Weekly Briefing: 20TH – 26TH November 2014

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In addition to its usual fare of media coverage from the Great Lakes region, this week’s briefing rounds off with an arms trade special – giving you a brief round up of this year’s news/trends regarding the arms trade in sub-Saharan Africa.

In Kinshasa the authorities have continued to dismiss Human Rights Watch’s report on operation Likofi, whilst this week saw Amnesty International release a report presenting new evidence of the scale of the demolition of homes and businesses in Katanga province in 2009 by Forrest International. The report alleges that Forrest has lied about the scale and impact of these events. The Belgian mining company claims that these allegations are baseless.

The UNJHRO has reported a significant increase in the number of human rights violations perpetrated throughout the Democratic Republic of Congo for the month of October, noting 236 identified cases – a 57% increase from September. In North Kivu, Beni has once again been the scene of a sizable massacre alleged to have been perpetrated by the ADF with at least 58 persons killed on Thursday 20th November. The killings came a day after an attack on a MONUSCO convoy of Indian policemen and have prompted the provincial authorities to impose a curfew on the entire territory. RFI has reported having accessed the contents of a report by group of parliamentarians visiting the territory in October, and alleging serious failings on the part of the Congolese army in preventing such atrocities. In South Kivu, three Mai-Mai groups have been accused of committing atrocities against civilians in Kahele territory whilst in Shabunda FARDC are said to have dislodged the Mai-Mai Raia Mutumboki from six localities long occupied by the militia. In Province Oriental, Cobra Matata is reported to have surrendered to the Congolese authorities at a ceremony in Bunia on Friday having requested reinstatement into the FARDC. Meanwhile, in Katanga, soldiers deployed to hunt down Mai-Mai militia in Malemba-Nkulu territory are said to be committing serious abuses against civilians in the locality, including forced labour.

In the Central African Republic, sectarian clashes are said to have killed numerous people and displaced 80% of the inhabitants around Zemio town in the southeast of the country near the South Sudanese border. The former Seleka faction headed by Zacharia Damane is reported to have convened for talks in Bria last Thursday, as Michel Djotodia faces potential UN sanctions for his alleged role in attempting to derail the CAR’s political transition.

Arms trade special
According to IHS’ Second Balance of Trade Report 2014, 2013 saw the market share in defence exports for China and Russia to Sub-Saharan Africa drop from 35% (2012) to 25% (2013). The IHS forecasts that South Africa, Angola, and Nigeria are expected to absorb between 30% and 40% of all exports to Sub-Saharan Africa from 2015 onwards. Meanwhile, various African countries appear to be engaged in a military spending spree , aided by high commodity prices. Nigeria, Gabon, Cameroon, Mozambique, Senegal and Tanzania have increased naval spending, while Angola, Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Senegal, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sudan, Zambia, Niger, Kenya and Chad are buying new aircraft. The sale of armoured vehicles is also going strong, with acquisitions by Uganda, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Tanzania and Rwanda. Several Sub-Saharan countries are hoping to develop or reinvigorate their existing domestic defence production base with help from European companies. Meanwhile, the Chinese defence industry – through China’s largest arms manufacturer NORINCO – is expanding further onto the African defence market.

IPIS’ News

This week sees the launch of IPIS’s report and map series: Mapping Conflict Motives: the Central African Republic. The report analyses the conflict dynamics in the Central African Republic (CAR) since the outbreak of the latest crisis in September 2012 up to September 2014, and is attended by an unprecedented interactive web map of the area, available at:

For further details about the report see our ‘Recent Publications’ section below.

IPIS’ Latest Publications

Mapping Conflict Motives: the Central African Republic | November 2014 | IPIS
In this study, IPIS analyses the conflict dynamics in the Central African Republic (CAR) since the outbreak of the latest crisis in September 2012 up to September 2014. The analysis specifically looks into the motivations and interests of the main conflict parties, Seleka and anti-balaka, and the influence and interests of neighbouring countries. The report covers the following key questions. What is the background of the conflict parties Seleka and anti-balaka, and how are they structured? Which strategic interests do they prioritise, or ignore? What do they want to achieve? Do their actions correspond to their rhetoric? What has been Chad’s, Sudan’s and Cameroon’s influence on the CAR conflict, and what have been their interests in it? Together with the report, a web map of the area of focus has been published and is available at The web map presents various layers, which can be toggled on or off, including information on security incidents, areas under control of armed groups, natural resources, and a number of other features. The map is an integrated part of the research methodology and has been a crucial source for IPIS’ analysis. Also have a look at the Infographic, at La traduction en français sera disponible prochainement.

The Adverse Human Rights Risks and Impacts of European Companies: Getting a glimpse of the picture | October 2014 | IPIS
This report presents the findings of a study undertaken by IPIS and commissioned by the European Coalition for Corporate Justice on the extent to which European companies are identified in concerns about adverse human rights risks and impacts. Gathering concerns raised regarding the human rights risks and impacts of companies listed on the UK’s FTSE 100, France’s CAC 40 and the German DAX 30, the study finds that around half of these companies have been identified in allegations or concerns regarding adverse human rights risks and impacts reported on between 2005 and early 2013. Many of these risks and impacts relate to operations outside the European Union, with the most severe often alleged to occur in countries in which rule of law and institutions are weak.

The Adverse Human Rights Risks and Impacts of European Companies: Getting a glimpse of the picture. Annexes | October 2014 | IPIS
This Annex accompanies the report that presents the findings of a study undertaken by IPIS and commissioned by the European Coalition for Corporate Justice on the extent to which European companies are identified in concerns about adverse human rights risks and impacts.

Mapping Conflict Minerals: Eastern DRC (2013-2014) | 31 October 2014 | IPIS
In collaboration with the Congolese mining cadastre (CAMI), mining service SAESSCAM and representatives from local civil society organisations, IPIS organised a series of field visits to monitor artisanal mining activities and the involvement of armed groups and criminal networks in mineral exploitation and trade. This resulted in the publication of an interactive web map providing information on e.g. the on-site presence of armed groups and criminal elements within the Congolese army (FARDC) and their activities, as well as indicators of the relative importance of the mining site. It shows the location of 150 trading centres and nearly 1100 mining sites in Eastern DRC. An accompanying report provides an analysis of the data collected by the local teams between March 2013 and March 2014 as presented by IPIS on its web map. It analyses the most striking findings, focussing on developments surrounding security and how they have impacted on Eastern DRC’s artisanal mining sector. Finally, the report also explains how the map can be used to assess risks in mineral supply chains.

Supply Chains and Transport Corridors in East Africa ❘ June 2014 ❘ IPIS and TransArms-Research
Transport infrastructure plays a key role in boosting a country or region’s economic development. IPIS and TransArms have ascertained on several occasions that the underdevelopment or degeneration of transport infrastructure is a problematic issue across a number of African countries and regions. This report analyses the current logistics situation in Eastern Africa, and the logistic challenges faced by various actors in that region. It is based on desktop research, and interviews and data collected by the authors during several field missions to East and Central Africa. At the time of writing, however, logistic and other challenges to cost-efficient trade and overall economic development are yet to be addressed. Further research and policy actions to effectively tackle current shortcomings are much needed. A strategy relying on a piecemeal approach (e.g. on ad hoc investments in infrastructure) is likely to result in a ‘quick fix’ to ship raw materials out of the African continent rather than in an effort to boost sustainable economic development.

De Belgische ontwikkelingssamenwerking en fragiele staten: een kloof tussen beleid en praktijk? ❘ May 2014  11.11.11 i.s.m. IPIS
Zo goed als de helft van de Belgische middelen voor ontwikkelingshulp gaat naar partnerlanden waar de overheid niet de capaciteit, wil en/of legitimiteit heeft om de publieke zaken efficiënt te beheren, voor veiligheid te zorgen en om de bevolking uit de armoede te halen. Omdat traditionele hulprecepten in deze ‘fragiele staten’ op hun limieten stuiten, is er de laatste decennia een internationaal beleid ontwikkeld dat een blauwdruk voorstelt voor een gedifferentieerde aanpak om deze landen te ondersteunen in het traject richting meer weerbaarheid. De Belgische ontwikkelingssamenwerking onderschrijft de internationale engagementen over fragiele staten die hieruit ontstonden, zoals de fragiele staten principes (FSP’s) en de New Deal. In 2013 werd er een Belgische strategienota voor fragiele situaties goedgekeurd. Positief is dat België zich, ondanks de moeilijke context, rond dit thema blijft engageren – zowel op internationaal beleidsniveau als binnen haar eigen ontwikkelingsbeleid.

Conflict and security

Recent news on conflict, security and arms trade across the Great Lakes Region. 

UN Security council resolution on police operations

Africa: Security Council Adopts First-Ever Resolution On ‘Invaluable Role’ of UN Police Operations l 20 November 2014 l UN News Service l AllAfrica
The United Nations Security Council today adopted the first-ever resolution focusing on the world body’s policing operations, stressing their invaluable contribution to peacekeeping, civilian protection and the rule of law, and pledging to give clear mandates as well as appropriate resources to UN police-related work.

Political violence

Conflict Trends (no. 32): Real-time analysis of African political violence | 24 November 2014 | Armed Conflict Location and Events Dataset



Deadly Militia FDLR Regrouping in Congo Despite Ticking Clock l 18 November 2014 l Enough Project l AllAfrica
Facing a deadline from the UN Security Council and regional African governments to fully demobilize or face military operations by January 2, 2015, the rebel group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo known as the FDLR is currently regrouping, mobilizing political support, and continuing to pose a regional security threat.

Comment régler le problème des FDLR? | 20 November 2014 | Afrikarabia
Les rebelles rwandais ont jusqu’au 2 janvier 2015 pour désarmer avant l’intervention armée des Nations unies. Une action militaire qui ne sera sans doute pas suffisante pour mettre fin à la menace des FDLR, sans règlement politique du dossier.

Kanyabayonga: 90 ex-combattants et dépendants FDLR en route vers Kisangani | 26 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Quatre-vingt-dix ex-combattants et dépendants des Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda (FDLR) cantonnés à Kanyabayonga depuis 4 mois ont quitté ce mercredi 26 novembre dans la matinée cette cité du Nord-Kivu pour Kisangani où ils seront regroupés dans un centre de transit. Ces ex-combattants refusaient jusqu’ici de se rendre à Kisangani, conditionnant tout transfert par une inspection préalable du site d’accueil de transit.

Intervention Brigade

Is the Force Intervention Brigade neutral? | 27 November 2014 | ISS
After the M23 captured the North Kivu provincial capital of Goma in November 2012 – while MONUSCO troops stood by – the UN Security Council in March 2013 passed Resolution 2098, establishing the FIB as the first UN-led overtly offensive force. Though administratively part of MONUSCO, it was given its own unique mandate to take the initiative and ‘neutralise’ the M23 and two other foreign armed groups terrorising this area: the FDLR and the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF).

The Intervention Brigade: Legal Issues for the UN in the Democratic Republic of the Congo | 21 November 2014 | International Peace Institute | Reliefweb
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the UN’s peacekeeping mission as a whole—not just the Intervention Brigade component—is a party to the conflict under international law. This is one of the key findings in a new IPI report examining the legal implications of the UN brigade’s unprecedented mandate to “neutralize” rebel groups.

Operation Likofi

Répondant à Human Rights Watch – Muyej annonce “Likofi 3” l 20 November 2014 l La Prospérité  l AllAfrica
Opération Likofi : le rapport de Human Rights Watch, «une diabolisation et un chantage», selon Kinshasa | 20 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Violences policières – La RDC conteste un nouveau rapport l 20 November 2014 l RFI l AllAfrica
Le gouvernement conteste les accusations de HRW | 21 November 2014 | Afrikarabia
Graves accusations contre la PNC – HRW, Mende réaffirme la poursuite de l’opération “Likofi”3 | 25 November 2014 | La Prospérité | AllAfrica
Le ministre congolais de l’Intérieur, Richard Muyej a qualifié mercredi 19 novembre le rapport de Human Rights Watch documentant au mois 51 meurtres et disparitions forcées imputés à la Police nationale congolaise lors de l’opération Likofi contre les Kulunas de «chantage éhonté et d’humiliation contre le gouvernement de la république et le peuple congolais».

Opération Likofi : «l’essentiel est de sécuriser la population», selon le général Kanyama | 21 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Visé dans le rapport de Human Right Watch à propos de violations de droits de l’homme qui auraient entachées l’opération Likofi, le chef de la police à Kinshasa, Célestin Kanyama, dit ne pas avoir besoin de «se lancer dans une distraction». Refusant de s’étendre sur le sujet, le commissaire provincial de la police à Kinshasa a expliqué que l’essentiel, pour lui, c’est de sécuriser la population kinoise.

Kinshasa – La police présente 20 présumés bandits l 20 November 2014 l Radio Okapi l AllAfrica
La police nationale congolaise (PNC) a présenté jeudi 20 novembre au terrain Mokali Siwambaza dans la commune de Kimbanseke cinq groupes de délinquants arrêtés ces derniers jours à Kinshasa. Il s’agit d’un total de vingt jeunes, dont une femme, des policiers et militaires accusés de divers crimes dans la ville.

Sahharov Prize awarded to Dr. Mukwege

Le discours de Denis Mukwege, prix Sakharov 2014, devant le Parlement européen  | 26 November 2014 | Jeune Afrique
Mercredi, le docteur Denis Mukwege a reçu le prix Sakharov du Parlement européen, qu’il a dédié au “peuple congolais”. Le chirurgien est honoré pour son action près de Bukavu, en RDC, où il a soigné plus de 40 000 victimes de viols depuis 1996.

Martin Kobler rend hommage au docteur Denis Mukwege | 26 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Le chef de la Monusco, Martin Kobler a visité, mercredi 26 novembre, l’hôpital de Panzi, à Bukavu, où il a rendu hommage au docteur Denis Mukwege, lauréat du prix Sakharov.

UNJHRO report on human rights abuse

236 cas de violations des droits de l’homme enregistrés en octobre (Onu) | 26 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
236 cas de violations de droits à la vie, à l’intégrité physique et autre ont été commis entre le premier et le 31 octobre dernier en RDC. C’est ce qu’indique le rapport du Bureau conjoint des Nations unies aux droits de l’homme (BCNUDH) publié mercredi 25 novembre à Kinshasa. Selon ce document, le pays a connu une hausse assez significative des violations des droits de l’homme au cours de ce mois.

Sexual violence

Prévenir et limiter les impacts des violences sexuelles | 20 November 2014 | Première Urgence – Aide Médicale Internationale | Reliefweb
Dans un pays marqué par des décennies de conflits entre armée régulière et groupes rebelles, les violences sexuelles commises en toute impunité restent très répandues. Brigitte Tonon, référente santé de PU-AMI pour l’Afrique, revient sur cette problématique à laquelle nos équipes sont souvent confrontées.

En lançant la campagne HeFOrShe – L’Onu-femmes veut impliquer les hommes dans la lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes | 26 November 2014 | La Prospérité | AllAfrica
C’est à l’occasion de la journée internationale pour l’élimination de la violence à l’égard des femmes que l’ONU-femmes, qui est une entité des Nations Unies pour l’égalité des sexes et l’autonomisation des femmes, a lancé la campagne de 16 jours d’activisme contre les violences basées sur le genre.


Des Casques Bleus arrêtés à Goma | 26 November 2014 | BBC
Quatre Casques Bleus de la Mission des Nations unies au Congo (Monusco) ainsi qu’un présumé complice appartenant à la garde républicaine ont été appréhendés mercredi à Goma.

MONUSCO conférence de presse | 26 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Martin Kobler, Représentant Spécial du Secrétaire Général des Nations Unies en RDC, est au Sud-Kivu depuis hier. Il a eu des échanges avec le gouverneur et les autorités provinciales. Au menu des discussions, la Situation sécuritaire dans la plaine de la Ruzizi et à Shabunda, ainsi que les priorités en matière de développement, y compris les sujets relatifs à la construction et réfection des routes. M. Kobler a salué l’excellente collaboration entre les autorités provinciales et la MONUSCO. Martin Kobler visite ce matin, l’Hôpital de Panzi, dans le cadre de la Journée Internationale pour l’Elimination  des violences faites aux femmes.

North Kivu

Arrests by national intelligence services

Beni: environ 10 acteurs locaux interpellés par l’ANR | 20 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Au moins dix opérateurs économiques et notables de la ville et territoire de Beni au Nord-Kivu sont interpellés depuis mercredi 19 novembre par l’Agence nationale de renseignements (ANR) de la ville de Beni au Nord-Kivu. Les opérateurs de la Fec et ceux de la société civile, qui se disent déjà en insécurité suite à ces interpellations, qualifient cette situation de “chasse à l’homme” consécutive aux accusations de complicité avec les groupes rebelles qui insécurisent la région, dans les Ougandais des ADF qui sont accusés de plusieurs atrocités dans la région.  Déjà, un climat de panique s’observe parmi les commerçants et autres notables de Beni.

Attack on MONUSCO convoy

Nord-Kivu : un convoi de la Monusco attaqué à Beni | 20 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Des hommes armés ont attaqué, mercredi 19 novembre dans la soirée, une patrouille des policiers indiens de la Monusco basée à Beni. Le convoi onusien est tombé dans une embuscade sur le tronçon Beni-Mavivi, au niveau du village de Ngadi, en territoire de Beni (Nord-Kivu). Il a essuyé des tirs à l’arme lourde et légère.C’est vers 19 heures locales que la patrouille des policiers indiens de la Monusco, venant de Beni à destination de Mavivi, a été attaquée.

New massacre in Beni

Axe attackers kill dozens near Beni | 21 November 2014 | BBC
At least 50 people have been massacred by machete and axe-wielding attackers in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, according to activists.

At least nine killed in DR Congo’s restive east | 21 November 2014 | AFP | Reliefweb
At least nine people were killed in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s volatile east where Ugandan rebels have recently staged bloody attacks, a top official said Friday.

Beni: les ADF accusés d’une cinquantaine de meurtres à l’arme blanche | 22 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Massacres de Beni : «une situation inadmissible», pour le vice-gouverneur du Nord-Kivu | 23 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Un nouveau massacre porte à 200 le nombre de civils tués près de Beni | 24 November 2014 | Jeune Afrique
Le dernier massacre à Beni a fait 58 morts (officiel) | 26 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Nouvelle tuerie à Beni | 21 November 2014 | Afrikarabia
Les ADF sont accusés d’avoir perpétrés un nouveau massacre au territoire de Beni, Nord-Kivu. Ces rebelles ougandais auraient tué, jeudi 20 novembre, une cinquantaine de personnes à l’arme blanche dans les villages de Tepoimba et Vemba, à 10 km de Mavivi, en groupement de Batangi-Mbau.

Tueries de Beni: 60 corps déjà inhumés à Tepiomba | 24 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Les FARDC ont inhumé, le week-end dernier, au moins 60 corps sur une centaine de civils massacrés, jeudi dernier, par les présumés rebelles ougandais des ADF, à Tepiomba.

