Weekly Briefing: 27TH February – 5TH March 2014

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In the joint FARDC-UN military operation against the ADF/Nalu rebel group in Beni, North Kivu, for the first time UN helicopters were deployed to bombard the alleged last rebel stronghold. Close to Beni town, a UN vehicle was attacked with grenades, leaving five peacekeepers wounded. Further south, clashes continued between the APCLS militia and the army in Masisi. The FARDC were accused of violence against civilians during the above operations, and of harassment in Lubero, North Kivu, and Watsa, Province Orientale. In Ituri, 20 soldiers reportedly involved in shooting incidents with other soldiers in Mambasa and Epulu, were arrested. In Moba, Katanga, the army recovered several villages that had been occupied by Mai-Mai rebels for over a year.

This Friday, the International Criminal Court (ICC) will deliver its judgment in the case against Ituri warlord Germain Katanga.

While violence in the Central African Republic (CAR) diminished in the past week, the UN and aid groups called for increased humanitarian support to the conflict-affected population in the country and to the thousands of refugees in neighbouring Cameroon and Chad. In a report to the UN Security Council, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has recommended sending a peacekeeping force of nearly 12,000 to protect civilians and restore stability.

The European Commission proposed a law that offers European companies a voluntary self-certification scheme to prove they don’t use or trade ‘conflict minerals’. The draft regulation received criticism from civil society and others who strive for a legally binding obligation for all companies to undertake supply chain due diligence, as was recommended by the European Parliament. Meanwhile in the DRC, several mining sites in Masisi, North Kivu, that were recently certified as conflict-free by the Government, were included in the iTSCi traceability system.

In a January letter seen by Bloomberg News, the Congolese Prime Minister told mining companies operating in Katanga to postpone all expansion projects requiring supplemental energy, amid a power shortage that will take years to resolve.

In an unusual step, World Bank President Jim Yong Kim delayed a $90 million loan to Uganda over the country’s anti-gay law and criticised countries for legalising discrimination against minority groups.

IPIS’ Latest Publications

IPIS Insights: Pentagon Accidentally Arms Al Qaeda Affiliate | 20 February 2014 | IPIS
A confidential report to the UN Security Council last week revealed that some of the weapons and ammunition to the Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG) forces appears to have been diverted to the Al Qaeda affiliate known as Al Shabaab.

Mapping Conflict Motives: the Sudan – South Sudan border (2012-2013) | 5 February 2014 | IPIS
In “Mapping Conflict Motives: the Sudan-South Sudan border”, IPIS analyses the conflict dynamics in the wider border area spanning Sudan and South Sudan. The analysis specifically looks into the motivations and interests of the parties involved in the interstate, intrastate and local conflicts in this area.
Together with the report, a series of maps of the area of focus is available at

Boundary spanning: moving towards strategic stakeholder engagement | 3 February 2014 | IPIS
By Anna Bulzomi
To address complex human rights impacts, companies need to move away from responding to crises and work with communities towards creating shared value.

IPIS Insights: The 2nd Annual United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights, Geneva 2013 | January 2014 | IPIS
From the 2 – 4 December 2013, IPIS attended the United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights. The Forum was established by the Human Rights Council and is under the guidance of the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights. IPIS’ researchers Gabriella Wass and Anna Bulzomi offer some insights into topics at the Forum that struck them as particularly interesting.

Practice What You Preach: Theory and Practice of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)’s Stakeholder Engagement Plan in Chad | 9 January 2014 | IPIS
The past decade has seen a staggering increase in Chinese investment flows in Africa, leaping from USD 392 million in 2005 to USD 2520 million in 2012. Chinese Government officials often describe the burgeoning Sino-African ties as ‘win-win partnerships’, emphasizing how their ‘non-interference’ policy truly allows African countries to choose their own development path.
Against this background, doubts may arise with regard to the environmental and social standards applied by Chinese companies conducting business overseas, especially in post-conflict states with poor human rights records and inadequate governance structures.
The case discussed in this paper concerns the operations of the Chadian branch of the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC).

Business, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil – Part II: Protect and Remedy: Implementing State duties under the UN Framework on Business and Human Rights | December 2013 | IPIS
The following is the second in a series of four reports exploring business and human rights issues in Uganda’s oil sector. This series is a collaboration between IPIS vsw and ActionAid Uganda.
In accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, this second report assesses the duty of the Ugandan, British, French and Chinese States to prevent, investigate, punish and redress human rights abuse by businesses.

In search of clean water: human rights and the mining industry in Katanga, DRC | 27 November 2013 | IPIS
Today, around 1,8 billion people in the world do not have access to safe water. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the most water-rich country in Africa, 51 million people lack access to potable water; only 26% of the population has access to safe drinking water. This is one of the lowest access rates in the world.
In the Katanga province, rich in cobalt and copper, some industrial mining companies operate provoking significant pollution of water sources, seriously affecting the local population. Although there is a lack of comprehensive data available, several studies conducted by local civil society show environmental, health and socio-economic negative effects.

IPIS Insights: Kimberley Process: observations from the sidelines. Part I | 21 November 2013 | IPIS
Ten years after the launch of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) this paper is the first in a two part series providing an overview of where the Kimberley Process and international efforts to combat the trade in conflict diamonds currently stand. It will analyse some of the present challenges facing the system and some of the potential solutions on the table.

Travail des enfants dans le site minier d’exploitation artisanale de Bisie en territoire de Walikale. Une crise oubliée en République Démocratique du Congo | 19 November 2013 | Prince Kihangi Kyamwami
Plus de deux décennies après l’entrée en vigueur de la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant (1989) en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), la situation des enfants dans le territoire de Walikale demeure critique.

Ambushed in Bangkok? The U.N. Panel on North Korea and the case of the IL-76 “4L-AWA” | 14 November 2013 | IPIS/TA
This new IPIS/TA report explains why the conclusion of the latest United Nations report on North Korea sanctions, about an arms flight grounded in Thailand, is not supported by facts, but based on a misalliance of wrong and misleading information, gleaned both about the cargo aircraft, its flight and the entities involved, together with erroneous interpretations of standard aviation practices made by the UN Panel of experts on North Korea.

Analysis of the interactive map of artisanal mining areas in Eastern DR Congo | 12 November 2013 | IPIS
In August 2009 the ‘International Peace Information Service’ (IPIS) published a first map of militarised mining areas in Eastern DR Congo. By 2012, the international interest in the issue had grown but the map was out-dated. To find a structural solution, IPIS sat down with the Congolese mining cadastre (CAMI) and agreed to set up a permanent system to monitor artisanal mining activities and the involvement of armed groups in the mineral exploitation and trade.
A first version of the resulting map has been published at It shows the location of nearly 800 mining sites and 85 trading centres, including information about armed groups presence and involvement, and the scale of the mining activity. The map includes at least 410 cases of illegal taxation by armed groups or the Congolese army.

‘Conflict Minerals’ initiatives in DR Congo: Perceptions of local mining communities | 12 November 2013 | IPIS
The exploitation of minerals is an important source of income for many communities in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Yet this mineral wealth also plays a significant role in the continuation of insecurity in parts of the country.
Over recent years, several domestic, regional and international initiatives have been developed to address the so-called ‘conflict minerals’ problem and the high level of informality in the DRC’s artisanal mining sector. These initiatives have provoked varying reactions regarding their impact on local livelihoods.
This report aims to provide insight into the impact of initiatives on the livelihood strategies of local communities in the DRC, based on field research in a wide range of mining areas; and document the perceptions of local stakeholders of these initiatives and their impacts.

IPIS Insights: Why businesses should assess human rights impacts from the outset of projects. SOCO International Oil Company in Virunga National Park, DRC | 26 August 2013 | International Peace Information Service (IPIS)
SOCO International, a British oil company, is prospecting for oil in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Virunga National Park – a World Heritage Site. For the past year, their presence has been criticised for putting a fragile environment at risk. However, more recently, their impact on human rights has also been questioned. In this Insights IPIS looks at why it is so vital for companies to employ rights-respectful processes, such as those advised in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, from the very beginning of the prospection stage.

Strijd tegen conflictmineralen: sleutel tot conflictresolutie in Oost-Congo? | 25 July  2013 | IPIS (Internationale Spectator)
De PDF van dit artikel is met toestemming van de redactie overgenomen uit de ‘Internationale Spectator, Clingendael Magazine voor Internationale Betrekkingen’, uitgegeven door de Koninklijke Van Gorcum, te Assen namens het Nederlands Instituut voor Internationale Betrekkingen ‘Clingendael’ te Den Haag.

Business, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil. Part I: Uganda’s oil sector and potential threats to human rights | 25 July 2013 | International Peace Information Service (IPIS) – ActionAid International Uganda
The following report is the first of a series of four collaborations between IPIS Research and ActionAid International Uganda. The series sheds a light on the oil sector in Uganda, its possible impact on human rights, and how government, companies, and civil society can best enable a positive bond between oil and the welfare of the Ugandan people.

The formalisation of artisanal mining in the DRC and Rwanda | December 2012 [April 2013] | IPIS
This report describes and evaluates initiatives to formalise the artisanal mining sector in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Rwanda, in order to locate lessons learned. We hope that these perspectives will support the formation of well-informed policy and regulatory options – both by the EU and by harvesting countries – concerning the formalisation of timber production in tropical countries.
The report was commissioned by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), which is dedicated to advancing human well-being, environmental conservation and equity through providing information that leads to better informed and equitable decision making about the use and management of forests in tropical countries.

Gold and diamonds in the Central African Republic. The country’s mining sector, and related social, economic and environmental issues | 26 March 2013 | IPIS
Gold and diamonds in Central Africa easily conjure up images of conflict, rebel funding, human rights violations, and smuggling. As a country landlocked within an unstable region, neighbouring the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and recently the scene of another coup, the Central African Republic (CAR) might be considered an appropriate candidate for analysis within the conflict-mineral perspective. Yet this framework would ignore the country’s mining sector’s very specific characteristics. The sector offers an essential livelihood to many households, represents the country’s second most important export product, and is organised in a particular way. Nonetheless, a wide range of issues regarding the country’s mining sector persist.
This report aims to analyse both the Central African Republic’s gold and diamond mining sector and related environmental and socio-economic issues.

Conflict and security

Recent news on conflict, security and arms trade across the Great Lakes Region 


MONUSCO weekly press conference
Conférence de presse des Nations Unies du mercredi 5 mars 2014 | 5 March 2014 | MONUSCO

Clashes and violence against civilians in Masisi, North Kivu
Nord-Kivu: affrontements entre FARDC et miliciens APCLS à Nyabiondo | 28 February 2014 | Radio Okapi
Les militaires congolais et les miliciens de l’Alliance des patriotes pour un Congo libre et souverain (APCLS) s’affrontent depuis ce vendredi 28 février dans la matinée à Nyabiondo au Nord-Kivu.

