Annual Report 2011 IPIS

December 31, 2011

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Violence against women in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Whose responsibility? Whose complicity?

November 1, 2011

IPIS contributed to the research for and writing of this ITUC report. Summary: Eastern DRC has been ravaged by war and violence since the mid-1990s. Civilians carry the greatest burden of the conflict. Women and girls are especially vulnerable to such attacks. Hundreds of women and girls get sexually violated in their homes and at their workplace. Fuelled and motivated by Congo’s minerals, rebel a


Upstream Pilot Implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas

November 1, 2011

Baseline Report on the Supplement on Tin, Tantalum, and Tungsten IPIS executed the research for and the writing of this OECD report. The present baseline report is the first in a cycle of three reports on the implementation by upstream companies of the Supplement on Tin, Tantalum and Tungsten of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and Hi

Jaarverslag 2010 IPIS

December 31, 2010

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Jaarverslag 2009 IPIS

December 31, 2009

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Jaarverslag 2008 IPIS

December 31, 2008

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Afghanistan: arms proliferation fuels further abuse

April 24, 2008

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Jaarverslag 2007 IPIS

December 31, 2007

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Netwerk rond generaal Nkunda dient onderzocht

July 10, 2007

Eind deze maand loopt het mandaat van de VN-Expertengroep voor Congo af. De groep komt eerstdaags met haar eindrapport. IPIS, de International Peace Information Service in Antwerpen, kon het rapport al inkijken. Het rapport bevat een aantal specifieke gegevens die ook voor België relevant zijn. Zo is ons land de belangrijkste bestemming voor tin-erts vanuit Goma. Een bewoner van de gemeente Tessen

Natural Resource Sector Reform in the DRC

January 5, 2007

The All Party Parliamentary Group on the Great Lakes Region of Africa convened a meeting on December 6, 2006 to discuss the agenda for reform of the natural resource sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). One of the principle aims of the meeting was to contribute to the work of the United Nations Group of Experts by discussing suggestions for action raised in the course of their work so

Mijnbouw in Peru

January 2, 2007

Metalen en mineralen worden massaal ontgonnen. De mijnbouwindustrie uit het Noorden vaart er bijzonder goed bij, terwijl de exploitatie in het Zuiden vaak ten koste van lokale gemeenschappen gaat. Het Zuiden telt dan ook tal van mijnbouwconflicten en Peru, een traditioneel mijnbouwland, ontsnapt daar niet aan. De argumenten van de lokale gemeenschappen in Peru zijn als volgt samen te vatten: mijnb

Sudan: New photographs show further breach of UN arms embargo on Darfur

January 1, 2007

Amnesty International today (24 August 2007) released new photographs showing that the Sudanese government is continuing to deploy offensive military equipment in Darfur despite the UN arms embargo and peace agreements. Download in pdf or open with issuu reader.

Jaarverslag 2006 IPIS

December 31, 2006

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Have African-based Diamond Monopolies Been Effective?

June 16, 2001

Allegations of links between certain monopoly members and illicit activity will be assessed, with several cases highlighted to provide a more complete picture of the dynamics within the monopolies. Above all, this article seeks objectivity in attempting to separate fact from fiction, and in citing the possible sources, and reasons behind, numerous rumours in circulation – and how these rumours may

Mineral Exports by RCD-Goma in 2000

June 6, 2001

The following is a summary of gold, colombo-tantalite (coltan) and diamond exports in 2000 from territory controlled by the Rassemblement Congolais pour la Démocratie-(RCD-Goma) rebels in Eastern Congo. These figures were obtained from the RCD Department des Terres, Mines et Énergie in Goma, March 2001, with copies of the documents in the possession of IPIS. The data supplied below is an abridged