Transparency and Accountability. Monitoring and Reporting Methods Under An Arms Trade Treaty

February 8, 2012

Without an understanding of the existing practices of States regarding their commonly agreed standards for the monitoring and reporting of their international transfers of conventional arms, it will be very difficult to draft many of the basic provisions of the Treaty to ensure compliance and enforcement. This report therefore seeks to clarify and discuss existing terminology and reporting practic

Arms Transfers to the Middle East and North Africa: Lessons for an effective arms trade treaty

November 7, 2011

The numerous unlawful killings and other gross human rights abuses committed in response to the mass protests and demands for change that have gripped the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region since late 2010 underscore, both vividly and tragically, the urgent need for the establishment and implementation of an effective global Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). All across the region, government author

“Véhicules civils militarisables” and the EU arms embargo on Sudan

September 13, 2011

The ongoing humanitarian crisis in Darfur has been overlooked recently because the international community has been focusing on the popular revolts in North Africa in the first half of the year and South Sudan’s peaceful referendum on secession from northern Sudan, and the subsequent violence in and over the contested Abyei region, In December 2010, however, fighting in Darfur resumed and has cont

The Arms Flyers. Commercial Aviation, Human Rights, and the Business of War and Arms

June 30, 2011

In the last decades, the “business of war” has attracted thousands of civilian transport and logistics companies, especially in the aviation sector. State and non-State actors engaged in armed conflicts or in military operations that require substantial logistic support have increasingly resorted to the services of civilian transport operators to fulfill their transport and logistics needs. For ai

The Karamoja Cluster of eastern Africa: Arms transfers and their repercussions on communal security perceptions

December 31, 2010

Nomadic peoples are often, if not universally, perceived as a problem by the governments of the nation states who have responsibility for them; this is particularly so in the case of the three nations with which this report is concerned, viz: Kenya, Uganda and (southern) Sudan. The pastoralist societies within the Karamajong cluster have been unable to adequately defend themselves politically agai

Mapping the Labyrinth: more on the strange weapons flight of 4L-AWA

October 1, 2010

This research report is the third in a series about the case of a IL-76 aircraft used for an apparently clandestine arms flight in provenance from Pyongyang – in contravention of the United Nations arms embargo on North Korea -, which was impounded by Thai authorities during a technical stop in Bangkok December 12, 2009. Two previous research reports on this unusual case were published by IPIS and

Deadly Movements. Transportation Controls in the Arms Trade Treaty

July 1, 2010

Effective regulation of the global trade in conventional arms must include adequate provisions to control the physical movement of arms across international borders. The proposed Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) should be designed to prevent unauthorised or irresponsible international transfers of weapons, munitions and related equipment internationally: it must therefore require states to impose effective

From deceit to discovery: The strange flight of 4L-AWA (update)

February 9, 2010

A joint IPIS/Transarms publication. Download in pdf or open with issuu reader.

Exceptions in dual-use export licenses

September 5, 2009

The European Commission (EC) presented in December 2008 a Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1334/2000 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports of dual-use items and technology. This proposal has been set up to achieve ‘uniform and consistent application of controls throughout the Community’, to ‘simplify the current legal system, to enhance the industry’

Zimbabwe – Arms and Corruption: fuelling human rigths abuse

July 17, 2009

The following examples of irresponsible arms transfers involving Zimbabwe and other actors should be of great concern to the international community. The examples cited below are intended to illustrate further the need to ensure that the proposed international Arms Trade Treaty is as comprehensive as possible, and fully reflects the obligations of States to prevent arms transfers which pose a subs

Cieli Neri d’Africa

June 23, 2009

Download in pdf or open with issuu reader.

Fuelling Conflict – Foreign Arms supplies to Israel/Gaza

February 9, 2009

With fragile ceasefires now in place in Gaza and southern Israel, the full extent of the devastation caused in recent weeks is becoming increasingly clear. Amnesty International researchers visiting Gaza and southern Israel during and after the fighting found evidence of war crimes and other serious violations of international law by all parties to the conflict. Download in pdf or open with issuu

Un cargo di morte

January 20, 2009

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Illicit brokering of SALW in Europe: lacunae in Eastern European arms control and verification regimes

January 6, 2009

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Tirana-Kabul, e bufera sulla Rice

June 24, 2008

Il dipartimento di stato Usa nella bufera: nascosto al Congresso il trasferimento di tonnellate di munizioni dall’Albania all’Afghanistan, in violazione delle leggi statunitensi. Le pessime condizioni dell’arsenale non preoccupano gli americani: a morire a causa di armamenti difettosi saranno solo i soldati di Kabul. Download in pdf or open with issuu reader.

Afghanistan: arms proliferation fuels further abuse

April 24, 2008

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Blood at the Crossroads: Making the Case for an Arms Trade Treaty

February 5, 2008

The world is reaching the crossroads where governments must decide which approach to take in order to control the increasingly globalised trade in conventional arms. If the current practice of allowing irresponsible transfers of military and security equipment and related items across borders is allowed to continue, millions more lives and livelihoods will be destroyed and the fundamental human ri

Congo blijft onder buitenlandse druk

October 28, 2007

Dat president Kabila zijn bezoek aan Brussel inkortte, had één verifieerbare reden: Kabila verbleef vier dagen in Noord-Kivu waar in augustus opnieuw zware gevechten uitbraken tussen het regeringsleger en de rebellerende ex-generaal Laurent Nkunda. Maar Nkunda is niet Kabila’s enige kopzorg, hij ondervindt van meerdere kanten druk. Congolese waarnemers zien daarin de hand van het Westen. Download

Netwerk rond generaal Nkunda dient onderzocht

July 10, 2007

Eind deze maand loopt het mandaat van de VN-Expertengroep voor Congo af. De groep komt eerstdaags met haar eindrapport. IPIS, de International Peace Information Service in Antwerpen, kon het rapport al inkijken. Het rapport bevat een aantal specifieke gegevens die ook voor België relevant zijn. Zo is ons land de belangrijkste bestemming voor tin-erts vanuit Goma. Een bewoner van de gemeente Tessen

Sudan: Arms continuing to fuel serious human rights violations in Darfur

May 5, 2007

This report describes the arming process and its effects on the people of Darfur and neighbouring eastern Chad, many of whom have been forcibly displaced. It provides details of violations of the United Nations arms embargo on Darfur that occurred during January to March 2007. Amongst other things, it shows how the Government of Sudan violates the UN arms embargo and disguises some of its military