Nord-Kivu: les militaires accusés de torturer les jeunes de Nyabiondo | 4 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
Le président de la société civile de Nyabiondo, Moïse Wabushesha, accuse les FARDC de torturer des jeunes dans les localités de Nyabiondo, Bukomba et Bushani, à environ 140 km à l’ouest de Goma dans le Nord-Kivu. Les militaires les accusent, selon lui, d’appartenir au groupe armé APCLS (Alliance du peuple pour un Congo libre et souverain).

FARDC hunting down APCLS in Masisi, and what about FDLR? | 4 March 2014 |
After a period of conspicious calm, Masisi has (for saddening reasons) returned on the scene in February. The last weeks have been marred by stark violence and massive military activities, in particular in the territory’s southwestern parts. A brief summary analysis.

Nord-Kivu: les FARDC délogent les APCLS de 6 localités à Masisi | 5 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
Les Forces armées de la RDC (FARDC) ont délogé, en trois semaines, les miliciens de l’Alliance des Patriotes pour un Congo Libre et Souverain (APCLS) et leurs alliés Nyatura de six localités du territoire de Masisi (Nord-Kivu).

Nord-Kivu: plaidoyer pour un déploiement des policiers et militaires à Nyabamoko (sic) | 5 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
Les autorités coutumières des groupements Nyamaboko 1 et 2 réclament le déploiement des Forces armées de la RDC et de la police dans trois localités de ces groupements du Nord-Kivu pour mettre fin aux exactions des miliciens Maï-Maï et Nyatura. Il s’agit des localités de Bulinda, Matala et Muturi.

Operation against ADF/Nalu, BeniNorth Kivu
Nord-Kivu – La société civile menace de « suspendre les appuis matériels aux militaires indisciplinés », auteurs d’exactions | 27 February 2014 | allAfrica | Le Potentiel
RDC : des militaires accusés d’exactions pendant la traque de rebelles ougandais (société civile) | 28 February 2014 | Reliefweb | AFP
Des militaires chargés de lutter contre des rebelles ougandais présents dans le Nord-Kivu, dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo, se livrent à des assassinats, des viols et des pillages, accusent vendredi des ONG de la société civile dans la région.

Les FARDC appellent les ADF à déposer les armes, avant «l’assaut final» | 28 February 2014 | Radio Okapi
Les FARDC appellent les rebelles ougandais des ADF qui refusent encore de désarmer à déposer les armes.

Nord-Kivu : la Monusco bombarde le dernier bastion des ADF à Saha Sitisa | 1 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
RDC : des hélicoptères de l’ONU frappent les rebelles ougandais | 2 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique | AFP
Raid aérien contre l’ADF-Nalu dans l’est de la RDC | 2 March 2014 | RFI
DR Congo: with attack helicopters deployed, UN envoy urges rebels to lay down arms | 3 March 2014 | UN News Centre
RDC : la MONUSCO appelle les rebelles de l’ADF à déposer les armes | 3 March 2014 | UN News Centre
Congo close to defeating Ugandan Islamist rebels: army | 3 March 2014 | Reuters
Pour la première fois, et à la demande des Forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo (FARDC), la brigade d’intervention rapide de la Monusco est intervenue ce samedi 1er mars avec deux hélicoptères contre des éléments des rebelles ougandais de l’ADF-Nalu. L’opération a eu lieu dans la région de Béni, et ce ne sera pas la dernière, a affirmé le général Wafi.

Nord-Kivu: des tirs d’obus font 3 blessés à Beni | 3 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
Trois personnes d’une même famille ont été blessées, dans la nuit de dimanche 2 mars, à Beni après que deux obus sont tombés sur leur habitation.

Nord-Kivu: 6 casques bleus de la Monusco blessés dans l’attaque de leur convoi à Beni | 3 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
Rebels ambush U.N vehicle in eastern Congo | 4 March 2014 | Reuters
Martin Kobler, head of MONUSCO, strongly condemns the grenade attack on a MONUSCO convoy in Beni | 3 March 2014 | MONUSCO
RDC : l’ONU condamne une attaque contre un convoi de Casques bleus au Nord-Kivu | 4 March 2014 | UN News Centre
Five U.N. peacekeepers were injured when rebels ambushed their vehicle in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo on Monday, the U.N. mission in the country said.

Beni : 500 USD pour celui qui livrera les informations sur les lanceurs des grenades | 5 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
En l’espace de deux jours, deux obus ont été lancés sur une habitation en pleine ville et un convoi de l’Onu a été attaqué à la grenade, blessant six casques bleus à Beni, dans le nord de la province du Nord-Kivu.

FDLR and FARDC harassment in Lubero, North Kivu
Nord-Kivu: les femmes de Lubero dénoncent les tracasseries des FDLR | 28 February 2014 | Radio Okapi
Des femmes de groupements Tama et Itala au sud de Lubero (Nord-Kivu) dénoncent les tracasseries perpétrées par les combattants des forces démocratiques pour la libération du Rwanda (FDLR).

Lubero: des militaires accusés d’extorsion sur les routes de desserte agricole | 5 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
La société civile du territoire de Lubero au Nord-Kivu dénonce les tracasseries militaires sur les axes routiers Alimbongo-Mbingi et Mighobwe- Mbingi, à plus de 100 km au sud de Butembo.

Militia lays down arms in Uvira, South Kivu
Uvira : la milice MPDC annonce la fin de sa lutte armée | 4 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
Le Mouvement du peuple pour la défense du Congo (MPDC) a annoncé lundi 3 mars la fin de ses activités militaires et la poursuite de sa lutte en tant que parti politique. Son président, Me Ndigaya Ngezi, l’a fait savoir à la clôture de la mission du coordonnateur du programme pré-DDR à l’Est du pays, le général Delphin Kahimbi.

Soldiers arrested in Ituri, Province Orientale
Bunia: arrestation de 20 militaires poursuivis pour « fuite devant l’ennemi » | 2 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
Vingt militaires congolais ont été arrêtés à l’auditorat militaire de Bunia le vendredi 28 février. Selon un magistrat du parquet militaire, ils sont poursuivis pour violation de consignes et fuite devant l’ennemi.
Ces militaires, déployés au Sud du territoire d’Irumu, avaient quitté leurs positions pour se rendre à Kisangani sans l’autorisation de leurs supérieurs. Ils ont été arrêtés après des échanges de tirs à Mambasa et Epulu avec d’autres militaires. Ces échanges de tirs avaient fait cinq morts et plusieurs blessés.

FARDC harassment in Watsa, Province Orientale
Les FARDC accusées de tracasseries à Watsa | 3 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
Lors d’une conférence tenue samedi 1er mars dans le territoire de Watsa, la corporation des députés nationaux et provinciaux ressortissant de cette entité de la Province Orientale a dénoncé l’érection par les FARDC de plus de vingt-cinq barrières sur l’axe routier Watsa – Gombari – Mungbere.

Clashes between FARDC and militia in Wamba, Province Orientale
Wamba: 10 villages désertés suite aux combats entre FARDC et miliciens | 27 February 2014 | Radio Okapi
Près d’une dizaine de villages du territoire de Wamba dans la Province Orientale sont abandonnés par leurs habitants depuis près de cinq mois. Ces derniers affirment fuir les affrontements entre les FARDC et des hommes armés non encore identifiés.

FARDC chase Mai-Mai in Moba, Katanga
Déploiement des Casques bleus au Katanga – la MONUSCO exclut toute polémique | 27 February 2014 | allAfrica | Le Potentiel
Il n’y a pas de bras de fer entre la Monusco et le gouvernement congolais sur la question relative au déploiement des troupes onusiennes au Katanga. La Monusco va bel et bien déployer ses éléments à Manono, Pweto et Mitwaba, une zone baptisée de « Triangle de la mort » à la suite de l’activisme des milices dans cette partie de la RDC.

Katanga : les FARDC récupèrent 5 groupements qu’occupaient les Maï-Maï à Moba | 28 February 2014 | Radio Okapi
Les Forces armées de la RDC ont récupéré cinq groupements de la chefferie de Nganye en territoire de Moba (Katanga), à l’issue d’une offensive qu’elles ont lancée il y a une semaine.

RDC: la ministre suédoise de la Coopération plaide pour un plan DDR crédible et clair | 28 February 2014 | Radio Okapi
En visite dans le centre de regroupement d’anciens combattants de Bweremana au Nord-Kivu le jeudi 27 février, la ministre suédoise de la Coopération et du développement, Hillevi Engström, a plaidé pour la mise en place d’un plan de démobilisation transparent, crédible et clair.

Nord-Kivu : des ex-miliciens réticents pour intégrer l’armée | 28 February 2014 | Radio Okapi
Environ deux mille ex-combattants qui attendent le processus de démobilisation à Bweremana, au sud-ouest de Goma (Nord-Kivu) hésitent de rejoindre la base militaire de Kitona au Bas-Congo pour entamer le processus de leur réintégration dans l’armée.

Mbandaka: 51 jeunes démobilisés exigent de retourner dans leurs milieux d’origine | 2 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
Cinquante et un jeunes de moins de 18 ans sortis de groupes armés exigent d’être relocalisés dans leurs provinces d’origine à savoir le Nord-Kivu, le Sud-Kivu et le Katanga.

Nord-Kivu: 1 500 ex-miliciens envoyés à Kitona et Kamina | 4 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
Plus de 1 500 ex-miliciens regroupés depuis quelques semaines à Bweremana au Nord-Kivu ont été envoyés le lundi 3 mars dans les centres de formation militaire de Kitona (Bas-Congo) et Kamina (Katanga).

Briefing: DDR in eastern DRC – try, try again | 4 March 2014 | IRIN
There are 54 armed groups at large in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), according to the government, which plans to spend the next five years getting shot of them.

Amnesty law
RDC : la loi sur l’amnistie passe mal | 27 February 2014 |
La loi d’amnistie sur les groupes armés, adoptée début février, est fortement décriée par les ONG qui dénoncent une « prime à l’impunité » alors que les rebelles attendent une « amnistie totale ».

Les anciens rebelles ne pourront bénéficier de la loi d’amnistie qu’à la faveur d’un sévère tamis sélectif effectué au cas par cas | 4 March 2014 |
La loi d’amnistie ne sera appliquée pour les anciens rebelles qui espèrent en bénéficier qu’après un tamis sévère de sélection au cas par cas et non dans une application globale et générale qui risque d’inclure des criminels de guerre et autres génocidaires.

