Mapping Conflict Motives: ‘Province Orientale’ (DRC) (2010)

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The districts of Ituri, Haut-Uele, Bas-Uele and the territory of Bafwasende continue to suffer from armed groups. Generally speaking, the strength of the armed groups throughout Orientale is limited and their effectives are few. Moreover, there is a considerable presence of the Congolese army.
The Uele districts are the two most northern districts of Orientale bordering the Central African Republic and Sudan. In the course of 2009, they have repeatedly come to the fore of news coverage on the DRC because of the hunt for the LRA rebels. This hunt chased the LRA from its bases within the Garamba Park. It caused the break-up of the armed group in a number of smaller units that took flight in different directions and perpetrated a seemingly endless series of serious human rights violations against the civilian population.


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The web maps

More information on the maps (sources, cartographic accuracy etc.) can be found in the report under the heading: ‘Presentation of the map collection’.

How to use the web maps:

The link below will lead you to a webpage with 9 different maps that can be selected from the drop-down menu on the right side of the screen.

• Information on a map element can be retrieved by clicking on the item directly on the map (the mouse pointer should change in a hand first). An information window will pop up.
• You can change the level of detail on the maps by zooming in or out. The maps are available at three different scales: 1:5,000,000 (initial view), 1:2,500,000 and 1:500,000. To zoom in or out, move the scroll slide (in the bottom left corner) up or down, or just move the mouse wheel up or down. For the sake of clarity, several map elements, notably the names of features, are hidden while viewing at the largest scale but usually revealed when zooming in. Also, sometimes places are too close to each other on the map to be able to click on all of them separately and, on the maps ‘Incidents’, ‘Natural resources’ and ‘Reports’, in some cases two or more features (symbols) overlap each other. To solve this problem, just click on the ‘Lists’ function on the screen below and then choose the specific place you are interested in from the list. In that list, the name of a place with more than one incident, mineral or report, will be repeated as many times as there are incidents, minerals or reports.

• You can easily navigate through the map by dragging it with the mouse pointer. After a double click, the clicked-on position is displayed at the centre of the map.
• A legend is provided for all the maps.
• The maps feature an advanced geographic and thematic search function that locates strings of characters.
• You can also search for data thematically by clicking the ‘Lists’ button. The map will centre on the map element you have chosen from the list(s) and automatically an information window pops up. Please note that the ‘Incidents’ and ‘Natural resources’ maps each have two lists: click on the title of the visible list and the title of the other will appear, allowing to visualise it.
• When clicking the ‘Overview’ button a useful overview map appears in an extra window at the top left corner of the screen.

Please note that, when choosing a map from the drop-down menu, it can take a while before the right map appears. The same goes for the list(s) when clicking on the ‘Lists’ button (the ‘Armed groups’, ‘Land conflicts’ and ‘Hideout’ maps do not have lists). Please be patient…

View the web maps