Briefing on “Business & Human Rights in Tanzania” – 2020 Quarter 1: January – March

Photo courtesy of HakiArdhi

This publication is part of the Improving monitoring, research and dialogue on Business & Human Rights in Tanzania’ project  implemented by the Tanzanian Commission for Human Rights and GoodGovernance (CHRAGG), Business and Human Rights Tanzania (BHRT) and the  International Peace Information Service (IPIS). This briefing is based on news and research published by Tanzanian and international media, journals and institutions. Its content does not necessarily reflect the views, opinions nor work of CHRAGG, BHRT or IPIS. 


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In March 2020, key stakeholders from civil society, the business community and various government agencies from Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar met in Dar es Salaam to discuss the topics of “land rights and environment” during the second Annual Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on Business and Human Rights (Ref.E1). “Land rights and environment” were identified as cross-cutting issues that affect the rights of many in various ways in Tanzania. Sustainable solutions for addressing the country’s many conflicts related to land are therefore essential to guarantee basic rights for all.

During the multi-stakeholder meeting, four case studies on current issues of “land rights and environment” (Ref.E2) were presented by Tanzanian civil society organisations (Ref.E1). Their studies focussed on initiatives to increase land tenure security and on the tensions between conservation and rights of local communities. The studies confirm that land is indeed a critical socio-economic resource in Tanzania, but a frequent source of tensions in rural areas due to competing needs of different land users, such as communities versus (tourism) investors or local communities versus conservation authorities (Ref.E2, E3). Women face a number of additional barriers acquiring land rights which affect their livelihoods (Ref.E4, E5).

The absence of formalized land rights and land use plans in many regions of the country aids in sustaining land-related challenges. Therefore, initiatives to address land tenure security (Ref.E5) can have positive effects on local communities (Ref.E6). In Kilombero District (Morogoro), the implementation of the Land Tenure Support Programme promoted the establishment of land use plans, increased land tenure security but also led to an inequitable control over land (Ref.E6). Land Use Planning projects, by requiring the prior and informed consent of villagers on land resource governance, can assist in reducing or resolving land conflicts. However, in Kilolo District (Iringa) many land use plans remain incomplete (Ref.E7).

Environmental conservation and the creation of protected areas can conflict with the land and human rights of surrounding populations. The communities living near protected areas in Kigoma region (Kasulu District) face tensions with government authorities as growing demand and lack of agricultural land push them to expand their economic activities within nearby Makere South Forest Reserve and Moyowosi Game Reserve (Ref.E8). Human rights violations have been reported as a result of these tensions. For communities adjacent to Arusha National Park, the presence of the National Park offers the opportunity to market goods to tourists but also exposes them to human-wildlife conflicts, as migrating elephants were found to destroy food crops (Ref.E9). Not sufficiently compensated for their losses, these conflicts threaten the livelihoods and lives of villagers.


The current Covid-19 outbreak has a disruptive effect worldwide and has been affecting Tanzania since March 2020. All economic sectors are impacted. Miners were asked to follow precautionary measures (Ref.C1), cattle auctions were closed (Ref.C2) and the tourism industry experienced a drastic decline of activity (Ref.C3, C4, C5).

The period covered by this briefing only captures the very onset of the pandemic’s impact on business and human rights in Tanzania. More on this topic will be covered in the next briefing (April-June 2020).

Read more : all references from the Editorial

The following overview lists news from January 2020 till March 2020:

Resource extraction

The mining sector is of strong interest to the Tanzanian government. The recent approval of new large-scale mining projects (Ref.R1) seems to suggest that Tanzania is moving towards a renewed openness to foreign investments in the resource sector. Yet, the government wants to ensure Tanzania’s natural wealth benefits the country and is therefore continuing its fight against mineral smuggling (Ref.R2, R3, R4) and tax evasion. It is currently reviewing mining contracts and does not exclude to suspend the licences of companies that would not comply with the new mining laws and higher royalty rates (Ref.R5). This approach is creating tensions with several industrial mining companies (Ref.R6, R7).

The government is committed to enforce laws governing resource extraction. Three years elapsed before Barrick Gold Corporation, one of the major industrial mining companies operational in Tanzania, reached an agreement with the Tanzanian government over the environmental and financial violations committed by Acacia Mining (Ref.R8). In January 2020, President Magufuli authorized the release of 270 containers of mineral concentrates owned by Acacia that were seized in 2017 (Ref.R9). Their export is now allowed through the newly-formed “Twiga Mining” company, a joint venture between the state and Barrick Gold Corporation (Ref.R10).

Despite a drive to create greater benefits for Tanzanian citizens (Ref.R11), resource reforms so far have mainly promoted revenue generation. In February 2020, Tanzania’s Prime Minister announced that Tanzania met the requirements to export 3T minerals (tin, tantalum, tungsten). Although this offers great potential for the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) (Ref.R12), it should also be taken as an opportunity to strengthen responsible sourcing of 3T minerals. This includes respecting environmental and human rights during business operations.

Moreover, scholars plead to consider regional approaches on governing resource extraction, to make sure local communities effectively benefit from the wealth created by the sector and increased GDP (Ref.R13). Local communitieshave expectations in terms of jobs, local contributions or compensations (Ref.R14, R15) that are not always fulfilled by mining companies (Ref.R16, R17). This gap can generate conflicts with surrounding communities (Ref.R18). Environmental degradations are also still common (Ref.R19, R20, R21) and can exacerbate tensions. The government hopes to tackle these issues by increasing mining site inspections (Ref.R22).

To improve the livelihood conditions for artisanal and small-scale miners (ASM), coordinated actions are much needed as well. ASM communities face high operational costs (Ref.R23) and still lack access to capital (Ref.R24), modern equipment (Ref.R25) and social security (Ref.R26). One way to assist ASM miners, is by increasing local content requirements in industrial mining projects (Ref.R27). The formalization of the ASM sector is also high on the government’s agenda and could be a way to address the problem of mercury use in ASM gold mining in Tanzania (Ref.R28). The use of mercury in gold processing is both an environmental and health threat to miners and adjacent communities (Ref.R29).

Although companies invest in local communities (Ref.R30), their corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes can never replace proper corporate accountability for human rights. When human rights harm does occur, “access to remedy”is a key element of corporate accountability (Ref.31). It has, however, often proven hard to put in practice. Seven victims from Mara region have filed a law suit against Barrick Gold Corporation for human rights abuses related to its North Mara mine (Ref.R32). Besides effective options for redress, awareness raising on good practices of business and human rights with communities, businesses and government stakeholders is a crucial element to help prevent and mitigate corporate human rights harm (Ref.R33).

Read more : all references on Resource Extraction


Despite the economic importance of agriculture in Tanzania, farmers still face structural challenges, such as access to markets (Ref.A1) and market information (Ref.A2). Moreover, illegal practices such as the distribution of counterfeit pesticides (Ref.A3) or the recent case of economic sabotage in the sisal sector (Ref.A4) complicate the government’s efforts to boost agricultural productivity. In January 2020, the government addressed the issue of input availability by allowing higher importations of, e.g. fertilizer (Ref.A5). The Deep-Sea Fishing Act is also under review, with a special focus on the sustainable management of natural resources (Ref.A6).

