10 – 16 January 2013



The Government of the Central African Republic (CAR) and the Seleka rebel alliance signed a peace agreement last week in Libreville, Gabon. CAR President Bozizé will remain in power until 2016, but a transitional unity government will be formed and legislative elections held in 12 months. The opposition, and the rebels, chose the renowned lawyer and human rights defender Nicolas Tiangaye as the new prime minister.

The restart of the talks between the DR Congo Government and the M23 rebel movement in Kampala, Uganda, were delayed by the sanctions the UN Security Council brought at the end of last year against M23 and two of its leaders. The two parties finally adopted the agenda of the peace talks, which goes quite beyond the only issue the Government had wanted to discuss, i.e. the implementation of the peace agreement of 23 March 2009.

At a meeting of ministers and heads of State of the Great Lake countries in Addis-Ababa, it was decided that the International Neutral Force, to be deployed along the border between DRC and Rwanda, will be integrated into MONUSCO, the UN peacekeeping mission in the DRC. Unlike the current UN mission, this integrated force is expected to have a peace enforcing mandate.

In Butembo, North Kivu, Mai-Mai fighters attacked the local prison and liberated 372 prisoners, many of whom Mai-Mai rebels or FARDC. Mai-Mai or other armed groups committed violence in South Kivu, Maniema, Province Orientale, and particularly in Katanga.


Arms Trade and Security in the Great Lakes Region

Recent news on conflict, security and arms trade across the Great Lakes Region. 

Elephant poaching in Central Africa finances armed groups

The Ivory Wars: How Poaching in Central Africa Fuels the LRA and Janjaweed | 14 January 2013 | African Arguments

There are no final or totally verifiable figures for the numbers of elephants slaughtered for their ivory in 2012. However, reports from Cameroon, DR Congo, South Sudan and the Central African Republic suggest a massive and continuing rise in killings and, ominously, the involvement of military and criminal groups such as the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), the Sudanese Janjaweed militia, Chadian poaching gangs and a ring of well-established Darfurian smugglers.



Obama signs Rewards for Justice law

Obama Signs Law That Places Cash Reward for Kony Arrest | 16 January 2013 | The New Vision | allAfrica

US President Barack Obama has assented to an amended law which places a cash reward for whoever arrests the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) leader Joseph Kony and his top commanders.

President Obama Signs Rewards for Justice Bill into Law | 16 January 2013 | The Enough Project

President Obama signed legislation into law yesterday that will expand the scope of the Rewards for Justice Program. “By signing this bill in the presence of leaders of the human rights community, the President has demonstrated his continuing personal commitment to bringing Joseph Kony and other internationally-wanted human rights abusers to justice,” said Enough Project Executive Director John C. Bradshaw. “This law is also an important step by the U.S. towards a more positive relationship with the International Criminal Court.”



DDR in Africa

The Lessons and Limits of DDR in Africa | 15 January 2013 | Africa Center for Strategic Studies | Reliefweb

Notwithstanding laudable successes, incomplete or poorly conceived disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) initiatives have been key factors to high rates of conflict relapse in Africa. The decision to integrate former militias into the national army is typically a political expediency that impedes military professionalism and increases the likelihood of human rights abuses and instability.




Cartographie des motivations derrière les conflits : le M23 | 10 January 2013 | International Peace Information Service (IPIS)

French translation of the report on the M23 rebel movement ‘Mapping Conflict Motives: M23’, published end November 2012.


ISS Seminar Report: The fall of Goma – what is next for the DRC? | 30 November 2012 | Institute for Security Studies


Le gouvernement menace de poursuites “tous ceux” qui soutiendront le M23 | 11 January 2013 | AFP | Reliefweb

Le gouvernement rappelle le caractère criminel du M23 | 12 January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Talking about Roger Lumbala, the opposition parliamentarian who joined M23 last week, Lambert Mende, spokesperson of the Congolese Governement, said that the M23 is a criminal organization, and all those supporting it will be prosecuted


Hotel Rwanda’s Rusesabagina Asks Tony Blair to Denounce Paul Kagame’s Activities in the Congo | 14 January 2013 | PRLog

Hotel Rwanda Rusesabagina Foundation President Paul Rusesabagina today made public a letter that he sent to Tony Blair regarding Blair’s involvement with Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame.


Otunnu Blames Museveni Regime On DR Congo | 16 January 2013 | The Independent (Kampala) | allAfrica

Opposition Uganda People’s Congress president Olara Otunnu believes that president Museveni and his regime have a role in the rebellion between the rebels of M23 and government forces in DRC. Otunnu said that the reports coming out from the United Nations are credible and should not be rejected because independent experts compile them.



Kampala peace talks

Pourparlers de Kampala: Roger Lumbala et 4 nouveaux membres de la délégation du M23 accrédités | 10 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Pourparlers de Kampala: pour le Mwami Paul Ndeze de la délégation du M23, « l’essentiel est le retour de la paix » | 13 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Five new members of the delegation of the M23, among which opposition member Roger Lumbala, received Thursday 10 January in Kampala their accreditation in the negotiations with the Congolese Government. Among them also Eugénie Mubake, from a platform of women in Goma and Ndeze Paul from Bwisha, in Rutshuru territory.


