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NEWS IN BRIEFIn North Kivu, MONUSCO has reported recovering 258 weapons with the aid of locals since May this year. In Province Orientale MONUSCO and FARDC have announced a military advance against the FRPI and its leader Cobra Matata. While an exact date for the initiative has not been announced, the local leader of the Walendu Bindi region has requested time to negotiate a peaceful surrender of the militiamen. In Maniema three Raïa Mutomboki militiamen also reportedly have died in clashes with the FARDC in the Punia region. The FDLR has urged the international community to politically facilitate their return to Rwanda. They refuse to go to the designated camp in Kisangani, as they fear the local population will be hostile towards their presence. Meanwhile civil society groups are said to have called for investigations into the atrocities committed by the group since 1998. The government of the DRC has published a list of a further 272 beneficiaries of an amnesty law passed in February this year. Of these, 191 are former M23 fighters, making them the main beneficiaries of this fifth round of amnesties. In the Central African Republic Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has announced the suspension of its activities in Batangfo in the North of the country. Following the growing tensions in the region and threats towards MSF staff, 40 employees had to be evacuated. MSF has called on all sides of the conflict to guarantee the safety of its staff and patients. In the on going effort to curb the trade in conflict minerals this week 70 academics, politicians and civil society professionals signed an open letter warning that legislation requiring companies to assure that their minerals sourced from the DRC are “conflict-free” may worsen the problem it aims to solve. The professionals argue that with widespread artisanal mining and poor infrastructure in DRC’s East this certification is difficult to implement driving small-scale miners into illegality. |
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