Sud-Kivu: la société civile réclame une commission pour l’application de l’amnistie | 4 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
La société civile du Sud-Kivu plaide pour la mise en place d’une commission de mise en application, de suivi et d’évaluation de la loi sur l’amnistie des faits insurrectionnels, faits de guerre et infractions politiques.

François Muamba: l’amnistie sera individuelle. Point | 5 March 2014 | Le carnet de Colette Braeckman
Interview de François Muamba, coordinateur du mécanisme national de suivi de l’accord cadre d’Addis Abeba.

Background, analysis, comments
How Kabila is buying time | 3 March 2014 | Institute for Security Studies
It was a surreal situation at last week’s Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) summit in Kinshasa, where several of the continent’s most controversial presidents gave Oscar-worthy performances as conscientious heads of state tirelessly dedicated to the development of their countries.

Thoughts on MONUSCO’s upcoming mandate renewal | 4 March 2014 |
On 28 March 2013, the UN Security Council did something unexpected in many years before. It made clear, in its resolution 2098 that a peacekeeping force could, under given circumstances, actually implement chapter VII of the UN Charter.

FARDC hunting down APCLS in Masisi, and what about FDLR? | 4 March 2014 |
After a period of conspicious calm, Masisi has (for saddening reasons) returned on the scene in February. The last weeks have been marred by stark violence and massive military activities, in particular in the territory’s southwestern parts.

RDC: baisse des cas de violations des droits de l’homme en janvier | 5 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
Le Bureau conjoint des Nations unies aux droits de l’homme (BCNUDH) a recensé 173 violations de droits de l’homme au mois de janvier en RDC. C’est 13,5% de cas en moins qu’en décembre 2013 où 200 cas de violations des droits de l’homme avaient été enregistrés par le même bureau.


East Africa willing to send stabilisation force to South Sudan
East African Mediator Proposes Regional Force for South Sudan | 5 March 2014 | Bloomberg
East African Nations Ready to Send a Stabilization Force to South Sudan | 5 March 2014 | Voice of America
East African mediators want armed units from the region to protect cease-fire monitors and oil fields in South Sudan, said Seyoum Mesfin, chief envoy from the seven-nation Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).
Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, Rwanda and Burundi have made a “positive response” to requests for participation in the “neutral stabilization and protection force,” Seyoum told reporters today in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital where peace talks have been taking place.

Residence of former chief of staff attacked in South Africa
Afrique du Sud: la résidence du général rwandais Kayumba Nyamwasa attaquée | 5 March 2014 | RFI
Le domicile de Nyamwasa attaqué | 5 March 2014 | BBC Afrique
En Afrique du Sud, la résidence du général Kayumba Nyamwasa a été attaquée hier matin par des hommes armés. L’ancien chef de l’armée rwandaise, réfugié en Afrique du Sud et les membres de sa famille sont sains et saufs.

Afrique du Sud: Kayumba Nyamwasa accuse le Rwanda | 6 March 2014 | RFI
L’ancien chef d’état-major du Rwanda, Kayumba Nyamwasa, accuse le Rwanda d’avoir à nouveau tenté de l’assassiner et d’être derrière l’attaque contre sa résidence survenue lundi dernier.


FNL attack against military
Burundi : entre 3 et 10 morts dans une attaque contre des militaires | 3 March 2014 |
Les Forces nationales de libération (FNL), une ex-rébellion devenue principal parti d’opposition du Burundi, a revendiqué, ce lundi, l’attaque commise la veille contre une position militaire située dans la réserve naturelle de la Rukoko, à l’est du Burundi.

East Africa willing to send stabilisation force to South Sudan
East African Mediator Proposes Regional Force for South Sudan | 5 March 2014 | Bloomberg
East African Nations Ready to Send a Stabilization Force to South Sudan | 5 March 2014 | Voice of America
East African mediators want armed units from the region to protect cease-fire monitors and oil fields in South Sudan, said Seyoum Mesfin, chief envoy from the seven-nation Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).
Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, Rwanda and Burundi have made a “positive response” to requests for participation in the “neutral stabilization and protection force,” Seyoum told reporters today in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital where peace talks have been taking place.


Extra troops to Somalia
Ugandan troops to form U.N. guard force in Somalia | 3 March 2014 | Reuters
Uganda will send about 400 extra troops to Somalia to protect U.N. personnel in the capital Mogadishu, officials said on Monday.

Central African Republic

Anti-balaka leader not arrested
AU: CAR Anti-Balaka Leader Not Arrested | 27 February 2014 | Voice of America
Congo: le chef anti-Balaka serait libéré | 27 February 2014 | BBC Afrique
Peacekeepers in the Central African Republic have retracted a report that a leader of the anti-Balaka militia movement had been arrested.
The African Union mission in the C.A.R., known as MISCA, said Wednesday that Patrick Edouard Ngaissona had been arrested by authorities in the neighboring Republic of Congo. A MISCA spokesman, Eloi Yao, now tells VOA’s French to Africa Service, however, that Congolese authorities arrested a different man with the same name as the anti-Balaka leader.

Centrafrique : Ngaïssona, l’homme qui se voulait “roi” des anti-balaka | 4 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique
Cible numéro 1 des autorités centrafricaines, Pierre-Édouard Ngaissona court toujours. L’ex-ministre de Bozizé s’est autoproclamé “coordinateur politique” des milices anti-balaka.

France – President Hollande in Bangui
Centrafrique : des soldats français venus du Tchad en renfort | 27 February 2014 |
Un important convoi d’une cinquantaine de véhicules blindés est arrivé ce jeudi dans la capitale centrafricaine ; Bangui, en provenance du Tchad pour renforcer les forces françaises à bout de souffle au cours de l’opération Sangaris.

Little hope for C.Africa Muslims ahead of French president visit | 27 February 2014 | Africa Daily | AFP
Reeling from savage attacks, Central African Republic’s Muslim minority have little faith that Friday’s visit by President Francois Hollande will change their fortunes, while the French military has warned that the country cannot only rely on foreign help.

François Hollande à Bangui | 28 February 2014 | RFI
De retour du Nigeria, le président français fait un détour par la République centrafricaine. Au programme, selon l’Elysée, un discours aux troupes de Sangaris, suivi d’une rencontre avec la présidente de transition Catherine Samba-Panza et les autorités religieuses du pays.

France striving to stop Central African Republic split, Hollande says | 28 February 2014 | Reuters
A Bangui, Hollande met en garde contre toute partition du pays | 28 February 2014 | RFI
Centrafrique : Hollande à Bangui pour fixer le futur agenda politique et militaire | 28 February 2014 |
French President Francois Hollande told the Central African Republic on Friday that his troops would work to stop the country splitting in two and endeavor to disarm rival fighters engaged in months of inter-religious killing.

Centrafrique : retranchés au PK-5, les musulmans disent “NON” à Hollande | 28 February 2014 |
L’arrivée de François Hollande ce vendredi matin à Bangui, pour une visite d’une journée, a déclenché une colère monstre au sein de la communauté musulmane. Elle demande le départ du président français, accusé de fermer les yeux sur les meurtres des musulmans de Bangui.

Hollande: France Will Help Fund CAR Government | 28 February 2014 | Voice of America
French President Francois Hollande was in the Central African Republic Friday for the second time in just over three months. He was visiting the French troops stationed in the country, as well as consulting with the new CAR government and with religious leaders.

French troops in CAR to move outside Bangui, Hollande | 1 March 2014 | RFI English
France is to deploy more troops outside Bangui, French President François Hollande said on a visit to the Central African Republic (CAR), where he warned of the danger of the partition of the country and promised to end sectarian violence.

Three ex-Seleka rebels killed in Bangui
Centrafrique : trois morts à Bangui | 1 March 2014 | BBC Afrique
Trois anciens rebelles de la Séléka ont été tués par balle et un autre gravement blessé, samedi à Bangui.

UN – Ban Ki-moon proposes 12,000-strong peacekeeping force
Mediation ‘still possible’ between communities in Central African Republic – UN official | 28 February 2014 | UN News Centre
Centrafrique : le HCR appelle au déploiement rapide de forces internationales plus robustes | 28 February 2014 | UN News Centre
Amid reports of retaliatory killings between armed Christian and Muslim factions the Central African Republic (CAR), a senior United Nations official today warned that “ethno-religious cleansing” is being carried out in the country, and now it is “most important” for mediation among the communities, and for more international forces to be deployed to protect civilians.

U.N. proposes Central African Republic peacekeeping force | 3 March 2014 | Reuters
UN Chief Recommends Peacekeeping Force for CAR | 3 March 2014 | Voice of America
Centrafrique : l’ONU estime les besoins à 12 000 Casques bleus | 3 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique
RCA: l’ONU propose l’envoi d’une force de 12 000 hommes | 4 March 2014 | RFI
The United Nations on Monday proposed a nearly 12,000-strong peacekeeping force for conflict-ravaged Central African Republic that would have a “robust mandate” and initially focus on protecting civilians. The recommendation was included in a report from U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to the 15-nation Security Council.

U.N. Debates the Breadth of a Mission in the Central African Republic | 3 March 2014 | The New York Times
The world is watching: That has been the resounding message of world powers in the face of deadly sectarian strife in the Central African Republic.
Yet how much is the world willing to pay to stanch the killings? That delicate, awkward debate has begun, behind the scenes, at the United Nations.

Political Wrangling Stymies CAR Peacekeeping Force | 3 March 2014 | IPS
Budget constraints in Washington and obstinacy at the highest levels of the African Union (AU) have combined to dangerously delay a possible U.N. peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic (CAR), according to sources close to negotiations currently underway in New York.

Centrafrique : les Casques bleus de l’ONU ne seront pas déployés avant septembre | 5 March 2014 |
Les près de 12 000 Casques bleus de l’ONU prévus en Centrafrique pour prêter main forte aux troupes françaises et à la force africaine MISCA ne seront pas déployés avant l’automne prochain.

Background, analysis, comments, appeals
Incompetent, under-resourced and uninformed – the international response to crisis in the CAR | 27 February 2014 | African Arguments
Earlier this week I interviewed Donatella Rovera, Amnesty International’s senior investigator in crisis response. She has just returned from a week in the Central African Republic (CAR). We spoke about the current international military and humanitarian response to the crisis in the CAR and events unfolding in the country.

Aid Agencies Face Moral Dilemma in CAR | 28 February 2014 | Voice of America
Analysis: Evacuation dilemma in the Central African Republic | 28 February 2014 | IRIN
Analyse : Le dilemme de l’évacuation en République centrafricaine | 3 March 2014 | IRIN
Aid agencies in the Central African Republic are facing a moral dilemma – should they evacuate endangered Muslims to safer areas, or encourage them to stay put? If they get involved in evacuations, they risk being accused of complicity with ethnic or religious “cleansing.” But the alternative might be letting civilians fall victim to large-scale massacres.