Le CNDP face au M23 aux pourparlers de Kampala | 10 January 2013 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica

The ongoing talks in Kampala (Uganda) on the evaluation of the peace agreement of 23 March 2009 in Goma (North Kivu) present the peculiarity of opposing the CNDP, signatory of the document whose execution is disputed, and the M23, who is claiming its full implementation.


DRC government, M23 rebels resume Uganda peace talks | 11 January 2013 | AFP | Reliefweb

Peace Talks Restart in Congolese Dispute | 11 January 2013 | Voice of America

Pourparlers de Kampala: le gouvernement et le M23 adoptent quatre points de l’ordre du jour | 12 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Peace talks between the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the

M23 rebel group have officially resumed.  The restart came days after the rebels announced they would proceed with the dialogue even if the government did not agree to a ceasefire in the disputed area of eastern Congo.

Organizers said the restart of the talks, originally scheduled for last week, was delayed by sanctions the UN Security Council brought against the rebel group at the end of last year.  The U.N. imposed an arms embargo on the group and banned travel and froze the assets of two of M23’s leaders.


Kampala: le ministre ougandais de la Défense regrette les sanctions contre les dirigeants du M23 | 12 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

L’Ouganda, le facilitateur pyromane, se dévoile | 14 January 2013 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica

The mediator of the Kampala dialogue, Ugandan Minister of Defence Crypsus Walter Kiyonga, does not appreciate the timing of the UN sanctions against some of M23’s leaders.


L’opposition confirme sa volonté de participer aux négociations de Kampala | 13 January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Pourparlers de Kampala: l’opposition réclame sa participation en tant que composante | 13 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Kampala : la participation de l’opposition risque de banaliser les crimes du M23, selon Lambert Mende | 14 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

The four opposition groups in the parliament demand to participate in the discussions in Kampala as a constituent, not as part of the Government delegation. The Government is opposed to their participation.


UN Security Council Gives Go-Ahead for M23 Talks | 13 January 2013 | The New Vision | allAfrica

Kiyonga Consults UN On M23 Sanctions | 14 January 2013 | The New Times | allAfrica

The UN Security Council and US Government have given a go-ahead to the peace talks in Kampala between the M23 rebels and DRC Government despite sanctions imposed against some of the rebel leaders.


Devant la méfiance du M23, les négociations n’ont toujours pas repris | 14 January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Kampala: des divergences persistent sur l’ordre du jour des pourparlers entre le Gouvernement et le M23 | 15 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Negotiations in Kampala still haven’t resumed. The plenary session planned on Monday 14 January was cancelled at the last moment.


RDC : Kinshasa et les rebelles du M23 fixent le programme des négociations | 16 January 2013 | AFP | Reliefweb

The DRC Governement and the M23 rebels on Wednesday have adopted and signed the agenda of their peace talks in Kampala. Four items will be discussed: evaluation of the peace agreement of 23 March 2009 between the Government and the former rebel group CNDP, security issues, socio-political and economic issues, and the mechanism of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the eventual Kampala agreement.

RDC: Kinshasa et le M23 entrent enfin dans le vif des négociations | 16 January 2013 | RFI

The negotations between Kinshasa and the M23 in Kampala have really started Wednesday 16 January. During a plenary session, the M23 delegation has exposed all its grievances. Kinshasa has to reply this Thursday. After that, they will enter into the debate itself.

DR Congo Talks Delegates to Discuss Amnesty | 16 January 2013 | The New Vision | allAfrica

The ongoing dialogue in Kampala to end fighting in Eastern DR Congo is set to discuss a proposal to offer general amnesty for war and insurgency acts.

DRC, M23 Adopt Agenda of Peace Talks | 17 January 2013 | The New Times | allAfrica


Kampala – La société civile du Nord-Kivu « pas d’accord » avec l’ordre du jour | 16 January 2013 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica

The civil society of North Kivu denounces the fact that the particpants in the Kampala peace talks “have gone beyond what they were supposed to do: evaluate the Agreement of 23 March 2009”.



International Neutral Force to be integrated into MONUSCO

Plans to Merge Congo Neutral Force, Monusco Underway – AU | 11 January 2013 | The New Times | allAfrica

Ministers from African Great Lake states are considering having the UN peacekeeping mission in DR Congo’s troubled east merge with a future neutral force, an African Union official said Tuesday.


SADC Urged to Commit to DRC Force | 12 January 2013 | Tanzania Daily News | allAfrica

SADC Meets On DRC, Zim | 14 January 2013 | New Era | allAfrica

The Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Troika organ on politics, defence and security has urged member states that have not committed to deploying troops to the Democratic Republic of Congo mission to do so as a matter of urgency.

In a communiqué that was released on Friday after the Troika meeting in Dar es Salaam, SADC welcomed pledges made by Malawi, Namibia, South Africa and Tanzania for committing to the deployment of the Neutral International Force (NIF).