According to the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) January 2020 report, the agricultural and fishing sectors employ 92% of the 4.2 million children aged between five and 17 that are engaged in child labour in Tanzania (Ref.A7). Initiatives to support women’s participation and equal opportunities in the agriculture sector also need to be encouraged, as they bring clear positive change in terms of poverty alleviation (Ref.A8).

The Covid-19 outbreak threatens to undermine progress in the sector. At the end of March 2020, all activities at one of the largest open-air livestock markets in Tanzania, the Meserani Livestock Auction Market in Monduli (Arusha) was shut down. The impact on pastoralists’ livelihoods was immediate (Ref.A9).

Read more : all references on Agriculture


Tanzania offers an extensive natural and cultural beauty to visitors and the government expects the tourism sector to play a growing role in the country’s economy (Ref.T1). Sustainable management of Tanzania’s natural wealth will be crucial in the growth of the country’s tourism industry. The UNESCO’s Geoparks model, which promotes the use of geological heritage in sustainable ways, is one option to do so. In Arusha Region, the Ngorongoro-Lengai Geopark is the first Geopark in sub-Saharan Africa, founded in the area surrounding the Ol Doinyo Lengaï volcano (Ref.T2).

Wildlife tourism remains the backbone of the tourism industry. Wildlife poaching constitutes a threat for tourism and the government is therefore pursuing its effort to tackle this practice (Ref.T3). Yet, while conservation efforts have an overall positive impact on animal populations, they are also connected to rising human-wildlife conflicts. Communities living near Serengeti National Park and Arusha National Park have experienced important livestock and crop losses caused by lions, elephants and other trespassing animals (Ref.T4, T5, E9).  The phenomenon threatens local livelihoods but also endangers the lives of residents as people get injured – or even killed – by wild animals (Ref.T4, T6).

Setting aside land for Game Reserves where wildlife tourism or hunting activities take place requires adequate compensations to affected communities. In January 2020, authorities were forced to expel the hunting safari company Green Mile from its Lake Natron hunting block as it failed to compensate 23 villages for many years (Ref.T7).

In Tanzania’s tourism industry, women mostly hold jobs that are paid less than the jobs performed by men. A project in Serengeti National Park is trying to change this by offering positions to women only (Ref.T8).

Read more : all references on Tourism


Tanzania is currently implementing a number of large-scale projects, including the Standard Gauge Railway (Ref.I1), the Msalato International Airport in Dodoma (Ref.I2) and the Rusumo Hydroelectric Power Project (Ref.I3). These large investments in infrastructures respond to economic development goals. The future railway will, for instance, enable remote and landlocked areas in central and north-western Tanzania, Burundi and eastern DRC to be connected to the port of Dar es Salaam (Ref.I4).

At all times, the implementation of large-scale infrastructure projects needs to consider the rights of those affected by the project, such as workers and the people living in project areas. Land must be acquired correctly and, when impacted, residents must be duly compensated for their losses (Ref.I5, I6, I7). Impact evaluations are equally important as they ensure that infrastructure projects meet social, environmental and safety requirements during their construction and operation (Ref.I8). In February 2020, the East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline Project has been approved by the National Environmental Management Council (NEMC) (Ref.I9). However, the proximity of the pipeline route to lakes Albert and Victoria raises concerns regarding potential oil spills risks and their impact on the water supply of millions of regional inhabitants (Ref.I10).

Other projects such as rural electrification plans are meant to cover Tanzanian citizen’s basic needs (Ref.I11, I12). The connection to the electric grid will open up the livelihood possibilities for rural communities. Several water and electricity projects have, however, faced delays and sub-standard execution, which calls for the government’s increased monitoring (Ref.I13, I14, I15).

Capacity building and expertise are ways to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of infrastructure. In the Kilimanjaro Region, locals will have the opportunity to be trained in electrical and hydropower engineering thanks to the newly-inaugurated Kikuletwa Hydropower Training Centre (Ref.I16).

Read more : all references on Infrastructure

Reading list  

References “Editorial”

E1: Second multi-stakeholder dialogue on business and human rights in Tanzania urges focus on “the human rights impact of large infrastructure projects”. | BHRT, CHRAGG & IPIS | 18.03.2020

The main purpose of this annual dialogue is to raise awareness, build trust and ensure multi-stakeholder buy-in to advance the agenda on business and human rights in Tanzania. As a next priority topic, conference participants proposed to focus on the impact of (large) infrastructure projects on community’s human rights.

E2: Voices from Tanzania vol.2 | Cedesota, HakiArdhi, IPIS, LEAT & TAWEA | 06.2020

The second volume of “Voices from Tanzania” presents four cases studies that focus on “land rights and environment”. The case studies address two key issues in this regard: (1) how are initiatives to increase land tenure security and land use planning affecting rural communities, and (2) how are conservation efforts impacting land and human rights in villages adjacent to protected areas?

E3: Government urged to end persistent land conflicts between investor and villagers | The Citizen | 14.01.2020

Last week, the government ordered the investor in Kapunga Rice Farm in Mbeya Region to return 1,870 acres which are part of Kapunga Village to end the land dispute which has lasted for several years. The government has been asked to find a lasting solution to land-related disputes among Mabarali residents and an investor in the Kapunga Farm with recent reports showing that there is still a row between villagers and the management of the investment.

E4: Women Crave for More Say Over Land Ownership | Daily News | 08.01.2020

For both small-scale agriculture farmers and pastoralists, land is the backbone to achieving a sustainable livelihood. Despite their heavy contribution to both the economy and food security of the country, small-scale farmers and pastoralists-particularly women-are frequently excluded from decision making processes regarding land, decreasing their ability to develop resilient livelihoods. The majority of women especially in rural areas do not have the right to inherit, access, own land, and or make decisions over land and its produce which is consequently detrimental to their economic survival and social existence.

E5: FZS Hands Over Land Use Plans to Villages in District | Daily news | 27.01.2020

THE government and Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) have handed over Land Use Plans books to eight villages in a project aimed at ending human/wildlife conflicts in Western Serengeti ecosystem. The project is jointly implemented by Serengeti District Council, Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) and FZS with financial support from the German government through KfW Development Bank.

E6: Voices from Tanzania – Case studies on Business and Human Rights, Study 1: Immediate Effects of the Land Tenure Support Programme (LTSP) to Communities in Kilombero District, Morogoro Region | Lawyers’ Environmental Action Team (LEAT) | 06.2020

This short report depicts the immediate effects of the Land Tenure Support Programme (LTSP) implemented by the Government of Tanzania through the Ministry of Land, Housing and Human Settlements Development in Kilombero district, Morogoro region. Positive effects include increased village boundary surveys, establishment of geodetic control points, certificates of village land, establishment of district land use framework plans, preparations of village land use plans and increased security of land tenure. Negative effects found are loss of land and land rights, inequitable control of land and reduced land for pastoralists.

