IPIS’ policy regarding the covid-19 crisis

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April 1st, 2020

Faced with the present covid-19 context, IPIS is concerned with the health and security of its staff, local researchers, surveyors, partners and local communities. IPIS wants to contribute to curbing the spread of the virus.

Following the recommendations from the Belgian government, the headquarter staff in Belgium is actively teleworking since mid-March.

In the light of the evolutions in Africa, IPIS also adopted a general policy regarding its activities on the continent:

  • As a preventive measure, IPIS decided to put all IPIS field missions on hold for an indefinite period, and to suspend all in-country travel by IPIS’ staff, local researchers and surveyors involved in ongoing projects.
  • On top of the government restrictions implemented in the countries IPIS works in, IPIS recommends to all partners in IPIS projects to restrict all movements and travels, to avoid physical meetings and to apply preventive public health measures. In this way, IPIS wants to avoid at all costs to contribute to the further spread of the virus through its activities.

The travel restrictions will impact the continuity and execution of project activities. Some will be affected than others. Mitigation will mainly consist of an increased use of digital technologies and remote coordination to pursue our activities. In collaboration with donors and partners, IPIS will try to reschedule project implementation and reorient activities towards desk-based research, virtual meetings and workshops, and other digital alternatives.

IPIS is aware these restrictions will have a considerable impact on our local staff, local surveyors involved in IPIS projects and on our partners and donors. IPIS carefully considered this decision and believes in the importance of a preventive approach.

In these unusual times, IPIS will continue to provide you with publications and news on our website and social media channels.

Stay healthy, stay safe.


September 1st, 2020 – Update 

All IPIS field missions are on hold until further notice.

IPIS’ local survey missions are put on hold as a general rule. Ad hoc exceptions for specific projects and areas are contingent on a joint risk assessment, documented in writing, with the donor and relevant partners on the ground.

IPIS notifies all partners that, on top of the restrictions introduced by their government, IPIS recommends: 

    • to restrict travel when possible
    • to consider alternatives for physical meetings
    • if a physical meeting is required, limit the amount of people present, respect social distancing, and wear a face mask
    • to apply preventive behaviour in general, such as washing hands

IPIS will keep its donors informed about the measures taken.