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NEWS IN BRIEFIn the DRC, recent UN supported offensives in Rutshuru have seen FARDC regain territories formerly under FDLR-FOCA control on the border with Virunga National Park. FARDC operations against the APCLS in Masisi have seen gains in Mont Sinai and Lukweti. The rebel group is now said to be seeking to form a coalition with other armed groups in Walikale, where the Raia Mutomboki and Mai-Mai Cheka-NDC are committing abuses against civilians. Clashes in Saasita-Sa village during an Operation “Soloka” offensive against ADF-Nalu in Beni have culminated in FARDC taking control of the village, said to be a stronghold for the group. The fate of 600 ADF-Nalu hostages remains unknown. In Province Orientale, NGOs have called for MONUSCO to protect civilians from LRA exactions as the group is reported to have attacked several locations in Niangara territory last week. Fighting between Bakata Katanga and FARDC has displaced 15,000 in northern Katanga. As MONUSCO’s mandate comes up for renewal Martin Klober has told the Security Council of the need for the force to enhance its flexibility and geographical deployment, especially in Ituri and Katanga. The Council is currently discussing the force’s mandate together with the Addis Ababa Framework Agreement. The World Bank has agreed to provide $73 million for the DRC’s controversial Inga 3 Dam amid claims that the social and environmental impacts of the project have not been adequately addressed, whilst civil society groups have expressed disappointment about the Congolese government’s recent workshop on oil exploration in Virunga National Park. Uganda is preparing to withdraw its troops from South Sudan pending the deployment of a regional stabilisation force to which Rwanda and Burundi are to contribute troops. Critics claim that the clashes in this fledgling state may risk pulling its neighbours into conflict. Meanwhile, at home the Ugandan police are on high alert after an alleged Al Shabaab terror threat. An EU peace keeping force for the CAR has been delayed due to Member State reluctance to pledge troops and equipment caused by recent instability in the Ukraine. Rights groups continue to lobby the UN for an international force. The World Food Programme has reported the risk of humanitarian catastrophe in the country due to escalating levels of malnutrition and low levels of funding. In Bangui, MISCA found a large cache of weapons this week, as the CAR authorities considered plans for the disarmament of anti-Balaka rebels and the situation of over 10,000 Muslims in Boda remained fraught with tension. Amid burgeoning political crisis in Burundi, Ban Ki-moon has appealed to the authorities to de-escalate tensions and campaign to end political violence ahead of the presidential and parliamentary elections in 2015. A French court has jailed former Rwandan spy chief Pascal Simbikangwa for 25 years over the 1994 genocide. He’s the first genocide suspect to be tried in France. The South African government says it has evidence that Rwandan diplomats were involved in cases of murder and attempted murder on South African territory as diplomatic tensions between the states continue. |
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Conflict and securityRecent news on conflict, security and arms trade across the Great Lakes Region. African conflict resolution The New Face of African Conflict | 12 March 2014 | Foreign Affairs South Sudan deployment East African states to send troops to monitor South Sudan ceasefire: mediator | 13 March 2014 | Reuters Rebels say deployment of regional troops to South Sudan ‘ill advised’ | 15 March 2014 | Reuters Regional Interests At Stake in the South Sudan Crisis | 19 March 2014 | allAfrica | IRIN DRCMONUSCO weekly press conference Conférence de presse des Nations Unies du mercredi 19 mars 2014 | 19 March 2014 | MONUSCO Operations against armed groups UN mission chief appeals to Security Council to help ‘build on momentum’ in DR Congo | 14 March 2014 | UN News Centre Julien Paluku : «l’armée planifie de