E7: Voices from Tanzania – Case studies on Business and Human Rights, Study 2: Immediate Land Use Planning a tool for Promoting Land Governance: A case study of Kilolo District, Iringa Region | HakiArdhi (Land Rights Research and Resources Institute) | 06.2020

The study focuses on how Land Use Planning can be a tool for promoting land governance, as seen in the specific case of Kilolo District, Iringa. Village land use planning determines the land area of a village and enables the demarcation of plots of land. It also debates and decides on the uses of these lands and on land ownership. Land use planning policies in Tanzania were developed in response to growing conflict over land and natural resources and the need for improved tenure security.

E8: Voices from Tanzania – Case studies on Business and Human Rights, Study 3: Land and human rights issues among local communities adjacent to protected areas in Kigoma Region | Tanzania Women Empowerment in Action | 06.2020

Tanzania Women Empowerment in Action (TAWEA) has investigated how protected areas in Kigoma region can cause land and human rights issues in communities adjacent to such areas. The study focused on 2 villages in Kasulu district, situated near the protected areas of Makere South Forest Reserve and Moyowosi Game Reserve. Population growth and an increasing demand for more farming land and resources to support villagers’ livelihoods increasingly put pressure on available resources within the villages. As a result, villagers have expanded their activities in the nearby reserves, which is in violation of the government’s conservation policies for these areas.

E9: Voices from Tanzania – Case studies on Business and Human Rights, Study 4: The Impact of Arusha National Park to Human rights in Olkung’wado and Ilkirimuni Villages – Arumeru District, Arusha | Community Economic Development and Social Transformation | 06.2020

Cedesota studied how the proximity of Arusha National Park (Arumeru district, Arusha) impacts human rights in villages next to the park. There, human-wildlife conflicts are on the rise, as human population growth combined with fixed availability of resources results in increased interactions between wildlife and nearby communities. As these interactions often negatively affect both human and wildlife sustainability, they increasingly pose a threat to communities’ basic rights and wildlife conservation.


C1: Wachimbaji wa Tanzanite watakiwa tahadhari corona (Tanzanite miners are required to take precautions against Corona) | Nipashe Newspaper | 20.03.2020

The miners of the Tanzanite region, have been asked to take precautionary measures for the corona disease. They have been required to abide by the government’s orders to avoid unnecessary gatherings, wash their hands frequently with running water, and wear masks even outside their arms. The chairman of the Mineral Party of Manyara Region (Marema), Justin Nyari, said this when discussing the strategies for combating corona infections with local miners.

C2: Monduli Bans Cattle Auction Over Covid-19 | Daily News | 25.03.2020

Meserani Livestock Auction Market in Monduli, Arusha region has been closed down indefinitely as a measure to control spread of the deadly Coronavirus. Monduli District authorities took the move as a means to ensure that the district that so far has not registered any case of Covid-19 disease remains free of it. The auction always attracts huge number of people – over 1,000 per day – from within and outside the district.

C3: COVID-19 Outbreak Causes Decline in Tour Safari Bookings | Daily News | 05.03.2020

MORE than 86 percent of safari tour operators are experiencing a significant decline in bookings due to fears of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. According to the survey conducted by the a total of 360 operators were involved in the survey. Part of the report reads that many operators pointed fingers at coronavirus as main cause of the booking decline “Common amongst the comments from safari operators was coronavirus is affecting our safari business.

C4: Covid-19 reality begins to settle in as tourism takes a hit | The Citizen | 20.03.2020

Fleets of tourist vehicles grounded, empty hotel rooms and reduced international arrivals tell it all. The impact of coronavirus has hit Arusha hard, the country’s tourism hub. “This is the worst crisis to hit our tourism sector for years. But the worst thing is: we don’t know how long it will last,” lamented Mr Andrew Malalika, a tour operator member of the Tanzania Association of Tour Operators (Tato). “Even if the disease stops now, it will take a long time for us to recover. The best recovery plan it to reduce the tax burden, “he told The Citizen.

C5: Tanzania tourism’s 45 days of no-activity | The East African | 28.03.2020

The tourism sector in Tanzania is bracing for a 45-day shutdown of hotels and resorts with beginning April 1. Since January 1, about two million passengers have been careened at all 27 entry points countrywide, over 3,000 of them this past Thursday alone. By Thursday March 26, two positive cases were from Arusha, eight were identified in Dar es Salaam, two in Zanzibar and one in Kagera region.

References “Resource extraction”

R1: Tanzania Clears Road for $200 million Investment in Two Mines | The Citizen | 30.01.2020

The government has flashed the greenlight for two large-scale mining firms to proceed to the mineral extraction stage that would see them inject over $200 million (about 440 billion Tanzanian shillings) in the local economy and create hundreds of jobs. One of the big mines may start operations as early as next year. The investments by Australian firms OreCorp and Peak Resources will be the largest for Tanzania after close to a decade of virtual dormancy in the establishment of new mines. In line with the new mining laws, the government will take up a 16 percent stake in each of the mines.

R2: Government to Miners – Respect Country’s Governing Laws | Daily News | 12.02.2020

Three ministers have appealed to miners and mineral dealers to adhere to the country’s laws and regulations and get rid of misconducts should they want to operate smoothly in the country. The ministers made the appeal after witnessing a handing over of nationalised properties and assets after the office of the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) won legal battles to recover them. The valuable items included gold and other precious minerals that had been intercepted pending legal procedures. “We must protect our resources. Miners should respect laws and stay away from smuggling minerals outside the country,” he stated.

R3: Jewellery Stores Brace for More Scrutiny | Daily News | 27.02.2020

The government will continue to conduct impromptu inspections to all jewellery stores across the country as part of efforts to end smuggling of minerals and ensure laws on gemstones trade are adhered to. “Those who will be caught shall face the wrath of the law accordingly”, “our laws are very clear and whoever engages in mining or possesses minerals must have a valid licence,” Mr Biteko said.

R4: Tanzania: Ministries join forces to combat illegal trafficking of charcoal | The Citizen | 21.01.2020

Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism is set to hold talks with the Ministry of Home Affairs to discuss ways to combat illegal trafficking of charcoal along high ways. Some traders have been transporting charcoal to the markets located in urban areas by using motorcycles. At least 4500 motorcycles are being used by the charcoal traders to transport charcoal per day via Morogoro-Dar es Salaam road network, the statistics show.–Ministries-join-forces-to-combat-illegal-trafficking-/1840340-5426188-10rm5xrz/index.html

R5: Liganga, Mchuchuma Iron Ore, Coal Deals for Review | The Citizen | 13.01.2020

The government is reviewing the contracts for Mchuchuma and Liganga projects to align them with the latest amended natural wealth and resources laws. The ministry of Trade, Industry and Investment’s deputy permanent secretary, Rudovoik Ndurie, told The Citizen in an interview that all strategic projects in the extractives sector – including those in the mining, gas and oil sectors – are undergoing reviews. The Liganga iron ore and the Mchuchuma coal mining and power projects, worth $3 billion, were expected to be implemented by TCIMRL beginning in 2016. Reports state that, in February last year, Minerals minister Doto Biteko issued a 30-day ultimatum to the National Development Corporation (NDC) to “rectify mistakes” in the mining contract – or the licence would be revoked.–Mchuchuma-iron-ore–coal-deals-for-review/1840340-5416296-psmqlbz/index.html

R6: Government faces second mining dispute | The Citizen Newspaper | 17. 01.2020

A mining company linked to the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland has become the second investor to declare a dispute with the Tanzania government over a retention mining license that was repossessed by the government for fresh bidding. This comes in less than four days after another miner declared a row with the government over a disputed mining licence. In the development, Indiana Resources Limited, announced yesterday that it had served a notice to the Tanzanian President, Attorney General and the Mineral Ministry in relation to its Ntaka Hill Nickel Project Retention Licence.

R7: Third Miner Declares Dispute with Tanzania Government | The Citizen | 19.01.2020

This is the third company in less than a week to have declared a dispute with the government over mining licences. In a statement on Friday, Montero Mining and Exploration (TSX-V: MON) said that it has delivered a notice of intent to submit a claim to arbitration to the Attorney General of Tanzania in accordance with the 2013 Agreement for the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments in the Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) between Canada and Tanzania. According to the statement, the dispute arises out of certain acts and alleged omissions of Tanzania in breach of the BIT and international law, relating to Montero’s investment in the Wigu Hill rare earth element project.

R8: Barrick Gold is back in Business in Tanzania but for how long? | The Citizen | 04.02.2020

Barrick Gold Corporation announced its effective return to business in Tanzania on January 24, 2020 after nearly three years of enormous disruptions. The company announcement followed the establishment of a framework agreement with the authorities’ ratification in January. The framework agreement constitutes a consensus on settling all disputes (financial and environmental) arising from Acacia’s operations and the association liabilities including those affecting the company personnel, both in their official and person capacity.

R9: Magufuli Okays Sale of Confiscated Gold, Copper Concentrates | The East African | 24.01.2020

Tanzanian President John Magufuli on Friday gave the greenlight for a consignment of 270 containers of gold and copper concentrates impounded at the port of Dar es Salaam in March 2017, to be sold. The export is being undertaken by the newly formed Twiga Minerals Company, jointly owned by Barrick and Tanzania as part of their agreement.

R10: Tanzania Signs New Implementation Deal with Barrick | The East African | 24.01.2020

Tanzania and the Canadian mining giant Barrick Gold Corp on Friday signed an agreement to kick-start their new joint venture company to oversee Barrick’s future gold mining operations in the country, as a way forward following a yearlong impasse. “Being a year now, we have finally completed the long journey of negotiations and renegotiations and agreed on nine key points that will underpin the activities of Twiga Mining company, a joint company between the Tanzanian government and Barrick,”

R11: Natural Gas Plan Draft Finalised | Daily News | 18.01.2020

Efforts to ensure all citizens benefit from the country’s gas discovery is taking shape as preparations of a draft on Domestic Natural Gas Promotion Plan has been finalised. The anticipated 250 million US dollar project which is equivalent to over 500 billion Tanzanian shilling will kick off as a pilot project in five regions-Arusha, Tanga, Kilimanjaro, Morogoro and Dodoma.

R12: Tin exports to change mining sector GDP role | The Guardian Newspaper | 24.02.2020

Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa has termed Tanzania’s qualification to export restricted tin as a game-changer that would see the mining sector contribution hit 10 per cent of GDP by 2025. Closing the Tanzania Minerals and Mining Investment Conference 2020, the premier said that Tanzania has now met the requirement for the sale of tin, tungsten and tantalum (3T minerals), the mining is set for a major boost.

R13: People Do Not Eat GDP – Kenyan Scholar PLO Lumumba Tells Dar es Salaam Mining Forum | The Citizen | 23.02.2020

Kenya law professor, Patrick Loch Otieno (PLO) Lumumba wants Africa to have a common perspective when it comes to negotiating with investors in the mining sector. “When Acacia was being asked to pay back the tax by the Tanzanian government, the international community – not to their collectively but an aspect of it – were telling Tanzania that you are now creating an environment that is hostile to investors,” he noted. He said Tanzania should not go it alone but rather, engage others regionally and at continental level. “If they run away from Tanzania they shouldn’t find different ecosystem in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and DRC Congo. The oxygen they breathe must be the same across the whole region,” he noted. Instead of relying on lucrative Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figures in defining the contribution of the mining sector to Africa’s economy, Prof Lumumba is of the view that the continent needs to become more realistic and truthful with regard to how the mining sector was impacting on lives of its people.

R14: Fidia inavyouweka njia panda uchimbaji wa graphite Ulanga (Compensation is the cause of dilemma for graphite mining in Ulanga )| Nipashe newspaper | 14.02.2020

Maria Mwendi, Councillor of Uponela, says there are two villages in her area, one called Lyandu which was found with the mineral in a study done four years ago. It was explained that it has all facilities such as dispensary, the school and the church. Some neighbourhoods are so scattered and explained that the services should be relocated, they will disrupt our arrangement, so far, we do not have an idea on what is transferred in the contracts apart from being told that they have all the necessary licenses and agreements. What we expect is that the company that invests will make a big change in our country to see the benefits and not the wealth come from the ground and then we continue to be poor and miss out on essential services.

R15: New Hope Over Mahenge Mining Deal | The Citizen | 06.02.2020

Mahenge — Mining is sometimes prone to cause conflicts with residents near mining sites. But, for Mahenge dwellers, quite a different story is unfolding. Both the government and the residents here see a bright future in terms of improved revenue share and better housing facilities. Mahenge in Ulanga District – in Morogoro Region – is home to several minerals, including gold and graphite. Mahenge Resources Ltd – a subsidiary of Australian-based Black Rock Mining – has completed exploration and is now conducting land and housing evaluation for compensating people who would be affected by the firm’s investment.

R16: Tanzanite One vows to settle employees’ arrears | Daily News | 15.01.2020

Tanzanite One has promised to pay all accumulated arrears to its workers who have been going without salaries for years now after the giant mining entity of Mirerani suspended its operations. One of the company directors, Mr Faisal Shahbhat told the media here that the company has started settling the debt by paying the employees their salaries for December.

R17: Tanzania: Barrick Announces Job Cuts at North Mara Mine | The citizen | 17.01.2020

Barrick North Mara plans to cut more jobs as part of reorganization to meet operational requirements and increase efficiency. This comes just a few months since it acquired minority shares of Acacia Mining. The revelation was made via company’s internal memo obtained yesterday by The Citizen and which was confirmed by a senior official of North Mara. According to the memo, the move follows a thorough review of labour to determine if there is the right size of staff with the right skills in the company.

R18: Conflict between communities and investors reaches an end (Mgogoro wananchi, wawekezajiwafikia tamati) | Nipashe Newspaper | 24.01.2020

The government in Chunya district in Mbeya Region, has ended the dispute over a mining area in Sangambi village between the villagers and investors. Due to the end of the crisis, the government has demanded citizens adherence to the law enforcement system. The crisis erupted in 2016 after the Ministry of Mines handing over the mining license to two investors, Singu Duwila and Stanford Mwanzyala. It is alleged that the investors after being assigned to the area negotiated with the village and agreed that they would pay the village 15 million Tanzanian shilling but only paid 13 million.

