Analysis of the interactive map of artisanal mining areas in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo – 2022 update

November 29, 2022

In eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector plays an important role in the local economy. While large-scale armed conflict over DRC’s mineral wealth has decreased significantly over the past twenty years, armed actors continuously interfere in the mining sector, and conflicts over resources at the local level are still common. Based on new minin

Feedback session: Sharing the results of the data collected in Walungu, South Kivu

November 18, 2022

Since 2021, IPIS undertakes another large-scale mapping effort of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sites in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), – in partnership with USAID and the Congolese Ministry of Mines (through its technical service SAEMAPE).  The project aims to provide observers, supply chain actors and policymakers with reliable data to understand artisanal mineral

Responsible mining scorecard in eastern DRC

August 31, 2022

Over  the  years,  IPIS  has  systematically  collected  mine  site  and  trade  hub  level  data  on  artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in eastern DRC. This data collection has enabled IPIS to generate a sizable database of more than 3,000 ASM sites that draws  both  on  sites  visited  by  IPIS  and  data  from  third  party  sources  including  the  Congolese  mining  cadastre and the Mini

Maps of artisanal and small-scale mining in eastern DRC

July 4, 2022

IPIS has created large format maps of known past and present ASM sites in eastern DRC. These A0 maps cover the provinces of Haut Uele, Maniema, Ituri and North and South Kivu. Each map details the type of minerals, the qualification status by official authorities, the mining titles and provide with an overview of armed presence in and around the mines as reported during field visits conducted by I

Grassroots research on local diamond mining impact

March 1, 2022

During 2021, IPIS supported members of the Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition (KP CSC) in a series of grassroots studies on the human rights, socio-economic and environmental impact of diamond mining in eight African countries. IPIS provided online trainings on field survey methodology as well as editorial support to ten civil society organisations who carried out independent field res

Unconditional cash transfers in the DRC: A comparative baseline study in an artisanal mining zone in Maniema Province

March 1, 2022

A controlled impact study will be conducted by IPIS to evaluate the net effects of Unconditional Cash Transfers (UCT) on the socio-economic well-being of recipients. A controlled study approach allows potential effects of the intervention to be assessed by monitoring specific indicators in the group of people receiving cash transfers (inhabitants of the UCT village), in comparison with a comparabl

Report of high-level workshop on the fight against fraud and smuggling of rough diamonds in Central Africa

February 14, 2022

Regional Cooperation to Enhance the Implementation of the Kimberley Process in Central Africa In December 2021, the Working Group on Artisanal and Alluvial Production (WGAAP) of the Kimberley Process (KP) and the Cameroonian government hosted the second Central African regional cooperation workshop in Yaoundé to build understanding, share experiences and formulate recommendations on the fight agai

Comparative analysis of the fiscal regimes and implications for mineral trade of ASM 3TGs in Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi and the DRC 

February 14, 2022

This briefing paper looks at the relationship between mineral fiscal regimes and the smuggling of minerals in the Great Lakes Region, both within and between countries. It presents an overview and comparative analysis of the fiscal regimes applicable to the artisanal and small-scale (ASM) production of tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold (3TGs) in Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and the DRC, looking at the p

Voix du Congo: Misisi gold, a polluted supply chain: Causes and consequences

January 24, 2022

In this Voix du Congo publication, the Congolese civil society organisation Action for Peace and Development (APDE) analyses mining-related incidents reported via the “Kufatilia” platform between July 2020 and June 2021 in the mining region of Misisi.