RDC : la force internationale neutre sera intégrée dans la Monusco | 14 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

La force internationale neutre à la frontière entre la RDC et le Rwanda sera intégrée à la MONUSCO | 14 January 2013 | MONUSCO

MONUSCO – Vers un mandat d’imposition de la paix | 15 January 2013 | La Prospérité | allAfrica

The international neutral force to be deployed on the border between the DRC and Rwanda will be integrated into MONUSCO, the Military Advisor to the UN Secretary-General, general Babacar Gaye, told Radio Okapi on Sunday 13 January. He said the integration of this force into the United Nations mission in the DRC will allow to answer the question of its funding.



Drones to monitor eastern borders?

RDC: le Gouvernement favorable à l’envoi des drones onusiens dans l’Est du pays | 11 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Nord-Kivu: Julien Paluku salue le projet des drones pour surveiller l’Est de la RDC | 11 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

The Congolese Government, and the Governor of North Kivu province, are favourably disposed to the use of surveillance drones in eastern DRC, as proposed last week by the head of the UN peacekeeping operations.


Kinshasa, Kampala back U.N. plan for eastern Congo drones | 11 January 2013 | Reuters | AlertNet

Kampala, which is hosting talks between Congolese authorities and the rebels despite charges it is backing the insurgency, gave cautious support for the plan to deploy drones on the condition they are not used for combat purposes.


Rwanda Prime Minister Challenges UN’s Drones Use in DRC | 11 January 2013 | News of Rwanda | allAfrica

Invest in Peace, Not Gadgets to Solve DRC Conflict | 11 January 2013 | The New Times | allAfrica

Rwanda Remains Cautious On Drones in DRC – Mushikiwabo | 14 January 2013 | Rwanda Focus | allAfrica

Rwanda, which holds a seat on the Security Council, said it opposed the drones until their use was fully assessed.




MONUSCO rescues European tourists from FDLR in North Kivu

Euro Tourists Rescued From FDLR Captors | 16 January 2013 | The New Times | allAfrica

A German and an Austrian who had been kidnapped by the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) militia group in Rutshuru territory, North Kivu, have been rescued by the UN peace keeping mission, MONUSCO.


Mai-Mai cause massive prison break in Butembo, North Kivu

Nord-Kivu: des miliciens Pareco occasionnent l’évasion de 372 prisonniers à Butembo | 14 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Evasion massive à la prison de Butembo | 16 January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

A Butembo, 12 Maï-Maï ayant occasionné l’évasion de 370 prisonniers sont aux arrêts | 16 January 2013 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica

The Mai-Mai Pareco of chief la Fontaine on Sunday 13 January brought about the breakout of 372 out of 399 prisoners in Butembo, North Kivu. 12 of the Mai-Mai and 23 of the escapees were captured a day later.


ADF-Nalu in Beni territory, North Kivu

Rebels Pose New Threat As Video Leaks | 10 January 2013 | The Observer (Kampala) | allAfrica

A highly-spirited video featuring the rank and file of the Allied Democratic Forces in training provides a rare glimpse into the behaviour of its chief ideologue, Jamil Mukulu, and the strength of the rebel outfit.

Beni: la société civile dénonce les attaques de l’ADF-Nalu malgré la présence des FARDC | 13 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

The civil society of Beni in North Kivu is exasperated with the attacks on the population by ADF-Nalu. They ask for an evaluation of the Rwenzori operations conducted by the army against this Ugandan rebel group since three years.


Mai-Mai Raia Mutomboki active in South Kivu and Maniema

Sud-Kivu: la cité de Shabunda paralysée par la présence de Raïa Mutomboki | 10 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Mai-Mai rebels of Raia Mutomboki have threatened to attack the town of Shabunda in South Kivu.

Maniema: nouveaux combats entre FARDC et Maï-Maï Raïa Mutomboki à Kasese | 11 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

The Congolese army clashed with Raia Mutomboki militiamen in Kasese, an important mining town in the north of Maniema province.


Mai-Mai FPLC ready to integrate into FARDC in Uvira, South Kivu

Uvira: des Maï-Maï FPLC se disent prêts à intégrer les FARDC | 15 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

The militiamen of the FPLC, active in the territory of Fizi, expressed on Monday 14 January in Uvira (South Kivu) their wish to integrate into the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC).


After the attack on Mambasa (Ituri), Province Orientale

Ituri : FARDC et Monusco renforcent la sécurité à Mambasa après des attaques de miliciens | 10 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

The Congolese army and the MONUSCO peacekeepers have reinforced their presence in the town of Mambasa, which was attacked and briefly taken last week by several militias, among which that of Paul Sadala, alias Morgan.

Mambasa : les commerçants ont perdu 5 millions USD à la suite des pillages, selon la Fec | 11 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

According to the Ituri section of FEC (Federation of Enterprises of Congo), the economic operators of Mambasa town have suffered losses for a total amount of about 5 million USD in the attack on their town.

Ituri: 22 miliciens capturés par les FARDC, selon leur commandant | 15 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

The army claims 22 militiamen of Paul Sadala alias Morgan were captured.


