Launch of the second “Voices from Tanzania” series: Business and Human Rights studies with a focus on land rights and environment

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In 2019, Business and Human Rights Tanzania (BHRT), the Tanzanian Commission of Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG) and the International Peace Information Service (IPIS) will collaborate again with Tanzanian civil society organisations in its partner seriesVoices from Tanzania”. In its the first volume , the “Voices from Tanzania” publication covered a diverse range of human rights topics from four major economic sectors in Tanzania  (resource extraction, agriculture, tourism and infrastructure). The second series will focus on one of Tanzania’s priority topics regarding Business and Human Rights: issues of land rights and environment.


Four new partner organisations from civil society – Community Economic Development and Social Transformation (Cedesota), Land Rights Research and Resources Institute (HakiArdi), Lawyer’s Environmental Action Team (LEAT) and Tanzania Women Empowerment in Action (TAWEA) – will explore pertinent corporate human rights issues related to land and environment.


To kick off their Voices studies, participants gathered on 15 and 16 July 2019 in Dar es Salaam for a two-day training on field research and report writing.

The training aimed to strengthen the capacity of the participants, through the exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices on topics such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, planning and running a research project, human-rights field research, security and risk management, post-field work data analysis and report writing.


The workshop allowed current participants to interact with CSOs who contributed to the first “Voices from Tanzania” series. This stimulated an exchange of lessons-learned and first-hand advice that already proved of great added value, not in the least in preparing for upcoming field work.

The training launches the start of a longer-term engagement with these organisations and is part of the EU-funded project Improving monitoring, research and dialogue on Business & Human Rights in Tanzania’ which is currently implemented by IPIS, BHRT and CHRAGG.

In the coming months, Cedesota, HakiArdi, LEAT and TAWEA will undertake a small, field-based scoping study on issues such as land rights/human rights in communities next to conservation areas (Arusha, Kigoma), village land use plans as a tool for governing land resources (Iringa) and the effects of planning areas on agricultural communities (Morogoro).


We are looking forward to their findings and wish them the best of experiences!

Meet our 2019 “Voices from Tanzania” contributors from Cedesota, HakiArdi, LEAT and TAWEA – with BHRT, CHRAGG and IPIS.



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“Voices from Tanzania” is a collaboration between Tanzanian civil society organisations, the Tanzanian Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRAGG), Business and Human Rights Tanzania (BHRT) and the International Peace Information Service (IPIS).  This publication is part of the ‘Improving monitoring, research and dialogue on Business & Human Rights in Tanzania’ project implemented by CHRAGG, BHRT and IPIS, with the financial support of the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights.