Revisiting responsible sourcing: Lessons from the Democratic Republic of Congo

16 septembre 2024

Thirteen years ago, in May 2011, IPIS participated in the very first meeting in Paris on implementing the newly adopted OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. At this relatively small gathering – organized by the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), the OECD and the UN Group of Experts on the Democrat

Annual Report 2023

9 septembre 2024

In 2023, the international scene was marked by several high-intensity armed conflicts, with peace-building efforts and diplomacy being cast aside by military solutions and a new global arms race. Peace actors saw their window to engage — to bring their perspective on conflict resolution — greatly reduced. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), violence in the east further escalated […]

SAVE THE DATE – October 10th – From conflict prevention to access to remedy: Ensuring effective implementation of corporate human rights due diligence in mineral supply chains

3 septembre 2024

Join us for a panel discussion on the challenges and opportunities of corporate human rights due diligence in mineral supply chains.

Déclaration conjointe d’ONG : Le règlement de l’UE sur les ‘minerais de conflits’ peine à atteindre ses objectifs

19 octobre 2023

20 ONG appellent l’UE à renforcer l’application des règles et à adopter de nouvelles mesures Téléchargez la déclaration conjointe Bruxelles, le 19 octobre 2023 Plus de six ans après son entrée en vigueur, le règlement de l’Union européenne sur l’approvisionnement responsable en étain, tungstène, tantale et en or provenant de zones de conflit ou à haut risque peine à atteindre ses principaux o

The EU Conflict Minerals Regulation: High stakes, disappointing results

19 octobre 2023

The EU Regulation on the responsible supply of tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold (3TG) originating from conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRAs) came into full force on 1 January 2021. Also known as the “Conflict Minerals” or “Responsible Minerals” Regulation, it aims to break the link between the exploitation and trade in 3TG on the one hand, and conflict financing on the othe

Joint statement on conflict & due diligence legislation

14 octobre 2022

The forthcoming EU due diligence Directive is lacking in its provisions for companies that are active in conflict affected areas and should be amended to align better with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Together with 50+ signatories, IPIS calls for a heightened, conflict-sensitive due diligence process for high-risk areas that includes compliance with international humanit