Belgische wapenexport naar Israël: De speling tussen woord en daad in het exportcontrolebeleid

5 maart 2024

In dit dossier werpen Vredesactie en IPIS een kritische blik op het Belgische beleid ten aanzien van de uitvoer en doorvoer van defensiegerelateerde goederen en dualusegoederen naar Israël. De nieuwe Gaza-oorlog zet dit wapenhandelbeleid opnieuw in de schijnwerpers. De gewesten, die bevoegd zijn voor wapenhandel, claimen regelmatig uit te gaan van de hoogste standaarden. En volgens de geldende bel

The Ukraine war, environmental destruction and the question of ecocide

17 oktober 2023

Arms Trade Bulletin: September – October 2023 Early September, controversy erupted due to the US delivery of depleted uranium (DU) ammunition to Ukraine as part of their latest $175 million military aid package, including the M1A1 Abrams tanks. Despite the US following the UK’s example, which had already sent DU ammunitions, this is the second controversial US arms delivery since the

Where would Ukraine’s “wings for freedom” be flying to?

24 februari 2023

Arms Trade Bulletin: January – February 2023 Today marks the first year of Russia’s unlawful invasion of Ukraine, and with a Russian spring offensive in sight, Kyiv is requesting ever more offensive weapons from NATO countries. From the very outset of the war, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has been maintaining a proverbial shopping list that included NATO-standard weapons. Despite initial

Arms Trade Bulletin March-April 2022

10 mei 2022

End-Use Monitoring of Military Assistance to Ukraine Peter Danssaert, Brian Wood & Markus Fahlbusch Since late March, arms transfers to the Ukraine armed forces have increased and changed in nature to counter the invading Russian forces, their atrocities and wanton destruction of civilian infrastructure. Under Putin’s orders, Russian forces have re-concentrated in the south east of Ukraine in