Responses to massacre

Que se passe-t-il à Beni? l 21 November 2014 l RFI l AllAfrica
Que se passe-t-il à Beni dans l’est de la RDC ? C’est la question qui se pose depuis plusieurs semaines, après une série d’attaques non revendiquées sur des civils dans la zone, attaques qui ont fait plus de 100 morts en un mois.

Après le massacre de Beni – Gouvernement, la mission parlementaire recommande la prise en charge des rescapées l 21 November 2014 l La Prospérité l AllAfrica
Aubin Minaku, Président de l’Assemblée nationale, a diligenté, dernièrement, une mission officielle en Ville et Territoire de Beni, en Province du Nord-Kivu, dans le but de recueillir des informations et de compatir avec les populations de ces entités terrorisées par des tueries d’une grave cruauté.

L’envoyé de l’ONU Djinnit condamne la multiplication de massacres dans la région de Beni | 24 November 2014 | UN News Centre
L’Envoyé spécial du Secrétaire général pour la région des Grands Lacs, Saïd Djiniit, s’est dit lundi profondément préoccupé par la multiplication des incidents et des massacres à Beni.

Around 100 killed in east DR Congo, Uganda rebels blamed | 24 November 2014 | AFP | Reliefweb
UN Special Envoy Condemns ‘Trend of Massacres’ in Eastern Province | 24 November 2014 | UN News Service | AllAfrica
UN special envoy condemns ‘trend of massacres’ in eastern province | 24 November 2014 | UN News Centre
Saïd Djinnit, UN Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region, strongly condemned the massacres in a press release today while calling on the local authorities to continue their efforts in arresting and prosecuting those responsible. The security situation in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is “worsening,” he stated.

Le Conseil de sécurité condamne les massacres de civils dans la région de Beni | 26 November 2014 | UN News Centre
Les membres du Conseil de sécurité ont condamné mardi soir les massacres perpétrés contre des civils le 20 novembre près de la ville de Beni au Nord-Kivu, dans l’est de la RDC. Suite à ces attaques, le nombre de civils tués dans cette région depuis la mi-octobre s’élève à plus de 200.

5 radios locales suspendues | 24 November 2014 | BBC
Les autorités de Kinshasa ont suspendu 5 radios pour mettre fin aux massacres attribués aux dans la zone de Beni, dans la province instable du Nord Kivu.

Nord-Kivu : le couvre-feu instauré à Beni | 25 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Le Gouvernement provincial du Nord-Kivu a instauré le couvre-feu sur l’ensemble du territoire de Beni. Selon cette mesure aucune circulation n’est autorisée de 18 heures à  6 heures du matin. C’est pour faire face à l’insécurité dans ce territoire que cette décision a été prise.

Tueries de Beni : 34 hommes armés arrêtés à Mbau | 25 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Les FARDC ont arrêté, lundi 24 novembre, environ 34 hommes armés et 10 civils, au cours des opérations de ratissage entamées lancées pour dénicher les auteurs des massacres perpétrés dans le territoire de Beni (Nord-Kivu). L’armée a récupéré 24 armes de guerre dans cette contrée en proie aux rebelles ougandais des ADF.

Les Etats-Unis préoccupés par les attaques contre des civils à Beni | 26 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Le Gouvernement américain se dit très préoccupé par de nombreuses attaques  contre les civils à Beni au Nord-Kivu. Le directeur du bureau des Relations avec la presse au département d’Etat américain, Jeff Rathke, l’a déclaré mercredi 26 novembre. Toutes ces attaques ne doivent pas restées impunies, a-t-il affirmé.

Parliamentary Inquiry findings on Beni massacres

Massacres de Beni – lL RCD/K-ML met Mbusa hors cause | 25 November 2014 | Le Phare | AllAfrica
Réconforté par le rapport de la commission de l’information de l’Assemblée nationale sur les massacres de BENI, lequel lave son leader de tout soupçon, le RCD/K-ML vient de rompre le silence.

Les défaillances de l’armée lors des massacres à Béni | 26 November 2014 | RFI | AllAfrica
Dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), dans la région de Béni, la confusion règne autour des massacres des dernières semaines qui ont fait plus de 200 morts et qui n’ont pas été revendiqués. Parallèlement, un rapport de douze députés du parti au pouvoir et de l’opposition qui se sont rendus sur place fin octobre – et dont RFI a obtenu une copie – jette une lumière nouvelle sur les évènements des dernières semaines et notamment sur les défaillances au sein de l’armée congolaise sur place.

Tueries de Beni – Un rapport d’enquête parlementaire accable l’armée | 26 November 2014 | Les Dépêches de Brazzaville
Dans ce document, les membres de la commission d’enquête parlementaire, dépêchés sur les lieux du sinistre, ont dénoncé les défaillances au sein des Fardc pour n’avoir pas pris des dispositions à temps afin de prévenir ces tristes évènements.

South Kivu

Uvira – les enseignants et les élèves sensibilisés sur le danger de manipuler des engins explosifs l 20 November 2014 l Radio Okapi l AllAfrica
L’ONG Développement intégration par la conservation communautaire (ADIC) a sensibilisé, mercredi 19 novembre, les enseignants et les élèves de l’École primaire Iyuma, dans la cité d’Uvira (Sud-Kivu), sur les risques de manipuler les engins explosifs.

Sud-Kivu: les Maï-Maï accusés d’ériger des barrières illégales à Ziralo | 22 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Les Maï-Maï Kiricho, Kifuafua et Raïa Mutomboki sont accusés de commettre de diverses exactions contre la population civile dans le groupement de Ziralo, situé au Nord de Bukavu (Sud-Kivu). Le chef de groupement de Ziralo a fait cette dénonciation. Selon lui, ces miliciens érigent des barrières illégales au niveau des marchés et champs. L’autorité locale plaide pour le déploiement des FARDC dans cette partie du Sud-Kivu afin d’assurer la sécurité des habitants et de leurs biens.

Bukavu: des veuves des militaires réclament leurs rentes de survie | 22 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
A Bukavu (Sud-Kivu), les veuves des militaires réclament les soldes de leurs défunts maris, décédés au front.

Sud-Kivu: les FARDC délogent les Raïa Mutomboki de 7 localités de Shabunda | 26 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Des militaires ont délogé, depuis quelques jours, les Raïa Mutomboki de localités de Kaligila, Mintoko, Kamangu, Mumbani, Kabulungu et Tshonka, en territoire de Shabunda, à environ 350 km au Sud de Bukavu (Sud-Kivu). Cette zone était restée longtemps sous l’occupation des Raïa Mutomboki, a affirmé le colonel Jean-Jacques Disesa. Les miliciens chassés de la zone libérée se seraient retirés vers la localité de Lulingu (Sud-Kivu).

Province Orientale

Ituri: échauffourées entre la population et la police, 1 mort à Dibwa | 22 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Un élève a été abattu et deux chefs coutumiers grièvement blessés au cours des accrochages survenus, vendredi 21 novembre, entre la population et la police dans la localité de Dibwa, en territoire d’Aru (Province Orientale). Selon la société civile locale, tout est parti lorsque les policiers voulaient arracher de force un voleur appréhendé par les habitants qui venaient de tuer un autre bandit la veille.

Ituri: Cobra Matata s’est rendu aux FARDC à Bunia | 22 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Reddition du chef rebelle Cobra Matata | 22 November 2014 | Jeune Afrique
Reddition du rebelle Matata | 22 November 2014 | BBC
Le chef rebelle Banaloki alias Cobra Matata s’est rendu, vendredi 21 novembre dans la soirée aux FARDC, à Bunia. La cérémonie de sa reddition s’est déroulée en présence du gouverneur de la province, Jean Bamanisa Saïdi, qui a affirmé que les hommes de Cobra Matata et leurs dépendants sont attendus dans un camp de transit préparé à cet effet.

Lambert Mende : «La destination de Cobra Matata est le programme DDR» | 25 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
«La destination de Banaloki alias Cobra Matata est le programme DDR», a affirmé le porte-parole du gouvernement, Lambert Mende. Après sa reddition, le chef de la milice FRPI, Cobra Matata, a demandé à réintégré les Forces armées de la RDC. Mende a précisé que Cobra Matata a le droit de formuler la demande d’intégrer les FARDC mais c’est à l’armée de l’étudier.


Lubumbashi: des groupes de jeunes créent l’insécurité dans la ville | 22 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Le député national Coco Mulongo accuse des groupes de jeunes de créer, depuis quelques jours, l’insécurité dans la ville de Lubumbashi. Selon Coco Mulongo, ces jeunes communément appelés «Zoulous, enfants perdus, Panthères et Ninjas” prennent la population en otage et semblent se substituer à la police nationale.

Katanga: les FARDC accusées de tracasseries à Malemba Nkulu | 23 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Les militaires venus pour traquer les Maï-Maï dans le territoire de Malemba Nkulu au Katanga commettent beaucoup d’abus graves sur la population locale. La société civile locale, qui a livré samedi 22 novembre cette information à Radio Okapi, a indiqué que les FARDC brûlent les cases et imposent des travaux forcés aux malades de cette région.


BBC Rwanda Documentary coverage in Rwanda

Commission Investigating BBC Documentary Wants Hold On Protests | 20 November 2014 | News of Rwanda | AllAfrica
Media Body Wants BBC Producer Charged With Genocide Denial | 20 November 2014 | The New Times | AllAfrica
La « Rwanda Media Commission » sous la menace suite à l’affaire BBC | 25 November 2014 | Jambo News
The Rwanda Media Commission (RMC) has said that the BBC documentary, ‘Rwanda’s Untold Story’, violated both media ethics and principles, and has called for the prosecution of those involved with its production.

