Arms Trade Highlights: March – May 2017

IPIS Publications

Fatal Freight: Ships, Guns and Human Rights Abuses

TransArms and IPIS undertook a thorough research of the responsibilities of states and companies involved in the transfer of military equipment by sea under customary international law. The maritime transport is by far the main modality for the transfers of military equipment and commodities. The report considers cases of irresponsible shipments of arms and military commodities to countries with ongoing armed conflicts and escalating human rights violations. The authors also identify areas for future improvement of the ATT to include regulations of military fuel and chemicals.

Arms Trade Treaty

In June 2017, IPIS launched its e-learning digital education package to support the early ratification and effective implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty. The objective of this e-learning course is to enhance knowledge of arms transfer control issues amongst key stakeholders. The course is an integral part of IPIS’ research program ‘Arms Trade and Security’ and of the Capacity Building program. The course contains 13 modules covering the key provisions of the Arms Trade Treaty. It is recommended to complete the modules in their numerical order. Nonetheless, users can also chose to complete them individually.

Third Conference of States Parties to the ATT, ATT Secretariat

The Third Conference of States Parties (CSP3) will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, 11 – 15 September 2017.

Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on Impact of arms transfers on the enjoyment of human rights (A/HRC/35/8) | 3 May 2017 | Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

In its resolution 32/12, the the Human Rights Council requested the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to prepare a report on the impact of arms transfers on the enjoyment of human rights in order to provide States and other relevant stakeholders with elements to assess the relationship between arms transfers and human rights law that may guide them to strengthen efforts to effectively protect human rights.

Chemical attacks Syria

MIT Rocket Scientist: White House Claims on Syria Chemical Attack “Cannot Be True” | 12 April 2017 | Washingtonsblog

One of the world’s leading rocket scientists, national security advisor and MIT Professor Theodore Postol, who has won awards for debunking claims about missile defense systems and has been a scientific adviser to the US Chief of Naval Operations, says today in a nine-page report that a four-page report released by the Trump administration yesterday intended to blame the recent chemical attack in Syria on the Syrian government “does not provide any evidence whatsoever that the US government has concrete knowledge that the government of Syria was the source of the chemical attack”.

Addendum to Dr. Theodore Postol’s Assessment of the White House Report on Syria Chemical Attack | 13 April 2017 | Washingtonsblog

This addendum is a follow-up to the report A Quick Turnaround Assessment of the White House Intelligence Report Issued on April 11, 2017 about the Nerve Agent Attack in Khan Shaykhun, Syria. The full “Quick Turnaround” was written on the evening of April 11 after a quick review of the White House Intelligence Report (WHR) issued on the same day.

Video Shows Tampering with “Evidence” of Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack | 15 April 2017 |

This is my third report assessing the White House intelligence Report of April 11, 2017. My first report was titled A Quick Turnaround Assessment of the White House Intelligence Report Issued on April 11, 2017 about the Nerve Agent Attack in Khan Shaykhun, Syria and my second report was an Addendum to the first report.

NYT Mocks Skepticism on Syria-Sarin Claims | 18 April 2017 |

The New York Times and other major media have ruled out any further skepticism toward the U.S. government’s claim that Syrian President Assad dropped a sarin bomb on a town in Idlib province, reports Robert Parry.

Al Qaeda en de gifgasaanvallen in Syrië | 23 April 2017 | Willy Van Damme blog

Toch merkwaardig, telkenmale er een cruciale stap gezet wordt in het diplomatiek ontwarren van de complexe oorlog in Syrië gebeurt er iets schokkends die de vooruitgang teniet doet of dat poogt te doen. Nu kwam dit nieuws over de gifgasaanval bij Khan Sheikhoun bijna vlak na de officiële beslissing van de Amerikaanse regering om Assad de facto te erkennen. Met op datzelfde ogenblik ook een conferentie in Brussel over zogenaamde Europese hulp bij de wederopbouw.


Sudan upgrades BRDM-2 scout car | 6 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s International Defence Review

Sudan’s Military Industry Corporation (MIC) has developed and tested an automotive upgrade for the BRDM-2 4×4 amphibious scout car.

Sudan reveals new Khatim variants | 7 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s International Defence Review

Sudan’s Military Industry Corporation (MIC) has developed two further versions of the Khatim armoured personnel carrier (APC) – the Khatim-3 and Khatim-4.

Spain donates two patrol boats to Guinea-Bissau | 9 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Navy International

Spain is donating two patrol boats to Guinea-Bissau to help the West African nation monitor its coastal waters.

Polisario receives new armoured vehicles | 9 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

Algeria has recently supplied new armoured vehicles to the Polisario Front, according to Moroccan press reports.

Als Gastgeschenk gab’s 330 Raketen | 14 March 2017 | TAZ

Zwei Wochen nach Merkels Besuch in Kairo informiert die Bundesregierung: Ägypten darf hunderte Lenkflugkörper vom Bodensee kaufen.

Cameroon receives new offshore patrol vessel | 28 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

The Cameroonian Navy has received its new offshore patrol vessel (OPV) CNS Dipikar (P 107), which arrived at the Douala naval base in the last week of February, a Cameroonian military source told Jane’s.

Trump to sell attack planes to Nigeria for Boko Haram fight | 10 April 2017 | AP News

The Trump administration will move forward with the sale of high-tech aircraft to Nigeria for its campaign against Boko Haram Islamic extremists despite concerns over abuses committed by the African nation’s security forces, according to U.S. officials.

Senegal parades new BM-21s and armoured vehicles | 11 April 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

The Senegalese Army publicly displayed for the first time its recently delivered Ukrainian-made BM-21 ‘Grad’ multiple rocket launchers (MRL) and Oncilla armoured vehicles during a military parade in Dakar on 4 April.

China’s Arms Sales in Africa | 19 April 2017 | Sustainable Security

One of the negative aspects of China’s increasing engagement with African states is the spread of small arms and/or light weapons especially in conflict zones and were opposition is violently suppressed. These weapons have undoubtably contributed to the enhancement of closer ties between China and authoritarian regimes and served as an instrument for consolidating its presence in the continent.

First Egyptian Type 209 sub arrives in Alexandria | 20 April 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

The Egyptian Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced on 19 April that the first of its Type 209/1400 diesel-electric attack submarines had arrived from Germany. In the process it revealed that a new covered submarine shelter has been constructed at the main naval base in Alexandria.

Namibia forced to cancel Chinese arms contract | 20 April 2017 | DefenceWeb

The Namibian Defence Force (NDF) was forced to cancel a N$156 million transaction with Chinese defence equipment manufacturer Poly Technologies under pressure from the US Treasury Department, which blocked the payment citing sanctions against the Chinese company.

Haftstrafe für Waffenhandel mit Charles Taylor | 21 April 2017 | DW

19 jaar cel voor illegale wapenhandel en medeplichtigheid aan oorlogsmisdrijven in Liberia en Guinee (judgment) | 21 April 2017 | Rechtspraak

Ein 74-jähriger Niederländer muss für 19 Jahre ins Gefängnis, weil er Liberia im Bürgerkrieg Waffen verkauft hatte. Damit war er nach Ansicht des Gerichts an Kriegsverbrechen von Liberias Ex-Präsident Taylor beteiligt.

Foreign Military Sale to Kenya for MD 530 aircraft | 1 May 2017 | U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency

The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Kenya for MD 530 aircraft. The estimated cost is $253 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on May 1, 2017.

Israelis Exporting Arms to South Sudan Should Face Criminal Justice, Activists Say | 4 May 2017 |


The petitioners say Israelis might be guilty of war crimes for selling rifles to the East African country during its civil war.

L’Egypte détruit un convoi d’armes et de munitions qui tentait d’infiltrer sa frontière | 9 May 2017 |

Maghreb emergent

Les forces armées égyptiennes ont déjoué une tentative d’infiltration le long de la frontière occidentale qui sépare l’Egypte de la Libye, et ont détruit 15 véhicules remplis d’armes et de munitions, a déclaré lundi dans un communiqué un porte-parole de l’armée.

Le gouvernement libyen contourne l’embargo sur les armes. Avec l’assentiment de Sophia ? | 13 May 2017 | Bruxelles2

Le gouvernement d’union nationale libyen, établi à Tripoli, contournerait-il l’embargo sur les armes avec un certain assentiment du commandement d’EUNAVFOR. C’est un peu le sens de l’interpellation qu’a faite l’ambassadeur français lors d’une réunion du COPS (le Comité politique et de sécurité de l’UE), le 25 avril, lors d’un point spécifique de la réunion consacré à l’opération Sophia (EUNAVFOR Med). Un point tenu en formation « secret » au Justus Lipsius, le siège du Conseil, où seuls les ambassadeurs étaient conviés (comme le prouve l’ordre du jour).

US court battle gives clues to Nigerian arms scandal | 18 May 2017 | Daily Mail

The claims read like the plot of a best-selling thriller, with secretive arms dealers and a corruption-riddled government fighting jihadists.

L’affaire du Lufy : un trafic d’armes intralibyen ? un problème européen ? | 18 May 2017 | Bruxelles2

A l’Union européenne, on ne tient pas trop à commenter la « bavure » de l’opération Sophia. Le fait d’avoir laisser un navire repartir avec des armes, sans les arrêter parait, en effet, difficilement explicable.

Le Togo va se doter d’une base de données électronique sécurisée et fiable pour les armes civiles et de guerres marquées | 20 May 2017 |

Le projet « Appui au marquage, à la réhabilitation de magasins et à la destruction des armes, munitions et autres matériels connexes au Togo » a été officiellement lancé ce jeudi à Lomé par le ministre de la sécurité et de la protection civile, le Colonel Yark Damehame.

Sudan MIC fleshes out Sarsar APC family | 22 May 2017 | IHS Jane’s International Defence Review

Sudan’s Military Industrial Corporation (MIC) has released further details of its expanded Sarsar family of 4×4 armoured personnel carriers (APCs).

US Congress launches new probe into Kenyan AT-802L deal | 25 May 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

The sale to Kenya of 12 armed L3 Technologies-Air Tractor AT-802L intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) and light attack turboprops is being investigated by the US Congressional Committee On Oversight And Government Reform, it was disclosed earlier in May.

Quel responsable français cherchait à freiner la vente d’hélicoptères d’attaque au Togo ? | 26 May 2017 |

Dans son édition du 7 mai, JA annonçait que la France allait probablement conclure avec le Togo, d’ici à la fin de l’année, la vente de cinq hélicoptères Gazelle. Si, en décembre 2016, une licence d’exportation a bien été délivrée et si, le 20 avril suivant, la Commission interministérielle pour les exportations d’armes a semblé valider le principe de cette vente (dont le montant pourrait avoisiner 20 millions d’euros), Jean-Marc Ayrault se montrait très réticent.

Final report of the Panel of Experts on Libya established pursuant to resolution 1973 (2011) (S/2017/466) | 1 June 2017 | UN Panel of Experts on Libya | Reliefweb

UN report cites numerous sources of illegal funding for Libyan militias | 14 June 2017 | Libya Herald

The Panel of Experts on Libya established pursuant to Security Council resolution 1973 (2011) has the honour to transmit herewith, in accordance with paragraph 13 of resolution 2278 (2016), the final report on its work. The report was provided to the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1970 (2011) concerning Libya on 5 May and was considered by the Committee on 19 May 2017.

Togo : Un pays surarmé pour la répression? | 8 June 2017 |

L’information a fait grand bruit au début de ce mois de mai. Le projet d’achat de cinq hélicoptères de type gazelle par l’Etat togolais pour, dit-on, la surveillance des frontières face aux menaces terroristes et à la recrudescence des aces de piraterie dans le Golfe de Guinée.


Commerce Department Boosts Arms Sales Deliveries to Record High | 1 March 2017 | LobeLog

U.S. arms sales deliveries jumped to more than $25 billion in FY 2015, increasing the total value of U.S. arms deliveries by at least $5 billion over recent years, according to latest data from several U.S. government reports. The major increase in U.S. arms sales deliveries comes from a relatively new Commerce Department program established in part to help U.S. companies export certain types of military equipment more easily. Some arms industry associations are already urging the Trump administration to further reduce controls on defense companies exporting arms, but it’s too early to tell what specific controls the administration would seek to reduce.

USD67 million Foreign Military Sales contract for the production of SR-116 rocket motors for the AIM-9P rocket (Bahrain, Taiwan, Egypt) | 2 March 2017 | U.S. Department of Defense

Alliant Techsystems Operations LLC, doing business as ATK Tactical Propulsion and Control, Rocket Center, West Virginia, has been awarded an estimated $67,000,000 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for production of SR-116 rocket motors for the AIM-9P rocket. Work will be performed at Rocket Center, West Virginia, and is expected to be complete by Feb. 27, 2022. This contract is 100 percent foreign military sales, with foreign country military funds in the amount of $8,355,047 being obligated at time of award for the first delivery order to Bahrain, Taiwan and Egypt. The Robins Air Logistics Center, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, is the contracting activity (FA8520-17-D-0002).

U.S. Arms Sale to Saudis Spells Legal Trouble for State Department Officials | 15 March 2017 | Just Security

In December, the Obama administration suspended a large weapon sale to Saudi Arabia due to concerns about widespread civilian casualties from Saudi airstrikes in Yemen. The Trump administration is now looking to reverse that decision. If the White House approves the sale and overcomes expected congressional opposition, it could leave bureaucrats in the State Department holding the bag—under pressure to approve sales that put them personally at legal risk. Policymakers may believe there are overriding U.S. interests favoring US support for Saudi Arabia in its proxy war with Iran in Yemen, but that kind of policy calculation does not resolve the legal risks involved.

USD132 million Foreign Military Sales contract for Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia | 30 March 2017 | U.S. Department of Defense

Critical Solutions International Inc.,* Charleston, South Carolina, was awarded a $131,946,942 firm-fixed-price, foreign military sales (Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia) contract for the production of commercial Husky second generation system, new production sub-systems, spare parts, storage, tools and diagnostic equipment, field service representatives, and training for current special defense acquisition funds requirements and projected country funded foreign military sales requirements. Bids were solicited via the Internet with one received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of March 30, 2021. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Warren, Michigan, is the contracting activity (W56HZV-17-D-0045).

Bahrain Arms Sales Belie US Commitment to Human Rights | 4 April 2017 | LobeLog

The New York Times reported last Thursday that the US State Department has decided to lift human rights as a condition for the sale of F-16 fighter jets and other weapons to Bahrain, a small, Sunni, family-ruled kingdom in the Persian Gulf. Ostensibly, the justification that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson gave for his decision was that Bahrain is a key ally in the fight against Iran-supported Houthis in Yemen. The US Navy Fifth Fleet is also home-ported in Bahrain.

China donates military equipment to Guyana | 7 April 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has given military equipment to Guyana in a bid to enhance bilateral ties and bolster the South American country’s defence capabilities.

Senators seek to limit arms sales to Saudis | 13 April 2017 | The Hill

Four senators have introduced a resolution to limit U.S. support for a Saudi Arabia-led coalition fighting in Yemen’s civil war, they announced Thursday.

The Trouble With Brazil’s Expanding Arms Trade | 18 April 2017 | Defense One

Brazilian-made weapons – whether firearms, ammunition or cluster munitions – are turning up with alarming frequency in some of the world’s most fragile countries. This is not so surprising; Brazil has ranked among the top global producers of small arms and ammunition for two decades. Between 2005 and 2015, for example, the Latin American giant exported all manner of weaponry to more than 100 countries, according to United Nations customs data.

Foreign Military Sales to Georgia, Lebanon, Iraq, Slovakia, Pakistan and Bahrain | 20 April 2017 | U.S. Department of Defense

Colt Defense LLC, West Hartford, Connecticut, was awarded a $7,453,690 modification (0005) to foreign military sales (Georgia, Lebanon, Iraq, Slovakia, Pakistan and Bahrain) contract W56HZV-15-D-0038 for 8,730 M4/M4A1 rifles. Work will be performed in West Hartford, Connecticut, with an estimated completion date of Jan. 31, 2018. Fiscal 2017 other funds in the amount of $7,453,690 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Warren, Michigan, is the contracting activity.

The Irresponsibility of US Arm Sales to Saudi Arabia | 21 April 2017 | Americans for Democracy & Human Rights in Bahrain

On 7 February 2017, the Trump administration announced that it would approve the sale of a $300 million precision-guided missile technology package to Saudi Arabia despite ongoing concerns about the kingdom’s involvement in the conflict in Yemen and civilian casualties.


Modification to previously awarded Foreign Military Sales contract FA8505-14-C-0004 (Saudi Arabia) | 3 March 2017 | U.S. Department of Defense

The Boeing Co., St. Louis, Missouri, has been awarded a $46,399,274 modification (PZ0001) to previously awarded contract FA8505-14-C-0004 to definitize a foreign military sales requirement providing interim contractor support for the F-15SA aircraft for the Royal Saudi Air Force. Work will be performed at King Khalid Air Base, Saudi Arabia, and is expected to be complete by March 31, 2017. This contract is 100 percent foreign military sales to Saudi Arabia. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, is the contracting activity.

Iran reveals Saba-248 domestically developed helo | 8 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

Iran has unveiled what it purports to be a new domestically developed and manufactured helicopter, national media announced on 7 March.

Korkut SPAAG system enters production | 14 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

Following successful qualification trials of the Turkish Land Forces Command (TLFC) Korkut twin 35 mm self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (SPAAG) system a production order for an undisclosed number of systems has been placed with Aselsan.

Foreign Military Sale of precision mortar rounds to Singapore | 14 March 2017 | U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency

The US State Department has approved a request from Singapore to procure precision mortar rounds worth an estimated USD66 million, the Defence Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) announced on 14 March.

Modification to Foreign Military Sales contract W58RGZ-16-C-0023 (Saudi Arabia) | 15 March 2017 | U.S. Department of Defense

The Boeing Co., Mesa, Arizona, was awarded a $3,276,522,609 modification (PZ0002) to foreign military sales (Saudi Arabia) contract W58RGZ-16-C-0023 for Apache attack helicopter multi-year lots 7-11, AH-64E full-rate production of remanufactured aircraft and new build aircraft, remanufacture and new build Longbow crew trainers, peculiar ground support equipment, initial spares, integrated logistics support, and engineering technical services. Work will be performed in Mesa, Arizona, with an estimated completion date of June 30, 2022. Fiscal 2010, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 other procurement (Army) funds in the amount of $3,276,522,609 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, is the contracting activity.