grandes opérations contre les groupes armés» | 14 March 2014 | Radio Okapi RDC: les opérations contre les groupes armés contribuent «à l’émergence d’ilots de stabilité» | 15 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Democratic Republic of Congo. Green shoots amid the shooting | 15 March 2014 | The Economist RDC : carte interactive des groupes armés du Kivu après la fin du M23 | 17 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique Operation against APCLS in Masisi, North Kivu RDC : l’armée reprend un point stratégique de la milice APCLS à Masisi | 14 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Nord-Kivu: l’armée reprend le contrôle de Lukweti, quartier général des APCLS | 15 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Conférence de presse des Nations Unies du mercredi 19 mars 2014 | 19 March 2014 | MONUSCO Operations against FDLR, North Kivu Nord-Kivu: les FARDC délogent les FDLR de Kahumo | 13 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Conférence de presse des Nations Unies du mercredi 19 mars 2014 | 19 March 2014 | MONUSCO New coalition of armed groups in North Kivu? 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| 15 March 2014 | allAfrica | The New Times (Kigali) Rwanda Worried Over UN Silence on Ex-Rebels | 16 March 2014 | allAfrica | CAJ News (Johannesburg) UN Refused to Take Charge of M23 Combatants – Says Rwanda Envoy | 17 March 2014 | allAfrica | News of Rwanda Joint INGO Letter to the United Nations Security Council Renewal of MONUSCO Mandate | 19 March 2014 | Enough Project RDC : la Monusco veut étendre sa force en Ituri et au Katanga | 19 March 2014 | Radio Okapi ICC prosecutor in Kinshasa – appeals 134 NGOs Call on ICC Prosecutor to Continue Investigations in Congo | 13 March 2014 | Human Rights Watch Des ONG appellent la CPI à poursuivre aussi les auteurs de crimes dans les Kivu | 13 March 2014 | Radio Okapi RDC, RCA, Blé Goudé: la procureure de la CPI fait le point | 14 March 2014 | RFI DDR Kamina: la prise en charge médicale des ex-miliciens pose problème | 13 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Will Kinshasa’s $100m disarmament plan succeed where others failed? | 15 March 2014 | The EastAfrican Enough Project, Other NGOs to World Bank: Effective DDR Program Needed in Congo | 17 March 2014 | Enough Project Joint NGO Letter Urging the Swift Implementation of Robust DDR Program | 17 March 2014 | Enough Project Ituri : plus d’une centaine de miliciens se sont rendus depuis fin janvier | 19 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Amnesty law Monnayage de l’amnistie, le Procureur général veut des preuves | 13 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Loi d’amnistie: le MLC dénonce «des manoeuvres dilatoires du gouvernement» | 16 March 2014 | Radio Okapi MLC accuse Kinshasa de privilégier les ex-rebelles du M23 | 18 March 2014 | allAfrica | Le Phare Nord-Kivu: pas d’amnistie pour les M23 accusés de crimes graves, réclame la société civile | 19 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Uganda and Rwanda war reparations to DRC Quid du payement à la RDC par l’Ouganda et le Rwanda des frais à leur imputer des affres de leurs guerres d’agressions perpétrées au Congo démocratique ? | 13 March 2014 | Sexual violence in the DRC RDC/Katanga : l’insatisfaction de Bensouda | 14 March 2014 | BBC Afrique New Report: Interrupting the Silence: Addressing Congo’s Sexual Violence Crisis within the Great Lakes Regional Peace Process | 19 March 2014 | Enough Project UN Group of Experts UN Drops Biased Duo From Group of Experts On DRC | 13 March 2014 | allAfrica | The New Times RwandaSouth Sudan deployment East African states to send troops to monitor South Sudan ceasefire: mediator | 13 March 2014 | Reuters Regional Interests At Stake in the South Sudan Crisis | 19 March 2014 | allAfrica | IRIN Arrests over Musanze grenade attacks Four Arrested Over Musanze Grenade Attacks | 14 March 2014 | allAfrica | The New Times Diplomatic crisis South Africa-Rwanda Turning up the volume of quiet diplomacy: how to get the message to Kagame | 13 March 