FRPI militia attacks market in Ituri, Province Orientale

Ituri: 10 personnes blessées dans l’attaque du marché Kagaba par des miliciens FRPI | 12 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Ten people were injured by bullets, Friday 11 January, when a group of militiamen of the FRPI attacked the market of Kagaba, south of Bunia.


Mbororo breeders and other armed men in Ango territory, Province Orientale

Province Orientale: la société civile d’Ango réclame le rapatriement des éleveurs Mbororo | 11 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

The civil society of Ango, a territory located more than 600 km north of Kisangani (Orientale Province), asked the Government to repatriate the Mbororo breeders to their countries of origin. These armed nomadic herdsmen come from the Central African Republic, Niger, Chad, Sudan, Ethiopia and Eritrea.


Province Orientale: l’administrateur du territoire d’Ango appelle au redéploiement des FARDC | 12 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

The administrator of the territory of Ango (Province Orientale), Jean Pierre Mulenge, called for the redeployment of the army to his region, which is plagued by unidentified armed men.


Mai-Mai violence in Katanga

Katanga : 6 morts dans des affrontements entre Maï-Maï et FARDC | 11 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Three soldiers and three civilians were killed Wednesday 9 January in clashes between a Mai-Mai militia and the Congolese army near the road from Bunkeya to Mitwaba, Katanga.


Katanga : les groupes Maï-Maï de Gédéon et de Tanda Imena insécurisent le nord de la province | 14 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

The Mai-Mai group of Gédéon Kyungu and the Bakata Katanga of chief Tanda Imena are causing more and more insecurity and deaths in the north of Katanga province.


Katanga: la population fuit les incursions de miliciens à Mukebo | 14 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

The population of the village of Mukebo, in Manono territory, has fled because of frequent incursions by Mai-Mai.


Richard Muyej juge préoccupante la situation sécuritaire dans certaines localités du Katanga | 15 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Richard Muyej, Minister of the Interior, says the security situation in Katanga is calm, except for the axis Pweto-Mitwaba-Manono, where the Mai-Mai of Gédéon and others perpetrate acts of terrorism, murder, plunder and destruction.


Mai Mai group guilty of violence in DR Congo: NGO | 15 January 2013 | AFP | Reliefweb

RDC : les Maï Maï Gédéon commettent toujours des exactions dans le Sud-Est (ONG) | 15 January 2013 | AFP | Reliefweb

A militia group from the DR Congo has committed nearly daily acts of violence against civilians since its leader Gedeon Kyungu Mutanga escaped prison in 2011, a human rights group said on Tuesday.


Katanga: des miliciens Maï-Maï occupent la localité de Kadia | 16 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

According to civil society, Mai-Mai fighters of the independence movement Kata Katanga occupies the village of Kadia, in Bukama territory, since Friday 11 January.



Stepping up army reform in 2013

RDC : la réforme, promise, de l’armée se fait attendre | 15 January 2013 | AFP | Reliefweb

The Minister of Defence, Alexandre Luba Ntambo, has promised that in 2013 the reform of the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) will “move up a gear” to combat the armed groups and rebellions in the country, some of them active since almost 20 years.




ADF-Nalu rebels threatening Uganda from DRC

Rebels Pose New Threat As Video Leaks | 10 January 2013 | The Observer (Kampala) | allAfrica

A highly-spirited video featuring the rank and file of the Allied Democratic Forces in training provides a rare glimpse into the behaviour of its chief ideologue, Jamil Mukulu, and the strength of the rebel outfit.




FNL – Agathon Rwasa deposed

Burundi: Agathon Rwasa destitué de la tête des FNL | 15 January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

According to a press release of the FNL (‘Forces nationales de libération’) signed by the Chief of Staff and the new president of this party, Agathon Rwasa, historic leader of the Burundian ex-rebels was deposed Monday 14 January by the political bureau and the staff of his movement.



No More Talking of Rebels in Burundi | 11 January 2013 | Global Observatory

This week an appeals judge in Burundi reduced the sentence of RFI radio journalist Hassan Ruvakuki to three years in prison; he was originally sentenced to life. After two trials, the court ultimately found him guilty of working with a criminal group, but he continues to claim he was arrested for investigating reports that a new rebel group had emerged along Burundi’s border with Tanzania.

It is not good to talk of rebels in Burundi these days.


Central African Republic

Ceasefire and peace agreement signed in Libreville, Gabon

Central African Republic ceasefire signed | 11 January 2013 | BBC Africa

Rebel Coalition in Central African Republic Agrees to a Short Cease-Fire | 11 January 2013 | The New York Times

Centrafrique : le pouvoir et les rebelles signent un accord de cessez-le-feu | 11 January 2013 | Le Monde

Signature d’un accord de sortie de crise à Libreville | 11 January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Un accord de cessez-le-feu a été signé et un accord prévoit que Bozizé reste au pouvoir jusqu’en 2016 | 11 January 2013 | Info Plus Gabon (Libreville) | allAfrica

CAR Rebels Agree to Ceasefire During Peace Talks | 11 January 2013 | Voice of America

Central African Republic Government Signs Peace Deal With Rebels | 11 January 2013 | Bloomberg

The Seleka rebel alliance fighting the government in the Central African Republic (CAR) has signed a formal ceasefire following three days of talks in Gabon’s capital Libreville. Under the agreement, President François Bozizé will not cede power, but a unity government of transition will be formed, the country’s National Assembly dissolved, and a prime minister from the opposition bloc appointed ahead of legislative elections that would be held in 12 months.

