Arms Trade Bulletin – December 2018 – February 2019



By Benoît Muracciole and Jean Claude Alt for ASER

All parties involved in the war in Yemen continue to plunge the population into what the United Nations Secretary General has denounced as “the planet’s worst humanitarian crisis.” One estimate put the death toll at nearly 60,000 since 2016. Hostilities between the Saudi Arabia-led Coalition and the Houthi and other armed groups, have become increasingly muddled as loyalties have shifted, armed groups and militia proliferated and factions fragmented. The Coalition includes Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates. It supports the beleaguered Yemen government and its militia. Despite a fragile ceasefire agreed in December, clashes have continued, as have attacks on civilians by Yemeni government militia, the Coalition forces and the armed groups.

Mobilization by civil society and calls by parliamentarians in many countries following reports of civilian atrocities by NGO, media and UN experts of atrocities have put pressure on governments to stop the flow of all arms that would be used in Yemen. Shock at the brazen assassination of exiled Saudi Arabian journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, by a Saudi state murder squad on 2 October 2018 heightened such calls. In response, States such as Austria, Denmark, Finland, Flanders, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland have announced they will suspend arms exports to Saudi Arabia. This suggests that some governments are beginning to accept responsibility to take measures to ensure respect of international law, particularly that of human rights and international humanitarian law (IHL). However, the United States, France, Italy, Canada and the United Kingdom governments continue as the main suppliers of war material to the Saudi Arabia-Led Coalition and the United States and the United Kingdom, among other States, continue to advise the Coalition. 

According to a detailed report by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Group of Experts in August 2018, the Coalition has continued a pattern of air strikes and military operations causing most of the documented civilian casualties in Yemen. In the past three years, such air strikes using precision munitions have hit residential areas, markets, funerals, weddings, detention facilities, civilian boats and even medical facilities. The use in some cases of “double strikes” close in time, which affect first responders, raises grave concern. The UN Experts Group report accused the Saudi-led coalition of routinely having failed to consult its own “no-strike list” of more than 30,000 sites in Yemen, including refugee camps and hospitals. The Group also said the Saudi Air Force had not cooperated with investigators about its targeting procedures. Similar findings were reported from a UN Security Council panel of experts on Yemen in January 2018.

The mounting evidence indicates that these actions are repeatedly violating the fundamental principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution when conducting hostilities, acts which constitute serious violations of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, and may amount to war crimes and even crimes against humanity. Unicef’s Middle East and North Africa director, Geert Cappelaere, said: “Not enough has changed for children in Yemen since the Stockholm agreement on 13 December 2018. Every day since, eight children have been killed or injured. Most of the children killed were playing outdoors with their friends or were on their way to or from school” (The Guardian, 26 February 2019).

At the same time, the UN calculated that in 2018 nearly 60% of the aid to alleviate suffering in Yemen came from Saudi Arabia, the UAE and the US. The UK is also now stepping up its aid to Yemen. The UN says about 22 million people out of a population of 29 million need help to secure food this year in Yemen, including nearly 10 million who are just a step away from famine. Nearly 240,000 are facing “catastrophic levels of hunger.” More than 250 humanitarian organisations are operating in the country. The UN Experts Group said that millions of civilians were also suffering “devastating effects” from the coalition’s arbitrary restrictions on shipping and air travel because food, medicines and fuel were needed to fend off starvation and diseases. The Coalition’s screening of ships was supposed to prevent arms smuggling to the armed groups but had become a “de facto blockade’ while the UN searches had found no weapons on ships.


The United States, France, Italy, and the United Kingdom are signatories to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). As such they are obliged to respect its object and purpose which is to establish the highest possible common international standards for improving the regulation of the international trade in conventional arms, and to reduce human suffering. Moreover, France, Italy and the United Kingdom are legally bound as State Parties to the ATT to respect all the obligations under the Treaty. Those legal obligations include a duty to prohibit any arms transfers if their State knows that the arms would be used for such violations or international crimes.  They and the Saudi Coalition blame the government of Iran for continuing to arm the Houthi forces, as if two wrongs make a right. The UN Expert Group accused Houthi fighters and their allies of violating IHL, including by shelling residential areas, impeding humanitarian aid and using child soldiers. Houthi and other armed groups appear to have acquired most of their arms from Yemeni government stocks and from illicit markets in the region.


The UN Security Council has been slow and one sided. In 2013 the Council had condemned the illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation and misuse of small arms and light weapons in Yemen, and in April 2015 imposed an arms embargo only targeted on the Houthi armed opposition. Total embargoes had been imposed on UN-designated terrorist groups such as Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) affiliate in Yemen, which have become actively engaged in attacks on Coalition as well as armed opposition forces and civilians. In January 2018 the Security Council’s expert panel accused Iran of transferring some missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles used by Houthi forces, although it also reported that there had been no maritime seizures by the UN of weapons and ammunition during 2017, and only very limited seizures of arms-related material had been identified on the main land supply route. However, the Security Council has not imposed an embargo on arms transfers to Yemen as such.

Civil society organizations, parliamentarians and governments that respect the international rule of law can further step up political pressure as well as take legal actions to compel arms supplying States to implement their ATT obligations and suspend transfers to the Saudi Coalition. Some NGOs have attempted to challenge their home governments in the courts.

In the case of France, Article 55 of the Constitution gives supra-legislative status to treaties ratified by Parliament. In the 2018 complaint filed by Action Sécurité Ethique Républicaines (ASER) against the French government’s continued arms exports to the Saudi Arabian-led Coalition, the General Secretariat for Defence and National Security disputed the direct effect legal status of the ATT in its defence brief.  

A decisive point in the case remains the choice of which article of the ATT applies to the transfer of arms to the Saudi Arabia-led Coalition given the strong prima facie evidence of atrocities being committed with those arms in Yemen. Should the case be based first and foremost on Article 6, which prohibits a potential arms transfer if the State Party “has knowledge” that the arms would be used for the commission of serious violations of IHL or war crimes? Or should the case first rest on Article 7, which requires the exporting State Party to assess whether there is an “overriding risk” that the potential arms export would be used to commit or facilitate serious violations of IHL or of international human rights law, despite “available mitigation measures” first taken by the exporting and importing States?

ATT Article 6, paragraph 3 specifies that: “A State Party shall not authorize any transfer of conventional arms or items…[covered by the Treaty] if it has knowledge at the time of authorization that such arms or items would be used to commit genocide, crimes against humanity, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, attacks directed against civilians or civilian objects and protected as such, or other war crimes as defined by international agreements to which it is a Party.”

ASER’s opinion is that before the start of full-blown hostilities in March 2015, litigation based upon the risk assessment procedures required by ATT Article 7 to approve or deny arms exports to Saudi Arabia could have been justified.  Each exporting State Party to the ATT had to assess the risks of using potential exports of weapons in the light of the information it was then aware of.

However, Article 7 only applies if a potential export is not prohibited by Article 6, and since 2015, factual evidence of the Coalition’s flawed ‘rules of engagement’ in this armed conflict had quickly become a proven reality. Repeated cases pointing to serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law have been widely documented in United Nations and NGO reports. In particular the UN reports of January 2017, January 2018 and August 2018 provide details of air strikes on civilian targets and other attacks on civilians by Saudi Arabian-led Coalition forces, as well as by Houthi and other armed groups. It is therefore Article 6 of the ATT that must first be applied in litigation efforts in countries that are ATT States Parties.

Some NGOs in the European Union began their litigation efforts over the past two years in a general way by referring to ATT Articles 6 and 7 as well as to the EU Common Position on arms exports. Criterion 2 of the Common Position requires that Member States deny an arms export licence “if there is a clear risk that the military technology or equipment to be exported might be used in the commission of serious violations of international humanitarian law.” Although the wording in the Common Position and the ATT is slightly different, Criterion 2 presents similar challenges to ATT Article 7. Neither should be the starting point of litigation ahead of Article 6.

Such legal action by NGOs should of course be accompanied by a mobilisation of civil society at the political level. The French Government’s refusal to allow the judiciary any right of scrutiny over the regularity and conformity of French arms export procedures is essentially political and in ASER’s view it contravenes the French Constitution. It reveals a vision of the 19th Century in which citizens were not allowed to speak or question decisions of government that appear illegal or immoral.

ASER is determined to convince the judge of the direct effect of the ATT in domestic law and of the illegality of the arms transfers that the government could foresee would be used for atrocities in Yemen. France’s foreign policy affects all citizens living in France, particularly in terms of security and respect for human rights, and that policy must not blatantly violate and be seen to blatantly violate, relevant international law.

ASER’s action sets a precedent in France. So far no other French NGO has launched a legal challenge to the State concerning arms export authorisations.




Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Uganda), Press Release (EN) (FR) | 29 January 2019 | International Court of Justice

The Court to hold public hearings on the question of reparations from Monday 18 to Friday 22 March 2019.




100 ratifications of the Arms Trade Treaty: Celebration and reflection | 7 February 2019 | International Committee of the Red Cross

As Director of International Law and Policy, I have the privilege of regularly representing the ICRC at the United Nations and other diplomatic events. When I do, the topics and speeches are interesting and at times even inspiring. But the most recent event I attended last week really had a different depth of emotion. We celebrated one hundred ratifications of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), welcoming Mozambique as the 100th State Party.

November-December 2018

RDC – Jean-Paul Matuk plaide pour la ratification du traité sur le commerce des armes | 1 November 2018 | Radio Okapi

Interview Jean-Paul Matuk (mp3) | 9 November 2018 | Radio Okapi

Jean-Paul Matuk Munan, directeur exécutif de l’ONG Cri de secours contre la prolifération des armes légères et de petit calibre en Afrique (CRISPAL Afrique), plaide pour la ratification par le Parlement congolais du traité sur le commerce des armes.


RDC – le projet de loi sur le commerce des armes légères apprêté | 14 November 2018 | Radio Okapi

La Commission défense et sécurité de l’Assemblée nationale a adopté mardi 13 nombre le projet de loi autorisant la ratification de la convention de l’Afrique Centrale pour le contrôle des armes légères et de petit calibre. Le texte va à présent être soumis à la plenière pour débat et vote définitif.


Burkina Faso – Les douaniers à l’école pour prévenir et lutter contre du commerce illicite des armes | 21 November 2018 | Radiodiffusion Télévision du Burkina

La Douane burkinabè bénéficie du 21 au 22 novembre 2018 d’un atelier de formation et de sensibilisation sur le traité sur le commerce des armes (TCA) à Ouagadougou. Venus des différentes contrées du pays, ces douaniers se pencheront sur 4 modules relatifs au TAC sous la houlette d’une expertise française.