Iraq takes delivery of first South Korean jets | 16 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

Iraqi Air Force (IqAF) commander Lieutenant General Anwar Hamad Amin announced on 16 March that the IqAF has received its first batch of Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) T-50 jets.

Boeing awarded USD3.4 billion Apache sales | 17 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

Boeing has been awarded a USD3.4 billion multiyear contract to supply new-build and remanufactured AH-64E Apache Guardian attack helicopters to the US Army and Saudi Arabia.

USD37 million Foreign Military Sales contract to Saudi Arabia | 21 March 2017 | U.S. Department of Defense

L-3 Fuzing and Ordnance Systems Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, was awarded a $37,347,368 firm-fixed-price, foreign military sales contract (Saudi Arabia) for Option No. 1 production quantities in the amount of 38,284 M734A1 multi-option fuses; and Option No. 1 and No. 2 production quantities in the amount of 165,426 M783 point detonating/delay fuses. Bids were solicited via the internet with one received. Work will be performed in Cincinnati, Ohio, with an estimated completion date of May 31, 2019. Fiscal 2016 and 2017 other funds in the amount of $37,347,368 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey, is the contracting activity (W15QKN-17-C-0024).

The UK has made 10 times more in arms sales to Saudi Arabia than it’s given in aid to Yemen | 22 March 2017 | The Independent

Similarly, the US sold a record amount of arms to Saudi Arabia under Obama’s administration, with sales set to continue under Trump. Earlier this month the State Department approved a resumption in the $300m sale of US-made precision-guided missiles, a deal blocked late in Obama’s administration due to concerns over civilian casualties.

Saudi Arabia to build Chinese UAVs | 23 March 2017 | HS Jane’s Defence Weekly

Saudi Arabia’s King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) announced on 16 March that its president and the chairman of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) had signed a partnership agreement covering the manufacture of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

South Korea donates over 200 military vehicles to Cambodia | 27 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

South Korea has donated 222 military vehicles to Cambodia in a bid to enhance bilateral ties and boost the Southeast Asian country’s defence capabilities.

Oman receives Bell 429 helicopter | 28 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

The Omani Ministry of Defence (MoD) confirmed on 20 March that the sultanate’s military is now operating at least one Bell 429 GlobalRanger helicopter.

India to supply lightweight torpedoes to Myanmar | 28 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

India will supply indigenously developed lightweight torpedoes to Myanmar in a contract estimated to be worth USD37.9 million, according to Indian defence officials.

Modification to previously awarded Foreign Military Sales contract F33657‐01‐D‐0026‐RJ80 (Saudi Arabia) | 29 March 2017 | U.S. Department of Defense

The Boeing Co., St. Louis, Missouri, has been awarded an $18,719,151 modification (19) to previously awarded contract F33657‐01‐D‐0026‐RJ80. Contractor will provide sustainment of the AN/APG‐63(V)1, AN/APG‐ 63(V)2, AN/APG‐63(V)3, and Talon HATE radar subsystems for the Air Force Air National Guard, and Royal Saudi Air Force. Work will be performed at Forest, Mississippi, and is expected to be complete by July 31, 2017. This contract involves foreign military sales. Foreign military sales; fiscal 2017 centralized asset management; and fiscal 2017 research, development, test and evaluation funds in the amount of $18,719,151 are being obligated at the time of award. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, is the contracting activity.

USD7 million Foreign Military Sales contract to Saudi Arabia | 29 March 2017 | U.S. Department of Defense

Woodward FST Inc., Zeeland, Michigan, has been awarded a $7,313,497 firm-fixed-price requirements contract for overhaul of F100-PW-220/220E Augmenter Spraying Manifold. Work will be performed at Zeeland, Michigan, and is expected to be complete by March 28, 2020. This contract is 100 percent foreign military sales to Saudi Arabia. This award is the result of a sole-source acquisition. Air Force Sustainment Center, Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, is the contracting activity (FA8121-17-D-0004).

Trump Drops Human Rights Demand in Bid to Sell Bahrain F-16 Jets | 29 March 2017 | Bloomberg

The U.S. State Department told Congress it backs the sale of 19 Lockheed Martin Corp. F-16 fighters to Bahrain without preconditions on improved human rights previously demanded by the Obama administration, according to two people familiar with the proposal.

India’s acquisition of 100 K9 SPHs approved | 30 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

India’s Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) approved the INR42 billion (USD646 million) procurement of 100 modified South Korean Hanwa Techwin K9 Vajra-T 155 mm/52-calibre tracked self-propelled howitzers (SPHs) for the Indian Army on 29 March.

Israeli military exports rise to $6.5 billion | 30 March 2017 | The Jerusalem Post

Military exports grew by $800 million in 2016, bringing in $6.5 billion, SIBAT, the military exports unit of the Defense Ministry, said on Wednesday.

USD15 million Foreign Military Sales contract for M1070A1 Heavy Equipment Transporters (Jordan and Oman) | 30 March 2017 | U.S. Department of Defense

Oshkosh Defense LLC, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, was awarded a $15,080,369 firm-fixed-price, foreign military sales (Jordan and Oman) contract for M1070A1 Heavy Equipment Transporters, with associated testing, spare parts, and training. Bids were solicited via the Internet with one received. Work will be performed in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, with an estimated completion date of Dec. 31, 2018. Fiscal 2010 and 2017 other funds in the amount of $15,080,369 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Warren, Michigan, is the contracting activity (W56HZV-17-C-0064).

USD27 million Foreign Military Sales contract to Israel | 31 March 2017 | U.S. Department of Defense

Ensign-Bickford Aerospace and Defense Co., Simsbury, Connecticut, was awarded a $27,546,989 firm-fixed-price foreign military sales (Israel) contract for Type 1E and Reinforced Detonating Cord. Bids were solicited via the Internet with two received. Work locations and funding will be determined with each order, with an estimated completion date of March 31, 2022. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois, is the contracting activity (W52P1J-17-D-0001).

Russian Helicopters discusses production in Iran | 6 April 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Industry

Russian Helicopters and Iran’s Industrial Development & Renovation Organization (IDRO) are reported to have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to establish a joint venture for helicopter assembly.

