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NEWS IN BRIEFThe United Nations Security Council has backed DRC and MONUSCO’s plans to begin a military campaign to “neutralise” the FDLR rebel group in the country’s eastern provinces. Preparations to overcome FDLR are well underway, with the head of MONUSCO, Martin Kobler, and the provincial governor of North Kivu, Julien Paluku getting together on Thursday the 8th January in Goma to harmonise the preparations and accompanying measures for military operations to forcibly disarm and neutralise the rebel group. FDLR’s failure to comply with the 2nd January 2015 deadline to disarm is at the centre of focus in the GLR at present, and the debate has become politicised, with President of Tanznaia – Jakaya Kikwete – feeling the need to dismiss accusations that he has favoured the insurgents as “preposterous.” However the FARDC remains active in its other duties, stating that on Saturday the 10th of January they took back control over the camps Pilote and Issa from ADF rebels, and on Wednesday 14 January that they resumed control over the localities Mpofi, Luvungi, Kigoma and Kailenge from the Mai Mai Cheka militia. Meanwhile, on the 13th of January, a joint delegation of FARDC and MONUSCO entered into discussion with Cobra Matata’s FRPI in Aveba village, located 80 kilometers south of Bunia (Eastern Province). A court in Senegal has charged a police officer from the DRC, who is suspected of involvement in the murder of human rights activist Floribert Chebeya. The move revives an investigation into the death of Chebeya and his driver that occurred over four years ago. The case that underscores how Senegal’s legal system can be used to try people accused of committing torture in other countries. Debate has abounded regarding the rightful custody and fate of Dominic Ongwen, former Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) commander, with some claiming that the USA and Uganda were in a standoff regarding whether he should face charges domestically or at the ICC. Ongwen is currently under Ugandan custody, and Uganda has said he will face trial at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Please note that the briefing will not be as comprehensive as usual due to technical difficulties experienced this week. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. |
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