least by enemy radar. Nonetheless, it was the showstopper at this week’s Farnborough air show in Britain, impressing crowds in the showground’s terraces with its smooth manoeuvres and party tricks such as flying backwards. Such was the buzz around the new jet that CEOs attending the show to hammer out big deals broke off meetings to watch. But at Farnborough’s trade show, which opened on July 11th, all the talk was of the missiles the F-35 can fire, as well as the new missile-defence systems that could eventually shoot it down.
Militant video reveals Niger’s Chinese arms | 7 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
A video released by Wilayat Gharb Ifriqiyyah (the current name of the group popularly known as Boko Haram) on 5 July revealed that Niger’s military is operating NORINCO WZ551 armoured personnel carriers (APCs).
Trafic d’armes libyennes, le Sénat français accuse l’Algérie de complicité et de chantage | 8 July 2016 |
Le Sénat français accuse ouvertement l’Algérie de fermer les yeux sur le trafic d’armes en provenance des dépôts libyens. Ce laxisme de la part des décideurs algériens permet à ces armes de parvenir jusqu’aux pays de la région et même en Europe.
Le Maroc reçoit une première livraison des chars Abrams | 11 July 2016 |
Un convoi de plusieurs chars américains de type Abrams a été aperçu hier dimanche sur l’avenue 10 mars à Sidi Othmane, Casablanca, en provenance des Etats-Unis. Une première livraison sur un total de 250 unités commandées par le Maroc.
New Cameroonian air-defence capabilities revealed | 14 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Cameroonian military sources have revealed details of the recent improvements in the country’s air-defence capabilities. Sichuan Military Electronics Industries Group Company (SEMIC) 825 towed fire-control radars were seen being paraded for the first time on 20 May 2015 in Yaoundé. They were paraded alongside what appeared to be Oerlikon Contraves (now Rheinmetall) 35 mm GDF anti-aircraft guns that Cameroon has had in its inventory since the 1980s.
Nigeria broadens defence procurement corruption investigation | 15 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Highlights Of Third Interim Report Of Committee On Audit Of Defence Equipment Procurement In The Nigerian Armed Forces From 2007 – 2015 | 16 July 2016 | Frontiers News
Having previously focused on the Nigerian Air Force, the investigation into defence procurement corruption during the tenure of the previous government has broadened to include numerous retired and serving army officers, according to a leaked report.
Djibouti receives two Y-12 transports | 18 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Djibouti’s air force held a ceremony on 15 July to mark the arrival of two new Harbin Y-12 light transport aircraft.
Tunisia to receive further ScanEagle UAVs | 19 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Tunisia is set to receive additional Insitu ScanEagle unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) under a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) deal revealed by the US government on 18 July. The proposed sale, disclosed by the US Naval Air Systems Command on the Federal Business Opportunities website, is for one ScanEagle system, spares, support, and training. No timelines or further details were revealed.
Senegal to receive KT-1 trainers from South Korea | 21 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Senegal has ordered four Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) KT-1 Woong-Bee turboprop trainer aircraft, South Korean media reported on 21 July.
La marine algérienne réceptionne un troisième navire de guerre construit en Chine | 23 July 2016 | TSA – Tout Sur l’Algérie
L’Algérie a réceptionné un troisième navire de guerre de type corvette classe C28A, commandé à la Chine dans le cadre d’un contrat signé en mars 2012 avec la China Shipbuilding Trading Company (CSTC), indique le quotidien chinois China Daily.
La marine royale marocaine reçoit un nouveau navire amphibie | 26 July 2016 | H24info le portail d’information Marocain
Destiné à l’assaut amphibie et a transport de chars de combat sur des têtes de pont, le “Sidi Ifni” quittera le port de Concarneau pour le Maroc à la fin de ce mois.
Le Maroc pourrait livrer des armes au Niger pour lutter contre Boko Haram | 26 July 2016 | Yabiladi
Le Maroc devrait envoyer des armes au Niger pour faire face aux incursions du groupe Boko Haram. L’annonce de cette possible livraison intervient seulement deux jours après la visite en Algérie du chef de la diplomatie nigérienne.