CAR: Urgent action needed by the UN Security Council to address crisis | 28 February 2014 | Amnesty International
Members of the UN Security Council, including France, the US and UK must throw their full weight behind proposals to tackle the crisis in the Central African Republic (CAR), said Amnesty International.

An Equal Share of Wealth Equals Lasting Peace in CAR | 28 February 2014 | IPS
“The conflict is multifaceted and does reflect tensions between groups over the control for land and natural resources. Neither side is fighting in the name of god, though paradoxically there is a religious tone that has complicated the crisis,” Comfort Ero, the Africa programme director for the International Crisis Group, told IPS.

Centrafrique : Instabilité et recrudescence des violences | 28 February 2014 |
Recrudescence des violences en Centrafrique : conséquence de l’instrumentalisation politique de la religion par les acteurs politiques centrafricains sous l’indifférence coupable de la communauté internationale.

Four steps the UK should take to stop the CAR from turning into another Rwanda | 28 February 2014 | The Independent
To date Britain has regarded the bloody conflict as “not one for us”.

Le pays respire mieux | 3 March 2014 | allAfrica | Cameroon Tribune
La République centrafricaine revient de loin. Loin de normaliser la situation politique du pays, la mise à l’écart de l’ancien président de transition, Michel Djotodia, a plutôt failli l’empirer.

Analysis – UN Force Is Last Roll of the Dice for Desperate CAR | 4 March 2014 | allAfrica | Daily Maverick
There’s no easy fix for the Central African Republic. Even once the bloodshed stops, someone has to figure out how to rebuild a state which no longer exists, and prevent it from falling apart again. Only the United Nations has the skills and experience to confront all the country’s problems simultaneously.

Central African Republic: Ignore Kony at Your Peril | 4 March 2014 | ThinkAfricaPress
The world’s most viral villain is by no means the greatest threat to the CAR’s security. But that doesn’t mean we should turn a blind eye to his latest gamble for survival.

Cameroun – Centrafrique : voisinage à risques | 4 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique
Les affrontements qui font rage en Centrafrique risquent fort d’ébranler Yaoundé. Ce qui ne semble guère inquiéter le président camerounais, Paul Biya, très discret sur le terrain diplomatique.

Séraphin Ngwej : “La RDC est le pays qui fait le plus en Centrafrique” | 5 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique
Ambassadeur itinérant du président Joseph Kabila, Séraphin Ngwej est aussi l’un de ses conseillers les plus écoutés sur les questions diplomatiques. Pour “Jeune Afrique”, il explique pourquoi la RDC s’implique autant dans la crise en Centrafrique.

Humanitarian news

Non-comprehensive overview of humanitarian news & events, including refugee and IDP issues


WB to Help Conflict-Affected Communities in Eastern DRC Find Livelihoods, Rebuild Infrastructure | 27 February 2014 | allAfrica | World Bank
The World Bank’s Board of Directors has approved support to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to help poor and vulnerable communities find better livelihoods and to rebuild community infrastructure, focusing on the conflict-affected eastern part of the country.

Rutshuru : retour progressif des Congolais réfugiés en Ouganda | 27 February 2014 | Radio Okapi
Mille cinq cents ménages qui avaient trouvé en Ouganda sont déjà rentrés, depuis décembre dernier, dans leurs villages dans le groupement Binza, en territoire de Rutshuru au Nord-Kivu.

RDC: le plan d’actions humanitaire 2014 présenté à Uvira | 27 February 2014 | Radio Okapi
Le Bureau des Nations unies pour la coordination des affaires humanitaires (Ocha) a présenté, mercredi 26 février, le plan humanitaire 2014 aux acteurs étatiques et non étatiques du territoire d‘Uvira (Sud-Kivu). Evalué à 832 millions de dollars américains, ce document entend mobiliser 90 à 100% des ressources pour apporter de l’aide humanitaire aux sinistrés.

Wamba: 10 villages désertés suite aux combats entre FARDC et miliciens | 27 February 2014 | Radio Okapi
Près d’une dizaine de villages du territoire de Wamba dans la Province Orientale sont abandonnés par leurs habitants depuis près de cinq mois.

Poverty amid mining riches in Katanga | 27 February 2014 | IRIN
La pauvreté derrière la richesse minière du Katanga | 3 March 2014 | IRIN
Kiubo – The row over how to patch up the severed highway was heating up. With truck crews close to blows over who should lay the massive rocks into the mud that had halted traffic for a week, one driver pinned the blame on the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) highest authority.

DR Congo: funding gap forces UN agency to scale back food rations | 28 February 2014 | UN News Centre
RDC : le PAM contraint de réduire l’aide alimentaire à cause du manque d’argent | 28 February 2014 | UN News Centre
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) announced today that a major funding gap is forcing the agency to scale back geographical coverage of its work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and to instead focus on what it describes as “acutely-insecure, conflict-affected areas” in the vast country.

Everyday Emergency: Silent Suffering in Democratic Republic of Congo | 3 March 2014 | Reliefweb | MSF
RDC: le difficile travail des humanitaires dans les provinces de l’Est | 4 March 2014 | RFI
RDC: près de 3 millions des déplacés ont besoin d’aide humanitaire, selon MSF | 4 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
RDC : l’aide internationale jugée inefficace | 5 March 2014 |
MSF releases report on shocking humanitarian situation in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

Le PAM fournit une assistance alimentaire vitale aux victimes de conflits armés dans le territoire de Beni, à l’est de la RDC | 4 March 2014 | Reliefweb | WFP

Katanga : bientôt de la nourriture pour 40 000 déplacés de Pweto | 4 March 2014 | Radio Okapi

UNOCHA bulletins & infographic
RDC – Sud-Kivu : Realisations de la communaute humanitaire en 2013 | 5 March 2014 | Reliefweb | UNOCHA

Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province Orientale N° 7/14, 26 février 2014 | 27 February 2014 | Reliefweb | UNOCHA

Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Nord-Kivu N° 08/14, 26 février 2014 | 28 February 2014 | Reliefweb | UNOCHA

Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Nord-Kivu N° 09/14, 4 mars 2014 | 5 March 2014 | Reliefweb | UNOCHA

Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province Orientale N° 08/14, 5 mars 2014 | 5 March 2014 | Reliefweb | UNOCHA


‘Only Peace Will Stop Refugee Influx’ | 27 February 2014 | allAfrica | Rwanda Focus
Contingency Planning for Massive Refugee Influx | 27 February 2014 | allAfrica | Rwanda Focus
While the number of refugees streaming from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to Rwanda continues to increase, the representative of the UNHCR says it is difficult to find a sustainable solution to the problem, and that only sustainable peace can end the refugee influx.

UNHCR welcomes the decision on 37 protracted Rwandan refugees | 28 February 2014 | Reliefweb | UNHCR
UNHCR welcomes the decision of the Government of Burundi to regularize the situation of 37 Rwandan refugees who fled their country between 1959 and December 31, 1998.


Uganda Emergency Update Covering the southwest, midwest and northwest, 18 – 24 February 2014 | 3 March 2014 | Reliefweb | UNHCR

Refugees by the thousands search for safety in Uganda | 5 March 2014 | Reliefweb | IFRC
Two months after violence broke out in South Sudan, there is still a flurry of activity at the Nyumanzi transit centre in Adjumani District in northwest Uganda, the first stop for refugees fleeing to safety.

Central African Republic

Central African Republic: Regional Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 26 Feb 2014) | 27 February 2014 | Reliefweb | UNOCHA

Central African Republic Situation External Regional Update #4 – 20-26 February 2014 | 28 February 2014 | Reliefweb | UNHCR

UN: CAR Civilians Need Increased Protection | 28 February 2014 | Voice of America
A senior U.N. refugee official says more massacres of civilians in the Central African Republic are inevitable without an increase in international forces.

CAR Refugees in Need of Emergency Food Aid | 28 February 2014 | allAfrica | MSF
In Gore, in southern Chad, more than 6,000 refugees who fled violence in the Central African Republic (CAR) do their best to find a shelter in and around an old hospital.

Réfugiés centrafricains au Cameroun – des conditions de vie déplorables | 28 February 2014 | allAfrica | MSF
Alors que les affrontements en République centrafricaine (RCA) perdurent, des milliers de réfugiés sont arrivés au Cameroun. Ils manquent d’eau potable, d’un abri décent et de nourriture, prévient l’organisation médicale Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).

Central African Republic Situation Report #34 | 28 February 2014 | Reliefweb | WFP
Humanitarian Funding Urgently Needed for the Central African Republic | 4 March 2014 | ThinkAfricaPress
At 32 percent funded, WFP’s emergency operation is in a dire situation. Without immediate contributions, the agency will be unable to scale-up ahead of the planting and rainy seasons, or to respond in newly secured areas.

Aid Agencies Face Moral Dilemma in CAR | 28 February 2014 | Voice of America
Analysis: Evacuation dilemma in the Central African Republic | 28 February 2014 | IRIN
Analyse : Le dilemme de l’évacuation en République centrafricaine | 3 March 2014 | IRIN
Aid agencies in the Central African Republic are facing a moral dilemma – should they evacuate endangered Muslims to safer areas, or encourage them to stay put? If they get involved in evacuations, they risk being accused of complicity with ethnic or religious “cleansing.” But the alternative might be letting civilians fall victim to large-scale massacres.

Volunteering for the Red Cross in the Central African Republic – Why It Is Not for the Faint of Heart | 2 March 2014 | allAfrica | IFRC
Olivier Nyssens is a psychosocial delegate with the Belgian Red Cross, deployed to the Central African Republic with IFRC, to provide support to Red Cross volunteers who are witnessing the atrocities of the current conflict first hand.

UN increasingly concerned for people fleeing Central African Republic, South Sudan | 4 March 2014 | UN News Centre
Tchad : des milliers de réfugiés de Centrafrique ont besoin d’assistance, selon l’ONU | 4 March 2014 | UN News Centre
U.N. says Central Africa, South Sudan refugees ‘in poor shape’, children hardest hit | 4 March 2014 | Reuters
Humanitarian Aid to CAR, South Sudan Woefully Underfunded | 4 March 2014 | Voice of America
The United Nations refugee agency today appealed for increased support to meet the needs of people fleeing the crises in the Central African Republic (CAR) and South Sudan, especially those who have arrived in Chad, Cameroon and Ethiopia.