“The Blue Mine” as a new status for qualifying mine sites in DRC. The result of successful advocacy by the Madini Project

November 23, 2021

On November 12th 2021, the National Minister of Mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Madam Antoinette N’Samba Kalambayi, signed the ministerial decree instituting a new status for the qualification /validation for artisanal mining sites: the Blue Status. Mine site qualification and validation (in line with the ICGLR’s Regional Certification Mechanism ) is a mandatory process in the DRC

Advocating for an improved enabling environment for the production, trade and export of OECD Due Diligence Guidance (DDG)-conformant minerals from eastern DRC

November 23, 2021

As part of the Madini project, a review of the current situation, trends and barriers in the production, trade and export of tin, tantalum, tungsten (3T) and gold from eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) was conducted by Levin Sources, with the aim to recommend concrete actions that can improve OECD-conformant sourcing of these minerals from eastern DRC. The link between the exploitation of

New large-scale mapping project of artisanal and small-scale mining in eastern DRC launched

November 10, 2021

Over the next two years, IPIS – in partnership with USAID, Tetra Tech and the Congolese Ministry of Mines (SAEMAPE) – will undertake a large-scale mapping effort of artisanal and small-scale mining sites in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), with the aim to provide observers, suppliers and policymakers with reliable data to understand artisanal mineral supply chains and conflict finan

Madini – Conflict analysis and stakeholder mapping in the mining regions of South Kivu and Ituri

August 20, 2021

To ensure that the implementation of the Madini project fits the local context and positively impacts the local population, IPIS conducted a conflict sensitivity analysis in South Kivu and Ituri. The present study highlights that poor governance, along with chronic poverty, are structural causes of violence in mining regions, whereas the presence o

IPIS Due Diligence series – Comparative analysis between cobalt and 3T sourcing from the DRC

July 26, 2021

This report compares the supply chains and traceability of 3T and cobalt ores in order to identify similarities, differences, and lessons learned from the decade of 3T experience in responsible sourcing, for the emerging cobalt initiatives.   The experience of regulating responsible sourcing in the 3T sector has taught us the importance of engaging producing countries from the start of the draftin

IPIS Insights -The artisanal and small scale mining sector in eastern DRC six months after the Covid-19 outbreak

April 19, 2021

In April 2020, when the Coronavirus spread around the world, IPIS started monitoring the impact of the pandemic on the production and trade of the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). IPIS published a report in October 2020 that discussed the results of several rounds of consultations with ASM stakeholders at nearly 90 Tin, Tantalum, Tung

Evaluating Due Diligence Programs for Conflict Minerals

March 29, 2021

The 2010 Dodd-Frank Act requires that US-listed companies sourcing so-called “conflict minerals” from Africa’s Great Lakes region conduct due diligence. Since January 2021, the EU imposes its 3TG importers to conduct due diligence in line with the OECD Guidelines (for a comparison between the two regulations, see IPIS Insight: Regulating Responsible Sourcing of 3TG Minerals). D

Voix du Congo: Analysis of incidents in 3TG supply chains in Walungu and Kabare, South-Kivu, DRC

February 2, 2021

Since November 2018, International Peace Information Service (IPIS) has been implementing the “Kufatilia” project which aims at strengthening transparency in the monitoring of incidents related to artisanal mining.

Suivi des incidents Nord Kivu

Voix du Congo: Monitoring incidents in artisanal supply chains in the Rubaya mining zone, Masisi territory, North Kivu

December 15, 2020

In the “Voix du Congo” series, Pole Institute presents a study on incidents in artisanal supply chains in the Rubaya mining area, Masisi territory in North Kivu province (DRC). This study focuses on incidents reported between September and June 2020 via the “Kufatilia” platform in the Rubaya Mining Zone, Masisi Territory, North Kivu Province.

DRC Country Profile

The mining sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Delve Country Profile

November 5, 2020

In partnership with Delve, IPIS produced a profile of the ASM sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Country Profile compiles information on the mining governance framework, provides data on key ASM minerals and analyses the contribution of artisanal mining to the SDGs.

L’exploitation minière artisanale à Beni-Mbau

L’exploitation minière artisanale à Beni-Mbau : Etat des lieux et cartographie des sites miniers

October 30, 2020

In the framework of the stabilisation project “Ensemble pour Beni”, IOM, IPIS, ASSODIP and ASADHO carried out a baseline assessment of the artisanal mining sector in the Beni territory. This report provides an overview of the sector and analyses opportunities to promote responsible mineral supply chains.