Saudi Border Guards now using Caprivi MRAPs | 12 April 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

The Saudi Border Guard is now operating the Mobile Land Systems (MSL) Caprivi Mk3 mine-resistance ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicle, a photograph released by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) on 10 April confirmed.

Thales seeks to grow its Latin American business | 18 April 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

France’s Thales Group is seeking to expand its presence of its defence and security activities over certain Latin America countries, Ruben Lazo, the company’s vice-president for Latin America (LATAM) told Jane’s.

Foreign Military Sale of Equipment for Two Peshmerga Infantry Brigades and Two Support Artillery Battalions | 19 April 2017 | U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency

The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Republic of Iraq for equipment for two Peshmerga infantry brigades and two support artillery battalions. The estimated cost is $295.6 million.

Philippines introduces directive to improve defence procurement | 19 April 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has introduced a new directive to support efforts to streamline and improve the country’s defence procurement system.

Modification of Foreign Military Sales contract W56HZV-15-C-0155 (Iraq) | 27 April 2017 | U.S. Department of Defense

AM General LLC, South Bend, Indiana, was awarded a $41,571,288 modification (P00027) to foreign military sales (Iraq) contract W56HZV-15-C-0155 to procure 134 M1151A1B1 and 72 M1152 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles for the government of Iraq. Work will be performed in South Bend, Indiana, with an estimated completion date of Sept. 30, 2017. Fiscal 2017 funds in the amount of $41,571,288 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Warren, Michigan, is the contracting activity.

Modification to previously awarded Foreign Military Sales contract FA3002-15-D-0002 (Iraq) | 27 April 2017 | U.S. Department of Defense

Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Fort Worth, Texas, has been awarded a $12,600,000 modification (P00003) to previously awarded contract FA3002-15-D-0002. Contractor will provide advanced F-16 pilot training in support of the Iraqi Air Force. Work will be performed in Tucson, Arizona, and is expected to be completed by June 27, 2019. This contract is 100 percent foreign military sales to Iraq. The Air Force Installation Contracting Agency, 338th Specialized Contracting Squadron, Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas, is the contracting activity.

Foreign Military Sales contract for the Saudi Arabia National Guard | 28 April 2017 | U.S. Department of Defense

The Boeing Co., Mesa, Arizona, was awarded a $25,522,594 firm-fixed-price foreign military sales (Saudi Arabia) contract for post-production service support for the Saudi Arabia National Guard for 24 AH-6i helicopters. Bids were solicited via the Internet with one received. Work will be performed in Mesa, Arizona; and Saudi Arabia, with an estimated completion date of April 28, 2018. Fiscal 2016 other funds in the amount of $12,506,070 were obligated at the time of the award. U.S. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama is the contracting activity (W58RGZ-17-C-0031).

Illegal arms racket: Indian shooter, Slovenian arms dealer arrested | 1 May 2017 | India Today

Top intelligence agencies and police in at least three states are probing the role of Slovenian national for supplying arms to absconding retired colonel’s son accused of selling illegal arms and hunting.

Who’s Arming Radical Militants in Syria and Iraq? | 1 May 2017 | Global Research

he Western coalition’s struggle against the notorious Islamic State terrorist organization stands at the edge of one thousand days of military operations against. A thousand days ago, American warplanes opened a new chapter in its Middle Eastern military campaigns, by launching an attack against terrorist positions in Iraq, and then in Syria.

Punj Lloyd ties up with Israeli co to manufacture assault rifles in India | 4 May 2017 |

India’s first private sector small arms manufacturing plant inaugurated in Madhya Pradesh | 4 May 2017 | New Indian Express

Punj Lloyd has announced its collaboration with Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) to manufacture small weapons here under a complete technology transfer arrangement.

The Coyote’s Trail: A Machine Gun’s Path from Serbia to Syria | 9 May 2017 |

Wearing high-top basketball shoes, faded jeans, and a sweater emblazoned with the word “Life,” a young rebel soldier posed online in February 2016 with his latest kit – a heavy machine gun on a tripod. The gun had just been delivered to his battalion, which was fighting President Bashar al-Assad’s forces in Aleppo in northern Syria.

BAE refuses to confirm workers loading bombs on Saudi jets | 10 May 2017 | Middle East Eye

The chairman of arms giant BAE Systems has refused to confirm or deny whether the firm’s staff in Saudi Arabia are loading bombs and missiles onto fighter jets involved in the bombardment of Yemen.

Turkey Signs Arms Trade Memorandum With Pakistan | 11 May 2017 | Sputnik News

Turkey and Pakistan have signed a memorandum of understanding on a mutual arms deal: Turkey will buy 52 Pakistani training planes, while Pakistan will buy four Turkish corvette warships.

Philippines eyes $500mn loan to buy Chinese arms, says strings attached to US weapons | 15 May 2017 | Russia Today

The Philippines is shopping for Chinese-made weapons in Beijing, which offered up to $500 million in loans for such deals. The archipelago’s defense minister complained about strings attached to deals with its traditional partner, America.

Indian Government to set up specialised defence procurement organisation | 15 May 2017 | India Times

India does not get enough bang for its buck in the arms business. With this in mind, the defence ministry is now looking to create a specialised defence procurement organisation (DPO) to streamline mega arms acquisitions as well as leverage them to build a robust defence industrial base (DIB) in the country.

Indian Army receives first two of 145 M777 howitzers from US | 19 May 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

The Indian Army (IA) has received the first two of the 145 BAE Systems M777 155 mm/39-calibre lightweight howitzers (LWHs) it acquired from the United States in November 2016 for USD737 million.

World’s Human Rights Abusers to Shop for Israeli Arms at Fair | 22 May 2017 | Haaretz

Social activists say Central African Republic, which is on the brink of a civil war, Congo, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Myanmar are partial list of infamous states sending delegations to Israel Defense Exhibition in June.

The $110 Billion Myth of Supporting Saudi Arabia’s Defense Needs | 23 May 2017 | Truth Out

Amidst a range of domestic controversies and the pushback against his agenda and actions, President Trump went back to one of his default personas, that of a self-proclaimed dealmaker “strongly protecting American interests.” During his trip to Saudi Arabia, President Trump signed an almost $ 110 billion arms deal supposedly in support of Saudi Arabia’s defense.

