Voix du Congo: Study on the use of mercury and cyanide in artisanal gold mining in North and South Kivu

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See our series: VOIX DU CONGO


This publication, by “Save Act Mine” SAM, presents a study on gold mining techniques in Eastern DRC.

In these regions, the subsoil is very rich in minerals. Although this represents enormous potential for the economy, it also leads to particularly dangerous challenges such as environmental pollution and the degradation of the health status of local populations due to the use of chemicals such as mercury and cyanide during mining operations.

The purpose of this article is to provide information on gold mining techniques in Eastern DRC, while presenting the risk and the consequences that arise from the use of chemicals on the health and the environment. At the same time, it also presents the way out for responsible gold mining, as a way to protect the health of the operators and the environment.


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The “Voix du Congo” series

IPIS supports non-governmental organisations in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and provides the support and platform to disseminate their research results, within the framework of the project “Voix du Congo”.

The opinions and facts reported in these reports do not, in any way, reflect IPIS’ or IPIS’ researchers’ positions but give an insight into the way Congolese civil society organisations work and analyse the problems and realities they face.

Other publications of this series are available here: Voix du Congo”.