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HEADLINES– DR Congo: * military operation against ADF-Nalu (North Kivu), backed by MONUSCO * clashes between army and APCLS in Masisi (North Kivu) * violence by FDLR north of Goma (North Kivu), Raia Mutomboki in Shabunda and FNL in Uvira (South Kivu), Bakata Katanga (Katanga) * farm of former head of police John Numbi in Lubumbashi searched * Rwanda asks to dismiss report by UN Group of Experts on DRC * Dan Gertler sells oil rights to government for 300 times purchase price – Central African Republic: * Bangui’s mayor Catherine Samba-Panza elected as new interim president * continued violence, mainly between Christians and Muslims * EU decides to send troops – Uganda for the first time admits it has troops in South Sudan to support president Salva Kiir – Human Rights Watch publishes World Report 2014 |
IPIS’ Latest PublicationsIPIS Insights: The 2nd Annual United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights, Geneva 2013 | January 2014 | IPIS Practice What You Preach: Theory and Practice of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)’s Stakeholder Engagement Plan in Chad | 9 January 2014 | IPIS Business, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil – Part II: Protect and Remedy: Implementing State duties under the UN Framework on Business and Human Rights | December 2013 | IPIS In search of clean water: human rights and the mining industry in Katanga, DRC | 27 November 2013 | IPIS IPIS Insights: Kimberley Process: observations from the sidelines. Part I | 21 November 2013 | IPIS Travail des enfants dans le site minier d’exploitation artisanale de Bisie en territoire de Walikale. Une crise oubliée en République Démocratique du Congo | 19 November 2013 | Prince Kihangi Kyamwami Ambushed in Bangkok? The U.N. Panel on North Korea and the case of the IL-76 “4L-AWA” | 14 November 2013 | IPIS/TA Analysis of the interactive map of artisanal mining areas in Eastern DR Congo | 12 November 2013 | IPIS ‘Conflict Minerals’ initiatives in DR Congo: Perceptions of local mining communities | 12 November 2013 | IPIS IPIS Insights: Why businesses should assess human rights impacts from the outset of projects. SOCO International Oil Company in Virunga National Park, DRC | 26 August 2013 | International Peace Information Service (IPIS) Strijd tegen conflictmineralen: sleutel tot conflictresolutie in Oost-Congo? | 25 July 2013 | IPIS (Internationale Spectator) Business, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil. Part I: Uganda’s oil sector and potential threats to human rights | 25 July 2013 | International Peace Information Service (IPIS) – ActionAid International Uganda The formalisation of artisanal mining in the DRC and Rwanda | December 2012 [April 2013] | IPIS Gold and diamonds in the Central African Republic. The country’s mining sector, and related social, economic and environmental issues | 26 March 2013 | IPIS |
Conflict and security in the Great Lakes regionRecent news on conflict, security and arms trade across the Great Lakes Region Conflict trends (no. 22): Real-time analysis of African political violence, January 2014 | 20 January 2014 | ACLED | Reliefweb Human Rights Watch World Report 2014 – Rights Struggles of 2013 | 21 January 2014 | Human Rights Watch Africa can solve its own problems with proper planning and full implementation of the African Standby Force | 21 January 2014 | Institute for Security Studies LRA Regional Update: Central African Republic, DR Congo and South Sudan (October – December 2013) | 22 January 2014 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb DRCMONUSCO weekly press conference Military operation against ADF-Nalu, Beni, North Kivu Congo army attacks Ugandan Islamist rebels in lawless east | 17 January 2014 | Reuters Les positions des ADF/Nalu à Beni | 18 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Nord-Kivu : l’armée déloge les ADF/Nalu de 3 localités | 18 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Traque des ADF/Nalu : la RDC ne collabore pas avec l’Ouganda, selon l’armée | 19 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Les rebelles ADF migrent vers la Province Orientale | 20 January 2014 | Radio Okapi RDC: l’offensive de l’armée contre les ADF-Nalu s’enlise | 21 January 2014 | RFI Beni : la population appelée à dénoncer toute présence suspecte des rebelles ADF | 21 January 2014 | Radio Okapi La Monusco réaffirme son appui aux FARDC dans la traque des ADF | 21 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Traque contre ces forces négatives : les premiers résultats de