Rains bring further misery for Central Africa’s displaced | 4 March 2014 | Reuters
An early start to the rainy season in Central African Republic has worsened the plight of hundreds of thousands of people sheltering from religious violence in makeshift camps, raising the risk of malaria and dysentery, aid workers said on Tuesday.

Over 76,000 People Displaced From Central African Republic Into Chad Facing Crisis | 4 March 2014 | allAfrica | UNICEF
Tchad: vive inquiétude pour les réfugiés venus de Centrafrique | 4 March 2014 | RFI
As the humanitarian crisis in Central African Republic continues to spill over into neighboring countries, UNICEF is raising the alert that more than 76,000 people, mostly women and children, fleeing the violence from CAR into Chad are in urgent need of additional assistance.

Food Distribution Increases in CAR | 4 March 2014 | Voice of America
The World Food Program says emergency food supplies are reaching more people in Central African Republic. However, the main supply road from Cameroon to CAR’s capital Bangui remains insecure.

Chad/CAR: New humanitarian crisis for those fleeing violence in CAR | 5 March 2014 | Amnesty International
Thousands of people forced to flee the violence in the Central African Republic (CAR) are now facing another humanitarian catastrophe in neighbouring Chad, said Amnesty International.

CAR Races to Save Planting Season | 5 March 2014 | Voice of America
A food crisis is looming in many parts of the Central African Republic, where many villagers have lived in the bush for months to avoid marauding armed groups.

Justice and Tribunals

Selected articles on criminal justice proceedings regarding crimes committed in the Great Lakes Region


ICC and the DRC
How did the DRC become the ICC’s Pandora’s Box? – By Thijs B. Bouwknegt | 5 March 2014 | African Arguments
This Friday, Germain Katanga has the ambiguous honour of receiving the third ever judgement from the International Criminal Court (ICC).

ICC – Germain Katanga case
Judgment in Katanga case to be delivered on 7 March 2014: Practical information | 28 February 2014 | ICC – CPI
Jugement vendredi dans le procès de Germain Katanga | 3 March 2014 | Hirondelle News Agency
Eight Things You Need to Know About the Katanga Case At the ICC | 5 March 2014 | allAfrica | Radio Netherlands Worldwide
This Friday, the International Criminal Court is due to deliver a verdict in its case against Congolese militia leader Germain Katanga.

ICC – Bosco Ntaganda case
Bosco Ntaganda case: Appeals Chamber confirms the decision rejecting the Defence’s request for interim release | 5 March 2014 | ICC – CPI
Affaire Bosco Ntaganda : la CPI rejette la requête de mise en liberté provisoire | 5 March 2014 | UN News Centre
Today, 5 March 2013, the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) dismissed, by majority, the appeal of Bosco Ntaganda against the Pre-Trial Chamber II decision of 18 November 2013. Pre-Trial Chamber II had rejected the Defence’s application for interim release. Mr Ntaganda remains in the ICC’s custody.

Mai-Mai Morgan on trial in Mambasa, Ituri, Province Orientale
Ituri: 24 miliciens Maï-Maï Simba jugés pour crimes de guerre à Mambasa | 2 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
Vingt-quatre miliciens du groupe Maï-Maï Simba de Morgan sont jugés depuis le samedi 1er mars à Mambasa en chambre foraine au tribunal militaire garnison de l’Ituri. Ils sont poursuivis pour participation à un mouvement et crimes de guerre qu’ils auraient commis dans le territoire de Mambasa en Province Orientale.


Simbikangwa genocide trial in Paris
Procès Simbikangwa: la Cour a entendu de nouveaux témoins à charge | 28 February 2014 | RFI
Le procès de Pascal Simbikangwa, cet ex-capitaine des renseignements rwandais jugé à Paris pour complicité de génocide et crimes contre l’humanité pour son rôle en 1994, se poursuit. Depuis le début de la semaine, la cour d’assises entend des témoins à charge.

Procès Simbikangwa: un témoin encombrant pour l’accusé | 28 February 2014 | RFI
Ce vendredi, un Tutsi a raconté avoir été sauvé par Pascal Simbikangwa, tout en mettant à mal la ligne de défense.

Procès Simbikangwa: un second témoin gênant pour l’accusé | 4 March 2014 | RFI
Procès Simbikangwa : un nouveau Tutsi “sauvé” par l’accusé témoigne | 4 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique
Lundi 3 mars, la cour a entendu un Tutsi sauvé par l’accusé. Mais ce témoignage s’est révélé bien encombrant pour la défense.

Procès de Pascal Simbikangwa : le témoignage d’un Tutsi fragilise sa défense | 4 March 2014 | RFI
Ce mardi 4 mars, un deuxième Tutsi « sauvé » par l’accusé a témoigné à la barre. Ce qu’il a raconté fragilise la défense, contredit le niveau de responsabilité de Pascal Simbikangwa lors du génocide de 1994.

Procès du génocide rwandais en France : Pascal Simbikangwa entre ombre et lumière | 4 March 2014 |
Alors que le procès du présumé génocidaire Pascal Simbikangwa entre dans sa cinquième semaine, les nouveaux témoignages apportés, notamment ce lundi, laissent apercevoir la complexité du cas de cet ancien capitaine de la garde présidentielle.

Hearing of genocide suspects in UK
Trial of Five Genocide Suspects Begins in UK | 6 March 2014 | allAfrica | The New Times
The long-awaited hearing to determine whether five Rwandans in custody in the UK can be extradited to face charges over their role in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi began Monday at Westminster Magistrates Court.

Natural resource exploitation, governance and trade

Minerals, energy (oil & gas, hydro and solar), poaching, logging, foreign investment, trade, environmental issues

Extractive industries
Undermining Africa’s Wealth | 2 March 2014 | allAfrica | OSISA
A critique of the British government’s and British extractive companies’ role in Africa.

Central Africa’s Extractive Industry Must Create Jobs and Wealth – Chadian Minister | 3 March 2014 | allAfrica | UN Economic Commission for Africa
N’djamena — Central Africa is a mineral-rich sub-region, but the contribution of extractive industries to the development of other economic sectors is limited. This is one major finding at a meeting of experts in N’Djamena – Chad, to scrutinise a document drafted by ECA to serve as a reference framework for national extractive industry policies in the sub-region.

Ending the Resource Curse | 1 March 2014 | allAfrica | Africa in Fact
Africa, blessed with many minerals and other natural resources, has often fallen prey to the resource curse. This disease comes in two forms: revenues from natural resources push up a country’s currency exchange rate and depress other sectors, particularly manufacturing; and/or governing politicians become “rent-seekers”, seizing control of these assets and using the income to stifle opposition to their rule.

Facets of Value | 1 March 2014 | allAfrica | Africa in Fact
Should African countries be condemned to digging holes in the ground and exporting unprocessed oil, gold, iron and other natural resources?
For the better part of a decade, the international community has advised African countries not to add value to their raw minerals, a process better known as beneficiation. But most African policymakers have refused to accept that this development model is sustainable.

Illegal logging
Tackling Illegal Logging Should Not Be a Yearly Event | 4 March 2014 | allAfrica | Greenpeace International
12 months after the European Union’s Timber Regulation came into force it is a good time to reflect on the impact of the law and to call on governments to do more to ensure that it is enforced effectively.


Draft EU law on conflict minerals meets with criticism
EU Commission should heed parliament’s call for strong EU regulation on conflict resources, campaigners say | 27 February 2014 | Global Witness
The EU must seize the opportunity to keep conflict minerals out of Europe | 27 February 2014 | EurActiv
Campaigners welcomed the passage yesterday of a European Parliament report on ‘promoting development through responsible business practices’. The report, drafted by Green MEP Judith Sargentini, calls for binding EU rules that ensure that all companies operating in the EU, using or trading minerals sourced from conflict-affected areas, check their supply chains to reduce the risk of conflict financing and human rights abuses.

EU drafts conflict minerals law, with opt-in clause | 4 March 2014 | EurActiv
European firms are set to be offered a voluntary self-certification scheme to prove that their products’ mineral components were not sold by warlords to fuel bloody conflicts, under a draft EU law that falls short of campaigners’ expectations.

Re: The EU Proposal on Conflict Minerals Due Diligence | 4 March 2014 | Shift
Letter by John Ruggie, Chair of Shift, former UN Special Representative on business & human rights, to José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission.

European Commission: Make Reporting on Conflict Minerals Mandatory | 4 March 2014 | Human Rights Watch
Letter to President Barroso on Supply Chain Due Diligence

Proposed EU law will not keep conflict resources out of Europe, campaigners warn | 5 March 2014 | Global Witness
A law proposed by the European Commission on responsible sourcing of minerals is not strong enough to prevent European companies’ mineral purchases from financing conflict or human rights abuses, and falls far short of expectations, campaigners said today.

Proposed EU regulation on conflict minerals: commentaries & media coverage | 5 March 2014 | Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
This page contains information on developments regarding a possible EU regulation on conflict minerals.

US lawsuit against SEC conflict minerals rule
Investors urge court to uphold SEC conflict-minerals rule | 3 March 2014 | The Hill
Today, misleading arguments and a “can’t do” attitude threaten the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s 1502 rule on conflict-minerals disclosure, as a panel of three federal appellate judges prepares its response to a lawsuit levied by powerful business interests. Striking the rule would create troubling uncertainties for the future of countless SEC disclosure requirements that are essential to investor confidence.

iTSCi minerals traceability system launched in Rubaya area, Masisi, North Kivu
Goma : lancement du système de traçabilité des minerais | 2 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
Levée de l’embargo sur l’exportation des minerais du Nord-Kivu | 4 March 2014 |
Le système de traçabilité des minerais dénommé Initiative de chaine d’approvisionnement (ITSCI) a été lancé samedi 1er mars à Goma. Dès lundi 3 mars, la cassitérite et le coltan provenant du secteur de Rubaya seront étiquetés depuis le site d’extraction, avant leur exportation. Le ministre provincial en charge des mines, Jean Ruyange a déclaré qu’à ce jour, seulement dix-sept sites de ce secteur du territoire de Masisi ont été validés par arrêté ministériel.

Sexual exploitation of girls in mines of Banalia, Province Orientale
Banalia : un chef de secteur dénonce l’exploitation sexuelle des filles dans les mines | 3 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
Le chef de secteur de Mangi, Florent Agombe, dénonce l’exploitation sexuelle des filles, la plupart âgées de moins de 15 ans, dans les mines de son secteur et de celui de Panga, dans le territoire de Banalia, en Province Orientale.

