In June 2017, Belgian governments adopted the first National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights.
In 2020, a National Baseline Assessment (NBA) on Business and Human Rights was commissioned by the Belgian Federal Institute for Sustainable Development and the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, to chart the progress made by Belgian authorities and companies, since the adoption of the first National Action Plan. Specifically, the researchers assessed the extent to which Belgian authorities and companies are implementing the NAP and the 31 UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), which were unanimously endorsed by UN Member States in 2011. The consortium HIVA-KU Leuven and The Law and Development Research Group (University of Antwerp) carried out this NBA. IPIS supported the consortium in the assessment of conflict zones and arms trade.
The research team kindly invite you to a (virtual) stakeholder consultation on February 10, 2021. During this stakeholder consultation, the research team will present the findings of the NBA, and all stakeholders will be given the opportunity to ask questions and/or to react to the findings. While the whole event will take a full day (10:30-16:15), you are off course welcome to only attend those sessions that are of interest to you.

Participation is free but registration is required. After registration, you will receive a draft of the NBA report one week before the stakeholder consultation. Presentations will be done in French, Dutch and English. Translation to English will be available.