Voix du Congo : Analysis of incidents in the artisanal mining supply chain in Shabunda territory, South Kivu

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See our series : VOIX DU CONGO


In the “Voix du Congo” series, “Action des Chrétiens Activistes des Droits de l’Homme à Shabunda” (ACADHOSHA) presents a study of incidents in the artisanal mining supply chain in Shabunda territory (South Kivu).

ACADHOSHA is a non-profit association, under Congolese law, that campaigns for the promotion of human rights, justice and the sustainable management of natural resources as a mean of improving the living conditions of local communities and indigenous populations.

Between July and December 2019, ACADHOSHA monitored 21 incidents reported on the “Kufatilia” platform. In order to follow up on these incidents, ACADHOSHA contacted the competent authorities, implemented awareness-raising actions and conducted field visits to the sites that were concerned.

Through this article, ACADHOSHA wishes to raise international awareness on the extent of incidents related to mineral supply chains in the Shabunda territory and to propose solutions to improve the conditions of extraction of these minerals. The monitoring of incidents related to the exploitation of minerals will strengthen the contribution of the artisanal sector to the improvement of the living conditions of communities and the development of the province and the country.


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The “Voix du Congo” series

IPIS supports non-governmental organisations in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and provides the support and platform to disseminate their research results, within the framework of the project “Voix du Congo”.

The opinions and facts reported in these reports do not, in any way, reflect IPIS or IPIS’ researchers’ positions but give an insight into the way Congolese civil society organisations work and analyse the problems and realities they face.

Other publications of this series are available here: “Voix du Congo”.