Cameroun – 28 milliards pour des armes françaises | 26 July 2016 |
C’est le montant versé en quatre ans par le Ministère délégué à la Présidence en charge de la Défense.
L’associé polonais de Jammeh arrêté en Espagne | 27 July 2016 | Pressafrik
Souvent cité dans des trafics scabreux, le nom du Président Yahya Jammeh vient une nouvelle fois d’être mêlé à une rocambolesque histoire de trafic international d’armes à destination du Soudan du Sud. L’un des associés présumés du leader gambien dans ce trafic international est tombé la semaine dernière en Espagne.
North African rivals receive new tanks | 28 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Morocco has confirmed that it has taken delivery of the first of its new M1A1SA Abrams tanks, while it regional rival Algeria has received another instalment of T-90 tanks from Russia.
Contrat avec l’Arabie saoudite: un groupe de réflexion sur la sellette pour avoir accepté de l’argent de General Dynamics | 3 July 2016 | Le Journal de Montréal
Un groupe de réflexion bien en vue au Canada qui vient de publier une analyse appuyant le controversé contrat canadien de 15 milliards $ avec l’Arabie saoudite a récemment accepté des dons de General Dynamics, la maison mère du fabricant des véhicules blindés au centre de la transaction, a rapporté le «Globe and Mail».
Brazilian M109A5s modernisation contract still pending | 8 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
A contract to refurbish and upgrade 32 former US Army 155 mm M109A5 self-propelled howitzers to an M109A5+ BR configuration for Brazil is still, years later, pending an award by the US government to BAE Systems, the Brazilian Army recently told IHS Jane’s .
Bolivian Super Puma deliveries near completion | 13 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The Bolivian Air Force received its fourth and fifth Airbus Helicopters AS 332C1e Super Pumas after they arrived at Viru Viru International Airport on 11 July. The helicopters, part of a batch of six ordered in December 2013, are to be re-assembled by Bolivian personnel of the Air Forces’ 3rd Brigade, Air Maintenance Service No.3 (SMA-3), in conjunction with the ‘Red Devils’ Special Task Force to which the aircraft will ultimately be assigned.
Las empresas del GSED cierran 2015 con ingresos de 970 millones de dólares | 15 July 2016 | Infodefensa
El viceministro de Defensa para el Grupo Social y Empresarial del Ministerio de la Defensa Colombiano (GSED), general (RA) José Javier Pérez, ha revelado que las empresas que conforman este grupo, Indumil, Codaltec, CIAC y Cotecmar, generaron durante el pasado 2015 ingresos por cerca de 2,9 billones de pesos, es decir aproximadamente 970 millones de dólares.
Argentina licita repuestos para ametralladoras MAG y kits de modernización de fusiles FAL | 22 July 2016 | Infodefensa
El Ejército Argentino a través de su Agregaduría Militar en Estados Unidos ha sacado a concurso la adquisición de repuestos para ametralladoras FN Herstal MAG 7,62 mm modelo Infantería y kits para continuar con la modernización del fusil FN FAL de fabricación nacional bajo licencia.
Argentina seeks to lease Tecnam Sierra trainers | 27 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The Argentine government has published a request for proposals for leasing with an option to buy eight Tecnam P2002-JP Sierra basic trainers.
Bolivian Armed Forces to receive new armoured personnel carriers | 27 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Bolivia confirms receipt of new Chinese armoured personnel carriers | 29 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The Bolivian Armed Forces are to receive newly built armored personnel carriers (APCs), the Shaanxi Baoji Special Vehicles Company’s China Tiger 4×4 light armoured vehicle, marking the first such procurement since 1979, an industry source told IHS Jane’s .
The US Government Is Literally Arming the World, and Nobody’s Even Talking About It | 30 July 2016 | Mother Jones
When American firms dominate a global market worth more than $70 billion a year, you’d expect to hear about it. Not so with the global arms trade. It’s good for one or two stories a year in the mainstream media, usually when the annual statistics on the state of the business come out.