Resource curse in Katanga
Poverty amid mining riches in Katanga | 27 February 2014 | IRIN
La pauvreté derrière la richesse minière du Katanga | 3 March 2014 | IRIN

Who profits from copper?
Mystère sur les revenus du cuivre congolais | 1 March 2014 | allAfrica | Le Potentiel
A qui profite le cuivre ? | 1 March 2014 | allAfrica | Le Potentiel
Après les années sombres de la Générale des carrières et des mines (Gecamines), la RDC vient de renouer avec le succès dans le secteur minier au point d’égaler sa voisine, la Zambie, en termes de production de cuivre. Or, cette embellie minière n’est pas perceptible dans le budget de l’Etat. Un mystère que le gouvernement a du mal à élucider alors que les revenus des opérateurs privés du secteur explosent.

Good and bad news for mining projects
Congo open to compromise on state share in mine projects, copper tax | 3 March 2014 | Reuters
Democratic Republic of Congo is prepared to compromise on proposals to increase the state’s share in new mining projects and to triple copper royalties, the vice-president of a commission studying a new mining code said on Monday.

Congo Halts Mining Expansion Projects Amid Electricity Shortage | 5 March 2014 | Bloomberg
The Democratic Republic of Congo, Africa’s biggest copper producer, told miners to halt any project expansion requiring more power amid a shortage that will take years to resolve, according to government documents. The country will institute an electricity-rationing program for miners and its state-owned power company must stop signing new contracts, Congolese Prime Minister Augustin Matata Ponyo said in a January letter to the ministers of mines and energy.

A qui profite le cuivre ? | 1 March 2014 | allAfrica | Le Potentiel
La principale entreprise minière du pays, la Gécamines, qui fournissait en 1980 environ 66 % des recettes budgétaires de l’Etat et 70 % de ses recettes d’exportation avec une production de 450 000 tonnes, a vu cette production s’effondrer. Jusqu’à 19 000 tonnes en 2002.

Kinshasa | 4 March 2014 | Africa Mining Intelligence
Ahmed Kalej Nkand, administrator of the state-owned copper and cobalt giant Gecamines, will have to once again expel small-scale miners in order to resume extraction at the Lupoto mine in Kipushi territory in Katanga.

La Gécamines peine à réunir les 2,5 milliards USD nécessaires à sa relance | 5 March 2014 | allAfrica | Le Potentiel
La Générale des carrières des mines (Gécamines) de la RD Congo – implantée au Katanga sur une étendue de 7.109 km2 et exploitant des gisements de cuivre, de charbon, d’étain et divers métaux accompagnateurs – est toujours à la recherche, depuis juillet 2013, de 2,5 milliards USD nécessaires à sa relance.

Ivanhoe Mines
Ivanhoe Mines’ drills start turning at DRC copper/zinc project | 4 March 2014 | Mining Weekly
Ivanhoe Mines Begins 20,000-Metre Drilling Program Designed to Confirm and Expand Kipushi Mine’s Historical High-Grade Zinc-Copper Resources | 3 March 2014 | Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. | Marketwired
Following the successful – despite lengthy and problem-beset – process to dewater the Kipushi high-grade copper/zinc project, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Africa-focused project promoter Ivanhoe Mines on Monday announced that underground drills had started turning on a campaign to confirm and expand the old mine’s historic resources.

Hydropower – Inga
La BAD octroie 68 millions USD en faveur du barrage hydroélectrique d’Inga | 1 March 2014 | allAfrica | Le Potentiel
Le conseil d’administration de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD) a approuvé, le jeudi 27 février 2014 à Tunis, un financement de 68 millions de dollars américains au profit du Projet d’appui au développement du secteur de l’électricité (PASEL) et du site « multinational » d’Inga.

World Bank Statement on the Inga-3 Hydropower Development Project Appraisal Document | 5 March 2014 | World Bank
RDCongo : la Banque mondiale reprend ses discussions sur un projet de centrale | 6 March 2014 | Reliefweb | AFP
“In keeping with our World Bank Group commitment to supporting the Inga-3 hydropower development, we have today submitted to our Executive Board a proposed grant of US$73 million to the Democratic Republic of the Congo for the ‘Inga 3 Basse Chute (BC) and Mid-Size Hydropower Development Technical Assistance’ project for their approval.”

Électricité – Le projet Inga III suscite toujours l’intérêt des partenaires | 5 March 2014 | allAfrica | Les dépêches de Brazzaville
Pour la préparation du projet, la BAD va financer la RDC à hauteur de 75 millions USD et la Banque mondiale à hauteur de 73 millions USD.

Katanga : les exploitants forestiers demandent la levée de l’interdiction d’exploiter le bois | 27 February 2014 | Radio Okapi
Le Comité d’exploitants forestiers artisanaux appelle le gouvernement à lever la mesure interdisant l’exploitation et l’exportation de bois dans le nord du Katanga. Lors de son dernier passage à Kalemie, le ministre provincial de l’Intérieur, Juvénal Kitungwa, avait annoncé la suspension de cette exploitation suite au non respect de la réglementation sur l’extraction et la commercialisation de bois.

Greenpeace Afrique demande à la Rdc d’appliquer les recommandations de REM | 4 March 2014 |
Greenpeace Afrique demande aux autorités de la Rdc d’appliquer les recommandations du Ressource Extraction Monitoring (REM), une ONG de droit britannique qui était chargée de faire l’observation indépendante de 2011 à 1013 dans le secteur forestier de la Rdc.

Oil exploration and farming in Virunga National Park
Soco International’s oil activity in world heritage park raises tricky questions for investors | 4 March 2014 | The Guardian
Withdraw, engage or ignore? The oil company’s exploration of options in Africa’s oldest national park puts its investors, including Aviva and L&G, into a difficult position.

L’ICCN détruit les cultures “illégales” dans le parc des Virunga à Kibirizi | 3 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
Le conflit opposant les gardes de parc et les paysans dans le secteur de Kibirizi, à une centaine de kilomètres au nord de Goma, dans le territoire de Rutshuru, en plein parc national des Virunga, refait surface.


Omnicane et Mécamidi vont construire 15 centrales hydroélectriques en Afrique de l’Est | 4 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique
Le mauricien Omnicane Energy a signé un accord avec le groupe français Mécamidi pour la construction de 15 centrales hydroélectriques au Rwanda, au Kenya et en Ouganda. Le projet nécessitera 125 millions de dollars d’investissements.


Mining governance criticized
Mining governance under fire | 4 March 2014 | Africa Mining Intelligence
Burundi’s Observatoire de la Lutte Contre la Corruption et les Malversations Economiques, which prides itself on acting as a partner of the World Bank, USAID and Belgium, has slammed the way Burundi’s government manages the money it receives from the mining industry.

The World Sports Alliance Intergovernmental Organization and the Government of Burundi Confirm a Fast-Tracking of the Natural Resource Mining Public-Private Partnership (NRM-PPP) Project | 4 March 2014 | Marketwired
Today, the Government of Burundi confirmed its support and its will for a fast-tracking and early commencement of the Natural Resource Mining Public-Private Partnership (NRM-PPP) Project, between the World Sports Alliance (WSA) and the Republic of Burundi, targeting in particular the development of the nickel deposits (and other associated minerals) of the Waga and Nyabikere Mining Concessions, in the Gitega Region in Burundi.


Tullow Exit Real? | 27 February 2014 | allAfrica | The Independent (Kampala)
On Feb.05, Tullow Oil Uganda and its partners Total and CNOOC signed a landmark agreement with the government, which charts the course for Uganda’s downstream oil industry operations.
Exactly one week later on Feb.12, Paul McDade, Tullow’s chief operating officer, was quoted by The Wall Street Journal as saying that the company was considering selling its holding in Uganda and then move to neighbouring Kenya where the government has been “more supportive” to the company.

Northern Uganda Emerges From Kony Threat to Attract Oil Projects | 4 March 2014 | Bloomberg
Northern Uganda’s return to peace following a 20-year rebellion by Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army is spurring investment in oil exploration, electricity production and railways.

Can NEMA Bite Oil Companies? | 4 March 2014 | allAfrica | The Observer (Kampala)
In the second part of our series on oil waste, we explore how oil companies flout standard industry practices by hiring private firms to transport oil waste without licenses from the National Environment Management Authority (Nema).

Owen Falls Dam Falling Apart | 28 February 2014 | allAfrica | The Observer (Kampala)
After the next five to 10 years, the 60-year-old Owen Falls dam in Jinja could cave in, if the cracks and damage to the dam are not repaired, an official of Eskom, the hydro power generation company, has said.

Omnicane et Mécamidi vont construire 15 centrales hydroélectriques en Afrique de l’Est | 4 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique
Le mauricien Omnicane Energy a signé un accord avec le groupe français Mécamidi pour la construction de 15 centrales hydroélectriques au Rwanda, au Kenya et en Ouganda. Le projet nécessitera 125 millions de dollars d’investissements.

Solar power
Uganda’s Newest Utility: Pay-as-you-go Solar Power | 28 February 2014 | Voice of America
In Uganda, telecom provider MTN and a company called Fenix are gearing up this year for a nationwide rollout of pre-paid electricity, similar to pre-paid airtime, but using solar kits. Uganda has one of the lowest electrification rates in Africa – a continent where some 600 million people are off the power grid.

Uganda Finalizes Solar Framework | 3 March 2014 | allAfrica | East African Business Week
While the country eagerly awaits an additional 600MW from the Karuma Hydropower Dam project, there is need for alternative sources of electricity so as to ensure security of supply.

Shoot Poachers On Sight – Museveni | 3 March 2014 | allAfrica | East African Business Week
Kaabong — Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni has given the Uganda Peoples’ Defense Forces (UPDF) and the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) a go ahead to shoot on sight any poacher found in a National Park.

Regulation, voluntary initiatives, and CSR

Selected articles on legal and voluntary initiatives relating to natural resources and good governance

Transparency for Canadian extractive companies
Government of Canada Announces Progress on Payment Transparency for the Extractive Sectors | 3 March 2014 | Publish What You Pay
Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Canada welcomes the Government of Canada’s continued progress on the implementation of its June 2013 commitment to develop mandatory transparency standards for payments made by Canadian oil, gas and mining companies to governments, both at home and abroad.


Draft EU law on conflict minerals meets with criticism
EU Commission should heed parliament’s call for strong EU regulation on conflict resources, campaigners say | 27 February 2014 | Global Witness
The EU must seize the opportunity to keep conflict minerals out of Europe | 27 February 2014 | EurActiv
Campaigners welcomed the passage yesterday of a European Parliament report on ‘promoting development through responsible business practices’. The report, drafted by Green MEP Judith Sargentini, calls for binding EU rules that ensure that all companies operating in the EU, using or trading minerals sourced from conflict-affected areas, check their supply chains to reduce the risk of conflict financing and human rights abuses.