BBC Documentary Targeted Person of President Kagame, Says Expert | 22 November 2014 | The New Times | AllAfrica
BBC Had an Agenda to Twist Rwanda History – UK Expert | 26 November 2014 | The New Times | AllAfrica
A senior lecturer at a local higher learning institution has said that the controversial BBC documentary, ‘Rwanda’s Untold Story’, was made with a single purpose of tarnishing the image of President Paul Kagame.

Sen. Nkusi Appears Before BBC Probe Commission | 25 November 2014 | The New Times | AllAfrica
Senator Prof. Laurent Nkusi has scoffed at researchers who feature in a controversial documentary by BBC referring to them as “men who have dedicated their lives to denying the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.”

Arrest of human rights defenders

Droits de l’homme – La FIDH tire la sonnette d’alarme | 24 November 2014 | RFI | AllAfrica
Au Rwanda, la FIDH dénonce l’ingérence des autorités dans le fonctionnement de la Liprodhor, la Ligue rwandaise des droits de l’homme. Ce dimanche, la police a empêché la tenue d’une assemblée générale de la Liprodhor. Et vendredi dernier, deux membres de la Ligue rwandaise des droits de l’homme ont été arrêtés.

Disappearance of witness in French inquiry into plane attack

Affaire Habyarimana: la police kényane gênée par la disparition d’un témoin l 20 November 2014 l RFI
Toujours aucune nouvelle du nouveau témoin de la justice française dans l’affaire de l’attentat contre l’avion du président Juvénal Habyarimana en 1994. Emile Gafirita, un ex-militaire rwandais, est porté disparu depuis maintenant près d’une semaine. C’est jeudi dernier au soir que, selon des habitants du quartier, il aurait été enlevé par deux hommes non identifiés, à Nairobi, au Kenya, alors qu’il rentrait chez lui. La police kényane avait démenti l’avoir arrêté lundi, mais reste bien silencieuse face à cette disparition.


Violence in southeastern CAR

Sectarian Clashes Displace Thousands in South-Eastern Central African Republic, UN Warns | 21 November 2014 | UN News Service | AllAfrica
An upsurge in violent attacks this week between communities in a town near the Central African Republic’s border with South Sudan has left at least 10 people injured and thousands more displaced, marking the first major inter-community incident in the region since the country’s crisis began in 2012, the United Nations humanitarian relief office said today.

In Central African Republic, UN team investigates outbreak of sectarian violence | 24 November 2014 | UN News Centre
A United Nations humanitarian mission has visited a town in the CAR amid an outburst of violence that left at least 14 people injured and three killed, the Organization’s humanitarian relief office announced today.


La Minusca prend le dispositif sécuritaire de l’Aéroport Bangui M’Poko l 21 November 2014 l Gabonews l AllAfrica
La sécurisation de l’Aéroport Bangui M’Poko, autrefois assurée par les forces européennes EUFOR, est désormais sous le contrôle de la Mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations unies pour la stabilisation en République Centrafricaine (Minusca).

Ex-Seleka factions

L’ex-rébellion Seleka désormais divisée en trois factions l 21 November 2014 l RFI l AllAfrica
La Seleka est divisée en trois. C’est ce qui ressort notamment du Congrès de la faction du général Zacharia Damane qui se déroule depuis jeudi dans la localité de Bria à l’est de la RCA. Cette faction composée de membres de la communauté Goula cherche à se doter d’un nouveau leader et d’un chef d’état-major. Les deux autres factions, celle de Nourredine Adam et celle de Ali Darras ont elles aussi tenu leurs congrès ces dernières semaines.

Lord’s resistence army

Slow Progress in the Fight Against the LRA | 24 November 2014 | Deutsche Welle | AllAfrica
The Lord’s Resistance Army has been escalating its abductions in Central Africa, a new UN report says. Although AU-led military operations appear to be weakening the group, the countries involved have other priorities.

Prison revolt

Révolte des détenus de la prison de Bangui | 24 November 2014 | RFI | AllAfrica
En Centrafrique, les détenus de la prison de Bangui se sont révoltés ce lundi 24 novembre. Armés de grenades et de kalachnikovs, ils ont tenu en échec les casques bleus et les gardiens de la prison pendant de longues heures.

Alison Des Forges Prize awarded to Father Bernard Kinvi

Un prêtre récompensé pour avoir protégé des musulmans | 24 November 2014 | Les Dépêches de Brazzaville | AllAfrica
Le Père Bernard Kinvi a reçu le Prix Alison Des Forges, décerné par l’ONG Human Rights Watch (HRW) à cause de son courage à protéger et soigner les musulmans de la ville de Bossemptele au nord-ouest du pays.

UN sanctions for Djotodia 

Michel Djotodia visé par des sanctions de l’ONU ? | 26 November 2014 |
L’ancien Président centrafricain et chef de la seleka Michel Djotodia est sur une liste de personnalités susceptibles d’être visées par des sanctions de l’ONU pour son rôle néfaste dans la transition.


South Sudan

Govt Beefs Up Military Presence On S. Sudan Border | 18 November 2014 | Sudan Tribune | AllAfrica
The South Sudanese army (SPLA) says it has observed a huge military build-up at the border with neighbouring Sudan with which it has been unable to settle a number of post-secession differences.

See No Evil, Speak No Evil: U.N. Covers Up Sudan’s Bad Behavior in Darfur | 21 November 2014 | Foreign Policy
Late last month, a senior U.N. investigator scolded officials with the joint U.N.-African Union peacekeeping mission in Darfur, UNAMID, for repeatedly withholding evidence of alleged Sudanese government crimes against civilians and peacekeepers.

Soudan du Sud: Juba veut éviter des sanctions «contre-productives» | 26 November 2014 | RFI
L’allié américain serait-il en train de changer de position ? Le Soudan du Sud a protesté, mardi, devant le Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies, contre des sanctions à son encontre envisagées par plusieurs Etats, dont les Etats-Unis. Ces sanctions pourraient viser le président sud-soudanais Salva Kiir et son rival, l’ancien vice-président Riek Machar, qui s’affrontent depuis près d’un an.

Humanitarian news

Non-comprehensive overview of humanitarian news & events, including refugee and IDP issues.

Child trafficking

Trafficking in Children On the Rise, Says New UN Report | 24 November 2014 | UN News Service | AllAfrica
One in three known victims of human trafficking is a child, and girls and women are particularly targeted and forced into “modern slavery,” according to the 2014 Global Report on Trafficking in Persons, released today by the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Vienna.


Humanitarian Bulletins and reports

UNICEF Monthly Humanitarian Situation Report (1 – 31 October 2014) l 31 October 2014 l UNICEF l Reliefweb

Province du Katanga: Aperçu humanitaire (Octobre 2014) | 14 November 2014 | OCHA | Reliefweb

Personnes déplacées internes et retournées (Septembre 2014) | 14 November 2014 | OCHA | Reliefweb

Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province Orientale N°12/14, 18 novembre 2014 |18 November 2014 | OCHA | Reliefweb

Bulletin d’Information Humanitaire – Province du Nord-Kivu N°38/14, 19 novembre 2014 | 19 November 2014 | OCHA | Reliefweb

Angolan refugees in CAR

Kolwezi: 150 réfugiés angolais rapatriés | 21 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Environ 150 réfugiés angolais vivant à Kolwezi (Katanga) ont été rapatriés, jeudi 20 novembre, dans leur pays d’origine au terme d’une opération organisée par la tripartite Commission nationale pour les réfugiés (CNR), le Haut-commissariat de l’Onu pour les réfugiés (HCR) et le consulat d’Angola.

Signature d’un accord permettant la légalisation des réfugiés angolais l 21 November 2014 l Angola Press lAllAfrica
Un accord entre l’Angola, la République Démocratique du Congo, l’Afrique du Sud et la Zambie a été signé au cours de derniers mois, afin de faciliter le retour des citoyens angolais vivant dans ces pays, avec le statut de réfugiés ou leur légalisation.

Internally displaced persons

Top humanitarian official calls for “more, sustained attention” to crisis in Katanga l 20 November 2014 l OCHA l Reliefweb
Three years after a cycle of violence started displacing and affecting the livelihoods of over half a million people in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s mineral-rich Katanga Province, there is an urgent need for greater attention on its humanitarian crisis, the United Nations’ top humanitarian official said today.

Luttant pour survivre à Tundula, les déplacés attendent plus d’aide alimentaire l 21 November 2014 l AFP l Reliefweb
De nombreux déplacés du camp de Tundula, dans le Sud-Est de la République démocratique du Congo se plaignent de l’insuffisance des vivres offerts par le Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM).

L’OIM réévalue le déplacement au Nord-Kivu, en République démocratique du Congo | 21 November 2014 | International Organization for Migration | Reliefweb
Une évaluation des sites de déplacement effectuée par l’OIM autour de la ville de Goma au Nord-Kivu, en RDC de l’Est, a révélé la présence de 16 406 personnes déplacées, soit une forte baisse par rapport aux estimation précédentes de plus de 100 000 déplacés internes (104 813 exactement).

Katanga : 30% des déplacés de la province sont à Pweto | 24 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Le nombre de réfugiés accueillis à Pweto atteint 178 000, soit 30% des déplacés de toute la province du Katanga. D’une part, ce territoire accueille les déplacés qui ont fui les exactions des miliciens Mai-Mai dans d’autres territoires.

Sexual violence

Kalemie : MONUSCO raises awareness among local police about sexual violence issues | 20 November 2014 | MONUSCO | Reliefweb
The training room at the MONUSCO headquarters was used as the venue for the awareness-raising session organised on 14 November 2014 by the UN Mission’s Police component (UNPOL)/Kalemie for some twenty female officers of the Congolese National Police (PNC). Facilitated by the UNPOL Sexual Violence and Child Protection focal Points, this meeting aimed to inform the participants about the procedures and rules in force for the fight against sexual violence and child protection in armed conflict.

