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NEWS IN BRIEFHumanitarian agencies have continued to call for greater protection for civilians in the Central African Republic following last week’s grenade attack on a convoy of Muslims leaving the country. This week has seen further killing in the capital, Bangui, with a journalist and a UNHCR worker killed before the weekend and further deaths on Saturday night. In the north of the country, 20 to 30 persons are reported dead following fighting between ex-Seleka and anti-balaka militias on May 1, with French forces engaged in clashes with armed entities in Bougila on May 5. UN Head of Peace Keeping Operations, Herve Ladsous, has been in the country this week assessing the situation ahead of the planned deployment of an international force.
In the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Congolese military court ruling in the prosecution of FARDC soldiers for crimes committed in Minova during the Congolese army’s withdrawal from Goma in November 2012 has prompted shock upon rendering only two convictions of rape against a total of 39 soldiers accused of raping 130 women. In North Kivu six soldiers and one woman have been killed in during an APCLS attack on MONUSCO and FARDC in Nyabiondo. A Congolese convoy in Virunga was also targeted by ADF militiamen in Virunga this week. In Province Orientale a judicial investigation is to be opened into the death of former militiaman Morgan.
Canadian daily, The Global and Mail, published details of interviews with Rwandan exiles this week alleging Rwandan state recruitment to assist in the orchestration of assassination attempts against opposition members abroad.
IPIS’ Latest PublicationsBusiness & Human Rights in Uganda: What’s on the Agenda? | 12 March 2014 | IPIS IPIS Insights: Pentagon Accidentally Arms Al Qaeda Affiliate | 20 February 2014 | IPIS Mapping Conflict Motives: the Sudan – South Sudan border (2012-2013) | 5 February 2014 | IPIS Boundary spanning: moving towards strategic stakeholder engagement | 3 February 2014 | IPIS IPIS Insights: The 2nd Annual United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights, Geneva 2013 | January 2014 | IPIS Practice What You Preach: Theory and Practice of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)’s Stakeholder Engagement Plan in Chad | 9 January 2014 | IPIS |
Conflict and securityRecent news on conflict, security and arms trade across the Great Lakes Region. 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❘5 May 2014 ❘ Aljazeera Province Orientale Bunia: arrestation d’un militaire, suspecté d’être impliqué dans la mort de Morgan ❘30 April 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Ituri: arrestation d’un officier de l’armée accusé d’extorsion et de harcèlement sexuel à Aru ❘30 April 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Province Orientale: des dizaines de viols sur mineures enregistrés en deux mois à Basoko ❘ 1 May 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Mambasa: retour des habitants qui avaient fui après la mort de Morgan ❘ 6 May 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi North Kivu Des affrontements entre les FARDC et des miliciens font 7 morts ❘ 30 April 2014❘ AllAfrica | Le Potentiel Three Soldiers Hurt in DR Congo Attack ❘1 May 2014 ❘All Africa | South African Press Association Nord-Kivu – Les FARDC contrôlent toutes les positions de l’ADF ❘ 2 May 2014 ❘ AllAfrica | Le Potentiel UN peacekeepers on alert after battling rebel group in eastern province ❘ 2 May 2014 ❘ Reliefweb | UN News Service Parc des Virunga : un convoi de l’armée attaqué par les ADF près de Medina ❘ 2 May 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Masisi : retour progressif des déplacés dans les localités pacifiées ❘ 5 May 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Equateur Kobler: Malgré la réduction de sa présence, la MONUSCO n’abandonnera pas la province de l’Equateur | 2 May 2014 | MONUSCO RwandaAllegations of state sponsored assasination Rwanda : selon un journal canadien, le gouvernement est derrière des tentatives d’assassinat d’opposants ❘3 May 2014 ❘ Jeune Afrique Le gouvernement Kagame accusé de complot contre des opposants ❘ 4 May 2014 ❘ RFI UgandaAllegations of Sudanese rebel support Sudan Accuses Uganda of Harbouring Rebel Groups ❘ 3 May 2014 ❘ All Africa | Sudan Tribune US approach to stability in Uganda Uganda’s Ticking Bomb ❘1 May 2014 ❘ New York Times CARInter-communal violence Humanitarian groups: Don’t let CAR devolve into genocide ❘ 1 May 2014 ❘ CNN Ethnic Violence, Rhetoric of Fear Now ‘Ugly Face’ of Central African Republic Crisis – UN Official ❘ 1 May 2014 ❘ All Africa | UN News Service Conflict Taking Heavy Toll ❘ 2 May 2014 ❘ AllAfrica | ICRC UN – Segregation, Separation Not Solution in CAR ❘ 1 May 2014 ❘ Voice of America No one at the wheel ❘ 3 May 2014 ❘ The Economist CAR Violence Keeps Villagers in Fear for Their Lives ❘ 6 May 2014 ❘ Voice of America Drivers of conflict report Diamonds, Ivory Fund War in Central African Republic: U.S. Group ❘ 1 May 2014 ❘ Bloomberg Security in Bangui Centrafrique : un journaliste tué, un autre grièvement blessé ❘ 1 May 2014 ❘ Journalists Face Threats and Intimidation ❘ 2 May 2014 ❘ All Africa | Deutsche Welle UNHCR Staff Member Killed in the C.A.R. ❘ 2 May 2014 ❘ AllAfrica | UNHCR Centrafrique : cinq personnes tuées par des hommes armés dans la nuit de samedi à Bangui ❘4 May 2014 ❘Jeune Afrique l’Eufor contrôle l’aéroport ❘1 May 2014 ❘ BBC News Security in Northern CAR Markounda attaquée par des assaillants venus du Tchad ❘ 1 May 2014 ❘ RFI Centrafrique : une vingtaine de morts dans des attaques dans le Nord ❘3 May 2014 ❘Jeune Afrique Centrafrique : une centaine de morts au cours d’affrontements communautaires en 10 jours ❘5 May 2014 ❘Jeune Afrique French Troops Kill Gunmen in CAR Clashes ❘ 6 May 2014 ❘ Voice of America Centrafrique : des rebelles tués dans des affrontements avec les forces françaises ❘6 May 2014 ❘Jeune Afrique Peace keeping forces in the CAR African Union Salutes Rwanda Peacekeepers in CAR ❘ 2 May 2014 ❘ All Africa | The New Times Central African Republic – Deployment of the EU force (EUFOR-RCA) to Bangui ❘ 2 May 2014 ❘ France Diplomatie UN peacekeeping deployment In Bangui, UN Peacekeeping Chief Discusses Roll-Out of Central African Republic Mission ❘ 3 May 2014 ❘ All Africa | UN News Service L’ONU ne ménagera pas ses efforts pour déployer la MINUSCA, selon Ladsous ❘ 3 May 2014 ❘ All Africa | UN News Service Centrafrique : l’ONU envisage le déploiement de drones ❘ 5 May 2014 ❘ Jeune Afrique Peace building efforts Faith Leaders in the CAR Launch a National Interfaith Peace Platform ❘ 30 April 2014 ❘ All Africa | Anglican Communion News Service Bangui Work Program Targets Potential Troublemakers ❘ 2 May 2014 ❘ Voice of America |
Humanitarian newsNon-comprehensive overview of humanitarian news & events, including refugee and IDP issues. DRCHumanitarian Bulletins and reports Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Sud-Kivu N° 15/14, 30 avril 2014 ❘ 30 April 2014 ❘ Reliefweb | OCHA RD Congo/Sud-Kivu: Mouvements de population au 31 mars 2014 (janvier 2009 – mars 2014) ❘ 30 April 2014 ❘ Reliefweb | OCHA Briefing On the D.R.C. ❘ 4 May 2014 ❘ All Africa | US State Department Sexual violence Sexual Violence: Survivors Reclaiming Communities ❘ 6 May 2014 ❘ Reliefweb | Enough Project Internally Displaced Persons Nord-Kivu: le Pam a accordé une assistance de 240 tonnes des vivres aux déplacés de Ngungu❘ 1 May 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Congolese refugees in Uganda Kinshasa, Kampala et le HCR veulent accélérer le rapatriement des réfugiés congolais ❘ 2 May 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Congolese refugees in Angola Bas-Congo : 4 586 Congolais refoulés de l’Angola par Yema depuis début 2014 ❘ 5 May 2014 ❘Radio Okapi Brazzaville expulsions Echos d’économie du 30 avril 2014 ❘ 30 April 2014 ❘Radio Okapi Tensions between two Congos as Brazaville deports 50,000 to DRC ❘ 2 May 2014 ❘The Guardian Kinshasa: les expulsés de Brazzaville vivent dans des conditions difficiles ❘ 2 May 2014 ❘Radio Okapi Thousands return to DRC amid Brazzaville crackdown on migrants ❘ 6 May 2014 ❘IRIN RwandaSMS Alert system for disaster preparedness Rwanda Introduces New SMS Alert System to Warn of Imminent Disasters ❘ 5 May 2014 ❘ Government of Rwanda BurundiBurundi Remote Monitoring Report, April 2014 ❘1 May 2014 ❘ Reliefweb | Famine Early Warning System Network CARHumanitarian reports ECHO Factsheet – 30 April 2014 – Central African Republic ❘ 30 April 2014 ❘ Reliefweb | European Commission Humanitarian Aid Department Central African Republic Situation: UNHCR External Regional Update 13, 24 Apr – 1 May 2014 ❘ 1 May 2014 ❘ Reliefweb | UNHCR Central African Crisis: Regional Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 02 May 2014) ❘ 2 May 2014 ❘ Reliefweb | OCHA Central African Republic Emergency Situation (as of 2 May 2014) ❘ 4 May 2014 ❘ All Africa | UNHCR Internally Displaced Persons UNHCR Renews Call for Protection of Displaced People After Attack On CAR Convoy ❘ 29 April 2014 ❘ All Africa | UNHCR Children Hit Hardest By Hunger Crisis in CAR ❘ 30 April 2014 ❘ All Africa | World Food Programme Refugees EU steps up efforts to help refugees fleeing violence in Central African Republic ❘ 6 May 2014 ❘ ReliefWeb | European Commission of Humanitarian Aid Department Humanitarian agencies ‘So Far We Have Failed’ Says OCHA Official of Central African Republic ❘ 2 May 2014 ❘ All Africa | MediaGlobal As Central African Republic Crisis Deepens, UN Agency Scales Up Food Assistance ❘ 2 May 2014 ❘ Reliefweb | UN News Service MSF Reduces CAR Medical Care ❘ 5 May 2014 ❘ Voice of America MSF Calls Upon Government and All Parties to the Conflict to Publicly Condemn Attacks Against Civilians and Humanitarian Workers ❘ 5 May 2014 ❘ All Africa | MSF |
Justice and TribunalsSelected articles on criminal justice proceedings regarding crimes committed in the Great Lakes Region. DRCAcquittals for November 2012 rape in Minova RDC – Procès de Minova : la justice acquitte la quasi-totalité des soldats accusés de viol | 5 May 2014 | Jeune Afrique DR Congo rape trial: Many soldiers cleared, two guilty ❘ 5 May 2014 ❘ BBC News Viols de Minova: 3 militaires condamnés à perpétuité | 6 May 2014 | Radio Okapi Responses to Minova ruling MONUSCO reacts to Minova ruling ❘ 5 May 2014 ❘ MONUSCO Procès de Minova : la Monusco «prend note» du verdict prononcé à Goma | 6 May 2014 | Radio Okapi UN human rights office ‘disappointed’ by ruling in DR Congo mass rape trial | 6 May 2014 | Reliefweb |UN News Service International Criminal Court: Katanga and Ngudjolo Chui case CPI: un témoin de Matthieu Ngudjolo entame une grève de la faim ❘ 1 May 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Katanga: 22 à 25 ans de prison? ❘ 5 May 2014 ❘ BBC News Katanga case: Sentence to be delivered on 23 May 2014 | 6 May 2014 | Reliefweb | International Criminal Court International Criminal Court: Lubanga case ICC Appeals Chamber to Hold Hearing in the Lubanga Case On 19-20 May 2014 ❘ 1 May 2014 ❘ PR Newswire Audiences d’appel le 18 et 19 mai dans le procès de Thomas Lubanga ❘ 2 May 2014 ❘All Africa | Hirondelle News Agency Judicial investigation into the death of Morgan Affaire Morgan en RDC: l’ONU soutient la justice militaire congolaise ❘ 1 May 2014 ❘ RFI Amnesty RDC : un deuxième groupe de 100 personnes amnistiées | 1 May 2014 | RwandaThirteen to Face Trial Over Illegal Arms ❘4 May 2014 ❘ All Africa | The New Times |
Natural resource exploitation, governance and tradeMinerals, energy (oil & gas, hydro and solar), poaching, logging, foreign investment, trade, environmental issues. Central Corridor World Bank Approves U.S. $300 Million to Develop Central Corridor ❘ 30 April 2014 ❘ AllAfrica | The New Times Grands lacs: la RDC à la tête du Corridor central pour un mandat d’une année ❘ 1 May 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Northern Corridor Kagame in Nairobi for Fifth Northern Corridor Integration Projects Summit ❘ 2 May 2014 ❘ AllAfrica | The New Times Chinese investment in Africa China Says Premier’s Africa Visit About More Than Just Oil Deals ❘ 30 April 2014 ❘ Voice of America China in Africa: investment or exploitation?❘4 May 2014 ❘ Aljazeera Natural Resource mapping First Standardised Map of Global Land Cover Released ❘ 2 May 2014 ❘ AllAfrica | SciDev.Net DRCSOCO and Virunga National Park Film Exposes Shady Oil Deals in Congo’s Virunga National Park ❘ 1 May 2014 ❘ AllAfrica | AlertNet Soco cherche du pétrole dans le Virunga «malgré la loi» ❘ 4 May 2014 ❘ AllAfrica | RFI Hydropower Les grèves à la SNCC ralentissent la construction de la centrale hydroélectrique de Katende ❘ 5 May 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Kasaï Occidental – Ralentissement de la construction de la centrale hydroélectrique de Katende ❘ 5 May 2014 ❘ AllAfrica | Les Depeches de Brazzaville Gold Mwana Africa Aims to Increase Gold Production ❘ 29 April 2014 ❘ AllAfrica | The Herald Polypipe’s Ridgidrain Solution Installed At Gold Mine’s Tailings Management Facility ❘ 6 May 2014 ❘ Mining Weekly Kibali gold mine Kibali gold mine, one of world’s biggest, opened officially ❘2 May 2014 ❘ Mineweb La mine de Kibali démarre avec l’ambition de produire 15,6 tonnes d’or en 2014 ❘ 3 May 2014 ❘ AllAfrica | Le Potentiel Kibali Gold Mines et Sokimo à couteaux tirés pour non paiement des royalties ❘ 3 May 2014 ❘ AllAfrica | Le Potentiel Kibali opened, could herald birth of new DRC economic region – Bristow ❘ 4 May 2014 ❘ Mining Weekly Mark Bristow : « Kibali Gold Mine paye ses royalties conformément aux lois » ❘5 May 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Sokimo Les agents de la Sokimo demandent à Kibali Gold Mines de payer les royalties ❘1 May 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Echos d’économie du mardi 6 mai 2014 ❘6 May 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Congolese policy on Natural resources ‘Créer une classe moyenne’ ❘1 May 2014 ❘ BBC News Land reform Bandundu: «l’Université REDD+» recommande l’accélération de la réforme foncière en RDC ❘5 May 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi RwandaMining Egypt Pledges Support to Local Mining Industry ❘1 May 2014 ❘ AllAfrica | The New Times UgandaMining President Receives Indian Mining Group Delegation ❘2 May 2014 ❘ Uganda Media Centre Oil Oil Companies Promise Jobs Amidst Weak Regulations | 4 May 2014 | The Observer (Kampala) Uganda Softens On Oil Needs | 5 May 2014 | AllAfrica | East Africa Business Week |
Regulation, voluntary initiatives, and CSRSelected articles on legal and voluntary initiatives relating to natural resources and good governance. Conflict minerals rule post-appellete court ruling SEC Issues Partial Stay of Conflict Minerals Reporting Rules | 2 May 2014 | Bloomberg Court Ruling Won’t Halt Conflict Minerals Rule, Says SEC | 2 May 2014 | Bloomberg DRCCongolese mining code reform DRC mine code change may reduce investment – Randgold | 6 May 2014 | Mineweb Randgold CEO Says Congo Mine-Code Change May Reduce Investment | 6 May 2014 | Bloomberg |
OtherDRCKerry visit to the DRC RDC: première visite de John Kerry à Kinshasa ❘ 3 May 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi U.S. Urges Congo Leader Not to Run for Third Term ❘ 4 May 2014 ❘ New York Times RDC : Washington exhorte Joseph Kabila à abandonner le pouvoir en 2016 ❘ 4 May 2014 ❘ Jeune Afrique Kerry pledges $30 million in aid for Congo elections ❘ 5 May 2014 ❘ Washington Post Elections : les Etats-Unis appellent au respect de la constitution en RDC ❘ 5 May 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi DRC Information Minister: Kabila Not Urged to Avoid Third Term ❘ 5 May 2014 ❘ Voice of America Elections en RDC : l’opposition et la majorité interprètent différemment le message de John Kerry ❘ 6 May 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Congolese state visit to France Le 21 mai 2014 – Hollande invite Kabila à l’Elysée ❘ 30 April 2014 ❘ AllAfrica | Le Potentiel BurundiL’opposant burundais Alexis Sinduhije interpellé à Bruxelles ❘ 1 May 2014 ❘ RFI Le Burundi demande à Bruxelles d’extrader l’opposant Alexis Sinduhije ❘ 3 May 2014 ❘ RFI Belgique: Sinduhije ne sera pas refoulé ❘ 6 May 2014 ❘ BBC News CARSamba-Panza: 100 days in office Plusieurs défis à relever après 100 jours de transition de Madame Samba Panza Présidente de transition | 2 May 2014 | Radio Ndeke Luka 100 jours de Samba-Panza: le souffle d’espoir étouffé par la violence ❘ 6 May 2014 ❘ RFI C.A.R. President Pledges to Make New Government Inclusive ❘ 6 May 2014 ❘ Voice of America Décès de l’ancien Premier ministre centrafricain, Jean-Paul Ngoupandé ❘ 6 May 2014 ❘ All Africa | RFI |
IPIS Recent PublicationsBusiness, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil – Part II: Protect and Remedy: Implementing State duties under the UN Framework on Business and Human Rights | December 2013 | IPIS In search of clean water: human rights and the mining industry in Katanga, DRC | 27 November 2013 | IPIS IPIS Insights: Kimberley Process: observations from the sidelines. Part I | 21 November 2013 | IPIS Travail des enfants dans le site minier d’exploitation artisanale de Bisie en territoire de Walikale. Une crise oubliée en République Démocratique du Congo | 19 November 2013 | Prince Kihangi Kyamwami Ambushed in Bangkok? The U.N. Panel on North Korea and the case of the IL-76 “4L-AWA” | 14 November 2013 | IPIS/TA Analysis of the interactive map of artisanal mining areas in Eastern DR Congo | 12 November 2013 | IPIS ‘Conflict Minerals’ initiatives in DR Congo: Perceptions of local mining communities | 12 November 2013 | IPIS IPIS Insights: Why businesses should assess human rights impacts from the outset of projects. SOCO International Oil Company in Virunga National Park, DRC | 26 August 2013 | International Peace Information Service (IPIS) Strijd tegen conflictmineralen: sleutel tot conflictresolutie in Oost-Congo? | 25 July 2013 | IPIS (Internationale Spectator) Business, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil. Part I: Uganda’s oil sector and potential threats to human rights | 25 July 2013 | International Peace Information Service (IPIS) – ActionAid International Uganda The formalisation of artisanal mining in the DRC and Rwanda | December 2012 [April 2013] | IPIS Gold and diamonds in the Central African Republic. The country’s mining sector, and related social, economic and environmental issues | 26 March 2013 | IPIS Pinocchio Ltd. The NRA and its corporate partners: US shipments of small arms ammunition by sea | 25 March 2013 | TA-R | IPIS Major Powers Fuelling Atrocities. Why the world needs a robust Arms Trade Treaty | March 2013 | Amnesty International The Arms Trade Treaty: Building a Path to Disarmament | 19 March 2013 | Sergio Finardi, Brian Wood, Peter Danssaert, Ken Matthysen Upstream Implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. Final Report on one-year pilot implementation of the Supplement on Tin, Tantalum, and Tungsten | January 2013 | OECD – IPIS To see the sources of IPIS’ briefings, please click here. |