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Jobs at IPIS

IPIS is a horizontal and inclusive organization where the input of staff members is valued equally: We believe the ideas of our workers are more important than their position in the organigramme. Liaison Officers in several African countries support our fieldwork while our offices are in Antwerp, Belgium.

Job openings

IPIS has no current job vacancies.

Consultancy opportunities 

Mid-term evaluation of IPIS’ programme on drivers of conflict

Apply by August 15th, 2024.


Internships at IPIS

IPIS offers two main types of internship:

  • Through calls issued for specific projects. These will be made through our website (below) and in some instances through universities networks.
  • Through approaches from those with a specific research project that they wish to pursue within our organisation. Such interns can publish their papers as an intern paper publication or in some instances as a co-author.

Speculative applications without a specific research project may be considered on an ad hoc basis.

Internships typically last three to six months, and are in-house (Antwerp). The number of days per week can depend on requirements and availability. 

Internship offers generally involve the following benefits:

  • Personal supervision by one of our researchers
  • Office space and use of office equipment
  • Use of our working library

Internship openings

IPIS is looking for:


Spontaneous applications

Even when we’re not actively looking for someone or when the position you’d like to apply for is not amongst those we’re currently seeking, you’re always welcome to let us know you’re interested to work or collaborate for/with us. Send a CV, a cover letter outlining your motivation and availability and a recent writing sample (article or paper) or a project (printed map, webmap, or data analysis) you made to Filip Reyniers. Should your application be of interest to us, we will return to you to discuss the matter further.



IPIS welcomes the opportunity to work with non-governmental organisations from our focal region. Such work can take the form of joint research projects or capacity enhancement through editorial assistance, skills / knowledge transfer and training. If your organisation would like to discuss the possibility of such a partnership, please contact Filip Reyniers.