R19: Government Closes Factory for Violating Laws | Daily News | 13.01.2020

The government has closed down an iron bar factory dubbed Fujian Hexingwang for violating environmental laws and thus puting people’s health at risk. The factory has been banned from operations for one month. People surrounding the facility have hailed the government for the actions taken, saying that the factory’s activities were putting their health at risk. “We welcome government decision on the matter, this factory was producing massive waste that had polluted the environment and caused epidemic diseases,” said Mr Shaban Athuman.

R20: Vibali uchimbaji mchanga Kinondoni vyasitishwa (Sand mining permits in Kinondoni have been suspended) | Tanzanian newspaper | 05.02.2020

Kinondoni District Commissioner Daniel Chongolo has terminated the mining permit issued by the Ruvu Valley Water Board, due to the effects of river damage and its impact on human settlements in the council. The suspended permits were those issued to carry out the activities in the Salasala river basin, Mbezi, Ndumbwi, Nyakasangwe and said that the rivers flow through human settlements and added that after the amendment, a new arrangement will be put in place.

R21: Premiere suspends bauxite mining in Tanga | Daily news | 6.03.2020

Prime minister (PM) Kassim Majaliwa has ordered suspension of bauxite mining activities at Magamba Mountain in Lushoto District following complaints by residents of massive environmental degradation.

As such, the PM directed responsible authorities to strengthen security and ensure that no one including the Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) operate at the site. “Mining operations cannot continue while people are suffering due to environmental destruction impacts…the government shall not tolerate this,” said the PM.

R22: GCLA increases inspection of mining sites | Daily News | 07.02.2020

Effects of chemicals on the environment of areas surrounding mining sites in the Lake Zone have largely been controlled after the Government Chemist Laboratory Authority (GCLA) improved its capacity for routine inspection. Zonal Manager Bonaventure Masambu said the zone office could now inspect over 2,000 mining areas in a year, up from only 100 areas in 2015. Mr Masambu explained the improvement was attained during four years of President John Magufuli’s mandate.

R23: Wachimbaji wadogo walalamikia gharama (Small-scale miners complained of the costs) | Habari Leo | 29.02.2020

Miners of Nyaligongo, Mwakitolyo  Shinyanga District Council have complained of high operating costs due to lack of electricity. Nyaligongo miners’s representative, Hussein Rashid said this during a consultation session with Shinyanga traders. The meeting was attended by the Minister of State, Prime Minister’s Office – Investment, Angella Kairuki accompanied by Deputy Minister of Minerals, Stanslaus Nyongo.

R24: Mining town appeals for banking services | The Guardian newspaper | 11.02.2020

Minerals traders in Makongolosi town in Chunya District, Mbeya Region are forced to travel more than 35 kilometres for banking services as the town lacks these facilities. They claim to get the service at Mkwajuni Head office of Songwe District or Chunya town, the situation that poses hazards to them when carrying huge amounts of cash to and from the banks. Speaking during the visit by the Chunya District Commissioner to inspect the area’s gold markets established at the mining sites, the traders appealed to the government to bring banking services closer to them.

R25: Tanzania: Salt Farmers in Pemba Optimistic About Future Prospects | Daily news | 18.03.2020

Salt has been produced locally along coastal areas of Pemba Islands for long as one of income generating activities for both men and women, but their efforts to grow has been hampered by lack of modern equipment and lack of reliable market. In overcoming the challenges, the farmers have been asking the government to establish salt processing plant to add value on their locally produced salt and meet demands of both regional and global market. The Minister said that more than ten thousand families benefit from the salt industry in Pemba directly for their income, but also all of the ancillary businesses involved in the industry (logistics, sales, etc) also benefit. And that building salt industry in Pemba will have a significant impact on the people of Pemba, through economic empowerment and sustainable development.

R26: Wachimbaji wahimizwa fao la matibabu bure NSSF (Miners encouraged free medical NSSF) | Nipashe newspaper |19.02.2020

Small-scale miners in Kahama district, Shinyanga region have been advised to join the Social Security Fund (NSSF) to benefit from a free medical benefit. A member of the fund starts benefiting six months after joining the social security fund. Since artisanal miners are exposed to frequent accidents in mining activities. The medical benefits will be of great help.

R27: Tanzania Mining Conference – Artisanal Miners Show Vigour, Big-Miners Commit | The Exchange | 23.02.2020

The first day saw large-gold-mining companies such as Barrick, stating their commitment before large swathes of participants, while small-miners urge for development in their landscape. Tanzania’s Minister of Minerals Doto Biteko took the conference as the perfect spot to highlight the sectors success stories and vow to address challenges that, the lucrative and complex sector has placed upon small-scale miners in Tanzania “The government will address the challenges and provide ease of mining operations. Never again will artisanal miners operate under-pressure. Leo Lee CEO of a Chinese firm, Sun Shine Group, which has established one of the first gold smelter plants in Tanzania, and employed hundreds of locals, assured the company’s commitment before the participants stressing on developing a sustainable relationship with Tanzania in forging a robust industry, where local content is adhered and enhanced.

R28: Minister promises artisanal gold miners protective equipment | The guardian newspaper | 19.02.2020

The government is set to provide artisanal gold miners with protective gears (masks, gloves) to minimize effects of mercury while seeking alternative means of processing the minerals. Speaking to artisanal miners in Singida, the Deputy Minister in the Vice President Office (union and environment) said the ministry will implement the project in collaboration with mining offices in the areas with lucrative natural resources. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister’s Office (Union and Environment) Mussa Sima while addressing small-scale miners at different times in Sambaru villages in Ikungi and Londoni district in Manyoni region in Singida.

R29: Kuendekeza zebaki kunavyoweka rehani uhai wa wachimba dhahabu (How the complacent use of mercury puts the life of gold miners at risk) | Nipashe newspaper | 12.03.2020

Do you know mercury? This is a chemical used to capture gold from a sandpit of gold by small-scale gold miners. Its use is that the chemical is placed in a basin with gold sandpit and water tear if by hand to capture the gold and rub it well. That is first but on the other hand, technically it is defined as a health hazard if penetrates the human body. Basically, young aged gold miners, mostly do not take into account their safety when exposed to gold, using mercury chemicals without wearing protective gears such as hard hats, special clothing, safety shoes and gloves, some unintentionally and some unknowingly. The danger posed by not wearing such protective equipment is that if they develop bruises while inhaling the mercury, it is likely that the mercury will enter the body and cause health harm.

R30: Barrick to Spend Over 5 Billion on Community Projects | Daily News | 10.02.2020

Barrick Gold Corporation plans to spend 5.75bn/- to finance development projects in 11 villages surrounding North Mara Gold Mine. “This money is available and it is the budget for 2019 and we will come up with the new budget for 2020,” said North Mara Gold Mine Sustainable Communities Manager Mr Richard Ojendo in a traders’ meeting in Tarime recently. He said the 5.75bn/- will be directed to fund improvement of social services, which include rural roads, water, health and education, being the priority.

