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NEWS IN BRIEFCivil Society in North Kivu has called on the FARDC to take control over areas conquered from the ADF militia in order to further stabilise the region and to allow for the return of the displaced. In South Kivu armed men from the Raïa Mutomboki militia leader Alexandere took control of several villages and the town of Penekusu causing many families to flee. After weeks of intercommunal violence in Katanga 33 suspects have been arrested. Meanwhile, MONUSCO Head, Martin Kobler, has urged local communities to stop the violence. In Province Orientale, 13 people have allegedly escaped the LRA after being abducted just days before. Their escape is said to be the result of Congolese soldiers following and attacking the militia. In the Central African Republic, 17 people are reported dead after clashes between two factions of ex-Seleka fighters in Bambari. Meanwhile, French forces of the EUFOR have been engaged in fighting with armed men in the Muslim PK5 enclave in Bangui. The fighting broke out after the local community accused the French soldiers of the shooting of a local man. In the following shootout over thirty people were wounded and a Red Cross volunteer killed. At least 25 people have been killed in the collapse of a gold mine near Bambari. The incident has been confirmed by the CAR’s mining ministry, which has pointed out that the mine is under Seleka control, making it impossible for the national authority to enforce security standards. On Lake Rweru, located between Burundi and Rwanda, local fishermen are reported to have found up to 40 bodies floating in the lake over the last weeks. Among the dead are men, women and children, but neither their origin, nor the circumstances of their death are known so far. While it is assumed that the bodies have been flushed into the lake from the Rwandan Akagera River, both Rwanda and Burundi claim that the dead do not come from their countries. |
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Conflict and securityRecent news on conflict, security and arms trade across the Great Lakes Region. East African Standby Force Countries Commit Forces to Eastern Africa Standby Force | 22 August 2014 | All Africa | New Times Nouveaux engagements des pays d’Afrique orientale en faveur d’une force régionale | 22 August 2014 | All Africa | Voice of America UN: Early warning conflict prevention Briefing Security Council, Senior Officials Urge UN System-Wide Approach to Early Warning, Conflict Prevention | 21 August 2014 | All Africa | UN News Border delimination between DRC and Rwanda Délimitation des frontières entre la RDC et le Rwanda – Semaine decisive | 25 August 2014 | All Africa | Le Potentiel Ugandan troops in South Sudan South Sudan rebels accept presence of Ugandan troops to keep peace | 22 August 2014 | Reuters DRCSexual violence Trois mille victimes de violences sexuelles recensées par l’hôpital Heal Africa | 21 August 2014 | All Africa | Le Potentiel Lutte contre les violences sexuelles: Jeannine Mabunda en visite au Nord-Kivu | 22 August 2014 | Radio Okapi FDLR F.P. Basse, Porte-parole militaire de la Monusco – « La reddition des FDLR n’avance pas comme nous l’avons souhaité » | 21 August 2014 | All Africa | Le Potentiel U.N. council urges “neutralization” of Rwandan rebels in Congo | 26 August 2014 | Reuters L’Onu appelle à la neutralisation des FDLR | 26 August 2014 | Radio Okapi M23 Le pari risqué du gouvernement avec le M23 | 23 August 2014 | Afrikarabia North Kivu Est de la RDC – le nouveau visage du Nord-Kivu | 20 August 2014 | All Africa | ADIAC Ilots de stabilité : Julien Paluku salue l’action de la Monusco | 22 August 2014 | Radio Okapi Des bandits armés abattent 3 membres d’une famille à Ngangi | 23 August 2014 | Radio Okapi L’armée invitée à consolider sa présence dans les anciennes zones des ADF | 26 August 2014 | Radio Okapi South Kivu Des miliciens occupent 3 localités de Shabunda | 21 August 2014 | Radio Okapi Plus de 30 ménages fuient les exactions des Maï-Maï à Shabunda | 21 August 2014 | Radio Okapi Combats entre FARDC et rebelles FNL dans trois localités | 22 August 2014 | Radio Okapi Les femmes préoccupées par les conflits intercommunautaires à Uvira | 26 August 2014 | Radio Okapi Province Orientale Des chefs coutumiers négocient la reddition des miliciens FRPI | 20 August 2014 | Radio Okapi La LRA multiplie ses atrocités dans les Haut et Bas-Uélé | 22 August 2014 | All Africa | Le Potentiel 13 personnes s’échappent des mains des rebelles de la LRA | 25 August 2014 | Radio Okapi Katanga Une milice pygmée incendie des villages du Katanga | 20 August 2014 | AFP Martin Kobler et Moïse Katumbi discutent de la situation sécuritaire et humanitaire au Katanga | 21 August 2014 | Radio Okapi Martin Kobler invite les Pygmées et les Bantous à arrêter le cycle de violences à Manono | 23 August 2014 | Radio Okapi 33 suspects arrêtés dans le conflit bantous-pygmées | 24 August 2014 | Radio Okapi La Monusco identifie Manono comme un îlot de stabilité au Katanga | 25 August 2014 | Radio Okapi Restauration de l’Etat à Manono – La MONUSCO s’engage à appuyer les FARDC | 26 August 2014 | All Africa | Le Potentiel Maniema Les FARDC contrôlent le territoire de Lubutu, affirme le vice-gouverneur | 24 August 2014 | Radio Okapi BurundiBodies of dead found on Lake Rweru Des corps retrouvés dans le lac Rweru | 25 August 2014 | rfi Burundi investigates ‘Rwandan bodies’ in Lake Rweru | 26 August 2014 | BBC Cadavres du lac Rweru – Le Burundi et le Rwanda enquêtent conjointement | 26 August 2014 | All Africa | rfi CARAnalysis CAR: “The population does not buy the idea that this is a religious conflict” | 25 August 2014 | MSF Peacekeeping Egyptian Blue Berets to Be Sent to Central African Republic, Mali, Darfur | 21 August 2014 | All Africa | Egytian State Information Service Conflict among ex-Seleka factions Tensions au sein de la Séléka à Bambari | 25 August 2014 | All Africa | ADIAC Seleka rebel infighting in Central African Republic kills 17 | 26 August 2014 | Reuters Nouvelle tension à Bambari | 26 August 2014 | Hirondelle Fighting between EUFOR and local armed men in Bangui European peacekeepers in CAR gun battle | 20 August 2014 | Aljazeera Heavy fighting in Bangui : MSF receives 31 new wounded at the General Hospital | 20 August 2014 | MSF En Centrafrique, l’Eufor ouvre le feu | 21 August 2014 | BBC Manifestation contre l’armée française à Bangui | 22 August 2014 | |
Humanitarian newsNon-comprehensive overview of humanitarian news & events, including refugee and IDP issues. DRCHumanitarian Bulletins and reports Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Nord-Kivu N°25/14, 14 août 2014 | 21 August 2014 | reliefweb | OCHA Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Sud-Kivu N°29/14, 20 août 2014 | 21 August 2014 | reliefweb | OCHA Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Katanga N°26/14, 20 août 2014 | 21 August 2014 | reliefweb | OCHA Plus de 20 000 personnes prises dans l’étau des conflits dans la zone d’Opienge | 22 August 2014 | reliefweb | OCHA Rwandan Refugees in DRC Au moins 245.000 réfugiés rwandais identifiés en RDC, dont 199.000 au Nord-Kivu et 42.000 au Sud-Kivu | 20 August 2014 | All Africa | Le Potentiel Ebola Rapport de Situation # 01 | Cas de gastro-entérite hémorragique et fébrile à Boende | 21 August 2014 | reliefweb | WHO At least 70 dead from hemorrhagic illness in northern Congo- WHO | 22 August 2014 | Reuters Une fièvre hémorragique tue 75 personnes en Equateur | 22 August 204 | DR Congo confirms deaths in Ebola outbreak | 24 August 2014 | Aljazeera Water Seulement 10% de la population a accès à l’eau potable | 26 August 2014 | Radio Okapi RwandaRwandan Refugees in the DRC Conflicting UN Figures On Rwandan Refugees in DR Congo | 20 August 2014 | All Africa | News of Rwanda BurundiShortage in blood for transfusions Pénurie de sang au Burundi : “le scandale médical du siècle” | 26 August 2014 | CARHumanitarian Bulletins and reports République centrafricaine – ECHO Fiche Info – 20 août 2014 | 21 August 2014 | reliefweb | European Commission Humanitarian Aid department Aid L’UNICEF a envoyé une quantité record d’aide humanitaire aux enfants dans le monde en août | 26 August 2014 | UN News |
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Natural resource exploitation, governance and tradeMinerals, energy (oil & gas, hydro and solar), poaching, logging, foreign investment, trade, environmental issues. Analysis Averting Resource Curse in East Africa | 19 August 2014 | All Africa | The Star Poaching These Two Charts Show How China Is Helping Decimate Africa’s Elephants | 20 August 2014 | Foreign Press Aires protégées – le Parc des Virunga bientôt délimité par une clôture électrique | 23 August 2014 | All Africa |ADIAC DRCGold smuggling Police Arrest Five Gold Dealers At JKIA With Sh1.2billion Worth of DRC Gold | 21 August 2014 | All Africa | The Star Hydropower deal with South Africa South Africa Approves Treaty for $100 Billion Inga Hydropower | 21 August 2014 | Bloomberg UgandaTransparency in oil sector Uganda’s Oil Sector Faces Criticism Over Transparency | 21 August 2014 | Voice of America Oil No say on pipeline for oil firms | 26 August 2014 | Africa intelligence CARGold mine collapse Gold mine collapse in Central African Republic kills 25 | 22 August 2014 | Mine Web 25 morts dans l’effondrement d’une mine | 22 August 2014 | |
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IPIS Recent PublicationsBoundary spanning: moving towards strategic stakeholder engagement | 3 February 2014 | IPIS IPIS Insights: The 2nd Annual United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights, Geneva 2013 | January 2014 | IPIS Practice What You Preach: Theory and Practice of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)’s Stakeholder Engagement Plan in Chad | 9 January 2014 | IPIS Business, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil – Part II: Protect and Remedy: Implementing State duties under the UN Framework on Business and Human Rights | December 2013 | IPIS In search of clean water: human rights and the mining industry in Katanga, DRC | 27 November 2013 | IPIS IPIS Insights: Kimberley Process: observations from the sidelines. Part I | 21 November 2013 | IPIS Travail des enfants dans le site minier d’exploitation artisanale de Bisie en territoire de Walikale. Une crise oubliée en République Démocratique du Congo | 19 November 2013 | Prince Kihangi Kyamwami Ambushed in Bangkok? The U.N. Panel on North Korea and the case of the IL-76 “4L-AWA” | 14 November 2013 | IPIS/TA Analysis of the interactive map of artisanal mining areas in Eastern DR Congo | 12 November 2013 | IPIS ‘Conflict Minerals’ initiatives in DR Congo: Perceptions of local mining communities | 12 November 2013 | IPIS IPIS Insights: Why businesses should assess human rights impacts from the outset of projects. SOCO International Oil Company in Virunga National Park, DRC | 26 August 2013 | International Peace Information Service (IPIS) Strijd tegen conflictmineralen: sleutel tot conflictresolutie in Oost-Congo? | 25 July 2013 | IPIS (Internationale Spectator) Business, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil. Part I: Uganda’s oil sector and potential threats to human rights | 25 July 2013 | International Peace Information Service (IPIS) – ActionAid International Uganda The formalisation of artisanal mining in the DRC and Rwanda | December 2012 [April 2013] | IPIS Gold and diamonds in the Central African Republic. The country’s mining sector, and related social, economic and environmental issues | 26 March 2013 | IPIS Pinocchio Ltd. The NRA and its corporate partners: US shipments of small arms ammunition by sea | 25 March 2013 | TA-R | IPIS To see the sources of IPIS’ briefings, please click here. |