l’Opération Sukola 1 sont très encourageants dixit Lambert Mende | 22 January 2014 | MMC | Nord-Kivu : les ADF renforcent leurs positions à Beni et dans le parc des Virunga | 22 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Murder of Col. Mamadou Ndala RDC: arrestation musclée du capitaine Moïse Banza, aide de camp du commandant Ndala | 19 January 2014 | RFI RDC – Anatomie d’un attentat : comment Mamadou Ndala a trouvé la mort | 22 January 2014 | Jeune Afrique Assassinat de Mamadou Ndala: «L’hypothèse» du gouvernement n’est pas un jugement, selon Mende | 22 January 2014 | Radio Okapi M23 reorganising? RDC: en Ouganda, les chefs du M23 «ni en prison, ni en résidence surveillée» | 16 January 2014 | RFI Grands Lacs : pas d’asile pour les criminels de guerre, exhorte l’ONU | 16 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Réorganisation du M23: «la RDC est prête à toute éventualité », affirme Lambert Mende | 17 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Rwanda asks for U.N. report on Congo sanctions to be dismissed | 17 January 2014 | Reuters L’ONU dans l’est de la RDC: Comment fonctionne le régime des sanctions? | 17 January 2014 | RFI RDC : Quel avenir pour l’ex-M23 ? | 20 January 2014 | Afrikarabia FDLR Virunga National Park Ranger Killed in DRC Ambush | 21 January 2014 | Voice of America Masisi, North Kivu Nord-Kivu : tension à Masisi après des affrontements entre FARDC et APCLS | 21 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Masisi: conditions de vie difficiles pour les déplacés à Kitchanga | 21 January 2014 | Radio Okapi The Kivu Conflict: Say No To War – Stay in Civilian Life | 21 January 2014 | Local Voices South Kivu Shabunda : les miliciens Raia Mutomboki multiplient les exactions depuis début janvier | 22 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Sud-Kivu : une grenade explose et fait un mort et 4 blessés | 18 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Sud-Kivu : des rebelles burundais de FNL accusés d’exactions dans 3 localités d’Uvira | 22 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Katanga Katanga: des miliciens Bakata Katanga accusés de pillage à Diambala | 17 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Katanga: les Bakata Katanga enlèvent 2 personnes à Kasama | 20 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Katanga: les Bakata Katanga incendient plus de 600 habitations à Pweto | 22 January 2014 | Radio Okapi RDC : le domicile du général John Numbi perquisitionné à Lubumbashi | 21 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Bafwasende, Province Orientale Human Rights Watch – World Report 2014 UgandaMilitary intervention in South Sudan South Sudan rebels demand Uganda end support for president | 16 January 2014 | Reuters Doubts over Uganda’s military intervention in South Sudan | 17 January 2014 | IRIN South Sudan says regains key town from rebels, Uganda claims credit | 18 January 2014 | Reuters Uganda Playing Critical ‘Role’ to Solve South Sudan Conflict | 21 January 2014 | Voice of America Uganda army ‘sets up rapid response centre’ | 22 January 2014 | BBC Africa RwandaFormer Prime Minister allies himself with FDLR Rwanda: pour les autorités, «Il ne pourra pas y avoir de dialogue avec le FDLR» | 17 January 2014 | RFI Karegeya murder Assassination of Karegyeya Will Usher in Dictatorship | 18 January 2014 | The Star | allAfrica Paul Kagamé : “Pourquoi devrions-nous respecter les terroristes ?” | 19 January 2014 | Jeune Afrique Karegeya le transfuge qui en savait trop | 21 January 2014 | Le carnet de Colette Braeckman Les travaillistes britanniques demandent au gouvernement de suspendre son aide au Rwanda | 21 January 2014 | RFI Rwandans join African Mission in Central African Republic RDF Peacekeepers Guarding New CAR Interim President | 21 January 2014 | News of Rwanda | allAfrica Silence on anti-corruption activist’s murder – Human Rights Watch Central African RepublicCatherine Samba-Panza elected as new interim president Présidence de la transition en Centrafrique: dépôt des premières candidatures | 17 January 2014 | RFI Eight run for Central African Republic presidency, violence flares | 19 January 2014 | Reuters Bangui Mayor Picked as Interim CAR President | 20 January 2014 | Voice of America New CAR President Works to ‘Calm Down’ Nation | 20 January 2014 | Voice of America Central African Republic: Catherine Samba-Panza seeks troops | 21 January 2014 | BBC Africa Centrafrique: les priorités de la nouvelle présidente | 21 January 2014 | RFI Centrafrique : 5 choses à savoir sur Catherine Samba Panza, la nouvelle présidente de