La Policía de México ha perdido más de 13.000 armas desde 2006 | 5 August 2016 | Infodefensa
En México, desde el comienzo de la lucha contra el narcotráfico, se han extraviado alrededor de 1.200 armas cada año. Según las cifras que ofrece la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena), la única institución en el país en conceder licencias de portación de armas de fuego, son más de 13.000 las armas de las que se desconoce su paradero desde el 2006.
China dona 31 vehículos blindados a las Fuerzas Armadas de Bolivia | 1 August 2016 | Infodefensa
China donará a Bolivia material militar por un valor de 30.000.000 de dólares | 9 August 2016 | Infodefensa
Los gobiernos de Bolivia y China suscribirán en septiembre próximo un nuevo acuerdo de cooperación militar mediante el cual las Fuerzas Armadas bolivianas recibirán una donación de material bélico y logístico valorado en 30 millones de dólares, según informó el ministro de Defensa, Reymi Ferreira, el pasado 3 agosto.
Afghanistan receives first batch of Chinese military aid | 5 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
A Russian cargo aircraft carrying military aid from China landed in Kabul military airport on 3 July in a move that reflects Beijing’s willingness to deepen its engagement with Afghanistan.
Otokar wins €106.1m contract to deliver COBRA II armoured vehicles | 5 July 2016 |
Otokar has been contracted to supply COBRA II tactical wheeled armoured vehicles to the Turkish security forces. The €106.1m order includes COBRA II 4×4 tactical wheeled armoured vehicles, as well as maintenance and support systems.
China develops SWS2 mobile air-defence system | 6 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s International Defence Review
China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) has released details of its latest SWS2 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun/surface-to-air (SPAAG/SAM) system, which it is now offering for export.
Deadlock over India’s Rafale purchase continues | 11 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
India has failed to meet Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar’s June deadline to close a deal with France for 36 Dassault Rafale fighters for the Indian Air Force (IAF).
China’s Norinco develops new Type 96 MBT variant | 12 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
One of China’s biggest military manufacturers, China North Industries Corporation (Norinco), has developed a new variant of its Type 96 (ZTZ-96) main battle tank (MBT) in time to participate in the 30 July to 16 August International Army Games organised by the Russian Ministry of Defence.
Global arms race escalates as sabres rattle in South China Sea | 12 July 2016 | The Telegraph
The South China Sea has become the most dangerous fault-line in the world. Beijing and Washington are on a collision course over these contested waters, the shipping lane for 60pc of global trade.
China completes development of 155 mm AH4 howitzer | 18 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s International Defence Review
China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) has confirmed that development of its AH4 155 mm/39 calibre lightweight gun-howitzer (LGH) has been completed and the company is ready to begin production when orders are placed.
NORINCO develops VN2C mine-resistant vehicle | 19 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s International Defence Review
To meet potential customer requirements for an armoured vehicle with a high level of ballistic and mine protection, China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) has developed the 6×6 VN2C mine-resistant vehicle. The VN2C bears a physical resemblance to the company’s widely deployed 6×6 WMZ-551 armoured personnel carrier (APC), which is still being marketed in a wide range of configurations and weapons.
United Arab Emirates – Munitions, Sustainment, and Support | 19 July 2016 | U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency
The Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) requests approval to procure seven thousand seven hundred (7,700) GBU-10 guidance kits with seven thousand seven hundred (7,700) Mk-84/BLU-117 bombs, five thousand nine hundred forty (5,940) GBU-12 guidance kits with five thousand nine hundred forty (5,940) Mk-82/BLU-111 bombs, five hundred (500) GBU-31V1 guidance kits with five hundred (500) Mk-84/BLU- 117 bombs, five hundred (500) GBU-31V3 guidance kits with five hundred (500) BLU-109 bombs, and fourteen thousand six hundred forty (14,640) FMU-152 fuzes. This sale also includes non-MDE munitions items. The total estimated value of MDE is $740 million. The overall total estimated value is $785 million.
