Accessible and Interactive: New Methods of Data Visualization as Tools for Data Analysis and Information Sharing in Transitional Justice Research

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The production and use of datasets is a growing area in transitional justice research. One constant limitation, however, is the way this data is visualized. Relying only on static graphics and tables, many of these datasets are insufficiently explored and analyzed, and remain inaccessible for other researchers. Interactive data visualization tools are an ideal method for overcoming this gap. They are able to adequately present a wide range of quantitative and qualitative data- types, such as geographic, temporal, network, and text data, and their interactive functions allow for a better exploration and understanding of the data. This article examines the visualization needs of transitional justice research, and demonstrates how interactive visualization can facilitate data analysis as well as information sharing. Presenting selected tools for different data types, the article provides hands-on methodological examples for effective handling of transitional justice data using, for example, GIS mapping, Google Motion Charts, and Word Trees.


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