transition | 20 January 2014 | Jeune Afrique Beaucoup d’espoirs et de satisfaction après l’élection de la nouvelle présidente de transition | 21 January 2014 | Radio Ndeke Luka | Fondation Hirondelle U.S. Welcomes Selection of New Transitional President of the Central African Republic | 21 January 2014 | US Department of State Catherine Samba-Panza: «Maire de Bangui, j’ai toujours eu de bonnes relations avec tout le monde» | 21 January 2014 | RFI Parfait Mbay sur RFI: «Madame Samba-Panza ne part pas en terre inconnue» | 21 January 2014 | RFI Centrafrique : Catherine Samba Panza nommera son Premier ministre “mercredi ou jeudi” | 21 January 2014 | AFP/Jeune Afrique Centrafrique: consultations en vue de la formation du nouveau gouvernement | 23 January 2014 | RFI Continued violence Centrafrique : violences en cours dans plusieurs localités au nord et à l’ouest de Bangui | 18 January 2014 | AFP | Jeune Afrique Red Cross: Death Toll Mounts in Central African Republic’s North | 20 January 2014 | Voice of America Centrafrique : Nourredine Adam brièvement arrêté à Douala | 20 January 2014 | Jeune Afrique CAR Fighting Spills Into Cameroon | 20 January 2014 | Voice of America CAR: Interim president must rein in “out of control” militias as Muslims forced to flee | 20 January 2014 | Amnesty International Public killings highlight power shift in CAR | 21 January 2014 | IRIN Des attaques armées en prélude à l’investiture de Catherine Samba-Panza | 22 January 2014 | Radio Ndeke Luka | Fondation Hirondelle Seven dead in tit-for-tat killings in Central African Republic | 22 January 2014 | Reuters EU to send troops EU to send 500 troops to Central African Republic, fewer than expected | 20 January 2014 | Reuters Rwandan peacekeepers join AU mission MISCA RDF Peacekeepers Guarding New CAR Interim President | 21 January 2014 | News of Rwanda | allAfrica UN L’ONU se félicite de la démobilisation d’un premier groupe de 23 enfants soldats | 17 January 2014 | UN News Centre | allAfrica Central African Republic: over 6,000 child soldiers may be involved in fighting, UN says | 17 January 2014 | UN News Centre UN urges stronger response to ‘crisis of epic proportions’ in Central African Republic | 20 January 2014 | UN News Centre United Nations Human Rights Council – Special Session On the Human Rights Situation in the Central African Republic | 21 January 2014 | Human Rights Watch | allAfrica Security Council Committee Concerning Central African Republic Commences Work | 21 January 2014 | UN | allAfrica Brutality against children in Central African Republic reaches unprecedented levels – UN | 22 January 2014 | UN News Centre Centrafrique: l’ONU annonce la composition de la Commission d’enquête | 22 January 2014 | UN News Centre ICGLR France RCA: pour le patron de Sangaris, il faut aussi s’appuyer sur les Centrafricains | 17 January 2014 | RFI Background, analysis, comments, interviews U.N. troops likely needed to save Central African Republic: EU aid chief | 17 January 2014 | Reuters Hervé Ladsous: «Il faut travailler à une intervention de l’ONU en Centrafrique» | 17 January 2014 | RFI Martin Ziguélé: «Nous avons failli à construire un Etat centrafricain» | 17 January 2014 | RFI New management, old divisions | 18 January 2014 | The Economist South Africa in the CAR – Was Pulling the Troops a Catastrophic Mistake? | 21 January 2014 | The Daily Maverick | allAfrica Du Rwanda à la Centrafrique | 21 January 2014 | Le carnet de Colette Braeckman Factbox – Women in the Central African Republic | 21 January 2014 | AlertNet | allAfrica New Leader in CAR, Same Human Rights Crisis? | 22 January 2014 | IPS Peace and Security for Africa, Made in France | 22 January 2014 | ThinkAfricaPress Centrafrique: à Rome, Sant’Egidio œuvre pour la réconciliation | 22 January 2014 | RFI Les hérauts de la paix en RCA devant le Parlement français | 23 January 2014 | RFI Human Rights Watch – World Report 2014 |