EU drafts conflict minerals law, with opt-in clause | 4 March 2014 | EurActiv
European firms are set to be offered a voluntary self-certification scheme to prove that their products’ mineral components were not sold by warlords to fuel bloody conflicts, under a draft EU law that falls short of campaigners’ expectations.

Re: The EU Proposal on Conflict Minerals Due Diligence | 4 March 2014 | Shift
Letter by John Ruggie, Chair of Shift, former UN Special Representative on business & human rights, to José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission.

European Commission: Make Reporting on Conflict Minerals Mandatory | 4 March 2014 | Human Rights Watch
Letter to President Barroso on Supply Chain Due Diligence

Proposed EU law will not keep conflict resources out of Europe, campaigners warn | 5 March 2014 | Global Witness
A law proposed by the European Commission on responsible sourcing of minerals is not strong enough to prevent European companies’ mineral purchases from financing conflict or human rights abuses, and falls far short of expectations, campaigners said today.

Proposed EU regulation on conflict minerals: commentaries & media coverage | 5 March 2014 | Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
This page contains information on developments regarding a possible EU regulation on conflict minerals.

US lawsuit against SEC conflict minerals rule
Investors urge court to uphold SEC conflict-minerals rule | 3 March 2014 | The Hill
Today, misleading arguments and a “can’t do” attitude threaten the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s 1502 rule on conflict-minerals disclosure, as a panel of three federal appellate judges prepares its response to a lawsuit levied by powerful business interests. Striking the rule would create troubling uncertainties for the future of countless SEC disclosure requirements that are essential to investor confidence.

iTSCi minerals traceability system launched in Rubaya area, Masisi, North Kivu
Goma : lancement du système de traçabilité des minerais | 2 March 2014 | Radio Okapi
Levée de l’embargo sur l’exportation des minerais du Nord-Kivu | 4 March 2014 |
Le système de traçabilité des minerais dénommé Initiative de chaine d’approvisionnement (ITSCI) a été lancé samedi 1er mars à Goma. Dès lundi 3 mars, la cassitérite et le coltan provenant du secteur de Rubaya seront étiquetés depuis le site d’extraction, avant leur exportation. Le ministre provincial en charge des mines, Jean Ruyange a déclaré qu’à ce jour, seulement dix-sept sites de ce secteur du territoire de Masisi ont été validés par arrêté ministériel.


Oil waste
Can NEMA Bite Oil Companies? | 4 March 2014 | allAfrica | The Observer (Kampala)
In the second part of our series on oil waste, we explore how oil companies flout standard industry practices by hiring private firms to transport oil waste without licenses from the National Environment Management Authority (Nema).



Genocide commemoration
UN marks launch of ‘Kwibuka20’ to ‘remember, unite, renew’ after Rwanda genocide | 27 February 2014 | UN News Centre
Ahead of the twentieth anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today honoured the launch of “Kwibuka 20,” a series of events commemorating the tragedy, and urged the international community to do more to fully internalize and implement the lessons learned from the killings of 800,000 people in 1994.

Coalition of opposition parties in exile
Rwanda: l’opposition en exil se réunit à Bruxelles | 28 February 2014 | RFI
Rwanda: quatre partis de l’opposition en exil forment une coalition | 1 March 2014 | RFI
Rwanda: Kigali minimise la coalition de l’opposition en exil | 2 March 2014 | RFI
Réunis à Bruxelles samedi 1er mars quatre partis d’opposition ont décidé de former une coalition intitulée coalition des partis politiques rwandais pour le changement. Le RDI de l’ex-Premier ministre Faustin Twagiramungu, initiateur de cette réunion, en fera partie, ainsi que l’Union démocratique rwandaise et l’alliance FDLR PS Imberakwuri.


Political crisis
Burundi crisis may stir unrest but not by me, says ex-rebel | 28 February 2014 | Reuters
Burundi’s worst political crisis since the end of its 12-year civil war risks unleashing a new wave of unrest before next year’s presidential election, the main opposition leader said on Thursday. Agathon Rwasa, the last rebel commander to lay down arms in 2009, accused President Pierre Nkurunziza of seeking to rewrite the constitution for his party’s own gain and of behaving increasingly like a dictator.

Burundi Risks Suspension From EAC | 1 March 2014 | allAfrica | Tanzania Daily News
The East African Law Society (EALS) based in Arusha has put the government of Burundi under the spotlight over the breach of human rights and democracy in the country.

Burundi: pour le président de l’Uprona, le pouvoir cherche à diviser les partis politiques | 4 March 2014 | RFI
Lundi sur RFI, le porte-parole adjoint de la présidence burundaise a démenti toute ingérence dans les affaires des partis politiques. Pour Charles Nditije, le président de l’Uprona destitué par le pouvoir et qui dit être toujours soutenu par 94% des membres du parti, la présidence cherche au contraire à créer des dissensions au sein des partis politiques de peur de perdre les élections.

Burundi: pas d’accalmie dans la crise qui oppose le pouvoir à l’Uprona | 5 March 2014 | RFI
Suite de la crise entre le principal parti tutsi du Burundi l’Uprona et le pouvoir du président Nkurunziza, qui a débarqué le président du parti et tente d’y imposer une ancienne responsable, réputée plus proche du parti au pouvoir. Mardi, environ un millier de militants se sont livrés à une démonstration de force à Bujumbura.


International reactions against anti-homosexuality law
UN warns against inciting hatred after Ugandan newspaper publishes names of gays | 27 February 2014 | UN News Centre
The United Nations human rights office said today that the publication by a Ugandan newspaper of the names and photos of people it claims are homosexual violates basic rights to privacy and dignity, and called on media outlets to refrain from actions that fuel hatred and violence.

Discrimination by law carries a high price | 28 February 2014 | The Washington Post
By Jim Yong Kim, president of the World Bank Group
World Bank Holds Up Uganda Loan Over Anti-Gay Law | 27 February 2014 | Voice of America | Reuters
World Bank’s Kim Halts Uganda Loan Over Anti-Gay Law | 28 February 2014 | Bloomberg
World Bank postpones Uganda loan over anti-gay law | 28 February 2014 | The Guardian
The World Bank on Thursday said it postponed a $90 million loan to Uganda’s health system over a law that toughened punishment for gays, an unusual move for an institution that usually avoids wading into politics.

18 Ambassadors Condemn Anti-Homosexuality Law | 28 February 2014 | allAfrica | The Observer (Kampala)
As Uganda continues to take in the backlash following the enactment and signing into law of the Anti Homosexuality Act, The Observer continues to bring you the latest news on this and other stories.

Uganda: Scientific statement from the Ministry of Health on homosexuality | 28 February 2014 | Pambazuka News
A team of top scientists appointed by the government to give an opinion on homosexuality is unanimous that this sexual orientation is natural and has existed in Africa and everywhere in the world since time immemorial. It is strange for President Museveni to claim he relied on this expert report to assent to the draconian anti-gay bill.

Lois anti-homosexualité : la Banque mondiale inquiète pour ses employés | 1 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique | AFP
La Banque mondiale (BM) a exprimé son inquiétude pour la sécurité de ses employés travaillant dans des pays réprimant l’homosexualité, selon un mémo interne consulté vendredi par l’AFP.

Antigay Laws Gain Global Attention; Countering Them Remains Challenge | 1 March 2014 | The New York Times
After Uganda criminalized homosexuality, the White House immediately warned that the law would “complicate” the country’s relationship with Washington, and the Netherlands and Norway cut off bits of development aid.

Uganda’s anti-gay law. Deadly intolerance | 1 March 2014 | The Economist
Diplomatic pressure did not stop an absurd law.

Uganda Gets No Aid in Fight Against Gays | 2 March 2014 | allAfrica | The Observer (Kampala)
A week after President Museveni signed the Anti-Homosexuality Bill into law; the dire effects of that decision are becoming clear as angry donors begin to withhold aid.

Homosexualité : l’Église anglicane ougandaise menace de se séparer de l’Église mère anglaise | 2 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique
L’Église anglicane d’Ouganda a fait savoir lundi qu’elle pourrait se séparer de l’Église mère d’Angleterre si celle-ci faisait pression sur Kampala au sujet de la loi antihomosexualité qui vient d’y être promulguée.

Uganda anti-gay bill author says aid cuts small price to pay | 3 March 2014 | Reuters
The author of Uganda’s new anti-gay bill that imposes tough jail terms for homosexual acts said aid cuts imposed by disapproving Western donors were a price worth paying to protect the east African nation’s moral values.

Uganda’s anti-gay bill outs the country as anti-human rights | 3 March 2014 | The Guardian
Many Ugandans see the bill as preserving African culture and a snub to the west, but it only shows a country with a lack of tolerance.

Le fatwa de Kampala | 3 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique
En chef d’État organisé, Yoweri Museveni a voulu que cela se fasse devant témoins. Lundi 24 février, le président ougandais a donc convoqué en sa résidence d’Entebbe ses ministres, les médias, une demi-douzaine de pasteurs… et une poignée de scientifiques dont les “travaux” présentent l’avantage de certifier que l’homosexualité n’a pas d’origine génétique – ce qui rend responsables, donc coupables, celles et ceux qui partagent cette orientation.

Gay Africa: casualty of a different power struggle – By Richard Dowden | 4 March 2014 | African Arguments
Uganda’s war over homosexuality threatens to spread to other African countries and has further damaged the increasingly strained relationship between Africa and Western donors.

After Uganda, Kenya Gears Up for Gay Rights Debate | 5 March 2014 | Voice of America
Kenya could become the next battleground for gay rights as lawmakers plan to introduce a motion in parliament to compel authorities to more strongly enforce the country’s anti-homosexual laws. Gay rights activists say the pressure has already increased since neighboring Uganda passed a strict anti-gay law last month.

IPIS Recent Publications

Pinocchio Ltd. The NRA and its corporate partners: US shipments of small arms ammunition by sea | 25 March 2013 | TA-R | IPIS
The National Rifle Association (NRA) claims to have monitored in the last 20 years all United Nations activities that could impact Second Amendment rights. Its latest target is the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), an international treaty to establish common international standards for the import, export, and transfer of conventional arms presently under discussion at the United Nations. The international community has been calling for the inclusion of ammunition and civilian arms within the scope of the ATT. This reasonable call is used by the NRA to claim that the ATT could restrict the lawful ownership of firearms in the United States.