R31: Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework | Office of the High Commission on Human Rights (OHCHR) | 2011

This is the United Nations (UN) framework that indicates the roles and responsibilities of governments and businesses with regard to preventing and addressing corporate human rights harms. It is based around three pillars: (Pillar I) The state duty to protect human rights; (Pillar II) The corporate responsibility to respect human rights; (Pillar III) The access to remedy. The UN Guiding Principles (UNGP) are internationally agreed principles; however, they are voluntary principles and are not legally binding.

R32: Tanzanian Victims Commence Legal Action in UK against Barrick | RAID | 10.02.2020

A group of seven Tanzanian human rights victims launched a legal claim at the British High Court against subsidiaries of Canada-based Barrick Gold, one of the world’s largest gold mining companies, alleging serious abuses by security forces, including local police, employed at Barrick’s North Mara gold mine. The group of claimants, who brought their case forward last Friday, reside in local communities around the mine… The group of victims was assisted by RAID, a UK based corporate watchdog, and Mining Watch Canada, which have both documented human rights abuses at the North Mara mine through repeated research visits beginning in 2014. The claimants are represented by British law firm Hugh James.

R33: Respect Community Rights, Tarime Investors told | Daily News | 05.03.2020

Tarime District councillors have expressed the need to embrace relationships between the government, foreign investors, businesses and local communities to promote local growth and development for the benefit of public interests. Civic representatives who gathered in Tarime District at a workshop organized by the Legal Human Rights Centre (LHRC) on Thursday aimed at explaining the relationships and conditions on business and human rights as far as mining investment is concerned. Tarime Council Chairman, Moses Yonami said several mining investors in the region do not comply with labour laws and regulations, such as the right to work, right to freedom of association and the right to health, whereby over 70 percent of workers are unaware of their labour rights and duties.

References “Agriculture”

A1: Kagera Coffee Farmers Want Access to International Markets | Daily News | 03.01.2020

Agricultural and Marketing Cooperative Societies (AMCOS) in Kagera Region should be allowed to sell their coffee directly to international markets. Under the current system, the coffee produced domestically must be sold through cooperatives. We appeal for government intervention to make necessary amendments and allow Agricultural and Marketing Cooperative Societies (AMCOS) in Kagera Region to sell their coffee direct at international markets instead of the present system where they are forced to hand the crop to Kagera Cooperative Union (KCU) and Karagwe District Cooperative Union (KDCU), because the Unions are basically a burden to the farmers, he argued.

A2: Lack of Market Information Setback to Coffee Growers | Daily News | 13.01.2020

Lack of access to market information and ineffective functioning of cooperative unions have been cited as among challenges facing coffee farmers in the country. This was revealed in a report titled ” Investigative research on coffee smuggling in Kagera Region”, which was conducted by the Agricultural Non-State Actors Forum (ANSAF), in collaboration with a team of experts from the Kagera Regional Commissioner’s office. According to the report, most of the farmers were ignorant of the cooperative system and the farmers have no powers to influence coffee prices.

A3: Farmers Groups Call for Government Intervention in Counterfeiting of Agricultural Pesticides | The Guardian Newspaper |24.03.2020

National network for small scale farmers groups (MVIWATA) has appealed to the government to intervene and control the importation of pesticides in the country to eradicate the challenge posed by fake pesticides that fail to kill agricultural pests. The appeal was issued here at the weekend by MVIWATA chairman for Arusha region Rev John Safari when speaking to this paper. He said farmers in the country are faced with a big problem of their crops being attacked by pests thereby getting very poor harvests due to fake pesticides circulating in the market as original set. “We appeal to the government to send agriculture experts in villages to conduct research” he said.

A4: Revealed: A Tale of Sisal Scam | Daily News | 02.03.2020

Report by a special team to investigate assets of the Tanzania Sisal Authority (TSA) that was privatized to Katani Limited Company has yet opened another can of worms. Arbitrary breach of contracts, misuse of public office and sickening thievery, including questionable public assets sell-offs to private investors, are among rots the probe team unearthed. Presenting its findings to the Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa in Tanga Region yesterday, chairman of the committee Mr Gerald Kusaya hinted that the company, among the other things, criminally sold out some of the assets including houses and farms. According to the report, the company also lied on the amount of money that was obtained in the sales which caused massive loss to the company. As a result, the company failed to meet operational costs. “When it was privatized, the Katani Limited was expected to transform the sisal farming system and increase productivity, but it has failed even to meet cost of operation as a result the company has been closed down,” he said. According to him, the firm has created huge debts to farmers and failed to clear dues to the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) amounting to US Dollar 16.7 million and 1.6 billion just some of the missing billions.

A5: Minister assures farmers of abundant availability of inputs | The Guardian Newspaper| 04.02.2020

Due to shortage of agriculture inputs in the country, the government has taken various steps to ensure the inputs are available in abundance to meet the need. The steps include issuing of permits to large fertilizer dealers to import the commodity from outside the country from the Bulk Purchase system where as 200,000 tons has been ordered up to January 30, 2020;  issue permit of importing 45,000 tons to the country’s association of fertilizer dealers and to order fertilizer via BPS, which has already started to be distributed since January 28, 2020.

A6: Minister – Fishing Act to Be Studied | Daily News | 28.01.2020

The government is reviewing the Deep-Sea Fishing Act, which will go hand in hand with reviving Tanzania Fishing Company (TAFICO) with the aim of controlling fish loss and expanding the sector. The process will also include creating a good fishing environment and maintaining quality which will contribute in guaranteeing good fish price. Minister of State in Prime Minister’s Office Ms Angela Kairuki made the remark recently after visiting Abajuko Enterprises Limited – a local company which deals with seafood processing and marketing in Vikindu Ward, at the climax of her two-day tour of Makurunga District, Coastal Region. She said that the review work had already begun and that the Act will become applicable after completion of all requisite process.

A7: ILO Accuses Tanzania of Rampant Child Labour | The East African | 18.01.2020

According to International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) report, 4.2 million out of 15 million children aged between five and 17 are engaged in child labour, equivalent to 28.8 per cent of the entire children’s population in Tanzania. Child labour is occasioned by increasing levels of poverty. ILO in its report says the agricultural and fishing sectors continue to be notorious employers of large numbers of children in this age group, constituting an estimated 92.1 per cent of all children engaged in hazardous economic activities especially in rural communities

A8: 3,000 Families Benefit from Dairy Goats Project | Daily News | 15.01.2020

At least 3,000 families in Kagera region have been lifted from abject poverty by getting dairy goats and training on modern means of preparing milk for selling to meet financial needs. The executive director of the Community Solutions for Africa’s Development (COSAD – Tanzania) Mr Smart Baitani, said in an interview with the ‘Daily News’ that the initiative which started in the year 2008 initially aiming at Empowering Women and Girls: Through OWOG-One Woman, One Goat.