Senegal – Dr Augustin Tine annonce une loi | 12 December 2018 | Sud Quotidien

Le ministre des Forces armées, Dr Augustin Tine a annoncé hier, mardi 11 décembre, que le Sénégal va bientôt adopter une loi visant l’intégration des dispositions du Traité sur le commerce des armes (Tca) dans son ordre juridique interne.


Burkina Faso – Compte rendu du Conseil des ministres du mercredi 26 décembre 2018 | 27 December 2018 | Le echos du Faso

Au titre de la réforme des institutions et de la modernisation de l’administration, le Conseil à adopté… [p]our le compte du ministère de la Défense nationale et des anciens combattants : un projet de loi portant mise en œuvre du Traité sur le commerce des armes au Burkina Faso. Ce projet de loi permettra à notre pays de respecter ses obligations internationales découlant du Traité sur le commerce des armes, de règlementer la circulation des armes classiques et la prévention des conflits armés. Le Conseil a marqué son accord pour la transmission dudit projet de loi à l’Assemblée nationale.



International Humanitarian Law is key to upholding multilateralism and addressing global challenges | 9 November 2018 | International Committee of the Red Cross | ReliefWeb

ICRC Statement to the United Nations Security Council Open Debateon “Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Strengthening Multilateralism and the Role of the United Nations” delivered by Robert Mardini, Permanent Observer to the UN and Head of Delegation, ICRC New York


FIRST COMMITTEE, 31st meeting – UN General Assembly, 73rd session | 6 November 2018 |


The First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) on November 6 approved eight draft texts, including ones calling for the universalization of the Arms Trade Treaty and the implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions.


  1. The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects | A/C.1/73/L.63
  2. The Arms Trade Treaty | A/C.1/73/L.8/Rev.1
  3. Implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions | A/C.1/73/L.39
  4. Information on confidence‑building measures in the field of conventional arms | A/C.1/73/L.29
  5. Assistance to States for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons and collecting them | A/C.1/73/L.32
  6. Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects | A/C.1/73/L.67
  7. Preventing and combating illicit brokering activities | A/C.1/73/L.55


FIRST COMMITTEE, 31st meeting – UN General Assembly, 73rd session | 8 November 2018 | GA/DIS/3619

Concluding its programme of work, the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) on November 8 approved 27 draft resolutions and decisions, including two separate proposals to create working groups within the disarmament machinery to develop rules for States on responsible behaviour in cyberspace.


  1. Relationship between disarmament and development | A/C.1/73/L.11
  2. Women, disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control | A/C.1/73/L.21
  3. Effects of the use of armaments and ammunitions containing depleted uranium | A/C.1/73/L.12


More on First Committee 31st meeting on UNODA website





Aide-Memoire: Options for reflecting weapons and ammunition management in decisions of the Security Council  | October 2018 | UNIDIR

The Security Council has increasingly addressed weapons and ammunition management in recent decades. The use of arms- and ammunition-related language in UN Security Council (UNSC) resolutions has evolved rapidly and the scope has broadened significantly. Conveniently clustering past Security Council action regarding weapons and ammunition management, and suggesting further options, this Aide-Memoire seeks to assist particularly those Member States serving on the Security Council, in accurately and comprehensively reflecting state-of-the-art practices into relevant drafts of the Council’s decisions.




Algeria displays new Chinese self-propelled mortars | 8 January 2019 | Jane’s Defence Weekly

The Algerian National Army has acquired 120 mm SM4 self-propelled mortars made by the Chinese company Norinco.


Buhari attributes killings in Nigeria to fall of Gaddafi, defends herdsmen | 8 January 2019 | Worldstage

President Muhammadu Buhari has said the fall of Muamar Gadaffi of Libya led to arms proliferation in Nigeria and worsened banditry, insurgency as well as farmers/herders clashes across the country. The president made the statement today in an interview aired on Arise TV while responding to questions on killings going on in Zamfara State.


Gambian police still probing suspicious arms shipment | 13 January 2019 | African Daily Voice

Panic could be subsiding in The Gambia stemming from a suspicious arms shipment impounded at the tiny country’s seaport last week, but police investigations continue, sources told ADV on Sunday.


Police shed light over intercepted guns | 14 January 2019 | The Point

The GACH Security Ltd. situated at Fatou’s Gold Plaza, Bertil Harding Highway, Kanifing, has applied for Gun Importation Licence in accordance with the Arms and Ammunitions Act to enable them import single barrel rifles for hunting and recreational purposes in The Gambia, according to Office of the Inspector General of Police.


Auditor General drawn into Armscor’s R8bn covert-deal battle | 18 January 2019 | Daily Maverick

An international arms trader, in relentless pursuit of alleged unpaid commission going back to the 1980s, now wants the Auditor General of South Africa to release apartheid-era records to boost his civil claim against the state arms procurement agency in Portugal. The Auditor General of South Africa faces a High Court application to produce records relating to Armscor’s controversial acquisition of 50 Puma helicopters from a French armaments company more than 30 years ago.


Police deny ‘Alavanyo gun manufacturing base’ story; demand apology from media | 21 January 2019 |

The Volta Regional Police Command has denied media reports attributed to the Regional Commander, DCOP Francis Ebenezer Doku suggesting Alavanyo has become a base for the manufacturing of assault weapons. According to earlier publications, DCOP Francis Doku who was briefing journalists on the recent shootout between youth in Alavanyo Dzogbedze and security officials, said weapons being used to commit crime in the area were not only imported into the area but also produced there.


Armscor CEO Kevin Wakeford takes special leave after Bosasa link | 21 January 2019 | IOL

The chief executive of Armaments Corporation of South Africa (Armscor), Kevin Wakeford, on Monday took special leave following revelations that implicated him in the Bosasa corruption at the state capture commission of inquiry. Wakeford has allegedly been implicated in the affidavit to the commission by whistleblower and former Bosasa chief executive, Angelo Agrizzi.


Côte d’Ivoire signs for C295 airlifter | 21 January 2019 | Jane’s Defence Weekly

Côte d’Ivoire has signed for a single Airbus Defence and Space C295 tactical transport aircraft, the manufacturer announced on 21 January.


Strong growth forecast for Africa’s arms market | 24 January 2019 | Business Day

High expectations attract principal providers of defence equipment to Ivory Coast trade show. Africa’s arms market is likely to grow by 50% over the next five years, analyst Stephane Konan said at a four-day trade show in Ivory Coast.


A message to Armscor: Come clean about apartheid secrets and help save R8bn | 25 January 2019 | Daily Maverick

A large shipment of 50 ‘Super Puma’ helicopter ‘kits’, sent to South Africa from French arms company Aerospatiale via Portugal, was typical of apartheid-era covert sanctions-busting deals. Now that news has broken that a Portuguese arms trader wants his R8bn commission for the deal, isn’t it about time to free the apartheid archive, open the window into a sordid and criminal past and help dismantle the shadowy networks that facilitate international economic crimes?


President Joao Lourenço: Businesses, Arms Deals and Old Ghosts | 26 January 2019 | Verdade |

When President João Lourenço attended the World Economic Forum (WEF) in the Swiss town of Davos last January, he suggested that the winds of change were blowing in Angola. His message to investors was clear: the economic outlook looks bleak, but Angola’s poor record with corruption, its over-reliance on oil and mismanagement of public funds is over and he is the one to steer the ship around. 


Police Calls for Voluntary Surrender of Illicit Weapons | 27 January 2019 | Press Release Nigeria

Consequent upon intelligence indicating the presence of huge quantity of arms in unlawful possession of some Nigerians, the desperation of some citizens to acquire more arms, and the continued proliferation of illicit weapons in the polity, with the attendant negative and security implications, the Inspector General of Police, Ag IGP Mohammed A. Adamu NPM, mni , has called on all Nigerians currently in unlawful possession of such weapons to immediately ensure a voluntary return of the weapons to Police Station or Public Armoury nearest to them.


How French Weapons Enable Egypt’s Abuses | 28 January 2019 | The Guardian

On January 27, President Emmanuel Macron began his first official visit to Egypt. Relations between the two countries and presidents have never been warmer. Macron has justified France’s support for Egypt, despite the well documented human rights abuses by President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s government, by saying that France considers Egypt a bulwark against terrorism. Macron has gone as far as to say that “Egypt’s security is France’s security.”


Armscor CEO Kevin Wakeford slams Agrizzi’s allegations as ‘malicious’ | 28 January 2019 | IOL

The chief executive of Armaments Corporation of South Africa (Armscor), Kevin Wakeford, on Monday slammed allegations by former Bosasa COO Angelo Agrizzi at the state capture inquiry as “malicious, a gross fabrication and the fabric of lies”.


Inspector-General stops new firearm licences, orders seizure of illegal arms | 29 January 2019 | Punch

The Acting Inspector-General of Police, Mohammed Adamu, has ordered the seizure  of illegal  firearms in  the country. He also suspended the issuance of new firearm licences throughout the country.


Nigerian Army inaugurates vehicle production facility | 31 January 2019 | Jane’s Defence Weekly

The Nigerian Army appears to have set up a production line for its indigenously developed light off-road vehicle. Nigerian Army Vehicles Manufacturing Company (NAVMC) was formally commissioned by Chief of the Army Staff Lieutenant General Tukur Buratai on 26 January.


Ethiopia approves law to tackle illegal arms trade | 6 February 2019 | New Business Ethiopia

Following the increase of illegal arms trade and the security threat it poses on the country, the Minster of Council of Ethiopia on Saturday passes a bill that aims to tackle financing illegal arms trade and mass destructive weapons.


Le Gouvernement et les groupes rebelles ont signé l’accord de paix et de Réconciliation à Bangui | 6 February 2019 | Mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation en République centrafricaine

Vingt-quatre heures après avoir été paraphé à Khartoum, l’accord de paix et de réconciliation en République centrafricaine a été signé par le gouvernement centrafricain et les 14 groupes armés reconnus, mercredi au Palais de la Renaissance, à Bangui. Les représentants de 11 groupes ont signé le texte (trois autres dont le FPRC et l’UPC l’avaient déjà fait) suivis du président centrafricain, Faustin Archange Touadéra.


