Arms flows in Eastern Congo: a report pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1533

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The All Parliamentary Group on the Great Lakes Region and Genocide Prevention has been closely monitoring events in the Great Lakes Region since 1998. In seeking to promote conflict resolution, APPG delegations have travelled on fact-finding missions to Burundi (2000); Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), (2001, 2003, 2004); Rwanda (2000, 2002,2004); Uganda (2004), and a series of reports have been published making recommendations to the UK Government, the International Community and states in the region.
In particular, this report builds on previous APPG research which examined the role of natural resources in fuelling the conflict in the DRC. Pursuant to Security Council resolution 1533 (para. 12), the APPG commissioned the International Peace Information Service (IPIS) to assemble a team to conduct both field and desk research. Using this data, the APPG with other experts, prepared recommendations.

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