US Fails To Keep Records Of Billion Dollars Arms Trade In Middle East | 24 May 2017 | Amnesty International

The US Army failed to keep tabs on more than $1 billion worth of arms and other military equipment in Iraq and Kuwait according to a now declassified Department of Defense (DoD) audit, obtained by Amnesty International following Freedom of Information requests.

PAE Government Services awarded USD142 million contract to train Afghan forces | 24 May 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

PAE Government Services has been awarded a USD142 million Foreign Military Sales contract by the US Army to provide logistics support, training, and mentoring to the Afghanistan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF).

India moves a step closer to joining international arms trade arrangement | 25 May 2017 | The Economic Times

India has moved a step closer to joining an international arms trade arrangement which is expected to boost military trade, having updated its guidelines for export of dual use items that have both military and civil applications.

Turkey Builds a Military-Industrial Complex to Match Its Ambitions | 26 May 2017 | Stratfor

Turkish officials have been hinting for weeks that the country is on the cusp of finalizing export deals worth up to $2 billion, the largest contracts in the nation’s history. The agreements, primarily for maritime systems, are with Saudi Arabia and another unspecified nation. Though Turkey’s defense exports doubled from 2011 to 2016, total deals in the industry remained relatively low at $1.68 billion last year — accounting for less than 1 percent of global arms exports. The rumored upcoming sales highlight not only Turkey’s determination to boost its defense exports, but also Ankara’s ambition to greatly expand its indigenous defense industry.

US begins sending weapons to Kurdish YPG in Syria | 30 May 2017 | Al Jazeera

The United States has begun sending small arms to Kurdish fighters battling the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) group in northern Syria, despite concerns from NATO-ally Turkey.

Strategic Partnership chapter added to Defence Procurement Procedure | 31 May 2017 | Business Standard

India’s Defence Ministry on Wednesday updated its latest Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP), released in 2016, with the addition of a seventh and final chapter on the Strategic Partnership model for manufacturing defence equipment.

US creating database with serial numbers for arms given to Syrian Kurds | 2 June 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

US forces are building a database with serial numbers for weapons being delivered to Syrian Kurdish commanders, as well as information on the commanders themselves, as the transfer of arms begins ahead of the fight for the Syrian city of Al-Raqqah, a coalition spokesman told reporters on 1 June.

US delivers M4 carbines, M203 grenade launchers to Philippines for counter-terrorism operations | 6 June 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

Officials from the Joint US Military Assistance Group (JUSMAG) have handed over weapons and other military equipment to the Philippine Marine Corps (PMC) to enhance the latter’s counter-terrorism capabilities.

Adnan Khashoggi obituary | 7 June 2017 | The Guardian

Adnan Khashoggi: the ‘whoremonger’ whose arms deals funded a playboy life of decadence and ‘pleasure wives’ | 7 June 2017 | The Independent

The life of Adnan Khashoggi, who has died aged 81, did not imitate art but prompted it. The sybaritic Saudi middleman inspired the image of the influential fixer who spent his days arranging huge arms deals and meeting presidents and tycoons, and his nights partying with beautiful women aboard yachts and planes or in palatial homes.

Researcher talks about history of trading in weapons in Kuwait | 10 June 2017 | Kuwait Times

Trading in weapons is part of Kuwait’s pre-oil history. Dr Mohammad Al-Habib, a researcher in Kuwait’s history, has conducted detailed academic research on this issue, and shared the information with Kuwait Times. He also addressed a presentation on this study titled ‘Arms Trafficking between Muscat and Kuwait during Mubarak’s Reign (1896-1915)’ at Kuwait University.

Thailand proposes defence procurement reform | 12 June 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Industry

Thailand is proposing to restructure its defence procurement mechanisms by expanding the remit of the Defence Technology Institute (DTI), a Ministry of Defence (MoD) body currently with remit for research and development (R&D) and defence industry development.


Moldovan Army receives more HMMWVs | 1 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

The Moldovan Army has received a new batch of High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWVs) from the United States, the Moldovan Ministry of Defence (MoD) has announced.

Les secrets des exportations françaises d’armement | 1 March 2017 | RFI

Les exportations françaises d’armement se sont envolées en 2016. Les chiffres officiels seront présentés la semaine prochaine mais, d’ores et déjà, on estime qu’ils devraient dépasser les 20 milliards d’euros. Depuis deux ans, la France est devenue le deuxième exportateur mondial de matériel de guerre, à peu près au même niveau que la Russie, mais largement derrière les Etats-Unis.

More details of Russia’s Bumerang emerge | 8 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

Russia has released additional details of its latest Bumerang (Boomerang) family of wheeled 8×8 armoured fighting vehicles (AFVs) that are the long-term replacement for the currently deployed BTR-80 8×8 amphibious armoured personnel carrier (APC).

How Brexit could fuel the international arms trade | 14 March 2017 | New Statesman

…The UK’s commitment to human rights has always been selective and tenuous. However, with the uncertainty of Brexit negotiations, there is every reason to believe the government will do even more to push arms sales and cosy-up to human rights abusers…

Lithuania prepares to launch new procurement agency | 16 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

Lithuania has approved plans to create a centralised defence procurement agency with the new body on course to commence operations from the beginning of 2018.

Yugoimport takes control of Serbian aircraft builder Utva | 16 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

Yugoimport SDPR, the Serbian state-owned intermediary for the import and export of defence-related equipment and technology, has become the dominant owner of Serbia’s sole state-owned aviation factory: Pancevo-based Utva – Avio Industrija.

Scania selected for multiple European programmes | 17 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s International Defence Review

The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) is understood to have selected Scania as the supplier for a seven-year framework contract for trucks.

Portugal to acquire five light helicopters | 20 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

The Portuguese Ministry of National Defence has authorised the Portuguese Air Force to acquire a number of single-engine, lightweight multi-purpose helicopters.

Bundesregierung lehnt Rüstungsexporte in die Türkei ab | 21 March 2017 | Süddeutsche Zeitung

Die Bundesregierung hat in den vergangenen Monaten mehrere Anträge auf Rüstungsexporte in die Türkei abgelehnt. Dies geht aus einer Antwort des Wirtschaftsministeriums auf eine Frage des Linken-Abgeordneten Jan van Aken hervor, die der Süddeutschen Zeitung vorliegt. Gegenüber einem Nato-Partner ist dies ein ungewöhnliches Vorgehen.