Sanctions Committee Meets with Government of Central African Republic on Arms Embargo | 7 February 2019 | SC/13694 | United Nations Security Council

On 21 January, the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 2127 (2013) concerning the Central African Republic met, via videoconference in Bangui, with a delegation of the Government of the Central African Republic led by the Minister of Defence.


U.S. Reduces Military Aid to Cameroon Over Human Rights Abuses | 07 February 2019 | The New York Times

As accusations of human rights violations pile up in Cameroon’s two-front battle against secessionists and Islamist extremists, the United States has decided to scale back its military assistance to its longtime ally in Central Africa.


Corruption in Nigeria: The patent fact | 8 February 2019 | The Cable

What is the difference between PDP and APC? Many would say, they are the same, which is not true. Looking at how both parties manage themselves and how they handle the business of governments when they win elections, here are some findings.


Interview with Dr . Emmanuel Okereke, Director – General of the National Task Force to Combat Illegal Importation of Small Arms, Ammunition and Light Weapons and President of Importers Association of Nigeria | 10 February 2019 | Corruptionfighter

Are you not worried about the number of illegal arms and dangerous weapons in circulation? We are worried about this. There are indeed so many illegal arms in Nigeria . Some arms were imported by politicians including some governors. They have also procured vehicles with different security apparatus which they plan to use to intimidate people during the elections.


African drive | 18 February 2019 | IDEX 2019 | Jane’s 360

South Africa’s Paramount Group (Stand 12-C15) is launching a brand-new variant of its Mbombe 4 (4×4) mine-resistant armoured vehicle here at IDEX.

November-December 2018

Fabrication Militaire. Livraison de (855) véhicules polyvalents et tout-terrain | 29 October 2018 | Ministère de la Défence Nationale – Algérie

 Il a été procédé aujourd’hui lundi 29 Octobre 2018, à la livraison de (855) véhicules polyvalents et tout-terrain de différents types (transport de personnels, transport d’écoliers, ambulances médicalisées et sanitaires) de marque Mercedes-Benz Classe G (4×4) et Sprinter, fabriqués par la société pionnière dans le domaine, la «SPA SAFAV» Société Algérienne de Fabrication des Véhicules à Bouchakif/Tiaret/2e RM, et ce, au profit de la Direction Centrale du Matériel relevant du Ministère la Défense Nationale, ainsi qu’au profit du Ministère de l’Intérieur, des Collectivités Locales et de l’Aménagement du Territoire, de la Direction Générale de la Sureté Nationale, de la SONATRACH et à des instances publics et privés.

Equatorial Guinea receives two passenger-configured Mi-17 helos | 7 November 2018 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

Equatorial Guinea has received two new Mil Mi-17 ‘Hip’ transport helicopters from Russia, one of which has been delivered in a VIP configuration with the other being in a standard passenger configuration.


General Kinfe Dagnew, General Tekleberhan Woldearegay Arrested | 13 November 2018 |

 Former Director General of state-owned Metals and Engineering Corporation (METEC), Major General Kinfe Dagnew, was arrested, according to FBC report. According to the report, citing Ethiopian Attorney General Berhanu Tsegaye, General Kinfe Dagnew was arrested as he was trying to flee to Sudan via Humera in Tigray regional state.


Ethiopia jails 36 for crimes against humanity, 27 for robbing nation | 13 November 2018 | New Business Ethiopia

The attorney general has also stated that additional 27 former army officers, their business associates and brokers allegedly involved in illicit financial out of the country by abusing their duties and responsibilities and corruptly running a military enterprise know as Metal Engineering Technology Corporation (METEC).


Was MetEC involved in illegal arms trade? | 14 November 2018 | Ethiopia Observer

Ethiopia’s Metal & Engineering Corporation (MetEC) has been the subject of an investigation into allegation of corrupt conduct and embezzlement of public funds. Another report alludes it might also have been engaged in an illicit arms trade, in a blatant breach of international law.


What is Ethiopia’s METEC? | 14 November 2018 | Reuters

METEC is Ethiopia’s largest company — a sprawling military-run industrial conglomerate that has for years wielded significant influence in the economy and drawn suspicion from some that it is a vehicle for patronage by governing elites.


Ethiopia arrests former deputy spy chief Yared Zerihun  | 15 November 2018 | BBC

So far this week, 27 people have been detained over alleged crimes committed at the Metals and Engineering Corporation (Metec), Ethiopia’s military-run conglomerate – including its former head, who was arrested as he tried to flee the country.


The fight for Doraleh: the legal battle over Djibouti’s port | 15 November 2018 |

A convoluted legal battle is taking place over the Port of Doraleh in Djibouti. The country has illegally seized control of the port from operator DP World and reneged on its contract. And now a special report on the arms trade in the Horn of Africa has warned that the port could potentially be used as an illegal weapons hub. Elliot Gardner untangles the story behind the fight for control over the disputed port.


Uganda accused of fanning South Sudan violence by supplying arms | 2 December 2018 | The East African

Uganda defied a European Union arms embargo and purchased arms and ammunition from at least three EU members — Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia — that were then transferred to South Sudan’s military and armed allies in Sudan before the United Nations Security Council imposed an arms embargo on Juba in July this year.


Arms manufacturer Denel ‘is solvent and not for sale’  | 5 December 2018 | Business Day

A sale of state-owned arms manufacturer Denel to Saudi Arabia is no longer on and the company, which recorded a loss of nearly R2bn in the past financial year, is strong enough to stand on its own, chair Monhla Hlahla said.


Armes légères et de petit calibre : lancement d’un projet d’appui à la mise en œuvre de la Convention de Kinshasa  | 7 December 2018 | Bureau régional des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique centrale

Un projet conjoint d’appui à la mise en œuvre de la Convention de l’Afrique centrale pour le contrôle des armes légères et de petit calibre [ALPC], de leurs munitions et de toutes pièces et composantes pouvant servir à leur fabrication, réparation et assemblage, dite Convention de Kinshasa, a été lancé vendredi 7 décembre à N’Djamena, capitale du Tchad.


Mali : Comités de pilotage du projet CEDEAO/UE sur les armes légères – le bilan | 7 December 2018 |

En dépit des avancées importantes obtenues dans la mise en œuvre du projet, en complémentarité avec d’autres initiatives mises en œuvre par le PNUD dans la région, les défis restent énormes, a estimé le secrétaire général du ministère de la Sécurité et de la Protection civile, Aser Kamaté.


Lutte contre la prolifération des armes légères : Le renforcement du dispositif pénal et du contrôle au menu  | 10 December 2018 |

Dans le cadre de la lutte contre la fabrication et le trafic illicites des armes à feu, un atelier de formation pratique spécialisé sur les investigations et poursuites pénales des a regroupé plusieurs acteurs du secteur. C’est le 3 décembre dernier, à l’Hôtel Azalai Salam de Bamako.


France donates 1,400 AK-47s and 3 amphibious vehicles to Central African Republic  | 12 December 2018 | Army Recognition

Paris donne des armes à Bangui, favorable à une levée de l’embargo  | 11 December 2018 | Reuters

On 11 December, French Defense Minister Florence Parly oversaw the handover at a ceremony at M’Polo military base in the capital Bangui. France donated over 1,400 AK-47 assault rifles and three amphibious vehicles (no model specified) to the Central African Republic. The 1,400 AKs are a gift: they were seized aboard a dhow off Somalia in 2016 that was intercepted for breaching an arms embargo with Yemen.


Treasury Sanctions Three Individuals for Their Roles in the Conflict in South Sudan  | 14 December 2018 | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) imposed sanctions on three individuals pursuant to Executive Order (E.O) 13664:  Israel Ziv and Obac William Olawo, for being leaders of entities whose actions have the purpose or effect of expanding or extending the conflict in South Sudan, and Gregory Vasili, for actions that have undermined peace, stability, and security in South Sudan.  Additionally, OFAC designated six entities for being owned or controlled by two of the aforementioned individuals.  The behavior of each designated person stands in direct opposition to significant U.S. efforts to help those affected by the conflict in South Sudan and establish a lasting peaceful resolution to the current conflict.


Rwanda: Chinese CS/SH1 122mm howitzer in service with Rwandan army  | 16 December 2018 | Army Recognition

Chinese-made CS/SH1 122mm 6×6 self-propelled howitzer is now in service with the Rwandan armed forces. December 11, 2018, a picture was released on the Flickr account of Rwanda President Paul Kagame press services showing the CS/SH1 122mm howitzer used by the Rwandan armed forces during a live firing military exercise held at the Gabiro Combat Training Centre in northeast Rwanda.


South Sudan, Israeli ex-general deny arms deals, reject US sanctions  | 18 December 2018 | The Times of Israel

The government of South Sudan has denied purchasing weapons from retired IDF Maj. Gen. Israel Ziv, saying the US decision to impose sanctions against him and two others was based on false information.


Arsenal de guerre saisi par l’armée. Des missiles à Bordj Badji Mokhtar  | 19 December 2018 | L’Expression

L’Armée nationale populaire mène une guerre sans merci contre les trafiquants d’armes. Un phénomène qui a pris de l’ampleur depuis 2011, soit depuis la guerre survenue en Libye.


Anger in Libya after Seizure of Arms Sent from Turkey  | 20 December 2018 | Asharq al-Awsat

There was widespread anger in Libya this week after al-Khoms port authorities east of the capital Tripoli seized a container laden with weapons and ammunition coming from Turkey. The authorities in the port said this was the second such seizure in al-Khoms this year. They said the cargo included 3,000 handguns, 400 hunting rifles in addition to 2.3 million bullets.


Ankara inonde le pays en armes : la Turquie veut-elle l’éclatement de la Libye ?  | 21 December 2018 | Algérie patriotique

Le maréchal Khalifa Haftar, commandant de l’Armée nationale libyenne (ANL), a appelé l’ONU à diligenter une «enquête immédiate» pour faire la lumière sur le trafic d’armes entre la Turquie et la Libye. Cette demande intervient au lendemain de l’annonce par les services des douanes à Tripoli de la saisie de deux conteneurs d’armes dans le port d’Al-Khoms. Ces armes se trouvaient à bord de deux containers. «Ces deux containers originaires de Turquie contenaient des milliers de pistolets, des fusils et plus de 4,2 millions de balles, soit assez pour tuer environ 80% de la population libyenne», a alerté Khalifa Haftar.


