After a successful implementation in the 3TG (tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold)-producing provinces of North Kivu, South Kivu, Ituri, and Haut-Uele, IPIS is expanding its incident reporting and monitoring system Kufatilia to the cobalt-rich province of Lualaba.
Kufatilia in a nutshell:
By sending the keyword “Kufatilia” via text message, members of mining communities, civil society actors, or any other informant can anonymously report mining-related incidents occurring in the extraction, transport or trade of minerals. The information collected is compiled in an online database where incidents are processed by a network of civil society organisations (CSOs), with the support of the Center of Expertise on Mining Governance (CEGEMI) of the University of Bukavu, South Kivu. CSOs can work together to validate and follow up on the reported incidents in a transparent, independent and participatory way. Kufatilia aims to strengthen Congolese CSOs as a watchdog of the mining sector and of the implementation of due diligence.
Mid-March 2023, IPIS welcomed three local CSOs in Lualaba province, in the Kufatilia network. During a training, participants learnt how to report incidents via mobile phone and how to monitor them on the online platform.

The CSOs will conduct dissemination activities to present the tool to mining communities in the territories of Mutshatsha and Lubudi, and the city of Kolwezi (in the ‘communes’ of Manika and Dilala) and will ensure appropriate follow-up with the relevant authorities, technical services or other stakeholders.
To increase transparency of the mineral supply chain, reported incidents will appear on the Kufatilia dashboard where stakeholders can check their location, date, category and status.
Additionally, mining communities can now send the key word ‘Matokeo’ to receive information on the price of gold, tin and cobalt.
Types of incidents that can be reported:
1. Accident (pit collapse, injury, use of explosives, flooding…)
2. Violence or theft (acts of torture, sexual violence, pillage, presence of armed group, forced labor, kidnapping…)
3. Child labor (surface or underground digging, transport of minerals…)
4. Environmental issues (use of mercury, water pollution, deforestation, poaching…)
5. Corruption or fraud (bribery, illegal taxation, traceability issues, non-declaration of production…)
6. Illegal roadblocks (bribery, illegal taxation, abuse of power, violence…)
7. Other
When reporting an incident on Kufatilia, the informant is also asked to specify how many people are affected, who is responsible, where and when the incident happened.