SAESSCAM database on artisanal and small-scale mining

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As part of a project to support good governance in the artisanal and small-scale mining sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), IPIS has delivered a functional web application and database for SAESSCAM agents to record production data from artisanal mining sites as well as a publicly accessible interactive webmap.


IPIS is engaged in a PROMINES project, in partnership with Pact and Estelle Levin Ltd., to support the Service d’Assistance et d’Encadrement du Small-Scale Mining (SAESSCAM), a governmental agency. In this project, IPIS reviewed existing data collection processes and developed an online platform where SAESSCAM agents from the provincial antennas can register artisanal production data on mining sites and transaction at selling points as well as update number of workers on each site or report incidents. The web application is accessible on the SAESSCAM website and is password-protected.


The antennas of North-Kivu, South-Kivu, Maniema, North Katanga, Tshopo, Ituri, Haut-Uele and Bas-Uele, as well as the offices of Lubuyabera and Banalia, the Provincial Ministry of Mines from North-Kivu and a delegation from iTSCi have been trained recently in Goma and Kisangani by IPIS researcher Alexandre Jaillon.


An interactive webmap is publicly available through SAESSCAM website and displays coordinates of more than 2000 artisanal mining sites in Eastern DRC as well as important traceability and due diligence information such as type of mineral, ministerial qualification (Green, Yellow or Red), number of workers per site and location of mining licenses. By clicking on a site, the viewer gets access to more information about the site and information about production registered by SAESSCAM agents aggregated at the territorial level.