Fabrication Militaire. Livraison de (356) camions multifonctions de marque Mercedes-Benz | 23 December 2018 | Ministère de la Défence Nationale – Algérie

Il a été procédé, ce dimanche 23 décembre 2018 à Rouiba/1eRM, à la livraison, sous l’égide de la Direction des Fabrications Militaires, de (356) camions multifonctions de marque Mercedes-Benz, dont (215) camions au profit de la Direction Centrale du Matériel au Ministère de la Défense Nationale, destinés au transport des troupes, dépannage léger, citernes d’eau, et des camions poste de commandement, ainsi que (141) véhicules pour la Direction Générale de la Sûreté Nationale et des entreprises économiques civiles publiques et privées, fabriqués par la Société Algérienne de Production de Poids Lourds de marque Mercedes-Benz à Rouiba/1eRM, issue d’un partenariat Algéro-Emirati-allemand.


Qatar has delivered 24 Storm 4×4 APC armored vehicles to Mali | 28 December 2018 | Army Recognition

The Qatari armed forces have supplied Mali with 24 4×4 Storm light 4×4 APC Armored Personnel Carrier vehicles to fight terrorism and establish security not only in the Republic of Mali but also in the African Sahel countries known as the G5.


Fabrication Militaire. Livraison de (645) véhicules multifonctions et tout-terrain | 30 December 2018 | Ministère de la Défence Nationale – Algérie

Il a été procédé aujourd’hui, dimanche 30 décembre 2018, à la livraison de (645) véhicules multifonctions et tout-terrain, dans différentes versions (transport de troupes, véhicules pour patrouille ,d’intervention, fourgons tôlés, transport d’écoliers et ambulances médicalisées et sanitaires) de marque “Mercedes-Benz” Classe G et Sprinter, fabriqués par la Société Algérienne de Fabrication des Véhicules à Bouchakif/Tiaret/2e RM, et ce, au profit de la Direction Centrale du Matériel relevant du Ministère la Défense Nationale, le Ministère de l’Intérieur et des Collectivités Locales et de l’Aménagement du Territoire, la Direction Générale de la Sûreté Nationale, la Direction Générale de la Protection Civile et d’autres structures nationales privées.


Egypt’s burgeoning domestic arms industry  | 31 December 2018 | Ahram online

Upgrading its armaments systems is a priority for the Armed Forces. The acquisition of arms has been ongoing and 2018 was no exception. What made last year different, however, was the growth in domestically produced, rather than imported, military acquisitions.




Making Visible the Weapons of Empire | 4 January 2019 | North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA)

How early research on the shadowy machinations of U.S. security aid and arms sales shaped NACLA’s solidarity with Latin America—a web-only feature for our 50th anniversary issue.


CEO of New Hampshire Gun Maker Facing Five Years in German Prison for Alleged Arms Deal | 9 January 2019 | New Hampshire Public Radio

High ranking members of the Colombian National Police found themselves in Exeter, N.H., in the spring of 2009. They were there to visit arms maker Sig Sauer, which had just secured a contract worth up to $306 million to provide Colombian law enforcement with nearly 100,000 pistols.  A decade later, that arms deal is at the center of a court case in Germany, where Sig Sauer’s New Hampshire-based CEO faces charges that he conspired to mislead German officials about the nature of the sale.


Contrebande d’armes en Haïti: Vladimir Paraison débarque à Miami (pdf) | 30 January 2019 | Haïti Observateur

La saga de l’affaire des armes de Saint-Marc, dans laquelle est mis en cause l’ex-coordonnateur de l’Unité centrale de sécurité du Palais national d’Haïti (UCSPN) Vladimir Paraison, inculpé dans le dossier de l’importation illégale d’armes et de munitions d’Orlando, Floride, à Saint- Marc, Haïti, avec une série d’autres personnes, y compris l’ancien directeur général de la Police nationale d’Haïti Godson Aurélus, prend un nouveau tournant.


Arms trafficking case in U.S. court spotlights Haiti’s illegal weapons problem  | 1 February 2019 | Miami Herald

A week after an Orlando gun shop owner was informed that that his request to export semi-automatic weapons, ammunition and ballistic armor to Haiti had been denied by U.S.. government officials, the federally licensed arms dealer fired off an email to a Pompano Beach ballistic armor company and requested personal protection gear on behalf of Haitian police.


Gun shop owner found guilty of trafficking semi-automatic guns, ammunition to Haiti  | 1 February 2019 | Miami Herald

A former U.S. Marine sergeant and Orlando gun shop owner was found guilty by a Fort Lauderdale federal jury Friday of conspiring with a Haiti senator and others to illegally export 166 semi-automatic guns and 30,000 rounds of ammunition to Haiti.


How US Guns Push Central Americans to Flee | 6 February 2019 | Stop US Arms to Mexico

U.S.-sourced guns brutalize and force migrants to flee all along the route between Central America and the United States. In Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, U.S.-sourced guns in the hands of both gangs and state forces are making life untenable in neighborhoods, and communities, forcing families to flee. Upon reaching Mexico, police armed with weapons imported from the United States, urged by Washington to stop the flow of refugees, have detained and deported hundreds of thousands of such migrants.


Venezuela says plane from Miami delivered weapons for use by enemies of Maduro | 7 February 2019 | McClatchy

Venezuelan authorities say a U.S.-owned air freight company delivered a crate of assault weapons earlier this week to the international airport in Valencia to be used in “terrorist actions” against the embattled government of Nicolás Maduro.


US lawmaker questions arms sales to Saudi-UAE coalition in Yemen | 7 February 2019 | Al Jazeera

A key US congressman has asked whether Congress should consider adding restrictions on weapons sales to the Saudi-UAE coalition in Yemen after a recent investigation said that US-made weapons had been transferred to al-Qaeda-linked groups in the country. Eliot Engel, the chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee, said on Wednesday that he was troubled by reports over illicit weapons transfers to armed groups.


Air charter firm, client both deny role in alleged shipment of arms to Venezuela | 8 February 2019 | McClatchy

An air cargo shipper and its client on Friday both denied knowledge of the small shipment of weapons that Venezuelan authorities said arrived in the city of Valencia earlier this week on a flight from Miami International Airport. A Boeing 767 operated by 21 Air, which maintains an operating facility at MIA, delivered cargo earlier this week that included 19 assault rifles, telescopic sights, radio antenna and other materiel to the international airport in Valencia, according to a Bolivarian National Guard general, Endes Palencia.


US lawmakers vote to end US support for war in Yemen | 14 February 2019 | The Guardian

US Congress House Joint Resolution 37 | 14 February 2019 | US House of Representatives

Asserting congressional authority over war-making powers, the US House of Representatives approved a resolution Wednesday that would force the Trump administration to withdraw US troops from involvement in Yemen, in a rebuke of Donald Trump’s alliance with the Saudi-led coalition behind the military intervention. Lawmakers in both parties are increasingly uneasy over the humanitarian crisis in Yemen and are skeptical of the US partnership with that coalition, especially in light of Saudi Arabia’s role in the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, a critic of the royal family.


November-December 2018

Why The Arms Trade Treaty Is No Answer for the Saudi Problem | 31 October 2018 | Ted Bromund  | Forbes

As part of the reaction to the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, and as part of the wider left-wing preference for siding with Iran instead of Saudi Arabia, progressives who were already thoroughly in favor of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) are arguing that Western governments should ratify it, or uphold it, in order to cut off arms sales to the Saudis. This is a terrible argument.


Contrebande d’armes en Haïti: Les autorités haïtiennes impliquées à fond (pdf) | 31 October 2018 | Haïti Observateur

Si Godson Orélus, l’ex-chef de la Police nationale d’Haïti incarcéré à la prison de Saint-Marc, sous l’accusation d’implication présumée dans la contrebande d’armes et d’association de malfaiteurs, suite à une décision du juge instructeur Dieunel Lumérant, ne connaît pas les tournants et aboutissants de cette vaste conspiration dans laquelle les autorités du pays jouent un rôle central, il va sans dire qu’il aura la surprise de sa vie. Car on aura fait de lui “le dindon de la farce”.


Trudeau won’t stop $12bn of arms sales to Saudi after Khashoggi’s death because money always wins over murder  | 1 November 2018 | Robert Fisk | The Independent

Almost 5,000 miles from the city in which his corpse was secretly buried – in one piece or in bits – by his Saudi killers, Jamal Khashoggi’s murder now rattles the scruples and the purse-strings of yet another country. For Canada, land of the free and liberal conscience – especially under Justin Trudeau – is suddenly confronted by the fruits of the bright young prime minister’s Conservative predecessors and a simple question of conscience for cash: should Trudeau tear up a 2014 military deal with Saudi Arabia worth $12bn?

Ottawa taking longer to approve weapons export permits following controversial arms deal with Saudi Arabia | 6 November 2018 | National Post

The increased delays appear to have begun after news reports in 2016 that suggested Canadian-made LAVs were used by a Saudi-led coalition against Houthi rebels in Yemen.


Contrebande d’armes en Haïti: Les témoins identifiés… L’horloge tourne… (pdf) | 7 November 2018 | Haïti Observateur

Michel Martelly, Laurent Lamothe et consorts dans les lunettes de la justice américaine | 7 November 2018 | Haïti Observateur

Michel Martelly et Laurent Lamothe et leurs alliés du PHTK, qui croyaient avoir eu la partie belle pour importer des armes illégalement, à des fins non encore connues, sont en passe d’apprendre que leurs activités étaient suivies de près par les autorités américaines.


The University’s Complicity in the War in Yemen  | 10 November 2018 | The Chicago Maroon

The Saudi government’s murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi has led to increased condemnation of the regime’s human rights abuses, including its devastating war in Yemen. With the war finally making headlines after three years, it is worth scrutinizing the involvement of James Crown, one of the most influential trustees of the University of Chicago.


Enquête-Trafic d’armes : la maison du juge Lumérant trouée de balles | 30 November 2018 |

La résidence du juge d’instruction Dieunel Lumérant a été attaquée par des individus lourdement armés dans la nuit du 29 au 30 novembre 2018. Le magistrat Lumérant mène l’enquête sur la cargaison d’armes à feu saisie dans le parking de la douane de Saint-Marc en 2016.


Trafic d’armes : Youri Latortue rend visite au juge Lumérant | 3 December 2018 |

Le sénateur de l’Artibonite Youri Latortue a rendu, ce lundi 3 décembre 2018, une visite de courtoisie au juge Dieunel Lumérant en son cabinet au tribunal de première instance  de Saint-Marc. Selon le président de la Commission Ethique et Anticorruption du Sénat de la République, cette visite est l’expression d’un support moral au magistrat instructeur dont la maison a été trouée de balles dans la nuit du 29 au 30 novembre dernier.


