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NEWS IN BRIEFIn the past week violence in the Central African Republic (CAR) seems to have slightly abated, but still over 15,000 people, mostly Muslim civilians, are surrounded and threatened by militia groups. Three more African peacekeepers were killed, bringing their number to 19 since December. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appealed to the international community to send 3000 more troops, until a likely UN peacekeeping force is established, while France’s parliament voted in favour of the extension of the French military mission in the country. Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) has threatened France for its intervention in CAR, saying its “crimes will not remain unpunished”. In DR Congo, various Mai-Mai militias remained active in Masisi and Walikale territories in North Kivu, and in Katanga. As part of the new national DDR-programme, 250 ex-militiamen were sent to a military training centre in Bas-Congo, in the west of the country. Confidential papers leaked by a whistleblower suggest that Dubai’s biggest gold refinery ignored guidelines designed to stop the trade in ‘conflict gold’; UN and other experts consider Dubai to be the main destination for Congolese conflict gold. In Uganda, President Museveni signed the new anti-homosexuality law imposing harsh penalties for homosexual acts, receiving international outrage and condemnation. |
IPIS’ Latest PublicationsMapping Conflict Motives: the Sudan – South Sudan border (2012-2013) | 5 February 2014 | IPIS Boundary spanning: moving towards strategic stakeholder engagement | 3 February 2014 | IPIS IPIS Insights: The 2nd Annual United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights, Geneva 2013 | January 2014 | IPIS Practice What You Preach: Theory and Practice of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)’s Stakeholder Engagement Plan in Chad | 9 January 2014 | IPIS Business, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil – Part II: Protect and Remedy: Implementing State duties under the UN Framework on Business and Human Rights | December 2013 | IPIS In search of clean water: human rights and the mining industry in Katanga, DRC | 27 November 2013 | IPIS IPIS Insights: Kimberley Process: observations from the sidelines. Part I | 21 November 2013 | IPIS Travail des enfants dans le site minier d’exploitation artisanale de Bisie en territoire de Walikale. Une crise oubliée en République Démocratique du Congo | 19 November 2013 | Prince Kihangi Kyamwami Ambushed in Bangkok? The U.N. Panel on North Korea and the case of the IL-76 “4L-AWA” | 14 November 2013 | IPIS/TA Analysis of the interactive map of artisanal mining areas in Eastern DR Congo | 12 November 2013 | IPIS ‘Conflict Minerals’ initiatives in DR Congo: Perceptions of local mining communities | 12 November 2013 | IPIS IPIS Insights: Why businesses should assess human rights impacts from the outset of projects. SOCO International Oil Company in Virunga National Park, DRC | 26 August 2013 | International Peace Information Service (IPIS) Strijd tegen conflictmineralen: sleutel tot conflictresolutie in Oost-Congo? | 25 July 2013 | IPIS (Internationale Spectator) Business, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil. Part I: Uganda’s oil sector and potential threats to human rights | 25 July 2013 | International Peace Information Service (IPIS) – ActionAid International Uganda The formalisation of artisanal mining in the DRC and Rwanda | December 2012 [April 2013] | IPIS Gold and diamonds in the Central African Republic. The country’s mining sector, and related social, economic and environmental issues | 26 March 2013 | IPIS |
Conflict and securityRecent news on conflict, security and arms trade across the Great Lakes Region DRCMONUSCO weekly press conference Violence against civilians and fighting between militias in Masisi, North Kivu Déclaration du Coordonnateur Humanitaire en République Démocratique du Congo, Moustapha Soumaré, sur les exactions commises à l’encontre des civils dans le Territoire de Masisi, Nord-Kivu – Kinshasa, 24 Février 2014 | 24 February 2014 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb Nord-Kivu: deux milices appelées à cesser les hostilités entre elles dans le Masisi | 22 February 2014 | Radio Okapi Mai-Mai Cheka occupy several villages in Walikale, North Kivu Security situation improved in Beni, North Kivu Armed attacks and cattle rustling in Uvira, South Kivu Sud-Kivu : 96 vaches volées en deux mois dans la plaine de la Ruzizi | 25 February 2014 | Radio Okapi Continued violence in Katanga Katanga: affrontements entre militaires et miliciens Bakata Katanga à Mukuyi | 23 February 2014 | Radio Okapi Katanga : le chef de Museka appelle au désarmement des Maï-Maï à Malemba Nkulu | 23 February 2014 | Radio Okapi Congo’s Crisis In The Shadows: Katanga on a Knife Edge | 24 February 2014 | ThinkAfricaPress Ituri – Province Orientale Province Orientale – Le FRPI toujours actif à Irumu | 24 February 2014 | allAfrica | Le Potentiel Reported raid by Angolan army in Bas-Congo Armed groups DDR Nord-Kivu: 250 ex-combattants envoyés à Kitona | 26 February 2014 | Radio Okapi Crafting a Viable DDR Strategy for Congo | 27 February 2014 | Enough Project 1 year after signing Addis Framework Agreement RDC: peu d’avancées un an après l’accord d’Addis-Abeba | 25 February 2014 | RFI ICC-indicted Sudan president Bashir in Kinshasa Sudan President in DR Congo | 25 February 2014 | Human Rights Watch President of the Assembly calls upon the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to respect its obligations under the Rome Statute | 26 February 2014 | Reliefweb | International Criminal Court (ICC) RDC: 90 ONG exigent l’arrestation du président soudanais Omar El-Béchir | 26 February 2014 | Radio Okapi Mende appelle les ONG réclamant l’arrestation d’Omar El-Bechir à la compréhension | 26 February 2014 | Radio Okapi RwandaFDLR UgandaUgandan army in South Sudan Uganda Approves Shs120bn for S. Sudan Military Operations | 21 February 2014 | allAfrica | Sudan Tribune Why Uganda refuses to withdraw | 21 February 2014 | Africa Confidential Central African RepublicSecurity situation Central African Republic militia says will only disarm after Muslim rebels do | 22 February 2014 | Reuters Centrafrique : trois civils musulmans assassinés par balle à Bangui | 22 February 2014 | Jeune Afrique | AFP Centrafrique: tension dans une prison où sont détenus des anti-balakas | 23 February 2014 | RFI Chad troops kill civilians in Central African Republic: residents | 24 February 2014 | Reuters Des soldats tchadiens tués en Centrafrique | 24 February 2014 | La Voix de l’Amérique Le corridor Garoua-Boulaï-Bangui sécurisé par la Misca | 25 February 2014 | allAfrica | Cameroon Tribune Armed groups surround thousands in Central African Republic: U.N | 25 February 2014 | Reuters CAR Militia Leader Arrested in Congo Brazzaville | 26 February 2014 | Voice of America Tirs à Bangui, Ngaissona dément son arrestation | 26 February 2014 | La Voix de l’Amérique RCA : l’abbé Nary protège quelques 1200 musulmans à Carnot | 26 February 2014 | La Voix de l’Amérique UN UN officials urge collective action to save Central African Republic from current ‘nightmare’ | 20 February 2014 | UN News Centre ‘You are not alone,’ Ban tells people of Central African Republic in appeal to end conflict | 22 February 2014 | UN News Centre Armed groups surround thousands in Central African Republic: U.N | 25 February 2014 | Reuters Centrafrique : première visite du Président de la Commission internationale d’enquête | 26 February 2014 | UN News Centre France Military chief says violence abating in Central African Republic | 23 February 2014 | RFI English Général Philippe Pontiès, chef de l’Eufor-RCA | 23 February 2014 | RFI Aqmi menace la France pour son intervention en Centrafrique | 23 February 2014 | RFI France draws up Central African Republic sanctions list, includes ex-leader Bozize | 25 February 2014 | Reuters France: la prolongation de la mission Sangaris en débat à l’Assemblée | 25 February 2014 | RFI Right joins left in French parliament vote for CAR military mission | 26 February 2014 | RFI English Analysis, background, comments, appeals NGO Coalition Letter on the Central African Republic and South Sudan | 20 February 2014 | Enough Project RCA: ces «amazones» anti-balaka du fleuve Oubangui | 23 February 2014 | RFI Centrafrique : Michel Djotodia, cool à Cotonou… Mais jusqu’à quand ? | 24 February 2014 | Jeune Afrique Central African Republic: Making the Mission Work | 24 February 2014 | International Crisis Group Le pari du rapprochement entre Tchadiens et Centrafricains | 24 February 2014 | RFI Centrafrique : la paix à tout prix | 24 February 2014 | Jeune Afrique Centrafrique : avec 19 tués depuis décembre, la Misca paie un lourd tribut sur le terrain | 26 February 2014 | Jeune Afrique Centrafrique : pourquoi les Américains sont réticents à l’envoi de Casques bleus | 26 February 2014 | Jeune Afrique The Central African Conflict is about Far More than Religion | 26 February 2014 | ThinkAfricaPress Conflict in the Central African Republic: it’s not just about religion | 26 February 2014 | Institute for Security Studies From the Sahel to the Savannah: Could Islamist Militants Set Up Shop in the CAR? | 26 February 2014 | ThinkAfricaPress |
Humanitarian newsNon-comprehensive overview of humanitarian news & events, including refugee and IDP issues From Syria to Central African Republic, how to invest in refugees | 26 February 2014 | The Guardian DRCNord-Kivu : des familles déplacées sans assistance humanitaire à Masisi | 20 February 2014 | Radio Okapi La crise humanitaire perdure au Katanga, selon Ocha | 20 February 2014 | Radio Okapi Katanga: des centaines de déplacés ont fui les Bakata Katanga à Kabola et Kikomo | 21 February 2014 | Radio Okapi RDC : le gouvernement et l’Onu créent un cadre national de concertation humanitaire | 21 February 2014 | Radio Okapi L’UNICEF lance un appel de 125,9 millions dollars US pour aider plus de 6,8 millions d’enfants affectés par les crises humanitaires en République Démocratique du Congo | 21 February 2014 | UNICEF | Reliefweb Plaidoyer pour le retour des réfugiés congolais du Burundi, de l’Ouganda et de la Tanzanie | 24 February 2014 | Radio Okapi Katanga: l’ONG Première Urgence à la rescousse de 81 000 vulnérables de Manono et Pweto | 26 February 2014 | Radio Okapi Equateur : certains réfugiés centrafricains de Mole boudent les camps du HCR | 26 February 2014 | Radio Okapi UNOCHA bulletins Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Sud-Kivu N° 07/14, 26 février 2014 | 26 February 2014 | Reliefweb | UNOCHA Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Katanga N° 07/14, 26 février 2014 | 26 February 2014 | Reliefweb | UNOCHA RwandaNew Refugee Camp Opened in Gisagara | 19 February 2014 | Rwanda Focus | allAfrica UgandaFleeing and forgotten – South Sudanese refugees in Uganda | 25 February 2014 | Reliefweb | Oxfam Central African RepublicNearly 20,000 Central African refugees fled to Cameroon this month – UN agency | 21 February 2014 | UN News Centre Central African Republic: Population Displacement as of 20 February 2014 | 24 February 2014 | ECHO | Reliefweb ECHO Factsheet – 20 February 2014 – Central African Republic | 21 February 2014 | ECHO | Reliefweb Central African Republic Situation External Regional Update #3 – 13-19 February 2014 | 21 February 2014 | UNHCR | Reliefweb Central African Republic Emergency Update #8, 1 to 14 February 2014 | 22 February 2014 | UNHCR | Reliefweb RCA : la crise nuit gravement au commerce local | 22 February 2014 | RFI Cameroon’s Muslim Refugees Return Home | 24 February 2014 | Voice of America Bouar, République centrafricaine – « ceux qui partent prennent de gros risques » | 24 February 2014 | allAfrica | MSF Central African Republic: UN urges better security, more resources to aid civilians | 25 February 2014 | UN News Centre Le HCR appelle à protéger 15 000 personnes directement menacées | 25 February 2014 | allAfrica | UNHCR New UN programme aims to help Central African Republic communities heal, rebuild | 26 February 2014 | UN News Centre Des milliers de réfugiés centrafricains à N’Djamena – “au Tchad pour quoi faire ?” | 26 February 2014 | allAfrica | MSF RCA: malnutrition et insécurité menacent les réfugiés à l’étranger | 26 February 2014 | RFI Equateur : certains réfugiés centrafricains de Mole boudent les camps du HCR | 26 February 2014 | Radio Okapi |
Justice and TribunalsSelected articles on criminal justice proceedings regarding crimes committed in the Great Lakes Region CPI : quelle justice pour l’Afrique ? | 25 February 2014 | Jeune Afrique DRCMinova rape trial RwandaSimbikangwa genocide trial in Paris Génocide rwandais: des témoignages à charge contre Pascal Simbikangwa | 24 February 2014 | RFI Rwanda – Procès Simbikangwa : des membres des milices Interahamwe vont témoigner | 24 February 2014 | Jeune Afrique Procès Simbikangwa : un ancien colonel français dénonce un “”génocide judiciaire” des Hutus” | 24 February 2014 | Jeune Afrique Génocide rwandais: Simbikangwa aurait joué un rôle central | 25 February 2014 | RFI French court blocks extradition of genocide suspects Rwanda: Kigali peine à juger les présumés génocidaires | 26 February 2014 | RFI Anger As French Court Overturns Extradition Order of Genocide Suspects | 27 February 2014 | allAfrica | The New Times (Kigali) ICTR – Acquitted but undesirable Central African RepublicJustice a challenge for CAR governement |
Natural resource exploitation, governance and tradeMinerals, energy (oil & gas, hydro and solar), poaching, logging, foreign investment, trade, environmental issues Valuing natural resources critical to Africa’s ‘green economy’ growth – UN | 23 February 2014 | UN News Centre Afrique subsaharienne : et si on remettait le courant ? | 26 February 2014 | Jeune Afrique DRCDubai conflict gold audit failures went unpublished Confidential papers raise fears over conflict gold | 26 February 2014 | The Guardian HP facilitates reporting on conflict minerals Mining code Copper production on the rise Congo Trumps Zambia as Top African Copper Miner, CRU Says | 26 February 2014 | Bloomberg Lundin Mining Randgold Resources Mines : Mark Bristow, le dénicheur de pépites de Randgold Resources | 24 February 2014 | Jeune Afrique Alphamin Resources Power for mining Le Katanga pourrait atteindre une production de cuivre de 1,8 million de tonnes avec la centrale thermique de la Gécamines | 25 February 2014 | allAfrica | Le Potentiel Hydropower – Inga Ugandan court to release ivory smuggled from DRC Fund for protected areas launched Civil society opposes oil exploration in Virunga National Park Reported customs fraud by Republican Guard Zambia-DRC border unsafe RwandaMinerals Power UgandaUgandan court to release ivory smuggled from DRC Oil Nwoya, Buliisa Residents Live in Fear of Oil Waste | 20 February 2014 | The Observer (Kampala) | allAfrica Mining Grabbing Karamoja’s Gold | 21 February 2014 | The Independent (Kampala) | allAfrica Central African RepublicNew oil and mining minister OtherCameroon |
Regulation, voluntary initiatives, and CSRSelected articles on legal and voluntary initiatives relating to natural resources and good governance DRCDubai conflict gold audit failures went unpublished Confidential papers raise fears over conflict gold | 26 February 2014 | The Guardian HP facilitates reporting on conflict minerals Mining code |
OtherUN – business – development collaboration DRCPolice disperses Kamerhe rally in Bukavu Congo security forces scatter attempted rally by Kabila rival | 20 February 2014 | Reuters Martin Kobler, MONUSCO Chief deplores last night’s violence in Bukavu, South-Kivu province | 21 February 2014 | MONUSCO Bukavu: 20 blessés après la dispersion du rassemblement de l’UNC, selon le gouverneur Chisambo | 21 February 2014 | Radio Okapi RDC : Vital Kamerhe déplore les incidents de Bukavu | 21 February 2014 | Radio Okapi Bukavu : la « caravane de la paix » tourne à l’affrontement | 22 February 2014 | Sud-Kivu : la société civile exige l’ouverture d’une enquête après des incidents de Bukavu | 23 February 2014 | Radio Okapi BurundiPolitical crisis Nkurunziza nobbles opposition | 21 February 2014 | Africa Confidential UgandaAnti-homosexuality law signed Uganda to consult scientists on homosexuality | 22 February 2014 | Al Jazeera Desmond Tutu condemns Uganda’s proposed new anti-gay law | 23 February 2014 | The Guardian Uganda’s President Signs Antigay Bill | 24 February 2014 | The New York Times New anti-homosexuality law in Uganda violates basic human rights, stress UN officials | 24 February 2014 | UN News Centre Enactment of Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill | 24 February 2014 | US Department of State The Politics of Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Legislation | 24 February 2014 | Chatham House Uganda: Law Rolls Back Basic Rights | 24 February 2014 | Human Rights Watch Uganda: President Museveni Signs Anti-Homosexuality Bill | 24 February 2014 | Amnesty International Anti-west and anti-gay: How Yoweri Museveni played to his audience | 24 February 2014 | CNN Ban urges Uganda to repeal anti-homosexuality law | 25 February 2014 | UN News Centre US Lawmakers Slam Ugandan Anti-Gay Law | 25 February 2014 | Voice of America Ugandan ‘homosexuals’ named in Red Pepper paper | 25 February 2014 | BBC Africa How US evangelical missionaries wage war on gay people in Uganda – video | 25 February 2014 | The Guardian Inconsistency Killed the Cause: The West’s Outcry Over Uganda is Too Little Too Late | 25 February 2014 | ThinkAfricaPress Homosexualité en Ouganda : Museveni accentue la répression, avec la présidentielle en tête ? | 25 February 2014 | Jeune Afrique Uganda donors cut aid after president passes anti-gay law | 25 February 2014 | The Guardian Uganda: how campaigners are preparing to counter the anti-gay bill | 25 February 2014 | The Guardian Uganda told anti-gay bill poses financial risk | 25 February 2014 | Reuters Denmark, Norway Reduce Uganda Aid Over Anti-Gay Law | 26 February 2014 | Voice of America Uganda Shilling Slides as Donors Cut Aid on Anti-Gay Law | 26 February 2014 | Bloomberg Kerry likens Uganda anti-gay law to anti-Semitism and apartheid | 26 February 2014 | Reuters The World Responds to Uganda’s Anti-Gay Law. Africa, Not So Much. | 26 February 2014 | allAfrica | Daily Maverick Steve Mbikayi : «L’homosexualité est un danger contre les valeurs africaines» | 26 February 2014 | Radio Okapi Uganda’s Anti-Gay Law Punished in Foreign-Exchange Market | 27 February 2014 | Bloomberg |
IPIS Recent PublicationsPinocchio Ltd. The NRA and its corporate partners: US shipments of small arms ammunition by sea | 25 March 2013 | TA-R | IPIS Major Powers Fuelling Atrocities. Why the world needs a robust Arms Trade Treaty | March 2013 | Amnesty International The Arms Trade Treaty: Building a Path to Disarmament | 19 March 2013 | Sergio Finardi, Brian Wood, Peter Danssaert, Ken Matthysen Upstream Implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. Final Report on one-year pilot implementation of the Supplement on Tin, Tantalum, and Tungsten | January 2013 | OECD – IPIS Exploitation minière industrielle et artisanale au Sud-Kivu. Possibilités d’une cohabitation pacifique ? | December 2012 | Gabriel Kamundala Byemba Cartographie des motivations derrière les conflits : le M23 | November 2012 | IPIS Mapping Conflict Motives: M23 | November 2012 | IPIS A Code of Conduct for Arms Transport by Air. Transport Services under an Arms Trade Treaty Series | August 2012 | IPIS Rough Seas. Maritime Transport and Arms Shipments | July 2012 | IPIS Upstream Implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. Cycle 2 Interim Progress Report on the Supplement on Tin, Tantalum, and Tungsten | May 2012 | OECD – IPIS Etat des lieux du développement socio-économique dans les zones minières au Nord-Kivu (territoires de Walikale et Masisi) | March 2012 | ASSODIP | IPIS (editorial advice) Assessment of existing practices regarding end-user certification | February 2012 | UNODA | IPIS Transparancy and Accountability. Monitoring and Reporting Methods Under An Arms Trade Treaty | February 2012 | TransArms R | IPIS Upstream Pilot Implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas Baseline Report on the Supplement on Tin, Tantalum, and Tungsten | November 2011 | OECD | IPIS Violence against women in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Whose responsibility? Whose complicity? | November 2011 | ITUC | IPIS Bisie. A one-year snapshot of the DRC’s principal cassiterite mine | November 2011 | IPIS “Véhicules civils militarisables” and the EU arms embargo on Sudan | September 2011 | IPIS | TA-R | ASER Conflict motives in Kenya’s North Rift region | September 2011 | IPIS intern series To see the sources of IPIS’ briefings, please click here. |