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NEWS IN BRIEFBorder clashes between Rwanda and the DRC in mid-June have seen reports of five FARDC deaths with indications that these fatalities may have been the result of execution not combat – a claim Kigali denies. Tensions between the states continued to manifest this week as Rwandan forces arrested nine Congolese fishermen. Meanwhile, South Kivu saw clashes involving Burundian FLN rebels, who claim to have killed 9 Burundian soldiers in the province. The Burundian army denies any troop presence on Congolese territory. FARDC are said to have dislodged the mai-mai Yakutumba from Talama after a week of intense fighting, whilst in North Kivu, there has been public outcry over military abuses against civilians in and around Beni, including the alleged murder of Buloloma’s chief. In Province Orientale, Mbororo pastoralists are accused of colluding with the LRA in the perpetration of abuses against civilians in Dungu and Niangara. Three FADRC soldiers are reported dead in Ituri after an attack on FARDC positions by armed men in attire resembling South Sudanese army uniforms. In Katanga, there are rumors that Gideon has proposed disarming and disbanding his group, whilst the South Katanga Mining Company has faced public anger this week after police seeking to secure its Kawama concession fired shots to disperse illegal miners, killing three. In the Central African Republic, retaliatory clashes between anti-balaka and the Seleka left dozens dead in Bambari between Sunday and Monday, as ten bodies said to bear signs of torture, were found in the Ouaka river this week. Seleka and anti-balaka representatives have reportedly agreed on engaging in talks under the mediation of NGO Pareto, in what is hoped might be a first step towards a cease-fire. The week has seen the publication of two notable NGO reports on the situation in the CAR by International Crisis Group and FIDH. In France, French youth leaders have called upon previous political generations to shed light on the country’s involvement in the ’94 Genocide and, consequently, take responsibility for their actions at that time. Former Liberian president Charles Taylor has requested a prison transfer to Rwanda, citing proximity and threat of exposure to attacks by Al Qaeda militants. The United States has taken measures that communicate its discontent with Uganda’s recent Anti-Gay Law. The measures, viewed by Uganda as ‘blackmail’, appeared to have an immediate effect on the country’s currency. |
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Conflict and securityRecent news on conflict, security and arms trade across the Great Lakes Region. Sexual violence Minding the Gap: London hosts unprecedented global summit to end sexual violence in conflict ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ Enough Project Tackling sexual violence in War needs gender justice in Peace too ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Institute of Development Studies L’ONU appelle à « mettre fin aux viols et aux autres actes de violence basés sur des critères de caste » ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Le Potentiel African Union The 23rd Summit of the African Union must focus on peace, security and justice ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ FIDH 442ème réunion CPS sur la situation à l’Est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) et l’état de mise en œuvre de l’Accord-cadre pour la paix, la sécurité et la coopération pour la RDC et la région ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ African Union La Force de réaction rapide, serpent de mer des sommets de l’UA ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ RFI Border clashes between Rwandan and Congolese troops in mid-June Divergence autour de la délimitation des frontières – Congolais et Rwandais sur pied de guerre à Kanyecheza ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Le Potentiel Exclusive – How DRC Planned and Executed Recent Attack On Rwanda ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ News of Rwanda Allegations that FARDC soldiers executed Morts: un soldat congolais identifié ❘ 21 June 2014 ❘ BBC Révélations sur la mort de cinq soldats congolais ❘ 21 June 2014 ❘ RFI Une question de frontière ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ BBC Rwanda Dismisses Leaked Report of ICGLR Verification Team ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ News of Rwanda Le rapport ne corrobore pas la version rwandaise des incidents ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ RFI Fighting flares in the Kivus ❘ 27 June 2014 ❘ Africa Confidential Arrest and detention of Congolese fishermen by Rwandan forces 17 pêcheurs congolais détenus au Rwanda ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi (maar NOORD KIVU) Des militaires rwandais arrêtent 9 pêcheurs congolais sur le lac Kivu ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi DRCSecurity (general) La paix menacée ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Le Potentiel L’insécurité bat son plein à Bandalungwa et à Kintambo ❘ 21 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ La prospérité MONUSCO Conference de presse des nations unies du mecredi 18 juin 2014 ❘18 June 2014 ❘ MONUSCO Conference de presse des nations unies du mecredi 25 juin 2014 ❘18 June 2014 ❘ MONUSCO North Kivu Plusieurs villages désertés après les combats entre miliciens Raïa Mutomboki ❘ 22 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Le chef de la localité de Buloloma abattu par des hommes en uniforme ❘ 22 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Trêve des hostilités militaires pour l’examen d’Etat à Walikale ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi La société civile dénonce la « surmilitarisation » de Beni ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi South Kivu Les FARDC délogent les Maï-Maï Yakutumba de Talama ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Plus de 500 ménages fuient le combat entre l’armée burundaise et les rebelles FNL ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Burundi Rebels Claim Attack on Army Soldiers in Congo Kills Nine ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ Bloomberg Mutarule massacre The Mutarule Massacre – Conflict From Below in Eastern Congo ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ African Arguments Visite d’une commission parlementaire de pacification à Mutarule ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ Sud-Kivu: Incidents sécuritaires contre les humanitaires (mai 2014) ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Après le massacre, c’est la désolation à Mutarule ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Le Potentiel Massacre de Mutarule: «Il faut identifier le problème et chercher une solution», préconise Martin Kobler ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Province Orientale Les Etats-Unis appuient la traque des LRA, assure leur ambassadeur ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Les Mbororo se sont coalisés aux rebelles LRA au Haut Uelé ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Une inquiétante coalition ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Le Potentiel La coalition LRA-Mbororo installe la terreur ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Le Potentiel Trois morts dans l’attaque d’une position FARDC ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Katanga Une traque de creuseurs miniers clandestins tournent au drame, 3 morts ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi CMSK dément la mort de 3 personnes qu’auraient tuées ses gardes ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi La milice bakata-katanga veut proclamer l’indépendance du Katanga ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ Gédéon cherche une prime spéciale pour ses crimes ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Le Phare Un chef cannibale sévirait dans le nord du Katanga ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ RFI Equateur Equateur: deux morts dans l’explosion d’une grenade à Kotakoli ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi FDLR FDLR Should Not Be Allowed to Fool the World ❘ 22 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ New Times F. Basse invite tous les chefs FDLR à se rendre ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Le Potentiel Des FDLR hébergées dans de bonnes conditions au centre de transit de Walungu ❘ 21 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Ugandan rebels in DRC (ADF-NALU) Près d’un millier d’otages en danger en RDC ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Cameroon Tribune RwandaKagame on security Le président Kagame assume sa fermeté pour la sécurité du Rwanda ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ RFI Paul Kagamé : “Je ne menace pas, je mets en garde” ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ Jeune Afrique Rwandan Security Council Chairmanship Rwanda roots for robust peacekeeping operations ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ New Times Rwandan peacekeeping Rwanda Deploys 800 More Peacekeepers to S. Sudan ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ New Times Rwandan Peacekeepers conduct community work in Central African Republic ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ News of Rwanda ‘Dasso’ to replace Local Defense Forces Govt Creates New Force to Replace Local Defence ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ New Times BurundiAU Peace and Security Commissioner concludes visit to Burundi ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ African Union CARSecurity (general) Michel Djotodia ne renonce pas, Noureddine Adam court toujours ❘ 17 June 2014 ❘ Jeune Afrique Prolifération des armes en Centrafrique : le prix de la mort ❘ 17 June 2014 ❘ Jeune Afrique ICG report on CAR crisis The Central African Crisis: From Predation to Stabilisation ❘ 17 June 2014 ❘ International Crisis Group « De la prédation à la stabilisation » ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Deutsche Welle Appointment of new Sangaris commander Un nouveau commandant à la tête des forces françaises ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Les dépêches de Brazzaville Antibalaka – ex-Séléka talks Tentative de dialogue entre Seleka et anti-balaka ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ RFI Antibalaka et ex-Séléka désignent un médiateur ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ Hirondelle ❘ Radio Ndeke Luka Que contient l’accord signé entre la Seleka et les anti-balaka? ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ RFI Bodies found in Ouaka river Des corps de victimes torturées découverts dans un fief de l’ex-séléka ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ Retaliatory clashes in Bambari leave many dead Condamnation du massacre de Bambari ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Africa Info Calme précaire à Bambari ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ BBC Bambari compte encore des morts ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ Hirondelle ❘ Radio Ndeke Luka Threats to journalists in CAR International Community Urged to Protect Journalists in CAR ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Reporters sans Frontières Mort d’une journaliste centrafricaine blessée à Bambari ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ RFI RWB Appalled By Death of Radio Journalist Elisabeth Blanche Olofio ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Reporters sans Frontières US Special Representative visit to CAR U.S. Special Representative for the Central African Republic W. Stuart Symington Travel to Bangui, Central African Republic ❘ 21 June 2014 ❘ USDS Reconciliation of anti-balaka factions En RCA, les anti-balakas disent retrouver le chemin de l’unité ❘ 21 June 2014 ❘ RFI Un pas important ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Cameroon Tribune FIDH report on CAR crisis Un “conflit de l’impunité” ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ BBC Central African Republic: “They must all leave or die.” ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ FIDH |