Major Powers Fuelling Atrocities. Why the world needs a robust Arms Trade Treaty | March 2013 | Amnesty International
IPIS contributed to the research for this AI report.
Every year, thousands of people are killed, injured, raped and forced to flee from their homes as a result of abuses and atrocities committed with conventional arms and ammunition. Harrowing testimonies and images from conflict zones and human rights crises around the world underline the urgent need to end irresponsible arms transfers and illicit trafficking.

The Arms Trade Treaty: Building a Path to Disarmament | 19 March 2013 | Sergio Finardi, Brian Wood, Peter Danssaert, Ken Matthysen
The goal of this article is to examine and suggest proposals that could enhance the role of the international Arms Trade Treaty—presently in discussion at the United Nations—in the regulation of the international arms trade and in addressing the role of the legal trade in: a) providing the bulk of the arms used in armed conflicts, armed violence and human rights abuses; b) the excessive arming of developing countries; and c) the continuous unsettling of power balances in sensitive world regions, not least because of competition amongst arms-exporting countries.

Upstream Implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. Final Report on one-year pilot implementation of the Supplement on Tin, Tantalum, and Tungsten | January 2013 | OECD – IPIS
This report is the final in a cycle of three reports on the pilot implementation by upstream companies of the “Supplement on Tin, Tantalum and Tungsten of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas”. The goal of the report is to provide an overall assessment of the progress and impact of the one-year pilot implementation phase of the OECD Guidance and its Supplement on Tin, Tantalum and Tungsten. The pilot implementation phase of the Guidance focused on Africa’s Great Lakes region and was carried out during the period August 2011 – October 2012. Drawing on lessons from the ground, this final report identifies key trends and common approaches to overcome challenges as well as tools used by companies to implement the OECD Guidance.

Exploitation minière industrielle et artisanale au Sud-Kivu. Possibilités d’une cohabitation pacifique ? | December 2012 | Gabriel Kamundala Byemba
Le secteur minier en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) en général et au Sud-Kivu en particulier alimente toujours les débats tant au niveau international qu’au niveau national. Présenté sous plusieurs facettes, ce secteur au Sud-Kivu a été dans le temps industriel, puis artisanal et aujourd’hui il est en même temps artisanal et industriel. Le retour en force, ces dernières années, des sociétés industrielles dans le paysage minier du Sud-Kivu coïncide avec l’accélération des dynamiques minières, grâce aux opportunités qu’offre la RDC en matière d’investissements privés et aux réformes amorcées du cadre législatif et réglementaire du secteur minier congolais. Ces réformes ont abouti à la mise en place du nouveau Code minier en 2002 et du Règlement minier en 2003.

Cartographie des motivations derrière les conflits : le M23 | November 2012 | IPIS
À la lumière de la récente occupation de Goma par le M23 et eu égard à la recrudescence du risque de conflit armé à grande échelle en RDC, IPIS publie une brève mise à jour de sa série de rapports « Cartographie des motivations derrière les conflits » (2007-2010), en se focalisant spécifiquement sur les intentions du M23.
Ces rebelles affichent clairement une ambition politique et s’orientent vers l’instauration d’un contrôle politique sur le territoire, en contestant l’autorité de Kinshasa – intérêts stratégiques qu’ils pourraient partager avec le Rwanda.

Mapping Conflict Motives: M23 | November 2012 | IPIS
In light of the recent occupation of Goma by M23 and the renewed risk of large-scale armed conflict in the DRC, IPIS publishes an update to its 2007-2010 ‘mapping conflict motives’ report series focusing specifically on the intentions of M23.
The M23 rebels show a clear political ambition and a tendency to establish political control over territory and challenge Kinshasa’s authority – strategic interests they might share with Rwanda.

A Code of Conduct for Arms Transport by Air. Transport Services under an Arms Trade Treaty Series | August 2012 | IPIS
This report is a discussion of some key considerations for the development of a Cargo Industry Voluntary Code of Conduct relating to the transport of arms, ammunition and other military equipment (ACI Code). The purpose of such a Code is to encourage as many aviation companies and other actors as possible in the air cargo industry to adhere to existing and new standards relating to the transport of arms, ammunition and other military equipment.

Rough Seas. Maritime Transport and Arms Shipments | July 2012 | IPIS
As stated by the authors in their report “Transparency and Accountability” (February 2012), the Chairman’s Draft Paper (14 July 2011) presented by the Arms Trade Treaty’s Preparatory Committee (ATT PrepCom), included within the ATT’s scope certain “services”, such as transport and brokering. However, no provision has been envisaged for the monitoring or ATT-related regulation of arms transport services. Monitoring transport services may be key to implementing and enforcing the Arms Trade Treaty. This report will demonstrate how arms shipments may be monitored and reported where there is a substantial risk that the shipments could contribute to fuelling conflict, repressive state practices, and other human rights abuses. The report provides examples of the monitoring of actual conventional arms shipments to Egypt and Syria in 2011 and 2012, and of suspected conventional arms shipments to Syria in 2012.  It also shows that where there is an open society, or at least a fair degree of access to government activities, arms transfers can be monitored and discussed without jeopardizing legitimate security policies.

Upstream Implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. Cycle 2 Interim Progress Report on the Supplement on Tin, Tantalum, and Tungsten | May 2012 | OECD – IPIS
The following report is the second in a cycle of three on upstream companies’ implementation of the Supplement on Tin, Tantalum and Tungsten to the OECD’s Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. The objective is to report on progress made by upstream companies in their implementation of due diligence, with a focus on current practices and experiences in developing systems and processes for the implementation of the Five-Step OECD Framework.

Etat des lieux du développement socio-économique dans les zones minières au Nord-Kivu (territoires de Walikale et Masisi) | March 2012 | ASSODIP | IPIS (editorial advice)
At a moment when the attention of both the national and international communities is focused on the reorganisation of the mining sector in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the local civil society organisation ASSODIP considered it opportune to carry out a study of the impact of mining exploitation on the socio-economic development in North Kivu’s Walikale and Masisi territories. These territories are among the richest in mineral resources of eastern DRC, with the exploitation and trade in minerals adding greatly to public revenues. Nonetheless, the concrete situations as presented in this paper sufficiently show that the development of the local mining communities has never been taken into due account.

Assessment of existing practices regarding end-user certification | February 2012 | UNODA | IPIS
Already, in 2002, the Security Council called upon States to establish an effective national end-user certificate system and to study the feasibility, as appropriate, of developing such a system at the regional and global levels, as well as information exchange and verification mechanisms. This study assesses existing practices regarding end-user certification in a wide range of countries. It examines concepts, documents and procedures relating to the regulation of end use and end users of conventional arms. It also endeavours to identify political and practical obstacles to the development of an international framework for authentication, reconciliation and standardization of end-user certificates. Finally, it proposes practical guidelines to assist States in the development of a reliable system of end-user certification.

Transparancy and Accountability. Monitoring and Reporting Methods Under An Arms Trade Treaty | February 2012 | TransArms R | IPIS
Without an understanding of the existing practices of States regarding their commonly agreed standards for the monitoring and reporting of their international transfers of conventional arms, it will be very difficult to draft many of the basic provisions of the Treaty to ensure compliance and enforcement. This report therefore seeks to clarify and discuss existing terminology and reporting practices for State regulation of international transfers of goods and services and for international transfers of conventional arms. It is hoped that this will also help contribute to the development of common international standards for monitoring and reporting international transfers of conventional arms. Standardization of statistical requirements and reporting methods is of paramount importance for the ATT to be effective.

Upstream Pilot Implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas  Baseline Report on the Supplement on Tin, Tantalum, and Tungsten | November 2011 | OECD | IPIS
IPIS executed the research for and writing of this OECD report. The present baseline report is the first in a cycle of three reports on the implementation by upstream companies of the Supplement on Tin, Tantalum and Tungsten of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (hereafter “the Guidance”). The objective of this report is to understand where upstream companies currently stand with the implementation of due diligence.

Violence against women in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Whose responsibility? Whose complicity? | November 2011 | ITUC | IPIS
IPIS contributed the research for and writing of this ITUC report. Summary: Eastern DRC has been ravaged by war and violence since the mid-1990s. Civilians carry the greatest burden of the conflict. Women and girls are especially vulnerable to such attacks.. Hundreds of women and girls get sexually violated in their homes and at their workplace. Fuelled and motivated by Congo’s minerals, rebel and army forces are inclined to maintain an insecure environment that ensures the continuation of the status quo. Congo’s conflict minerals go through a convoluted, yet manageable and traceable, supply chain and end up in industrialised consumer products. The introduction of transparency and governance into the mining sector is advancing, but still much has to be done.

Bisie. A one-year snapshot of the DRC’s principal cassiterite mine | November 2011 | IPIS
Much has happened in the mining sector of Eastern DRC over the last year. President Kabila imposed a ban on all mining activities last fall, during which production fell considerably. As soon as the suspension was lifted in the spring of this year, the major global electronic companies stopped buying minerals from the region, provoking a de facto embargo on Congo’s minerals with detrimental effects on the sector. At the same time, the Congolese government has taken major steps to restructure its army in the east of the country. These different decisions in the mining and security sectors have affected the nature and volume of minerals production and export and have reconfigured the security situation in the region. The consequences of these actions are discussed and illustrated with the use of the most important and well-known cassiterite mine in North Kivu called Bisie.

“Véhicules civils militarisables” and the EU arms embargo on Sudan | September 2011 | IPIS | TA-R | ASER
In this case study we will focus on the use of European manufactured trucks in the Darfur region, and more specifically what the defence industry calls “véhicules civils militarisables” – commercial vehicles that can be militarized. All armed actors in the conflict require vehicles to transport combatants through the vast Darfur deserts. Japanese Toyota (Landcruisers) pick-up trucks are the most common vehicles that are spotted in the region. Usually they are mounted with machineguns, and as such compose an important assault instrument. Furthermore, a wide array of military trucks or civilian trucks modified for military purposes are being used in Darfur, e.g. anti-aircraft guns are mounted on a variety of trucks to function as support and/or attack vehicles. Some of these trucks are European models, assembled by a local company: GIAD Automotive Industry Company.

Conflict motives in Kenya’s North Rift region | September 2011 | IPIS intern series
Kenya’s North Rift Region continues to suffer from violent conflict in which a series of actors are involved. Armed groups perform widespread and devastating raids against neighbouring communities. The strength of these warrior groups varies regionally and from case to case. Security operations are often characterised by their disproportionate brutality. Power figures are known to instigate violence or organise and finance armed militias. Uasin Gishu and Trans-Nzoia bore the brunt of the post-election violence in 2007 and 2008. The violence mainly pitted Kalenjin warrior groups against Kikuyu communities in a struggle over political injustices and power but also over economic discrepancies and feelings of ethnic antagonism.

To see the sources of IPIS’ briefings, please click here.