Exceptions in dual-use export licenses
September 5, 2009The European Commission (EC) presented in December 2008 a Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1334/2000 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports of dual-use items and technology. This proposal has been set up to achieve ‘uniform and consistent application of controls throughout the Community’, to ‘simplify the current legal system, to enhance the industry’
An analysis of Finexpo’s and Ducroire/Nationale Delcrederedienst’s support practices in comparison to the EURODAD principles on responsible financing
April 24, 2009In 2007, Belgian exports generated 89,3% of Belgium’s gross domestic product. The exports created employment as well as fiscal and parafiscal revenues. Because of the importance that exporting holds in the Belgian economy, Belgium has several public instruments in place to encourage and support the export of goods and services. At the federal level, there are Ducroire/Nationale Delcrederedienst (O
Rechercher la problématique des ressources naturelles dans la République Démocratique du Congo. Syllabus sur le cadre juridique
February 2, 2009Ce syllabus a été rédigé dans le cadre du projet ‘Renforcement de capacité d’ONG congolaises qui travaillent autour les ressources naturelles : méthodologies de recherche et rédaction de dossiers de haute qualité servant de base aux activités de campagne et de lobbying’. Ce projet est éxécuté par l’ONG belge International Peace Information Service (IPIS) et a pour objectif spécifique que les ONG c
Towards a Sustainable Cocoa Chain: Power and possibilities within the cocoa and chocolate sector
December 25, 2008This report contributes in various ways to the debate on a sustainable cocoa economy. A sustainable cocoa economy is where each person investing time or money into the supply chain would be able to earn a decent income for themselves and their family, work in good conditions, and in a manner which did not harm the environment. It provides an overview of the various stakeholders in the cocoa and th
From conflict resources to sustainable development
July 23, 2008Memorandum by Fatal Transactions on the European Union’s contribution to natural resource management in Africa This Memorandum looks specifically at the European Commission’s contribution to a sustainable exploitation of natural resources in Africa and a sustainable supply chain. It also assesses its approach on conflict resources. The paper provides an analysis of the Commission’s trade policy, d
Fatal Transaction’s second submission on EIB Statement of Environmental and Social Principles and Standards
June 23, 2008Fatal Transactions supports the initiatives of the European Investment Bank to revise its “Statement of Environmental and Social Principles and Standards”. We applaud the realisation of this revision in an open and transparent consultative process. This has without any doubt positively contributed to the revised draft Statement that has been presented by the Bank on 1 October 2008. Download in pdf
Transacties van de Nationale Delcrederedienst onder de loep. Een overzicht van enkele cases
March 25, 2008Ieder land heeft het soevereine recht om projecten en werken op zijn grondgebied goed te keuren, rekening houdend met de effecten (positieve b.v. economische belangen of negatieve effecten b.v. schadelijke gevolgen voor het leefmilieu) ervan. Een buitenlands bedrijf moet bij zijn deelname aan dergelijke activiteiten rekening houden met bepaalde voorwaarden. Deze kunnen zowel worden geregeld in de
A Practical Guide about the International Human Rights Frameworks and how Business fits into it
March 17, 2008This guide provides business enterprises an overview of the international human rights frameworks. It also uses the Human Rights Compliance Assessment tool created by the Danish Institute for Human Rights. It should be used as a tool for businesses and does not absolve them from not working out detailed principles for the specific sector which they are operational. It is imperative for business ma
Het milieu- en sociaal beleid van exportkredietverzekeringsmaatschappijen. Een vergelijkende analyse
March 14, 2008De Nationale Delcrederedienst, een Belgisch overheidsbedrijf, verzekert bedrijven tegen politieke en commerciële risico’s van internationale handelstransacties, onder andere met betrekking tot kapitaalgoederen, industriële projecten, aannemingswerken en diensten. In vele landen, zowel Westerse als ontluikende landen, kunnen bedrijven genieten van soortgelijke overheidssteun. De goedkeuring van der
Het beleid van exportkredietverzekeringsmaatschappijen
October 28, 2007De privé-sector is veruit de belangrijkste motor van de wereldeconomie en bedrijven kunnen in belangrijke mate bijdragen tot de socio-economische stabiliteit van een regio of land, hebben de capaciteit om te zorgen voor technologische overdracht en kunnen welvaart genereren. Daarnaast is er een groeiende erkenning dat ze kunnen bijdragen tot conflictpreventie en duurzame vredesopbouw. Tegelijkerti
Recent arms deliveries from the successor States of the former Yugoslavia
March 18, 2007This report presents the findings of the group of international experts commissioned by IPIS vzw to examine the current controls on weapons exports from the countries of former Yugoslavia, especially the Republic of Bosnia-Herzogovina and the Republic of Serbia. Download in pdf or open with issuu reader. http://issuu.com/ipisresearch/docs/20070319_recent_arms_deliveries_fro
Human Rights, Banking Risks. Incorporating Human Rights Obligations
March 17, 2007This report was written on behalf of BankTrack . BankTrack released the following press release at the UN consultation on February 16, 2007. See more: www.banktrack.org “Financial institutions can play an important role in promoting human rights, as well as respecting them by preventing or minimizing the social and environmental harm that may be caused by their transactions. Too often, Banks are c