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NEWS IN BRIEFIn North Kivu, the leader of the Mai Mai Kifuafua is reported to have stated the group’s willingness to disarm under the condition that state forces provide security in the region. As fighting continues between local militias and the FDLR many people are said to have fled their villages located along the border between Walikale and Lubero. In South Kivu, a FARDC soldier died during fighting with the Mai Mai Raia Mutomboki near Shabunda. In Province Orientale, an attempt to negotiate the peaceful surrender of the FRPI and its leader Cobra Matata has failed. Local leaders tried to negotiate with the group after last week’s FARDC announcement of its intent to pursue a military advance against the FRPI. In Katanga, a police commander and his wife have reportedly been killed in the town of Malemba Nkulu. According to civil society, Mai-Mai militiamen executed the couple before looting the city and taking hostages. Ugandan security forces claim to have foiled a terrorist attack by an al Shabaab cell. Reports suggest that 19 suspects have been arrested and explosives confiscated. Meanwhile, the US has warned its citizens in the country to stay at home. The alleged attack plot is understood to be linked to the intelligence assistance given by Ugandan forces stationed in Somalia that led to the US’ attack on an al Shabaab commander earlier this month. In the Central African Republic, the UN peacekeeping force MINUSCA has officially taken over the mission from the AU-led MISCA. While MINUSCA will have a larger number of troops on the ground, whether it will be able to bring peace to the country is a matter of debate. Amnesty International has urged for a quicker deployment of the full contingent. So far only 65% of the pledged troops have been deployed, they say. Meanwhile, a report published by the Enough Project this week identifies four elements deemed essential for a successful transition into peace. After reports of dead bodies floating in Lake Rweru between Rwanda and Burundi a few weeks ago, little more is known. Human Rights Watch accuse both countrie’s officials of inactivity, as no official investigation has yet been conducted. Both Rwanda and Burundi reject responsibility for the case. In Uganda, an alleged rise in land grabbing has been criticised. Since the discovery of oil in 2006 it is reported that locals have been illegally expelled from their lands. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development has announced the discovery of new natural gas resources. |
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