Business & Human Rights in Tanzania: what’s on the agenda?

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On 18 and 19 August 2014, IPIS organised a workshop on Business and Human Rights in close cooperation with the Tanzanian national human rights institution, the Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance. The workshop, which took place in Dar es Salaam, was designed and facilitated by IPIS researchers, Anna Bulzomi and Gabriella Wass, together with Business & Human Rights Resource Centre representative, Joe Kibugu.
Participants spanned a broad range of sectors, including international business, ESG management, nongovernmental organizations, advocacy and research groups, and law centres operating in Tanzania and
The training was open to all stakeholders working across diverse industry sectors and covering a wide array of ESG and human rights issues, namely stakeholder engagement in large-scale extractive projects, business and children, labour conditions in the tourism sector and human rights risks in artisanal gold
The collegial and hands-on nature of the training enabled all participants to exchange and learn from each other’s experiences. This paper summarises some of the main takeaways from this workshop in terms of case studies of business and human rights issues in the Tanzanian context.


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