Montenegro Probes Controversial Saudi Arms Sales | 21 March 2017 | Balkan insight

Montenegro’s special prosecution for organised crime and corruption is probing the exports of the Montenegro Defence Industry’s, MDI, the country’s main arms trader deals since 2011, including alleged trading with Libya, Ukraine and Saudi Arabia, BIRN has learned.

Germany denied several arms shipments to Turkey in past months | 22 March 2017 | Russia Today

The German government has refused to export military supplies to its NATO partner Turkey on a number of occasions over the past several months due to fears that the weapons could be used against the Turkish population, German media reports.

Belarus finalises new Shershen ATGM system variant | 24 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Missiles & Rockets

The Scientific Research and Production Centre of Belarus has finalised work on a new vehicle-mounted variant of the Shershen family of anti-tank guided missile systems (ATGMs).

Denmark orders CAESAR howitzers on 8×8 Tatra trucks | 24 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

Tatra has confirmed that it will supply 8×8 T-8 truck chassis for the Nexter CAESAR 155 mm/52-calibre self-propelled howitzers that have been ordered by Denmark.

L’épineuse question de l’embargo d’armes belges vers l’Arabie saoudite | 26 March 2017 | Le Vif

Le ministre fédéral de la Coopération au développement, Alexander De Croo (Open Vld), a appelé dimanche à la cessation des livraisons d’armes fabriquées en Belgique à l’Arabie saoudite, pointant au passage la Région wallonne.

Bundeswehr orders 1,000 Spike LR ATGMs | 29 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

The German parliament gave the green light on 22 March for the Bundeswehr to procure 1,000 Israeli-designed Spike LR anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) and 97 corresponding launcher units worth EUR158.3 million (USD172 million) from EuroSpike under the Bundeswehr’s multirole guided missile system (MELLS) programme.

German arms embargo angers Turkey | 31 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

Turkish defence minister Fikri Isik has described Germany’s decision to restrict arms exports to Turkey as unacceptable and called on Berlin to act reasonably.

Russia reveals Su-30SME export ‘Flanker’ details | 31 March 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

Russia has revealed new details of the Su-30SME export variant of the Sukhoi ‘Flanker’ fighter that it launched in early 2016.

Tirana Offloads Ancient Arms to Controversial Broker | 31 March 2017 | Balkan Insight

Albania’s state-owned arms broker sold 17.5million Chinese-made bullets, 350 mortars, and 40,000 mortar shells in 2015 to Alguns Ltd, a Bulgarian firm which worked on Washington’s programme to train and equip Syrian rebels.

Canada, Ukraine sign co-operation agreement | 4 April 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Industry

Canada and Ukraine signed a defence co-operation agreement as Ukrainian officials seek potential sources of arms, the Canadian Ministry of Defence announced on 3 April. The agreement is a framework for future defence research and production, and does not immediately include any promise to sell arms to Ukraine.

Renault Trucks Defense lifts veil on VLFS | 4 April 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

Renault Trucks Defense (RTD) displayed the first prototype of its VLFS (Véhicule Léger Forces Spéciales – Special Forces Light Vehicle) during the SOFINS exhibition, which took place in Camp de Souges, near Bordeaux, France, on 28-30 March.

Russia approves helicopter joint venture with India | 4 April 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

The Russian government has reportedly approved a joint venture (JV) with India that will produce Kamov Ka-226T ‘Hoodlum’ light multirole helicopters for the Indian Armed Forces.

Wie deutsche Firmen am Krieg verdienen | 5 April 2017 | Frankfurter Rundschau

Die Aktionäre können sich freuen: Einen Rekordumsatz von mehr als 5,6 Milliarden Euro verkündete die Rheinmetall AG Ende März. Allein die Rüstungssparte des Konzerns habe im vergangenen Jahr 147 Millionen Euro Gewinn erwirtschaftet, gab Vorstandschef Armin Papperger in Düsseldorf bekannt – und das vor allem im Bereich Munition und Waffen, der 108 Millionen Euro einbrachte.

Ventes d’armes : “Hollande a opté pour des vues économiques à court terme” | 6 April 2017 | Le Point

Auteur de l’ouvrage Quelles frontières pour les armes ? (Pédone, 2016), Benoît Muracciole a participé aux travaux d’élaboration du Traité sur le commerce des armes. Président de l’association Action, sécurité, éthique républicaines (Aser), il revient sur les débats ayant précédé l’autorisation par François Hollande de nouvelles ventes d’armes à l’Arabie saoudite.

Swedish defense industry uneasy over proposed export controls | 7 April 2017 | Defense News

A Swedish government plan to introduce a new legislative bill that would restrict arms exports to so-called non-democracies is causing disquiet within Sweden’s international sales-dependent defense sector.

Finland issues offset guidelines | 10 April 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Industry

Finland’s Ministry of Defence issued a policy document aimed at describing needs for defence offsets on 6 April. The document begins with Finland’s desire to relabel offsets as “industrial participation”, while emphasising the country’s goal of obtaining access to technology as part of future defence purchases.

Ovod-R brings precision engagement to RPG-7 | 10 April 2017 | IHS Jane’s International Defence Review

Minsk, Belarus-based Scientific Research and Production Centre has developed a new grenade launcher that is based on the RPG-7.

The UK may have helped Syria make nerve gas – but lax controls mean we’ll never know | 11 April 2017 | The Guardian

It has become something of a cliche for Whitehall to reassure British citizens that it has “one of the most robust arms export controls in the world”. It is the stock response civil servants, press officers and ministers turn to when asked about arms sales to human rights abusers or conflict zones, and was used in 2013 when confronted about the decision to grant licences for the sale of chemicals to Syria that could have been used in the production of nerve gas.

Contortions in the UK’s Arms Export Regime—and Costs of the Yemen War | 13 April 2017 | Just Security

Since the outset of Saudi Arabia’s intervention in Yemen, the UK has demonstrated that it is willing to go to great lengths to maintain its arms sales to Saudi Arabia. This includes contorting the language of the UK’s own arms export control regime, and possibly even revising the regime, to allow for the provision of arms to a state against whom the evidence of widespread breaches of international humanitarian law (IHL) is mounting.

