Weapons and International Law: the Arms Trade Treaty

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IPIS is pleased to announce its contribution to a new book on the Arms Trade Treaty published by Larcier. Weapons and International law: The Arms Trade Treaty gives a thorough legal and practical analysis of this important new legal instrument to regulate the global trade of the most commonly-used conventional arms.

Amongst our IPIS personnel, Brian Wood has co-edited the book, co-authored the key chapter on export risk assessments and authored the chapter on brokering. Peter Danssaert has co-authored the chapter on imports, and the chapter on transit and transhipment. Fiona Southward has co-authored the chapter on imports.

The book will be released on 25 August 2015 at the First Conference of States Parties in Cancun, Mexico. Further details on the book and how to obtain a copy are below.

Editors : Clare da Silva and Brian Wood

Authors : Pablo Adrían Arrocha Olabuenaga, Sibylle Bauer, Paul Beijer, Francesca Caonero, Astrid Reisinger Coracini, Clare da Silva, Eric Danon, Peter Danssaert, Roberto García Moritán, Claudio Gramizzi, Björn Griebel, Tom Haeck, Paul Holtom, Atina Karim, Lukasz Korecki, Elli Kytömäki, Mike Lewis, Cristiane Lucena Carneiro, Rosella Mangion, Nicholas Marsh, Armando Menes Larios, Penelope Nevill, Rodrigo Pintado, Thomas Wayde Pittman, Guy Pollard, Edmond Seay, Joël Sollier, Fiona Southward, Diego Valadares Vasconcelos Neto, Mubarak Waseem, Anne-Charlotte Merrell Wetterwik, Brian Wood, Andrew Wood, Peter Woolcott, William T. Worster, Zeray Yihdego


For ordering information, please visit the Larcier website, or:

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The book can also be ordered directly from Book Depository and other online bookstores.