A9: Coronavirus Africa Update – Tanzania Shuts Livestock Markets | The Exchange | 26.03.2020

Tanzania has shut down all activities at one of its largest open-air livestock markets, the Meserani Livestock Auction Market in Monduli, Arusha. To enforce the ban, the government sent down armed police officers to stop any trading from taking place; a daunting task when you take into consideration the fact that the market handles well over 1,000 traders every single day. The move is in line with the national ban on mass gatherings in the face of the ongoing Covid-19 threat. Safety first, but the close to 200 000 pastoralists who exclusively rely on cattle trade now have to find alternative income generating solutions. As to be expected, the pastoralists are up in arms over the decision to shut down their sole source of daily bread, or meat in this case.

References “Tourism”

T1: Magufuli wants more focus on marketing tourism | The Citizen | 12.01.2020

President John Magufuli has expressed the need for Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar to focus on joint efforts to promote tourism which is currently the leading foreign exchange earner. The President said the current numbers of tourists visiting Tanzania which is a large country were not enough compared to small countries that were performing almost the same. Tanzania mainland received 1.5 million tourists in 2018 while Zanzibar had 520,989 in the same period.

T2: Tanzania’s Geopark Tipped for Great Tourism Leap | Daily News | 16.03.2020

The Ngorongoro-Lengai Geopark has been billed as the next big thing in tourism. General Secretary of the Global Geoparks Network Dr Guy Martini observed that the unified area that advances the protection and use of geological heritage in sustainable ways has the potential of complementing wildlife tourism in Tanzania. Found in northern Tanzania, the Ngorongoro-Lengai Geopark is the first of its kind in Sub Saharan Africa. Established in 2018, it boasts of the majestic Oldonyo Lengai, a sacred mountain for the Maasai communities.

T3: Tanzania: State Intensifies Fight Against Poaching | Daily News | 20.03.2020

Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, Mr Constantine Kanyasu, has directed the anti-poaching unit in the northern zone to intensify measures in response to poaching of wild animals killed for human consumption by a section of people living around protected areas. The specified wild animals include gazelles, zebras, rabbits, wild pigs and dik-dik, where he issued another directive for the establishment of special butcheries for bush meat, which he said will deter poaching activities. He noted that the measures are crucial, because he said the public will be in trouble because dangerous wild animals like lions will have to feed on humans if the animals they feed on become scarce due to poaching. Equally, he said some parks will be largely affected for losing its biggest wild animals due to lack of food, which will impact negatively on the tourism sector.

T4: 80 Cows Eaten by Lions in Serengeti | Daily News | 26.01.2020

A pride of some 16 lions has created panic in Serengeti District, Mara Region after eating 80 cows belonging to livestock keepers, prompting wildlife officials to track them down. Besides eating the livestock, the lions wounded two civilians, according to Mr Babu. The decision to track down the lions follows a public outcry from people whose cows, goats and sheep were eaten by the lions recently, he said. The number of wild animals is reported to have significantly increased in Western Serengeti in recent months, thanks to ongoing conservation campaigns. Last week, a lion emerged from a millet farm and wounded six civilians in Bisarara village, which is located near wildlife conservation areas.

T5: Mifugo Zaidi Ya 3000 Yaliwa Na Simba Serengeti (More 3000 Livestock Eaten by Lions in Serengeti) | Majira News Paper | 06.03.2020

More than 3000 livestock at Serengeti national parks in Tarime, Bunda and Serengeti districts in Mara region have died from being eaten by wild animals including lions and leopards over the past year. The animal eaten by these animals include cows, goats and sheep, whereby large amount of farmers depend much on them. Speaking at different times at meetings attended by districts safety and security committees this week, the live stocking reviled that they remained poor because some of their livestock have been eaten by wild animals. Following this situation, the live stocking called on the government assistance their families survive the loss of their livelihoods.

T6: Tembo waleta kizaazaa Morogoro (Elephants have caused havoc in Morogoro) | Habari Leo | 17.02.2020

Elephants’ trawling in the vicinity in six villages of Moromero district as well as in the Morogoro suburbs has resulted in the injured of two people and admitted to the provincial Appeal Office. The two people were injured by elephants on the night of February 14, this year including a sixth-grade student, Edger Jackson (19) of the Alfa secondary school in Morogoro municipality, and John Mhuhu (54) a resident of the infirmary also in the municipality. that.  According to the regional referral of the region’s Referral Hospital, Dr Rita Lyamuya, both injuries continue to be treated and under investigation.

T7: Green Mile expelled from hunting block | The Citizen newspaper | 22.01.2020

The Longido District security committee has removed Green Miles from the Lake Natron (east) hunting block and closed down the company’s camp, being an implementation of the directive given by the ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism. Green Mile has been in a conflict with 23 villages surrounding the block, concerning 350 million Tanzanian shillings which the villages were supposed to receive from the company. The removal therefore ends the conflict which have existed in the area for many years. The Arusha Regional Anti-Poaching Unit (KDU) public relation officer, Mr Emmanuel Pius, said they have decided to forcefully remove the investor form the block, after he previously resisted to comply.

T8: The all-women safari camp in Tanzania | BBC | 11.03.2020

The Serengeti National Park in Northern Tanzania is one of the crown jewels in Tanzania’s tourism industry and famed for its safari experience. According to a report compiled for the UN Conference on Trade and Development in 2015, out of 2,000 safari guides in Tanzania, fewer than 10 were women. Women in the tourism sector typically hold jobs in the industry lower tier. The Dunia Camp in Serengeti National Park is trying to solve this problem by hiring only women to fill positions.

References “Infrastructure”

I1: SGR on Track After Govt Secures U.S.$1.46 Billion More for Project | The East African | 15.02.2020

Tanzania has had a breakthrough in its Standard Gauge Railway (SGR). On Thursday, the government signed a facility agreement with Standard Chartered Bank for a $1.46 billion loan to finance the construction of the first and second phases of the project, covering a distance of approximately 550km from Dar es Salaam to Makutupora. Thanks to this external financing, the government no longer has to dig into its pockets to complete the $7.6 billion project.

I2: Government signs 1.14 trillion Tanzanian shilling loan for 3 mega projects | The Citizen | 14.03.2020

The government yesterday signed a $495.59 million (about 1.14 trillion Tanzanian shillings) loan agreements with the African Development Bank (AFDB) for financing the major infrastructure projects. The largest share of the concessional loan, $271.63 (about 624.74 billion Tanzanian shillings) is set for the construction of Msalato international airport in Dodoma, whose tender was floated last month. Another $168.76 million (about 388.14 billion Tanzanian shillings) will be injected in the Bagamoyo-Horohoro/Lungalunga-Malindi road construction project, whose date for construction is yet to be known. The rest of the fund, $55.2 million (about 126.96 billion Tanzanian shillings) would be used for good governance and private sector development programme.