Contrebande d’armes en Haïti: L’ordonnance du juge instructeur rendue… Plusieurs personnes inculpées (pdf) | 5 December 2018 | Haïti Observateur

L’affaire de contrebande d’armes et de munitions de Miami, Florida, vers le port de Saint-Marc, Haïti, en septembre 2016, avance. Sous fortes pressions de la justice américaine voulant identi- fier les vrais responsables de ce réseau de contrebandiers le juge instructeur a rendu sa décision. Me Leumrant, le juge instructeur de Saint-Marc, a rendu son ordonnance définitive. Plusieurs responsables de la Police nationale, dont l’ex-directeur général, Godson Orélus, se trouve en prison, depuis bientôt deux mois. La majorité des inculpés sont présentement recherchés par la police et considérés, désormais, comme des fugitifs.


The hypocrisy of the $15 billion Canada-Saudi arms deal  | 5 December 2018 |

The $15 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia and General Dynamics Land Systems – a London, Ontario, based arm of the U.S. defense and aerospace contractor – has been an elephant in the room as the human rights stand-off between Canada and Saudi Arabia continues. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government has voiced its support for the arms deal which was signed in 2014 under former Prime Minister Stephen Harper.


US loses to Russia in case of 2 arms trafficking suspects  | 7 December 2018 | AP News

Lyubishin Extradition  | 27 November 2018 | Department of State

The Russian father and son were in a Hungarian jail, charged in an elaborate plot to ship weapons to Mexican drug cartels and cocaine to the U.S. They found an American lawyer anticipating an inevitable extradition and trial in New York. But then the case took an unexpected turn.


Extienden veda de importación de armas de fuego en Panamá  | 8 December 2018 |

El Resuelto N° 118/DIASP/UASL/18 mediante el cual, se extiende por nueve meses la veda de importación de armas de fuego, fue promulgada en Gaceta Oficial.


Contrebande d’armes en Haïti: Vladimir Paraison s’est réfugié en Équateur (pdf) | 12 December 2018 | Haïti Observateur

L’ex coordonnateur de l’Unité centrale de sécurité du Palais national d’Haïti (UCSPN) s’est dérobé au mandat d’amener qui a été décerné contre lui par le juge d’instruction de Saint Marc, dans le cadre de l’affaire de la contrebande d’armes et de munition en provenance de Miami, Floride.


Haiti police outgunned by armed gangs, illegal guns as U.N. debates its future presence | 12 December 2018 | Miami Herald

As Haiti’s national police struggled to regain control of Port-au-Prince last month after days of government paralysis following a violent anti-government protest, guards at a security checkpoint noticed a suspicious-looking White Nissan Patrol.


How the global trade in tear gas is booming  | 16 December 2018 | BBC News

On the surface, Noor Noor and Terry Burns don’t have much in common. The former is a 28-year-old student at Cambridge, getting a degree in environmental conservation that he plans to use back home in Cairo, Egypt. The latter sells lawn ornaments and homegrown vegetables out of her house in the rolling farmlands of Jamestown, Pennsylvania, population 617. They’ve never met. But Noor and Burns are linked by the global trade in nonlethal weapons, a growing industry that burst into the headlines when asylum-seekers were tear gassed as they tried to cross the US-Mexico border.


Imputan cargos contra exdirector del Ministerio de Seguridad Pública | 18 December 2018 | TVN Panama

La Fiscalía contra el Crimen Organizado imputó cargos por el delito de tráfico de armas y falsedad ideológica a Ovidio Fuentes, exdirector de la Dirección Institucional de Asuntos de Seguridad Pública (Diasp) del Ministerio de Seguridad.


Who Shipped $61 Million Worth of Weapons From New Hampshire to Saudi Arabia?  | 19 December 2018 | New Hampshire Public Radio

It’s an eye-catching statistic in an otherwise routine data dump. Through the first ten months of 2018, sales of New Hampshire-made weapons to Saudi Arabia soared. According to export data released by the U.S. Census Bureau and first reported by the New Hampshire Business Review, more than $61 million worth of firearms and accessories have been shipped by a New Hampshire company to Saudi Arabia this year, compared to less than $200,000 in 2017.


US approves $3.5bn missile sale to Turkey  | 19 December 2018 | Middle East Eye

The United States said on Wednesday it has approved the sale of $3.5bn in missiles to Turkey, in an overture to Ankara following US outrage over the NATO ally’s plans to buy weapons from Russia.


Saudis fall $1.8B behind in arms deal with Canada | 20 December 2018 | The Observer

Saudi Arabia has fallen behind in making payments on its $15-billion arms deal with Canada, a contract that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said he’s looking for ways to halt. The Saudi government was short $1.8 billion in payments to the end of September for light-armoured vehicles assembled at General Dynamics Land Systems Canada (GDLS) in London, according to financial statements from the Canadian Commercial Corp., the federal Crown corporation overseeing the controversial contract.


Paramilitary Groups Bring Instability to Nicaragua and Central America  | 21 December 2018 | Dialogo

Most weapons the covert groups use are made in Russia and Venezuela, and were part of the Nicaraguan Army and Police arsenal. Nicaragua’s atmosphere has been tense since April 2018. What started as a protest against social security reforms led to a conflict that has continued for months, with a death toll of 264, according to a July 2018 report from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. Repression against protesters is constant, and involves the police force of Daniel Ortega’s government and paramilitary groups, known in the Central American country as Sandinista mobs.


Military-industrial complex finds a growth market in hypersonic weaponry | 21 December 2018 | Washington Post

At a recent gathering at the Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, two of the Pentagon’s highest-ranking weapons-buyers sent a clear message to a packed room of defense executives. America is racing Russia and China to develop a worldwide hypersonic strike weapon that can reach anywhere in the world within hours, they said, and it’s time for American defense contractors to move from science and research to full-scale production of those systems.


Condenan a siete por corrupción en Industria Militar  | 27 December 2018 | Publi News (Guatemala)

Caso Industria Militar: aceptan culpa y reciben penas menores  | 28 December 2018 | El Periodico (Guatemala)

El Juzgado Séptimo de Primera Instancia Penal condenó a siete implicados en el Caso Negocios de la Industria Militar que aceptaron haber pagado comisiones ilegales para beneficiarse con adjudicaciones en esa entidad.





First T-90S MBTs arrive in Vietnam | 2 January 2019 | Jane’s Defence Weekly

The first Russian-made T-90S main battle tanks (MBTs) ordered by Vietnam in 2016 have arrived in the Southeast Asian country, and are expected to be delivered to the army in the next few days, a Vietnamese military source told Jane’s on 2 January.


KAI’s bid to export Surion chopper to Philippines apparently fails | 5 January 2019 | The Korea Herald

Korea Aerospace Industries, South Korea’s sole aircraft manufacturer, has apparently failed in its bid to export its Surion choppers to the Philippines, an official at Seoul’s arms procurement agency said Saturday.


India launches defence industry corridor | 20 January 2019 | Jane’s Defence Industry

Indian Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has inaugurated a defence industrial corridor in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, one of two such zones planned by the government to support the development of regional defence companies.


Steyr to develop maintenance centres in Oman | 23 January 2019 | Jane’s Defence Industry

Austrian small arms manufacturer Steyr is to develop two maintenance centres in the Sultanate of Oman, the head of the Oman Partnership for Development (OAPFD) offset agency has disclosed.


Saudi Arabia may be producing rocket motors | 25 January 2019 | Jane’s Defence Weekly

Satellite imagery suggests Saudi Arabia has built a solid-propellant rocket motor production facility next to its Al-Watah missile base, the Washington Post cited experts as saying on 24 January.


Indonesia, Belarus to strengthen defence trade ties | 29 January 2019 | Jane’s Defence Weekly

The Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has said it is preparing a defence co-operation agreement with Belarus that will facilitate joint research, development, and manufacturing activities.


A Murky Arms Deal Haunts Modi | 30 January 2019 | The New York Times

India’s prime minister faces charges of bypassing procedures, causing loss in public funds, compromising national security and using the arms deal to offer a lucrative contract to an ally. Corruption in India is pervasive, omnipresent and multifarious, especially in the nexus between politics and business. As India heads toward its general election, expected to be held in April and May, Prime Minister Narendra Modi finds himself embroiled in controversy around one of the country’s largest arms purchase contracts: a murky 7.8 billion euro weapons deal to purchase 36 Rafale fighter planes from France.


New law regulating arms brokering set to prevent weapons getting into ‘wrong hands’ | 1 February 2019 | Stuff

A new law regulating the brokering of arms is set to prevent weapons from ending up in the wrong hands or illicit brokers moving their activities to New Zealand.


Nod to 73,000 US assault rifles for Army | 3 February 2019 | The Tribune (India)

Indian MoD approves procurement of 72,400 SIG Sauer rifles for Indian Army | 4 February 2019 | Jane’s Defence Weekly

India’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) will acquire 72,400 assault rifles for the Indian Army (IA) from small arms manufacturer SIG Sauer for an estimated USD72 million.


Security Council Press Statement on Yemen | 4 February 2019 | SC/13690 | United Nations Security Council

The members of the Security Council reiterated their endorsement of the agreements reached by the Government of Yemen and the Houthis in December 2018 on the city and governorate of Hodeidah and the ports of Hodeidah, Salif and Ras Issa; an executive mechanism on the prisoner exchange agreement; and a statement of understanding on Taiz, as set out in the Stockholm Agreement, circulated as S/2018/1134.  They stressed the critical importance of the parties fulfilling the commitments they made in Sweden, for the sake of the Yemeni people.


Yemen: UAE recklessly supplying militias with windfall of Western arms | 6 February 2019 | Amnesty International

An open source investigation published by Amnesty International today highlights a growing danger in Yemen’s conflict as the United Arab Emirates (UAE) recklessly arms militias with a range of advanced weaponry.


Saudi Arabia and Qatar Tensions Drive Defence Export Growth, Reveals Report from Jane’s by IHS Markit | 6 February 2019 | Business Wire

The wholesale re-armament of Qatar in the midst of growing regional tensions caused a dramatic shift in the global defence trade market, according to the 2018 Global Defence Trade Report, released today by Jane’s by IHS Markit, the global business information provider (Nasdaq: INFO). The annual report highlights a 3.8 percent compound annual growth rate in total exports since 2009 across 2018.