2014 | Institute for Security Studies La brouille diplomatique s’amplifie entre Kigali et Pretoria | 13 March 2014 | RFI Le torchon brûle entre le Rwanda et l’Afrique du Sud | 13 March 2014 | Le carnet de Colette Braeckman Brouille entre Kigali et Pretoria: le temps des explications? | 14 March 2014 | RFI Media Statement on Recent Developments Pertaining to South Africa and Rwanda Relations | 15 March 2014 | Republic of South Africa – International Relations & Cooperation La Chambre des représentants s’alarme de la situation au Rwanda | 15 March 2014 | RFI SA Clarifies Developments in SA, Rwanda Relations | 16 March 2014 | allAfrica | L’Afrique du Sud s’explique sur l’expulsion des diplomates rwandais | 16 March 2014 | RFI Rwanda : Paul Kagame met de nouveau en garde les dissidents en exil | 17 March 2014 | RFI How to Spread Rwandan Propaganda, and Intimidate Opponents? Twitter, of Course | 16 March 2014 | allAfrica | Daily Maverick Rwanda’s Twitter-Gate: The Disinformation Campaign of Africa’s Digital President | 17 March 2014 | African Arguments Rwanda: retour sur un «Twittergate» au pays du président digital | 18 March 2014 | RFI Let Law Take Its Course in Rwandan Case, Says Minister | 18 March 2014 | allAfrica | Crise diplomatique Rwanda/Afrique du Sud: la police s’exprime | 18 March 2014 | RFI Rwanda – Afrique du Sud : brouille et embrouilles | 19 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique BurundiSouth Sudan deployment East African states to send troops to monitor South Sudan ceasefire: mediator | 13 March 2014 | Reuters Regional Interests At Stake in the South Sudan Crisis | 19 March 2014 | allAfrica | IRIN UgandaSouth Sudan engagement Why U.S. Wants UPDF Out of Sudan | 13 March 2014 | allAfrica | The Observer (Kampala) Uganda to Withdraw Troops From South Sudan | 16 March 2014 | allAfrica | Sudan Tribune Terror threat Somalia: Uganda Issues Warning Over Al Shabab Terror Attack in the Country | 18 March 2014 | allAfrica | Dalsan Radio (Mogadishu) Security Aid HRW: US Should Cut Security Aid to Uganda Over Anti-Gay Law | 19 March 2014 | Voice of America CARSecurity situation Centrafrique: une photo satellite montre les destructions à Bangui | 13 March 2014 | RFI Talks with religious leaders Central African Republic: Ban meets religious leaders, urges support for efforts to unite communities | 13 March 2014 | UN News Centre Des responsables religieux centrafricains témoignent à l’ONU | 15 March 2014 | RFI Bangui curfew lifted Couvre-feu allégé en Centrafrique | 14 March 2014 | BBC Afrique MISCA discovery of weapons cache in Bangui Importante saisie d’armes en Centrafrique | 15 March 2014 | RFI Peacekeepers seize large weapons cache in C. Africa | 17 March 2014 | Africa Daily | AFP Muslim communities in Bangui Au marché central de Bangui, musulmans et anti-balaka trouvent des terrains d’entente | 19 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique Accord for the relocation of Muslim communities in Boda Centrafrique: accord à Boda pour la fin des violences | 17 March 2014 | RFI Boda, échec d’une tentative de réconciliation entre musulmans et non-musulmans | 18 March 2014 | Radio Ndeke Luka Plan to resettle 1,000 Muslims inside CAR | 18 March 2014 | IRIN Disarmament in Bangui CAR Looks at Anti-Balaka Disarmament Plan | 15 March 2014 | Voice of America Centrafrique : le gouvernement appelle la population de Bangui à déposer les armes | 19 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique Investigation into CAR human rights situation Violations des droits de l’homme : mission impossible pour l’ONU en Centrafrique ? | 18 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique EU mission delayed Troop, equipment gaps threaten EU’s Central African Republic mission | 13 March 2014 | Reuters Ukraine crisis hampers EU’s Central African Republic mission | 14 March 2014 | Reuters Centrafrique : le lancement de l’opération militaire de l’UE pourrait tomber à l’eau | 14 March 2014 | Council conclusions on the Central African Republic, 17 March 2014 | 17 March 2014 | Reliefweb | European Union Le lancement