Israel receives last of its M-346 jet trainers | 20 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The Israeli Air Force (IAF) has received into service the last of 30 Alenia Aermacchi M-346 Lavi advanced jet trainer aircraft that were ordered in 2012, the service announced on 20 July.
NORINCO develops CT3 command and reconnaissance vehicle | 20 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s International Defence Review
China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) has developed a dedicated infantry field command and reconnaissance vehicle designated the CT3, which it is now offering on the export market.
Turkey receives first Chinook helicopter | 20 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Turkey has received into service the first of 11 Boeing CH-47F Chinook heavy-lift helicopters, national media reported in mid-July. The tandem-rotor helicopter was handed over to the Turkish Land Forces Command (TLFC) in Ankara on 14 July, the Dogan News Agency announced.
New armoured vehicles shipped to the UAE | 20 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
South Africa’s state-owned defence company Denel revealed on 20 July that the armed forces of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has ordered another 24 RG31 armoured mortar carriers when it said eight had been shipped to Abu Dhabi.
PT Pindad looks to international acquisition | 20 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Industry
State-owned Indonesian defence company PT Pindad is moving closer to securing its first overseas acquisition, according to the firm’s president, Silmy Karim. Speaking to reporters on 19 July, Karim said PT Pindad is hoping to acquire a defence company from Europe within the next 12 months. But he did not identify the acquisition target and did not respond to questions from IHS Jane’s on the planned takeover.
Indonesian president pushes to remove procurement agents | 21 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Industry
Indonesian president Joko Widodo has called on his Ministry of Defence (MoD) to ensure that it procures military equipment through government-to-government arrangements to support efforts towards transparency and accountability.
La Corée du Sud livre 4 avions d’entraînement à l’Armée de l’air sénégalaise | 21 July 2016 |
Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. (KAI) a annoncé, hier mercredi, qu’il va exporter son modèle de base d’avion d’entraînement au Sénégal, son premier contrat sur le marché africain, rapporte Yonhap, la plus grand agence de presse coréenne.
Turkish arms co-operation questioned after failed coup, crackdown | 21 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Turkey’s allies are questioning whether they can continue sharing sensitive technology with the country in the aftermath of the failed military coup on 15 July, sources have told IHS Jane’s .
Elbit to supply observation systems to undisclosed customer in Europe | 22 July 2016 |
Elbit Systems has secured contracts from an undisclosed customer in Europe to supply advanced thermal-imaging observation systems. The $30m contracts follow the launch of the company’s advanced electro-optic payload, Spectro XR, for intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance (ISTAR) missions.
Jordan receives final Cheetah SPAAGs | 26 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
A final instalment of 25 Cheetah self-propelled anti-aircraft guns (SPAAGs) has now arrived in Jordan. Decommissioned by the Armed Forces of the Netherlands in 2006, the Cheetah (Gepard in German service) consists of a modified Leopard 1 tank hull armed with twin 35 mm Rheinmetall Air Defence (previously Oerlikon Contraves) guns and equipped with surveillance and tracking radars.
Pakistan reduces military imports, claims minister | 29 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Pakistan has significantly reduced military imports in recent years as the country’s defence industry continues to develop, according to Rana Tanveer Hussain, the minister for defence production.
Deutsche Waffenexporte sind offenbar gefragt | 3 July 2016 | ZEIT ONLINE
Die Rüstungsexporte sollen sich 2015 im Vergleich zum Vorjahr fast verdoppelt haben. Demnach wurden Güter für knapp 7,9 Milliarden Euro ins Ausland verkauft.
Regierung wehrt sich gegen Kritik an Rüstungsexporten | 4 July 2016 | Reuters Deutschland
Die Bundesregierung hat die Verdoppelung der deutschen Rüstungsexporte im vergangenen Jahr als eine Momentaufnahme verteidigt, die ihre zurückhaltende Genehmigungspraxis überdecke.
EU extends sanctions against Russia into 2017 | 4 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Industry
The Council of the European Union (EU) announced on 1 July that it was extending sanctions against Russia for a further six months.
