Kimberley Process lifts conflict diamonds embargo on the Central African Republic – Q&A
At its 2024 plenary meeting in Dubai, the Kimberley Process (KP) decided to lift the 11-year-old embargo on rough diamond exports from the Central African

Highlights from the OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains
Last week, representatives of civil society, industry, and governments gathered at the 2024 OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains in Paris. Members of the IPIS team

Kufatilia evolves into a civil society network, now equipped with a new platform to follow up on mining incidents
First annual meeting of the newly established Kufatilia network In November 2023, IPIS’ Kufatilia partners traveled to Bunia and Bukavu in the eastern Democratic Republic

IPIS Event: Congolese cobalt, EU regulations, and direct investment
On the 30th of November, IPIS hosted its annual panel discussion, this time on current challenges facing the cobalt sector in the Democratic Republic of

Sharing the results of two years of research into eastern DR Congo’s artisanal mining sector
Since 2021 and in partnership with USAID and the Congolese Ministry of Mines (through its technical service SAEMAPE), IPIS has been undertaking a large-scale project to map

Kufatilia désormais actif dans la province du Lualaba, République Démocratique du Congo
Après une mise en œuvre réussie dans les provinces productrices de 3TG du Nord-Kivu, du Sud-Kivu, de l’Ituri, et du Haut-Uele, IPIS étend son système de signalement et de suivi des incidents Kufatilia à la province du Lualaba, riche en cobalt.

Kufatilia is now active in the cobalt-producing province of Lualaba, in the Democratic Republic of Congo
After a successful implementation in the 3TG-producing provinces of North Kivu, South Kivu, Ituri, and Haut-Uele, IPIS is expanding its incident reporting and monitoring system Kufatilia to the cobalt-rich province of Lualaba.

Feedback session: Sharing the results of the data collected in Walungu, South Kivu
Since 2021, IPIS undertakes another large-scale mapping effort of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sites in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), – in partnership with USAID and

New 5-year project aiming to empower communities and civil society to foster justice and human rights in Tanzania’s natural resource sector
In 2022, IPIS launched new work on the human rights impact of the natural resource sector in Tanzania. Our new five-year project “Empowering Tanzanian communities

Feedback session: Sharing the results of the data collected in Shabunda
Since 2021, IPIS undertakes another large-scale mapping effort of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sites in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), – in partnership with USAID and

KP CSC Highlights of 2021
At the start of this new year the Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition looks back on the previous one with these highlights from 2021

New large-scale mapping project of artisanal and small-scale mining in eastern DRC launched
Over the next two years, IPIS – in partnership with USAID, Tetra Tech and the Congolese Ministry of Mines (SAEMAPE) – will undertake a large-scale

WEBINAR ALERT: Conflict diamonds are real, real talk is rare & affected communities want answers
On 20 October 2021, the Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition (KP CSC) is convening its second webinar of 2021 in the conversation on “Conflict diamonds

ONLINE EVENT: The European Regulation on Responsible Mineral Sourcing: what are the lessons learned so far?
The main takeaways from the workshop and the conference have been summarized in a report that can be downloaded here. From 21 to 28 September

Kufatilia wins the 2021 Stop Slavery Award
The 2021 Stop Slavery Award attributed by the Thomson Reuters Foundation was granted to Ulula for the project Kufatilia, in the category “collaboration”. Kufatilia is an

Kufatilia – Towards a more responsible gold supply chain in eastern DRC
Artisanal and small-scale gold is widely used in the electronics industry. But gold is also the predominant conflict mineral in eastern Congo, where it is

Supporting mining cooperatives in Beni
The population of Beni Territory has been victim of deadly violence since 2014, following the presence of national and foreign armed groups such as the

Transparent, independent and participatory: How can a platform support a network of CSO in Congo?
On the occasion of the 2020 GeONG Forum, IPIS presented its project Kufatilia. In a video, IPIS explained how this phone-based participatory platform helps Congolese CSOs reporting and monitoring incidents in the mineral supply chains.

IPIS’ project Matokeo among the winners of the ASM Grand Challenge
On October 1st, IPIS and its partner Ulula were awarded a $118,000 price for their project “Matokeo” during the ASM Grand Challenge Award Ceremony.

IPIS’ successful handover of the Regional Mineral Database to ICGLR
IPIS finalised the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) Regional Database on Mineral Flow and successfully handed it over to the organisation. Once operational, this web-based database will be gathering and updating data on mine sites, chain of custody, and exporters.
IPIS on BNNR’s Training Day: “Natural Resources: Stakes, Consequences, Alternatives”
On Saturday, October 3rd 2020, the Belgian Natural Resources Network (BNNR) will welcome you for a day of training on the stakes of natural resources, the consequences of their exploitation and the alternatives to be built.

