Weekly Briefing: 3RD – 9TH April 2014

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With the UN vote on whether to deploy an international peacekeeping force to the CAR today, the commencement of commemorations on the twentieth anniversary of the Rwandan genocide has seen numerous references to the international community repeating the mistakes of 1994 in respect of the intercommunal violence in the country.  Ban Ki Moon’s flying visit to Bangui this week saw him echo this sentiment, stating that the international community must do more to overcome anarchy in the state, where French and African forces are currently overwhelmed. A UN investigation by the Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights has found that shooting by Chadian troops last week resulted in 30 deaths and around 300 wounded, with reports that the attack was unprovoked. This preliminary finding has seen Chad’s withdrawal of its 850 military personnel, raising concerns that this move will effectively neutralise the EU’s 800 strong troop deployment. Indeed, this week as seen at least 30 deaths in fighting between anti-balaka and ex-Seleka rebels in Dekoa.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, FARDC is said to have dislodged FRPI forces from three localities in Ituri (Province Oriental). Meanwhile, in North Kivu, clashes between FARDC and the mai-mai Yukutumba in Masisi have seen four dead on each side, as attacks on the FDLR by mai-mai Cheka in Kasugho are said to be causing displacement in the area. In Katanga, recently repatriated traditional chiefs claim to have been held hostage at the hands of militia leader Gédéon Kyungu Mutanga, who remains very much alive and wishing to pass himself off as deceased in order to prevent FARDC attacks.

Commemorations on the twentieth anniversary of the Rwandan genocide have started with diplomatic ructions between Rwanda and France as the former accused the latter of playing a direct role in the 1994 genocide. The row led to the absence of high-level diplomatic representation from France at a genocide remembrance ceremony in Kigali.

Note: Due to technical difficulties this weeks briefing is limited to providing more restricted coverage of news items.

IPIS’ Latest Publications

NEW!! Business & Human Rights in Uganda: What’s on the Agenda? | 12 March 2014 | IPIS
A few days after attending the annual UN Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva, IPIS Business & Human Rights Analysts Anna Bulzomi and Gabriella Wass boarded a plane to Kampala, Uganda, to run a two-day training with ActionAid Uganda for businesses and NGOs on “What does business & human rights mean, and how can we bring about a healthy relationship between the two?” This document summarises some thoughts and observations from our 19 participating organisations, as well as providing snapshots of the current relationship between business and human rights in Uganda.

IPIS Insights: Pentagon Accidentally Arms Al Qaeda Affiliate | 20 February 2014 | IPIS
A confidential report to the UN Security Council last week revealed that some of the weapons and ammunition to the Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG) forces appears to have been diverted to the Al Qaeda affiliate known as Al Shabaab.

Mapping Conflict Motives: the Sudan – South Sudan border (2012-2013) | 5 February 2014 | IPIS
In “Mapping Conflict Motives: the Sudan-South Sudan border”, IPIS analyses the conflict dynamics in the wider border area spanning Sudan and South Sudan. The analysis specifically looks into the motivations and interests of the parties involved in the interstate, intrastate and local conflicts in this area. Together with the report, a series of maps of the area of focus is available at

Boundary spanning: moving towards strategic stakeholder engagement | 3 February 2014 | IPIS
By Anna Bulzomi
To address complex human rights impacts, companies need to move away from responding to crises and work with communities towards creating shared value.

IPIS Insights: The 2nd Annual United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights, Geneva 2013 | January 2014 | IPIS
From the 2 – 4 December 2013, IPIS attended the United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights. The Forum was established by the Human Rights Council and is under the guidance of the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights. IPIS’ researchers Gabriella Wass and Anna Bulzomi offer some insights into topics at the Forum that struck them as particularly interesting.

Practice What You Preach: Theory and Practice of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)’s Stakeholder Engagement Plan in Chad | 9 January 2014 | IPIS
The past decade has seen a staggering increase in Chinese investment flows in Africa, leaping from USD 392 million in 2005 to USD 2520 million in 2012. Chinese Government officials often describe the burgeoning Sino-African ties as ‘win-win partnerships’, emphasizing how their ‘non-interference’ policy truly allows African countries to choose their own development path.
Against this background, doubts may arise with regard to the environmental and social standards applied by Chinese companies conducting business overseas, especially in post-conflict states with poor human rights records and inadequate governance structures. The case discussed in this paper concerns the operations of the Chadian branch of the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC).

Conflict and security

Recent news on conflict, security and arms trade across the Great Lakes Region. 

Arms Trade Treaty

Arms Trade Treaty – Statement by Laurent Fabius, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development  | France Diplomatie | 2 April 2014

Notable Absence of African States On First Anniversary of Arms Trade Treaty  | MediaGlobal | 3 April 2014
On the first anniversary of the adoption of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) by the United Nations General Assembly, the landmark agreement fell short of its 50 state ratification minimum needed to enter into force. Only two African countries have ratified the treaty.

Africe-EU Summit

EU and Africa Wrap Up Two-Day Summit | Deutsche Welle | allAfrica | 3 April 2014
The European Union and Africa pledged closer cooperation at a two-day Brussels summit, but differences emerged over issues such as gay rights.

UE-Afrique : la sécurité et le développement humain, des priorités de 2014 à 2017 | Radio Okapi | 3 April 2014
La sécurité, la bonne gouvernance et le développement humain sont les priorités de l’Afrique et de l’Union européenne pour la période allant de 2014 à 2017. Au cours du quatrième sommet Union Européenne-Afrique qui s’est clôturé jeudi 3 avril à Bruxelles, les chefs d’Etat des deux continents et les présidents des institutions concernées se sont engagés à coopérer plus étroitement afin de prévenir les crises et de s’attaquer aux racines de l’instabilité, de la fragilité et des conflits pour éviter leur résurgence et accélérer le redressement durable.

Security and trade top the Euro-Africa agenda | Africa Confidential | 4 April 2014
Europe is hosting African leaders in Brussels before they head off for summits in Delhi, Beijing and Washington. Tough negotiations on trade, and peacekeeping missions for Mali and Central African Republic, will dominate the fourth EU-Africa summit in Brussels on 2-3 April. Recognising that Europe has lost much ground in its Africa diplomacy to China, India and the United States (which all host Africa summits this year), the planners of the Brussels summit are starting proceedings with two days of trade and investment meetings to resuscitate old commercial ties. Those will then be followed by some of the trickier discussions on trade, tariffs and subsidies as well as security cooperation.

EU-Africa Summit – Peace and Security Remain Fundamental Priority | FrontPage Africa | allAfrica | 7 April 2014
The Fourth EU Africa summit that just finished in Brussels brought together the leaders of the EU and the African countries, and their respective Institutions, with the objective of further deepening the relations of both continents. Under the theme “Investing in People, Prosperity and Peace” the two-day event closed with the commitment to deepen and widen the cooperation.

Extremism and security in Africa

Ethnic Violence, African Extremists Worry Pentagon Officials | VoA | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
Twenty years after close to one million people were slaughtered in the Rwandan genocide, U.S. military officials are confident that forces are better positioned to prevent a repeat of such mass slaughter. But, Washington is still concerned about security across the African continent. Fears run rampant across much of the Central African Republic, where 2,000 people have been killed in ethnic violence since December, and some African peacekeepers already have pulled out. But U.S. defense officials say the fact that African forces have been able to intervene is a sign things are slowly improving.

Addis Ababa Framework Agreeement Progress

Mary Robinson plaide pour l’investissement économique dans les Grands Lacs  | Radio Okapi | 8 April 2014
Des progrès remarquables ont été réalisés dans l’application de cet accord-cadre d’Addis-Abeba. Mais avec le retour de la paix, il faut penser à l’investissement économique. C’est ce qu’a déclaré l’envoyée spéciale du Secrétaire général de l’Onu dans cette région, Mary Robinson, lors de sa visite à Bukavu ce mardi 8 avril. «Je crois que le plus important en ce moment, c’est les plans d’action DDR [Démobilisation, désarmement et réinsertion des groupes armés] et les élections naturellement», a-t-elle estimé.


Province Oriental

Isangi : le général Kifwa nie la présence des barrières militaires sur le fleuve Congo | Radio Okapi | 3 April 2014
Le général Jean-Claude Kifwa, commandant de la 9e région militaire, nie la présence des barrières militaires sur le fleuve Congo entre Kisangani et Isangi en Province Orientale. Les piroguiers qui naviguent sur cette partie du fleuve accusent pourtant les militaires de les rançonner en exigeant 2 000 francs congolais (environ 2,1 dollars américains) au passage de chaque barrière. Ce tronçon fluvial, long de 125 kilomètres, compterait une dizaine de barrières.

Ituri : un élu dénonce la multiplicité de barrières entre Bunia, Kisangani et Niania | Radio Okapi | 3 April 2014
Le député Raymond Tshedya dénonce la multiplicité des barrières entre la cité de Bunia, la ville de Kisangani et la cité de Niania. Selon lui, des services étatiques y rançonnent la population. Au cours d’une interview accordée mercredi 2 avril à Radio Okapi, le député Tshedya affirme que ces tracasseries sont surtout visibles à Niania et Bafwasende. Il accuse les administrateurs des territoires de Mambasa et de Bafwasende de complicité dans ces tracasseries du fait qu’ils n’ont pas fait le suivi des recommandations leur ordonnant la levée de ces barrières.

Ituri: les FARDC délogent les miliciens de la FRPI de 3 localités | Radio Okapi | 5 April 2014
Les Forces armées de la RDC (FARDC) ont délogé, en cinq jours, les miliciens de la Force de résistance patriotique de l’Ituri (FRPI) des localités d’Isura, Nyasumbe et Kigo, en cheffrie de Walendu Bindi, dans le district de l’Ituri (Province Orientale). Le commandant des FARDC en Ituri, général Fall Sikabwe, qui a confirmé cette information a rapporte qu’un militaire a été tué au cours de ces combats. Selon lui, il y a eu 6 morts du côté des assaillants mais ce bilan n’est pas encore confirmé par des sources indépendantes.

Ituri: des hommes armés volent et pillent à Kasenyi et Tchomia | Radio Okapi | 6 April 2014
Plusieurs cas de meurtres, pillages, viols et vols ont été enregistrés depuis le vendredi 5 avril dans les localités de Kasenyi et Tchomia au bord du lac Albert en Ituri. Leurs auteurs de ces actes sont des hommes armés qui n’ont pas été identifiés. Plus de 8 cas de vols ont été enregistrés dans ces deux localités. Le chef de collectivité de Bahema Banywagi affirme que 5 maisons ont aussi été incendiées à Tchomia.

Une centaine de points de contrôle seraient érigés sur les routes de l’Ituri | Radio Okapi | 7 April 2014
Les usagers de la route Ituri dénoncent l’érection d’une centaine de barrages, illicites pour la plupart selon eux, sur les axes routiers : Bunia-Kasenyi, Bunia-Kisangani et Bunia-Aru. Rien que sur le tronçon routier Bunia-Kisangani, on compte cinquante barrages, selon la Fédération des entreprises du Congo (Fec) en Ituri. Ils seraient érigés par la police, l’armée, les gardes parc, le service de transports et voies de communication ainsi que celui de l’environnement. Les responsables des services accusés réfutent ces allégations.

North Kivu

Masisi: la société civile réclame une enquête après la mort de 3 personnes | Radio Okapi | 4 April 2014
La société civile du territoire de Masisi demande l’ouverture d’une enquête après la mort, lundi 31 mars, de trois personnes lors d’un échange des tirs entre la police de la localité de Bugiri et la garde du chef de poste d’encadrement de Nyandja. Selon des sources locales, cet échange de tirs a eu lieu après l’arrestation d’un berger surpris par la police en possession d’une arme à feu.

Beni : un attentat à la bombe fait 6 blessés | Radio Okapi | 4 April 2014
Une bombe de fabrication locale lancée la nuit dernière au quartier Nabakanga de Beni a fait six blessés dont quatre civils, un militaire et un policier, a indiqué vendredi 4 avril Nyonyi Bwanakawa, le maire de la ville. Il s’agit du quatrième attentat depuis le mois de février, selon la coordination urbaine de la Société civile de Beni. Elle demande au gouvernement d’ouvrir une enquête et de prendre les dispositions nécessaires pour assurer la sécurité  la population.

DRC – MSF Urges Military Personnel Conducting Operations in the Beni Region to Take Every Precaution to Protect Hostages’ Lives | MSF | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
MSF lance un appel pour ses otages | RFI | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
As the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) continue the third phase of their military operations in the Béni region, with the support of MONUSCO, the international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has expressed its concern about the fate of four of its Congolese staff, abducted nine months ago during an attack on the city of Kamango.

Nord-Kivu : de nouveaux déplacés affluent à Kasugho depuis 3 jours | Radio Okapi | 8 April 2014
Un nouveau déplacement de la population est signalé depuis trois jours à Kasugho, dans le Nord-Kivu. Selon la société civile du territoire de Lubero, ces déplacés proviennent de Fatua, Kitovo, Miveya et Kasinga, localités situées entre 67 et 120 km du village de Kasugho. Ils fuient les attaques des Maï-Maï Cheka contre les positions des rebelles rwandais des FDLR dans leurs milieux. D’après le président de la société civile de ce village, Joseph Malikidogo, la première vague d’environ 200 ménages se trouve actuellement dans des familles d’accueil. Sur place, aucun mécanisme n’est mis en place pour leur prise à charge alimentaire.

Goma: des militaires de la garde républicaine accusés de fraude douanière | Radio Okapi | 8 April 2014
Des militaires de la garde républicaine sont accusés d’être impliqués dans une affaire de fraude douanière à Goma au Nord-Kivu. Des habitants de la ville rapportent que les officiers Freddy Ntambwe et Ruffin Mwehu de cette unité ont favorisé la disparition de deux véhicules gardés dans l’entrepôt de la Direction générale de douane et accises (DGDA) depuis février dernier. Les deux voitures avaient placé dans cet entrepôt par les douaniers qui avaient constaté lors de leur importation qu’ils étaient vieux de plus de 10 ans. L’importation des véhicules vieux de plus de 10 ans est interdite en RDC depuis octobre 2012.

Militaires accusés de fraude douanière: «une incompréhension», selon le colonel Hamuli | Radio Okapi | 9 April 2014
Le porte-parole de l’armée congolaise au Nord-Kivu, colonel Olivier Hamuli, a rejeté mercredi 9 avril les accusations de fraude douanière portées contre les militaires de la garde républicaine à Goma (Nord-Kivu). Ces militaires ont retiré d’un entrepôt de la Direction générale des douanes et assises (DGDA) deux véhicules que la douane avait saisis. Pour le colonel Olivier Hamuli, il a s’agit d’une «incompréhension dans l’exécution d’une mesure des autorités du pays».

South Kivu

Sud-Kivu: affrontements entre FARDC et Maï-Maï Yakutumba à Misisi | Radio Okapi | 8 April 2014
De violents combats ont opposé tôt ce mardi 8 avril matin les FARDC aux éléments du groupe Yakutumba dans la localité de Misisi au sud d’Uvira (Sud-Kivu). Le bilan reste controversé. Selon le commandant du 1012e régiment des FARDC à Lulimba, le bilan provisoire est de six morts, dont deux militaires. De leur côté, les Maï-Maï parlent de treize morts, dont quatre miliciens.14

Sud-Kivu: 4 miliciens et 4 militaires tués dans un accrochage à Misisi | Radio Okapi | 9 April 2014
Quatre miliciens Maï-Maï Yakutumba ont été tués et huit autres capturés, mardi 8 avril, au cours d’un accrochage avec les Forces armées de la RDC (FARDC) dans la localité de Misisi, en territoire de Fizi (Sud-Kivu). Le commandant du 103e secteur opérationnel des FARDC à Fizi qui a livré ce bilan a indiqué que quatre militaires sont également morts et six autres blessés au cours des mêmes combats qui ont duré plus de trois heures.


Le silence sur les Bakata Katanga à l’Assemblée nationale : «préoccupant et gênant», selon le député Lubaya | Radio Okapi | 3 April 2014
Le député national André-Claudel Lubaya s’inquiète qu’un an après l’incursion des Maï-Maï Bakata Katanga en pleine ville de Lubumbashi (Katanga), le rapport d’enquête parlementaire sur cette affaire n’a toujours pas été examiné à l’Assemblée nationale. Pourtant, remarque le député de l’opposition, ces miliciens continuent à faire des incursions dans les villages katangais. Le député André-Claudel Lubaya, rapporteur de la commission d’enquête parlementaire, estime ce silence à la fois «préoccupant et gênant».

Katanga: plus de 3000 FARDC formées à Mura | Radio Okapi | 5 April 2014
Environ 3200 militaires ont achevé, vendredi 4 avril, leur formation au Centre d’instruction de Mura, à plus de 120 km de Lubumbashi (Katanga). Cette formation a notamment porté sur les techniques militaires et sur la protection des civils. Les hommes en uniforme formés se sont dits prêts à rejoindre les autres au front pour la défense de la patrie.

Katanga : une incursion des FDLR signalée à Kabulo | Radio Okapi | 6 April 2014
Une incursion des rebelles rwandais des FDLR a été signalée samedi 5 avril dans la localité de Kabulo, sur la route Kalemie-Nyunzu, à 50 kilomètres de Kalemie au Katanga. C’est ce qu’a affirmé le lieutenant Carlos Kalume Fazili de la presse militaire. Il a indiqué que les soldats de la 61e brigade déployés dans cette zone ont riposté et ont réussi à tuer trois rebelles.

Lubumbashi : 2 morts dans une intervention policière qui a mal tourné | Radio Okapi | 7 April 2014
Deux personnes ont été tuées dimanche 6 avril au quartier Bel Air, à Lubumbashi (Katanga), par des policiers en patrouille. Un de ces agents, qui poursuivait un taximan moto, a ouvert le feu, tuant le fugitif et un passant. Les habitants ont manifesté leur colère en bloquant la voie principale de leur quartier avec des pneus brulés. Le bourgmestre de la commune de Kampemba parle d’une seule victime. Il déplore cet acte et indique avoir fait rapport à sa hiérarchie.

Katanga : «Gédéon est bel et bien vivant», selon ses ex-otages | Radio Okapi | 9 April 2014
Les onze chefs coutumiers de Mitwaba libérés par le seigneur de guerre Kyungu Mutanga Gédéon, il y a plus d’une semaine, assurent qu’il est bel et bien vivant. Ces anciens otages l’ont affirmé au cours d’une rencontre mardi 9 avril avec le gouverneur de province à son bureau de Lubumbashi. Après avoir passé deux ans en captivité, ces chefs traditionnels souhaitent rentrer chez eux à Mitwaba.

Kasai Oriental

Kasaï-Oriental: 2 blessés dans des accrochages entre la police et des jeunes à Katako Kombe | Radio Okapi | 3 April 2014
Deux personnes, dont un policier, ont été grièvement blessées mercredi 3 avril dans la cité de Katako Kombe,  au Kasaï-Oriental, lors d’un accrochage entre la police et un groupe de jeunes accusés de xénophobie. Selon le comité territorial de sécurité, ces jeunes ont conçu un plan pour chasser de la cité les personnes qui n’en sont pas originaires.

Kasaï-Oriental : la police de Miabi accusée d’agression et d’extorsion des civils | Radio Okapi | 4 April 2014
Les ONG de défense des droits de l’homme accusent le groupe mobile d’intervention (GMI) de la police détaché à Miabi (45 km de Mbuji-Mayi), dans le Kasaï-Oriental, d’agresser les civils et de leur extorquer de l’argent en instaurant des barrières illégales. Selon le président de cette plate-forme, Moise Albert Kazadi, au moins deux personnes ont été passées à tabac, dont l’une à deux reprises, pour avoir refusé de payer le passage dans une de ces barrières.

Bas Congo

Matadi: le maire veut renforcer les patrouilles policières | Radio Okapi | 4 April 2014
Le maire de Matadi (Bas-Congo), Jean-Marc Nzeyidio Lukombo, annonce la création de nouveaux commissariats de police et le renforcement des patrouilles pour combattre l’insécurité. Ces mesures ont été rendues publiques jeudi 3 avril à l’issue de la réunion de sécurité qu’il a tenue avec les trois bourgmestres des communes de cette ville et les membres du Conseil urbain de sécurité.

Matadi : la police assure maîtriser la situation sécuritaire  | Radio Okapi | 9 April 2014
Le commissaire de la police au Bas-Congo, le général Patience Mushid Yav, assure que la situation sécuritaire à Matadi est sous contrôle. Il répondait ainsi à la société civile de cette ville, qui a fait état d’une recrudescence de cas d’insécurité à Matadi. Pour le général Mushid Yav, outre des cas isolés d’insécurité constatés dans la province, le calme règne à Matadi.