de l’opération européenne en Centrafrique reporté | 18 March 2014 | RFI RCA: pour le patron de la force européenne, le compte n’y est pas | 19 March 2014 | RFI Human Rights advocates call on Security Council to authorise peacekeeping mission UN: Authorize Peacekeeping Mission for Central African Republic | 13 March 2014 | FIDH Joint Letter to Foreign Ministers of UNSC Member States: Authorize Peacekeeping Mission for Central African Republic | 13 March 2014 | FIDH Centrafrique : une experte de l’ONU appelle à une action plus robuste de la communauté internationale | 17 March 2014 | UN News Centre MISCA reinforcement from Gabon Centrafrique : le Gabon envoie une cinquantaine de soldats à Bangui | 15 March 2014 | Joint task-force of Lake Chad Basin States Lake Chad Countries Agree on Military Task Force Amid Insecurity | 18 March 2014 | Voice of America |
Humanitarian newsNon-comprehensive overview of humanitarian news & events, including refugee and IDP issues. DRCHumanitarian Reports and Bulletins Situation humanitaire – Février 2014 | 14 March 2014 | Reliefweb | UNICEF Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Nord-Kivu N° 11/14, 19 mars 2014 | 19 March 2014 | Reliefweb | UNOCHA Ongoing USG Humanitarian Assistance to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Last Updated 03/1914) | 19 March 2014 | Reliefweb | USAID CAR refugees in the DRC Le commissaire du Nord-Ubangi demande l’aide de la province pour les réfugiés centrafricains | 14 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Congolese refugees in Rwanda Des Congolais réfugiés dans le camp rwandais de Kigeme réclament leur rapatriement | 14 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Internally dislaced persons in the DRC Manono: 15 000 nouveaux déplacés fuyant des combats entre FARDC et Bakata Katanga | 15 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Katanga: 3 900 ménages de déplacés retournent à Kahongo | 17 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Province Orientale: 1000 ménages des déplacés en situation difficile à Opala | 18 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Distributions et formations pour lutter contre l’insécurité alimentaire | 19 March 2014 | Reliefweb | ACTD Aid crisis for displaced in the DRC WFP Cuts Food Rations for Millions in DR Congo | 19 March 2014 | Voice of America RwandaCongolese refugees in Rwanda Des Congolais réfugiés dans le camp rwandais de Kigeme réclament leur rapatriement | 14 March 2014 | Radio Okapi UgandaHumanitarian reports Uganda Humanitarian Situation Report #22, 18 March 2014 | 18 March 2014 | UNICEF South Sudanese refugees in Uganda Battling to Keep Disease Out of Uganda’s Refugee Camps | 13 March 2014 | allAfrica | IFRC Over 70,000 thousand South Sudanese seeking asylum in Uganda | 14 March 2014 | Reliefweb | Sudan Tribune CARHumanitrian Report and Bulletins Central African Crisis: Regional Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 17 March 2014) | 17 March 2014 | Reliefweb | UNOCHA CAR refugees in Cameroon Cameroon – UNHCR Stepping Aid to CAR Refugees Arriving in Poor Conditions | 14 March 2014 | allAfrica | UNHCR Centrafrique: Déjà 130 mille réfugiés au Cameroun | 17 March 2014 | allAfrica | Africa Info (Douala) Cameroon ‘Safe Haven’ Town Strains Under CAR Refugee Influx | 18 March 2014 | IPS CAR refugees in Chad CAR Refugees in Chad – “What’s Happening Right Now Is Unacceptable” | 17 March 2014 | allAfrica | MSF EU aid to CAR L’UE accorde une aide de 81 millions d’euros à la Centrafrique | 15 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique | AFP L’Union européenne organise un pont aérien pour acheminer une aide d’urgence | 17 March 2014 | allAfrica | European Union External Action CAR IDPs Centrafrique: timide retour des personnes déplacées à Bangui | 18 March 2014 | RFI A Bossangoa, les musulmans déplacés à l’école Liberté comptent les jours et les vivres | 19 March 2014 | allAfrica | WFP UN appeals for funding amid fears of humanitarian catastrophy Central African Republic: UN agency appeals for funding to scale up health response | 18 March 2014 | UN News Centre A Bangui, pour les enfants, « le pire est à venir » | 19 March 2014 | allAfrica | WFP Urgent action needed to tackle food crisis in strife-torn Central African Republic – UN | 19 March 2014 | UN News Centre |
