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NEWS IN BRIEFBangui descended further into violence over the last week with a church attack reportedly perpetrated by Muslim fighters once again prompting retaliation attacks targeting a Bangui mosque and the city’s remaining Muslim population. Protests in the city saw two people shot dead by MISCA forces this week as popular disaffection was directed at both the transition government and international troops. These events were followed by allegations on Monday that Republic of Congo MISCA troops have been implicated in human rights abuses, including the enforced disappearance of 11 individuals in March this year. Medecins sans Frontieres has suffered another assault on its operations and Radio Ndeke Luka journalists have been the subject of death threats. In the DRC, 100 FDLR fighters are said to have demobilised in North Kivu, prompting official calls for the surrender of the group’s remaining fighters in accordance with a prior agreement to that affect, said to have been breached by the rebels. Clashes between FARDC and ADF-Nalu have seen the former regain two localities north of Beni, as fighting took place between the Mai-Mai Cheka and the FDLR in the Oninga region of Walikale, causing displacement towards Lubero. The Mai-Mai Cheka are said to be occupying four localities in the region where they are reported to be engaging in extortion. FARDC troops have been accused of perpetrating abuses against local civilians in Shabunda (South Kivu) and Rutshuru (North Kivu) territories. In Katanga, insecurity is said to prevail in the north of the province as local officials called for the redeployment of MONUSCO to Pweto. In Province Orientale armed groups are said to have burned down hundreds of homes in the collectivity of Walendu Bindi, whilst in Ituri 20 people are reported to have been kidnapped by gunmen. On the fourth anniversary of the Chebeya/Bazana assassinations, the victims’ families have reportedly lodged a deposition before the courts in Senegal in respect of the case. This Monday saw the deadline for corporate reporting on conflict minerals sourcing under section 1502 of the US Dodd-Frank Act. IPIS NewsIPIS is recruiting an Intern on Business and Human Rights, starting in June 2014.
This is a two – four month, unpaid position. For further see here.
IPIS’ Latest PublicationsDe Belgische ontwikkelingssamenwerking en fragiele staten: een kloof tussen beleid en praktijk? ❘ May 2014 ❘ 11.11.11 i.s.m. IPIS IPIS Insights: The EU draft law on conflict minerals due diligence: a critical assessment from a business & human rights standpoint ❘ 30 April 2014 ❘ IPIS Business & Human Rights in Uganda: What’s on the Agenda? | 12 March 2014 | IPIS IPIS Insights: Pentagon Accidentally Arms Al Qaeda Affiliate | 20 February 2014 | IPIS Mapping Conflict Motives: the Sudan – South Sudan border (2012-2013) | 5 February 2014 | IPIS Boundary spanning: moving towards strategic stakeholder engagement | 3 February 2014 | IPIS |
Conflict and securityRecent news on conflict, security and arms trade across the Great Lakes Region. International Day of UN Peacekeepers La journée des casques bleus placée sous le signe de la modernisation des opérations de maintien de paix | 29 May 2014 | Radio Okapi Ban Ki-moon se dit fier de « fructueuse expérience » de l’Onu en maintien de la paix ❘ 29 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Le Potentiel Regional security infographic West, North and Central Africa: Security Event Density Analysis Weighted by Fatalities (Jan 2014) ❘ 28 May 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Addis Ababa Framework Agreement RDC: les envoyés spéciaux internationaux à Kinshasa pour évaluer l’accord d’Addis-Abeba | 2 June 2014 | Radio Okapi International envoys gather for peace mission in DR Congo ❘ 2 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb | Agence France-Presse Sexual violence The ACHPR condemns the Persistence of Crimes of Sexual Violence in Africa ❘ 28 May 2014 ❘ FIDH DRCMONUSCO MONUSCO Senior Military Command meet over civilian protection and security issues ❘ 28 May 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ MONUSCO La MONUSCO juge « encore énormes » les défis restants pour les Casques bleus face aux groupes armés❘ 29 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Le Potentiel Carte de contamination par mines et armes à sous munitions (Février 2014) ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo MONUSCO press conference CONFERENCE DE PRESSE DES NATIONS UNIES DU MERCREDI 4 JUIN 2014 ❘ 4 June 2014 ❘ MONUSCO La paix est en “bonne voie”, selon Kabila ❘ 31 May 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ Agence France-Presse Province Orientale La MONUSCO soutient une présence renforcée de la PNC dans les zones ou sévit la LRA ❘ 29 May 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Province Orientale: 100 maisons incendiées par des miliciens à Walendu Bindi | 31 May 2014 | Radio Okapi Ituri: des miliciens ont kidnappé 20 personnes à Molokaï | 1 June 2014 | Radio Okapi North Kivu L’armée opposée aux ADF-Nalu près de Béni ❘ 28 May 2014 ❘ RFI DDRIII : le M23 absent des centres d’hébergement d’anciens combattants | 28 May 2014 | Radio Okapi Les FARDC récupèrent deux localités des mains des rebelles ougandais de l’ADF, 64 rebelles tués ❘ 29 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Le Potentiel Beni: les rebelles ADF délogés de Lesse et Abya | 29 May 2014 | Radio Okapi Nord-Kivu: violents combats entre Maï-Maï Cheka et FDLR à Oninga | 29 May 2014 | Radio Okapi Nord-Kivu: les FARDC accusées des arrestations arbitraires à Kiseguru et Nyabanira | 1 June 2014 | Radio Okapi Nord-Kivu: les miliciens de Cheka occupent 4 localités de Walikale | 2 June 2014 | Radio Okapi Virunga DR Congo: Investigate Attacks on Oil Project Critics ❘ 4 June 2014 ❘ HRW South Kivu Sud-Kivu : les FARDC accusées de tracasseries à Kamituga | 1 June 2014 | Radio Okapi Katanga La situation sécuritaire toujours préoccupante au nord du Katanga, selon la Monusco | 28 May 2014 | Radio Okapi RDC: Moïse Katumbi demande le retour des casques bleus à Pweto | 30 May 2014 | Radio Okapi Maniema RDC: des évêques catholiques réclament la fin des groupes armés dans l’Est | 3 June 2014 | Radio Okapi Equateur Equateur : la société civile réclame le maintien de la Monusco dans le Sud-Ubangi | 30 May 2014 | Radio Okapi FDLR Eastern DRC Rebels Turn in Weapons ❘ 30 May 2014 ❘ Voice of America Les FDLR pillent à Katonge ❘ 30 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Le Potentiel Nord-Kivu: reddition de 100 rebelles des FDLR Foka à Kateku | 30 May 2014 | Radio Okapi Nord-Kivu: les ex-combattants FDLR regroupés dans un camp de la Monusco à Kanyabayonga | 31 May 2014 | Radio Okapi Nord-Kivu: 1 400 FDLR attendus pour leur reddition | 31 May 2014 | Radio Okapi UN and partners renew call for surrender of Rwandan rebel group ❘ 1 June 2014 ❘ UN News Sud-Kivu : les rebelles des FDLR reportent leur reddition | 1 June 2014 | Radio Okapi La Monusco juge insignifiant le nombre de combattants FDLR désarmés ❘ 2 June 2014 ❘ RFI How Sincere Is FDLR Militia Disarmament? ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ New Times Il faut “maintenir la menace militaire” sur les rebelles hutu rwandais (Kobler) ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ Agence France-Presse Sexual violence Rape as torture in the DRC: Sexual violence beyond the conflict zone ❘ 29 May 2014 ❘ ReliefWeb ❘ Freedom from Torture Rape ‘routine’ in DR Congo prisons ❘ 2 June 2014 ❘ BBC RwandaRegional security pact Regional Ministers Adopt Defence and Security Pacts ❘ 31 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ New Times Rwandan peacekeeping UN to Honour Fallen Rwandan Peacekeepers ❘ 29 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ New Times Rwandan genocide Declassified U.N. Cables Reveal Turning Point in Rwanda Crisis of 1994 ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ NY Times BurundiPolitical violence Burundi Headed for Election Turmoil As Ruling Party Allegedly Arms Youth Wing ❘ 27 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ IPS Le Burundi en crise? Réflexions partantes des rumeurs ‘Imbonerakure’ ❘ 30 May 2014 ❘ Christoph Vogel (With Eyes Wide Open) La société civile demande une enquête sur les possibles livraisons d’armes aux Imbonerakure ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ RFI Pre-election climate EAC to Send Observers in Burundi Elections ❘ 2 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Tanzania Daily News Special Envoys for Great Lakes Region concerned about political restrictions in Burundi ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ UN Office in Burundi Vive préoccupation de l’ONU, l’UA, l’UE et des Etats-Unis ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ RFI Lorsque Pierre Claver Mbonimpa est emprisonné, tous les Burundais sont en danger ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ Jeune Afrique CARInternational peacekeeping forces in CAR Peacekeepers in the CAR – Disunited, Disillusioned and Mostly Ineffective ❘ 28 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ African Arguments Bangui church attack Une quinzaine de morts dans l’attaque d’une église à Bangui ❘ 29 May 2014 ❘ At Least 17 Killed and 27 Missing After Attack On Bangui Church Sheltering the Displaced ❘ 30 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ UN High Commissioner for Refugees Thousands Flee Bangui After Church Attack ❘ 30 May 2014 ❘ Voice of America Attacks on Muslims Youths pillage mosque in C.African Republic protest over church attack ❘ 29 May 2014 ❘ Reuters Les musulmans du PK5 craignent pour leur vie ❘ 1 June 2014 ❘ RFI Journée calme relatif à Bangui malgré quelques incidents au PK5 ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ RFI Protests Protesters demand CAR government resigns ❘ 30 May 2014 ❘ Al Jazeera Protesters lash out at peacekeepers in Central African Republic ❘ 30 May 2014 ❘ CNN Deux morts par balle dans des manifestations anti-Panza ❘ 30 May 2014 ❘ Responses to recent violence in Bangui Ban deplores recent attacks, urges end to ‘cycle of violence’ ❘ 29 May 2014 ❘ UN News Les forces Sangaris et Misca menacent ceux qui prennent les civils à partie ❘ 30 May 2014 ❘ Worrying Upsurge in Violence in Bangui ❘ 30 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ International Committee of the Red Cross Violences à Bangui : Catherine Samba Panza dénonce un acte “terroriste” ❘ 30 May 2014 ❘ Le Premier ministre dénonce un « complot planifié » ❘ 30 May 2014 ❘ Samba-panza visit to Brazzaville Catherine Samba-Panza fait le point avec le médiateur Denis Sassou N’Guesso ❘ 28 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Les dépêches de Brazzaville Allegations of human rights abuse by Congo-Brazzaville MISCA forces 11 personnes disparues après avoir été arrêtées par des militaires congolais ❘ 2 June 2014 ❘ Peacekeepers Tied to Abuse ❘ 2 June 2014 ❘ HRW Disarmament and peacebuilding efforts Trois religieux engagés en faveur de la paix et de la cohésion sociale ❘ 28 May 2014 ❘ Hirondelle ❘ Radio Ndeke Luka Central African Republic premier calls for voluntary disarmament next week ❘ 2 June 2014 ❘ Reuters Le président du parlement demande l’implication de l’armée dans le processus de désarmement ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ Hirondelle ❘ Radio Ndeke Luka Another attack on MSF team in Ndele Fresh Attack On MSF in Ndélé ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ MSF Threats to journalists Bangui : des journalistes de Radio Ndeke Luka menacés de mort | 28 May 2014 | Radio Okapi |
Humanitarian newsNon-comprehensive overview of humanitarian news & events, including refugee and IDP issues. Third country refugees from the CAR Hardship for third-country nationals fleeing CAR ❘ 28 May 2014 ❘ IRIN DRCHumanitarian Bulletins and reports Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Nord-Kivu N°18/14, 28 mai 2014 ❘ 28 May 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Violence, mouvements de population et action humanitaire au Katanga – Mai 2014 ❘ 30 May 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Internally displaced persons Concern over camp-closure threat in North Kivu ❘ 28 May 2014 ❘ IRIN Little Assistance for the Displaced in DRC’s “Triangle of Death” ❘ 29 May 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ Refugees International Province Orientale: plus de 200 ménages retournés à Opienge après 9 ans de refuge | 29 May 2014 | Radio Okapi Kasaï-Oriental : les habitants de Loshundu refugiés en brousse après le décès d’un policier | 29 May 2014 | Radio Okapi Plus de 300 ménages de déplacés enregistrés à Shabunda | 2 June 2014 | Radio Okapi Expulsion of DRC migrants by Congo-Brazzaville Direct Assistance to Vulnerable Migrants Expelled from Congo-Brazzaville – Flash Appeal ❘ 29 May 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ International Organization for Migration Violences commises sur des femmes expulsées de Brazzaville – Le PGR saisi par la plateforme des femmes pour la paix ❘ 29 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Le Potentiel Kinshasa et Brazzaville débattent des expulsions des ressortissants de la RDC au Congo ❘ 2 June 2014 ❘ Expulsions de RD-Congolais : Kinshasa et Brazzaville s’affrontent en commission ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ RDC-Congo : accord pour une enquête mixte sur les violences de l’opération “Mbata ya bakolo” ❘ 4 June 2014 ❘ Jeune Afrique Food security Democratic Republic Congo : is economic recovery benefiting the vulnerable? ❘ May 2014 ❘ World Food Program RwandaRefugees in Rwanda UNHCR Donates Vehicles to Help in Refugee Rescue Missions ❘ 28 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ New Times MIDIMAR launches 1000 Days nutrition campaign in refugee camps ❘ 28 May 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ Government of Rwanda BurundiInternally displaced persons Ethiopia Sends Aid to Burundi Flood Displaced People ❘ 31 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency Burundi refugees in Tanzania More Than 162,000 Burundian Refugees Granted Tanzanian Citizenship ❘ 31 May 2014 ❘ all Africa ❘ Tanzania Daily News UgandaHumanitarian reports Population Movement DREF Operation no. MDRUG034 Preliminary Final Report ❘ 2 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies CARHumanitarian Bulletins and reports Central African Republic Situation: UNHCR External Regional Update 17, 23-29 May 2014 ❘ 2 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ UN High Commissioner for Refugees Emergency Response for the Central African Republic Situation – Revised Supplementary Appeal, May 2014 ❘ 29 May 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ UN High Commissioner for Refugees Refugees from the CAR Aid Starts to Reach Central African Republic Refugees ❘ 29 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Alertnet UNHCR and WFP Chiefs in Joint Push for More Attention On Central African Republic Refugees ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees CAR refugees stretch Cameroon villages ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ IRIN |
Justice and TribunalsSelected articles on criminal justice proceedings regarding crimes committed in the Great Lakes Region. Amnesty for M23 Kigali freine le processus d’amnistie des ex-M23 réfugiés sur son sol, accuse Kinshasa | 3 June 2014 | Radio Okapi DRCBemba trial Procès Bemba à la CPI: les dernières plaidoiries débutent le 13 octobre | 28 May 2014 | Radio Okapi Chebeya case Affaire Chebeya: des ONG réclament la poursuite du procès en appel | 1 June 2014 | Radio Okapi Assassinat de Floribert Chebeya – La journée du 1er juin consacrée aux défenseurs des droits humains ❘ 2 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Les dépêches de Brazzaville Affaire Chebeya – Une plainte déposée au Sénégal ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ RFI Amnesty Law RDC : le gouvernement accusé de ne pas respecter la loi d’amnistie | 30 May 2014 | Radio Okapi RwandaTerrorism charges for FDLR support Terror Suspects Linked to FDLR Remanded ❘ 28 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ New Times Rwandan genocide prosecutions in France Génocide Rwandais : un deuxième procès devrait se tenir en France ❘ 31 May 2014 ❘ Survivors Sceptical Despite Paris Genocide Indictment ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ New Times Rwandan genocide appeal in Rwanda Un Conseiller de l’ex-président juvénal Habyarimana comparaît en appel ❘ 2 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Hirondelle |
Natural resource exploitation, governance and tradeMinerals, energy (oil & gas, hydro and solar), poaching, logging, foreign investment, trade, environmental issues. DRCMartimine dispute with Angola Kinshasa challenges Luanda ❘ 30 May 2014 ❘ Africa Confidential Demands for mining accountability RDC : 15 ONG invitent le gouvernement à mieux contrôler les investissements miniers | 28 May 2014 | Radio Okapi Panorama économique : le boom minier en RDC ne profite pas au Trésor public, selon la société civile | 31 May 2014 | Radio Okapi Gold Shabunda : la production d’or ne profite pas à la population, dénonce le Pool d’intérêt économique | 28 May 2014 | Radio Okapi Banro banks on DRC success as 2nd mine nears commercial production ❘ 2 June 2014 ❘ Mining Weekly Copper Congo State miner ditches plan to sell stake in Glencore project ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ Mining Weekly Virunga/oil DR Congo: Investigate Attacks on Oil Project Critics ❘ 4 June 2014 ❘ HRW Flora and fauna conservation Emissions de gaz dus à la déforestation – CN-REDD, les supports de sensibilisation et d’information sont disponibles ❘ 28 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ La prospérité Province Orientale : un drone pour surveiller la réserve de biosphère de Yangambi | 28 May 2014 | Radio Okapi Parc des Virunga : une ONG soupçonne un empoisonnement d’éléphants à Nyakakoma | 29 May 2014 | Radio Okapi La Banque mondiale renouvelle son appui aux parcs de Garamba et des Virunga | 3 June 2014 | Radio Okapi Land sucession Nord-Kivu : l’Assemblée provinciale refuse d’examiner un rapport sur la cession des terrains au bord du lac Kivu | 3 June 2014 | Radio Okapi RwandaResource use Let’s Harness Our Untapped Resources ❘ 2 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ New Times UgandaOil Proposed Uganda Refinery Construction Starts Next Year ❘ 2 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ East African Business Week Auditor General Stings Nema On Oil Waste ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ The Observer |
Regulation, voluntary initiatives, and CSRSelected articles on legal and voluntary initiatives relating to natural resources and good governance. Resource transparency Another kind of resource boom ❘ 29 May 2014 ❘ EITI Dodd-Frank reporting date hits As June 2nd Conflict Minerals Deadline Approaches, Global Witness Warns That First Reports Lack Substance ❘ 29 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Global Witness ‘Conflict minerals’ deadline looms for technology firms ❘ 30 May 2014 ❘ BBC Myth Buster – the Conflict Minerals Provision ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Global Witness Few Firms Name Sources in U.S. Conflict Minerals Reports ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ Bloomberg Intel, HP Seen as Exceptions in Conflict-Mineral Reports ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ Bloomberg DRCConflict minerals initiatives Enough Launches New Action on Conflict Minerals, Intel Launches New Web Hub to Spread Awareness ❘ 22 May 2014 ❘ Enough Project Intel Stiff-Armed Pursuing African-Mine Conflict Minerals ❘ 27 May 2014 ❘ Bloomberg Informal Trade Fronted As Solution to DRC Conflicts ❘ 29 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ New Times Gecamines Katanga : les enseignants d’écoles de la Gécamines réclament 4 mois de salaire | 30 May 2014 | Radio Okapi CARCAR Kimberly Process suspension Processus de Kimberley – Bangui a le soutien de Paris ❘ 2 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Les dépêches de Brazzaville |
OtherDRCElections Les envoyés spéciaux internationaux pour un calendrier électoral “global” ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb RwandaHuman rights in Rwanda Rwanda On Track to Achieve UN Rights Recommendations ❘ 27 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica New Times Human Rights Watch’s work on Rwanda ❘ 2 June 2014 ❘ HRW Human Rights Watch Is Off Track ❘ 3 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ New Times Rwandan foreign relations Rwanda and France to Improve Dialogue ❘ 31 May 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ The Independent Rwanda to Open Five New Embassies ❘ 4 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ New Times Rwanda next World Export Development Forum host Business Wins Rwanda Top Talks ❘ 2 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ East African Business Week UgandaFreedom in Uganda ‘Barefoot’ Lawyers Teach Ugandans Their Rights ❘ 30 May 2014 ❘ Voice of America UN backlash as Uganda’s ‘anti-gay’ minister heads for human rights top job ❘ 1 June 2014 ❘ The Guardian Uganda Opposition Figure Calls for Presidential Term Limit ❘ 2 June 2014 ❘ Voice of America |
IPIS Recent PublicationsIPIS Insights: The 2nd Annual United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights, Geneva 2013 | January 2014 | IPIS Practice What You Preach: Theory and Practice of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)’s Stakeholder Engagement Plan in Chad | 9 January 2014 | IPIS Business, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil – Part II: Protect and Remedy: Implementing State duties under the UN Framework on Business and Human Rights | December 2013 | IPIS In search of clean water: human rights and the mining industry in Katanga, DRC | 27 November 2013 | IPIS IPIS Insights: Kimberley Process: observations from the sidelines. Part I | 21 November 2013 | IPIS Travail des enfants dans le site minier d’exploitation artisanale de Bisie en territoire de Walikale. Une crise oubliée en République Démocratique du Congo | 19 November 2013 | Prince Kihangi Kyamwami Ambushed in Bangkok? The U.N. Panel on North Korea and the case of the IL-76 “4L-AWA” | 14 November 2013 | IPIS/TA Analysis of the interactive map of artisanal mining areas in Eastern DR Congo | 12 November 2013 | IPIS ‘Conflict Minerals’ initiatives in DR Congo: Perceptions of local mining communities | 12 November 2013 | IPIS IPIS Insights: Why businesses should assess human rights impacts from the outset of projects. SOCO International Oil Company in Virunga National Park, DRC | 26 August 2013 | International Peace Information Service (IPIS) Strijd tegen conflictmineralen: sleutel tot conflictresolutie in Oost-Congo? | 25 July 2013 | IPIS (Internationale Spectator) Business, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil. Part I: Uganda’s oil sector and potential threats to human rights | 25 July 2013 | International Peace Information Service (IPIS) – ActionAid International Uganda The formalisation of artisanal mining in the DRC and Rwanda | December 2012 [April 2013] | IPIS Gold and diamonds in the Central African Republic. The country’s mining sector, and related social, economic and environmental issues | 26 March 2013 | IPIS Pinocchio Ltd. The NRA and its corporate partners: US shipments of small arms ammunition by sea | 25 March 2013 | TA-R | IPIS Major Powers Fuelling Atrocities. Why the world needs a robust Arms Trade Treaty | March 2013 | Amnesty International To see the sources of IPIS’ briefings, please click here. |