UN envoy calls on international community to engage more with Central African Republic | 11 January 2013 | UN News Centre

In the wake of agreements reached today to end a rebellion in the Central African Republic (CAR), the United Nations envoy for the country today said that the international community now needs to engage more forcefully, both diplomatically and financially, to pull the CAR from the brink.

Bangui Begins Move Toward Unity Government | 12 January 2013 | Voice of America

Central African PM dismissed after ceasefire deal | 12 January 2013 | Africa Daily

The Central African Republic’s president has begun implementing a peace agreement with rebels that calls for a unity government in Bangui. President Francois Bozize said he has dissolved the current government, effective immediately, and that a new prime minister will be nominated by the political opposition.

Centrafrique: Le pays attend la désignation de son nouveau premier ministre | 13 January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Centrafrique: Nicolas Tiangaye pressenti pour le poste de premier ministre | 13 January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

RCA: l’opposition désigne son candidat | 13 January 2013 | BBC Afrique

In the Central African Republic opposition unanimously nominated lawyer Nicolas Tiangaye as future Prime Minister of the Government of national unity to be formed as in the peace accords of Libreville.

La MICOPAX I désormais en charge du suivi de l’accord de Libreville | 14 January 2013 | Radio Ndeke Luka | Fondation Hirondelle

A follow-up mission of the application of the ceasefire and of the decisions of the political agreement of Libreville of 11 January has been made public. It specifically concerns the MICOPAX I regional peace consolidation mission (‘Mission de consolidation de la Paix en Afrique centrale’) during the coming period of political transition in Central African Republic.

Central African Republic – Signing of a peace and ceasefire agreement in Libreville | 14 January 2013 | France Diplomatie

France welcomes the successful conclusion of the negotiations in Libreville between the parties in the Central African Republic, under the auspices of the Economic Community of Central African States. The three documents signed (ceasefire, statement of principle, political agreement) are the first steps toward a settlement likely to bring long-term stability to the Central African Republic.

Centrafrique : Bozizé hésite à nommer l’opposant Tiangaï à la primature | 14 January 2013 |

Centrafrique: Nicolas Tiangaye rencontre le médiateur Denis Sassou Nguesso à Brazzaville | 15 January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Nicolas Tiangaye, who was selected by the CAR’s political opposition for the position of Prime Minister, arrived in Brazzaville Monday evening in the company of a delegation from the Seleka Alliance. He will meet with Congolese president Denis Sassou Nguesso.

Centrafrique: choix du PM | 15 January 2013 | BBC Afrique

The Seleka rebellion has confirmed the choice of lawyer Nicolas Tiangaye as future Prime Minister of the Government of national unity of the Central African Republic. This choice opens the way to Tiangaye’s nomination by president François Bozizé.

Ban urges Central African parties to abide by agreements forged to end crisis | 15 January 2013 | UN News Centre

République centrafricaine : Ban salue les accords de Libreville et appelle à leur mise en œuvre | 15 January 2013 | UN News Centre

Welcoming the signing of a ceasefire and other agreements that halted a rebel advance on the capital of the Central African Republic (CAR), Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called for all parties in the country to fulfil their commitments, with international assistance.

The Presidency Did Inform Parliament On the Employment of Troops | 15 January 2013 | South African Government | allAfrica

Presidency Confirms It Informed Parly On Employment of Troops | 15 January 2013 | | allAfrica

The South African Presidency points out that President Jacob Zuma did in fact inform Parliament of his decision to authorise the employment of 400 South African National Defence Force (SANDF) personnel to the Central African Republic (CAR), and therefore did not violate the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.

RCA: Nicolas Tiangaye arrive à Bangui avec la Seleka | 16 January 2013 | RFI

Séléka enfin à Bangui, bientôt un nouveau gouvernement ! | 16 January 2013 | Radio Ndeke Luka | Fondation Hirondelle

A delegation of Seleka arrived late this afternoon in Bangui, coming from Brazzaville. Nicolas Tiangaye, among others, was on the same flight.



Analysis & comments

What’s At Stake in the CAR? | 10 January 2013 | Pambazuka News | allAfrica


African states must resolve the conflict inside the Central African Republic in order to avoid further French and US military involvement argues Abayomi Azikiwe.


Central African Republic: Community Radio Stations Ransacked, Woman Journalist Killed | 10 January 2013 | Reporters Without Borders | allAfrica

Centrafrique: Une journaliste tuée, radios communautaires saccagées | 10 January 2013 | International Freedom of Expression Exchange Clearing House | allAfrica

Reporters Without Borders is deeply disturbed by acts of violence against news media and journalists in connection with a month-old armed uprising in the Central African Republic against President François Bozizé’s government.


CAR: Where Now for the Seleka Rebel Insurgency? 14 January 2013 | ThinkAfricaPress

Exclusive Analysis explores the potential directions the Seleka rebel insurgency in the Central African Republic might take in the coming weeks.


Central African Republic: The Collapse Of The Bozize Regime | 15 January 2013 | African Arguments

One month after launching a blitz offensive which brought them close to the capital, the Seleka rebel coalition has forced President François Bozize to share power. The challenge for the new government of national unity is to stabilize the country.



Refugee and IDP Reports

Non-comprehensive overview and selected articles on the status of refugees in the Great Lakes Region



Plus de 7.900 Rwandais ont été rapatriés vers le Rwanda en 2012 via le HCR | 10 January 2013 | ACP |


Rapport de Situation Humanitaire sur la République Démocratique du Congo – 11 janvier 2013 | 11 January 2013 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb


Nord-Kivu: 54 400 déplacés en détresse à Mwesso | 14 January 2013 | Radio Okapi


Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Sud-Kivu N° 03/13, 15 janvier 2013 | 15 January 2013 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb


Situation humanitaire en République Démocratique du Congo, Note d’information à la presse, 16 janvier 2013 | 16 January 2013 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb


RDC: Ocha lance un plan d’action humanitaire de 30 millions de dollars pour le Nord-Kivu | 16 January 2013 | Radio Okapi


Sexual violence omnipresent in, around displaced persons’ camps | 16 January 2013 | MSF | Reliefweb

Violence sexuelle omniprésente dans des camps de déplacés à Goma et autour | 16 January 2013 | MSF | Reliefweb



Refugees from Central African Republic

Province Orientale : plus de 400 ménages centrafricains réfugiés à Bondo, sans assistance | 13 January 2013 | Radio Okapi



Dr. Mukwege back in Bukavu

Threatened rape clinic doctor due back in DR Congo: hospital | 11 January 2013 | AFP | Reliefweb

Denis Mukwege, founder of a pioneering rape victims’ hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo who was forced into exile after a bid on his life, will return home on Monday, his clinic announced Friday.


Malgré les risques, le docteur Mukwege retourne auprès de ses patientes | 11 January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica


Le Docteur Mukwege va rentrer à Bukavu | 11 January 2013 | Le carnet de Colette Braeckman


RDC: le gynécologue Denis Mukwege rentre à Bukavu ce lundi | 12 January 2013 | Radio Okapi

RDC: le gynécologue Denis Mukwege est rentré lundi à Bukavu | 14 January 2013 | Radio Okapi


MONUSCO Supports the Safe Return of Dr. Mukwege | 14 January 2013 | MONUSCO

La MONUSCO concourt à sécuriser le retour Dr. Denis Mukwege à Bukavu | 14 January 2013 | MONUSCO

UN mission welcomes return of renowned doctor to eastern DR Congo following attack | 14 January 2013 | UN News Centre

The head of the United Nations peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has welcomed the return to Bukavu of Denis Mukwege, a physician internationally known for his work with rape victims who was attacked at his residence last October. Dr. Mukwege, the founder and Director-General of the Panzi Hospital in Bukavu in South Kivu province, was attacked in his home by armed men who shot and killed his security guard. He and his family were not hurt in the attack.


Doctor Returns to Congo and Is Hailed as a Hero | 14 January 2013 | The New York Times


Bukavu: le docteur Denis Mukwege demande à la population de « dire non à la violence » | 15 January 2013 | Radio Okapi




UNHCR Operation In Rwanda Fact Sheet 30 November – 31 December 2012 | 31 December 2012 | UNHCR | Reliefweb


Plus de 7.900 Rwandais ont été rapatriés vers le Rwanda en 2012 via le HCR | 10 January 2013 | ACP |



Central African Republic

War and Hunger in the Central African Republic | 10 January 2013 | ThinkAfricaPress

Conflict in the Central African Republic has made food distribution efforts difficult and may have caused further humanitarian problems.


UNHCR seeks immediate access to refugees and displaced civilians in Central African Republic | 11 January 2013 | UNHCR

Le HCR cherche à accéder immédiatement aux réfugiés et aux civils déplacés en République centrafricaine | 11 January 2013 | UNHCR

UNHCR: No Access to CAR Refugees | 11 January 2013 | Voice of America

The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) says it is very concerned about its inability to gain access to tens of thousands of refugees and displaced civilians caught in the fighting in the Central African Republic.  The UNHCR says it is critical to provide humanitarian, potentially life-saving help to these people.

Situation Still Cause for Concern | 11 January 2013 | ICRC | allAfrica


Justice and Tribunals 


Non-comprehensive overview and selected articles on major trials and tribunals for crimes committed in the Great Lakes Region



Prosecutor Asks ICC Judges to Raise Lubanga’s Jail Term | 14 January 2013 | Lubanga Trial Website | allAfrica

In a December 3, 2012 application, International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Fatou Bensouda asked appeals judges to raise the 14- year jail sentence for Thomas Lubanga, who last March became the first person to be convicted by the court. On March 14, 2012, Lubanga was found guilty as a co-perpetrator of recruiting, conscripting, and using child soldiers in the armed wing of the Union of Congolese Patriots (UPC). The judges found that these children were actively used in an armed conflict during 2002 and 2003 in the Ituri region of the DR Congo.



