3 – 9 January 2013



In an offensive launched on 10 December, a coalition of rebel groups, named Seleka, in the past weeks has taken control of about one third of the Central African Republic (CAR), seriously threatening the regime of President Bozizé. Multinational troops of Central Africa, in the country since several years, were reinforced, and South African forces were sent to support the CAR’s army. France said it will not intervene in its ex-colony, but sent additional troops to protect its nationals and French interests. The rebels halted their advance close to the town of Damara, 75 km from the capital Bangui. Difficult negotiations started this week in Libreville, Gabon.

In DR Congo, the town of Mambasa in Ituri, Province Orientale, was captured last week by a coalition of the Mai-Mai of chief Morgan and army deserters lead by a certain Hilaire Kombi, and retaken the day after by the Congolese army with the assistance of the UN peacekeeping mission MONUSCO.

The peace talks in Kampala between the Congolese Government and the M23 rebel movement were adjourned for the holidays on 21 December and resumed on 5 January, with the two parties having consultations with the Ugandan mediators separately. New on the negotiating team for M23 is controversial opposition parliamentarian Roger Lumbala. On 31 December, the Sanctions Committee of the UN Security Council added two leaders of M23, as well as the entities M23 and FDLR, to its sanctions list. UN peacekeeping chief Hervé Ladsous asked the Security Council to support deployment of surveillance drones in the east of the DRC.

Radio Okapi reports that about 3500 FDLR including their dependants have left the jungle in Kabare, South Kivu, and want to return to Rwanda.

The Congolese army clashed with the Raia Mutomboki militia in South Kivu, while various other armed groups remain active in North Kivu (ADF-Nalu), Province Orientale (Ituri and Haut-Uele districts) and Katanga.

Canadian miner AXMIN, one of the very few mining companies active in the mineral-rich Central African Republic, suspended its operations and delayed plans to open a gold mine due to the rebels’ advance. Its operating camp was temporarily occupied and looted.

Legal practice Squire Sanders launched a ‘conflict minerals compliance’ blog for US-listed companies using minerals originating from the DR Congo or adjoining countries.



The current briefing covers the most important news of the last three weeks.


Arms Trade and Security in the Great Lakes Region


Recent news on conflict, security and arms trade across the Great Lakes Region. 

UN on Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA)

Security Council urges implementation of UN strategy against Lord’s Resistance Army | 19th December 2012 | UN News Centre

Mobiliser des ressources à l’appui du programme relatif à la LRA, tâche la plus urgente du BRENUAC | 18th December 2012 | UN News Centre

The Security Council today strongly condemned the ongoing attacks and atrocities carried out by the armed group known as the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and urged that the United Nations regional strategy designed to tackle the threat be carried out as soon as possible.

Head of UN-backed treaty welcomes Security Council call for action on LRA-related elephant poaching | 24th December 2012 | UN News Centre

The head of CITES, a United Nations-backed treaty for the conservation of endangered species, has welcomed a call from the Security Council for an investigation into the alleged involvement of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) in the poaching of African elephants and smuggling of their ivory.




MONUSCO weekly press conference

Conférence de presse des Nations Unies du mercredi 9 janvier 2013 | 9th January 2013 | MONUSCO


Armed groups capture Mambasa town, Ituri, Province Orientale

Des hommes armés dévalisent un véhicule sur la route Mambasa – Butembo | 24th December 2012 | Radio Okapi

Armed men attacked a vehicle Sunday 23 December and carried away almost 2 kilos of gold and more than 60,000 U.S. dollars, 45 km east of Mambasa in Ituri district.

Province Orientale : le général Olenga promet l’arrestation du chef milicien Morgan | 5th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

The Chief of Staff of the land forces of the Congolese army (FARDC), General François Olenga, promised Friday 4 January to arrest of militia chief Paul Sadala, alias Morgan.

Mambasa sous occupation d’un groupe de miliciens | 6th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Un groupe de rebelles et de miliciens de Morgan occupent Mambasa | 6th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

The town of Mambasa, about 160 km southwest of Bunia, capital of the district of Ituri, is under the occupation of the militiamen of Mai-Mai chief Paul Sadala alias Morgan, and rebels of a certain Hilaire Kombi.

Les FARDC reprennent le contrôle de Mambasa | 6th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Mambasa town has been retaken by the Congolese army this Sunday 6 January, with the support of MONUSCO.

RDC: les habitants de Mambasa rentrent dans leur cité après le départ des miliciens | 7th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

RDC: les affrontements entre FARDC et miliciens à Mambasa ont fait 14 morts | 8th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Fourteen people were killed and about thirty wounded in the confrontations between FARDC and the militia of Morgan in Mambasa town on Sunday.

Province Orientale: la Monusco explique son soutien aux FARDC dans la reconquête de Mambasa | 9th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

About 300 Mai-Mai were chased from Mambasa town in Province Orientale on Sunday, the interim military spokesman of MONUSCO said.



Obama Urges Kagame to End DRC Rebel Support | 19th December 2012 | Voice of America

Barack Obama – Le Rwanda doit cesser son soutien au M23 | 20th December 2012 | U.S. Department of State | allAfrica

U.S. President Barack Obama has stressed to Rwandan President Paul Kagame the importance of « permanently ending all support » to rebels in the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo.

Documented cases of human rights abuse emerge against M23 armed group in DR Congo | 21st December 2012 | UN News Centre

Newly documented human rights violations in the eastern DR Congo include cases of arbitrary executions and rape – among other atrocities – by the 23 March Movement (M23) armed group, the United Nations human rights agency said today.

UN peacekeeping mission in DR Congo warns M23 armed group over helicopter attacks | 28th December 2012 | UN News Centre

RDC: la Monusco accuse le M23 d’attaquer ses hélicoptères | 28th December 2012 | Radio Okapi

The United Nations peacekeeping mission in the DRC today warned the 23 March Movement (M23) armed group that anyone attacking UN helicopters “will be prosecuted” as a war criminal.

RDC : un homme tué et plusieurs maisons pillées dans des attaques attribuées au M23 à Rutshuru | 29th December 2012 | Radio Okapi

Witnesses accuse M23 rebels of killing a man and pillaging in Kiwanja and Rutshuru town.

Les dégâts matériels causés par le M23 à Goma évalués à U.S. $150 millions | 6th January 2013 | Le Potentiel | allAfrica

The Governor of North Kivu Julien Paluku estimates the material damage caused by the M23 rebels during their 11-day occupation of Goma (20 November – 1 December) at USD 150 million.

A condensed guide to corruption, M23 style | 11th January 2013 | Radio Netherlands Worldwide

Petit guide de la corruption au M23 | 9th January 2013 | Radio Netherlands Worldwide | allAfrica

The M23 may officially claim to fight corruption, but abuses of power are not uncommon in territory now controlled by the rebel movement.


Kampala peace talks

DR Congo rebels demand ceasefire | 19th December 2012 | AFP | Reliefweb

DR Congo’s M23 rebels on Wednesday demanded Kinshasa sign a formal ceasefire, accusing officials of dragging out peace talks to bolster the army’s position on the ground.

DR Congo peace talks suspended with no agenda agreed | 21st December 2012 | AFP | Reliefweb

Kampala: le facilitateur suspend les négociations jusqu’au 4 janvier | 21 December 2012 | Radio Okapi

Interruption des pourparlers de paix de Kampala | 22nd December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

M23, DR Congo Talks Adjourned | 22nd December 2012 | The New Vision | allAfrica

The talks between the M23 rebels and the DR Congo government have been adjourned and will resume on January 4 next year.

Pourparlers de Kampala: la délégation gouvernementale se dit optimiste | 22 December 2012 | Radio Okapi

The Kampala process: The mediators’ view | 26th December 2012 | Congo Siasa

The peace talks in Kampala kicked off on December 9th before adjourning for the holidays on December 21st. We will have to wait until January 4th for the resumption––time for reflection. Until now, the talks have been stuck in the preamble as the two sides haggle over procedure.

East DR Congo militia wants to join peace talks | 31st December 2012 | AFP | Reliefweb

RDC: des groupes armés du Sud-Kivu veulent participer au dialogue entre Kinshasa et le M23 | 31st December 2012 | AFP | Reliefweb

Dozens of members of the feared Mai Mai militia of eastern DR Congo say they deserve to be included in talks between the Kinshasa government and the M23 rebel movement, a spokesman said Monday.

DRC, M23 Peace Talks to Resume in Uganda Friday | 3rd January 2013 | Voice of America

A spokesman for Uganda’s government says talks between the government of the DR Congo and the M23 group are scheduled to resume Friday, despite threats by the rebels to pull out.

Parliamentarian Joins M23 Rebels | 3rd January 2013 | The New Times | allAfrica

Roger Lumbala, an opposition parliamentarian who was elected on the ticket of the Congolese Rally for National Democracy (DR Congo/National), has joined the March 23 (M23) movement, a rebel movement operating in the east of the DR Congo, M23 officials said yesterday.

DR Congo’s M23 rebels arrive for peace talks | 4th January 2013 | AFP | Reliefweb

Pourparlers de Kampala: les délégations du Gouvernement et du M23 sont arrivées dans la capitale ougandaise | 4th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

The Democratic Republic of Congo’s M23 rebels arrived in the Ugandan capital Friday to resume peace talks with the Congolese government, officials said.

Prospects for Congolese Peace Talks Grow Shakier | 4th January 2013 | The New York Times

RDC: les pourparlers de Kampala s’annoncent tendus | 4th January 2013 | RFI

Congolese rebels threatened to pull out of peace talks with the Congolese government, after accusing the Congolese military of arming militias to reinforce positions along the front lines in eastern Congo.

Congolese Rebel: We’re Interested in Peace | 4th January 2013 | Voice of America

Congolese rebel leader Jean-Marie Runiga says his M23 group is interested in peace and is willing to give it another chance Saturday when talks with DRC’s government resume in Uganda.

Des négociations difficiles à Kampala et déjà en retard | 5th January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

DR Congo’s M23 rebels, government meet with mediators | 5th January 2013 | AFP | Reliefweb

Gouvernement et rébellion rencontrent le médiateur ougandais à Kampala | 5th January 2013 | AFP | Reliefweb

Le gouvernement et le M23 rencontrent séparément le médiateur ougandais | 5th January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

DRC Govt, M23 Talks Resume in Kampala | 5th January 2013 | The New Times | allAfrica

DR Congo’s M23 rebels and government delegations met separately Saturday with Ugandan mediators, a day ahead of a hoped-for resumption of direct talks, Ugandan officials said.

M23 Rebels Appoint New Figure Onto Delegation | 6th January 2013 | The New Vision | allAfrica

The M23 rebels have appointed Roger Lumbala, an opposition Member of Parliament onto their delegation to negotiate with the DRC government in Kampala. Roger Lumbala, who represents the Congolese opposition political party Congolese Rally for National Democracy (RCDN), joins the M23 delegation as the vice chairperson of the negotiating team.

Sassou Nguesso invite Kinshasa et le M23 à poursuivre leurs pourparlers | 7th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Kampala : la reprise des pourparlers entre le gouvernement et le M23 se fait attendre | 7th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Kampala: «Les consultations font partie du dialogue», affirme l’abbé Malu Malu | 8th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Kampala: le M23 poursuit le dialogue malgré l’absence d’un accord de cessez-le-feu avec le Gouvernement | 8th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

The M23 rebellion agrees to continue the dialogue in Kampala, despite the absence of an agreement on a ceasefire with the Congolese Government. The Executive Secretary and head of delegation of the movement, François Ruchogoza, said this Tuesday 8 January afternoon, at a press conference in the Ugandan capital.

DR Congo’s M23 rebels declare unilateral ceasefire | 8th January 2013 | BBC Africa

M23 rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo have declared a unilateral ceasefire ahead of a second round of peace talks with the government. The rebels told a news conference in the Ugandan capital Kampala that they hoped the government would follow suit.


RDC : le mandat de Roger Lumbala invalidé, Diomi Ndongala perd son immunité parlementaire | 9th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

RDC : Roger Lumbala « n’est pas surpris » par l’invalidation de son mandat de député | 9th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

National MPs of the opposition Roger Lumbala and Diomi Ndongala lost their immunity after a voting Tuesday 8 January in the National Assembly. The Attorney General of the Republic, who had requested to lift their immunity, can therefore prosecute them respectively for high treason and rape of minors. The Assembly also decided to invalidate Lumbala’s mandate as a member of national parliament. Since October last year Lumbala is suspected of complicity with M23.

Affaire Roger Lumbala: le ministre de l’Intérieur suspend le parti RCD/N | 9th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

The Minister of the Interior, Richard Muyej, suspended, Tuesday 8 January, the activities of Roger Lumbala’s political party RCD/N throughout the DRC.


UN Security Council sanctions for M23 & FDLR


Security Council Sanctions Committee on Democratic Republic of Congo Draws Attention to Two Recommendations in Final Report of Group of Experts | 21st December 2012 | UN Security Council | Reliefweb

Le Comité des sanctions du Conseil de sécurité concernant la République démocratique du Congo appelle l’attention sur deux recommandations formulées dans le rapport final du groupe d’experts | 21st December 2012 | UN Security Council | Reliefweb

Sanctions Committee concerning Democratic Republic of Congo adds two individuals, two entities to sanctions list | 31st December 2012 | United Nations Security Council

RDC : deux dirigeants du M23 interdits de voyager par l’Onu | 1st January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Ambassador Rice At UN on Sanctions Against DRC Armed Groups | 2nd January 2013 | U.S. Department of State | allAfrica

Treasury Sets Sanctions on DRC Militant Groups | 4th January 2013 | U.S. Department of State | allAfrica

On 31 December 2012, the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004) concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo added the individuals Lt. Col. Eric Badege and Jean-Marie Lugerero Runiga (both M23) and the entities FDLR and M23 to the List of Individuals and Entities Subject to the Measures Imposed by paragraphs 13 and 15 of resolution 1596 (2005).

DR Congo: UN official welcomes Security Council action in efforts against conflict-related sexual violence | 8th January 2013 | UN News Centre

RDC : Bangura se félicite des sanctions imposées aux groupes rebelles responsables de violences sexuelles | 8th January 2013 | UN News Centre

The United Nations official dealing with conflict-related sexual violence today welcomed the Security Council’s imposition of sanctions on two armed groups active in the eastern DR Congo – the Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Rwanda (FDLR) and 23 March Movement (M23).


UN peacekeepers ask Security Council to back use of drones in eastern DRC

RDCongo : le Conseil de sécurité se penche sur l’utilisation de drones | 8th January 2013 | AFP | Reliefweb

US backs plans for drones in DR Congo | 9th January 2013 | AFP | Reliefweb

US Supports UN Surveillance Drones For Eastern Congo | 9th January 2013 | Voice of America

UN seeks to deploy drones over DR Congo | 9th January 2013 | Al Jazeera

Le Rwanda contre les drones en RDC | 9th January 2013 | BBC Afrique

Does DRC Need Surveillance Drones? | 10th January 2013 | The New Times | allAfrica

Plans to help UN peacekeepers working in the Democratic Republic of Congo by using surveillance drones won US backing on Wednesday, despite opposition from Rwanda and other neighbours.

Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary-general, is expected to reinforce the case for drones in a report he is preparing on strengthening the UN mission in DRC.


International neutral force in eastern DRC

RDC : le commissaire de l’UA à la paix annonce l’arrivée des militaires tanzaniens pour « bientôt » | 4th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Visiting Goma, Thursday 3 January, an African Union official assured that the Tanzanian battalion which is to be positioned at the airport of Goma will be deployed « soon ».

International Force Could Deploy Soon in Eastern DRC | 8th January 2013 | Voice of America

The African Union Hosts a Ministerial Meeting On the Neutral International Force and the Expanded Joint Verification Mechanism for the Eastern DRC | 8th January 2013 | African Union | allAfrica

L’UA et l’ONU se préparent à envoyer une force armée | 9th January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

A neutral international force could be deployed within the coming weeks in the eastern part of the DRC. Discussions about the force developed after rebel group M23 declared a unilateral ceasefire. African ministers and international partners met on Tuesday at AU headquarters in Addis Ababa to discuss the best means to establish and deploy the force in the eastern DRC.

AU Peace and Security Commissioner Ramtane Lamamra says the force, known as the NIF, could be deployed within the coming weeks.

DRC neutral force may be merged with UN mission: AU | 8th January 2013 | AFP | Reliefweb

RDCongo: idée de « fusionner » la future force neutre et la Monusco (UA) | 8th January 2013 | AFP | Reliefweb

Ministers from African Great Lake states lean toward having the UN’s peacekeeping mission in the DR Congo’s troubled east merge with a future neutral force there, an African Union official said Tuesday.


Analyses & comments

Why History Repeats Itself in Eastern DR Congo | 20th December 2012 | e-International Relations

By Timothy Raeymakers.

Observers often agree that ‘history repeats itself’ in Eastern Congo – from the slavery conditions imposed by Belgian King Leopold over Mobutu’s predatory state, to today’s armed militias.

No More Short-term Solutions for the Kivus: The Congo Deserves a High-level International Conference | 20th December 2012 | International Peace Institute | Reliefweb

The finger pointing over the latest crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has only just begun. Attention is rightly directed to the role of Rwanda in supporting the M23 rebel movement and the Congolese government’s failures in both addressing underlying causes of conflict in eastern DRC and defending its territory from this latest incursion.

Ending the cycle of abuse in Congo | 23rd December 2012 | Los Angeles Times

Op-Ed by Ida Sawyer, Human Rights Watch.


The Kampala process: The mediators’ view | 26th December 2012 | Congo Siasa

The peace talks in Kampala kicked off on December 9th before adjourning for the holidays on December 21st. We will have to wait until January 4th for the resumption––time for reflection. Until now, the talks have been stuck in the preamble as the two sides haggle over procedure.

The delusional peace: How has the UN failed in the Congo? | 27th December 2012 | Congo Siasa

Since the M23 seized Goma in November, a cascade of criticism has rained down on MONUSCO, the UN peacekeeping mission in the Congo. The opprobrium was widespread and came from Congolese civil society, foreign diplomats and media alike. Why couldn’t the 19,000 blue helmets prevent the biggest trade hub in the eastern Congo from falling? Why couldn’t they live up to their mandate and protect civilians in imminent danger?

Rwanda’s Rampaging Rebel Force | 28th December 2012 | The New York Times

Op-Ed by Philippe Bolopion, Human Rights Watch.

Despite supporting a brutal rebel group in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda is about to take a seat on the U.N. Security Council.

A UN Special Envoy for the Great Lakes: Can the UN absorb the regional process? | 30th December 2012 | Congo Siasa

Following the fall of Goma to the M23 and the lack of progress in the Kampala talks, the United Nations has inched closer to naming a special envoy in order to jumpstart a larger, more serious peace process. While this could constitute a major shift in international engagement with the Congolese conflict, there are many questions and doubts remaining.

Kampala: des pourparlers pour la galerie | 8th January 2013 | Le carnet de Colette Braeckman

Will the Mounting Evidence of Rwandan Meddling in Eastern Congo Lead Donors to Change Their Response? | 9th January 2013 | African Arguments | allAfrica


In late November, two Congolese rebel fighters who chose to abandon the group revealed to the BBC the extent of Rwanda’s meddling and financial backing.


Ceasefire in Masisi territory, North Kivu


Armed Groups in DRC Agree to Ceasefire | 3rd January 2013 | Voice of America

Several armed groups in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo have agreed to a ceasefire, and an alliance, after months of ethnic conflict. Observers say it is the first time the armed groups have reached such an extensive agreement, but they are worried that it may not last.


UN evaluation and fact-finding missions in Masisi territory, North Kivu


MONUSCO dispatched an evaluation mission to Masisi to assess the security and humanitarian situation | 3rd January 2013 | MONUSCO

Une mission d’évaluation de la situation sécuritaire et humanitaire de la MONUSCO se rend à Masisi | 3rd January 2013 | MONUSCO

Increasing ethnic violence in DR Congo has led to serious humanitarian crisis – UN | 4th January 2013 | UN News Centre

La MONUSCO fait état d’une hausse préoccupante du nombre de déplacés au Nord-Kivu | 4th January 2013 | UN News Centre

In response to an increase in ethnic-related incidents and armed groups activities since September, MONUSCO sections in charge of civilian protections (civil affairs, human rights, child protection, UN Police) carried out a mission in Masisi from 26 to 31 December. The aim of the mission was to assess the security and humanitarian situation in the areas.

MONUSCO’s Mission Finds Rumors from Masisi, Nord-Kivu Province, Unfounded | 2nd January 2013 | MONUSCO

UN peacekeeping mission dismisses rumours related to armed group in eastern DR Congo | 2nd January 2013 | UN News Centre

Une mission d’enquête de la MONUSCO déclare sans fondement plusieurs rumeurs dans l’est de la RDC | 2nd January 2013 | UN News Centre

The United Nations peacekeeping mission in the DR Congo today dismissed several rumours related to the presence of an armed group in the country’s east.


Mai-Mai surrendering in Lubero territory, North Kivu

Nord-Kivu: une trentaine de miliciens des FAC se sont rendus aux FARDC à Lubero | 27 December 2012 | Radio Okapi

About thirty militiamen of the FAC (Forces acquises au changement) surrendered to the FARDC Sunday 23 December on the west shore of Lake Edward, Lubero territory, North Kivu.


Convicted Mai-Mai chief killed in Lubero territory, North Kivu

Nord-Kivu: des Maï-Maï tuent un chef milicien condamné pour assassinat de 3 casques bleus | 8th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Kambale Ali, nicknamed Bwana Ali, a Mai-Mai chief who escaped from the Munzenze prison, was killed with one of his accomplices, Sunday 6 January, by other militiamen in the Southeast of the territory of Lubero, more than 150 km north of Goma in the Virunga National Park. This militia chief was sentenced to death by a military court in the case of the murder of three MONUSCO peacekeepers in August 2010.


ADF-Nalu in Beni territory, North Kivu

Eastern Congo: The ADF-Nalu’s Lost Rebellion | 19th December 2012 | International Crisis Group

L’Est du Congo : la rébellion perdue des ADF-Nalu | 19th December 2012 | International Crisis Group

The fight against entrenched armed groups in eastern Congo such as the ADF-Nalu needs to switch from a military to an intelligence-based approach.

‘Eastern Congo: The ADF-Nalu’s Lost Rebellion’, the latest briefing from the International Crisis Group, examines how the Allied Democratic Forces-National Army for the Liberation of Uganda (ADF-Nalu), a Congolese-Ugandan armed group, shows remarkable resilience, owing to its geostrategic position, its successful integration into the cross-border economy and corruption in the security forces.

Nord-Kivu: 13 personnes kidnappées à Beni par les ADF-Nalu, selon la société civile | 4th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Thirteen people were kidnapped on 3 January northeast of Beni, North Kivu. Civil society accuses the Ugandan rebels of ADF-Nalu.


Thousands of FDLR reportedly emerging from the jungle in Kabare territory, South Kivu

RDC: plus de 3000 rebelles des FDLR veulent déposer les armes au Sud-Kivu | 2nd January 2013 | Radio Okapi

3,500 FDLR Rebels Surrender, Demand Repatriation to Rwanda | 2nd January 2013 | News of Rwanda | allAfrica

According to a local chief of Kabare territory, South Kivu, about 3,500 rebels of the Democratic Forces for the liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) and their dependants have come out of the forests of Nindja, Kalonge and Bunyakiri Tuesday 1 January. He said these rebels expressed the willingness to hand their arms to MONUSCO and return to Rwanda, their country of origin.


Clashes with Raia Mutomboki militia in South Kivu

Shabunda : retour au calme après la déroute des miliciens Raia Mutomboki | 24 December 2012 | Radio Okapi

Calm returned Monday 24 December in Kachungu, Shabunda territory, South Kivu, after a weekend of fighting between FARDC and Raia Mutomboki.

Sud-Kivu: violents affrontements entre les FARDC et les Raïa Mutomboki à Kabare | 4th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Sud-Kivu: les FARDC reprennent Chulwe et Kishadu | 6th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Sud-Kivu: les Raïa Mutoboki tuent 2 militaires à Kabare | 7th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Violent clashes have been reported between FARDC and Raia Mutomboki militiamen in several villages at the border between Walungu and Kabare territories in South Kivu.



FDLR in Shabunda territory, South Kivu

Sud-Kivu: 2 villages désertés par crainte des rebelles rwandais des FDLR | 26 December 2012 | Radio Okapi

FDLR rebels, coming from the Kasanza forest between Shabunda and Fizi territories, Monday 24 December have overtaken two villages in the Ikama Kasanza groupement, Shabunda.


Mai-Mai surrendering in Uvira, South Kivu

Sud-Kivu : 40 miliciens Maï-Maï se rendent aux FARDC à Uvira | 23 December 2012 | Radio Okapi

Fourty Mai-Mai militiamen surrendered to the Congolese army in Uvira Saturday 22 December.


Militias in Irumu territory, Ituri

Province Orientale : des miliciens FRPI s’emparent de 170 vaches en 4 jours à Boga et Mitego | 26 December 2012 | Radio Okapi

The people living in the Bahema Boga and Mitego collectivities suffer frequent attacks from the FRPI militia, that steals their cows.

Province Orientale: 9 gardes de parc kidnappés dans la réserve d’Hoyo | 4th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Since 30 December nine park wardens have been abducted in the reserve of Mont Hoyo by a poacher, a former FARDC, who reportedly heads a militia in the area.


New militia in Aru territory, Ituri

Aru: des habitants se réfugient au Soudan du Sud pour échapper à une milice | 9th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

A new armed group of reportedly more than 300 fighters, calling themselves “Force de défense du peuple locale de la Province Orientale” (FD-PLO) has attacked several police posts in Aru territory over the last two months.


LRA, poachers and other armed men in Haut-Uele district, Province Orientale

Province Orientale : la Monusco et les FARDC lancent une opération contre le LRA en période de Noël | 22 December 2012 | Radio Okapi

Province Orientale : la présence des FARDC et de la Monusco a renforcé la sécurité à Dungu | 29 December 2012 | Radio Okapi

Province Orientale : un mort et 9 personnes enlevées dans l’attaque d’un véhicule par des bandits | 29 December 2012 | Radio Okapi

Province Orientale : des braconniers se font passer pour des rebelles ougandais de la LRA | 1st January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Province Orientale: un quartier général d’hommes armés démantelé à Watsa | 2nd January 2013 | Radio Okapi


Mai-Mai in Katanga

Katanga : arrestation de 18 présumés combattants Maï-Maï à Kyalwe | 24th December 2012 | Radio Okapi

Katanga: 9 des 13 chefs coutumiers kidnappés par les Maï-Maï à Mitwaba se sont échappés | 26th December 2012 | Radio Okapi

Katanga: une incursion des Maï-Maï fait 2 morts à Lukonzolwa | 2nd January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Katanga: les populations de Pweto et Kasenga fuient leurs villages après l’occupation des Maï-Maï | 5th January 2013 | Radio Okapi


Attack near Lubumbashi airport, Katanga

Lubumbashi: 4 morts dans un échange de tirs entre militaires et inciviques | 21 December 2012 | Radio Okapi

RDC : trois morts dans une attaque près de l’aéroport de Lubumbashi (ONG) | 21st December 2012 | AFP | Reliefweb




Human Rights Watch report

Burundi: Universal Periodic Review Submission-Updated December 2012 | 30th December 2012 | Human Rights Watch | allAfrica

This submission provides an overview of the human rights situation in Burundi with particular emphasis on violations of the right to life and freedom of expression in the period following the 2010 elections. It also includes a section on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights. The submission outlines positive developments as well as continuing concerns. This document is not intended as a comprehensive overview of the human rights situation in Burundi.


Central African Republic


Seleka rebel coalition approaching Bangui – international troops reinforced

Les rebelles avancent, le Tchad en arbitre | 19th December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

A Ndjamena, les rebelles centrafricains avancent la liste de leurs revendications | 21st December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

Les rebelles du Séléka entrent dans Bambari | 23rd December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

Les rebelles du Séléka progressent encore | 23rd December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

Les rebelles du Séléka demandent l’arrêt des hostilités | 24th December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

Le Tchad s’agace de l’absence d’implication de Bangui dans les négociations | 24th December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

Les rebelles s’affichent en maîtres de la Centrafrique, manif anti-française | 25th December 2012 | AFP | Reliefweb

La Séléka s’installe dans Kaga Bandoro, tombée sans coup férir | 26th December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

CAR Rebels Seize Another Town | 26th December 2012 | Voice of America

Les rebelles centrafricains se rapprochent de Bangui, premiers contacts pour un cessez-le-feu | 26th December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

C.Africa rebels demand surrender as protesters turn on France | 26th December 2012 | AFP | Reliefweb

Anti-Rebel Protesters Attack French Embassy in CAR | 26th December 2012 | Reuters | Voice of America

Violent Protests Outside French Embassy in Central African Republic | 26th December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

Des «jeunes patriotes» s’en prennent à l’ambassade de France à Bangui | 26th December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

Hundreds of protesters angry at a rebel advance in the Central African Republic threw stones and tore down the French flag at the French embassy in the capital, Bangui.

UN Pulls Non-Essential Workers from Central African Republic | 26th December 2012 | Voice of America

Central African Republic Appeals for French Help to Halt Rebel Advance | 27th December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

The President of the Central African Republic has called on France and the United States to help push back advancing rebel fighters, but the idea has been flatly rejected by the French President.

France: Protecting Interests, Not Intervening in Central African Republic | 27th December 2012 | Voice of America

Centrafrique: La France n’a pas à «protéger un régime» selon François Hollande | 28th December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

Centrafrique : Paris, Washington et l’ONU protègent leurs ressortissants | 27th December 2012 | AFP | Reliefweb

Temporary Suspension of U.S. Embassy Bangui Operations | 27th December 2012 | U.S. Department of State

US Closes Embassy in CAR, Evacuates Staff | 27th December 2012 | Voice of America

The U.S. Embassy in Bangui temporarily suspended its operations on December 28 as a result of the present security situation in the Central African Republic (CAR). We have not suspended diplomatic relations with the Central African Republic.

Rebels Are Advancing Toward Capital of Central African Republic | 27th December 2012 | The New York Times

Crise en RCA – Place à la diplomatie | 27th December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

Central African Republic Forces Fight for City Held by Rebels | 28th December 2012 | AFP | The New York Times

AU Ready to Increase Military Presence in CAR | 28th December 2012 | Voice of America

Paris décide de renforcer ses troupes en RCA | 28th December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

Centrafrique : 150 militaires français en renfort à Bangui | 29th December 2012 | Le Monde

Diplomats Make Last Ditch Effort to Talk With CAR Rebels | 28th December 2012 | Voice of America

Damara, dernier verrou stratégique avant Bangui | 29th December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

Central African Republic Government, Rebels Agree to Talks | 29th December 2012 | Voice of America

Central African Republic President Offers Unity Govt to Rebels | 30th December 2012 | Voice of America

La France renforce son dispositif militaire à Bangui pour protéger ses ressortissants | 30th December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

More French Troops Go to Central African Republic | 31st December 2012 | Angola Press | allAfrica

As rebels advance in Central African Republic, France has deployed an additional 180 troops to protect its interests. The French reinforcements arrived Sunday from nearby Gabon, bringing the total French military force in the capital, Bangui, to nearly 600.

Central African Republic crisis: Bozize offer rejected | 31st December 2013 | BBC Africa

Rebels in Central African Republic have dismissed the president’s offer to form a national unity government.

CAR Rebels Threaten Capital, Regional Troops Send Reinforcements | 31st December 2012 | Voice of America

Fearing Fighting, Residents Flee Capital of Central African Republic | 31st December 2012 | The New York Times

Le président Bozizé dos au mur | 31st December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

Centrafrique: La Seleka dénonce des exactions du gouvernement | 31st December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

Rebels Threaten Capital Despite Unity Offer in CAR | 1st January 2013 | Voice of America

Le président tchadien hausse le ton | 1st January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Central African Republic rebels say split over peace talks offer | 1st January 2013 | Reuters

Rebels in Central African Republic are split over whether to start peace talks with President Francois Bozize or carry on an assault to overthrow him, a spokesman said on Monday, leaving efforts to end the conflict hanging in the balance.

CAR Negotiations May Not Be Possible | 1st January 2013 | Voice of America

CAR President Fires Defense Minister, Army Chief | 2nd January 2013 | Voice of America

CAR President Sacks Defense Minister | 3rd January 2013 | Voice of America

François Bozizé fait le ménage dans la haute hiérarchie militaire | 3rd January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Polémique après les limogeages dans l’armée | 4th January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

François Bozizé limoge son fils et reprend la Défense nationale | 4th January 2013 | Radio Ndeke Luka | Fondation Hirondelle

Central African Republic President Francois Bozize has fired his son as defense minister and fired the army chief of staff, after a string of victories by rebel forces.

Bozize Supporters Build Roadblocks in CAR Capital | 2nd January 2013 | Voice of America

Regional Troops Warn C.A.R. Rebels to Stop Advance | 2nd January 2013 | Voice of America

Centrafrique: L’Afrique Centrale mobilisée pour éviter la chute de Bangui | 2nd January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Des soldats gabonais vont grossir la force d’interposition | 2nd January 2013 | Infos Plus Gabon (Libreville) | allAfrica

Le Tchad rapatrie ses ressortissants pour assurer leur sécurité | 2nd January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Central Africa on the Brink, Rebels Halt Their Advance | 2nd January 2013 | The New York Times

Central African Republic Rebels Halt Advance | 2nd January 2013 | Reuters | The New York Times

Rebels in Central African Republic said they had halted their advance on the capital on Wednesday and agreed to start peace talks, averting a clash with regionally backed troops in the mineral-rich nation.

Le gouvernement dénonce la présence de jihadistes dans les rangs de la Seleka | 3rd January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

A Damara, ville désertée par ses habitants, les militaires tchadiens occupent le terrain | 3rd January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Reports: CAR Rebels Seize New Territory | 5th January 2013 | Voice of America

Deux nouvelles villes tombent aux mains des rebelles | 5th January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Reports from the Central African Republic say a rebel coalition has captured at least one more town just days before they are set to begin negotiations with C.A.R. government officials.

South Africa: 400 Troops Headed to Central African Republic | 6th January 2013 | Associated Press | The New York Times

South Africa Deploys Troops to Central African Republic | 6th January 2013 | Voice of America

SA Deploys SANDF to Central African Republic | 7th January 2013 | | allAfrica

South Africa Sends 400 Troops to Central African Republic | 7th January 2013 | Voice of America

South Africa last week has sent 400 troops to the Central African Republic, where rebels are threatening to advance on the capital. The South African statement said the troops are to help government soldiers fend off a rebel advance that has pushed to less than 200 kilometers from Bangui, the capital.

Central African Republic: South Africa bolsters its troops in Bangui | 8th January 2013 | IRIN

South Africa has deployed 200 troops in the strife-torn Central African Republic (CAR), which some see not simply as an effort to assist CAR’s army but also as a move to counter French military influence in the region.

CAR Minister Says Rebels Edging Closer to Capital | 7th January 2013 | Voice of America

A Central African Republic official said rebels are edging closer to the capital and a so-called red line set up by an African multi-national force.

Les rebelles de la Seleka s’approchent de Damara, dernier verrou avant Bangui | 7th January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

WFP Warehouses in Central African Republic Looted | 8th January 2013 | Voice of America

The U.N. World Food Program says it has received confirmation that its warehouses in three rebel-held cities in the Central African Republic have been looted.


UN condemns rebel attacks – concerns over human rights violations

Security Council concerned over situation in Central African Republic | 19th December 2012 | UN News Centre

Security Council Condemns CAR Rebel Attacks | 20th December 2012 | Voice of America

Expressing their strong concern over the situation in the Central African Republic (CAR), the members of the United Nations Security Council today condemned the attacks conducted by armed groups over the last few days in the country’s north-east, as well as related human rights abuses.

Press Conference by Secretary-General’s Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict | 20th December 2012 | UN Department of Public Information | Reliefweb

Les femmes centrafricaines, victimes d’un conflit «oublié», s’alarme la Représentante spéciale Bangura | 20th December 2012 | UN News Centre

Zainab Hawa Bangura, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, warned at Headquarters today that a situation worse than that in Somalia could develop in the Central African Republic unless the international community and all stakeholders addressed the serious challenges confronting that country.

Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in the Central African Republic and on the activities of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in that country (S/2012/956) | 21st December 2012 | UN Security Council | Reliefweb

Secretary-General Ban strongly condemns rebel attacks in Central African Republic | 27th December 2012 | UN News Centre

Ban condamne les menées d’une coalition rebelle en République centrafricaine | 27th December 2012 | UN News Centre

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has strongly condemned the armed attacks on several towns in the Central African Republic (CAR) perpetrated by the coalition of rebel groups known as ‘SELEKA,’ and called on all parties to refrain from acts of violence against civilians.

Security Council demands halt to rebel attacks in Central African Republic | 28th December 2012 | UN News Centre

République centrafricaine : le Conseil de sécurité demande aux groupes rebelles de cesser leurs attaques | 28th December 2012 | UN News Centre

The Security Council has demanded that armed groups in the Central African Republic (CAR) immediately cease hostilities, following attacks on several towns in recent days, and called on all parties to seek a peaceful solution to the current crisis.

UN renews call for dialogue to resolve crisis in Central African Republic | 2nd January 2013 | UN News Centre

L’ONU préoccupé par une situation politique toujours tendue en République centrafricaine | 2nd January 2013 | UN News Centre

The United Nations continues to follow the situation in the Central Africa Republic (CAR) with serious concern and calls on both the Government and the rebels to resolve the current crisis through dialogue, a spokesperson for the world body said today.

UN concerned about protection of civilians amid reports of violence in Central African Republic | 3th January 2013 | UN News Centre

République centrafricaine : l’ONU préoccupée par le sort des civils sur fond d’allégations de violences | 3th January 2013 | UN News Centre

The United Nations humanitarian office has voiced serious concerns about the protection of civilians amid reports of widespread looting and violence in the Central African Republic (CAR), where an armed rebel group had threatened to march on the capital.

Child recruitment by armed groups in Central African Republic must end – UN | 4th January 2013 | UN News Centre

République centrafricaine: l’UNICEF demande que cesse le recrutement d’enfants par des groupes armés | 4th January 2013 | UN News Centre

Centrafrique : toujours plus d’enfants soldats dans les milices rebelles et gouvernementales | 4th January 2013 | Le Monde

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) today called on the Central African Republic (CAR) to immediately stop child recruitment by rebel groups and pro-government militias amidst reports of increasing use of this practice.

Central African Republic: Rebel advance worsens humanitarian crisis | 4th January 2013 | IRIN

République centrafricaine: L’avancée des rebelles accentue la crise humanitaire | 6th January 2013 | IRIN

A rebel takeover of several key towns in the Central African Republic (CAR) has placed additional strain on humanitarian conditions that were already precarious due to years of armed conflict. Access to populations in need and aid personnel on the ground are now significantly reduced.


Libreville negotiations

Selon la CEEAC, la Seleka participera aux négociations de Libreville | 4th January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Central African Republic: Rebels Repeat Call for President to Step Down Ahead of Peace Talks | 6th January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Rebels in the Central African Republic have repeated their demands that any peace deal must include President François Bozizé stepping down. Peace talks between the Séléka Alliance and Bozizé to end the month-long crisis are scheduled to start on Tuesday in Gabon’s capital, Libreville, under the auspices of the central African regional bloc ECCAS-CEEAC.

A l’approche des négociations, l’opposition peaufine ses propositions | 6th January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

CAR Prepares for Peace Talks as Rebels Threaten Capital | 7th January 2013 | Voice of America

Negotiations are set to open this week in Gabon’s capital to try to find a peaceful solution to the month-long rebellion in the Central African Republic.  A rebel delegation arrived in Libreville late Monday but the plane scheduled to take government officials, opposition leaders, and civil society members to the Gabonese capital was delayed.

Les délégations en route pour les discussions de Libreville | 7th January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Le départ des acteurs pour les négociations de Libreville annoncé pour ce dimanche | 7th January 2013 | Radio Ndeke Luka | Fondation Hirondelle

Dialogue Gouvernement-Séléka le 9 janvier au Gabon, la CPSK pour le départ de Bozizé du pouvoir | 8th January 2013 | Radio Ndeke Luka

Interrogations sur les négociations de Libreville | 8th January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

CAR President Says He Will Not Step Down | 8th January 2013 | Voice of America

Centrafrique : le président Bozizé ne veut pas négocier son départ | 8th January 2013 | Le Monde

Central African Republic President Francois Bozize maintains that he will not be forced out of office by rebels who are threatening the capital and are demanding the president step down.  He spoke to reporters in Bangui on the eve of peace talks with the rebels set to open in Gabon on Wednesday.

Central African Republic: Peace Talks Begin Between Rebels and Government | 9th January 2013 | Reuters | The New York Times

Mediators urged the government and rebels to sign a cease-fire on Wednesday as talks got under way to end a monthlong revolt, but there was little sign either side was ready to make a deal.

Central African Republic peace talks under way in Gabon | 9th January 2013 | BBC Africa

Regional Leaders Set to Meet Over Central African Republic Crisis | 9th January 2013 | Voice of America

Rebelles et gouvernement entament des pourparlers à Libreville | 9th January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Début des négociations | 9th January 2013 | Gabonews (Libreville) | allAfrica

Peace talks between the government of the Central African Republic, the Seleka rebel alliance and opposition parties have opened in Gabon.

Les rebelles veulent Bozizé à la CPI | 9th January 2013 | BBC Afrique

Centrafrique : la rébellion veut que Bozizé soit traduit devant la CPI | 9th January 2013 | Le Monde

The Central African rebel coalition demands that President François Bozizé be summoned before the International Criminal Court.

François Bozizé – «nous sommes prêts pour un gouvernement d’union nationale» | 9th January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Interview with President Bozizé.

La CEEAC en démineur? | 9th January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Conflict in the Central African Republic: Negotiations for a politically inclusive transition respectful of human rights, including the right to justice by victims | 9th January 2013 | FIDH

CAR war of words heats up amid talks | 10th January 2013 | Al Jazeera

Seleka rebels call on president to step down after Francois Bozize accuses group of being « mercenary terrorists ». The Central African Republic’s government and the Seleka rebels are holding peace talks in Gabon, but both sides appear to be refusing to back down from the conflict.


Analyses & comments

Crisis in the Central African Republic | 28th December 2012 | Chatham House | allAfrica

The Central African Republic, known best for its history of coups, military revolts and brutal rule is back in the headlines following a lightening rebel advance on the capital Bangui.

Centrafrique : « L’avancée de la rébellion est étonnante » | 29th December 2012 | Le Monde

Interview with Roland Marchal.

Pourquoi il sera difficile de “sauver le soldat Bozizé” | 30th December 2012 | Le carnet de Colette Braeckman

Centrafrique: La revanche des héritiers | 31st December 2012 | RFI | allAfrica

Central African Republic: Avoiding Another Battle of Bangui | 2nd January 2013 | International Crisis Group

Centrafrique : éviter une nouvelle bataille de Bangui | 2nd January 2013 | International Crisis Group

A political dialogue between the Seleka leaders, the government and the opposition parties is urgently needed to avoid a new battle of Bangui, such as those in 1996, 1997, 2001 and 2003, and potential casualties among the civilian population.

MGR Paulin Pomodimo – «Il y a une fatalité des crises» | 2nd January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Interview with Monsignor Paulin Pomodimo, former archbishop of Bangui.

Louisa Lombard – «La haine de Bozizé unit la Seleka» | 5th January 2013 | RFI | allAfrica

Interview with expert Louisa Lombard.

On the brink. One of Africa’s most miserable countries looks as unstable as ever | 5th January 2013 | The Economist

Arguably the poorest country in Africa, the Central African Republic (CAR) is on the verge of being taken over by rebels. Few people outside Africa seem to give much of a damn.

Analysts Question if CAR Rebel Alliance Can Hold | 6th January 2013 | Voice of America

The rebel coalition is called, Seleka, which means « alliance » in the local Sango language.  But analysts in Bangui say the alliance is tenuous.  And it is unclear who is part of the coalition.

Exclusion drives Central African Republic revolt and, this time, France won’t intervene | 7th January 2013 | Reuters

The French dubbed it the neglected « Cinderella » of their African colonial empire; modern observers have called it a « phantom state ».