Ending Violence Against Women – a Crucial Step Towards Zero Hunger | 25 November 2014 | United Nations World Food Programme | AllAfrica
Acts of violence against women aged 15 – 44 are the cause of more death and disability than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents and war combined. From the refugees camps of DRC to the streets of New York, up to 70 per cent of women will experience violence of some form during their lives.


Humanitarian Bulletins and reports

Central African Republic: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 18 November 2014) | 18 November 2014 | OCHA | Reliefweb

UNHCR Regional Update #40 – Central African Republic Situation | 21 November 2014 | UNHCR | Reliefweb

Humanitarian conditions

Tough Conditions for Car Displaced At Airport Camp | 20 November 2014 | IRIN | AllAfrica
One of the most telling effects of the bitter internal crisis which has rocked the Central African Republic (CAR) since December 2012 is the continuing displacement of thousands of ordinary citizens. Those who fled have been forced to abandon their houses and home areas, often moving into rapidly-established camps, living in dismal conditions.

Humanitarian Country Team, calls upon all parties involved to end violence after visit to Zémio |  24 November 2014 | OCHA | Reliefweb
A mission composed of Humanitarian Country Team members, a representative of the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and the Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic visited Zémio on 22 November to assess the humanitarian situation after the outbreak of inter-community violence.

Justice and Tribunals

Selected articles on criminal justice proceedings regarding crimes committed in the Great Lakes Region.

Transitional justice

Africa’s dilemma: Transitioning from where to where? | 19 November 2014 | Pambazuka News
Transitional Justice seeks to enable societies to come to terms with legacies of large-scale past abuse, in order to secure accountability, serve justice and achieve reconciliation towards a future that is democratic and free from violence, but its groundings and mechanisms are fraught with multiple dilemmas.

Beyond the TJ Industry: Transitional justice and changing international order | 21 November 2014 | Pambazuka News
The flashy branding of the transitional justice process as ‘TJ’ does more to keep oppressive systems in place than to bring real progress where it is needed. Transitional justice must be used as a catalyst to foment real, case-by-case systemic changes instead of as a one-size-fits-all neoliberal template.

Transitional justice: Challenging contemporary knowledge, narratives and practice | 21 November 2014 | Pambazuka News
Transitional Justice has rarely taken into account all forms of oppression, economic discrimination, globalized injustice and a wider understanding of dignity and freedom. African societies need to theorize on transitional justice holistically in order to create social transformation.

Human rights

Africa Urged to Make Stronger Commitments to Human Rights Issues | 23 November 2014 | African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights | AllAfrica
Africa has to make more stronger commitments to human rights issues if the continent is to make economic and democratic advances and benefit from its positive spin-offs, according to the President of the African Court for Human and Peoples’ Rights (AfCHPR) Justice Augustino Ramadhani.

UN Members Resolve to End Child Marriage | 24 November 2014 | Voice of America
The United Nations agreed on Friday that all members should  pass and enforce laws banning child marriages, resolving to end a practice that affects about 15 million girls every year.

UN Sounds Alarm to End ‘Global Pandemic’ of Violence Against Women | 25 November 2014 | UN News Service
Violence against women and girls is a global pandemic that destroys lives, fractures communities and holds back development, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said as the world body today marked the International Day to End Violence against Women.


Thomas Lubanga trial

Cour Pénale Internationale – Thomas Lubanga, le jugement sur les appels contre le verdict et la peine attendu le 1er décembre l 21 November 2014 l La Prospérité l AllAfrica
A en croire la Monusco, le mardi 18 novembre 2014, la Chambre d’appel de la Cour pénale internationale a rendu une ordonnance convenant une audience publique le 1er décembre 2014 à 16h30 afin de rendre son jugement sur les appels contre le verdict et la peine prononcés par la Chambre de première instance I dans l’affaire Le Procureur contre Thomas Lubanga Dyilo.

Bemba trial

Bemba Faces Second ICC Trial On Charges of Corrupting Witnesses | 21 November 2014 | | AllAfrica
International Criminal Court (ICC) judges have confirmed charges of corruptly influencing witnesses against Jean-Pierre Bemba and four associates and committed them to trial.

Rape conviction

Sud-Kivu : un militaire condamné à 14 ans de prison pour viol sur mineure | 20 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
Le Tribunal militaire de garnison de Bukavu (Sud-Kivu) a condamné vendredi 21 novembre le sergent-major du 10012ème bataillon à 14 ans de servitude pénale principale pour viol sur une mineure. L’acte avait été commis en février dernier dans le territoire de Walungu.

Prison conditions

Triste réalité dans les cachots du Bas-Congo l 21 November 2014 l Le Phare l AllAfrica
L’univers carcéral de postes de police et de la justice militaire, ainsi que les établissements pénitentiaires civils et militaires de la province du Bas-Congo, ont dévoilé au début de cette semaine, leur triste réalité. C’est à l’occasion de sa visite d’inspection à l’étape d’Inkisi, de Mbanza-Ngungu et de Kimpese que la vice-ministre à la Justice a exprimé son indignation et sa colère face aux conditions de détention déplorables des prisonniers.


Complaint filed in France against Bozize

Biens mal acquis – Le cas Bozizé n’est pas isolé | 24 November 2014 | Le Pays | AllAfrica
La Centrafrique exige une enquête sur les biens de l’ex-président François Bozizé et de ses proches. Elle a déposé une plainte en France à cet effet. Pour les dirigeants actuels de la RCA, la fortune de l’ex-président de la Centrafrique est bâtie à partir d’un pillage sans état d’âme des ressources du pays pendant les 10 années passées à la magistrature suprême.

Natural resource exploitation, governance and trade

Minerals, energy (oil & gas, hydro and solar), poaching, logging, foreign investment, trade, environmental issues.

Diamond Smuggling Networks

Increasingly sophisticated collusion and smuggling networks indicate rising risk of diamond theft in Namibia and Botswana l 16 November 2014 l IHS Jane’s Intelligence Weekly
Diamond mining firm Namdeb chief executive Inge Zaamwani-Kamwi admitted on 7 October that the theft of a 78-carat diamond on 4 September was perpetrated by Namdeb employees.


Tackling the scourge of poaching l 17 September 2014 l Africa Aerospace & Defense 2014 l IHS Janes
A worldwide team of experts discussed the use of the most current technology in the fight to eliminate African animal poaching in Pretoria yesterday. The USA-South Africa Border Surveillance and Anti-Poaching Technology Cooperation Symposium was produced by the US Commercial Service in South Africa (CSSA) and Africa A&D US International Pavilion organiser, Kallman Worldwide.

Poachers beware! #Parabot is after you l 17 September 2014 l Africa Aerospace & Defense 2014 l IHS Janes
Towering over the exhibition site, the 9.7m tall #Parabot has come to AAD with a purpose: to raise awareness of the plight of Africa’s endangered wildlife, particularly the rhino. The problem is huge: so far this year more than 760 rhinos have been taken by poachers in South Africa, and the Kruger National Park has borne the brunt.

South Africa rhino deaths hit record despite conservation push | 20 November 2014 | BBC
Poachers have killed 1,020 rhinos in South Africa this year, the government says – a record number which conservationists say highlights the faltering drive to save the animal.

Poachers Without Borders | 19 November 2014 | ISS | AllAfrica
Worldwide, the value of organised environmental crime is estimated to be between US$70 and US$213 billion annually. Global development assistance, by comparison, is estimated at US$135 billion per annum.

Infant Chimpanzee Rescued From Poachers Now Safe l 21 November 2014 l The New Times l AllAfrica
On the evening of Saturday, November 15, Gorilla Doctors and the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) were notified of a “baby gorilla” that had been confiscated from poachers and was being held at Gisenyi Police Station, near the Rwanda/DRC border.

EU-Africa Trade treaties

Rules of commercial engagement | 21 November 2014 | Africa Confidential
After twelve years of wrangling, the EU finally concludes bilateral trade treaties with 44 Sub-Saharan countries


Massive Rail Deal Gives China’s Push Into Africa a Major Win | 21 November 2014 | Foreign Policy
The China Railway Construction Corporation’s eye-popping $12 billion deal to build an 870-mile railroad in Nigeria is the biggest single overseas contract in Chinese history and will boost the country’s manufacturing sector just as its overall economy shows some signs of slowing. That’s not the only upside for China, however: the deal will also give Chinese firms more of a foothold in Africa’s biggest economy.

New Scheme Seeks to Cut Freight Costs in East Africa | 26 November 2014 | The New Times | AllAfrica
A whooping $16 million (about Rwf11bn) fund has been set aside for innovators who can come up with effective strategies to cut costs on transport and logistics in East Africa.


Illegal logging/ charcoal

Les FARDC accusées d’être à la base de la déforestation à Baraka l 21 November 2014 l Radio Okapi l AllAfrica
La société civile de Baraka dans le Sud-Kivu accuse certains militaires du 1004e régiment des Forces armées de la RDC (FARDC) basé dans ce territoire d’être à la base de la déforestation. Lors d’un point de presse organisé jeudi 20 novembre, le président de cette structure, Kalima Kely, a affirmé que les forêts de cette contrée sont menacées par la fabrication des braises.


Kitebi said to have squirreled away receipts | 25 November 2014 | Africa Mining Intelligence
Finance minister Patrice Kitebi, who is close to DRC’s prime minister, has been accused of holding back over $73 million in mining royalties.


