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NEWS IN BRIEFIn South Kivu, the Mai-Mai Raia Mutomboki are said to have retaken the town of Tchombi after the FARDC withdrew from the locality. Earlier last week FARDC forces had attacked the town and killed militia leader Paul Ngumbi Wangozi. In Province Orientale, multiple attacks by the FRPI on several villages south of Irumu are reported, with local leaders reporting two deaths, four rapes and several abductions. In Katanga, Mai-Mai rebels are said to have continued their attacks in the area of Malemba Nkulu. In a response, the local Administrator has called for more security personnel in the region. Meanwhile, in Kisenga calm returned after several days of fighting between the FARDC and Mai-Mai fighters over the weekend, which reportedly left several dead. In the Central African Republic, four senior commanders have reportedly left the Seleka, disagreeing with the rebel group’s secessionist agenda and military plans. The commanders, including Seleka’s deputy military chief, General Mahamat Al Khatim, reportedly stated that the group’s leadership is to reluctant to engage in peaceful negotiations with the transitional government, and claim the group plans to attack Bangui. Meanwhile, the ICC’s Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda has announced the opening of a second investigation into crimes committed by both sides to the conflict in the CAR. The office will continue to collect evidence of crimes committed since 2012. According to Africa Info, the CAR rebel group FDPC has taken eight Cameroonians hostage in an attack in the town Garoua Boulaï on Saturday. The rebels are said to be demanding the release of their leader Abdoulaye Miskine, who has been held by Cameroonian security services since September 2013. RFI reports that Anti-Balaka fighters have clashed with Cameroonian Security forces in the Ngaoui region along the border between Cameroon and CAR. In Uganda, President Museveni has dismissed Prime Minister, Amama Mbabazi. As a part of a wider reshuffle he will be replaced by Health Minister Ruhakana Rugunda. Mbabazi, a former ally of Museveni, is seen to have become a challenger of the President. Global Witness has released two contracts between the government and oil companies including agreement on shares of oil revenue. It is the first time that such detail been made available to the public. |
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