Humanitarian newsNon-comprehensive overview of humanitarian news & events, including refugee and IDP issues. World refugee day: June 20, 2014 UNHCR Global Trends 2013: War’s Human Cost ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ UN High Commissioner for Refugees Le quotidien des réfugiés africains ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ BBC Rwanda to mark World Refugee Day on June 20,2014 ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ Government of Rwanda One family torn apart by war in Central Africa is too many ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, UN Office in Burundi, UN Mission in South Sudan, UN Regional Office for Central Africa, UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic Message of the Special Representatives of the UN Secretary-General in Burundi, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, and for Central Africa, on World Refugee Day. The role of citizenship in addressing refugee crises in Africa’s Great Lakes Region ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ International Refugee Rights Initiative Report on refugee economies Refugee economies: Rethinking popular assumptions ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ Refugee Studies Center DRCHumanitarian Bulletins and reports Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Nord-Kivu N°19/14, 18 juin 2014 ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Bulletin humanitaire numéro 04 | mai 2014 ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs IDPs Ocha bénéficie de 5 millions USD pour assister les déplacés ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi DRC refugees in Congo-Brazzaville Des expulsés de Brazzaville réclament toujours de rentrer dans leurs milieux d’origine ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Opération Mbata ya Bakolo – Le rapatriement vers Kinshasa suspendu par manque de bateaux ❘ 21 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Les dépêches de Brazzaville DRC refugees in Burundi Plus de 20 000 réfugiés congolais réclament de bonnes conditions de vie ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi UgandaRefugees Refugees welcome WFP’s cash option in Uganda ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ World Food Programme Violence declines among S. Sudanese refugees in Uganda ❘ 21 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ Sudan Tribune CARHumanitarian bulletins and reports Central African Republic Situation: UNHCR External Regional Update 20, 13-20 June 2014 ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ UN High Commissioner for Refugees Central African Republic Crisis and its Regional Humanitarian Impact: An overview of needs and requirements ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Humanitarian conditions of muslim IDPs Humanitarian impasse in a Muslim Enclave ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Médecins sans Frontières CAR refugees in DRC Crise centrafricaine – Les réfugiés et demandeurs d’asile expriment leur reconnaissance envers le Congo ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Les dépêches de Brazzaville Equateur : 53 600 réfugiés centrafricains enregistrés depuis 2013, selon le HCR ❘ Equateur : 12 000 réfugiés centrafricains abrités au camp de Mole depuis plus d’un an ❘ 22 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi CAR refugees in Cameroon Hunger drives CAR residents to Cameroon ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ Voice of America CAR refugees seek city life in Cameroon ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ IRIN Darfur refugees in CAR Govt to Evacuate Darfur Refugees in Central African Republic ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Radio Dabanga Foreign aid to CAR USAID Airlifts Urgent Relief Supplies to Central African Republic ❘ 17 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ United States Agency for International Development Finland augments its support for the Central African Republic ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ Reliefweb ❘ Government of Finland |
Justice and TribunalsSelected articles on criminal justice proceedings regarding crimes committed in the Great Lakes Region. African Union proposals for incumbent official immunity from prosecution Government Leaders Must Not Grant Themselves Immunity for Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Amnesty International RwandaFrench youth leaders denounce French role in genocide Full Statement: The Genocide Against Tutsi – Now Is Time for the Truth ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ The New Times France Under Fire As Youth Leaders Question Its Role in Rwandan Genocide ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ News of Rwanda En France, “la génération qui vient” exige “la vérité sur le génocide des Tutsis” ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ Jeune Afrique Des jeunes de partis politiques français au Rwanda pour commémorer le génocide des Tutsis ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Hirondelle News Agency Where Will Mitterrand’s Cohorts Hide When French Youth Catch Up With Them? ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ New Times Charles Taylor requests transfer to Rwanda Weekly Summary – Charles Taylor Asks to Serve Jail Term in Rwanda, Life Term for Rwandan in Sweden ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Hirondelle News Agency Taylor Receives Death Threat – Renews Calls for Jail Swap From Britain to Rwanda ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ The New Republic Liberia Runyinya Barabwiriza prosecution appeal regarding genocide charges Le procès en appel d’un conseiller de l’ex-président rwandais fixé au 08 octobre ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Hirondelle News Agency Terrorism trial against Ngabonziza and others Terror Suspect Admits to Recruiting 100 Men for RNC ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ New Times Court Views Video of RNC Operative in FDLR Camps ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ New Times Agnès Uwimana Nkusi released Information Hero Agnès Uwimana Nkusi Finally Released ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ AlertNet Libération d’une journaliste emprisonnée pour “insulte” au Président ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ Swedish court upholds life sentence La justice suédoise confirme la perpétuité contre un Rwandais coupable de génocide ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ Hirondelle News Agency BurundiNGOs lodge complaints against Burundian state with the ACHPR Exécutions extrajudiciaires au Burundi : des ONG saisissent la CADHP ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ Jeune Afrique Complaints On Extrajudicial Executions Submitted to African Commission On Human and Peoples’ Rights ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ HRW Mbonimpa imprisonment Burundi rubs salt in the wound ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ HRW CARCamille Lepage investigation Centrafrique : la France envoie des policiers pour enquêter sur la mort de Camille Lepage ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ Jeune Afrique |
Natural resource exploitation, governance and tradeMinerals, energy (oil & gas, hydro and solar), poaching, logging, foreign investment, trade, environmental issues. Environmental impact of mining Africa’s ecosystems imperilled by mining frenzy ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ Ecologist DRCMilitary interference with minerals in East Province Orientale: des centaines d’orpailleurs désertent deux carrières minières à Banalia ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Un officier de l’armée accusé d’avoir érigé une barrière illégale à la ferme de Kando ❘ 22 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi SOCO and Virunga exploration Soco denies paying for Congo DRC trip to UN to discuss Virunga oil drilling ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ Guardian Gecamines miners strike Workers at DRC’s Gecamines strike over unpaid wages ❘ 17 June 2014 ❘ Mineweb Les agents vont toucher une partie de leur salaire, assure l’Intersyndicale ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Matata Ponyo rencontre les grévistes de la Gecamines à Kolwezi ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Congo’s Gecamines Needs $160 Million to Cut 6,000 Mines Jobs ❘ 24 June 2014 ❘ Bloomberg Gecamines power shortage La Gécamines déplore le manque à gagner suite aux coupures d’électricité ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi RwandaMining Govt-Private Sector Partnerships Could Solve Mining Industry Issues ❘ 17 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ New Times Stakeholders Move to Combat Negative Effects of Mining ❘ 21 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ New Times BurundiBurundi takes 15% stake of Kermas nickel project ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ Mineweb UgandaOil Uganda Set for 2018 Oil Mark ❘ 21 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ East African Business Week CARReprendre la main sur le diamant, un défi pour l’Etat centrafricain ❘ 22 June 2014 ❘ RFI |
Regulation, voluntary initiatives, and CSRSelected articles on legal and voluntary initiatives relating to natural resources and good governance. Conflict minerals Stop Fixating On Conflict Minerals ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ ThinkAfricaPress US law has helped limit ‘conflict minerals’: study ❘ 10 June 2014 ❘ Africa Daily |
OtherAfrica-US summit Sommet USA-Afrique – Joseph Kabila face à Barak Obama au mois d’aout ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ La Prospérité DRCCongolese elections L’Asadho ne veut plus de morts liés aux élections ❘ 18 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi La Grande Bretagne plaide pour un calendrier électoral « complet » ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi La Ceni maintient son calendrier des élections urbaines, municipales et locales ❘ 21 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Vital Kamerhe exige «un calendrier qui donne toutes les étapes des élections jusqu’à 2016» ❘ 21 June 2014 ❘ Radio Okapi Transmission des résultats électoraux – La CENI sollicite l’expertise d’une firme hollandaise ❘ 21 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Le Potentiel Calendrier des élections locales – L’opposition accentue la pression sur l’abbé Apollinaire Malumalu ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ allAfrica ❘ Les Dépêches de Brazzaville UgandaUS measures against Ugandan anti-gay law U.S. to announce measures against Uganda for anti-gay law: officials ❘ 19 June 2014 ❘ Reuters Uganda says US Gay Penalties are ‘Blackmail’ ❘ 20 June 2014 ❘ Voice of America Uganda Currency Plunges as Anti-Gay Law Prompts U.S. Aid Cuts ❘ 23 June 2014 ❘ Bloomberg |
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