Report on the Third Multi-Stakeholder Conference on Business and Human Rights in Tanzania

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This report presents a summary of the outcomes of the Third Multi-stakeholder Conference on Business and Human Rights in Tanzania which was held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on the 17th of February 2021, at Holliday Inn Hotel.

The conference was part of the project Improving, monitoring, research and dialogue on business and human rights in Tanzania”, which aims at building local and national capacities for improved reporting, fact finding, monitoring and follow-up of corporate activities in Tanzania.

The purpose of the conference was to raise awareness, build trust and strengthen the national multi-stakeholder network for advancing the agenda on Business and Human Rights in Tanzania. Representatives from Tanzania’s government agencies, civil society and business community took part in the one-day meeting.

The day’s programme included an overview of key project achievements in the areas of “monitoring”, “research” and “dialogue” , the presentation of five case studies on the human rights impact of large-scale infrastructure development in Tanzania – published as “Voices from Tanzania” (volume 3) – and a group discussion on the way forward for the realisation of human rights in relation to business activities in Tanzania.

Read all about the event’s presentations, discussions, conclusions and recommendations on the way forward for ‘Business and Human Rights in Tanzania’  in the conference report:

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This publication is part of the ‘Improving monitoring, research and dialogue on Business & Human Rights in Tanzania’ project implemented by CHRAGG, BHRT and IPIS, with the financial support of the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights.