
Design of the ICGLR regional database and visualisation platform on mineral flows

In 2018, IPIS developed a database and delivered training for the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR). The objective was to deliver a working prototype webtool to investigate the relation between mining exports lots and the artisanal mining sites where their content originated.

In 2019, IPIS and Levin Sources have been engaged by Impact to assist in building responsible supply chains for development in Africa’s Great Lakes Region. Building on previous work to develop a database for the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), IPIS has developed a web data entry and visualisation platform where users can investigate the relation between mining exports lots and the artisanal mining sites where their content originated. To that end, IPIS and Levin Sources have engaged with DRC and Rwanda official artisanal mining instances that collect production and export data and share it with the ICGLR.

Project Coordinator

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