Saab to produce mortar grenades for undisclosed customer in Switzerland | 5 July 2016 |
Saab has secured an order from an undisclosed customer in Switzerland to supply explosive training mortar grenades. The deal includes the production and final assembly of 81mm explosive training mortar grenades.
Deutscher Waffenriese zieht ein bitteres Resümee | 5 July 2016 | DIE WELT
Der deutsche Waffenriese Diehl kritisiert den Umgang mit der Rüstungspolitik. Sehenden Auges toleriere man den Ausverkauf der Branche. Ein “hoher Lästigkeitswert” würde Kunden vergrätzen.
Regierung genehmigt Waffendeal mit Saudi-Arabien | 5 July 2016 | SPIEGEL ONLINE
Die Bundesregierung hat weiteren Waffenexporten in Krisenstaaten wie Saudi-Arabien, Pakistan und die Emirate zugestimmt. Pikant: Wirtschaftsminister Gabriel wurde wohl bei einer heiklen Entscheidung überstimmt.
German arms exports flourish despite SPD pledge to curb sales | 5 July 2016 | Financial Times
Germany has recorded a big increase in arms exports this year, an embarrassing development for the Social Democrats, the left-of-centre coalition partner whose leader had vowed to curb sales of German weapons abroad.
Mehr Waffen als Antwort auf den Brexit | 6 July 2016 | ZEIT ONLINE
Finanzminister Schäuble hat Reformvorschläge für die EU vorgelegt. Er will die Rüstungsindustrie stärken. Das mag provozieren, dahinter steht aber eine größere Strategie.
Polémique sur un projet militaire UE-Afrique | 6 July 2016 | Deutsche Welle
La commission européenne veut aider au renforcement des capacités militaires en Afrique. Une séance plénière de la commission devait débattre de la question mardi à Strasbourg. Mais l’idée ne fait pas l’unanimité.
Deutschland liefert 200 Milan-Raketen an Peschmerga | 7 July 2016 | RP ONLINE
Deutschland liefert erneut Waffen in den Nordirak. Die Lieferungen sollen die Peschmerga im Kampf gegen die Dschihadistenmiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) unterstützen. Das geht aus einem Schreiben der Bundesregierung an die Bundestagsausschüsse für Auswärtiges und für Verteidigung hervor.
Trafic d’armes dans la Fensch : une filière bosniaque dégoupillée | 7 July 2016 | Le
Sept prévenus risquent des peines d’emprisonnement allant jusqu’à quatre ans.
Russia exported weapons worth $4.6 bln in 2016 | 8 July 2016 | ITAR TASS
Russia has exported armaments and military hardware worth $4.6 billion from early this year to date, President Vladimir Putin said on Friday. “The tasks set for 2016 in the system of Russia’s military and technical cooperation are being fulfilled,” Putin told a session of the commission for military and technical cooperation.
Russia to spend $15.6 bln on defense industry development | 11 July 2016 | ITAR TASS
The Russian government will allocate 1 trillion rubles ($15.625 billion) for the development of the domestic defense industry, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said at a meeting with members of the ruling United Russia party on Monday.
Salon-Brexit-Pas d’impact à court terme sur la défense-Dassault/Thales | 13 July 2016 | Boursorama
Le Brexit ne devrait pas modifier les relations franco-britanniques dans la défense à court terme, ont déclaré lundi à Reuters les PDG de Dassault Aviation AVMD.PA et Thales TCFP.PA , deux
groupes qui coopèrent étroitement avec le Royaume-Uni.
Célebration 14 juillet, Égypte-France: Un partenariat en essor | 13 July 2016 | Al-Ahram Hebdo
La coopération militaire entre l’Egypte et la France reflète un rapprochement politique, et un effort partagé de lutte antiterroriste.
Montenegro achieves defence exports high | 14 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Industry
Montenegro’s defence industries exported goods were valued at EUR3.7 million (USD4.1 million) in 2015 to 23 markets, figures from the country’s Ministry of Economy have revealed.