Humanitarian newsNon-comprehensive overview of humanitarian news & events, including refugee and IDP issues DRCRD Congo : Situation humanitaire – Décembre 2013 | 20 January 2014 | UNICEF | Reliefweb 68 Congolais en provenance de la Centrafrique regagnent leurs villages en Equateur | 20 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Rapport de mission d’information sur le nouveau site des Déplacés de Kampunda 14 janvier 2014 | 20 January 2014 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb Province Orientale: 12 000 déplacés bloqués dans la forêt de Balobé depuis 2009 | 21 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Nord-Kivu: 5 000 ménages des déplacés de Mugunga veulent rentrer chez eux | 21 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Without Precedent or Prejudice? UNSC Resolution 2098 and its potential implications for humanitarian space in Eastern Congo and beyond | 22 January 2014 | UNOCHA bulletins RD Congo – Province du Sud-Kivu : Déplacements au 31 décembre 2013 (Janvier 2009 – décembre 2013) | 21 January 2014 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb LRA Regional Update: Central African Republic, DR Congo and South Sudan (October – December 2013) | 22 January 2014 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Nord-Kivu N° 02/14, 15 janvier 2014 | 19 January 2014 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire, Province du Katanga No. 01/14, 15 janvier 2014 | 20 January 2014 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Nord-Kivu N° 03/14, 21 janvier 2014 | 21 January 2014 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire, Province du Katanga No. 02/14, 22 janvier 2014 | 21 January 2014 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire, Province du Sud-Kivu, N°02/14, 22 janvier 2014 | 22 January 2014 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province Orientale No 2/14, 22 janvier 2014 | 22 January 2014 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb UgandaUganda Flash Update: South Sudanese Influx 12 – 15 January 2014 | 20 January 2014 | UNHCR | Reliefweb South Sudan Conflict Leaves Women and Children to Cope As Refugees | 21 January 2014 | UNHCR | allAfrica Central African RepublicCentral African Republic: UN humanitarian appeal for $247 million only 6 per cent funded | 16 January 2014 | UN News Centre In Central African Republic, WFP Distributions Bring Hope | 16 January 2014 | WFP | allAfrica 9 Hunger Facts | 16 January 2014 | WFP | allAfrica Major food crisis looms in CAR | 16 January 2014 | IRIN OP-ED: Avoiding Another Crisis in the Central African Republic | 17 January 2014 | IPS The World Can No Longer Ignore the Humanitarian Catastrophe | 17 January 2014 | ICRC | allAfrica Central African Republic: Overview of evacuation (15 Jan 2014) | 18 January 2014 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb Central African Republic: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 16 Jan 2014) | 18 January 2014 | UNOCHA | Reliefweb Central African Republic Fact Sheet January 2014 | 19 January 2014 | UNHCR | Reliefweb WFP Running Out of Food in Central African Republic Amid Widespread Bloodletting | 20 January 2014 | WFP | allAfrica EU and UN Mobilise Half a Billion Dollars to Save Lives in Central African Republic | 20 January 2014 | European Union External Action | allAfrica Centrafrique: aux abords de l’aéroport de Bangui, la misère se banalise | 20 January 2014 | RFI Centrafrique : crise humanitaire, la solidarité africaine mise à l’épreuve | 20 January 2014 | Jeune Afrique ICRC Appeals for End to Intercommunal Violence | 21 January 2014 | ICRC | allAfrica Central African Republic’s Children Urgently Need Healing, Hope and Funding, Says Unicef Chief | 21 January 2014 | UNICEF | allAfrica Additional U.S.$30 Million in Humanitarian Assistance for the People of the Central African Republic | 21 January 2014 | USAID | allAfrica La persistance des violences suscite de vives préoccupations | 22 January 2014 | ICRC | allAfrica |
Justice and tribunalsSelected articles on criminal justice proceedings regarding crimes committed in the Great Lakes region DRCProvince Orientale : 9 militaires poursuivis pour crimes de guerre à Walendu Bindi | 17 January 2014 | Radio Okapi La CPI menace de renvoyer en RDC 3 témoins, demandeurs d’asile aux Pays-Bas | 20 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Lubanga Adds Prosecution’s Non-Disclosure of Evidence to His Appeal Grounds | 20 January 2014 | Lubanga trial website | allAfrica Bemba Lawyers, Prosecutor Want Statement By Judges’ Witness Discounted | 21 January 2014 | Bemba trial website | allAfrica RwandaAttentat contre Habyarimana: inquiètude des parties civiles après l’affaire Karegeya | 16 January 2014 | RFI |