New revelations on the role of France at the start of the genocide

Rwanda : révélations autour de l’assassinat de deux gendarmes français en avril 1994 | 10 January 2013 | Jeune Afrique

Rwanda : de nouvelles révélations de «Libération» sur le rôle de la France au début du génocide | 10 January 2013 | RFI

French Media Point Finger At Paris Over Habyarimana Plane Crush | 10 January 2013 | News of Rwanda | allAfrica

An unpublished testimony published Thursday 10 January by newspaper ‘Libération’ raises issues related to the role played by the French authorities in the days that followed the attack on the plane of Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana on 6 April 1994, which marked the outbreak of the genocide against the Tutsi.

Kigali 1994: le faux certificat de décès du gendarme Maïer | 11 January 2013 | Le carnet de Colette Braeckman

French newspaper tries to unravel the secret behind Rwandan deaths | 15 January 2013 | The Guardian


Natural Resources in the Great Lakes Region

Recent news on issues relating to natural resource extraction and governance in the Great Lakes Region


Artisanal mining

Mercury poisoning and the gold curse | 10 January 2013 | Reuters, AFP, Human Rights Watch | Mines and Communities

High gold prices are driving up the use of toxic mercury in small-scale mining in developing nations, spreading a poison that can cause brain damage in children thousands of miles away, a UN study showed on Thursday.

Being frank about conflict minerals | 14 January 2013 | This is Africa | allAfrica

There are grounds for optimism that the Dodd Frank Act will contribute to the Congressional objective of promoting peace and security in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

Section 1502 of the 2010 US Dodd-Frank Act is lauded by its advocates as a progressive regulatory framework which will help prevent company complicity in a vicious cycle of mineral-fuelled conflict in eastern DRC. Critics have derided Section 1502 as an unworkable burden on business and claimed that it will harm local livelihoods in one of the world’s most underdeveloped regions.

Poaching finances armed groups

The Ivory Wars: How Poaching in Central Africa Fuels the LRA and Janjaweed | 14 January 2013 | African Arguments

There are no final or totally verifiable figures for the numbers of elephants slaughtered for their ivory in 2012. However, reports from Cameroon, DR Congo, South Sudan and the Central African Republic suggest a massive and continuing rise in killings and, ominously, the involvement of military and criminal groups such as the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), the Sudanese Janjaweed militia, Chadian poaching gangs and a ring of well-established Darfurian smugglers.



Gold mining in Congo | 16 January 2013 | Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA)

Photo essay on dangers of gold mining in eastern DR Congo.

Almost all the gold mined in the east of the DRC is dug up by artisanal and small-scale miners. Working in very dangerous conditions, the miners struggle to make a living in the face of exploitation by goverment bureaucrats and security officials as well as racketeers, who underpay them for their gold and overcharge them for the goods they need.


Central African Republic

Diamonds exportable – but under scrutiny | 15 January 2013 | Africa Mining Intelligence

Coveted by armed rebels from the Seleka movement, Central African Republic’s diamonds, much prized by jewellers, risk being blacklisted as “conflict diamonds” and to no longer be certified by the Kimberley Process. A prospect Bangui is determined to avoid at any cost.


Extractive Companies, Energy, Trade and Foreign Investment

Recent news on national and international extractive and energy companies and investment in the Great Lakes Region


Canadian backing for African Mineral Development Centre | 15 January 2013 | Africa Mining Intelligence

Working through its Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Ottawa has emerged as the leading donor of the African Mineral Development Centre (AMDC) that was founded at the initiative of the African Union in 2011.



Copper, cobalt and silver

Mawson West Limited: Dikulushi Production Update | 11 January 2013 | Mawson West Ltd. | Marketwire

Perth, Australia – Mawson West Limited announces a production update from the Company’s Dikulushi copper (Cu) and silver (Ag) operation located in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). During the fourth quarter 2012, production at Dikulushi exceeded internal forecasts for both copper and silver concentrate with 2,766 tonnes Cu and 218,789 oz Ag produced as the Company continues to ramp up production.

Congo’s Gecamines aims to build 200 000 t copper plant | 15 January 2013 | Reuters | Mining Weekly

Congo’s Gecamines plans to build a $1.5-billion plant to process the output from two copper mines with an estimated five-million tons of ore, the state miner said on Monday, after completing the buyout of a joint venture partner on the projects. Gecamines concluded a deal on January 11 to purchase British Virgin Islands-registered Copperbelt Minerals Limited’s 68% stake in the Deziwa and Ecaille C projects in Congo’s mineral-rich Katanga province.

Copper & Cobalt: Bazano smelter semi idle | 15 January 2013 | Africa Mining Intelligence

Inaugurated in 2004, the smelter at Likasi, Katanga, stood down over half of its 450-strong work force for a six month period – potentially renewable – just before the New Year.