Justice and TribunalsSelected articles on criminal justice proceedings regarding crimes committed in the Great Lakes Region. DRCICC – Germain Katanga conviction RDC/Katanga : l’insatisfaction de Bensouda | 14 March 2014 | BBC Afrique DRC warlord’s conviction a small step in the right direction | 14 March 2014 | Institute for Security Studies ICC – Bemba case Les avocats de Bemba souhaitent « identifier l’informateur anonyme » l’accusant de subornation de témoins | 13 March 2014 | allAfrica | Le Potentiel Minova rape trial They will be heard: The rape survivors of Minova | 14 March 2014 | Al Jazeera America RwandaSimbikangwa sentenced to 25 years in prison French prosecutor calls for life in prison for Rwandan genocide suspect | 13 March 2014 | RFI English Les avocats de Pascal Simbikangwa démontent les témoignages à charge | 13 March 2014 | RFI French court sentences Rwandan ex-soldier for genocide role | 14 March 2014 | Reuters France Convicts Rwandan Ex-Officer of Genocide | 14 March 2014 | The New York Times Génocide rwandais: Simbikangwa condamné à 25 ans de prison | 14 March 2014 | RFI Pascal Simbikwanga condamné à 25 ans de détention | 14 March 2014 | Le carnet de Colette Braeckman Satisfactions au Rwanda après la condamnation de Pascal Simbikangwa | 15 March 2014 | RFI Génocide rwandais : Simbikangwa condamné à 25 ans de réclusion | 15 March 2014 | Pourquoi la condamnation de Simbikangwa est historique | 16 March 2014 | Le carnet de Colette Braeckman Procès du génocide rwandais à Paris : Simbikangwa fait appel | 18 March 2014 | Simbikangwa Jailed, Still No Hope for Rwanda-France Relations | 19 March 2014 | allAfrica | Radio Netherlands Worldwide CARRDC, RCA, Blé Goudé: la procureure de la CPI fait le point | 14 March 2014 | RFI |
Natural resource exploitation, governance and tradeMinerals, energy (oil & gas, hydro and solar), poaching, logging, foreign investment, trade, environmental issues. DRCBond issue Congo to Debut 3-Month Bonds as Seeks End to Dollar Dependence | 18 March 2014 | Bloomberg Hydropower – Inga 3 dam New twists in DR Congo’s Inga 3 Dam saga | 13 March 2014 | Pambazuka News Projet Inga 3 : CORAP réclame la prise en compte de l’impact socio-économique et environnemental | 13 March 2014 | World Bank set to approve financing for Congo’s Inga dam | 14 March 2014 | Reuters Université protestante au Congo – Bruno Kapandji rassure les étudiants sur l’effectivité du Grand Inga | 15 March 2014 | allAfrica | Les Dépêches de Brazzaville Inga 3: la Banque mondiale accorde 73 millions USD à la RDC | 17 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Inga III : l’équipe de la RDC à Washington pour défendre le projet d’assistance technique de 73 millions USD | 18 March 2014 | Dispute with mining operators in Katanga Flambée des redressements douaniers au Katanga – Les miniers aux abois | 19 March 2014 | allAfrica | Le Potentiel 2nd Conference on good governance and transparency in the mining sector Bonne gouvernance et transparence du secteur minier en RDC – Evaluation des 100 recommandations de Lubumbashi | 18 March 2014 | allAfrica | Le Potentiel Conflict minerals Another Conflict-free Mining Project Launches in Eastern Congo | 13 March 2014 | Enough Project Intel lead on conflict minerals helps, challenges other firms | 13 March 2014 | Reuters Intel’s CEO, Enough, UN, Congo, and ICGLR: Time to Source and Invest Responsibly in Minerals in Congo & the Great Lakes Region | 14 March 2014 | Enough Project Democratic Republic of Congo: Breaking the links between Natural Resources and Conflict | 18 March 2014 | Business and Human Rights Resource Centre | Franciscans International et al EU Commission proposal on conflict minerals Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council setting up a Union system for supply chain due diligence self-certification of responsible importers