Refugee and IDP Reports

Non-comprehensive overview and selected articles on the status of refugees in the Great Lakes Region



Situation humanitaire en République Démocratique du Congo, Note d’information à la presse, 19 décembre 2012 | 19th December 2012 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb

Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Sud-Kivu N° 51/12, 19 décembre 2012 | 19th December 2012 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb

Rapport de Situation Humanitaire sur la République Démocratique du Congo – 21 décembre 2012 | 21st December 2012 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb

Emergency aid for almost 90,000 people in east | 21st December 2012 | ICRC | Reliefweb

RD Congo : près de 90 000 personnes reçoivent une aide d’urgence dans l’est du pays | 21st December 2012 | ICRC | Reliefweb

Muguna 3 Displaced persons settlement, Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo (as of 21 Dec 2012) | 21st December 2012 | UNOSAT | Reliefweb

Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Sud-Kivu N° 52/12, 26 décembre 2012 | 26th December 2012 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb

Mugunga 1 Displaced persons settlement, Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo (as of 31 Dec 2012) | 31st December 2012 | UNOSAT | Reliefweb

Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Sud-Kivu N° 01/13, 2 janvier 2013 | 2nd January 2013 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb

MONUSCO dispatched an evaluation mission to Masisi to assess the security and humanitarian situation | 3rd January 2013 | MONUSCO

Une mission d’évaluation de la situation sécuritaire et humanitaire de la MONUSCO se rend à Masisi | 3rd January 2013 | MONUSCO

Situation humanitaire en République Démocratique du Congo – Note d’information à la presse, 9 janvier 2013 | 9th January 2013 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb

Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Sud-Kivu N° 02/13, 9 janvier 2013 | 9th January 2013 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb

Sud-Kivu: les déplacés continuent d’affluer vers Mulamba | 9th January 2013 | Radio Okapi

Ituri : la société civile invite le gouvernement à s’occuper des déplacés de Mambasa | 9th January 2013 | Radio Okapi


Refugees from Central African Republic


Equateur: plus de 3 000 réfugiés centrafricains enregistrés au Nord-Ubangi | 26 December 2012 | Radio Okapi

Les rebelles aux portes de Bangui : des ressortissants congolais fuient la Centrafrique | 28 December 2012 | Radio Okapi

Mobayi-Mbongo : 286 réfugiés centrafricains pris en charge par des familles d’accueil | 7th January 2013 | Radio Okapi




Young Congolese Men Fear Forced Recruitment, Flee to Uganda | 24th December 2012 | UNHCR | allAfrica


Central African Republic


Central African Republic Information Bulletin No. 208 04 – 18 December 2012 | 18th December 2012 | UNOCHA, HDPT | Reliefweb

Central African Republic: Hundreds flee as rebels advance | 19th December 2012 | IRIN

Central African Republic Situation Report No. 1 – 2 January 2013 | 2nd January 2013 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb

Insecurity in the Central African Republic leads to continious population displacement and access constraints | 5th January 2013 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb

L’insecurité en Republique Centrafricaine favorise un deplacement continu de la population et des contraintes d’accès humanitaires | 5th January 2013 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb

Central African Republic: Rebel advance worsens humanitarian crisis | 4th January 2013 | IRIN

République centrafricaine: L’avancée des rebelles accentue la crise humanitaire | 6th January 2013 | IRIN

A rebel takeover of several key towns in the Central African Republic (CAR) has placed additional strain on humanitarian conditions that were already precarious due to years of armed conflict. Access to populations in need and aid personnel on the ground are now significantly reduced.

Central African Republic Situation Report No. 2 – 9 January 2013 | 9th January 2013 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb


Justice and Tribunals 


Non-comprehensive overview and selected articles on major trials and tribunals for crimes committed in the Great Lakes Region



ICTR – Former minister of planning sentenced to 35 years for genocide

Rwandan ex-minister jailed for genocide | 20th December 2012 | Al Jazeera

Rwandan Planning Minister Convicted of Genocide by ICTR | 20th December 2012 | U.S. Department of State

Today, the Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) convicted Augustin Ngirabatware, a former government minister in Rwanda, of genocide, incitement to commit genocide, and rape as a crime against humanity. He was sentenced to 35 years in prison.



Natural Resources in the Great Lakes Region


Recent news on issues relating to natural resource extraction and governance in the Great Lakes Region.



Kenya denies transit of gold from DR Congo

Report Refutes DR Congo Gold Accusations | 3rd January 2013 | Capital FM (Nairobi) | allAfrica

Kenya exported 1,635 kilograms of gold valued at Sh5.6 billion to Dubai and South Africa in 2011. The documents show the gold originated from Turkana, Migori, Moyale, West Pokot, Lodwar, Kapenguria, Siaya, Kakamega and Nandi.

The department released the data on Wednesday to discount earlier press reports that suggested two separate consignments of 400 kilograms and two tonnes of the precious metal may have been exported from Kenya to Dubai after being brought to the country from DRC Congo, with the aid of senior government officials. The officials say during the period no gold was brought from outside on transit to any foreign country.


Elephant poaching in Province Orientale

Soupçonné de complicité de braconnage, un chef coutumier de Basoko aux arrêts | 3rd January 2013 | Radio Okapi




Extractive Companies, Energy, Trade and Foreign Investment


Recent news on national and international extractive and energy companies and investment in the Great Lakes Region

Conflict minerals compliance blog

Squire Sanders Launches Conflict Minerals Compliance Blog | 3rd January 2013 | Squire Sanders

As a complement to its expanding Conflict Minerals Practice, Squire Sanders today launched, a blog addressing all aspects of compliance with the rule recently adopted by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) governing the use of conflict minerals (tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold) that originate from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, the Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda or Zambia.

2013 And The Conflict Minerals Rule: What Reporting Companies Should Know For The New Year | 3rd January 2013 | Squire Sanders

January 1, 2013 marks the start date for compliance with the conflict minerals rule. If they haven’t already done so, reporting companies should begin identifying which products they “manufacture” or “contract to manufacture” and which of them contain necessary conflict minerals.



Mining – ENRC

ENRC shareholders should reject $550 million Congo deal | 23rd December 2012 | Global Witness

Shareholders of London-listed Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation will meet on Friday 28 December to vote on a $550 million deal aimed at buying out its main copper-and-cobalt mining partner in the Democratic Republic of Congo. A representative of Global Witness, holding one share in the FTSE100 company, will vote against it because of fears over corruption risks.

ENRC Holders Back $550 Million Deal to Buy Gertler Congo Assets | 28th December 2012 | Bloomberg

ENRC doubles its reserves | 2nd January 2013 | Africa Mining Intelligence

Eurasian Natural Resources Corp. (ENRC) shareholders backed a $550 million deal to buy out Israeli billionaire Dan Gertler from a company holding interests in copper and cobalt licenses in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Shareholders at a London meeting today voted 99.2 percent in favor of the cash bid for 49.5 percent of Camrose Resources Ltd., which is indirectly owned by a Gertler family trust, the company said in a statement.

ENRC Congo deal is passed despite largest shareholder’s lack of support | 28th December 2012 | The Guardian

Kazakhmys abstains from vote on mining buyout as FTSE group pays Israeli partner $550m for stake.

Latest coverage on controversial ENRC activities & $550 million Congo deal | 2nd January 2013 | Global Witness


Mining – Tiger Resources

Tiger exceeds Kipoi production guidance | 7th January 2013 | Mining Weekly

Dual-listed Tiger Resources has exceeded its production guidance at the Kipoi copper project, in the DR Congo, producing some 36 962 t of copper in concentrate during 2012. The miner said in a statement that the 2012 production exceeded production guidance by some 6%.

Kipoi stage two DFS confirms project economics | 9th January 2013 | Mining Weekly

Copper developer Tiger Resources on Wednesday reported that the definitive feasibility study on the stage two solvent extraction electrowinning facility at its Kipoi project, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), had confirmed the project economics. Some 443 000 t of copper could be produced from the Kipoi Central, Kipoi North and Kileba deposits, over a nine-year period, the ASX- and TSX-listed Tiger reported.


Oil exploration in Block 3 (Ituri – North Kivu)

Total makes steady headway | 8th January 2013 | Africa Energy Intelligence

According to our sources, the winner of a tender to conduct a 2D seismic survey on block 3 in Democratic Republic of Congo will be named around the end of January.



Inga held back by politics | 8th January 2013 | Africa Energy Intelligence

The unveiling of the Inga dam project will have to wait for a while as politics and the security situation in the east grab the headlines. And technical and financial choices are still under discussion.


Pipeline for Katanga

A pipeline for Katanga | 8th January 2013 | Africa Energy Intelligence

During a visit to Lubumbashi in December, Congo-K’s oil and gas minister Crispin Atama discreetly raised the idea of an oil pipeline to carry gasoline to the Democratic Republic of Congo from the port of Beira in Mozambique.





New Wiki Aims to Open up Uganda’s Secretive Oil Industry | 19th December 2012 | Voice of America

Frustrated by Uganda’s new oil bill and widespread claims of corruption, the Ugandan media and activists are finding new ways to increase transparency in the country’s oil sector. These include an oil industry « wiki » — a website that allows users to add or update content.  The goal is empower the public by sharing knowledge.

2013: What will become of Uganda’s oil fortune? | 3rd January 2013 | Daily Monitor

Oil has succeeded in returning high level acrimony to the political debate. The passage of legislation to regulate the oil sector in 2012 has raised tempers so high that some Members of Parliament have begun the new year in jail.

Experts Want Local Policy On Oil | 8th January 2013 | The Observer (Kampala) | allAfrica

Industry experts have called for a local content policy on oil that defines the arrangement under which locals will benefit from the sector.



Nine Mining Companies Eye Kilembe Copper Concession | 25th December 2012 | East African Business Week | allAfrica

Nine mining companies both local and international have submitted in their interest for taking over Kilembe copper mining company which stopped mining copper in the early 1982s.

Revival of Mine Will Spur Economic Growth | 25th December 2012 | East African Business Week | allAfrica

Ugandans living in Kasese town (western Uganda) will have the opportunity to smile if Kilembe copper mines resumes work.

New start for Kilembe copper | 2nd January 2013 | Africa Mining Intelligence

Eight firms have submitted bids in a government tender to resume work on the Kilembe copper mine near Kasese in Uganda.



EIB under attack on Bujagali | 8th January 2013 | Africa Energy Intelligence

A mediator from the European Union is going to look into accusations that the European Investment Bank was guilty of poor judgement in financing the 250 MW Bujagali dam in Uganda.


Iron ore

Govt Stops Exportation of Iron Ore | 9th January 2013 | The New Vision | allAfrica

The Government has banned the exportation of iron ore in a bid to support the development of the local steel industry, a senior government official has said.





Mining Investments Up 200 Percent in 2012 | 29th December 2012 | The New Times | allAfrica

Rwanda registered US$69.9 million worth of investments in the mining sector in 2012, compared to the US$24 million that was sunk into the industry last year.

Solomon Resources Limited: Rwandan Tin Project Update | 7th January 2013 | Solomon Resources | Marketwire

Solomon Resources Limited reports on its preliminary exploration of the Rurembo Tin Project in the Republic of Rwanda. The Rurembo licence area includes highly prospective pegmatite swarms immediately adjacent to the former Belgian-owned cassiterite-columbite-tantalite mine at Gatumba and unexplored strike extensions of that metallogenic district to the north.

Nyaruguru District – Mining Sector On a Halt As Extraction Conditions Are Being Studied | 9th January 2013 | News of Rwanda | allAfrica

Beneath the jungle-covered hills of Busanze sector in Nyaruguru district, Southern Rwanda, lies a bunch of mineral reserves of coltan, a mineral reportedly used in the making of mobile telephones.



Burundi/Rwanda/Tanzania: Rusumo Falls shifts into top gear | 8th January 2013 | Africa Energy Intelligence

Firms pre-qualified to bid for the contract to design the Rusomo Falls hydro power dam (90 MW) on the Akagera river are to submit their last offers in February, with a final selection scheduled for April.



25 Megawatts Expected From Methane Gas Next Year | 22nd December 2013 | The New Times | allAfrica

Energy Water and Sanitation Authority (EWSA) and Kivuwatt, a subsidiary of Contour Global, a New York based power company, have confirmed that the first phase of 25 MW of energy extracted from methane gas will be complete by March 2013.

Second Phase of Methane Gas Extraction Due | 7th January 2013 | The New Times | allAfrica

Plans to kick start the second phase of methane gas extraction from Lake Kivu to produce 75MW of electricity are in high gear after it emerged that the country’s first fruits from the project are due in March this year.






Burundi/Rwanda/Tanzania: Rusumo Falls shifts into top gear | 8th January 2013 | Africa Energy Intelligence

Firms pre-qualified to bid for the contract to design the Rusomo Falls hydro power dam (90 MW) on the Akagera river are to submit their last offers in February, with a final selection scheduled for April.



Central African Republic 


AXMIN Notifies the CAR Government of a Force Majeure Due to Ongoing Rebel Activities in Country | 24th December 2012 | AXMIN Inc. | Marketwire

Toronto, Ontario – AXMIN Inc. announced today that it has officially notified the Minister of Mines and Minister of Defence of the Central African Republic, as per its 2006 Mining Convention, of the existence of Force Majeure factors arising from the widely reported rebel activity in the country at this time. AXMIN’s operating camp based in close proximity to Ndassima Village was temporarily occupied on Friday, December 21, 2012 by rebels apparently on route to the major town of Bambari. Food, medical supplies and Vehicles were taken. The Ndassima camp was effectively shut down for the Christmas break and only minimal staff and security were on duty. The occupation occurred without violence and the AXMIN staff are all accounted for and are in good health.

Axmin Delays Mine as War in Central African Republic Resumes | 9th January 2013 | Bloomberg

Axmin Inc. (AXM), a Canadian gold explorer, delayed plans to open a mine in the Central African Republic by at least a year as rebel fighters started a push toward the capital, Bangui.



Regulation, Compliance and Corporate Social Responsibility


Non-comprehensive overview and selected articles on legal and reputational issues relating to businesses operating in the Great Lakes Region 


Conflict minerals compliance blog

Squire Sanders Launches Conflict Minerals Compliance Blog | 3rd January 2013 | Squire Sanders

As a complement to its expanding Conflict Minerals Practice, Squire Sanders today launched, a blog addressing all aspects of compliance with the rule recently adopted by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) governing the use of conflict minerals (tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold) that originate from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, the Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda or Zambia.

2013 And The Conflict Minerals Rule: What Reporting Companies Should Know For The New Year | 3rd January 2013 | Squire Sanders

January 1, 2013 marks the start date for compliance with the conflict minerals rule. If they haven’t already done so, reporting companies should begin identifying which products they “manufacture” or “contract to manufacture” and which of them contain necessary conflict minerals.


US lawsuit against Dodd-Frank Act, Section 1502 on Conflict minerals

Additional responses, non-responses to Global Witness call for companies to « come clean » on lawsuit re US conflict minerals rule | January 2013 | Business & Human Rights Resource Centre

Latest additions to Company responses re lawsuit against SEC over final rule accompanying section 1502 of Dodd-Frank Act.


Diamond Development Initiative International against child labour in artisanal diamond mining

Dorothee Gizenga | 2nd January 2013 | Africa Mining Intelligence

Dorothee Gizenga has served since 2008 as executive director of the NGO Diamond Development Initiative International that was set up by the NGO Partnership Africa Canada (PAC), Global Witness, De Beers and the firm Rapaport.



Traceability of minerals – labelling in Maniema

Maniema : le gouvernement provincial lance une opération d’étiquetage des minerais | 29th December 2012 | Radio Okapi