Kipushi drilling programme indicates high-grade resources – Ivanhoe | 24 November 2014 | Mining Weekly
High-grade silver, zinc and copper drill intercepts have been reported in the third batch of assay results from Africa-focused project developer Ivanhoe Mines’ underground diamond-drilling programme at its Kipushi copper/zinc/germanium/lead/precious metals mine, in the DRC.

Mawson kicks off Kapulo in December | 25 November 2014 | Africa Mining Intelligence
Mawson West hopes to begin working on its Kapulo permit in Katanga in December.

Accountability for resource management

From plunder to prosperity: How legal accountability can help manage natural resource wealth in Africa | 26 November 2014 | Business& Human Rights Resource Centre
B&HR Resource Centre gathered a panel to address the issue of “Managing Congo’s resource wealth – from plunder to shared prosperity?”. The keynote speaker was Emmanuel Umpula Nkumba (AFREWATCH, a DRC-based NGO working for respect for human rights by mining companies).  He presented on remedies for victims of abuses involving the extractive industries.  He stressed that natural resource exploitation in DRC has displaced communities without adequate compensation, destroyed ecosystems and polluted people’s lands, air and water.  In some cases, mining companies have been complicit in killings, torture, rape and other serious abuses against local populations by security forces and armed groups.  AFREWATCH’s mission is to assist victims of these abuses in seeking justice, but the avenues for legal remedy in DRC are full of obstacles.

Gestion des ressources naturelles de la République démocratique du Congo – du pillage au partage de la prospérité | 26 November 2014 | Business& Human Rights Resource Centre
Le Centre de Ressources sur les Entreprises et les Droits de l’Homme s’est penché sur la thématique « Gestion des ressources naturelles de la République démocratique du Congo – du pillage à la prospérité inclusive ». Emmanuel Umpula Nkumba (AFREWATCH, une ONG de la RDC qui œuvre pour le respect des droits de l’homme par les entreprises minières) était le principal conférencier. Sa présentation portait sur les voies de recours offertes aux victimes d’abus des industries extractives. Emmanuel a souligné que l’exploitation des ressources naturelles en RDC est à l’origine de nombreux problèmes sociaux et environnementaux, parmi lesquels des délocalisations forcées et sans indemnisation adéquate, des accaparements de terres, la destruction de la faune et de la flore et la pollution de l’air et des sols. Dans certains cas, l’activité minière s’accompagne également de sérieuses exactions commises sur les populations locales par les forces de l’ordre avec la complicité des entreprises. AFREWATCH a comme mission d’accompagner les victimes de telles exactions en justice, mais les voies de recours dans le droit congolais sont semées d’embûches.


Rwanda to Get Support for Capacity Building | 23 November 2014 | East African Business Week | AllAfrica
Rwanda and Germany recently concluded negotiations, which will see Rwanda get Euro69.5million (about Rwf60billion) for economic development.


Rwanda to receive US $74.47-million AfDB loan to finance Transport Sector Support Project | 20 November 2014 | AfDB
The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank has approved a US $74.47-million loan to finance the first phase of Rwanda’s Transport Sector Support Project. The project involves upgrading the Base-Rukomo road along the Base-Gicumbi-Rukomo-Nyagatare axis.


Evaluation of Mining Revenue Streams and Due Diligence Implementation Costs along Mineral Supply Chains in Rwanda | November 2014 | Estelle Levin Ltd and BGR
Estelle Levin, commissioned by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), carried out this study project that aims to evaluate the economic sustainability of ASM supply chains originating in Rwanda vis-à-vis common ASM formalisation factors as well as special challenges arising from the increased supply chain due diligence focus applying to the Great Lakes Region. As such, while it contributes first and foremost to developing ASM formalisation strategies in Rwanda, the report may also improve understanding of relevant auto-financing input parameters for the ICGLR Regional Certification Mechanism and complementary private sector initiatives.

Rwanda Minister Sees 7.7% Drop in 2014 Mining-Sale Earnings | 20 November 2014 | Bloomberg
Rwanda forecasts a 7.7 percent decline in export earnings from the mining industry this year as a retreat in commodity prices counters higher shipment volumes, State Minister for Mines Evode Imena said. Export earnings may “drop to $208.7 million this year compared to $226.2 million generated the year earlier.”



Police Probe Smuggled Fuel On Congo Border l 21 November 2014 l The Observer l AllAfrica
Police in the southwestern district of Kisoro are investigating the origins of hundreds of litres of fuel found with smugglers headed for DR Congo.


Norway Advise On Uganda Oil Sector | 23 November 2014 | East African Business Week | AllAfrica
Norwegian Ambassador to Uganda Thorbjørn Gaustadsæther has said providing Ugandans with timely information concerning developments in oil and gas industry is vital in promoting transparency and good governance.

Loans for oil | 21 November 2014 | Africa Confidential
Multibillion dollar Chinese loans less than two years before the elections raise commercial and political questions.


Conflict minerals

Kony to LRA – Bring Me Ivory, Gold, and Diamonds l 19 November 2014 l Enough Project l AllAfrica
The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebel group is increasingly trafficking ivory, diamonds, and gold in order to obtain weapons, ammunition, food, and other supplies, the Enough Project, The Resolve and Invisible Children said today.

Rebels Retain Control of Rich Mine in Central African Republic | 21 November 2014 | Voice of America
As foreign gold and diamond mine operators fled the conflict in the Central African Republic, anti-balaka militia and Seleka rebels gradually replaced them. In the village of Ndassima, in the eastern C.A.R., the Seleka rebels have taken control of the mine and its revenues.

Diamonds fund rebels | 21 November 2014 | Africa Confidential
Who broke the embargo? | 25 November 2014 | Africa Mining Intelligence
A UN report that illicit diamonds are financing rebels has dashed the government’s hopes that the ban on exports will be lifted. Diamonds are a vital export for the CAR but the main beneficiaries recently are rebels linked either to Anti-Balaka groups or to the Séléka coalition. The interim government’s Mines Minister, Joseph Agbo, has been calling for several months for the export ban to be lifted, saying it was ‘adding misery to misery’.

Regulation, voluntary initiatives, and CSR

Selected articles on legal and voluntary initiatives relating to natural resources and good governance.

EITI welcomes G20 leaders’ continued commitment to transparency in extractives industry | 20 November 2014 | EITI
In its summit statement, the G20 leaders reinforced their engagement to improve the transparency in governance and the private sector. Specifically, steps to address opacity in the ownership of companies will be undertaken.

Kimberly Process

Kimberley Process: Shaky start for Queiroz | 25 November 2014 | Africa Mining Intelligence
Named chairman of the Kimberley Process, Angola’s mines minister is targeted by several civil society organisations on the situation in the Lunda provinces.


Responsible gold sourcing

Going for Gold: Engaging the Jewelry Industry in Responsible Gold Sourcing in Africa’s Great Lakes Region | 24 November 2014 | Enough Project
Going for Congo’s gold | 26 November 2014 | The Washington Post
In the DRC, gold is a major financial lifeline for armed actors. Jewelry retailers and consumers can play important roles to address the conflict gold trade. The Enough Project has engaged with the largest jewelry retailers in an effort to encourage companies to use their power and resources in more robust, effective ways to support responsible sourcing in Congo and the Great Lakes Region.

Tiffany and Signet Lead Jewelry World, “Getting Engaged” On Congo Gold | 24 November 2014 | Enough Project | AllAfrica
Two giants of the jewelry world, Signet Jewelers (parent company of jewelry retailers Zales®, Jared®, and Kay®) and Tiffany & Co., were announced today as the industry’s leaders taking action to support peace and a conflict-free gold trade in Congo.

Responsible 3Ts sourcing

Endorsement from Ploumen | 25 November 2014 | Africa Mining Intelligence
The coltan and cassiterite mine at Rubaya in eastern DRC remains unaffected by armed conflict and tagging of its ore is being carried out normally, according to the Dutch minister Liliane Ploumen. The region forms part of a pilot scheme to tag stanniferous minerals which has the backing of the Dutch government.

Forrest International and forced displacement

Belgian Mining Giant Lied Over Bulldozing Homes | 24 November 2014 | Amnesty International | AllAfrica
Bulldozed: How a mining company buried the truth about forced evictions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo | 24 November 2014 | Amnesty International
On 24 and 25 November 2009 police in the Katanga province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo ordered the demolition of hundreds of homes and businesses in the village of Kawama, next to the Luiswishi mine. Following the forced evictions, Groupe Forrest International, whose subsidiary was the mine operator at the time, denied that homes and businesses of permanent residents of Kawama had been affected. This report presents new evidence exposing the scale of the demolitions and demonstrating that the company lied about the scale and impact of what happened at Kawama.

Katanga: Amnesty International accuse Malta Forrest de complicité de démolitions illégales | 26 November 2014 | Radio Okapi
RDC : Amnesty accuse le Groupe Forrest « d’expulsions forcées » | 24 November 2014 | Afrikarabia
Amnesty International accuse le Groupe Forrest International de complicité des «démolitions illégales» des habitations de la population de Kawama, près de la mine de Luiswishi au Katanga en novembre 2009. Dans un nouveau rapport publié lundi 24 novembre, l’ONG britannique appelle la compagnie minière belge à indemniser les victimes de  ces démolitions et expulsions forcées. La société incriminée décline sa responsabilité dans ces démolitions opérées par la police congolaise.

Le groupe George Forest se défend | 25 November 2014 | BBC
En réagissant au rapport d’Amnesty International, le groupe George Forst International a indiqué que ” le dossier ne contient aucun élément prouvant la moindre responsabilité du Groupe Forrest, de ses filiales et de son personnel “.