of tin, tantalum and tungsten, their ores, and gold originating in conflict-affected and high-risk areas | March 2014 | European Commission Mineral traceability in Maniema Maniema: plus 1000 tonnes de minerais exportés sur le marché international | 18 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Kilo Goldmines Kilo Goldmines Reports on Various Corporate Matters | 14 March 2014 | Kilo Goldmines Ltd. | Marketwired China National Gold Group Corp. China National Gold Said to Talk With Ivanhoe on DRC Copper Mine | 14 March 2014 | Bloomberg China Gold targets Kamoa’s copper | 18 March 2014 | Africa Mining Intelligence Ivanhoe Mines Ivanhoe drilling in Kipushi | 18 March 2014 | Africa Mining Intelligence Fleurette Group Benjamin Mancroft | 18 March 2014 | Africa Mining Intelligence Oil exploration in Virunga National Park Rapprochement des vues entre la RDC et l’Unesco sur l’exploitation pétrolière dans le parc des Virunga | 17 March 2014 | allAfrica | Le Potentiel Il va se tenir mardi à Kinshasa un atelier de sensibilisation à la problématique de l’exploitation et de la production dans les aires protégées de la RDC | 17 March 2014 | | ACP Parc de Virunga – Le gouvernement ne convainc par la société civile | 18 March 2014 | allAfrica | Les Dépêches de Brazzaville Exploitation pétrolière au parc des Virunga : le ministre de l’Environnement, conservation de la nature propose une évaluation préalable | 18 March 2014 | | Le Potentiel Parc de Virunga – Le gouvernement calme le jeu | 19 March 2014 | allAfrica | Le Phare La RDC réfléchit sur l’opportunité de l’exploitation pétrolière dans le parc des Virunga | 19 March 2014 | allAfrica | Le Potentiel Conférence de presse des Nations Unies du mercredi 19 mars 2014 | 19 March 2014 | MONUSCO Poaching Parc Upemba : l’ICCN accuse des villageois de se livrer au braconnage | 14 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Province Orientale: 65% des animaux protégés ont disparu du parc de la Garamba | 17 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Sensibilisation à la protection de la faune sauvage en RDC | 19 March 2014 | allAfrica | Le Potentiel RwandaHydropower Power Shortage As Rusizi II Power Plant Undergoes Repair Works | 14 March 2014 | allAfrica | The New Times BurundiTanzania, Burundi Sign Sh1 Trillion Railway Deal | 14 March 2014 | allAfrica | Tanzania Daily News UgandaOil refinery Government secures land for refinery residents | 13 March 2014 | Business and Human Rights Resource Centre | Oil in Uganda Police step up deployment in oil region | 16 March 2014 | Daily Monitor Petroleum Institute Collapsing | 16 March 2014 | allAfrica | The Observer (Kampala) Oil Refinery Winning Bidder to Be Announced in June | 18 March 2014 | allAfrica | The Observer (Kampala) Oil revenues A taxing affair: Collecting oil revenues in Africa | 18 March 2014 | Business and Human Rights Resource Centre | Oxfam America Minerals Gold Mining Thrives in Busoga | 13 March 2014 | allAfrica | The Observer (Kampala) Iron Ore Investors Ask for Lift | 17 March 2014 | allAfrica | East African Business Week Hydropower Karuma Brings Mixed Fortunes | 18 March 2014 | allAfrica | The Observer (Kampala) OtherAntwerp February Rough Diamond Exports Jump 46% on Zimbabwe Gems | 14 March 2014 | Bloomberg Antwerp Aims to Sell 12 Million Carats of Gems From Zimbabwe | 17 March 2014 | Bloomberg |
Regulation, voluntary initiatives, and CSRSelected articles on legal and voluntary initiatives relating to natural resources and good governance. Business & Human Rights Entreprises et droits de l’homme en Afrique francophone – Un nouveau bulletin régional exhorte les entreprises à respecter les droits de l’homme et à être un vecteur de croissance inclusive | 14 March 2014 | allAfrica | Business & Human Rights Resource Center EU Commission proposal on conflict minerals Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council setting up a Union system for supply chain due diligence self-certification of responsible importers of tin, tantalum and tungsten, their ores, and gold originating in conflict-affected and high-risk areas | March 2014 | European Commission DRCEITI Congolese Civil Society Commits to New EITI Standard | 13 March 2014 | EITI RDC: des ONG déplorent les « faiblesses » du rapport de l’ITIE 2011 | 14 March 2014 | Radio Okapi CSR conference En prévision de la Journée internationale de la Francophonie, l’ambassade du Canada lance un débat sur « la responsabilité sociale des entreprises » | 15 March 2014 | allAfrica | Le Potentiel OtherEITI Extractive Industries: Transparency Group Rewards Repression | 19 March 2014 | Human Rights Watch |