Banro Provides Q4 2012 Production Update for its Twangiza Gold Mine, DRC | 14 January 2013 | Banro Corporation | Marketwire

Toronto, Ontario – Banro Corporation provides a gold production update for its Twangiza Gold Mine in South Kivu province, DR Congo. Twangiza produced 19,750 ounces of gold for the final quarter of 2012, the best quarterly performance since start-up.

Panex Enters into Agreement to Acquire Highly Prospective Gold Project in the Moto Gold Belt, Democratic Republic of Congo | 14 January 2013 | Panex Resources Inc. | Marketwire

Zug, Switzerland – Panex Resources Incorporated announces that it has entered into an agreement with Amani Consulting SPRL to acquire a 65% interest in a group of two tenements (Exploitation Licences 5046 and 5049) which cover 610sq km of prospective ground in the territory of Watsa, Oriental Province, northeast DR Congo (the Giro Project).

Kilo Intersects 4.07 m Grading 17.25 g/t Gold at Manzako Prospect, Somituri Project, DRC | 14 January 2013 | Kilo Goldmines Ltd. | Marketwire

Toronto, Ontario – Kilo Goldmines Ltd. announces significant results from six additional diamond drill holes at the Manzako Prospect, which is on the Company’s Somituri Project in Province Orientale, northeastern DR Congo.



Tullow Oil

Tullow drilling in spotlight after mixed 2012 | 11 January 2013 | Reuters | Engineering News

Tullow Targets 40 Oil Wells in 2013 | 14 January 2013 | The Independent (Kampala) | allAfrica

Tullow Oil has a record 49 wells planned this year, and drilling engineers due to deliver news by February are under pressure after a disappointing trading update from the Africa-focused company on Friday.

Tullow Hits Three Dry Wells | 13 January 2013 | The Observer (Kampala) | allAfrica

Tullow Oil ended its 2013 exploration activities in western Uganda on a dour note, hitting three dry wildcat oil wells in December. The firm, however, encountered hydrocarbon in a fourth well, Lyec-1, according to a statement released on Friday. All the wells were drilled in Block One in the Albertine graben, where Total is the main operator.




Solomon Conducts Inventory of Artisanal Tin and Coltan Minesites in Rurembo Tin Project, Republic of Rwanda | 14 January 2013 | Solomon Resources | Marketwire

Vernon, British Columbia – Solomon Resources Limited reports that it has received a preliminary inventory of artisanal tin and coltan (niobium-tantalum) minesites within the Rurembo Prospecting Licence area in the Republic of Rwanda.

Solomon Resources bets on Rurembo’s tin | 15 January 2013 | Africa Mining Intelligence

A junior listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, Solomon Resources Ltd is working out its exploration strategy for the Rurembo tin project that lies near the old Belgian cassiterite and colombo-tantalum mine at Gatumba in Rwanda.

Investors Call for Review of Mining Draft Law | 16 January 2013 | The New Times | allAfrica

The government should amend part of the mining draft law that requires investors to spend a certain minimum amount of monies on exploration activities, mining firms have urged. The miners said if the article is not revised, it will discourage investments into the sector.



Nyamagabe Power Project Delayed | 16 January 2013 | The New Times | allAfrica

The construction of Rukarara II hydropower plant in Nyamagabe district has been halted, leaving bitter taste in the mouths of government officials. According to sources, the German company contracted to build the plant decided to stop the construction early this month.


Regulation, Compliance and Corporate Social Responsibility

Non-comprehensive overview and selected articles on legal and reputational issues relating to businesses operating in the Great Lakes Region 



Dodd-Frank Act on Conflict minerals

Being frank about conflict minerals | 14 January 2013 | This is Africa | allAfrica

There are grounds for optimism that the Dodd Frank Act will contribute to the Congressional objective of promoting peace and security in eastern DR Congo.

Section 1502 of the 2010 US Dodd-Frank Act is lauded by its advocates as a progressive regulatory framework which will help prevent company complicity in a vicious cycle of mineral-fuelled conflict in eastern DRC. Critics have derided Section 1502 as an unworkable burden on business and claimed that it will harm local livelihoods in one of the world’s most underdeveloped regions.

Addressing New Conflict Minerals Requirements: Key Success Factors for Processes and Reporting | 14 January 2013 | Ethisphere

As companies spent the recent year-end holidays closing their fiscal books and creating program budgets for new products and services into 2013, a small and seemingly obscure clause in one of the widest reaching financial reform acts in modern history has added concern and challenge to product manufacturers across industry segments.

US business groups challenge SEC rule on Congo minerals | 17 January 2013 | Reuters | Mining Weekly

Washington – Business groups on Wednesday filed their most expansive case yet attacking a new US securities rule that requires companies to determine if their products contain minerals from the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo.



Shaping Corporate Social Responsibility in sub-Saharan Africa. Guidance Notes from a Mapping Survey | December 2012 | GIZ

Profiles for 12 selected countries, among which Uganda, with respect to their levels of CSR awakening, understanding and implementation.




Investors Call for Review of Mining Draft Law | 16 January 2013 | The New Times | allAfrica

The government should amend part of the mining draft law that requires investors to spend a certain minimum amount of monies on exploration activities, mining firms have urged. The miners said if the article is not revised, it will discourage.