From Iraq to Yemen: the grubby business of counting the war dead | 6 February 2019 | The Guardian

A Labour MP’s grotesque take on Yemen war casualties serves only to show the sordid and politicised nature of body counts. Counting the bodies in conflicts is a necessary, confusing and too often sordid business. Body counts are necessary for obvious reasons. Numbers supply a moral reference point. They tell us about the scale of a conflict as well as if civilians were targeted and how. They provide evidence for different kinds of human rights advocacy in an international setting, and assist in setting policy for emergency assistance. Where counting the bodies becomes sordid, however, is when the process becomes political and weaponised for a purpose; that is, when it is in hock to competing agendas.


Indonesia, Russia look to deepen defence ties | 7 February 2019 | Jane’s Defence Industry

Indonesia and Russia have vowed to strengthen defence ties to support procurement and military-technical co-operation, according to official statements by the two governments on 7 February.


Buying Spree | 8 February 2019 | India Today

A UAE-based small arms maker has emerged as the finalist in another fast-track procurement, for 94,000 carbines (a compact rifle firing smaller bullets).


Sindh police plan to procure over 6,000 9mm pistols for city security | 11 February 2019 | Dawn

The Sindh police plan to acquire a consignment of over 6,000 9mm pistols for Karachi amid growing security challenges which warrant use of effective and easy-to-handle arms in urban policing against organised criminal and militant gangs, it emerged on Sunday.


Russia, Thailand pledge to deepen military-technical collaboration | 11 February 2019 | Jane’s Defence Weekly

Russia and Thailand have agreed to strengthen military-technical collaboration paving the way for expanded defence trade and industrial engagement. The agreement was announced following talks in Moscow on 8 February between Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his visiting Thai counterpart Don Pramudwinai.


Saudi-led coalition denies unauthorised weapons transfers to Yemeni forces | 11 February 2019 | Jane’s Defence Weekly

The Saudi-led coalition has denied a media report that it has transferred US-made military equipment to Yemeni allies without authorisation.

November-December 2018

Funding Famine: The Price Of Australia’s Ambitions For A Top Spot In Global Arms Trade | 2 November 2018 |

Three major news stories of recent weeks highlight the folly and shortsightedness of the federal government’s plan, announced earlier this year, for Australia to become a top 10 global arms dealer. The revelation that the attorney general blacked out findings that the Australian taxpayer was overcharged hundreds of millions of dollars for its fleet of armored vehicles, the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, and subsequent refusal or equivocation by arms exporting states over freezing sales to Saudi Arabia, and the UN assessment that the famine resulting from the ongoing war in Yemen (the end use destination of many of these arms) is on track to become the worst in living memory, all contain dire warnings for our government.


Yemeni rebels unveil new missile | 2 November 2018 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

The Yemeni rebel group Ansar Allah (Houthis) unveiled a guided version of its Badr-1 artillery rocket on 28 October, potentially giving it a weapon system that can carry out precision strikes on Saudi Arabia.


More missiles for Thailand | 6 November 2018 | IndoDefence 2018 | Jane’s 360

Diehl Defence has consolidated its successful co-operation with the Royal Thai Air Force with another contract for the supply of IRIS-T (InfraRed Imaging System – Tail/Thrust Vector Controlled) short-range air-to-air missiles.


Fighter talk | 7 November 2018 | IndoDefence 2018 | Jane’s 360

The touchdown of Indonesia’s first two of 11 Sukhoi Su-35S ‘Flanker-Es’, or ‘Super Flankers’, on Indonesian soil in August next year will mark the latest stage in the 20-year plan to 2024, designed to develop and improve the strength of the Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Udara (TNI AU), the air force branch of the Indonesian National Armed Forces. Together with the recent delivery of 24 Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcons, the still on-track joint development with South Korea of the KF-X/IF-X, and other types on the present inventory, the Russian super-manoeuvrable aircraft will form part of eight squadrons of 16 fighter jets each, as quoted by Air Force Chief of Staff, air chief marshal Yuyu Sutisna, published in Antara News.


Vietnam outlines expanding export ambitions  | 7 November 2018 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

Vietnam’s defence industry has unveiled a range of products at the Indo Defence 2018 exhibition in Jakarta as part of a government target to expand international military sales and collaboration, Major General Doan Hung Minh, the vice-chairman of the Vietnam Ministry of Defence’s (MoD’s) General Department for the Defence Industry has told Jane’s .


Australian artillery sale linked to Middle East armies | 8 November 2018 | The Australian

Defence has quietly off-loaded disused Australian-made artillery on the global arms market, selling 92 cannons to a global weapons manufacturer that reportedly spruiked them as being of interest to Middle Eastern or Latin American armies. The highly mobile Hamel light field artillery guns, which can fire a 105mm high-explosive shell nearly 20km, had been built in Victoria in the 1990s under ­licence from the gun’s manufacturer BAE Systems for use by the Australian Army.


Saudi Arabia Lays the Foundation for a Defense Industry of Its Own  | 9 November 2018 | Stratfor

Saudi Arabia has sought to lower its dependence on arms imports by building up its own defense industry, a process still in its infancy. Saudi Arabia has also considered diversifying the sources of its arms and has looked to suppliers in countries such as Russia and China.


PT Pindad pursues medium tank exports | 9 November 2018 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

Indonesian land systems specialist PT Pindad is pursuing export opportunities with its newly developed Kaplan MT Modern Medium Weight Tank (MMWT), the company has confirmed to Jane’s .


Combat-proven | 9 November 2018 | IndoDefence 2018 | Jane’s 360

In addition to promoting its artillery systems, such as the CAESAR 155mm/52 calibre system in service with the Indonesian Army, Nexter is promoting its combat-proven VBCI (8×8) in the region.


From Russia with trucks  | 9 November 2018 | IndoDefence 2018 | Jane’s 360

Local Indonesian company Rajawali Lintas Kreasi is showing two of the more recent Russian military trucks it is marketing in Indonesia. These are the GAZ Sadko Next (4×4) and the Ural 432007-31 (6×6).


On the export trail | 9 November 2018 | IndoDefence 2018 | Jane’s 360

The K9 Thunder 155mm/52 calibre self-propelled (SP) artillery system of South Korea’s Hanwha Land Systems  will continue in production until at least 2021 and the company is now seeking additional export contracts to keep the production line running after this date.


Indian Army inducts two howitzer types | 12 November 2018 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

The Indian Army (IA) has formally inducted the BAE Systems 155 mm/39-calibre towed lightweight howitzer as well as the K-9 Vajra (Thunderbolt), which is a modified version of the Hanwha Techwin K-9 Thunder 155 mm/52-calibre tracked self-propelled howitzer (SPH).


Oman reportedly testing K2 tank | 13 November 2018 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

Oman has been revealed as the potential customer for the desert-optimised K2 main battle tank that Hyundai Rotem displayed during the DX Korea exhibition held in Seoul in September.


Norway ends defence exports to Saudi Arabia | 13 November 2018 | IHS Jane’s Defence Industry

Norway has become the latest nation to enforce restrictions on sales of defence-related technology to Saudi Arabia in response to the current controversies surrounding the Middle Eastern country, including its involvement in the conflict with neighbouring Yemen.


AK-47 smuggling racket in Bihar’s Munger getting bigger than police had anticipated | 10 December 2018 | Hindustan Times

Two army jawans, storekeeper of the Central Ordinance Depot (COD), Jabalpur, a retired armourer, a Bihar police constable, two Bihar government school teachers and at least a dozen arms smugglers and middlemen are among the 35 people who have been arrested since August 29 after Bihar police exposed one of India’s biggest smuggling racket of the gas operated, Russian made AK 47 assault rifles meant for use only by armed forces.


From Arizona to Yemen: The Journey of an American Bomb | 11 December 2018 | New York Times

Just before midnight, a businessman named Rabee’a was on the phone, trying to calm his friend down. Rabee’a owned a drill rig, and his friend had heard stories from elsewhere in Yemen about jets bombing well sites. It was Sept. 10, 2016, a year and a half into the war between the Saudis and the Houthi rebels. But to Rabee’a, it was a war happening over the horizon, out of sight. He was unbothered. That kind of thing wouldn’t happen in a poor place like this one, a district called Arhab that, though deep in rebel territory, was home to nothing and no one of interest to a fighter jet.


Documents reveal Australia’s secret arms deals with nations fighting Yemen’s bloody war  | 13 December 2018 | ABC News (Australia)

The Australian Government has approved the export of dozens of shipments of military items to Middle Eastern countries embroiled in the bloody Yemen war, a conflict dogged by accusations of war crimes and indiscriminate civilian killings.



India-Israel: Ashok Leyland and Elbit sign MoU for self-propelled howitzers | 17 December 2018 | Army Recognition

Ashok Leyland, the largest supplier of wheeled military vehicles to the Indian army, will provide high mobility vehicles for mounting Elbit’s howitzers.


Qatar: German KF41 Lynx IFV tracked armored seen at military parade | 21 December 2018 | Army Recognition

On December 18, 2018, the National Day parade of Qatar’s armed forces took place in Doha, the capital of Qatar. ” During this military parade, Qatar armed forces showed new combat equipment as the German KF41 Lynx IFV and Ukrainian Stugna anti-tank missile mounted on Turkish Ejder Yalcin 4×4 armored. 


Laos receives T-72B1 MBTs from Russia  | 21 December 2018 | Army Recognition

As presumed after the Tank Biathlon competition held in 2018, the sale of T-72B MBTs tor Laos was signed, as previously announced by Defense Studies. In early April this year, the Russians introduced the T-72B upgrade of the T-72 tank to Lao military officials, namely, Laotian Defence Minister Lieutenant General Sengnuan Xayalat, and demonstrated the tactical features of the upgraded T-72B. Laos consequently ordered “several dozen” T-72B MBTs to modernize its army.


Laos Unveils Ural-mounted D-30 122mm Wheeled Howitzer | 27 December 2018 | Army Recognition

The Lao People`s Armed Forces (LPAF) receive a new self-propelled howitzer (SPH) armed with the Soviet-/Russian-made D-30A 122 mm howitzer on the chassis of the Ural-4320 6×6 all-terrain truck, the press department of the LPAF said.


Darra Adamkhel’s century-old illegal firearms industry is slowly dying  | 29 December 2018 |

Along the lone street that runs across the village of Darra Adamkhel, there are shops that display firearms. Shotguns, revolvers, automatic pistols, snipers and even Kalashnikovs are carefully wrapped and preserved in plastic covers; more lethal weapons like rocket launchers and such can be found in the basement. Darra’s economy is driven by only one business – the manufacture and sale of illegal arms.