OtherDRCSingle customs territory in East Africa Tanzanie – RDC : vers un territoire douanier unique | 13 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Political opposition: UDPS RDC : L’UDPS en quête de stratégie | 16 March 2014 | Amendment proposals for Constitutional limits on presidential terms Election en RDC: Kabila veut-il contourner le verrou constitutionnel? | 17 March 2014 | RFI RDC : et si Kabila partait en 2016 ? | 18 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique Claude Mashala : «La prochaine élection n’est pas en 2016» | 18 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Katanga : la Société civile initie une pétition contre tout changement de la constitution | 18 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Révision constitutionnelle – Les faucons poussent Kabila à la faute | 18 March 2014 | allAfrica | Le Potentiel La Constitution entend « contrer toute tentative de dérive dictatoriale » dans l’organisation des Institutions de la RDC | 18 March 2014 | allAfrica | Le Potentiel Changement de la constitution : « un divertissement inutile », selon Jean-Claude Vuemba | 19 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Gouvernement de cohésion nationale : la longue attente | 17 March 2014 | Radio Okapi Gouvernement de cohésion nationale – Bientôt les secrets des consultations | 18 March 2014 | allAfrica | Les Dépêches de Brazzaville Katanga : la Société civile appelle les élus à démissionner pour faire pression sur la Ceni | 18 March 2014 | Radio Okapi RDC : Moïse Katumbi exclut de démissionner de son poste de gouverneur du Katanga | 19 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique Election 2016: Clément Kanku invite Joseph Kabila à fixer l’opinion | 19 March 2014 | Radio Okapi World Bank approves funding to modernise Cogolese banking structure La Banque mondiale aide les jeunes et les femmes en soutenant la modernisation du système bancaire et le financement des micro-entreprises | 18 March 2014 | allAfrica | World Bank RwandaNew Envoys Look to Strengthen Ties With Rwanda | 19 March 2014 | allAfrica | The New Times BurundiPolitical crisis following violence Global Insider: Maintaining Power-Sharing in Burundi’s Army Top Priority in Current Crisis | 13 March 2014 | World Politics Review Burundi: UN chief urges restraint following clashes between police, opposition parties | 14 March 2014 | UN News Centre Burundi: le gouvernement rejette les accusations portées contre lui | 15 March 2014 | RFI Burundi: le parti MSD suspendu | 16 March 2014 | BBC Afrique Le Burundi suspend les activités d’un parti d’opposition | 17 March 2014 | RFI Va-t-on vers un “printemps burundais” ? Le FORSC inquiet | 16 March 2014 | allAfrica | Radio Netherlands Worldwide Burundi : le parquet requiert la perpétutié contre 46 militants de l’opposition | 18 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique Burundi: Au pays, la démocratie est en panne | 19 March 2014 | allAfrica | RNW Political Tensions in Burundi Simmer After Crackdown On Opposition | 19 March 2014 | allAfrica | Voice of America UgandaResponses to Ugandan anti-gay law US Suspends Some Aid to Uganda Over Anti-Gay Law | 13 March 2014 | Voice of America Anti-Gay Law Will be Overturned Say Uganda’s Campaigners | 13 March 2014 | IPS Anti-Gay Law – Museveni, Kadaga Face Travel Bans | 16 March 2014 | allAfrica | The Observer (Kampala) Anti-Homosexuality law in Uganda : Strong position of the ACHPR’s Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders | 18 March 2014 | FIDH Loi anti-homosexualité: l’Ouganda accueille les experts américains | 19 March 2014 | RFI Proposed electoral reforms Opposition Gives Museveni Ultimatum | 18 March 2014 | allAfrica | The Observer (Kampala) Accusations of repression of demonstrations Uganda Police Deny Government Interference, Influence | 14 March 2014 | Voice of America CARA new constitution RCA: ouverture du chantier de la nouvelle Constitution | 14 March 2014 | RFI Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa relocates Afrique centrale : la Cemac malade de la Centrafrique | 17 March 2014 | Jeune Afrique La CEMAC en transit depuis deux mois entre Bangui et Libreville | 18 March 2014 | RFI |
IPIS Recent PublicationsBusiness, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil – Part II: Protect and Remedy: Implementing State duties under the UN Framework on Business and Human Rights | December 2013 | IPIS In search of clean water: human rights and the mining industry in Katanga, DRC | 27 November 2013 | IPIS IPIS Insights: Kimberley Process: observations from the sidelines. Part I | 21 November 2013 | IPIS Travail des enfants dans le site minier d’exploitation artisanale de Bisie en territoire de Walikale. Une crise oubliée en République Démocratique du Congo | 19 November 2013 | Prince Kihangi Kyamwami Ambushed in Bangkok? The U.N. Panel on North Korea and the case of the IL-76 “4L-AWA” | 14 November 2013 | IPIS/TA Analysis of the interactive map of artisanal mining areas in Eastern DR Congo | 12 November 2013 | IPIS ‘Conflict Minerals’ initiatives in DR Congo: Perceptions of local mining communities | 12 November 2013 | IPIS IPIS Insights: Why businesses should assess human rights impacts from the outset of projects. SOCO International Oil Company in Virunga National Park, DRC | 26 August 2013 | International Peace Information Service (IPIS) Strijd tegen conflictmineralen: sleutel tot conflictresolutie in Oost-Congo? | 25 July 2013 | IPIS (Internationale Spectator) Business, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil. Part I: Uganda’s oil sector and potential threats to human rights | 25 July 2013 | International Peace Information Service (IPIS) – ActionAid International Uganda The formalisation of artisanal mining in the DRC and Rwanda | December 2012 [April 2013] | IPIS Gold and diamonds in the Central African Republic. The country’s mining sector, and related social, economic and environmental issues | 26 March 2013 | IPIS Pinocchio Ltd. The NRA and its corporate partners: US shipments of small arms ammunition by sea | 25 March 2013 | TA-R | IPIS Major Powers Fuelling Atrocities. Why the world needs a robust Arms Trade Treaty | March 2013 | Amnesty International The Arms Trade Treaty: Building a Path to Disarmament | 19 March 2013 | Sergio Finardi, Brian Wood, Peter Danssaert, Ken Matthysen Upstream Implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. Final Report on one-year pilot implementation of the Supplement on Tin, Tantalum, and Tungsten | January 2013 | OECD – IPIS Exploitation minière industrielle et artisanale au Sud-Kivu. Possibilités d’une cohabitation pacifique ? | December 2012 | Gabriel Kamundala Byemba Cartographie des motivations derrière les conflits : le M23 | November 2012 | IPIS Mapping Conflict Motives: M23 | November 2012 | IPIS A Code of Conduct for Arms Transport by Air. Transport Services under an Arms Trade Treaty Series | August 2012 | IPIS Rough Seas. Maritime Transport and Arms Shipments | July 2012 | IPIS Upstream Implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. Cycle 2 Interim Progress Report on the Supplement on Tin, Tantalum, and Tungsten | May 2012 | OECD – IPIS Etat des lieux du développement socio-économique dans les zones minières au Nord-Kivu (territoires de Walikale et Masisi) | March 2012 | ASSODIP | IPIS (editorial advice) Assessment of existing practices regarding end-user certification | February 2012 | UNODA | IPIS Transparancy and Accountability. Monitoring and Reporting Methods Under An Arms Trade Treaty | February 2012 | TransArms R | IPIS To see the sources of IPIS’ briefings, please click here. |