Natural resource exploitation, governance and tradeMinerals, energy (oil & gas, hydro and solar), poaching, logging, foreign investment, trade, environmental issues DRCDRC’s future is in the hands of its parliament | 17 January 2014 | Africa Progress Panel Minerals Walikale: l’exploitation de la cassitérite n’améliore pas les conditions de vie, selon la Cenco | 16 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Kisangani: sensibilisation sur le nouveau certificat de traçabilité des minerais | 17 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Kasaï Oriental – Les miniers sans carte d’exploitation indésirables | 18 January 2014 | Les Dépêches de Brazzaville | allAfrica Gold trafficking: UN singles out Uganda | 21 January 2014 | Africa Mining Intelligence Echos d’économie du mardi 21 janvier 2014 | 21 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Mining companies Randgold Resources: Kibali meets its goals and more | 20 January 2014 | Randgold Resources Ld | Marketwired Kipoi’s financials surge on higher reserves | 21 January 2014 | Mining Weekly Mawson West Limited: Kapulo Project Mineral Resource Update | 22 January 2014 | Mawson West Limited | Marketwired Oil Ituri: controverse entre les communautés locales et la société Oil of DRC | 19 January 2014 | Radio Okapi Israeli billionaire sells Congo oil rights for 300 times purchase price | 22 January 2014 | Reuters Illegal logging UgandaNebbi Residents Get Oil Money | 19 January 2014 | The Observer | allAfrica Expedition Begins Study of Uganda’s Shrinking Ruwenzori Glaciers | 17 January 2014 | Voice of America RwandaVanoil Announces Settlement Accord With the Government of Rwanda | 22 January 2014 | Vanoil Energy Ltd. | Marketwired Central African RepublicAXMIN Reports on Recent Events in the Central African Republic | 20 January 2014 | AXMIN Inc. | Marketwired OtherSouth Sudan |
Regulation, voluntary initiatives, and CSRSelected articles on legal and voluntary initiatives relating to natural resources and good governance Kimberley Process DRCSustainable sourcing ICGLR mineral traceability certificate Conflict-free sourcing Local communities against companies Katanga : 113 familles délogées par Tenke Fungurume exigent leurs indemnisations | 20 January 2014 | Radio Okapi EITI Oil law revision UgandaCSR Transparency |
OtherUgandaUganda President Yoweri Museveni blocks anti-gay law | 17 January 2014 | BBC Africa Uganda’s Museveni: ‘Random Breeding’ Causes Homsexuality | 17 January 2014 | Voice of America Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill Still a Threat, Activists Say | 21 January 2014 | Voice of America Uganda’s Anti-Gay Bill, Unsigned but Still Effective | 21 January 2014 | IPS | allAfrica RwandaRwanda: première visite officielle de l’expert de l’ONU sur le droit de réunion et d’association | 16 January 2014 | UN News Centre |
IPIS Recent PublicationsPinocchio Ltd. The NRA and its corporate partners: US shipments of small arms ammunition by sea | 25 March 2013 | TA-R | IPIS Major Powers Fuelling Atrocities. Why the world needs a robust Arms Trade Treaty | March 2013 | Amnesty International The Arms Trade Treaty: Building a Path to Disarmament | 19 March 2013 | Sergio Finardi, Brian Wood, Peter Danssaert, Ken Matthysen Upstream Implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. Final Report on one-year pilot implementation of the Supplement on Tin, Tantalum, and Tungsten | January 2013 | OECD – IPIS Exploitation minière industrielle et artisanale au Sud-Kivu. Possibilités d’une cohabitation pacifique ? | December 2012 | Gabriel Kamundala Byemba Cartographie des motivations derrière les conflits : le M23 | November 2012 | IPIS Mapping Conflict Motives: M23 | November 2012 | IPIS A Code of Conduct for Arms Transport by Air. Transport Services under an Arms Trade Treaty Series | August 2012 | IPIS Rough Seas. Maritime Transport and Arms Shipments | July 2012 | IPIS Upstream Implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas. Cycle 2 Interim Progress Report on the Supplement on Tin, Tantalum, and Tungsten | May 2012 | OECD – IPIS Etat des lieux du développement socio-économique dans les zones minières au Nord-Kivu (territoires de Walikale et Masisi) | March 2012 | ASSODIP | IPIS (editorial advice) Assessment of existing practices regarding end-user certification | February 2012 | UNODA | IPIS Transparancy and Accountability. Monitoring and Reporting Methods Under An Arms Trade Treaty | February 2012 | TransArms R | IPIS Upstream Pilot Implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas Baseline Report on the Supplement on Tin, Tantalum, and Tungsten | November 2011 | OECD | IPIS Violence against women in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Whose responsibility? Whose complicity? | November 2011 | ITUC | IPIS Bisie. A one-year snapshot of the DRC’s principal cassiterite mine | November 2011 | IPIS “Véhicules civils militarisables” and the EU arms embargo on Sudan | September 2011 | IPIS | TA-R | ASER Conflict motives in Kenya’s North Rift region | September 2011 | IPIS intern series To see the sources of IPIS’ briefings, please click here. |