Kufatilia leaflet
IPIS supports an independent, transparent and participatory platform for incident reporting and community empowerment in responsible sourcing in the eastern DRC artisanal mining sector. Discover what Kufatilia is all about.

Mapping ASM sites in the Central African Republic: Official Presentation in Bangui
In January 2020, IPIS presented the results of its diagnostic report and mapping of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sites and gold supply-chains in western

Conflict diamond certification scheme unable and unwilling to reform
“Conflict diamond certification scheme unable and unwilling to reform” Today, another three-year reform cycle of the Kimberley Process came to an end without meaningful change.

11 December 2019 – IPIS presents “The social, economic and human rights impact of mining: the case of Tanzania”
IPIS kindly invites you to a presentation of its work on mapping the social, economic and human rights impact of mining in Tanzania. IPIS will

IPIS welcomes University of Antwerp Summer School for workshop on artisanal diamond mining
On August 28th, 2019, 21 students from the University of Antwerp’s ‘Mine to Finger’ Summer School on diamonds were engaged on “The use of digital

Mapping ASM sites in the Central African Republic: An update from our field teams
Since February 2019, IPIS is partnering with the Artisanal Mining and Property Rights (AMPR) project from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to increase

“All eyes on the Kimberley Process for desperately needed reform on conflict diamonds”
Civil society calls on Participants to take their responsibility in preventing diamond-related conflict This week saw the end of the 2019 intersessional meeting of the

Kimberley Process must progress reform talks on diamond violence or risk irrelevance and diamond revenue losses
Kimberley Process must progress reform talks on diamond violence or risk irrelevance and diamond revenue losses “Kimberley Process reform failure hurts us all”, say civil

Artisanal and small-scale mining Incident Tracker in eastern DRC
Since the end of 2018 witnesses and victims of incidents and accidents related to artisanal small-scale production, transport and trading of minerals in the provinces

Data sharing on the socio-economic and human rights impact of mining in Tanzania
Tanzania, May 2019 Since January 2017, IPIS has been working on a project to map the socio-economic and human rights impact of mining in northwest

New project of mapping artisanal and small-scale mining sites in the Central African Republic
Following a successful training in Bangui with members from civil society organizations and field officers from the Kimberley Process focal point at the Ministry of

Kufatilia: a new Incident Monitoring Mechanism for Gold Supply Chains
“Today a man was killed in a pit collapse in an artisanal mining site near Numbi.” Civil society organizations, working to improve living conditions of

KP Civil Society disappointed by resistance to reform in the Kimberley Process
The Kimberley Process (KP) Civil Society Coalition (CSC) pushed hard for reform in the 2018 KP Brussels Plenary, with very concrete proposals, amongst others on

Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition calls on all Members to deliver on improving global diamond governance
Reform is high on the agenda of this year’s Kimberley Process Plenary under EU Chairmanship. The Kimberley Process – once a pioneering tripartite effort to

22 November – IPIS panel discussion on the Central African Republic
Central African Republic: A Conflict Mapping IPIS kindly invites you to a panel discussion on the conflict in the Central African Republic on Thursday November

IPIS welcomes UA Summer School students for workshop on responsible sourcing using IPIS maps
On September 6th, 30 students from the University of Antwerp ‘Mine to Finger’ Summer School on diamonds participated in a responsible sourcing workshop organised by

Strengthening local voices: discover IPIS’ partner publication series “Voices from the South”
Since 2017, IPIS has been closely collaborating with civil society actors from central and east Africa who want to share their perspective on subjects related

Kimberley Process intersessional meeting: civil society coalition calls for meaningful reform on definition of conflict diamonds
At the Kimberley Process Intersessional Meeting, held in Antwerp from 18-22 June, the KP civil society coalition (KP CSC) called for meaningful reforms, on the

New data on mining sites and roadblocks on IPIS’ upgraded DRC interactive web map
IPIS launches a major update of it’s DRC webmap displaying data on more than 2400 artisanal mining sites in eastern DRC and more than 800

Mobile data collection on mining sites in Kigoma, Tanzania
IPIS is undertaking a large-scale mobile data collection exercise on operational, socio-economic and human rights aspects of artisanal and industrial mining in northwest Tanzania. Building

Training and workshop on mapping artisanal mining in Eastern DRC
(French version below) 2373 Mining sites visited, including 470 visits in the last thirteen months. 300 Roadblocks visited on a total of 798 mapped roadblocks.