Qatar parades AK-12 assault rifles  | 29 December 2018 |

According to the Centre for Analysis of World Arms Trade’s report, Qatar has displayed what appear to be newly acquired AK-12 assault rifles in a parade to mark the country’s National Day on 18 December. “Qatar Joint Special Forces (QJSF) armed with new Kalashnikov AK-12 assault rifles chambered for 5.45×39 mm,” – said Russian independent research, information and publishing center.




Britain continued seeking arms deals with Saudi Arabia in weeks after Khashoggi was murdered | 1 January 2019 | The Independent

It is not the first time UK trade policy has been criticised for putting deals ahead of human rights. The British government pursued arms deals with Saudi Arabia in the weeks after the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, even as it publicly condemned the murder.


UK councils invest £566m in arms firms linked to Yemen war | 10 January 2019 | The Guardian

More than half a billion pounds of council workers’ pension money has been directly invested by local authorities in arms companies implicated in Saudi Arabia’s military campaign in Yemen, in which thousands of civilians have been killed.


British government accused of misleading public over arms sales to human rights abusers | 18 January 2019 | The Independent

Foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt has been accused of misleading parliament about UK weapons sales to repressive regimes, amid growing pressure on the government over the lucrative trade. Mr Hunt has defended the lucrative trade, and the sale of UK weapons generally, telling parliament in October that restrictions on selling to repressive governments had been “strengthened under the Conservative-led coalition in 2014”.


Damning Yemen report calls on UK to come clean over arms exports | 21 January 2019 | The Guardian

A highly critical report has found extensive flaws in the British government’s arms sales strategy. Based on analysis of the Yemen conflict, the study urges a reduction in weapons exports to conflict zones and states involved in human rights abuses. “Our conclusion is based on copious, authoritative information, and is compelling,” said Roy Isbister of Saferworld, joint authors of the report. “All of the warring parties in Yemen are repeatedly in breach of international law. Yet our voice is ignored by a government that will quote our work as ballast to its own arguments in other countries when it suits.”


Rheinmetall und BAE gründen Gemeinschaftsunternehmen für Boxer | 21 January 2019 | Welt

Rheinmetall, BAE Systems launch joint venture for military vehicles | 21 February 2019 | Defense News

Panzerhersteller Rheinmetall AG tut sich mit BAE Systems Plc zusammen, um sich auf den erwarteten Auftrag der britischen Armee für den Radpanzer Boxer vorzubereiten.


Opportunities for European collaboration in armoured vehicles | 26 January 2019 | RAND Corporation

Europe is experiencing an increase in investment in land capabilities after more than a decade of limited spending in this area. A number of EU member states have indicated interest and planned investments in acquisition and modernisation of armoured vehicles. This study was carried out in support of the European Defence Agency’s work to identify potential areas of collaboration for its participating Member States and partner countries, thus developing European defence capabilities and promoting armaments cooperation. The study examined the current armoured vehicle demand and supply landscape. As a result of the analysis, researchers identified five potential collaboration opportunities and analysed the potential related costs and benefits of each.


Fury as arms firm linked to child massacre given free business advice by Scots quango | 27 January 2019 | Daily Record

An arms company which received a controversial handout of public money has been given free management advice by the Scottish Government’s business agency, we can reveal. Scottish Enterprise has provided “account management” services to Raytheon at no cost to the Fife-based firm for more than a decade.


Brexit is good news for those in the business of war | 28 January 2019 | Open Democracy UK

Lydia Noon reflects on a busy week for those seeking and profiteering from arms deals, and the hypocrisy of it. [A]s the Brexit engine rumbles on, so does one of the most controversial and disturbing aspects of it: the dealings of the UK’s weapons industry with unscrupulous regimes.


Belgian company CMI will produce turrets in Saudi Arabia | 30 January 2019 | Army Recognition


L’entreprise wallonne CMI produira des armes en Arabie saoudite | 30 January 2019 | l’Echo

The Belgian company CMI (Cockerill Mechanical Industries), based in Seraing near Liège, signed on Monday 28 January an agreement with Saudi Arabia to create a joint venture specialized in tank and wheeled armored vehicle turrets, reports the Belgian newspaper L’Echo on Wednesday, January 30. The goal is to design and manufacture military equipment on site.


Germany drops F-35 from fighter tender; Boeing F/A-18 and Eurofighter to battle on | 31 January 2019 | Reuters

Germany will pick either the Eurofighter or Boeing’s F/A-18 fighter jet to replace its Tornado warplanes, knocking Lockheed Martin’s F-35 stealth fighter out of a tender worth billions of euros, Defence Ministry sources said on Thursday.


UK’s arms export supervisor attacks NGOs over Yemen deaths | 4 February 2019 | The Guardian

The neutrality of the chief gatekeeper to the UK’s arms control regime has been brought into question after he repeatedly attacked the integrity of British NGOs’ claims about civilian deaths in Yemen. Graham Jones, a Labour MP and chair of the Commons committees on arms export controls (CAEC), also said that blame for the war in Yemen lay primarily with Iran, and not the west or Saudi Arabia.


L’Allemagne bloque l’exportation du missile Meteor de MBDA vers l’Arabie Saoudite | 5 February 2019 | La Tribune

Berlin bloque les licences d’exportation de matériels allemands intégrés sur le missile air-air longue portée Meteor, vers l’Arabie Saoudite. Les Allemands fabriquent notamment le système de propulsion et les charges militaires.


Wapens van FN Herstal in handen van een gewapende groep in Jemen | 6 February 2019 | Amnesty International Vlaanderen | De Wereld Morgen

De Verenigde Arabische Emiraten (VAE) bevoorraden op roekeloze manier milities in Jemen met een scala aan geavanceerde wapens, onder andere van Belgische makelij. Amnesty International onderzocht deze zeer riskante wapenstroom.


New opportunities for Ukrainian military as arms import rules liberalized | 7 February 2019 | Kyiv Post

Now in its fifth year of war against Russian-backed militants, the Ukrainian military has gained long-awaited approval to purchase and import new gear and weapons for its soldiers, free from the oversight of third-party state mediators.  A new bill signed into law by President Petro Poroshenko on Jan. 31 removed the exclusive rights of UkrOboronProm – a state-run defense production monopoly – to control and regulate all foreign arms deals in the country and skim the cream off of the top of such deals. The new legislation has resurrected hopes for deals to be struck with the United States on an array of modern, high-tech weaponry that Ukraine says it needs to defend itself.


Why can’t we talk about the UK sending arms to Yemen? | 11 February 2019 | The Guardian

A Commons committee is scrutinising UK arms export controls – yet the Yemen conflict isn’t even on the agenda. Seated in front of a tapestry embroidered with words from the lexicon of “British values” – freedom, equality, tolerance, liberty – ten MPs spent an hour last week taking evidence from NGOs on an issue that calls these values into question: UK arms export policy. This is the Parliamentary committees on arms export controls (CAEC) in action: a body responsible for scrutinising government policy and holding it to account.


UK’s Saudi weapons sales unlawful, Lords committee finds | 16 February 2019 | The Guardian

The UK is on “the wrong side of the law” by sanctioning arms exports to Saudi Arabia for the war in Yemen and should suspend some of the export licences, an all-party Lords committee has said. The report by the international relations select committee says ministers are not making independent checks to see if arms supplied by the UK are being used in breach of the law, but is instead relying on inadequate investigations by the Saudis, its allies in the war.


Rethink arms licences to Saudi-coalition, Lords Committee says | 16 February 2019 | Select Committee on International Relations | House of Lords

The International Relations Committee believes that the Government is narrowly on the wrong side of international humanitarian law on arm sales to Saudi Arabia given the volume and type of arms being exported to the Saudi-led coalition, they are highly likely to be the cause of significant civilian casualties in Yemen. The report expresses deep concern that the Saudi-led coalition’s misuse of their weaponry is causing—whether deliberately or accidentally—loss of civilian life. It finds that relying on assurances by Saudi Arabia and Saudi-led review processes is not an adequate way of implementing the obligations for a risk-based assessment set out in the Arms Trade Treaty.  It calls on the Government to immediately condemn any further violations of international humanitarian law by the Saudi-led coalition, including the blocking of food and medical supplies, and to be prepared to suspend the licensing of some arms to the Saudi-led coalition.


Jeremy Hunt urges Germany to rethink Saudi arms sales ban | 20 February 2019 | The Guardian

Jeremy Hunt, the British foreign secretary, will visit Berlin on Wednesday after urging Germany to exempt big defence projects from its efforts to halt arms sales to Saudi Arabia, or face damage to both its economic and European credentials.


Germany resists UK plea to resume arms sales to Saudi Arabia | 20 February 2019 | The Guardian

Germany has rejected a plea by the UK foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt, to resume arms sales to Saudi Arabia, denying that its embargo weakens Europe’s credibility or harms the European defence industry.


Polonez on the market | 21 February 2019 | IDEX 2019 | Jane’s 360

Belarus’ BelSpetsVneshTechnika (Stand 10-028) has confirmed that its Polonez ground-to-ground missile system is now in quantity production for the Belarusian Army and is already being offered on the export market.

October -November-December 2018

Report on arms exports: implementation of Common Position 2008/944/CFSP | 2018/2157(INI) | 16 October 2018 | Committee on Foreign Affairs | European Parliament

European Parliament shocked at the amount of EU-made weapons and ammunition found in the hands of Da’esh in Syria and Iraq.

Sur les armes, l’espoir secret du Conseil fédéral | 31 October 2018 | Tribune de Genève

La Suisse n’autorisera pas les exportations d’armes dans des pays en guerre civile. Après des mois de polémiques, le Conseil fédéral a suivi le virage amorcé mercredi dans nos colonnes par le ministre de l’Économie. Sur le départ, Johann Schneider-Ammann nous a confié qu’il allait demander à ses collègues de suspendre la modification de l’ordonnance sur le matériel de guerre lancée en juin.

Bulgaria’s Arms Exports up 20 Percent to €1.2 Billion in 2017 | 1 November 2018 |

Bulgaria’s booming arms trade continued to grow in 2017 with arms and ammunitions exports topping €1.2 billion ($1.4 billion), an official report showed on Wednesday, October 31, reports The Defense Post.