I3: Mega Rusumo Hydroelectric Power Project Reaches 59per cent | Daily News | 06.01.2020

The construction of Rusumo Hydroelectric Power Station to generate 80MW reached 59 per cent in December from 32 per cent in June last year. Rusumo Hydroelectric Power Station, also known as Rusumo Power Station, is a hydropower plant project, which involves the construction of a dam shared by Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi. The contractor’s request to extend the project period was rejected by the 3 countries He said Rusumo residents had lodged complaints with the contractor over blasts while implementing the project.

I4: How Newly Signed SGR Rail Deal for Tanzania, DRC and Burundi Will Make Dar Port Low-Cost Sea Access Route | The Guardian | 10.03.2020

The recent signing of the agreements to construct a standard gauge railway (SGR) from Tanzania connecting Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) signified the beginning of a journey to make Dar es Salaam port the cheapest route in goods transportation to land-locked countries. The government through Tanzania Railway Authority (TRC) has embarked a plan to link the land-locked countries to the port of Dar es Salaam which is the only available route to get to the sea for landlocked countries in the southern Africa such as Zambia, Burundi, Malawi, DRC and Rwanda. Currently transporting a container from Dar es Salaam port to Lubumbashi DRC costs about $900 a move that costs businesses to a large extent.

I5: State Ready to Compensate Msalato Genuine Landowners | Daily News | 02.01.2020

Finance and Planning Minister Dr Phillip Mpango, recently said that the government is ready to start compensating Msalato Ward residents whose pieces of land was booked by the State to construct a multi-million-dollar international airport in Dodoma City. Addressing members of the press on ’the state of the national economy in 2019, and implementation of the national budget during the first half of the 2019/20 financial year, the Minister warned that only eligible villagers who surrendered their plots would be compensated.

I6: Wananchi walipwa fidia ya sh bil 5.8 (The citizens have been paid a compensation of 5.8 billion shillings) | Mtanzania newspaper | 11.03.2020

992 out of 1254 residents of the Nyakanazi ward, Biharamulo district Kagera region, have been paid their compensation of 5.8 billion Tanzanian shillings of their lands taken to build a distribution centre and paralyzed power supply from the Rusumo Regional Hydroelectric Falls Project (RRHFP) that is under construction at Kagera River Falls. The remark was made by project manager Nyakanazi-Geita, Elias Mokunga when stating early stage of the project of 220 kilovolt and length of 144 kilometres to benefit some regions. He said the compensation shall continue to be made to the remaining 262 citizens and the processes are in a good stage of payments according to the government.

I7: Tanesco compensates Same residents in power project |Daily News| 17.02.2020

It was all smiles accompanied by praises to the President Magufuli and the government in general, when Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO) started compensating 301 residents, whose pieces of land paved way for a local solar power project in the Same District. According to TANESCO Kilimanjaro Regional Manager, Engineer Mahawa Mkaka supervising the exercise, a total of 3.5 billion Tanzanian Shillings was being paid to the residents in the first phase and expected to continue to the second stage

I8: In Tanzania, all investors – whether they are private companies or government entities – are obliged to conduct an environmental (and social) impact assessment prior to investment. This is a legal requirement under the Environmental Management Act (2004).

I9: Pipeline project report on environment impact okay | The Guardian Newspaper | 08.02.2020

An environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) certificate has been granted by the National Environmental Management Council (NEMC) for the East Africa Crude Oil pipeline Project from Hoima in Uganda to Tanga port. Speaking at the ceremony to present the certificate to the Total East Africa Midstream BV (TEAM BV), the project contractor in Dodoma yesterday, the Minister of State in the Vice President Office (Union and environment) Mussa Azzan Zungu said the assessment has ensured that economic, social, environmental, health and safety issues were addressed in the planning, construction and operation of the pipeline.

I10: Financing the East African Crude Oil Pipeline is a big mistake | Daily maverick | 28.01.2020

At a time when the international scientific community is telling us the world cannot absorb new fossil fuel developments if we are to tackle the climate crisis, Uganda and Tanzania are planning to construct a highly controversial oil pipeline that threatens to destroy the livelihoods of tens of thousands and threaten extensive ecosystems with incomparable biodiversity. The pipeline is expected to cause large-scale displacement of local communities and pose grave risks to protected environments, water sources and wetlands in both countries. Concerns have been raised on the impact of oil extraction on Lake Albert fisheries and the disastrous consequences of an oil spill in Lake Victoria that would affect millions of people (in approximately eight countries) that rely on the two lakes and their watersheds for drinking water and food production.

I11: Government Assures National Grid Electricity to Kagera Residents | Daily News | 02.03.2020

Energy Minister, Dr Medard Kalemani has assured Kagera residents that by May, this year about 95 per cent of the villages will be connected to the national grid. Dr Kalemani expressed satisfaction on the implementation of the Regional Rusumo Falls Hydroelectric project (RRFHP), that will enhance regional cooperation, support sustainable management of the Kagera River Basin, promote growth and poverty reduction and also manage environmental aspects. The project will address the acute shortage of electricity experienced by the three countries, which negatively affect their economies.

I12: Rural Electrification in Africa – Tanzania Leads the Way | Daily News | 15.02.2020

Rural electrification, a programme being implemented through Rural Energy Agency (REA), has yielded substantial achievements, placing Tanzania in the top slot in the African continent, it has been stated. According to Dr Kalemani, a total of 9,001 villages in the country have been connected; of these 3,559 villages were connected through the first round of Phase Three Rural Electrification Project (REA III-1), which is ongoing.

I13: Force Accounts Looms in Water Projects-Government | Daily News | 24.01.2020

Lack of integrity, unpatriotic behaviours and selfishness among some Water Ministry staff have been cited as some hindrances, which delay water projects’ implementation in the country. “Most projects designed are very poor… consultants have failed us. As a result, the government spends a lot of financial resources which do not bring the expected outcome, and this is unacceptable,” Professor Mbarawa pointed out.

I14: Mega Water Project Delay Irks Deputy Minister | Daily News | 27.05.2020

The Deputy Minister for Water Jumaa Aweso has expressed his dismay at the delayed construction of Same- Mwanga-Korogwe water supply project, saying that a joint meeting of all related stakeholders must be convened with immediate effect to discuss way forward. Mr Aweso made the call after inspecting the project in Mwanga and Same zone areas, saying that its delay was unnecessarily denying the residents their basic rights.

I15: Minister issues week ultimatum to three REA contactors | Daily News Newspaper| 30.01.2020

The Minister for Energy, Dr. Medard Kalemani has issued a seven-day ultimatum to three Rural Electrification (REA) Project Phase III contractors in their project on time or face government wrath. He said the contractors are responsible for Kakonko and Kibondo, Pomy for rural electrification in Kalius and Arusha based in Nipo area have had poor performance and must reorganise within a week.

I16: Hydropower Training Centre in Kilimanjaro Ready for Launch | The Citizen | 15.01.2020

After several delays the Kikuletwa Hydropower Training Centre will finally be officially inaugurated on Friday, January 17. The facility in Hai District, Kilimanjaro Region will train artisans in electrical and hydropower engineering at Diploma level. The multi-billion-shilling centre initiated eight years ago has been realized through the financial and technical support from Norway.