Comprendre la spirale de la violence au Kasaï (2017)

Le Kasaï Central et trois autres provinces voisines sont en proie à des violences mêlant miliciens, policiers et soldats et ayant fait, selon un rapport récent des Nations Unies, plus de 200 morts. Depuis septembre, un soulèvement des partisans du chef coutumier Kamwina Nsapu, tué en août par les forces de l’ordre après s’être rebellé […]

Mapping Conflict Motives: the Central African Republic (2012-2014)

In this study, IPIS analyses the conflict dynamics in the Central African Republic (CAR) since the outbreak of the latest crisis in September 2012 up to September 2014. The analysis specifically looks into the motivations and interests of the main conflict parties, Seleka and anti-balaka, and the influence and interests of neighbouring countries. The report […]

Analysis of the interactive map of artisanal mining areas in Eastern DRC – May 2014 Update

In collaboration with the Congolese mining cadastre (CAMI), mining service SAESSCAM and representatives from local civil society organisations, IPIS organised a series of field visits to monitor artisanal mining activities and the involvement of armed groups and criminal networks in mineral exploitation and trade. This resulted in the publication of an interactive web map providing […]