Defence companies continue to overcharge UK MoD | 14 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Defence companies attempted to overcharge the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) by GBP61 million (USD80 million) according to the watchdog set up to monitor single-source procurement contracts.
Contrôle des armes: les députés clarifient les règles et garanties en matière de licences | 15 July 2016 | Parlement Européen (Communiqué de presse)
Les pays de l’Union européenne devront mettre en place des contrôles plus stricts sur les armes à blanc, pour éviter leur conversion en armes à balles réelles, selon des amendements de la commission du marché intérieur à un projet de mise à jour de la directive européenne sur les armes à feu. Les modifications approuvées mercredi par les députés visent à faire en sorte que ces armes continuent d’être couvertes par les règles européennes en matière de contrôle des armes.
Merkel lädt Saudis ein | 15 July 2016 |
Die Kanzlerin pflegt ihre Beziehungen zum Regime in Riad. Zwei Regierungsmitglieder kommen nach Deutschland. Wegen Waffengeschäften?
Russia maintains parity in arms supply to Armenia, Azerbaijan | 19 July 2016 | ITAR TASS
Russia is committed to maintaining parity in the supply of military equipment to Armenia and Azerbaijan in the conditions of the intensified Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between the two countries, Director of the Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation (FSMTC) Alexander Fomin said in an interview to the Izvestia daily published on Monday.
Urteil nach Untätigkeitsklage von Heckler & Koch – Der Staat muss sich entscheiden | 19 July 2016 | Legal Tribune Online
Die Behörden hatten über einen Ausfuhrantrag für Waffenteile über Jahre nicht entschieden. Das müssen sie jetzt. Ein Verfahren nicht mit einer Sachentscheidung abzuschließen, widerspreche rechtsstaatlichen Grundsätzen, so das VG Frankfurt.
Schweizer Waffen für Erdogans Garde – zu “Selbstschutzzwecken” | 19 July 2016 | Aargauer Zeitung
Seit 2005 beliefen sich die Waffenexporte in die Türkei auf über 28 Millionen Franken. Dann zog das Seco die Notbremse. Doch es gibt weiterhin Ausnahmen.
Bosnia-Herzegovina tightens arms export regulations | 21 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Industry
The parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina has adopted a new law tightening control over conducting trade of weapons and military equipment, and special-purpose products to protect the interests of the country and respect of international obligations undertaken by the country, Bosnian news outlet Slobodna Bosna reported.
UK launches inquiry into defence export promotion | 22 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The UK parliamentary committee on arms exports controls announced on 22 July that it had launched an inquiry into the efficacy of the government’s support of defence equipment exports.
Armement terrestre : et pourquoi pas un pactole à l’exportation ? | 22 July 2016 | La
Avec l’appui du ministère de la Défense, l’industrie tricolore de l’armement terrestre négocie plusieurs gros contrats : en Inde, au Qatar, au Koweït et enfin au Royaume-Uni ainsi que dans les pays nordiques.
Pistolen-Produzent setzt wieder auf deutschen Markt | 22 July 2016 | DIE WELT
Noch vor zwei Jahren sorgte SIG Sauer in seinem deutschen Werk für einen großen Kahlschlag. Nun will der Hersteller seine Produktion wieder aufstocken. Denn es locken wichtige Aufträge aus Europa.
Schwerer Compliance-Rückschlag für Thyssenkrupp | 22 July 2016 | Haufe – News & Fachwissen
Die Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt unter anderem gegen den ehemaligen Chief-Compliance-Officer von Thyssenkrupp Dr. Thomas Kremer wegen des Verdachts der Korruption. Kremer zeichnet heute als Vorstand bei der Telekom für Compliance verantwortlich.
“La France doit suspendre la vente des armes à l’Arabie saoudite et à l’Egypte” | 22 July 2016 | Le Point
La France carillonne ses succès dans les ventes d’armes, mais celles-ci ne sont pas toutes conformes aux exigences d’un traité ratifié en 2013.