Croatia presents its first two PzH 2000s | 19 April 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

On 13 April the Croatian Ministry of Defence (MoD) presented the country’s first two Panzerhaubitze (PzH) 2000 155 mm self-propelled howitzers (SPHs), which were bought second-hand from Germany, modified to Croatian standards, and arrived in the country a few days before.

L’État accusé d’investir dans la production d’armes à sous-munitions | 20 April 2017 | Le Quotidien

Selon les informations de déi Lénk, l’État, à travers le Fonds souverain intergénérationnel du Luxembourg, investirait entre autres dans la production d’armes à sous-munitions.

Kosovo looks to acquire helicopters | 20 April 2017 | IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly

The office of Kosovo’s prime minister, Isa Mustafa, decided on 18 April that the republic will initiate a process to procure a number of helicopters, with an inter-ministerial team deciding that, although the aerial capabilities of the republic are currently non-existent, there is a “real need [for them] for dealing with emergencies and other situations within the country”.

Arms company that sold missiles to Gaddafi is a ‘role model’ for post-Brexit trade, Fallon says | 21 April 2017 | The Independent

An arms company that sold missiles to the Gaddafi regime in Libya is a “role model” for the sort of business Britain will be engaged in after Brexit, the Defence Secretary has said.

Deutsche Panzer aus türkischer Fabrik für Kunden weltweit | 26 April 2017 | Freie Presse

Der Waffenhersteller Rheinmetall will in der Türkei eine Panzerfabrik bauen. Die Opposition befürchtet, dass er so die Ausfuhrkontrollen für Rüstungsgüter umgehen will. Nun wächst der Druck auf den Konzern.

Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Greece for CH-47D helicopters | 28 April 2017 | U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency

The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Greece for CH-47D helicopters. The estimated cost is $80 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on April 27, 2017.

Labour will block the sale of weapons to repressive regimes if it wins the election | 29 April 2017 | The Independent

Labour has signalled it is looking at new measures to ensure British-built weapons and military technology are not bought by repressive regimes around the world.

La majorité fédérale prête à imposer un embargo sur les armes vers l’Arabie saoudite | 9 May 2017 | Sudinfo

Les partis de la majorité fédérale sont prêts à imposer un embargo belge sur les ventes d’armes à l’Arabie saoudite, ressort-il des amendements déposés mardi à une proposition de résolution d’Ecolo. Ce faisant, ils renvoient la balle vers les Régions dans ce débat qui a rebondi avec l’entrée du royaume saoudien dans la commission pour les droits des femmes des Nations unies.

Armement : Exportations record pour l’Italie en 2016 | 15 May 2017 | La Tribune

L’Italie a vu ses exportations d’armes s’envoler de plus de 85% passant de 7,88 milliards en 2015 à 14,63 milliards d’euros en 2016.

Une majorité à la Chambre pour un embargo sur les ventes d’armes | 16 May 2017 | 7sur7

La commission des Relations extérieures de la Chambre a approuvé mardi une proposition de résolution qui demande entre autres choses de cesser les ventes d’armes à l’Arabie saoudite.

Die Nationalbank und der Krieg in Jemen | 17 May 2017 | SRF

Die Schweizerische Nationalbank investiert in US-Rüstungsfirmen wie Raytheon. 177 Millionen US-Dollar hat die Bank zur Zeit in dieser Firma angelegt. Doch die Bomben von Raytheon werden im Jemen auch gegen Zivilisten eingesetzt.

Wie Deutschland an Konflikten verdient | 22 May 2017 | Deutschlandfunk

Die Aufrüstung der arabischen Welt vollzieht sich nach Angaben des Journalisten Markus Bickel mit deutscher Unterstützung, auch diplomatischer. Die Einzelheiten sind in seinem Buch “Die Profiteure des Terrors” nachzulesen. Darin schildert er auch den Einfluss der Waffenlobby auf die Politik.

Time to stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia on false pretexts, David Pratt | 2 June 2017 | The Herald

IT’S appalling how certain stories don’t get the attention they deserve. Britain’s arms trade with Saudi Arabia is one of them.

After three years, Belgium is violating the Arms Trade Treaty, denounces Amnesty | 2 June 2017 | Brussels Times

In the context of Saudi Arabia’s weapons trade relations, the Walloon Region does not respect the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) ratified three years ago by Belgium, denounced Amnesty International Belgium by press release on Friday.

Jacques Monsieur, légende du trafic d’armes et du renseignement, échappe à une amende record | 2 June 2017 | La Libre

Le trafiquant d’armes est condamné à trois ans de prison. Mais le tribunal ne lui confisque pas 8,5 millions d’euros. Cet homme est une légende dans le milieu du trafic d’armes et du renseignement. Jacques Monsieur, alias “le Renard” ou “le Maréchal”, est un des trafiquants d’armes – il préfère dire marchand d’armes – les plus connus au monde.

European Commission Proposes €5.5 Billion Fund For Defence Procurement, Tech Development | 7 June 2017 |

The European commission today proposed to mobilise €5.5 billion per year as part of unified defence fund to boost Europe’s defence capabilities and to coordinate, supplement and amplify national investments in defence research, in the development of prototypes and in the acquisition of defence equipment and technology

Munitionsexporte durch den Hamburger Hafen weiterhin auch in Krisengebiete | 12 June 2017 | Die Linke | Bundespresseportal

Durch den Hamburger Hafen wurden in den letzten fünf Monaten (1. Januar bis 31. Mai) 4240,48 Tonnen Munition exportiert. Durchschnittlich sind das 28 Tonnen pro Tag. Dies geht aus der Antwort des Senats auf eine Schriftliche Kleine Anfrage (Drs. 21/9234) der Fraktion DIE LINKE in der Hamburgischen Bürgerschaft hervor.

Deutschlands doppelte Rüstungsmoral | 14 June 2017 | Wirtschaftswoche

Die Bundesregierung lobt sich für ihre Rüstungsexportpolitik. Doch ein Großteil der Waffen geht ausgerechnet an Länder, die bald gegeneinander Krieg führen könnten.