Britain to sell China ‘unlimited’ amount of military radar equipment, technology  | 1 November 2018 | South China Morning Post

A British defence company has been given the green light to supply an unlimited quantity of goods to China’s military, including airborne radar technology likely to be used by the PLA Air Force. Although the supplier has not been named, the “open individual export licence” (OIEL) has been in place since April – two months after British Prime Minister Theresa May visited Beijing – according to information from Britain’s Department for International Trade.


Iran-backed rebels to blame for Yemen humanitarian crisis, UK-arms sales committee chief claims  | 3 November 2018 | The Independent

The chairman of a committee scrutinising British arms sales has blamed Iranian-backed rebels for the humanitarian crisis in Yemen, amid an intensifying row over Saudi Arabia’s role in the civil war.


Slovak cabinet will not stop sale of arms to Saudis unless Europe does | 5 November 2018 | The Slovak Spectator

The Foreign Affairs Ministry has failed to publish on its website any official statement concerning the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.


Legal Challenge to UK Arms Sales to Saudis | 5 November 2018 | Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and RW UK have received permission to intervene in a court case challenging the United Kingdom’s continued sale of arms to Saudi Arabia. The case will be heard by the Court of Appeal in April 2019. The landmark legal case, brought by Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT), seeks to establish that the UK government is breaking its own arms export licensing criteria by continuing to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia, given the clear risk the weapons would be used to commit serious violations of international humanitarian law violations in Yemen. The High Court in London dismissed the case in 2017, but the Campaign Against Arms trade won the right to appeal, and the three groups again received permission to intervene.


Auf dem Weg zum europäischen Superpanzer  | 6 November 2018 | Welt

Der gemeinsame deutsch-französische Kampfpanzer soll 2035 fertig sein. Beide Staaten wollen das Projekt unbedingt durchziehen. Bei den Stückzahlen rechnet der Rüstungskonzern Krauss-Maffei Wegmann in Tausender-Dimensionen.


These Are The Myths That Are Used To Justify UK Arms Sales To Saudi Arabia | 8 November 2018 | CAAT | Huffington Post

Recent weeks have seen a renewed and long overdue focus on the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Jeremy Hunt has joined his American counterparts in calling for a much-needed ceasefire. One thing he hasn’t questioned is the arms sales that have enabled the war, and the myths that are used to justify them.


Colleges hold over £6.5m in arms companies | 9 November 2018 | Varsity

Investments in arms manufacturing companies by Cambridge colleges total over £6.5m, new data from Freedom of Information requests has shown. Out of the 20 colleges who responded, five were found to hold investments in the arms industry, in corporations including BAE Systems, United Technologies, Airbus SE and Lockheed Martin.


Spain signed €48 million in irregular arms deals with Saudi Arabia | 9 November 2018 | El Pais

An investigation by the Spanish High Court, Audiencia Nacional, into the sale of defense equipment to Saudi Arabia has confirmed the payment of bribes and illegal commissions by the public company Defex in 11 contracts signed between 2005 and 2013 worth a combined €48 million.


L’industrie de l’armement, au-delà des ventes d’armes à l’Arabie saoudite  | 10 November 2018 | AgoraVox

Les officiels français n’évoquent que rarement les “ventes d’armes”. Ils préfèrent parler “d’exportation de défense” ou “d’exportation de matériels de défense”. Il en va de même de l’ensemble du corpus législatif et réglementaire relatif aux exportations et importations d’armement qui use exclusivement de l’expression “matériels de guerre et matériels assimilés”.


Jamal Khashoggi murder fails to stop Britain selling arms to the Saudis | 11 November 2018 | The Guardian

Britain sells billions of pounds of weapons to the countries bombing Yemen and is keen to strengthen its ties after Brexit. In July last year, the government confirmed it had created a dedicated Gulf region working group to promote “high-level dialogue with key trading partners to progress our trade and investment relationships”. Since then, civil servants have regularly visited the region for confidential talks to prepare for future deals once Britain leaves the European Union.


EU countries approve arms sales to Saudi, UAE worth 55 times aid to Yemen  | 12 November 2018 | Middle East Eye

European governments and the European Union publicly wring their hands about the “human tragedy” and need for “life-saving assistance” in war-torn Yemen.nYet while the Saudi-led coalition has bombed the region’s poorest country over the past three years, the EU and European countries approved the sale of more than $86.7bn in arms to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, according to figures compiled by Middle East Eye.


La France reste en tête des exportations européennes vers l’Arabie saoudite pour 2017  | 12 November 2018 | Bruxelles2

La Belgique 6e exportatrice européenne d’armes vers l’Arabie saoudite | 12 November 2018 | RTBF

Le dernier rapport de l’Union européenne sur les exportations des armes (qui n’est pas encore publié, mais obtenu par B2) pour l’année 2017 montre comme les années précédentes une position de leader de la France pour les exportations d’armes vers l’Arabie saoudite.


Rheinmetall greift nach Krauss-Maffei-Wegmann | 26 November 2018 | WirschaftsWoche

Der Rüstungskonzern Rheinmetall will sich mit der Panzerschmiede Krauss-Maffei-Wegmann zusammentun und heizt damit das Fusionsfieber an. Aber ohne die Zustimmung der der Politik geht nichts.


Sig Sauer ab Februar in Kiel vor Gericht | 4 December 2018 |

Im Fall mutmaßlich illegaler Pistolenlieferungen von Deutschland über die USA nach Kolumbien hat das Landgericht Kiel die Anklage gegen drei Verantwortliche der Firmengruppe Sig Sauer mit Stammsitz in Eckernförde weitgehend zur Hauptverhandlung zugelassen.


Waffen für die Welt – wie funktionieren deutsche Rüstungsexporte? | 5 December 2018 | DW

Für den Export von Waffen gibt es in Deutschland strenge Regeln. Trotzdem beliefern deutsche Rüstungsfirmen auch totalitäre Regime. Wie ist das möglich? Nina Werkhäuser berichtet.


When it comes to Saudi Arabia, Germany “turns a blind eye”  | 6 December 2018 | DW

Saudi Arabia is one of the world’s top customers for international arms companies, even though some of the weapons end up with terrorist groups. DW’s Matthias von Hein asked Andrew Feinstein why that is.


So viele Waffen exportiert die Schweiz bereits heute in Länder, die Krieg führen | 6 December 2018 | Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Weil der Bundesrat der Rüstungsindustrie den Wunsch erfüllen wollte, Waffen auch in kriegführende Länder zu exportieren, will ihm das Parlament die Kompetenz im Dossier entziehen. Nun zeigen NZZ-Recherchen: Bereits heute exportiert die Schweiz Waffen in kriegführende Länder. In den letzten Jahren sogar immer mehr.


Head of Ukroboronprom: Ukraine’s defense industry is adapting to the global security environment  | 110 December 2018 |

In 2014, the international security environment was fundamentally transformed when Russia invaded Ukraine. Moscow’s illegal annexation of Crimea and subsequent hybrid warfare in eastern Ukraine shifted defense postures and relationships across the globe. The Ukrainian army passed a test of strength in the face of Russian military aggression. It has restored combat readiness and begun to qualitatively upgrade its capabilities.


Nederland stopt wapenexport naar Saoedi-Arabië  | 14 December 2018 | Vrede vzw | De Wereld Morgen

Na Denemarken en Duitsland stopt nu ook Nederland helemaal met het leveren van wapens aan Saoedi-Arabië. En ook aan Egypte en de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten, landen die oorlog voeren in Jemen. Dat is goed nieuws voor de mensen in Jemen, en is mede te danken aan de acties voor een wapenembargo.


Nouvelles menaces sur le contrat canadien de CMI Defense  | 17 December 2018 | l’Echo

Le Canada cherche à annuler l’important contrat de vente d’armes à l’Arabie saoudite qui concerne également l’entreprise liégeoise CMI, a indiqué le Premier ministre canadien Justin Trudeau.



Saab receives order from new customer for Carl-Gustaf M4 | 19 December 2018 | Army Recognition

Saab has received a contract for the Carl-Gustaf M4 multi-role weapon system to an undisclosed customer. Deliveries will take place in 2019-2024. The industry’s nature is such that, due to circumstances concerning the product and customer, further information about the customer will not be announced.


Reynders va plaider pour un embargo européen sur les ventes d’armes  | 19 December 2018 | 7sur7

l a été convenu mercredi au sein du comité de concertation que le ministre fédéral des Affaires étrangères Didier Reynders (MR) plaiderait au niveau européen pour un embargo sur les ventes d’armes à l’Arabie saoudite, a rapporté le ministre-président flamand Geert Bourgeois (N-VA) devant le parlement flamand.


One-third of UK arms sales go to states on human rights watchlist, say analysts | 21 December 2018 | The Guardian

Nearly a third of arms exports authorised by Britain over the past decade were to nations identified by the government as among the worst for human rights, new figures reveal. Military arms deals worth an estimated £39bn were approved between 2008 and 2017, £12bn of which went to states included on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office human rights “priority countries” list, according to analysis by Action on Armed Violence.


Left-Wing Leaders in Spain Condemn the War in Yemen, but Keep Up Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia | 21 December 2018 | The Intercept

In September, the defense minister of Spain abruptly canceled the sale of 400 laser-guided bombs to Saudi Arabia. The minister, Margarita Robles, cited concerns that the American-made bombs were likely going to be used against civilians in the ongoing war in Yemen, in violation of both the sale agreement and of Spanish law. Indeed, the same sort of U.S. bomb had been used in August in an airstrike on a school bus that killed dozens of children.


German arms industry threatens government with compensation claims | 28 December 2018 | DW

Germany’s weapons export policy has become “unpredictable,” to the point where pan-European projects have become difficult to manage or have even been prevented, the head of the German Security and Defense Industry Association (BDSV), Hans Christoph Atzpodien, said in an interview with news agency dpa.


Spain modernizing Venezuelan tanks despite EU-wide arms embargo | 31 December 2018 | El Pais

Spain is taking part in the modernization of the Venezuelan army’s tanks despite a European Union-imposed embargo on arms sales to that country. The cross-ministry board that controls Spanish military exports approved the sale of €20 million of tank parts to the government of President Nicolás Maduro in the first quarter of 2018.


Schweres Gerät für einen guten Kunden | 31 December 2018 | Zeit Online

In Algerien werden seit diesem Jahr deutsche Panzer produziert. Ein lukrativer Deal für Rüstungsfirmen. Doch wofür sollen sie eingesetzt werden?