Polish millionaire seized in Ibiza, South Sudan arms bust | 23 July 2016 | World Bulletin
Spanish police said Saturday they had arrested a Polish millionaire suspected of masterminding a ring that smuggled assault rifles and heavy weapons into South Sudan. The gang sold more than 200,000 AK-47s, as well as missile launchers and tanks at a time when South Sudan spiralled into civil war, investigators said.
Der Todeshändler von Ibiza | 24 July 2016 |
Ein polnischer Millionär ist in Spanien festgenommen worden. Er soll große Mengen an Waffen nach Südsudan geschafft haben.
Allemagne: le gouvernement va réexaminer les lois encadrant la vente d’armes | 24 July 2016 | Le Figaro
Le ministre de l’Intérieur Thomas de Maizière a déclaré qu’il fallait évaluer «avec beaucoup d’attention» si des changements législatifs étaient nécessaires concernant la vente d’armes à feu, après la tuerie de Munich. Selon les enquêteurs, le tireur s’est procuré son arme sur Internet.
UK approved £3.3bn of arms sales to Saudi Arabia in first year of Yemen war | 27 July 2016 | Middle East Eye
The UK government licensed arms exports worth £3.3bn ($4.2bn) to Saudi Arabia during the first 12 months of the Saudi-led conflict in Yemen, a campaign group has revealed. The Campaign Against Arms Trade’s analysis of government figures, released this week, shows the total is at least £500m more than previously thought.
Rheinmetall wins €400m ammunition supply contract from undisclosed customer | 27 July 2016 |
Rheinmetall has secured a contract worth more than €400m to supply ammunition for an undisclosed military customer. Deliveries under the contract will run for a period of seven years. Details of the ammunition to be provided under the contract were not disclosed.
Russia to supply BTR-80 armored personnel carriers for UN peacekeepers | 27 July 2016 | ITAR Tass
Russia’s Military Industrial Company (MIC) will supply overseas a batch of the BTR-80 armored personnel carriers for the UN peacekeepers, the company spokesman Sergei Suvorov told TASS on Wednesday.
Schweiz exportiert im ersten Halbjahr Waffen für 224 Millionen Franken | 28 July 2016 | Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Unter den Empfängerstaaten sind Länder, die in den Jemen-Konflikt verwickelt sind. Und die Türkei. Das Seco verweist auf die bereits heute restriktive Bewilligungspraxis für Ausfuhren in die Türkei.
Deutschland kämpft um einen Mega-Panzerdeal | 29 July 2016 | DIE WELT
Der Verkauf deutscher U-Boote nach Australien scheiterte, nun könnte es mit einem anderen Mega-Deal klappen: Der Kontinent ist an Panzern von Rheinmetall interessiert. Aber es gibt noch einen Rivalen.
Waffen diskret in Richtung Krisenregion liefern | 29 July 2016 | Sü
Osteuropäische Staaten könnten die Fluchtbewegung aus Syrien befeuert haben, weil sie Waffen in den Nahen Osten geliefert haben.
US delivers Raven UAVs to Ukraine | 29 July 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The United States delivered 24 AeroVironment RQ-11B Raven unmanned aircraft systems to Ukraine on 27 July, the US Embassy in Kiev said. The package included 72 hand-launched Raven intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) aircraft and associated equipment, which was transported to Boryspil International Airport.
Worse than the Russians | 30 July 2016 | The Economist
Ninety years ago Britain’s planes bombed unruly tribes in the Arabian peninsula to firm up the rule of Abdel Aziz ibn Saud, the founder of the Saudi state. Times have changed but little since then. Together with America and France, Britain is now supplying, arming and servicing hundreds of Saudi planes engaged in the aerial bombardment of Yemen.
Portugal plans small arms replacement project | 2 August 2016 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The Portuguese Army is currently working on plans to entirely replace the bulk of its small arms, the Portuguese Ministry of National Defence (MoND) told IHS Jane’s on 29 July. The plans will see the acquisition of 10,225 weapons including: assault rifles, light machine guns, sub-machine guns, and pistols. These arms will equip at least three battalions or about 1,500 troops, the MoND said.