Child Soldiers

Grandir dans la guerre – les enfants-soldats en RDC | IRIN | reliefweb | 3 April 2014


Lambert Mende : «Aucune collaboration possible entre les FARDC en tant que telle et les FDLR» | Radio Okapi | 3 April 2014
Le porte-parole du gouvernement congolais, Lambert Mende, a affirmé jeudi 3 avril qu’il n’y a «aucune collaboration possible entre les FARDC en tant que telles et les FDLR». Il réagissait aux informations selon lesquelles la stratégie militaire du gouvernement et des Forces armées de la RDC (FARDC) serait fondée sur une complaisance délibérée vis-à-vis de ces forces négatives rwandaises. Au cours d’une conférence de presse à Kinshasa, le ministre congolais des médias a expliqué que les opérations de traque de ces rebelles hutus rwandais ont réduit leur nombre de 7000 en 2004 à un millier à ce jour.

Decades after genocide, Congo struggles to dislodge Rwanda rebels | Reuters Thomson | 8 April 2014
Twenty years after the genocide in Rwanda, a rebel group founded by ethnic extremists who took part in that slaughter still prowls the lush hills of neighbouring eastern Congo, defying a renewed threat by the army and U.N. peacekeepers to dislodge it.

Fighting an invisible enemy in DRC | IRIN | reliefweb | 9 April 2014
It is difficult to identify the fighters of the Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Rwanda (FDLR), one of the many armed groups active in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), some of whose leaders played a key role in Rwanda’s genocide 20 years ago. Bearing neither uniform nor insignia, they are indistinguishable from the civilian population.

Sexual Violence

Des progrès dans la lutte contre l’impunité mais le viol reste répandu | UN News Service | allAfrica | 9 April 2014


Feingold, Robinson, Kobler, and Dos Santos: International Keys to Peace in Congo | Enough Project | reliefweb | 3 April 2014

The Never-Ending War in Eastern DRC | Deutsche Welle | allAfrica | 4 April 2014
20 years after the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, the small country in the heart of Africa is now peaceful. But across the border in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, armed conflict involving Rwandan milita continues.

Rumble in the Belgian Bungle  | Africa in Fact | allAfrica | 4 April 2014
Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), particularly in the eastern Kivu provinces, can be traced to its convoluted history of migration, citizenship and property rights.

Coopération – La Belgique au chevet des deux Kivu | Les Depeches de Brazzaville | allAfrica | 7 April 2014
Vingt-trois millions d’euros ont été dégagés par l’ancienne Métropole pour soutenir un nouveau programme spécialisé visant le développement du Nord et Sud-Kivu. L’une des retombées de la participation congolaise au dernier sommet UE-Afrique tenu à Bruxelles aura été, entre autres, la redynamisation de la coopération diplomatique entre la RDC et la Belgique soutenue par un nouveau partenariat couvrant les années 2014 et 2015.

Génocide rwandais : les conséquences sur la RDC | Radio Okapi | 7 April 2014
Le Rwanda commémore ce lundi 7 avril le vingtième anniversaire du massacre de huit cent mille personnes essentiellement des Tutsi qui a eu lieu entre avril et juillet 1994. Ce génocide survenu juste après la mort dans un crash d’avion du président rwandais de l’époque Juvénal Habyarimana et du président burundais Cyprien Ntaryamira a eu des répercussions en RDC. Les  provinces du Nord et Sud-Kivu qui ont accueilli de nombreux réfugiés hutu rwandais vivent dans l’instabilité sécuritaire depuis vingt ans. Guerres à répétitions, conflits ethniques et arrivée massive des déplacés dans les deux provinces. Tel a été le lot quotidien des populations congolaises dans ces deux provinces.


Diplomatic dispute between Rwanda and France regarding Rwandan Genocide

Kagame Repeats Charges of French Part in 1994 Genocide  | RFI | allAfrica | 5 April 2014
Rwandan president accuses France of direct role in 1994 genocide | The Guardian | 6 Apil 2014
France pulls out of Rwanda genocide ceremony | AlJazeera | 6 Apil 2014
France’s Pullout From Commemoration Events Out of Guilt – Survivors | The New Times | allAfrica | 7 April 2014
France to Skip Rwanda Genocide Ceremony | VoA | allAfrica | 7 April 2014
France has reacted with fury after the Rwandan president, Paul Kagame, renewed accusations of direct French involvement in the 1994 genocide, on the eve of ceremonies marking the 20th anniversary. The French government announced that the justice minister, Christiane Taubira, would not attend the commemorations in Kigali after Kagame, in an interview with the weekly magazine Jeune Afrique, accused both France and Belgium of having a “direct role” in the genocide.

Rwanda bars France from genocide ceremony | Al Jazeera | 6 Apil 2014
The French ambassador to Rwanda has been barred from attending events marking the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, amid a major diplomatic row surrounding France’s controversial role in the events of 1994.

April 7, 2014 5:19 pm France and Rwanda at loggerheads on 20th anniversary of genocide | The Financial Times | 7 April 2014
Painstaking efforts to heal the deep divisions between France and Rwanda over French actions during the Rwandan genocide have been severely set back by an angry diplomatic dispute on the 20th anniversary of the massacres.

France Lashed for Genocide Role | CAJ News | allAfrica | 7 April 2014
RWANDA’S Minister of Foreign Affairs, Louis Mushikiwabo, Kigali has accused more than 30 former French political and military leaders of actively backing the Rwanda genocide that left up to 1 million dead 20 years ago.

My Quest Is to Speak for the Voiceless, Says Gauthier | The New Times | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
When France pulled out of commemoration activities for the 20th anniversary of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, Rwandans were not the least shocked by the shenanigan act. Standing with Rwandans are some French citizens, including Alain Gauthier and his wife Dafroza, and former French foreign minister Bernard Kouchner. They not only travelled to Kigali to commiserate with Rwandans, but have been critical of French government’s decades of posturing.


Soldiers Remanded | The Observer | allAfrica | 3 April 2014
In a bid to get President Museveni to help him regain Kampala University’s Luweero campus, District Chairman Abdul Nadduli reportedly hired soldiers to raid the institution controlled by former partner Prof Badru Kateregga.


Ban Ki Moon visit to CAR

Ban Ki-moon réclame des renforts immédiats pour la RCA | Radio Ndeke Luka | Hirondelle Fondation | 3 April 2014
Ban Ki-moon calls for immediate reinforcements for CAR | Radio Ndeke Luka | Hirondelle Fondation | 3 April 2014
Le secrétaire général des Nations Unies, Ban Ki-moon, réclame des renforts immédiats pour aider les soldats de la Mission internationale de soutien sous conduite africaine (MISCA) et de l’opération française Sangaris déjà sur place. Il l’a dit à l’occasion de la réunion sur la République Centrafricaine organisée mercredi à Bruxelles.

UN Chief Uses Central African Republic Visit to Spotlight Ongoing Crisis, Urge End to Violence | UN News Agency | allAfrica | 5 April 2014
Ban Ki-Moon Says Must ‘Do More’ Faster for Central African Republic | VoA | allAfrica | 6 April 2014
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is in Kigali Sunday to mark the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide. During a stop in the Central African Republic he said the international community must “do more and act more quickly.” Inter-communal violence in C.A.R. has killed more than 2,000 people since December and displaced an additional 800,000.

UN chief says CAR peacekeepers ‘overwhelmed’ | AlJazeera | 6 April 2014
U.N. chief says C. African Republic peacekeepers ‘overwhelmed’ | Reuters | 6 April 2014
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has warned that French and African soldiers in Central African Republic were “overwhelmed” by a “state of anarchy,” a day after Chadian troops began withdrawing from the peacekeeping mission. During a brief visit to the country on Saturday, Ban appealed for more help and said the international community was at risk of repeating the mistakes of the 1994 Rwanda genocide where some 800,000 died.

Ban Visits Bangui, Warns Against Genocide | Deutsche Welle | allAfrica | 6 April 2014
Un nouveau génocide à éviter | Africa Info | allAfrica | 7 April 2014
UN chief Ban Ki-moon has visited refugees housed at a mosque in strife-torn Bangui in the Central African Republic. He also urged UN members to back his call for a peacekeeping force to end inter-religious violence.

Bangui : Ban Ki-moon laisse trois messages aux Centrafricains | Radio Ndeke Luka | Hirondelle Fondation | 7 April 2014
Avant de quitter Bangui le samedi dernier pour Kigali au Rwanda, le secrétaire général de l’ONU, Ban Ki-moon, a expliqué que la raison de son déplacement en Centrafrique est pour que le monde sache ce qui se passe dans ce pays en proie à la violence depuis plus d’un an. Le secrétaire général de l’ONU, très ému par la situation humanitaire catastrophique des déplacés, a laissé trois messages aux Centrafricains.

Second UN Mission to evaluate human rights situation

Centrafrique : une experte de l’ONU va effectuer une seconde mission pour évaluer la situation | UN News | 9 April 2014
L’Experte indépendante des Nations Unies sur la situation des droits de l’homme en République centrafricaine, Marie-Thérèse Keita Bocoum, a annoncé mercredi qu’elle entamerait sa seconde mission dans ce pays du 10 au 18 avril.

Security situation

Getting Into CAR, When So Many Want to Get Out | IPS | allAfrica | 4 April 2014
In a country suffering from what the U.N. has called “ethno-religious cleansing”, a “disappeared” state structure and “unacceptable sectarian brutality,” gaining access to the population of the Central African Republic has proven a difficult and sometimes deadly task for humanitarian workers. “For everyone in this country, security is a challenge, because [the situation has] been very volatile and violent… Last year there were nine humanitarian workers who lost their lives,” Judith Léveillée, deputy representative for the U.N. children’s agency UNICEF in the CAR, told IPS from Bangui. “I’ve never seen anything like it, and this is my seventh mission,” she said.

Centrafrique : la Commission d’enquête appelle tous les acteurs de la crise à la retenue
A l’issue d’une mission de quatre semaines en République centrafricaine, le Président de la Commission d’enquête internationale, Bernard Acho Muna, a exhorté toutes les parties à faire preuve de retenue dans la crise actuelle.

Centrafrique : plongée au coeur du chaos | Jeune Afrique | 7 April 2014
Un État sans forces armées, une présidente sans pouvoir réel… Malgré l’aide internationale, le pays sombre chaque jour un peu plus dans la violence.

Centrafrique : au moins 30 morts après des affrontements entre anti-balaka et ex-Séléka | Jeune Afrique | 9 April 2014
La région de Dékoa, à 300 km au nord de Bangui, a été le théâtre mardi de violents affrontements entre anti-balaka et ex-Séléka. Le bilan provisoire fait état d’au moins 30 morts. Des violents affrontements entre anti-balaka et ex-Séléka ont fait au moins 30 morts et plus d’une dizaine de blessés mardi 8 avril dans la région de Dékoa, à 300 km au nord de Bangui.

Central African Republic: Violence leaves ’30 dead’ | BBC News | 9 April 2014
At least 30 people have been killed and another 10 wounded in fighting between rival sectarian militias in the Central African Republic (CAR), police say. Officials say most of those who died in the central town of Dekoa were civilians hit by stray bullets. The predominantly Christian anti-Balaka militia attacked positions held by mainly Muslim Seleka rebels, they say.

Ethnic tensions

La Commission d’enquête de l’ONU dénonce le langage de haine | Radio Ndele Luka | Hirondelle News Agency | 8 April 2014
La Commission d’enquête de l’ONU sur les crimes a bouclé ce mercredi 7 avril 2014 sa première mission à Bangui. Au cours d’une conférence de presse au Bureau Intégré des Nations Unies pour la Consolidation de la Paix en Centrafrique (BINUCA), le président de cette commission, Bernard Acho Muna présente l’objectif de la mission assignée à la commission. Cette mission vise pourquoi les tueries, tortures, mutilations, viols, vols et autres faits ont lieu en Centrafrique.

Central African Republic – Protection of all communities (April 8, 2014) | France Diplomatie | 8 Apil 2014
France is attached to the protection of all populations in the Central African Republic, including of course the Muslim populations who are subject to intolerable threats and attacks. The protection of the populations is central to France’s action and is an integral part of the mandate of Operation Sangaris, in support of MISCA [AFISM-CAR]. France believes that the displacement of populations must be a last resort. Nevertheless, it is helping to facilitate evacuations when needed in agreement with the populations concerned, notably when their safety and access to humanitarian assistance cannot be guaranteed.

Boda, une ville minée par les fantasmes et les rivalités | UNHCR | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
La ville de Boda, à 180 kilomètres au sud-ouest de Bangui, vit déchirée entre communautés chrétienne et musulmane. Le quartier musulman est encerclé par les anti-balaka qui réclament le départ de ses habitants. La haine et à son comble et les deux communautés nourrissent les fantasmes, la haine et la peur.

Victim Says CAR Needs Justice Before There Can Be Reconciliation | RFI | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
Although Marie-Hélène* has directly experienced the horror and brutality of the conflict in Central African Republic, she is seeking justice rather than revenge.

Chadian troop withdrawal

CAR peacekeeping efforts dealt blow as Chad pulls out troops | The Financial Times | 3 April 2014
Chad to withdraw troops from CAR mission  | AlJazeera | 3 April 2014
Chad announced on Thursday that it was withdrawing its 850 soldiers from a 6,000-strong African Union peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic – dealing a blow to international efforts to halt a spiral of violence there. The withdrawal effectively neutralises the increase in manpower that diplomats were hoping for with the deployment of 800 European mission troops in the next few days.

UN: Chad soldiers killed 30 in CAR | AlJazeera | 4 April 2014
U.N. says Chadian soldiers killed 30 in C.African Republic attack | Reuters | 4 April 2014
UN Investigators – Chadian Soldiers Fired On Civilians in Car | VoA | allAfrica | 4 April 2014
UN Accuses Chad Soldiers of Unprovoked CAR Attack | Deutsche Welle | allAfrica | 4 April 2014
UN Says Chadian Soldiers Responsible for Deadly Bangui Attack | UN News Service | allAfrica | 4 April 2014
A preliminary investigation by the United Nations human rights office into the deadly events that took place on 29 March in a suburb of Bangui, the crisis-riven capital of the Central African Republic (CAR), has found that Chadian soldiers killed some 30 civilians and seriously wounded more than 300 in an indiscriminate attack on a crowded market.

Chad Withdrawal From CAR Raises Risks | VoA | allAfrica | 4 April 2014
Chad Peacekeepers Exit Central African Republic After Criticism | Bloomberg | 4 April 2014
Many people in the Central African Republic are welcoming Chad’s decision to withdraw its troops from the African Union peacekeeping force in the country. However, there is concern that trouble between the two countries could impede efforts to reestablish government control over the northeast, much of which is still under the control of the ex-Seleka rebel coalition.

Chad starts pulling peacekeepers from Central African Republic | Reuters| 5 April 2014
Chad began withdrawing its troops from Central African Republic’s peacekeeping mission on Friday as a U.N. report accused its soldiers of killing 30 civilians and wounding 300 in an attack on a crowded market last week.

French Sangaris Force

French forces move east in new phase of C. Africa operation | Africa Daily | 3 April 2014
French forces deployed in the strife-torn Central African Republic began moving into the east of the country this week, the head of the operation General Francisco Soriano said Thursday. “The third phase (of the intervention) began this week and we started deploying in the east,” he told reporters in Paris during a video conference.

Faulty Software Robs French CAR Troops of Bonuses | RFI | allAfrica | 4 April 2014
French troops in the Central African Republic (CAR) are furious because a computer glitch has deprived them of bonuses that should double their pay. Soldiers who arrived in the violence-ravaged country in February and March will not receive the foreign operations bonus until May thanks to faulty software, RFI has learned.

Possible Mauritanian troop contribution

| La Mauritanie “n’exclut pas d’envoyer des forces en Centrafrique” | Jeune Afrique | 4 April 2014
La Mauritanie pourrait envoyer des forces militaires en Centrafrique, a déclaré, lundi, le président Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz, lors d’une conférence de presse. Le chef de l’État a estimé que son pays ne pouvait pas rester les bras croisés face à une situation qui “frôle le génocide”.

UN to vote on peacekeeping force for CAR

L’ONU se prononcera jeudi sur le déploiement de Casques bleus en Centrafrique | Jeune Afrique | 9 April 2014
La résolution des Nations unies autorisant le déploiement d’une mission de maintien de la paix en Centrafrique sera soumise jeudi au vote du Conseil de sécurité.
Le Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies se prononcera jeudi 10 avril à New York sur le déploiement d’une mission de maintien de la paix en Centrafrique. Proposé par la France, le texte sera soumis au vote à 10 heures, rapporte l’AFP.


Central African Republic: Massacres in Remote Villages | Human Rights Watch | 2 April 2014
Massacres in Remote Villages – Attacks Show Urgent Need to Protect Civilians | Human Rights Watch | 3 April 2014
Anti-balaka fighters killed at least 72 Muslim men and boys, some as young as nine, in two recent attacks in southwestern Central African Republic. The assaults, on February 1 and 5, 2014, were in the village of Guen, in a region where abuses have been rampant, but not widely reported. Human Rights Watch interviewed survivors who had fled to a nearby village. In a separate attack in the southwest, armed Seleka fighters, supported by Peuhl cattle herders, killed 19 people on February 22 in the village of Yakongo, 30 kilometers from Guen.


Twenty years after the genocide, we have learnt nothing from Rwanda | France Diplomatie | 4 Apil 2014
The situation in the Central African Republic is dangerously similar to that of Rwanda in 1994. This time, the west must heed the warnings.

Central African Republic: are we ignoring Rwanda all over again? | The Guardian | 3 April 2014
They said it would never happen again but 20 years on the world is doing little to prevent a similar tragedy, says Daily Maverick.

CAR Can Be Saved From a Tragic End | The New Times | 3 April 2014
MANY EVENTS are taking place in the run up to commemoration of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. Among them was the International Conference of Prevention of Genocides that took place in Brussels this week.

Humanitarian news

Non-comprehensive overview of humanitarian news & events, including refugee and IDP issues.

Regional humanitarian reports

West and Central Africa: Humanitarian Bulletin – March 2014 | OCHA | reliefweb | 8 April 2014


Humanitarian reports

Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province Orientale N° 13/14, 8 avril 2014 | OCHA | reliefweb | 8 April 2014
Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Sud-Kivu N° 10/14, 3 avril 2014 | OCHA | reliefweb | 3 April 2014
Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province Orientale N° 12/14, 3 avril 2014 | OCHA | reliefweb | 3 April 2014
Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Nord-Kivu N° 12/14, 3 avril 2014 | OCHA | reliefweb | 3 April 2014

Note sur la protection des civils en Ituri – 7 avril 2014 | OCHA | reliefweb | 7 April 2014

Nord-Kivu : Accès sécuritaire humanitaire – mars 2014 (au 17 Mars 2014) | OCHA | reliefweb | 7 April 2014

République Démocratique du Congo : Province du Sud-Kivu- Etat d’avancement des projets de réhabilitation au 31 mars 2014 | WFP | reliefweb | 8 April 2014


Le Katanga compte plus de 500 000 déplacés internes, selon Ocha | Radio Okapi | 3 April 2014
Le nombre de déplacés internes s’élèvent actuellement à plus cinq cents mille dans la province du Katanga. Ce chiffre est contenu dans le bulletin du Bureau de la coordination des affaires humanitaires (Ocha) publié mercredi 2 avril. Le document indique que soixante-quinze mille nouveaux déplacés ont été enregistrés dans la province depuis le début de l’année. Selon l’agence humanitaire, ces mouvements  des populations sont causés  notamment par des attaques armées des miliciens Maï-Maï ainsi que les opérations militaires contre les groupes armées notamment à Pweto et Kalemie.

Claus Sorensen: «J’espérai que le gouvernement serait présent pour aider les citoyens» | Radio Okapi | 5 April 2014
Le directeur général du bureau de l’aide humanitaire de la Commission européenne a assuré que l’Union européenne, a assuré qu’il continuera à venir en aide aux déplacés internes de la RDC. «Malgré les crises en Syrie, au Sud-Soudan et en République centrafricaine, nous n’allons pas les oublier», a-t-il souligné au cours d’une visite vendredi 4 avril dans le Nord Kivu. Le diplomate européen a en outre affirmé qu’il espérait voir le gouvernement congolais venir davantage en aide à cette population.

Nord-Kivu: Ocha recense 1, 076 millions de déplacés internes | Radio Okapi | 6 April 2014
Dans son bulletin d’information publié le jeudi 3 avril, le Bureau de coordination des affaires humanitaires (Ocha) indique avoir recensé 1 076 745 déplacés internes au Nord-Kivu. Ce document fait état des personnes qui ont quitté leurs milieux d’origine entre janvier 2009 et février 2014. L’agence humanitaire renseigne que ce chiffre représente 37% du nombre de déplacés enregistrés dans tout le pays, estimé à 2,9 millions de personnes.

Nord-Kivu: plus de 900 ménages en situation difficile à Masisi | Radio Okapi | 6 April 2014
Plus de 900 ménages de déplacés vivent, depuis près de deux mois, difficilement dans les localités de Langira en groupement Waloa Yungu et Kitobo, en territoire de Masisi (Nord-Kivu). Ces ménages ont fui les affrontements qui ont opposé, en février dernier, les miliciens Nyatura à ceux de la FDC dans les localités de Bulinda, Bushaire, Bulungu, Ngululu et Ngoy en groupement Nyamaboko, en territoire de Masisi.

Nord-Kivu: seuls 27 % des déplacés bénéficieront de l’aide humanitaire | Radio Okapi | 8 April 2014
Seuls soixante-onze mille trois cents déplacés, représentant 27% des personnes vivant dans les camps de déplacés, bénéficieront de l’aide humanitaire au Nord-Kivu, a annoncé lundi 7 avril le vice-gouverneur de la province, Feller Lutaichirwa, lors d’un café de presse animé en collaboration avec le Programme alimentaire mondiale. Selon lui, le gouvernement provincial et les acteurs humanitaires ne disposent plus de moyens suffisants pour continuer à fournir l’assistance alimentaire à tous les déplacés dans plus de trente anciens sites.

Nord-Kivu : de nouveaux déplacés affluent à Kasugho depuis 3 jours | Radio Okapi | 8 April 2014
Un nouveau déplacement de la population est signalé depuis trois jours à Kasugho, dans le Nord-Kivu. Selon la société civile du territoire de Lubero, ces déplacés proviennent de Fatua, Kitovo, Miveya et Kasinga, localités situées entre 67 et 120 km du village de Kasugho. Ils fuient les attaques des Maï-Maï Cheka contre les positions des rebelles rwandais des FDLR dans leurs milieux. D’après le président de la société civile de ce village, Joseph Malikidogo, la première vague d’environ 200 ménages se trouve actuellement dans des familles d’accueil. Sur place, aucun mécanisme n’est mis en place pour leur prise à charge alimentaire.

Lake Albert tragedy

Naufrage du lac Albert : 109 corps repêchés, 101 portés disparus et 41 rescapés | Radio Okapi | 8 Apr 2014
Cent neuf personnes se sont noyées, 101 sont portées disparues et 41 ont survécu au naufrage survenu samedi 22 mars sur le lac Albert. Le ministre de l’Intérieur, Richard Muyej Mangez, a donné ce nouveau bilan lundi 7 avril devant le Sénat. Ces réfugiés congolais, partis d’un port de pêche ougandais, tentaient de rejoindre la RDC. Selon le ministre, la surcharge de l’embarcation, déjà vétuste, et le manque de qualification du personnel naviguant seraient à la base de ce drame.


Humanitarian Reports

Central African Republic (CAR) Situation Report No.19 (as of 2 April 2014) | OCHA | reliefweb | 2 April 2014

Humanitrian efforts

Getting Into CAR, When So Many Want to Get Out | IPS | allAfrica | 4 April 2014
In a country suffering from what the U.N. has called “ethno-religious cleansing”, a “disappeared” state structure and “unacceptable sectarian brutality,” gaining access to the population of the Central African Republic has proven a difficult and sometimes deadly task for humanitarian workers. “For everyone in this country, security is a challenge, because [the situation has] been very volatile and violent… Last year there were nine humanitarian workers who lost their lives,” Judith Léveillée, deputy representative for the U.N. children’s agency UNICEF in the CAR, told IPS from Bangui. “I’ve never seen anything like it, and this is my seventh mission,” she said.

ICRC Steps Up Response to Humanitarian Crisis | ICRC | allAfrica | 4 April 2014
The Central African Republic is currently experiencing a major humanitarian crisis. The ICRC is asking donors for more than 15.6 million Swiss francs in additional funding to enable it to step up its activities in the country in response to the catastrophic situation. Patrick L’Hôte, the organization’s head of operations for Central and Southern Africa, provides an overview of the ICRC’s past efforts and those planned for the future.

Unicef Re-establishing Basic Services | VoA | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
A top official of the U.N. children’s fund said stronger peacekeeping and humanitarian efforts are needed in Central African Republic. The country has been wracked by inter-communal violence since December, pitting Muslim and Christian armed groups against each other.

Getting CAR back to school | IRIN | 9 April 2014
Coloured paper chains from last Christmas still hang from the ceiling of a dusty classroom in the Groupement scolaire pour une éducation fondamentale et internationale (GSEFI), a multi-faith school in Bangui, capital of the Central African Republic (CAR).

UN study on impact of CAR crisis 

UN Study Warns Crisis Devastating Economy, Livelihoods | UN News Service | allAfrica | 7 April 2014
Deepening Crisis in the Central African Republic Devastating People’s Ability to Support Themselves | FAO | allAfrica | 7 April 2014
L’aggravation de la crise menace les moyens d’existence, selon l’ONU | UN News Service | allAfrica | 7 April 2014
L’ONU plaide pour l’envoi d’une opération humanitaire de longue durée | Les Depeches de Brazzaville | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
The crisis in the Central African Republic (CAR) is devastating the economy and people’s ability to secure basic necessities, says a new joint United Nations assessment, which warns that as the violence continues and the rains set in, providing the type of broad action needed to halt the country’s downward spiral is becoming more difficult and expensive “with every passing day.”

Justice and Tribunals

Selected articles on criminal justice proceedings regarding crimes committed in the Great Lakes Region.


Audiences sur la détermination de la peine les 5 et 6 mai dans l’affaire Katanga | Hirondelle News Agency | allAfrica | 9 April 2014
La Cour pénale internationale (CPI) a rendu mardi une ordonnance fixant aux 5 et 6 mai prochains les audiences sur la détermination de la peine dans le dossier du chef milicien congolais Germain Katanga. Durant ces deux jours, la chambre entendra un témoin du procureur et deux témoins de la défense avant de donner la parole aux parties pour leurs conclusions au sujet de la peine.

Bemba trial

Procès Bemba – En attente des preuves de la procureure et des victimes | Les Depeches de Brazzaville | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
Aucune date n’est cependant fixée pour les plaidoiries et les réquisitoires finaux. Le procès Jean Pierre Bemba à la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) poursuit son bonhomme de chemin.

Procès Bemba: la clôture du dépôt des preuves fixée au 2 juin | Radio Okapi | 8 April 2014
Les juges de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) ont fixé la date de la clôture officielle du dépôt des éléments de preuves dans le procès de Jean-Pierre Bemba au 2 juin prochain. Ils l’ont annoncé le lundi 7 avril, quatre mois après l’audition du dernier témoin dans cette affaire. Les juges n’ont cependant pas fixé la date des plaidoiries et réquisitoires finaux. Jean-Pierre Bemba, ancien vice-président de la RDC, est poursuivi pour des crimes contre l’humanité et crimes de guerre commis en 2002 et 2003 par les combattants de l’ancienne rébellion du MLC en Centrafrique.


Securing justice for Rwandan genocide

NGOs Want French Officer Indicted for 1994 Genocide | The New Times | allAfrica | 3 April 2014
Global Conference On Genocide Calls for Justice | The New Times | allAfrica | 5 April 2014
The Rwandan Genocide: A twenty year fight for justice (1994 – 2014) | FIDH | 5 April 2014
In Photos – the Prison of the Rwandan Génocidaires | Daily Maverick | allAfrica | 6 April 2014
Serving 20 Years for Rwanda’s Genocide in Nyamagabe Prison | RFI | allAfrica | 7 April 2014
Rwandans mark 20th anniversary of genocide amid reminders that justice has yet to be done | The Washington Post | 7 April 2014
20 Years After Genocide, ICTR Appeals Chamber Accused of Rubbing Salt Into the Wounds | Hirondelle News Agency | 8 April 2014
20 Years On, Rwanda Tribunal Has Tried Most of Govt in Place During Genocide | Hirondelle News Agency | 9 April 2014

Diplomatic responses to Anniversary of Rwandan Genocide

“20 years after the genocide in Rwanda: Lessons learned and unlearned” Op-ed by UN Secretary-General | UN Secretary General | reliefweb | 5 April 2014
Official Hails Govt’s Reconciliation, Economic Transformation | VoA | allAfrica | 6 April 2014
Heeding Lessons of Rwanda, World Must Do More to Prevent Atrocities – Ban | UN News Service | allAfrica | 6 April 2014
Obama On 20th Anniversary of Genocide in Rwanda | US Department of State | allAfrica | 6 April 2014
Rwanda genocide: UN ashamed, says Ban Ki-moon | BBC News | 7 April 2014
In Kigali, Ban Marks 20th Anniversary of Rwandan Genocide Urging Vigilance to Prevent Future Atrocities | UN News Service| allAfrica | 7 April 2014
AfDB commemorates 20th anniversary of Rwandan genocide | African Development Bank | 7 April 2014
Rwanda – Commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the genocide | France Diplomatie | 7 April 2014
Rwandan genocide – Communiqué issued by the Presidency of the Republic | France Diplomatie | 7 April 2014
SADR Takes Part At Rwanda Genocide 20th Anniversary | Sahara Press Service | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
Tony Blair and his views on intervention and Rwanda | The Guardian | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
The SDC maintains its efforts for the reconstruction of Rwanda | Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation | reliefweb | 8 April 2014
We Apologise to the People of Rwanda, Says Kenyatta | The New Times | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
Speech At the 20th Commemoration of Genocide, Kigali-Rwanda, 7th April 2014 | The Independent (Kampala) | allAfrica | 8 April 2014

Media coverage of Rwandan Genocide Anniversary

Trauma Still Fresh for Genocide Survivors | VoA | allAfrica | 4 April 2014
Rwanda’s Genocide Sparked By Burning Ethnic Tensions | AlertNet | allAfrica | 4 April 2014
After genocide, Rwanda looks to tech | The Washington Post | 4 April 2014
Rwanda : FIDH honours the memory of the victims and survivors of the genocide | FIDH | 5 April 2014
Has the World Learned Its Lesson 20 Years After Rwanda’s Genocide? | VoA | allAfrica | 6 April 2014
Rwanda 1994 Should Be the UN’s Conscience | The New Times | allAfrica | 6 April 2014
Twenty Years On – the Enduring Paradox of Rwanda | Daily Maverick | allAfrica | 6 April 2014
Reconciliation Elusive in Rwanda, 20 Years On From Genocide | AlertNet | allAfrica | 6 April 2014
Tributes Pour in As Nation Pauses to Remember Genocide Victims | The New Times | allAfrica | 7 April 2014
Freedom of Expression in Rwanda 20 Years After the Genocide | RNW | allAfrica | 7 April 2014
The Exile – ‘It’s Dangerous When People Are Made to Feel Guilty Because of Their Identity’ | AlertNet | allAfrica | 7 April 2014
Reporting Genocide in Rwanda – Too Little, Too Late | International Freedom of Expression Exchange Clearing House | allAfrica | 7 April 2014
Death and Identity in Rwanda | African Arguments | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
‘Not My Worst Day’ – Reflections On Rwanda At 20 | African Arguments | allAfrica | 7 April 2014
Genocide Survivor Tells of Three Months in Mortal Fear | Deutsche Welle | allAfrica | 7 April 2014
Rape As Spectacle, Rape As Genocide – Notes From Rwanda, 1995 | Daily Maverick | allAfrica | 7 April 2014
When Sons Rape, Kill At the Command of Mothers | The New Times | allAfrica | 7 April 2014
After Two Decades of Silence, Rwandan Genocide Survivor Virginie Ingabire Tells Her Story | Media Global | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
Women’s Rights Better in Post-Genocide Rwanda, More to Be Done – Advocate | AlertNet | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
Germany’s Non-Judgmental Relationship With Rwanda | Deutsche Welle | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
Rwandans in U.S. Decry Genocide Denial | The New Times | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
Kigali Genocide Memorial Opens Global Centre for Humanity | The New Times | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
Rwandans in India Commemorate | The New Times | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
Genocide Survivors Urged to Do More to Rebuild Their Lives | The New Times | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
Rwanda marks 20th anniversary of genocide | AlJazeera | 8 April 2014
Rwanda: Twenty Years Later | Institute for Security Studies | allAfrica | 9 April 2014
Rwandans in U.S Commemorate 20 Years Since Genocide | VoA | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
Remembering Is Restoration of Dignity – Amb. Ngarambe | The New Times | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
Rwandans in Diaspora Mark 20th Anniversary of Genocide Against the Tutsi | The New Times | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
Twenty Years On… a Tale of Survivors Rise From Ashes to Life | The New Times | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
20 Years Later, Genocide Denial Abounds | The New Times | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
Huge Emotion At Rwanda Genocide Commemoration in Kigali | RFI | allAfrica | 8 April 2014

Genocide Commemoration: the Guardian Series

Genocide in Rwanda was a fork in the road not just for Africa but the world  | The Guardian | 2 April 2014
Rwanda genocide: the fight to bring the perpetrators to justice | The Guardian | 2 April 2014
Rwanda genocide 20 years on: ‘the killers are our neighbours now’ | The Guardian | 3 April 2014
Rwanda stories: tales of hope emerge from shadow of genocide | The Guardian | 3 April 2014
Rwanda timeline: 100 days of genocide | The Guardian | 3 April 2014
Rwanda, 20 years on: how a country is rebuilding itself | The Guardian | 3 April 2014
Rwanda stories: ‘My mum told me I was born of rape. I felt very bad’ | The Guardian | 3 April 2014
Rwanda stories: ‘Thinking about the genocide makes me feel bad’ | The Guardian | 3 April 2014
Rwanda stories: ‘I think my country will be very beautiful 20 years from now’ | The Guardian | 3 April 2014
Rwanda stories: ‘I think and dream that the nation’s future can be peaceful’ | The Guardian | 3 April 2014
Ban Ki-moon says ‘we should have done much more’ to stop genocide in Rwanda – video | The Guardian | 7 April 2014
Rwanda genocide: 20th anniversary brings a nation together to mourn | The Guardian | 7 April 2014
20 years after the genocide, Rwanda is a beacon of hope | The Guardian | 6 April 2014


Victim Says CAR Needs Justice Before There Can Be Reconciliation | UNHCR | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
Although Marie-Hélène* has directly experienced the horror and brutality of the conflict in Central African Republic, she is seeking justice rather than revenge.

Natural resource exploitation, governance and trade

Minerals, energy (oil & gas, hydro and solar), poaching, logging, foreign investment, trade, environmental issues.

Africa-EU summit

AfDB and EU Commission reinforce partnership for Africa’s transformation | African Development Bank | 4 April 2014

Some partners are more equal than others | Africa Confidential | 4 April 2014
The Brussels summit confounds low expectations to produce agreements on security and migration but fails again on trade. Evoking ‘a partnership between equals’, José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, celebrated progress on security, migration, trade and development at the end of the fourth European Union-Africa summit on 2-3 April in Brussels. However, in a year replete with African summits in China, India and the United States, Barroso’s remarks reminded some delegates of George Orwell’s dictum and one quipped that ‘some partners are more equal than others’. Contrary to talk of its inexorable demise, the Euro-African relationship was growing stronger, Barroso insisted. His African Union counterpart, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, widely praised for her skilful co-chairing of the summit, spoke of the ‘complementary comparative advantages’ that will keep Africa and Europe locked together for decades to come.

Resource exploitation in Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa Economy to Grow on Natural Resource Boom | Bloomberg | 7 April 2014
Economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa is forecast to accelerate to 5.2 percent this year, driven by increasing investment to exploit the region’s natural resources and develop infrastructure, the World Bank said.

Oil Royalties Mostly Failing to Fill Research Coffers | SciDev.Net | allAfrica | 9 April 2014
Several developing nations have mooted the idea of funding public research with a tax on or royalties from natural resources, such as oil, but only a few appear to have made good on their promise. Nigeria’s 2006 proposal to use oil revenues to set up a US$5 billion endowment fund for science and technology seems to have gone nowhere. Similarly, in Uganda, where the president announced in 2010 that he wanted to use newly found oil to fund science, the oil revenues are still to start trickling in.

Conference for Investment in the Great Lakes 

Mary Robinson plaide pour l’investissement économique dans les Grands Lacs  | Radio Okapi | 8 April 2014
Des progrès remarquables ont été réalisés dans l’application de cet accord-cadre d’Addis-Abeba. Mais avec le retour de la paix, il faut penser à l’investissement économique. C’est ce qu’a déclaré l’envoyée spéciale du Secrétaire général de l’Onu dans cette région, Mary Robinson, lors de sa visite à Bukavu ce mardi 8 avril. «Je crois que le plus important en ce moment, c’est les plans d’action DDR [Démobilisation, désarmement et réinsertion des groupes armés] et les élections naturellement», a-t-elle estimé.

Ivory poaching

Belgium destroys ivory to raise awareness of illegal trade | Reuters | 9 April 2014
Belgium on Wednesday destroyed 1.7 tonnes of ivory seized at its borders in an effort to draw public attention to an increase in the illegal trade and the risk it poses to elephant populations.



Hitch for dam plan  | Africa Confidential | 4 April 2014
The Inga III dam on the Congo River has a few more obstacles to overcome following a new World Bank report. The approval of a US$73.1 million grant by the World Bank’s Board of Directors on 20 March would suggest that all is well with Congo-Kinshasa’s 4,000-megawatt Inga III hydropower project (AC Vol 54 No 13, The real power politics). The funds, together with $33.4 mn. from the African Development Bank approved late last year, will finance the environmental and social assessments of the dam, and set up an independent Inga Development Authority. Yet the Bank’s 101-page report, obtained by Africa Confidential before the Board meeting, reveals that the project is beset by problems.

Africa’s Biggest Investor’s Energy Plan Includes Shale, Inga | Bloomberg | 8 April 2014
The Public Investment Corp. plans to lead investment in energy projects in Africa by buying into South African shale gas projects and helping to fund what could be the world’s biggest power generation complex in Democratic Republic of Congo.


DRC Logging – 87 Percent Illegal Says New Study | Greenpeace International | allAfrica | 1 April 2014
Almost all of the logging in the Democratic Republic of Congo is illegal, says a new report by the UK-based think tank, Chatham House. Though the figure of 87% is a startling one, it is not surprising for those of us here at Greenpeace who have been working on forestry issues in the Congo Basin.

La RDC veut mettre en place un système d’informations et de gestion forestière | Radio Okpai | 9 April 2014
Le gouvernement congolais veut une meilleure gouvernance dans le secteur forestier. C’est dans ce cadre que le ministre de l’Environnement, Conservation de la Nature et Tourisme, Bavon N’Sa Mputu a lancé, lundi 7 avril à Kinshasa, la campagne de vulgarisation du programme de contrôle, production et commercialisation des bois à travers le pays. Il a indiqué que cette campagne, qui va durer deux mois, aidera la RDC à mettre en place un système d’informations et de gestion forestière (SIGEF).

Campaign against fossil fuels

L’ONG Congo Power Shift en campagne contre les énergies fossiles en RDC | Radio Okpai | 3 April 2014
Congo Power Shift, une ONG locale a lancé mardi 2 mars une campagne de sensibilisation contre l’utilisation des combustibles fossiles. Cette campagne va se poursuivre jusqu’à la fin du mois de mai à Kinshasa et dans quelques provinces de la RDC, sous le thème: «Combattre les énergies fossiles en RDC: Vers un objectif zéro émission CO2».

MIBA disputes over land concession and unpaid wages

Kasaï-Oriental: le procureur général sursoit au lotissement d’un terrain de la Miba | Radio Okpai | 9 April 2014
Le procureur général de la République, Flory Kabange Numbi, a décidé de surseoir au lotissement de la concession SU 27 à Mbuji-Mayi, chef-lieu du Kasaï-Oriental. En octobre 2013, le ministère des Affaires foncières avait attribué au gouvernement provincial du Kasaï-Oriental ce terrain appartenant à la minière de Bakwanga (Miba), en compensation de 10 millions de dollars américains que l’entreprise doit à l’Etat au titre de redevances annuelles.

Mbuji-Mayi: les travailleurs de la Miba réclament leurs arriérés de salaires dans la rue | Radio Okpai | 9 April 2014
Les travailleurs de la Minière de Bakwanga (Miba) de Mbuji-Mayi ont manifesté sur les rues de Mbuji-Mayi lundi 7 avril pour réclamer leurs arriérés de salaires, tel que noté dans le mémorandum remis à l’autorité provinciale. Ils n’ont plus reçu de salaires depuis le mois de janvier dernier. Ces salaires ont pourtant été réduits de 25%. Christine Mwanza, présidente de la délégation syndicale s’est aussi opposée à cette réduction, qui ne cadre pas avec les chiffres élevés que réalise la Miba.


Mining investor says Congo is cleaning up its act | Reuters | 8 April 2014
Democratic Republic of Congo has improved its business environment but plans to raise mining taxes could deter investors in a country where massive infrastructure challenges remain, the CEO of a major foreign miner said. Pieter Deboutte, manager of the Fleurette company that holds Israeli billionaire Dan Gertler’s mining and oil interests in Congo, said Prime Minister Augustin Matata Ponyo had made progress in tackling corruption and improving government administration.


Uvira: nouvelle réglementation de la pêche dans le lac Tanganyika | Radio Okpai | 4 April 2014
L’inspection de l’environnement et conservation de la nature du territoire d’Uvira, au Sud-Kivu, a annoncé jeudi 3 mars une nouvelle réglementation de la pêche dans le lac Tanganyika. Cette activité doit désormais être suspendue pendant une semaine chaque mois pour faciliter la reproduction des poissons. A en croire Byamungu Kabangula, président de la mutualité de pêcheurs artisanaux du Lac Tanganyika d’Uvira, la production de poissons a fortement diminué au cours de ces dix dernières années dans ce territoire.

Resource exploitation in Virunga National Park

Parc des Virunga: Julien Paluku appelle l’ICCN et la population riveraine au dialogue | Radio Okpai | 5 April 2014
«Le déficit de communication entre les populations riveraines du Parc national des Virunga et les autorités, est parmi les obstacles qui bloquent parfois l’exploitation rationnelle du parc national de Virunga au profit de ces mêmes populations ». Le gouverneur du Nord-Kivu, julien Paluku, l’a déclaré samedi 5 mars à Goma lors à l’ouverture du forum «Alliance Virunga» par la direction provinciale de l’Institut congolais pour la conservation de la nature (ICCN).  Pour lui, l’Etat congolais et les populations locales doivent tirer les dividendes de l’exploitation de ce patrimoine à travers cette alliance.

Julien Paluku : « Le déficit communicationnel bloque l’exploitation rationnelle du Parc de Virunga » | Radio Okpai | 6 April 2014
« Le déficit de communication entre les populations riveraines du Parc-national de Virunga et les autorités, est l’un des obstacles qui bloquent parfois l’exploitation rationnelle de ce parc au profit de ces mêmes populations », a affirmé samedi 5 avril à Goma, le gouverneur du Nord-Kivu, Julien Paluku, à l’ouverture du forum « Alliance Virunga » organisé par la direction provinciale de l’Institut congolais pour la conservation de la nature (ICCN) du parc.


IMF visit to Rwanda

Statement By the IMF Mission At the Conclusion of Its Visit to Rwanda | IMF | allAfrica | 1 April 2014
An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission, led by Mr. Paulo Drummond, visited Kigali during March 25-April 6 to conduct the first review under the Policy Support Instrument (PSI).

Govt Renews Interest in Petroleum Exploration | The New Times | allAfrica | 4 April 2014
The government has renewed interest in petroleum prospecting four months following termination of prospecting works by Vanoil Energy Limited. Vanoil, a Canadian company, was the sole petroleum explorer in the country since 2010, but its activities came to an end in January after reaching a mutual agreement with the government.



Insurance Brokers Eye Oil Sector Risks | The Observer (Kampala) | allAfrica | 1 April 2014
Insurance brokers have stepped up efforts to prepare themselves for opportunities in the new oil and gas sector. Maurice Amogola, the chairman of the Uganda Association of Insurance Brokers (UAIB) and chief executive officer of AON Uganda Ltd, says they resolved to start training staff on guarding against the risks in the oil industry.

Uganda, Kenya to Build World’s Longest Heated Oil Pipeline | The Observer (Kampala) | allAfrica | 8 April 2014
Should Uganda and Kenya finally build a crude oil export pipeline, it will be the longest heated such facility in the world. According to a report released last month by Tullow Oil Plc, both countries have agreed to build the pipeline and have commenced a comprehensive study on the pipeline. “Tullow and its partners have agreed with the government of Kenya to commence development studies. In addition, the partnership is involved in a comprehensive study for an export pipeline,” the Tullow Oil Plc annual report 2013 reads.


Karimojong to Fight Mining Firms | The Observer (Kampala) | allAfrica | 3 April 2014
Fifty-year-old Lolim Lodonga, a resident of Lonyasan village in Rupa sub-county, Moroto district, complains about the narrowing space to graze his animals. Previously, as a traditional Karimojong pastoralist, Lolim freely roamed the expansive rangelands to find pastures for his animals. Lolim is bitter that “foreigners” (a reference to mining companies and investors) have fenced off huge chunks of the former rangelands and imposed restrictions.

Regulation, voluntary initiatives, and CSR

Selected articles on legal and voluntary initiatives relating to natural resources and good governance.


Taxing troubles | Africa Confidential | 4 April 2014
Tax reforms – which almost doubled state revenues over the last three years – are at risk from Bujumbura’s elite and disorganised aid groups. What is going wrong with Burundi’s impressive tax reforms? Insiders say that corrupt politicians and business people have been fighting back, trying to get exemptions and write-offs. Until recently, the reforms had been a great success, increasing revenues by 86% between 2010 and 2013. It was an impressive achievement for a country rated by Transparency International in 2010 as the most corrupt in East Africa. The same survey rated the old Burundian tax office as the region’s most corrupt institution, exceeding even the infamy of the Kenya Police.



Rwanda: a puzzling tale of growth and political repression – get the data | The Guardian | 3 April 2014
Two decades after the genocide, Rwandans are enjoying longer and wealthier lives, yet extreme poverty persists and activists complain of political suppression. Here’s a statistical breakdown of the major developments since 1994.

Paul Kagame – Rwanda’s Unrelenting Reconciler | Deutsche Welle | allAfrica | 7 April 2014
20 years ago, rebels led by Paul Kagame put an end to the genocide in Rwanda. Today he is the president of a country enjoying rapid economic growth. But Kagame still sees himself at war. He will not tolerate opposition.


Uganda police raid project that assists gays | AlJazeera | 4 April 2014
Ugandan police have raided the offices of a United States-funded project known to offer AIDS services to homosexuals, a government spokesman said. The crackdown appeared to be the first public action by police to enforce a new law that has strengthened criminal penalties against gay sex.

IPIS Recent Publications

Business, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil – Part II: Protect and Remedy: Implementing State duties under the UN Framework on Business and Human Rights | December 2013 | IPIS
The following is the second in a series of four reports exploring business and human rights issues in Uganda’s oil sector. This series is a collaboration between IPIS vsw and ActionAid Uganda.
In accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, this second report assesses the duty of the Ugandan, British, French and Chinese States to prevent, investigate, punish and redress human rights abuse by businesses.

In search of clean water: human rights and the mining industry in Katanga, DRC | 27 November 2013 | IPIS
Today, around 1,8 billion people in the world do not have access to safe water. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the most water-rich country in Africa, 51 million people lack access to potable water; only 26% of the population has access to safe drinking water. This is one of the lowest access rates in the world.
In the Katanga province, rich in cobalt and copper, some industrial mining companies operate provoking significant pollution of water sources, seriously affecting the local population. Although there is a lack of comprehensive data available, several studies conducted by local civil society show environmental, health and socio-economic negative effects.

IPIS Insights: Kimberley Process: observations from the sidelines. Part I | 21 November 2013 | IPIS
Ten years after the launch of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) this paper is the first in a two part series providing an overview of where the Kimberley Process and international efforts to combat the trade in conflict diamonds currently stand. It will analyse some of the present challenges facing the system and some of the potential solutions on the table.

Travail des enfants dans le site minier d’exploitation artisanale de Bisie en territoire de Walikale. Une crise oubliée en République Démocratique du Congo | 19 November 2013 | Prince Kihangi Kyamwami
Plus de deux décennies après l’entrée en vigueur de la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant (1989) en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), la situation des enfants dans le territoire de Walikale demeure critique.

Ambushed in Bangkok? The U.N. Panel on North Korea and the case of the IL-76 “4L-AWA” | 14 November 2013 | IPIS/TA
This new IPIS/TA report explains why the conclusion of the latest United Nations report on North Korea sanctions, about an arms flight grounded in Thailand, is not supported by facts, but based on a misalliance of wrong and misleading information, gleaned both about the cargo aircraft, its flight and the entities involved, together with erroneous interpretations of standard aviation practices made by the UN Panel of experts on North Korea.

Analysis of the interactive map of artisanal mining areas in Eastern DR Congo | 12 November 2013 | IPIS
In August 2009 the ‘International Peace Information Service’ (IPIS) published a first map of militarised mining areas in Eastern DR Congo. By 2012, the international interest in the issue had grown but the map was out-dated. To find a structural solution, IPIS sat down with the Congolese mining cadastre (CAMI) and agreed to set up a permanent system to monitor artisanal mining activities and the involvement of armed groups in the mineral exploitation and trade.
A first version of the resulting map has been published at It shows the location of nearly 800 mining sites and 85 trading centres, including information about armed groups presence and involvement, and the scale of the mining activity. The map includes at least 410 cases of illegal taxation by armed groups or the Congolese army.

‘Conflict Minerals’ initiatives in DR Congo: Perceptions of local mining communities | 12 November 2013 | IPIS
The exploitation of minerals is an important source of income for many communities in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Yet this mineral wealth also plays a significant role in the continuation of insecurity in parts of the country.
Over recent years, several domestic, regional and international initiatives have been developed to address the so-called ‘conflict minerals’ problem and the high level of informality in the DRC’s artisanal mining sector. These initiatives have provoked varying reactions regarding their impact on local livelihoods.
This report aims to provide insight into the impact of initiatives on the livelihood strategies of local communities in the DRC, based on field research in a wide range of mining areas; and document the perceptions of local stakeholders of these initiatives and their impacts.

IPIS Insights: Why businesses should assess human rights impacts from the outset of projects. SOCO International Oil Company in Virunga National Park, DRC | 26 August 2013 | International Peace Information Service (IPIS)
SOCO International, a British oil company, is prospecting for oil in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Virunga National Park – a World Heritage Site. For the past year, their presence has been criticised for putting a fragile environment at risk. However, more recently, their impact on human rights has also been questioned. In this Insights IPIS looks at why it is so vital for companies to employ rights-respectful processes, such as those advised in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, from the very beginning of the prospection stage.

Strijd tegen conflictmineralen: sleutel tot conflictresolutie in Oost-Congo? | 25 July  2013 | IPIS (Internationale Spectator)
De PDF van dit artikel is met toestemming van de redactie overgenomen uit de ‘Internationale Spectator, Clingendael Magazine voor Internationale Betrekkingen’, uitgegeven door de Koninklijke Van Gorcum, te Assen namens het Nederlands Instituut voor Internationale Betrekkingen ‘Clingendael’ te Den Haag.

Business, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil. Part I: Uganda’s oil sector and potential threats to human rights | 25 July 2013 | International Peace Information Service (IPIS) – ActionAid International Uganda
The following report is the first of a series of four collaborations between IPIS Research and ActionAid International Uganda. The series sheds a light on the oil sector in Uganda, its possible impact on human rights, and how government, companies, and civil society can best enable a positive bond between oil and the welfare of the Ugandan people.

The formalisation of artisanal mining in the DRC and Rwanda | December 2012 [April 2013] | IPIS
This report describes and evaluates initiatives to formalise the artisanal mining sector in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Rwanda, in order to locate lessons learned. We hope that these perspectives will support the formation of well-informed policy and regulatory options – both by the EU and by harvesting countries – concerning the formalisation of timber production in tropical countries.
The report was commissioned by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), which is dedicated to advancing human well-being, environmental conservation and equity through providing information that leads to better informed and equitable decision making about the use and management of forests in tropical countries.

Gold and diamonds in the Central African Republic. The country’s mining sector, and related social, economic and environmental issues | 26 March 2013 | IPIS
Gold and diamonds in Central Africa easily conjure up images of conflict, rebel funding, human rights violations, and smuggling. As a country landlocked within an unstable region, neighbouring the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and recently the scene of another coup, the Central African Republic (CAR) might be considered an appropriate candidate for analysis within the conflict-mineral perspective. Yet this framework would ignore the country’s mining sector’s very specific characteristics. The sector offers an essential livelihood to many households, represents the country’s second most important export product, and is organised in a particular way. Nonetheless, a wide range of issues regarding the country’s mining sector persist.
This report aims to analyse both the Central African Republic’s gold and diamond mining sector and related environmental and socio-economic issues.

Pinocchio Ltd. The NRA and its corporate partners: US shipments of small arms ammunition by sea | 25 March 2013 | TA-R | IPIS
The National Rifle Association (NRA) claims to have monitored in the last 20 years all United Nations activities that could impact Second Amendment rights. Its latest target is the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), an international treaty to establish common international standards for the import, export, and transfer of conventional arms presently under discussion at the United Nations. The international community has been calling for the inclusion of ammunition and civilian arms within the scope of the ATT. This reasonable call is used by the NRA to claim that the ATT could restrict the lawful ownership of firearms in the United States.

Major Powers Fuelling Atrocities. Why the world needs a robust Arms Trade Treaty | March 2013 | Amnesty International
IPIS contributed to the research for this AI report.
Every year, thousands of people are killed, injured, raped and forced to flee from their homes as a result of abuses and atrocities committed with conventional arms and ammunition. Harrowing testimonies and images from conflict zones and human rights crises around the world underline the urgent need to end irresponsible arms transfers and illicit trafficking.

The Arms Trade Treaty: Building a Path to Disarmament | 19 March 2013 | Sergio Finardi, Brian Wood, Peter Danssaert, Ken Matthysen
The goal of this article is to examine and suggest proposals that could enhance the role of the international Arms Trade Treaty—presently in discussion at the United Nations—in the regulation of the international arms trade and in addressing the role of the legal trade in: a) providing the bulk of the arms used in armed conflicts, armed violence and human rights abuses; b) the excessive arming of developing countries; and c) the continuous unsettling of power balances in sensitive world regions, not least because of competition amongst arms-exporting countries.

Upstream Implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. Final Report on one-year pilot implementation of the Supplement on Tin, Tantalum, and Tungsten | January 2013 | OECD – IPIS
This report is the final in a cycle of three reports on the pilot implementation by upstream companies of the “Supplement on Tin, Tantalum and Tungsten of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas”. The goal of the report is to provide an overall assessment of the progress and impact of the one-year pilot implementation phase of the OECD Guidance and its Supplement on Tin, Tantalum and Tungsten. The pilot implementation phase of the Guidance focused on Africa’s Great Lakes region and was carried out during the period August 2011 – October 2012. Drawing on lessons from the ground, this final report identifies key trends and common approaches to overcome challenges as well as tools used by companies to implement the OECD Guidance.

Exploitation minière industrielle et artisanale au Sud-Kivu. Possibilités d’une cohabitation pacifique ? | December 2012 | Gabriel Kamundala Byemba
Le secteur minier en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) en général et au Sud-Kivu en particulier alimente toujours les débats tant au niveau international qu’au niveau national. Présenté sous plusieurs facettes, ce secteur au Sud-Kivu a été dans le temps industriel, puis artisanal et aujourd’hui il est en même temps artisanal et industriel. Le retour en force, ces dernières années, des sociétés industrielles dans le paysage minier du Sud-Kivu coïncide avec l’accélération des dynamiques minières, grâce aux opportunités qu’offre la RDC en matière d’investissements privés et aux réformes amorcées du cadre législatif et réglementaire du secteur minier congolais. Ces réformes ont abouti à la mise en place du nouveau Code minier en 2002 et du Règlement minier en 2003.

Cartographie des motivations derrière les conflits : le M23 | November 2012 | IPIS
À la lumière de la récente occupation de Goma par le M23 et eu égard à la recrudescence du risque de conflit armé à grande échelle en RDC, IPIS publie une brève mise à jour de sa série de rapports « Cartographie des motivations derrière les conflits » (2007-2010), en se focalisant spécifiquement sur les intentions du M23.
Ces rebelles affichent clairement une ambition politique et s’orientent vers l’instauration d’un contrôle politique sur le territoire, en contestant l’autorité de Kinshasa – intérêts stratégiques qu’ils pourraient partager avec le Rwanda.

Mapping Conflict Motives: M23 | November 2012 | IPIS
In light of the recent occupation of Goma by M23 and the renewed risk of large-scale armed conflict in the DRC, IPIS publishes an update to its 2007-2010 ‘mapping conflict motives’ report series focusing specifically on the intentions of M23.
The M23 rebels show a clear political ambition and a tendency to establish political control over territory and challenge Kinshasa’s authority – strategic interests they might share with Rwanda.

A Code of Conduct for Arms Transport by Air. Transport Services under an Arms Trade Treaty Series | August 2012 | IPIS
This report is a discussion of some key considerations for the development of a Cargo Industry Voluntary Code of Conduct relating to the transport of arms, ammunition and other military equipment (ACI Code). The purpose of such a Code is to encourage as many aviation companies and other actors as possible in the air cargo industry to adhere to existing and new standards relating to the transport of arms, ammunition and other military equipment.

Rough Seas. Maritime Transport and Arms Shipments | July 2012 | IPIS
As stated by the authors in their report “Transparency and Accountability” (February 2012), the Chairman’s Draft Paper (14 July 2011) presented by the Arms Trade Treaty’s Preparatory Committee (ATT PrepCom), included within the ATT’s scope certain “services”, such as transport and brokering. However, no provision has been envisaged for the monitoring or ATT-related regulation of arms transport services. Monitoring transport services may be key to implementing and enforcing the Arms Trade Treaty. This report will demonstrate how arms shipments may be monitored and reported where there is a substantial risk that the shipments could contribute to fuelling conflict, repressive state practices, and other human rights abuses. The report provides examples of the monitoring of actual conventional arms shipments to Egypt and Syria in 2011 and 2012, and of suspected conventional arms shipments to Syria in 2012.  It also shows that where there is an open society, or at least a fair degree of access to government activities, arms transfers can be monitored and discussed without jeopardizing legitimate security policies.

Upstream Implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. Cycle 2 Interim Progress Report on the Supplement on Tin, Tantalum, and Tungsten | May 2012 | OECD – IPIS
The following report is the second in a cycle of three on upstream companies’ implementation of the Supplement on Tin, Tantalum and Tungsten to the OECD’s Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. The objective is to report on progress made by upstream companies in their implementation of due diligence, with a focus on current practices and experiences in developing systems and processes for the implementation of the Five-Step OECD Framework.

Etat des lieux du développement socio-économique dans les zones minières au Nord-Kivu (territoires de Walikale et Masisi) | March 2012 | ASSODIP | IPIS (editorial advice)
At a moment when the attention of both the national and international communities is focused on the reorganisation of the mining sector in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the local civil society organisation ASSODIP considered it opportune to carry out a study of the impact of mining exploitation on the socio-economic development in North Kivu’s Walikale and Masisi territories. These territories are among the richest in mineral resources of eastern DRC, with the exploitation and trade in minerals adding greatly to public revenues. Nonetheless, the concrete situations as presented in this paper sufficiently show that the development of the local mining communities has never been taken into due account.

Assessment of existing practices regarding end-user certification | February 2012 | UNODA | IPIS
Already, in 2002, the Security Council called upon States to establish an effective national end-user certificate system and to study the feasibility, as appropriate, of developing such a system at the regional and global levels, as well as information exchange and verification mechanisms. This study assesses existing practices regarding end-user certification in a wide range of countries. It examines concepts, documents and procedures relating to the regulation of end use and end users of conventional arms. It also endeavours to identify political and practical obstacles to the development of an international framework for authentication, reconciliation and standardization of end-user certificates. Finally, it proposes practical guidelines to assist States in the development of a reliable system of end-user certification.

Transparancy and Accountability. Monitoring and Reporting Methods Under An Arms Trade Treaty | February 2012 | TransArms R | IPIS
Without an understanding of the existing practices of States regarding their commonly agreed standards for the monitoring and reporting of their international transfers of conventional arms, it will be very difficult to draft many of the basic provisions of the Treaty to ensure compliance and enforcement. This report therefore seeks to clarify and discuss existing terminology and reporting practices for State regulation of international transfers of goods and services and for international transfers of conventional arms. It is hoped that this will also help contribute to the development of common international standards for monitoring and reporting international transfers of conventional arms. Standardization of statistical requirements and reporting methods is of paramount importance for the ATT to be effective.

To see the sources of IPIS’ briefings, please click here.