Processus de transparence ITIE – Des entreprises minières hors délai | 24 November 2014 | Les Dépêches de Brazzaville | AllAfrica
Les comptes audités ou les preuves de paiement fiscal d’une vingtaine d’opérateurs du secteur minier n’ont pas été déposés à la veille de l’échéance fixée au plus tard le 25 novembre 2014 à minuit pour la publication du rapport Itié/RDC 2012.

ITIE – L’épée de Damoclès sur la RDC | 25 November 2014 | Le Phare | AllAfrica
La sonnette d’alarme est tirée depuis des lustres. La RDC risque, jusqu’au 25 novembre 2014, la radiation du processus de l’Initiative pour la transparence des industries extractives (ITIE), si les 25 entreprises minières installées au Katanga ne déposent pas leurs preuves de paiement fiscal pour l’exercice 2012.

Boss mining found guilty of pollution in Katanga

Boss Mining sommée de payer 25 millions de dollars pour pollution | 26 November 2014 | Le Phare | AllAfrica
Comptée parmi les grandes entreprises minières du pays avec comme spécialité la prospection minière et l’exploitation métallurgique, la société Boss Mining est attraite en justice par Bis Mwanse et l’ONG ACDH, suite à la pollution des rivières Kimbembe et Lubuila qui coulent dans la province du Katanga.


Due diligence implementation

Evaluation of Mining Revenue Streams and Due Diligence Implementation Costs along Mineral Supply Chains in Rwanda | November 2014 | Estelle Levin Ltd and BGR
Estelle Levin, commissioned by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), carried out this study project that aims to evaluate the economic sustainability of ASM supply chains originating in Rwanda vis-à-vis common ASM formalisation factors as well as special challenges arising from the increased supply chain due diligence focus applying to the Great Lakes Region. As such, while it contributes first and foremost to developing ASM formalisation strategies in Rwanda, the report may also improve understanding of relevant auto-financing input parameters for the ICGLR Regional Certification Mechanism and complementary private sector initiatives.

Arms Trade Special**

Sub-Saharan Defence Spending Spree

Spending spree: IHS’ Second Balance of Trade Report 2014 l 19 March 2014 l IHS Jane’s DS Forecast
The second annual IHS Balance of Trade report has revealed that 2013 was another strong growth year for defence trade. Traditional markets expanded by USD2 billion to USD67 billion, while some emerging markets are starting to impact on the structure of the global market, according to the 2014 report, which examined more than 30,000 export programmes extracted from IHS Jane’s DS Forecast data.

Arms and the African. The continent’s armies are going on a spending spree. | 22 November 2014 | The Economist
The Nigerian army, one of the biggest in Africa, should have little difficulty scattering the amateur jihadists. But its arsenal is decrepit and its troops poorly trained. Hence the government’s decision to spend $1 billion on new aircraft and training, among other things. Critics question how much will go towards appropriate kit (never mind how much gets stolen by corrupt generals) and whether it is sensible to lavish resources on a force implicated in atrocities and human-rights abuses. These questions resonate across Africa.

First Nigerian P-18N OPV launched in China l 28 January 2014 l IHS Jane’s Navy International
The first of the Nigerian Navy’s (NN’s) two P-18N offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) was launched by the China Shipbuilding & Offshore International Co (CSOC) on 27 January.

AVIC offering L-15 as AJT alternative l 11 February 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Industry
The China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation (CATIC) is offering the HAIC L-15 advanced jet trainer (AJT) to Asian countries as a cost-effective alternative to more expensive but similarly capable AJT competitors, a senior CATIC official told IHS Jane’s on 11 February at the Singapore Airshow. He also confirmed that the first customer of the L-15 is Zambia.

Ethiopia’s AMISOM deployment indicates Chinese armour procurement l 2 March 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The Ethiopian National Defence Force’s (ENDF’s) contribution of troops to African Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has highlighted the extent to which Chinese products are increasingly dominating its inventory of armoured vehicles.

Ugandans seen with T-72B1s in South Sudan l 12 March 2014 l  IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The most recent conflict in South Sudan, which has included Ugandan forces fighting on the side of the South Sudanese government, has revealed a new asset in the Ugandan arsenal: the T-72B1 Main Battle Tank.

PMPF expands air wing with Thrush aircraft l 12 March 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The Puntland Maritime Police Force (PMPF) is now flying three Ayers S2R Thrush aircraft, IHS Jane’s can reveal. Originally established in 2010 with funding from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the PMPF’s main base is 9 km west of Bosaso port on the Red Sea coast of the autonomous Puntland region of northeastern Somalia. Satellite imagery taken on 24 February shows the three Thrushes and an Alouette III helicopter at the facility.

Sudanese aircraft procurement to come with MRO requirement l 27 March 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Industry
Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir has announced that future military aircraft procurement by Sudan would feature a clause requiring maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) operations to be conducted by the state-owned Safat Aviation Group.

Nigeria to acquire new fighter jets l 8 April 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) is in the process of acquiring new fighter jets and helicopters, Chief of Air Staff Air Marshal Adesola Amosu told a press briefing on 8 April.

Tanzania parades new Chinese kit l 14 May 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
A Tanzanian military parade on 26 April to mark the 50th anniversary of the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar shed light on the Tanzania People’s Defence Force’s (TPDF’s) recent procurement.

Cameroon displays new Chinese armour l 20 May 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Cameroon paraded the Chinese armoured vehicles that it has recently acquired during its 42nd National Day on 20 May. The new vehicles include Type 07P infantry fighting vehicles and PTL-102-type tank destroyers and represent a major improvement in the country’s armoured forces.

First Chadian MiG-29 seen in the air l 29 May 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Chad is in the process of procuring advanced MiG-29 multirole fighters from Ukraine, it was revealed when the first photograph of one of the aircraft was posted on the spotters website in late May.

South Sudan takes delivery of Chinese ATGWs l 9 July 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
South Sudan has taken delivery of a large shipment of Chinese infantry weapons that includes anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs), according to shipping documents obtained by Bloomberg and passed on to IHS Jane’s.

China Sells South Sudan Arms as Its Government Talks Peace l 9 July 2014 l Bloomberg
China is selling $38 million worth of missiles, grenade launchers, machine guns and ammunition to South Sudan’s government, even as it pledges to help end a civil war in the country now on the brink of famine.

Nigeria plans to manufacture South African APCs l 9 July 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The South African company DCD Protected Mobility has unveiled a new type of mine-protected patrol vehicle that it says will be built for the Nigerian Police Force’s (NPF’s) paramilitary units.

South Africa to get upgraded GDF weapons l 18 September 2014 l Africa Aerospace & Defense 2014 l IHS Janes
Rheinmetall Air Defence of Switzerland is upgrading part of the South African National Defence Force’s (SANDF) twin 35mm Oerlikon GDF-005 towed anti-aircraft guns (AAG) to the latest GDF-007 standard.

Chinese trucks come to AAD l 18 September 2014 l Africa Aerospace & Defense 2014 l IHS Janes
FAW South Africa, a subsidiary of China FAW Group, has announced here the establishment of a new company with South Africa’s Pamodzi Group for the production of trucks for South Africa and other sub-equatorial countries. The new company, Pamodzi-FAW (Pty) Ltd, has a structured shareholding of 51 per cent held by Pamodzi and 49 per cent held by FAW SA.

Russia looks to sell arms in Africa amid arms embargo race l 18 September 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Industry
Russian state-owned export authority Rosoboronexport will be making a push to expand its presence in Africa, the group said in publicising its presence at the Africa Aerospace and Defence conference beginning 17 September in Pretoria, South Africa. The public commitment to the continent comes less than a week after US and EU officials announced broad embargoes that included targeted restrictions on the Russian defence industry.

Nigeria to buy ‘significant number’ of Russian helos l 19 September 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Russia concluded a deal with Nigeria last month on deliveries of a ‘significant’ consignment of Mil transport and attack helicopters, according to a senior official with the state-owned corporation Rostec.

Niger, Kenya to get Cessna 208 ISR aircraft l 22 September 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Niger is to get two Cessna 208B Caravan light aircraft that have been converted into intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) platforms, the US Defence Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has told IHS Jane’s. Kenya will also get a 208B converted to ISR capability, the agency said.

China Halts Arms Sales to South Sudan After Norinco Shipment l 30 September 2014 l Bloomberg
China halted weapons sales to South Sudan after it discovered the state arms manufacturer sold millions of dollars worth of equipment to the war-torn nation, a Chinese Embassy official said.

UN documents shed light on African defence procurement l 12 October 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
The UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) recently released two documents that provide additional details of African defence procurement in 2013, including the numbers for some of the acquisitions that countries are known to have made that year.

Gabon buys ARAVIS armoured vehicles l 29 October 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Gabon’s battalion in the Central African Republic (CAR) will get a significant improvement in its firepower and levels of protection when it receives the 12 Nexter Systems Aravis armoured vehicles that were ordered on 29 October.

Gabon contracts with Piriou for patrol vessels l 29 October 2014 l IHS Jane’s Navy International
Gabon is to take delivery of two patrol vessels – one second-hand, one newbuild – from French shipbuilding and repair group Piriou under a contract signed at Euronaval in Paris on 29 October.

South Africa’s military satellite ‘back on track’ l 30 October 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
South African Secretary for Defence Sam Gulube confirmed during testimony to the parliamentary defence committee on 22 October that the project to acquire a military satellite is continuing.

China completes sea trials for Nigerian OPV l 2 November 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
China has completed sea trials of a 95 m offshore patrol vessel (OPV) on order for the Nigerian Navy (NN), a Chinese state-run media outlet reported on 29 October.

Gabon selects Nexter guns for naval vessels l 6 November 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Gabon has selected Nexter Systems 20 mm Narwhal remote control naval guns for its Raidco RPB20 patrol boats and the new ocean patrol vessel (OPV) that it has on order, the French company announced today.