Improving monitoring, research and dialogue on Business and Human Rights in Tanzania
IPIS was in Dar es Salaam to launch its new project on Business & Human Rights with the Tanzanian Commission for Human Rights and Good

Roadblock rebels: IPIS maps important mechanism of conflict funding in Central Africa
IPIS puts roadblocks on the map as key mechanism of conflict funding besides natural resources, revealing its devastating scope in funding armed actors in Democratic

New Mapathon with special focus on DRC National Parks at IPIS
IPIS, Missing Maps and OpenStreetMap Belgium organise another Missing Maps Mapathon on Wednesday December 6, in the IPIS library. Why do we organise this? NGOs working

Training and workshop on mapping the socio-economic and human rights impact of mining in northwest Tanzania
On Monday 23 October, IPIS organised a workshop in Mwanza to launch the data collection phase of its mapping project on the socio-economic and human

IPIS committed to help end mercury poisoning from artisanal gold mining
From 24 to 29 September 2017 the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury will take place in

Capacity enhancement workshop on cartography with DRC mining authorities
Capacity enhancement workshop on cartography with DRC mining authorities In the framework of its long standing partnership with DRC mining authorities, IPIS held a workshop

IPIS opens up its data!
Data collection on peace, development and human rights is an essential part of the research work we do at IPIS. Because we believe in the

IPIS at the OECD Forum on responsible mineral supply chain
IPIS is delighted to participate in the 11th Forum on responsible mineral supply chains in Paris, from 2 to 4 May . This meeting will

Boekvoorstelling Raf Custers “De uitverkoop van Zuid-Amerika”
Op 11 mei 2017 om 19u00 is Raf Custers te gast bij IPIS om zijn boek “De uitverkoop van Zuid-Amerika” voor te stellen. Na een

IPIS hosts new Missing Maps Mapathon with special focus on DRC National Parks
IPIS, Missing Maps and OpenStreetMap Belgium organise another Missing Maps Mapathon on Wednesday April 26, in the IPIS library. Why do we organise this? NGOs working in

New IPIS project on mining, human rights and digitalization in Tanzania
From late February to early March, two IPIS researchers were in Tanzania to lay the foundations for a new project funded by the Belgian development

Launch of SAESSCAM database on artisanal and small-scale mining
On February 23rd, IPIS presented in Kinshasa the results of a two years project done in partnership with Pact and Estelle Levin Ltd to support

Training on cartography and artisanal mine site inspections in Mambasa
French version below – version française ci-dessous Training on cartography and artisanal mine site inspections – Mambasa, Ituri, DRCongo From 10 to 14 December 2016,

Het conflict in de Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek in kaart gebracht.
IPIS organiseert op dinsdag 20 december een filmvoorstelling en panelgesprek over het aanhoudende conflict in de Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek. De Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek (CAR) was de voorbije jaren het toneel

SAESSCAM database on artisanal and small-scale mining
As part of a project to support good governance in the artisanal and small-scale mining sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), IPIS has

Forum on Conflict Minerals Supply Chain Compliance and Transparency (30 Nov – 2 Dec 2016)
Business Intelligence Services (BIS group) announces the Conflict Minerals Supply Chain Compliance and Transparency Forum taking place on 30thNovember – 2nd December 2016, in Berlin,

A fresh look at IPIS data during the DataMinds Analytic-A-Thon
IPIS was one of the NGO’s participating in the first Belgian DataMinds Analytic-A-Thon in the weekend of 22 October. The Analytic-A-Thon is a new event

Design of the ICGLR regional database on mineral flows
The Executive Secretariat of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), with the financial support of Partnership Africa Canada (PAC), has commissioned a

Bonne gouvernance des ressources naturelles: IPIS / DPDDA Atelier pour la société civile, Bangui
Du 29 juin au 1er juillet 2016 IPIS a animé un atelier pour 25 organisations locales de la société civile à Bangui (République centrafricaine). (English below) La

OECD Forum on Responsible Minerals
Last week, three of our researchers were in Paris to represent IPIS at the 10th ICGLR-OECD-UN GoE Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains. IPIS presented

Presentation of SAESSCAM database on Artisanal and Small-scale Mining
From November 17 to 19, IPIS presented its work during a multi stakeholder meeting in Kinshasa as part of a project to support artisanal and

Exploitations artisanales et à petite échelle en RD Congo
– English below – Du 23 au 26 février, IPIS a participé au séminaire de lancement d’un nouveau projet “d’Elaboration d’un document stratégique sur les

Op 17 november 2014 organiseert IPIS een voorstelling van de documentaire Virunga, in Filmhuis Klappei in Antwerpen.
Virunga is een nationaal park in het oosten van de Democratische Republiek Congo. Doordat het park tegen de grens van Uganda en Rwanda ligt moeten