South Sudan to improve air defences, says defence minister l 9 November 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
South Sudanese defence minister Kuol Manyang Juuk has said that his country will acquire air defence systems.

Nigeria wants to procure Scorpion ISR and light attack jet l 17 November 2014 l IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly
Nigeria is considering acquiring the Textron AirLand Scorpion light strike and surveillance jet as it looks to combat Islamist militants operating within its borders, a senior air force official disclosed on 18 November.

Two new Rwandan Mi-17s deploying to South Sudan l 17 November 2014 l DefenceWeb
The Rwanda Defence Force (RDF) air wing has taken delivery of two new Mil Mi-17 helicopters and says they will be deployed to provide airlift and troop support services to the Rwandan contingent deployed with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

Expansion Chinese Defence Industry

China’s New Export: Military in a Box l 25 September 2014 l Bloomberg Business Week
At the Africa Aerospace and Defence expo in September, weapons buyers from across the continent descended on Air Force Base Waterkloof in the South African capital of Pretoria for a bit of shopping. There they were wooed by Chinese defense gear giant Norinco, which has honed its pitch to an art.

Procurement: The Chinese Giant l 24 October 2014 l Strategy Page
China is now the fourth largest exporter of weapons in the world. This is largely due to the efforts of China’s largest arms manufacturer, NORINCO (Northern Industries Company).

Chinese weapons winning battle for int’l market l 17 November 2014 l China Development Gateway
Effective, affordable armaments prove popular with developing countries. Chinese-made armaments have become increasingly popular in the international market, according to an industry insider.

IPIS Recent Publications

Boundary spanning: moving towards strategic stakeholder engagement | 3 February 2014 | IPIS
By Anna Bulzomi
To address complex human rights impacts, companies need to move away from responding to crises and work with communities towards creating shared value.

IPIS Insights: The 2nd Annual United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights, Geneva 2013 | January 2014 | IPIS
From the 2 – 4 December 2013, IPIS attended the United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights. The Forum was established by the Human Rights Council and is under the guidance of the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights. IPIS’ researchers Gabriella Wass and Anna Bulzomi offer some insights into topics at the Forum that struck them as particularly interesting.

Practice What You Preach: Theory and Practice of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)’s Stakeholder Engagement Plan in Chad | 9 January 2014 | IPIS
The past decade has seen a staggering increase in Chinese investment flows in Africa, leaping from USD 392 million in 2005 to USD 2520 million in 2012. Chinese Government officials often describe the burgeoning Sino-African ties as ‘win-win partnerships’, emphasizing how their ‘non-interference’ policy truly allows African countries to choose their own development path.
Against this background, doubts may arise with regard to the environmental and social standards applied by Chinese companies conducting business overseas, especially in post-conflict states with poor human rights records and inadequate governance structures. The case discussed in this paper concerns the operations of the Chadian branch of the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC).

Business, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil – Part II: Protect and Remedy: Implementing State duties under the UN Framework on Business and Human Rights | December 2013 | IPIS
The following is the second in a series of four reports exploring business and human rights issues in Uganda’s oil sector. This series is a collaboration between IPIS vsw and ActionAid Uganda.
In accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, this second report assesses the duty of the Ugandan, British, French and Chinese States to prevent, investigate, punish and redress human rights abuse by businesses.

In search of clean water: human rights and the mining industry in Katanga, DRC | 27 November 2013 | IPIS
Today, around 1,8 billion people in the world do not have access to safe water. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the most water-rich country in Africa, 51 million people lack access to potable water; only 26% of the population has access to safe drinking water. This is one of the lowest access rates in the world.
In the Katanga province, rich in cobalt and copper, some industrial mining companies operate provoking significant pollution of water sources, seriously affecting the local population. Although there is a lack of comprehensive data available, several studies conducted by local civil society show environmental, health and socio-economic negative effects.

IPIS Insights: Kimberley Process: observations from the sidelines. Part I | 21 November 2013 | IPIS
Ten years after the launch of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) this paper is the first in a two part series providing an overview of where the Kimberley Process and international efforts to combat the trade in conflict diamonds currently stand. It will analyse some of the present challenges facing the system and some of the potential solutions on the table.

Travail des enfants dans le site minier d’exploitation artisanale de Bisie en territoire de Walikale. Une crise oubliée en République Démocratique du Congo | 19 November 2013 | Prince Kihangi Kyamwami
Plus de deux décennies après l’entrée en vigueur de la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant (1989) en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), la situation des enfants dans le territoire de Walikale demeure critique.

Ambushed in Bangkok? The U.N. Panel on North Korea and the case of the IL-76 “4L-AWA” | 14 November 2013 | IPIS/TA
This new IPIS/TA report explains why the conclusion of the latest United Nations report on North Korea sanctions, about an arms flight grounded in Thailand, is not supported by facts, but based on a misalliance of wrong and misleading information, gleaned both about the cargo aircraft, its flight and the entities involved, together with erroneous interpretations of standard aviation practices made by the UN Panel of experts on North Korea.

Analysis of the interactive map of artisanal mining areas in Eastern DR Congo | 12 November 2013 | IPIS
In August 2009 the ‘International Peace Information Service’ (IPIS) published a first map of militarised mining areas in Eastern DR Congo. By 2012, the international interest in the issue had grown but the map was out-dated. To find a structural solution, IPIS sat down with the Congolese mining cadastre (CAMI) and agreed to set up a permanent system to monitor artisanal mining activities and the involvement of armed groups in the mineral exploitation and trade. A first version of the resulting map has been published at It shows the location of nearly 800 mining sites and 85 trading centres, including information about armed groups presence and involvement, and the scale of the mining activity. The map includes at least 410 cases of illegal taxation by armed groups or the Congolese army.

‘Conflict Minerals’ initiatives in DR Congo: Perceptions of local mining communities | 12 November 2013 | IPIS
The exploitation of minerals is an important source of income for many communities in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Yet this mineral wealth also plays a significant role in the continuation of insecurity in parts of the country.
Over recent years, several domestic, regional and international initiatives have been developed to address the so-called ‘conflict minerals’ problem and the high level of informality in the DRC’s artisanal mining sector. These initiatives have provoked varying reactions regarding their impact on local livelihoods.
This report aims to provide insight into the impact of initiatives on the livelihood strategies of local communities in the DRC, based on field research in a wide range of mining areas; and document the perceptions of local stakeholders of these initiatives and their impacts.

IPIS Insights: Why businesses should assess human rights impacts from the outset of projects. SOCO International Oil Company in Virunga National Park, DRC | 26 August 2013 | International Peace Information Service (IPIS)
SOCO International, a British oil company, is prospecting for oil in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Virunga National Park – a World Heritage Site. For the past year, their presence has been criticised for putting a fragile environment at risk. However, more recently, their impact on human rights has also been questioned. In this Insights IPIS looks at why it is so vital for companies to employ rights-respectful processes, such as those advised in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, from the very beginning of the prospection stage.

Strijd tegen conflictmineralen: sleutel tot conflictresolutie in Oost-Congo? | 25 July  2013 | IPIS (Internationale Spectator)
De PDF van dit artikel is met toestemming van de redactie overgenomen uit de ‘Internationale Spectator, Clingendael Magazine voor Internationale Betrekkingen’, uitgegeven door de Koninklijke Van Gorcum, te Assen namens het Nederlands Instituut voor Internationale Betrekkingen ‘Clingendael’ te Den Haag.

Business, Human Rights, and Uganda’s Oil. Part I: Uganda’s oil sector and potential threats to human rights | 25 July 2013 | International Peace Information Service (IPIS) – ActionAid International Uganda
The following report is the first of a series of four collaborations between IPIS Research and ActionAid International Uganda. The series sheds a light on the oil sector in Uganda, its possible impact on human rights, and how government, companies, and civil society can best enable a positive bond between oil and the welfare of the Ugandan people.IPIS Insights: The EU draft law on conflict minerals due diligence: a critical assessment from a business & human rights standpoint  30 April 2014 ❘ IPIS
On the 5th of March 2014, the European Commission proposed a responsible trading strategy for minerals from conflict zones. The proposal took place within a specific and timely context. As IPIS has long documented, the exploitation of natural resources can have adverse human rights impacts. Businesses operating in conflict-affected or fragile regions should therefore ascertain whether their direct operations or their business relationships with other parties, including through their supply chains, have fueled or funded conflict and/or human rights abuse.

Business & Human Rights in Uganda: What’s on the Agenda? | 12 March 2014 | IPIS
A few days after attending the annual UN Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva, IPIS Business & Human Rights Analysts Anna Bulzomi and Gabriella Wass boarded a plane to Kampala, Uganda, to run a two-day training with ActionAid Uganda for businesses and NGOs on “What does business & human rights mean, and how can we bring about a healthy relationship between the two?” This document summarises some thoughts and observations from our 19 participating organisations, as well as providing snapshots of the current relationship between business and human rights in Uganda.

IPIS Insights: Pentagon Accidentally Arms Al Qaeda Affiliate | 20 February 2014 | IPIS
A confidential report to the UN Security Council last week revealed that some of the weapons and ammunition to the Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG) forces appears to have been diverted to the Al Qaeda affiliate known as Al Shabaab.

Mapping Conflict Motives: the Sudan – South Sudan border (2012-2013) | 5 February 2014 | IPIS
In “Mapping Conflict Motives: the Sudan-South Sudan border”, IPIS analyses the conflict dynamics in the wider border area spanning Sudan and South Sudan. The analysis specifically looks into the motivations and interests of the parties involved in the interstate, intrastate and local conflicts in this area. Together with the report, a series of maps of the area of focus is available at

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